Description: Alma Towazu: chocolatety bishounen shell, creamy complete dork center. When the world is turned upside down, and also happens to be full of beautiful women, and all those beautiful women can beat the bejeezus out of you, and you're some random kid who happens to be ridiculously good-looking and oh yeah got psychic powers about a year ago... who can you turn to? The answer may surprise.
Alma's life has been getting more and more complicated by the day. He's suddenly found himself in a team wherein he's the weakest link, yet is apparently quite beloved all the same, considering how Ash and Duolon helped him during Jiro's ambush after the SNF fight. Speaking of which, though he naturally maintained his usual showmanship during that sudden bout, he still found himself a bit surprised by all the publicity afterward: fortunately, people seem to know about his and Jiro's odd rivalry, and so no one has thought bad of him for tossing his friend around during the fight -- though there sure are a lot of questions about poor Kai-san! obviously, he's refused to comment on any of those -- but people seem highly interested in the relationship between him and his new teammates. Something he's not quite prepared to talk about yet. After all, Dynamite Vogue! has not entered the scene, and who knows, if he gave it away, Benimaru might beat him up or something. That's the last thing he needs. This is all pretty bewildered for a guy who only manifested his powers, what, a year ago?
Not to mention he's still on break. What'll happen once his classes start up again?
But Alma Towazu is nothing if not able to go with the flow. Easily shaken to questioning himself and indulging in interior monologues, perhaps, but once he finds out what they are to the best of his abilities, he always follows his passions. Right though, those have become predominantly combat-related. So much so that even though he wants to take some time out to relax today, he hasn't brought his art supplies. Hasn't even brought a book. He's just going to chill with a green tea and soymilk smoothie, lean back on a bench on a nice grassy knoll kindly place in the midst of all these cozy shops and businesses, and take deep breaths.
Deep breaths can do wonders for a man.
Up on the rooftops of one of the many establishments is a young Shiranui Ninja, one that has a bit of a score, if a friendly one, to settle with Alma. The fight he lost was nothing short of humiliating, and he needs to prove, if only to himself, that he's capable of far better. After all, he put up a heck of a fight against Dong Hwan, and that was after he had to finish off Kasumi, not that she had landed a hit on him before he did so. Still, he needed to prove that he was better than the blown fight he had earlier, and besides; there's nothing wrong with a friendly spar, is there?
And so, when he does spot him walking down on the street below, he jumps down from the roof top and lands in front of him by about ten feet, with a smile on his face. He stands up to his normal height quickly and walks forward, waving, "Hello Alma!" He stops in front of him, assuming he'll do the same, "I was just thinking that we should have a rematch! I messed up a bunch, and wanted to redeem myself."
~ ...Eh? An aura... ~
Alma probably looks impressively unsurprised, but this is only because he received a two or three second warning before Hokutomaru ninja-drops from the sky. The tall young man's eyes soften as he lets a smile brighten his refined features. "Ah... Mr. Ninja. The villain from last episode." His voice is warm but deadpan, so that it might require a bit of a doubletake to realize that was him joking. "Nice to see you in good spirits."
A few people are watching now, having seen a ninja drop from a building and one or two having recognized Alma, so the young man beckons to Hokutomaru before walking off to a slightly more open area, away from the buildings. "How'd you escape Xiangfei's imprisonment?" he asks casually, casting a glance over his shoulder before taking another drag from his smoothie. "She had a look in her eye. I recognized that look. I think it means 'there's no escape'."
He pauses, and then grins, causing his eyes to warm visibly before he turns away, continuing to walk. "If you got away after *that*, maybe you should teach me your tricks."
A grin is given to Alma at the mention of villainy, "Yep! But I'm done with that for now." He nods to him, "No use dwelling on the bad things that happen to you; that's how you get all depressed and moody, and I'm not going to end up like that!" He doesn't seem to notice any of the staring, that being a somewhat common occurrence when you're in public dressed as a ninja. "Oh, I didn't escape, she let me out for my match. And, uh, she's going to re-capture me sooner or later." He hmms for a moment, "And I don't know, I could teach you some things, like throwing shuriken, but other than that it's mostly trade secrets, and I'd have to talk to Mai. Sorry!"
"Ha... ha ha ha!" Alma's laugh is warm, deep, full-bodied, and engagingly genuine, and he reaches up and scratches the back of his head as he looks down at Hokutomaru with a smile. "Well, that's a fine philosophy, young man. Sounds like a healthy mindset." Shaking his head once slightly, just to himself, as he takes another drink of smoothie, he listens to what Hoku says. "She... let you out, huh? Sheesh..."
