Shingo - Benimaru vs Shingo

Description: Benimaru invites Shingo down to a gym to help in a Shooting demonstration.

The Gym.
This is the place you go to, when you want to be a real man. Nothing like sweat, sweat, muscles, and sweat to fill up your status quo of manliness. Who the hell knows why, but Benimaru Nikaido has taken Shingo here, in this small, and somewhat dingy area, but the equipment doesn't look all that bad. Even the boxing ring looks to be in pretty good condition.
Dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, and standing with him a few aspiring kick-boxers, Shingo was more or less called up on very short notice, for this 'Shoot Fighting Demonstration'.
He must be feeling really kind today or something. And chances are, he's not going to use a whole lot of traditional shoot. But whatever. "Shingo, thanks again for coming on short notice," he says to the younger boy, "Just give it your all, all right? Don't worry about holding back in this demonstration," he says, just.. Hanging out on his corner of the ring.

COMBATSYS: Benimaru has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Benimaru         0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Shingo has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Benimaru         0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Shingo

Well it's not like Shingo had anything else better to do anyways. He already got his required amount of study time in for the day and he really didn't have anything planned until later tonight. Benimaru basically called him up when he was at home relaxing the day away and doing absolutely nothing except vegging out. Also, it's not like Benimaru calls him up every day so Shingo figured it'd be a good way to stay in contact with the normally busy model. Unaware that the shootfighter has already made the decision to switch teams.

Shingo nods to Benimaru, "Okay, Benimaru! I understand!" The boy grins widely and then gazes around the gym. When was the last time he's been in one of these places? He doesn't even remember. Mostly because he's not one for the weight lifting and so forth. Fighting is enough for him to keep his strength and metabolism up. Not that it needs to be any higher. Shingo already full of energy as it is. Once Benimaru outlines that it's merely a demonstration, Shingo nods and gets ready for the combat to commence by stretching out some.

Benimaru pushes himself off of the ropes, gives his arms a little stretch, and looks to the.. Onlookers, "You all pretty much know what Shootfighting is, otherwise you wouldn't be here. I'm going to show you how I've made into my own personal style."
Though that really isn't anything new either, but details, details. The bellringer rings the bell, the model saunters forward to the center of the ring, and tightens his fingerless gloves, "All right," once he's sure the boy's ready, he goes in for the first move, rushing toward the younger one, in an attempt to catch his shoulders. Should he do that, his knee then shoots up into his gut, not once, but twice, "Good luck!"

COMBATSYS: Shingo counters Catch and Shoot from Benimaru with Tsuki Hiji.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Benimaru         0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0           Shingo

Getting in a last few stretches, a nod is given in the blond's direction as a signal that he's ready to get started. But it seems that Benimaru already knew that and took the initiative to make the first attack in this friendly match-up that's supposed to be a demonstration. No problem for Shingo. As a fighter this is what he does and he does it well. Not spectacular like some others might, but well enough to hold his own. Which is exactly what he does against the grab into the knee. As Benimaru places his hands on the boy's shoulders, Shingo allows it. His focus is instead on the rising knee coming for his gut. Or it would've been had it not been stopped by a well-placed elbow block. "GECCHU!" That stopped the first knee and the second one never comes. Shingo's own leg shooting out to nail Benimaru right in the gut and pushing him off the young man with the force of Shingo's weight. This helps to explain just why the highschooler falls over when he loses his balance on one leg. Nevermind he falls back into a recovery roll.

Grinning over to where Benimaru would be now getting up from, Shingo says, "Thanks. Same to you." His timing may not be the best, saying that right after he countered one of Benimaru's moves, but it is sincere. Then agian, when is Shingo not?

"Oof!" Once the knee connects, Benimaru goes staggering back, holding his gut and looks rather.. Suprised. Well, that wasn't entirely unexpected, but he was anyway. He gives a small nod of his head, "A.. All right, ok, not bad," his fists pull up a little closer to his face now, and he skips a bit on his tiptoes, closing in the distance again. "HOOF!" suddenly the blondes knee snaps out, attempting to crash into the boys side, and should that connect, it completes into a full kick into his back.

COMBATSYS: Shingo endures Benimaru's Iai Geri.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Benimaru         0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0           Shingo

There is no 'should that connect' since it does. You know why it connects though? Because Shingo wanted it to connect. That's right. The boy is crazy. Ok, maybe he's not. It's just that was his best chance at success. He could tell that the attack is coming in way too fast for him to logically make the dodge out of the way. So why not let Benimaru get in close enough for him to strike back when the man least expects it? The knee causes Shingo to flinch at first but the kick to the back does nothing to him visibly. And now it's his turn.

