The abandoned shrine might seem an odd venue, at first, considering that it looks..well..deserted! However, the forest hides its secrets well. The ever-present camera crews have set up their bugs and video links early, and done very well in hiding the array; crew van itself being wirelessly connected a safe distance away. Not many have come to watch, this time, either turned off by the spot, or attracted to some of the more glamorous matches. And.. ..there's also the case of Kelvin, who appears to be late..until he steps out of a half-collapsed part of the shrine, stretching. "...hmmm..aaah," he groans, then scratches at his ribs a bit, cracking open an eye to glance around. Finally, he rubs at both of them, and gets a pleasant smile as he steps on out into the open, "I think I'll like this spot. It's quiet without many distractions."
Kasumi Todoh may not have been very quiet when she first arrived, what with those wooden sandals of hers clacking on the stone walkway leading up to the shrine, but then Kelvin wasn't here for that. Or so the kendo girl thought. She had assumed he was late, but there was really no telling how long he had been here if he had time to take a nap like that. As soon as she hears him speak, Kasumi rises to her feet and smooths down her hakama, then turns and starts to walk toward that older part of the shrine. "Well, I certainly hope you weren't waiting too long. Do you always rest before matches?" she asks, arms crossed and looking just a little bit stern. But that's normal! She's not upset.
On the blue-haired boy's part, he doesn't look too worried about the subtle scolding. He just faces it with a continued beam, and rubs at the back of his head, and admits, "I guess you could call it that." Kelvin's ideas about fighting and training are a bit different from most everyone's, except maybe old man Chin's. "And no, not at fact, it's me who should be apologizing. I just wanted to be sure I was ready." With this, he extends a hand to shake, quite clueless of the proper greeting for an opponent or otherwise perfect stranger, "But we probably shouldn't keep everyone waiting too much longer. There'll be plenty of time to talk later, miss." 'Everyone?' At least the place 'feels' empty, except for perhaps a few curious spectators lurking around. "I guess if she's the one they sent, then that means I should be careful..probably should listen more to Gosuko or Kensou when they're talking about these people," he figures, words completely unspoken by any means, save maybe for his eyes opening slightly to behold Kasumi.
Kasumi gives a little nod of her head toward Kelvin's response. She could probably do with getting into the practice of resting at least a little bit before matches herself. Maybe then she wouldn't end up feeling as exhausted at the end of most bouts. Not that... she really has time for that sort of thing with her strict daily schedule.
"Well, neither of us is late so there isn't any need for apologies. And besides, I'm just here to have fun. I would hope that you are too, and if that's the case then it's better if you're more awake for it." There's what passes for a smile then, and while Kasumi would *prefer* a bow to the shaking of hands, there's only the smallest bit of hesitation before she reaches out to accept the gesture, shaking firmly and then releasing. "Right then." The girl takes just two steps back before dropping into her favored stance, with one hand high and one low, palms out and fingers slightly bent at the first joint. One eyebrow raises as she waits for Kelvin, and she sort of waves a hand in front of his face for a moment until his eyes eventually open like that. "You with me?" she asks, not having any idea of what he may be thinking to himself. Just to make sure he *is* all here though, she tries punching him lightly in the shoulder to see if there's much of a reaction.
COMBATSYS: Kasumi has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kasumi 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Kelvin has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kelvin 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kasumi
COMBATSYS: Kelvin counters Quick Punch from Kasumi with Negative Momentum.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Kelvin 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Kasumi
With the shake, Kelvin gives a nod of his head, "But there's no need to go easy on me, either..right?" He just remains smiling and seems to be adrift somewhere else completely -- but nothing could be further from the truth, as Kasumi will soon discover. Once he suffers the subsequent 'somebody home?' waving of the hand, Kelvin starts sliding his feet backwards, and almost seems to still be asleep as he does. It's something of a ruse, though. Almost on reflex, his hand moves to catch the incoming punching fist's forearm, and then with that subtle forward motion, amplifies it by shifting his feet, aiming to take Kasumi down onto the walk in the process, while he remains standing. "..oh," he utters, glancing once to his hand, and seems to be surprised himself. His eyes blink once, before he starts backing up again, explaining all the way, "It's a habit." With this, his eyes close, and then open again, seeming to gain the contrasting focus more usually associated with him in combat.