Any other day, mind you, Alma might've made the connection between Hokutomaru and Mai Shiranui. He's never met Mai himself, but he's dutifully done his research on potential opponents (even though watching fights is, actually, not his idea of a good time, and never has been), and usually he's clever enough to make these sorts of connections. But he's thinking about a lady right now. And if there's anything that kills cleverness, not to mention the majority of his mental and emotional processes...
"Don't worry about it," he finally says, seating himself on a dry part of the grass and making room for Hokutomaru. "They sound like nice skills to know, but they're not exactly what I'm looking for right now..."
~ ...what am I doing? He's just a kid. I shouldn't. I won't. ~
"Hey, Hokutomaru. What do you think of Xiangfei?"
~ I... damn it! ~
The small ninja nods, "So many people are so caught up in things and get way too serious, and way too sad! I get sad sometimes too, but then I just try and go outside and do something. That usually helps." And of course, what helps take away sadness more then beating the tar out of a straw dummy? "Of course she let me out. You didn't think she would keep me away from a tournament match like that, would you?" He shakes his head, "No way! I guess I probably would have gotten out on my own even if she hadn't though, so it isn't like I /couldn't/ escape if I needed to." He blinks a little, "What do I think about her?" He's quiet for a few moments, deciding to take a seat down next to Alma, "Well, she seems pretty nice, and she's fun to be around also. She's also really pretty."
"Yeah," Alma murmurs, gazing down at the grass. "She is, isn't she? Gorgeous. She gets pretty overexcited sometimes, but it's all part of her charm. It certainly does make hanging out with her always fun. Plus, she's the greatest cook I've ever met; I've never had home-cooked meals quite like hers. She's simple, but only in a refreshing sort of way, because somehow, intuitively, she knows just how to keep you off-balance. Plus she's strong; really strong. I never used to think about women much at all, but now, I wonder if she's got everything that--"
Blink. Raise head. Glance sidelong to Hokutomaru.
Clear throat.
"O-Obviously, I'm b-being a little g-generous here," he attempts, his stutter betraying him as he tries to say something neither honest nor deadpan (his only two modes of communication). Finally just feeling a bit silly, he takes another deep breath. Good for the soul, deep breaths. "I don't suppose," he says, almost morosely, "she told you I was her fiance."
"I didn't know that she could cook. I'll have to try something she makes!" He waits for him to finish, "Everything that what?" He tilts his head curiously, waiting for a while before moving on. He can't help but grin when Alma gets a little embarrassed, "Really? I donno, you sounded like you really meant what you were saying." He grins at him a little more, and then nods, "Yep! Well, I'm not so sure she was telling me specifically but I heard her say it! Congratulations! But, uh, you don't sound to happy about it? She's really great isn't she?" Or at least, the way he was talking about her just now made it sound like she was.
Alma... takes another deep breath. Practice makes perfect?
"Yeah... about that."
~ Well, it's not like I've ever talked to anyone about it before, except for Jiro. And he certainly didn't have anything productive to say, except maybe for that comment about having the wedding in Las Vegas... ~
"Well, you know how people normally get engaged to be married, right?" the would-be bishonen awkwardly continues. "The guy kneels down, and he's brought a ring, and there's... other stuff, probably... but anyway, they've known each other for a while. So that's what makes it okay." Alma quirks his mouth thoughtfully, and glances sidelong at the ninja kid. "What *doesn't* usually happen is that a girl likes a guy, beats him up, and then declares that, due to her victory, she's now his fiance. In fact, I've never heard of anything like that happening before, myself. Perhaps you have. But I doubt it."
"Well... that's what happened to me. Xiangfei beat me in a fight. Two, actually." He grins lopsidedly; at least he's not sore about it. "I'm not strong enough to beat her yet. Until I am, she's going to keep saying I'm her fiance. At least it hasn't gotten out too much yet, but..."
He shakes his head.
"I don't know if this makes sense to you, but... what I'm trying to say is, it doesn't really matter how I feel, does it? Even if I do like her, I can't let something like this happen. I can't marry someone because they beat me up. I can't spend the rest of my life with someone I barely know! I should... I should date her first, or, or something! Jeez!" He reaches up to cradle his head in his hands, smoothie forgotten. "Not to mention she wants *more* fiances! As if I'd stand for that."