With Benimaru this close to him there isn't much he can do in terms of completing a Shingo Kick. He's going to have to settle for the next best thing. "Teya!" Shingo holds onto Benimaru's extended leg and grins at him with a light chuckle. This is going to be fun. Jerking the held leg towards him, Shingo's goal is for Beni to get pulled off balance and fall hard onto the boy's protruding shoulder with his gut. That's the goal anyways.

COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Benimaru with Hatsugane.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Benimaru         0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0           Shingo

Benimaru again is impressed, how Shingo managed to catch his kick is beyond him. But when he sets up for that hard elbow, that... Hit a whole lot harder than Benimaru even expected it to.
Which is perplexing, even though Shingo was quick, Benimaru could see it quite clearly. Maybe he was just a bit clumsy. Crashing onto the mat again, he quickly kip-ups to his feet again, "Ok.. That was.. Good. Looks like training with Kyo's been paying off.." he rolls his shoulders a bit, and takes a moment to recollect himself, shoulders raising and falling slowly.

COMBATSYS: Benimaru focuses on his next action.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Benimaru         0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0           Shingo

This is all just a friendly demonstration match, right? And Benimaru did tell him not to worry about holding back and to just have fun. Which really goes without saying when it comes to Shingo. He does that sort of thing anyways. It's just something he does. Fighting is fun for him. Other than the fact that he does it because he's doing his best to emulate Kyo and it allows him to meet new and interesting people. Not to mention the large sums of money he has been able to earn since. Money is good. Especially when it can be used to pay for college tuition when it is needed. But that's neither here or there at the moment. What is here and there at the moment is Shingo dashing in at Benimaru and lunging upward with an elbow strike to lift the other fighter off the ground, "Bing! Bang! Boom!" The other two exclamations coming when Shingo strikes with his shoulder and then the other elbow of the same side as the shoulder that hit. In other words, he swings out his left elbow, then his right shoulder, then his right elbow. All in the air and spinning once before landing.

COMBATSYS: Benimaru fails to interrupt Nie Togi from Shingo with Super Inazuma Kick.
- Power hit! -

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Benimaru         0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0           Shingo

Ohh.. Kay. This match isn't going well at all. Dare he say this is the exact opposite version of his match against Shingo the last time they sparred. The blonde model wipes his mouth with the back of his hand when Shingo rushes in, and believes he sees an opening with the all-too-familiar technique. A miscalculation on his part, when the first elbow hits, then the second, and the last, thrown upward and again crashes onto the mat, causing it to bounce a few times, "RRngh!" He's not quite as quick to get on his feet this time, a hand to his forehead as he feels a brief dizzy-spell.

'Just give it your all, all right? Don't worry about holding back in this demonstration,' were the exact words that Benimaru told Shingo right before they started this fight. If anyone were to claim that Shingo was being unfair by attacking Benimaru while he got slightly disoriented from the last attack, he could always quote back what he was told. The Taiyo student nods to the man respectfully and dashes forward again. This time it isn't a straight forward attack. Well, it is. Except not as straight forward as the previous one. Closing in the distance, Shingo leaps into the air and sticks out a leg to catch Benimaru at the side of the head to further put him off-balance. Landing, the young Kusanagi-ryuu fighter next throws an upward punch to the sternum followed by an elbow strike directly to Benimaru's chest, "Ya!" Shingo hops to the side.

COMBATSYS: Benimaru dodges Shingo's Medium Kick.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Benimaru         0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0           Shingo

All right, that's a start. Benimaru wakes up from his spell quickly enough to spin around and manage to keep from getting kicked again by the young student, and he sidesteps a couple more times to get around Shingo. There were probably simpler methods of dealing with the youth, but.. Well anyway, feeling a little more flashy now, Benimaru closes in, and with a quick snap upward, delivering a backflip kick toward the boy. And along with the double-kick, a slender bolt of lightning snaps up with the motion, "HEYA!"

COMBATSYS: Benimaru successfully hits Shingo with Super Inazuma Kick.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Benimaru         0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1           Shingo

The flipping kick connects with Shingo's chin, snapping it back in the same manner a typical uppercut would and sending him into the air. That's not all, though. Since there's that bolt of lightning chi that is generated out of the ground following the kick upward, which catches him and lifts him higher and backward with its shocking effect. Shingo floats in the air for a moment. Giving the impression that he's going to land flat on his back. Except that he pulls off an impromptu flip of his own to land in a sliding crouch. Grin. "Nice one, Benimaru!"

Shingo starts moving again and darts from side to side getting closer and closer to the shootfighter. "Stay on your toes! Here I come!" When he's about three feet away from the other fighter, Shingo hops forward. An elbow is held up and out in Benimaru's direction. It is intended to be a sort of human spearhead towards the man's torso. A flying elbow strike. Where'd he pick that one up? Must be from one of his many fights in the past.