Kasumi is normally more careful to watch for things like that, but from the way her eyes widen when her forearm becomes ensnared she really must not have been expecting Kelvin to do anything more than say 'ow' and then start paying more attention. "!!" There's not even time for Kasumi to say 'ow' herself, however. She's just suddenly down on her back at the edge of the stone path. "...well, that's quite a reflex. Or habit, as you say." When she manages to pull herself up to her feet again, the kendo girl clears her throat, just before raising both hands up above her head and then drawing them down to about chest level, causing blue arcs of chi to come falling down close to the blue-haired boy. "Hya!"
COMBATSYS: Kelvin dodges Kasumi's Kasane Ate.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Kelvin 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Kasumi
The truth is, Kelvin doesn't simply sleep, he 'meditates'. In that sense, he's really asleep even now -- his subconscious mind handling most of the lower-level response duties. It has its advantages, but also its drawbacks -- such as, for example, a slightly slowed body, from having not trained it adequately. It seems distance was Kelvin's ally, in the case, as it helps make up for his mobility. As he's stepping forwards to close the space, the youth's muscles momentarily step into brief bursts of speed, weaving through the arcs as he makes his final approach. At this point, he leans forward, throwing his weight into his hand, which is thrust palm out. The palm explodes in some energy of his own, bluish-green in color, but it comes out more like sparkles than a cohesive burst. Nonetheless, the repulsive force is very real; and deceptively extends a bit further than his hand itself. "Hopefully this isn't too much..I have to be careful of my body, too," runs through his mind, though the only thing spoken is perhaps a quick exhalation of breath, at the end of the exertion.
COMBATSYS: Kasumi blocks Kelvin's Psycho Splasher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Kelvin 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Kasumi
Kasumi furrows her brow just a little bit at seeing such an unassuming person as Kelvin suddenly move like that and dodge right *through* the energy arcs of her technique. It's not only that she didn't expect someone that looks half-awake to be able to avoid it, but she's never once seen someone weave through the gaps between the little blades like that before. "Eh..?" The Todoh girl's arms are at least already out when Kelvin steps up, and when he attacks all she has to do is bring her arms back somewhat and cross them up in front of his hand to stop it. The wristguards on her gloves seem to anull whatever that energy was that was coming off of it, but regardless, Kasumi is confused enough now that she wants to back off some and reassess how to go about dealing with someone when they're being this unpredictable from the very start. "This has got to be some kind of psyche-out. I don't get it."
COMBATSYS: Kasumi focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Kelvin 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Kasumi
Taking Kasumi's momentary distraction, or is that concentration, to recover from his charge, he straightens back up to a stand. His face softens up a bit, then, as he almost seems to expect what she must be thinking; "Sorry if it's a bit odd," he acknowledges, "It's my way of fighting, like a walking trance." At least divulging that much shouldn't give away too much in the way of secrets, and besides having fun, the object should be to learn from each other, right? And then, it's time for him to do some testing of his own; he takes another step forward, then gathers up a bit of speed as he seems to lapse back out again, and as he closes the gap, draws back a plain ol', non-energy-enveloped fist, and then swings it forward. It's a bit wild, since he's using his kinetic energy more recklessly, but this will either confirm or deny some things, perhaps. The fact of the matter is, though, it probably wouldn't be pleasant to be winded by it, even if it is from someone as light as Kelvin.
COMBATSYS: Kasumi counters Andersons' Crushing Swing from Kelvin with Sasshou Inshuu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Kelvin 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Kasumi
The kendo girl tilts her head just a little bit as she listens, and then just seems to shrug to herself. As well as she can without dropping her guard any. "I guess it does sort of look like that. It seems very unique so far." Kasumi's hands seem to hover around, sweeping artfully until they find what feels like the perfect angle at which to catch Kelvin's fist when he swings it at her next, and once she's got him, she pulls him in toward her as hard as she can and gives a forward kick to his midsection to shove him back away. Her hands then go back to the place where they started, high and low near her body and ready to catch something else after the boy gets up, should he choose to try again.