There's a pause. He seems finished.
"...Rock Howard," he mutters, a bit bitterly. "...s'not *that* good-looking..."
Hokutomaru sits there and blinks... "So... you don't want to marry her then? And you didn't propose to her either?" He scratches his head a little. Nope, he certainly hadn't heard any kind of strange marriage proposal like that! "And you don't even want to marry her?" He looks down, "Wow... I didn't know that... Alma? Does Xiangfei know you feel that way? Have you talked to her about it?" He scratches the back of his head. "And... you can't not be her fiancé until you beat her in a fight..?" He makes a little hmm, and then grins to him, "I know! I could help you with that!" He shakes a little with unheard laughter, "If you wanted, you could hire me as your bodyguard for when you fight her! I mean, not that I'd want to hurt Xiangfei, but if you don't want to marry her you really shouldn't. You'd both probably end up miserable."
~ Yeah...
...would I really be miserable, though?... just wouldn't be Right.
...yeah. ~
"Trust me, I've talked it over with her," he says, grinning with good humor, though he does sound a little weary. "She just... well, she both takes it seriously and doesn't take it seriously. She means it, but I think she thinks she can just... collect guys she likes?" He lowers his head for a moment, but when he raises it, he's actually smiling, and his eyes are serious and warm. "To be honest, I respect her as a fighter. I can't just... run away and never talk to her again. I don't care about honor -- but I do feel great whenever I challenge her. I wouldn't want to lose that. It wouldn't be worth it, just because of my own reluctances."
~ My priorities... are so messed up. ~
When Hokutomaru mentions becoming Alma's bodyguard, though, the tall youth reacts impressively well, showing the same serious composure in bizarre situations that he showed when he had to first fight Hokutomaru. "I see," he says, looking deadpan and thoughtful even though his eyes sparkle mirthfully. "You're hiring yourself out as a bodyguard. Interesting." He says 'interesting' as only a bishonen can. "Do you have any experience? What do you charge? Considering our last match, are you sure you'd be able to protect *me*?" That might sound harsh in anyone else's mouth, but Alma sounds very professional and respectful when he asks it. After all, if he didn't ask, he might look like he wasn't really taking Hokutomaru seriously!
Is he taking Hoku seriously? Does Alma take *anything* seriously? Or, for that matter, not-seriously?
Hokutomaru listens as he moves on and then grins brightly at Alma when he talks about fighting with Xiangfei. "She is really strong." And then onto the bodyguard stuff, "How much... I hadn't thought about that part yet..." He scratches his head a little, "Well, we could figure that out afterwards, and I wouldn't charge anything if she beat us!" He hmms, "And I do think we'd be able to! When Xiangfei fought me and then Mimiru, Mimiru was able to take her out! Why wouldn't we be able to beat her if we fought her at the same time, that's way harder!" He grins a bit, "And if you don't think I'm very strong, you should fight me again to tell for yourself! I know I did really badly the first time we fought, but I was just really... not doing well. I'm a lot better than that, really." He grins some more.
~ I owe the kid this much, at least. ~
"Hmm!" With a broad smile and lowered lashes (surprisingly long), Alma rises easily from his seated position and turns to face Hokutomaru. The people on the street that had just begun to stop paying attention start whispering amongst themselves all over again, as Alma calmly raises his hand to point at the young ninja. "So you say. I can understand; sometimes, the flow is not always with us, and I had the momentum during that duel. However! These are just words. To truly know you as a warrior--"
Spreading his stance slightly, Alma maintains his smiling, elegant expression until, without any real warning, he seems to just break into a grin, almost helplessly. The drama is fun, but there's clearly a real man underneath, and an easy-going one at that.
~ Can't say I'm not interested! ~
"--I must test your might!"
COMBATSYS: Alma has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Alma 0/-------/-------|
Hokutomaru grins brightly and pops up to his feet as well. "I understand the need for you to test me! And so I wont hold back, to show you my power, the power of the ninja!" He grins even more and begins to stretch out his arms and legs, not wanting to make any stupid mistakes due to not being warmed up. "So! Here we are, ready to test one another, and to meet in battle. I am ready!" He drops into his normal fighting stance and continues his toothy grin at Alma.
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Alma
~ My life sure has changed in the past year. I don't think that back then, under normal circumstances, I would've gone around picking fights with ninjas in the middle of the city.