COMBATSYS: Benimaru blocks Shingo's Medium Punch.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Benimaru         0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1           Shingo

Benimaru smirks to Shingo, giving a small nod, "I know," though truth be told, it was better than nice. It was beautiful, really. But when the Shingos next attack comes, he's ready. More than ready. His right arm swings up to deflect the attack, easing off some of the damage there, and his fists snap up toward his chin again, sort of dancing lightly on one foot. And then he suddenly snaps in, shooting two quick jabs to Shingos chin, "Hnn, hnn!" Looks like things were starting to turn around!

COMBATSYS: Shingo blocks Benimaru's Jab Punch.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Benimaru         0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1           Shingo

One good block. It deserves another. Just as easily as Benimaru brought his arm to deflect Shingo's flying elbow, so to the boy is able to bring an arm up and guard against the fast punch from Benimaru. It's only a jab so doesn't do much beyond being like a simple slap. Shingo grins back and ducks to the left before hoping a short distance away, his back against the ropes of the ring.

There he holds his ground and stands firm. HIs fingers curl tighter causing tension to run through his black Kusanagi gloves as he keeps his focus on Benimaru. "How am I doing so far, Benimaru? You did tell me not to worry about holding back and all." It's all good-natured. Shingo is never one to rub anything in anyone's face.

COMBATSYS: Shingo focuses on his next action.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Benimaru         0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1           Shingo

Benimaru brushes a hand across his forehead, wriggling his fingers lightly before tightening them into fists again. He just gives a smirk back to Yabuki, and says, "It isn't -you- I'm worried about, keep it up," followed up with a come-hither motion.
Though he probably isn't going to. It's hard to tell what Shingo's thinking in battle, which puts him in a slight disadvantage- Sort of. Better not rush it, keep the fight at his pace. And eventually the grue will finish the job.

COMBATSYS: Benimaru focuses on his next action.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Benimaru         0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1           Shingo

Well, who is Shingo to disappoint a crowd and an opponent? No one important, that's who. This means that he isn't going to stay standing there. They've already delayed the match enough as it is with their brief chit chat on commenting on each other's skills. If you can call it at that. Shingo grins widely and nods in response to Benimaru telling him to 'Come on, come on'. "All right!" The boy bends his knees slightly and leans back onto the ropes. He uses his feet as a brace and continues to push back on the ropes by walking backwards. Or at least as far back as the ropes will allow him. What is his plan here? "Let's go, Benimaru! Ora ora ora!"

Suddenly Shingo stops putting an opposing force on the ropes. The snapback of which launches him like a giant slingshot directly at Benimaru. The boy angling his body in mid-flight aiming to slam his shoulder fast and hard into the man's upper-body hoping to shake him up some. If it somehow manages to take the fight out of the shootfighter, then all the better. If not, oh well. It should hurt some as Shingo bowls him over.

COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Benimaru with Ge Shiki - Kake Hourin.

[                          \\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Benimaru         1/-----==/=======|==-----\-------\0           Shingo

Benimaru is amused by Shingos rather interesting use of the ropes, but really doesn't think much of it- It shouldn't be anything he can't normally handle, right?
And Benimaru gets what he deserves for underestimating Shingo again. Shingo crashes against the model and he crashes into him extremely hard, the force not just knocking the windo out of him, but sending him backward, where at least the ropes keep him from crashing into anything painful. Instinctivly hooking an arm over the ropes to keep from slamming onto the mat in the backlash, the shootfighter gasps for breath, knees shaking as he somehow manages to stay on his feet.
Hmn.. That.. Really didn't work out too well, so much for the basics. "All right, that.. That's enough for now, thanks Shingo," he finally manages to say, making his way over to the wooden stool at the corner and slumps into it, shaking his head to himself.

COMBATSYS: Benimaru takes no action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Shingo           0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Benimaru can no longer fight.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Shingo           0/-------/-----==|

After plowing through Benimaru's defenses and literally knocking the man over, Shingo climbs to his feet. See, he remained on the ground just in case Beni didn't grab the ropes and instead bounced off them. The boy didn't want to be hit by the blond pinball. Not that he has to worry about it now that it's pretty much certain the match is over. Shingo nodnods to his former teammate and reaches out for a bottle of water tossed towards him. Mm, water's good. "No problem, Benimaru. Anytime." Shingo beams and heads off to grab himself a seat as well at the other corner where he is content to rehydrate his body to leave the blond fighter to his own thoughts.

COMBATSYS: Shingo has ended the fight here.

Log created by Shingo, and last modified on 20:18:22 10/17/2005.