Of course, in some corner of his mind, he expected this. It can never quite prepare one for the actual pain that is the price of failure, though, as he almost hangs comically in the air for a moment, caught at Kasumi's mercy. He remains a good sport about it, of course, eyes not bugging out or anything similarly undignified as he takes the punishment for his pretentions, and goes sliding back through some building debris to add insult to injury. And yet, he breaks another smile, even as he's picking himself up slowly as a result. He'd congratulate her, really..but that's more the sort of thing to be doing when there's not the threat of further bodily harm staring you down. Accordingly, taking a cue, he also takes a moment to gather himself back, and regain control of at least himself, if not the situation.
COMBATSYS: Kelvin focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Kelvin 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Kasumi
There's always some spare adrenaline in Kasumi's system after she reverses someone's attack successfully, and she doesn't always consider it beneficial. Like now. Getting excited when engaging someone like Kelvin, especially since he's capable of reversing attacks the same way, as he already demonstrated, just seems like a bad idea to her. And so she tries to take this moment to calm herself back down and strengthen her own resolve rather than rush back in and try to strike him just because he's standing still again. And with the calmer she gets, the more her long hair and the trailing ends of her headband seem to be blown about by the wind.
COMBATSYS: Kasumi gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Kelvin 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Kasumi
And so it ends that they take several moments.. ..just sort of staring down one another. Well, if it can be called staring on Kelvin's part; it's hard to tell if his eyes are even open at the moment. As Kasumi would perhaps prefer, it's finally him that takes the initiative, finally standing up fully out of the wreckage. Perhaps he's seen a vital opening? Whatever he's intending to do, he doesn't seem to be telegraphing it until the last moment, stepping forward slowly at first, then moving into a short, but uncharacteristically rapid, dash. At the end of it, and at the last moment, he suddenly comes to a stop on one leg, lifting the other at the knee, before throwing the force into the foot, aiming to plant it on Kasumi's body, and get past those troublesome hands somehow. The only sign of undue exertion is a gritting of his teeth, perhaps already preparing for the worst.
COMBATSYS: Kasumi blocks Kelvin's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Kelvin 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Kasumi
Kasumi is totally calm again by the time Kelvin decides to take the opportunity to kick at her, so she is able to move at just the right moment to stop his foot, rather than put her hand out too late or too soon. She's able to stop his shoe with her palm, and while he does manage to push her back about half a step before she can shove the kick away completely, it's still mostly effortless on her part in the end. Her effort is put more into leaning in toward the other fighter and trying to catch his shoulders to fling him toward the carved stone walkway they're still walking on. "Hn!"
COMBATSYS: Kelvin fails to counter Medium Throw from Kasumi with Negative Momentum.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Kelvin 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1 Kasumi
Duck has arrived.
A slight miscalculation, perhaps. He'd anticipated a solid offense, and the resulting retribution -- he thought he had a pretty good shot, as he shifts slightly after landing his foot, to try and get into position to make a grab for Kasumi's own incoming hands. But oh, those terrible, unforgiving hands..! He just isn't quick enough, it seems, and he's caught once again, paying the price twice over as he slams down onto the paving stones, and rebounds with a slight 'thwack'. He's lucky that he had the presence of mind to take it with his body, and not with the back of his head. Even now, though, he's already getting back to his feet, taking deep breaths to bring the adrenaline back into check. No, this isn't over yet, but a few more solid hits like that and it might as well be curtains. He's unfortunately left prone while he recovers, a situation he can't immediately help.
And after using those hands to throw Kelvin down, it seems that she's going to carry the relentlessness even further by raising them up above her head again. But this time that whole weaving through the gaps between each blade of blue energy isn't going to be much in the realm of possibility. Once she gets this technique going, there will be far too many blades, and they'll all be very close behind each other. It does, however, take her a bit longer to call up the power to do it, and she takes the time to step back a few steps as well. In her opinion using such a technique at point-blank is only fun when she wants to be really mean, and Kelvin has been pretty cool so far. "Try to watch out for this one, Kelvin!" she calls out. "Chou Kasane Ate!" The attack name is shouted so quick that it almost sounds like one word, and the girl's hands come down almost to ground level as she forces huge spikes of blue chi to shoot up from the ground in front of her and go tearing down the walkway toward the fallen boy. Hopefully he'll at least be able to get up to deal with it. Taking it lying down would be a bit more troublesome.