...I'm fighting a ninja in the middle of the city.
...this is *awesome*. ~
"Then show me your all!" he exclaims, his voice growing only more bold and persuasive as the Way of the Fight sweeps him up. Gone is the man who stuttered in embarrassment after mooning over Xiangfei. Gone for at least a minute or two, anyway. "Reveal the fullness of your self! I want to see you apply every fiber of your being against me... Hokutomaru!"
Without warning, or even apparently assuming a stance, he slides his right leg forward, seems to stagger a bit, then bobs and circles his hands as though his little lunge had been the most natural looking thing in the world, and then skips and kicks high, aiming a light snap right toward Hoku's face with easy flexibility. "O-ra!"
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru dodges Alma's Light Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Alma
Hokutomaru grins at Alma and hops backwards when he comes forward with the kick, making it out of the way before it can impact with his face. Already he's feeling that he's doing much better than the first time they faced each other. Had he even dodged a single attack before? He prepares himself shortly and then runs forward, skidding down onto his haunches and extending a foot, trying to kick Alma's feet out from under him and bring him to the ground. "All right, here I come Alma!"
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Hokutomaru's Sliding Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Alma
Combining mild preciense with natural reflexes and the Hiten-Ryu way, Alma lightly lifts his foot just enough so that Hoku's kick is jammed before it fully strikes home. Pushing off, the handsome youth attempts to both push the kid ninja back and withdraw himself at the same time, and to make sure he pulls it off, as he fades back with his little hop, his eyes flash, and he ignites his right hand. With a sweeping, open-palmed movement that seems to cast out, with a gentle movement that one might use to, say, toss birdseed, Alma unleashes a gout of Psycho Powered soul-fire.
"Sacred Wave!"
Looks like this fight's going differently already!
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru dodges Alma's Sacred Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Alma
Hokutomaru crouches down low and springs up and over the energy that comes forward at him, grinning even more brightly now. This is beginning to feel more like how things /should/ be going. The small ninja then attacks himself again moving forward and sliding down, this time moving completely past him before he attacks, planting his hands down and swinging his body around to try and kick at the back of Alma's knees. After this he hops up and tries to put distance between himself and the blonde haired bishounen.
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru successfully hits Alma with Sliding Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0 Alma
Alma takes the hit hard and topples. Now that he's being hit solidly, it's quite clear that Hokutomaru has the advantage of fighting experience -- and probably talent, too, to be honest. That hurt more than a kid that size should be able to hurt someone of Alma's build. But that's how it goes, right? Otherwise, how would those skinny anime heroes be able to wield swords twice their own size?
But I digress. Where was I. Oh yes: Umph!
Managing to fall well, like a trained martial artist should, Alma flips off the ground with the grace and acrobatic ability that makes him the second-heaviest fighter to ever be able to triangle-jump. (The heaviest is, of course, Earthquake.) With his gathered momentum, Alma rushes forward to attempt to bring the fight to the ninja, and hoping to take the boy unawares, the fighting model leaps high, ignites his entire right leg, seems to hang in the air for a moment, and then blasts forward in a powerful hooking kick to Hoku's head.
"Star... SHOOTING!"
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Hokutomaru with Engeki Shooter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Alma
Hokutomaru prepares to jump out of the way at the last possible moment... which was probably a bad idea since he overestimates the time he has and gets blasted in the head by an energy laden kick. He goes flying backwards and ends up rolling across the sidewalk. He holds his head on the ground with an "Uuugggnnn," and slowly gets back to his feet. Whoops. He shakes his head again and watches Alma for a moment before looking around. He has to find... something. A-ha! There is some pruning of a small decorative tree going on, and the Shiranui runs over and helps himself to a fallen branch. He grabs onto it and holds it like a spear before chucking the thing at him. That should slow him down!
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru successfully hits Alma with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1 Alma
Alma smiles slightly, when Hokutomaru is recovering, and his eyes soften.
~ It's as I suspected. Now that I've really challenged him, now that it's him and me, he's performing much better. Good. It's best to understand his motivations. That way, I can make this fight as close as possible!
Hum... he's a bit like Jiro, in that respect. I wonder if-- ~
Alma stands, looking rather dazed, as the branch snaps his head back, leaving a ribbed circular imprint on his forehead, and he takes a few steps back. Blinking, he lowers his gaze, and refocuses on Hokutomaru. He is silent for a moment... and then his eyes narrow. "Hey! Don't t-throw crap at me! What if my face bruises, huh?"
He'll heal it, that's what, but it's an excuse to pick up a rock and throw it at the kid. Friggin' ninjas, man, they fight like squirrels or something. "C'mon, get over here! You can't guard somebody by running around in circles!"
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru overcomes Thrown Object from Alma with Shuriken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1 Alma
Hokutomaru grins at Alma and barely stops himself from laughing, "But Alma! You told me to show you my all, you wanted me to fight you with everything I have!" He grins again when the rock starts flying towards him. It looks like it's time to show Alma why one does not throw rocks ad Ninja! He reaches into his pocket and pulls out some shurikens, throwing the first at the rock to deflect it, which he does, and the rest towards Alma. Ah, but what's this? It looks like he's wised up, and gotten some wooden shruikens for sparring with. So many people complaining of ripped and torn clothing...
COMBATSYS: Alma overcomes Shuriken from Hokutomaru with Two Heavens Harmony.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0 Alma
"Ha ha," Alma says, completely deadpan. "That's cute." There's a sparkle in his eyes, though, that shows he's not irritated at all. He's probably incapable of being irritated. Righteously indignant, perhaps, but nothing so petty as frustrated. Not while he's One with the Way.
And quite clearly he is, because with just a grunt, his eyes flash brighter than ever with pinkish-purple Psycho Power, and he cups his hands together, combining two seperate orbs into one giant one as he sees the wooden shurikens coming at him. "Outer power as yin, inner power as yang," murmurs Alma... and he strikes.
The beam of soulfire vaporizes the ninja weapons, and the mushrooming cap tears on, threatening to engulf his young opponent...
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru dodges Alma's Two Heavens Harmony.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0 Alma
Does Hokutomaru get hit? Does he not? The moral here is this: Don't let a ninja out of your sight. In fact, the little guy teleported the hell out of there the moment the attack was released towards him and now resides a fair amount behind Alma. He just stands there with his hands behind his head and a grin on his face, waiting for him to figure out where he went.
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0 Alma
Fortunately, the beam disperses when Alma feels he hasn't connected, and the surrounding audience, at a more than safe distance, admires the pretty sparkly colors. He is satisfied, at least, by that.
~ Huh... he's behind me. ~
Don't forget, kid, he's got aura senses! But best not to play that card yet. As he glances from side to side with a calm expression, as though quietly trying to figure out where Hokutomaru could've gotten off to, he takes deep, quiet breaths, attempting to recover the Psycho Power he just expended, and better get a grip on the flow around him. Maybe if he hits a better rhythm, he can turn this fight around...
COMBATSYS: Alma gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0 Alma
Hokutomaru grins a little, forgetting this part of Alma's abilities. He runs forward and then jumps, doing a little somersault in the air before reaching back behind him and pulling out his bokken. He lands on the ground and swings the weapon hard, chi streaming out behind it, and then twists his arms around to slash again, forming an X pattern, chi once again trailing behind as the weapon moves quickly through the air.
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Hokutomaru's Karakusa-Giri.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Alma
Without looking, Alma thrusts a palm back, and his auric shield glows into existence for a moment as he totally and completely absorbs the attack. With calm, relaxed grace, the handsome youth tilts his head over his shoulder, and smiles, ever-so-slightly. "Oh," he says, voice composed as ever, "there you are."
He may be a big dork deep down, but in moments like these, it's easy to see why all the twelve-year-old girls in Japan think he's the coolest thing since Neopets.
"You won't be able to rely on such tricks forever," he says coolly, as his eyes brighten, and he begins to bask in the glow of his own summoned aura. "Because some people--" He grins, and his eyes are as star-bright as a cloudless night. "--have even better tricks."
More centered than ever now, immersed in the reviving flow of the fight, Alma may now have a fighting chance.
Hokutomaru makes an odd, "Hmm?" Noise when Alma makes a stange move. What is he doing? He's just standing there? Well! If he's going to stand there and look open for attack, Hokutomaru is going to do just that, attack! He rolls forward onto his hands and seems to crunch up his body, the motion moving over 90 degrees and past. He then pushes down hard and springs forward with his legs out, trying to catch Alma with the move taught to him by Andy Bogard, "Kuuuuha dan!"