COMBATSYS: Kasumi successfully hits Kelvin with Chou Kasane Ate.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Kelvin 1/--=====/=======|-------\-------\0 Kasumi
Watch out for it? That might have been better advice for someone better prepared to deal with it..but at least it's shown that it's not 'completely' serious. As the barrage makes its way towards him, Kelvin reflexively braces, placing his arms around his head as he leans in the direction of the spikes, trying to at least partially nullify the force. When the smoke clears, it almost seems like Kelvin might have weathered it quite well, considering. And yet.. ..then the heavy breathing takes over, and the rips and tears on his clothing seems a bit more indicative of the rest of how his body must feel. Despite this, he continues moving to his feet, fighting the idea that it might be better to play dead at this point. He definitely can't go down like that; while he doesn't much care about embarassment, he also would prefer Kasumi doesn't think it was all smoke and mirrors. "Hah," he exhales, "..not finished yet..keep it coming." And then, he seems to regain a bit of his composure, even if it's clear that he's felt better, moving to stand up more firmly and rigidly, more willing his body to stand firm than actually having the prowess to do so. He tries to tap into that insight that he opened this match with, trying to find something to turn this from a sound beating to something more resembling an even match.
COMBATSYS: Kelvin focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Kelvin 1/--=====/=======|-------\-------\0 Kasumi
Kasumi can't really see too well being that she's the one standing behind all those pillars of chi, but from the sound of it, she did hit Kelvin with all ten of them. She doesn't wince initially, since the impacts could have sounded the exact same if they were sucessfully blocked. She does end up wincing just a little bit later though, when she sees the state Kelvin is in. Narrowing her eyes slightly in consideration for a second after he lets her know he's still ready to go on, she soon nods her head, almost bowing it as she says, "Of course." She expects more surprises before he's done, afterall. And that's what's been making this fun for her. For this reason she tries to attack low with her next attempt, first rushing in and trying not to pay any heed to how tired her last attack might have gotten her for the moment, and then trying to reach down and grab his ankles to drag them out from under him.
COMBATSYS: Kelvin fails to counter Fast Throw from Kasumi with Empty Hand.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Kelvin 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|-------\-------\0 Kasumi
A surprise, she won't get, it seems, even though Kelvin is aiming to do his best. It just wasn't his night, perhaps. He can quite clearly read the attack coming in, and immediately ducking low himself to make a reach for Kasumi's grasping hand..and once again, he comes tantalizingly close to making the contact he needed. But once again, she slips right past him, and ends up being the one to give him the shock. Once again, he finds himself victim, and once more.. ..he's on the ground, and *yet again*, he's moving to get up. Now quite clearly winded, but.. ..well, if he insists on being so difficult, why don't you help him out? "This is a disaster, the worst case scenario," he realizes, once again keeping such thoughts to himself. "But I have to pick myself up for one last try, at least." And then, he finally speaks up, "..okay, my body is almost tired out..but let's finish this properly, miss." And yet again, he presents himself to be more ready than he knows he is -- and likely, Kasumi knows he is. But grant a dying man his last request?
Kasumi could see in his eyes that Kelvin was ready for to do *something* that would surprise her, but for whatever reason she can't yet guess, she's able to bring him down before he can make it work. She tries not to let herself look disappointed though. Instead there's just a little sheepish smile and the girl reaches back to rub at her neck some. "If you're sure. I won't tell you not to strain yourself." And she won't try to knock him down before he can throw everything he's got at her either, which is kind of what she expects now that he's on his last legs. She wants to see this.
COMBATSYS: Kasumi focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Kelvin 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|-------\-------\0 Kasumi
For once, Kelvin is allowed a brief but well-enjoyed respite. Not that he can afford to truly nap right here and now, as much as he'd like to, and as much as his body is wanting to. Preparing himself for what might be his final shot into the proverbial dark, he takes just another deep breath, and then is suddenly rushing forward. He seems to be throwing almost everything he has left into it this time, but it can't exactly be called wild, with that look in his eyes. As he approaches Kasumi, he suddenly steps to the side, and seems to be aiming to run past her..but should he get close enough, or fast enough, his hand suddenly jerks out, aiming to take hold of her arm. Should he manage this feat, he plants his foot into a crack in the walk, and uses it as leverage to swing her around in a half-circle, before finally releasing. Or, so the way it goes -- in his dreams. Thus far, Kasumi's proven quite slippery to his clutches.
COMBATSYS: Kasumi blocks Kelvin's Retroversal Slingshot.
[ \\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Kelvin 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Kasumi
Kasumi isn't able to step out of the way when Kelvin comes running at, or maybe that's *past* her, but whichever the case may've actually been, the part that really matters is how she's grabbed by the arm and then swung around. She's able to tighten the muscles in that arm during the swing so that she doesn't swing *quite* so fast though, and when she's released to go flying where she will, she sort of makes the fall safer by bringing both arms in against her sides and rolling like a log when she finally touches the ground. It also probably helps quite a bit that she was flung off of the stone walk and onto some rather soft grass nearby. When the rolling stops, she lies there for a minute before sitting herself up and then rising to one knee. Mitigating the damage is fine and all, but rolling like that did make her a little dizzy. "Woo." The girl shakes her head a little bit before rising up completely, and then begins to reach back and tighten her headband before she once more approached the boy of light blue hair. "Anyway, I hope you'll still be up for talking after this. I'll understand if you want some rest though." And then, once she's within range, Kasumi reaches out for one of Kelvin's shoulders and tries to draw him in for a quick little chop to the back of the neck. Maybe she's aiming to help him sleep in spite of what she says?
COMBATSYS: Kasumi successfully hits Kelvin with Morote Gaeshi.
[ \\ < > /////////////////// ]
Kelvin 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Kasumi
At last, perhaps his body is just too weathered now to pull off anything too flashy. He feels her body tensing, preparing to deal with it, even as he's following through..but there's not much that can be done about that, than to get ready for what's to follow. Once she moves in to whack at his neck, he moves to try and deflect it -- but the body just isn't following, and the muscles that the hand impact are slack, instead of tensing up to brace for it. He makes a bit of a sigh, but he remains standing for a moment longer. "..should be fine.." comes his response, surprisingly composed for somebody who's beaten this badly..but he wills himself for one final try at a sleight of hand. Leaning forward to try and tackle Kasumi down with him, by an arm wrapped around her torso. No, he's not quite trying to put the moves on or anything. That would be unseemly! But maybe the little operator in his head just hasn't connected the 'can't do anything more' wires, yet. Regardless of the result, he's most likely down, hopefully on the grass this time. "..whew.."
COMBATSYS: Kelvin can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kasumi 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Kasumi blocks Kelvin's Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kasumi 0/-------/----===|
Seeing as she's quite small and quite light, even for her age, Kasumi looks like she wouldn't be strong enough to stop a thing like that. Especially since when a person goes limp like that they start to feel a lot heavier than normal. The kendo girl is able to prove that false here, however. Small as she may be, a girl that knows aikido and judo as intricately as she does can lift people much larger than the Anderson boy himself up over her head. That's why she's able to catch Kelvin, hold him up for a long moment, and then shrug him off to the grassier side of the walkway seamlessly, without straight up dropping him or making it otherwise uncomfortable. She then signals to the fight official over near the cameras so that they know it's over and they can turn them off, and promptly turns back to Kelvin once that's taken care of. "So, are you really asleep this time, or am I still not getting it?"
COMBATSYS: Kasumi has ended the fight here.
For what it's worth, he doesn't seem to be getting back up this time. There's a light 'oof' as he lands, but it's not going to do much more harm. In fact.. ..he's probably just more exhausted than heavily injured; it's not like they were truly out for blood, here. This is further confirmed as he's able to hold on to consciousness, seeming to be managing quite easily as he, ever so slowly, turns himself over so that his face is looking upwards, even if his eyes aren't. "..hmm..not asleep.. ..but close enough," he offers. Normally, he'd just sort of lapse off into a doze right here on the ground, arms crossed behind his head, Kasumi made the request of him, after all: "My body needs a bit of rest, but I can stay like this, since you wanted to talk?"
The video crew for the match all begin to pack up and leave, as does the announcer now that the match has been called. Even the sparse crowd that came to watch begins to dwindle. In the end the only ones that are left are the two fighters and the medical staff that was assigned to the venue, since neither Kasumi of Kelvin have headed over to get checked out yet. And since Kasumi doesn't even really feel the need, she drops down and plants one hand in the grass as she finds a nice comfortable sitting position next to her fallen opponent. "Huh. I'm still falling for it I guess. Anyway, that's a really neat style. The stance and the movements, I mean. What do you call that?"
"Some of it I got taught from my parents," he admits, wincing more visibly from that fact than he has from any of his bodily injuries. Yet, after the moment's passed, he seems to relax again, and continues, "But most is just stuff I've dreamed up..I call it 'Empty Mind.' I found out long ago that I just wasn't made for this bruiser business, but when I just let my subconscious mind take care of it, everything seems to flow a lot more smoothly. It's like.." He closes his eyes more fully for a moment, trying to think of a good way to put it into words, "..I become more in tune with my surroundings, and I can do stuff I couldn't do if it was just 'me' focusing on it." That would definitely lend itself well to the mind over matter he was exhibiting a bit earlier. "It seems really silly to a lot of people when I tell them I'm 'training' while sleeping and meditating, but it's the truth -- a lot of it is thought experiments."
See, Kasumi liked almost everything about the way Kelvin fought from what she saw. But now that she's actually hearing him explain it, the words are starting to turn her off. Especially that last bit. From the start, Kasumi was telling herself that if he slept before every SNF match, that wasn't just for the sake of being lazy, it was just plain being smart. But now what she's hearing is that the boy *is* lazy, and that he thinks sleeping an meditating is a decent substitute for actual practicing. "Silly...? That's kind of an understatement. But, I guess that explains why I found it so unpredictable. don't think a martial arts class would help? You'd rather just do what you're doing now?"
Something just told him that she wouldn't understand! Then, he just had to go and explain it all. At least he's honest about it, though, and he moves to scoot himself up so that he's leaning against a rock, crossing his arms on his chest as he adjusts to his new position. Finally, Kelvin's eyes open slightly more, as he looks over to Kasumi; though they might seem drowsy, he does seem serious, even though he cracks into a smile, "That's exactly what I'm going to do. I do have people that help me, and friends that are there for me if I need them.. ..but what's really important is that I do this myself." His eyes finally travel off to the ground, as he takes on a bit more serious tone, "I don't ask anyone to understand me or my reasons, so you can think the worst of me if you prefer."
Kasumi pauses for a moment after Kelvin looks over at her and then makes those serious statements in answering her. "That's... " she begins, before trailing off, and only continuing after getting back up to stand at her full and relatively modest height, dusting off her hakama a bit, and turning her back to him. "That's fine. It isn't my place to tell you it's wrong just because it goes against my own principles. Though now that I understand, I think I might have to watch and see how things go. It's hard not to want to scold you like I do my friends, but I won't. I have this feeling that you'll prove me wrong, just like Xiangfei did." She then takes a moment to clear her throat, and then turns back, "In any case, you're looking even more tired now, so I'll let you go. Thanks for being such a good sport, and forgive me if any of those questions seemed rude. Oh, and go see the medics before you leave, okay? Even if you think a little sleep will make it all feel better, those guys did come all the way out here for us." She then smiles, and gives a little bow before turning and walking off in the direction she came, waving to the medical personell at least, even though she's passing them by without checking in.
Kelvin does muster up a wave, at the least, to the departing Kasumi. She doesn't seem so bad.. ..for a moment he feared she might turn out to be hyper-critical of him, like his folks, but it seems such things were unfounded. That's all he cares about, a chance to prove himself, and to go his own way about it. "Thanks," he says, once he feels she's out of earshot.. ..but he doesn't seem to be making any immediate moves to get up from his current resting spot. Instead, now that his obligations are fulfilled -- he's soon fast asleep. Most likely, he'll follow doctor's orders before moving out, or at least they'll come over and check him out first, but nothing's so serious anyway. And so.. ..the night goes on.
Log created by Kasumi, and last modified on 22:57:12 03/20/2007.