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Alma with Faith Healing EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Alma
COMBATSYS: Alma endures Hokutomaru's Kuuha Dan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Hokutomaru 1/------=/=======|=======\===----\1 Alma
Alma is hit solidly on the chest... at least, his aura is. There is a burst of crackling energy, and slowly, Alma raises his hands. His eyes are glowing solidly pinkish-purple, now.
This looks like trouble.
Once Hoku has completed his attack and bounced back, Alma seems to have transferred all of his energies into his hands, and is reaching out toward his young opponent. "Now..." He speaks quietly, but his voice somehow carries, as though on the back of all his latent summoned power. "...SURRENDER!"
And thrusting his hands out, bolts of Psycho Power lightning flare out dangerously, in an attempt to ensnare the young ninja...
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru blocks Alma's The One Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Hokutomaru 1/----===/=======|-------\-------\0 Alma
The lightning catches Hoku painfully, and saps away at the kid's spirit, but it does not appear to have the desired effect, for the attack fails to catch on, and fades quickly.
Alma sighs quietly.
"Guess I need even *more* practice before I get that right."
Hokutomaru bliiiinks. Eep. The attack essentially did nothing! And, crap, he looks in /better/ shape than he was to begin with. That /can't/ be good. And what's even worse there's some crazy lightning coming out for him. He shakes his head quickly and tries to brace himself against the lightning, which seems to have some sort of effect. Not that that really makes you feel much better when you're being electrocuted. But then, he really isn't being electrocuted, he's being attacked with Psyco Power, not that it hurts any less. Once the energy dissipates he jumps backwards twice and reaches into his pocket to throw a single wooden shuriken at him, just wanting to get away for the moment.
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru successfully hits Alma with Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Hokutomaru 1/---====/=======|=------\-------\0 Alma
The shuriken bounces off Alma's head, and he winces. "Ah... not on the bruise, please, I was just trying to fix that..."
Shaking his head once to clear the mist, the fighting model makes an effort to get back in the game, and lunges forward to follow the young ninja, tossing another wave of soulfire in his way. "Sacred... Wave!"
His only hope is to keep up the pressure...
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru overcomes Sacred Wave from Alma with Chou Hissatsu Shuriken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Alma
Hokutomaru lets a little grin move across his face, which turns quickly into a large one. As the energy wave comes towards him he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a huge handful of shurikens and flings them forward. The first ones hit the energy and simply nullify it, and the next three continue on towards Alma. But oh no, he's not done yet. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a /huge/ shuriken that requires him to spin all the way around to even be able to throw it, and heaves this large wooden object towards Alma.
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru successfully hits Alma with Chou Hissatsu Shuriken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Alma
Alma was lunging in as he cast his flame, and, already committed to his move, cannot possibly get out of the way of the attack. He only has time to widen his eyes in surprise as his Sacred Wave is nullified before the series of attacks clobbers him hardcore.
Yet he keeps on coming. He can't give up his momentum now! To truly challenge Hokutomaru, he's got to keep up the pressure. The ninja appears to like to fade back and fight with projectiles a lot, but to be a bodyguard, Alma knows that won't always be a viable option. Best to hit him at his weak spots.
Which are, apparently, based on Alma's judgment, located in Hoku's stomach, for that is where his lunging side kick is aimed for, in an effort to send Kid Ninja sprawling with what's left of the would-be bishonen's rush.
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru interrupts Light Kick from Alma with Rakka-zan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1 Alma
Hokutomaru is ready for this, and reaches back and removes his sword. He takes the hit in the stomach without too much pain and immediately disappears, reappearing above Alma's head and swinging his sword hard while letting out a yell, the trademark orange chi flowing out behind the tip of the weapon. The little ninja hits Alma right in the side of the head with the weapon before spinning quickly and landing on the ground, putting the weapon away.
It's a solid blow, and it sends Alma twisting to the ground. In fact, it probably should've been a knockout blow -- and would've been, had Alma not jerked his head slightly just in time to avoid being struck directly on the temple. It's pretty clear Hokutomaru has the advantage in this battle... maybe he'll give up now. Two seconds pass before he stirs.
But when he raises his head, he's grinning.
Then, all of a sudden, he's rushing. Sending a trail of images of himself at Hokutomaru, each one, forged of pure purple-pink luminesence, punches out with a burst of flame, multiple Almas striking in a single second, the parade moving in rapid succession. When the real Alma finally reaches the ninja kid, he too punches, but with a vicious uppercut wreathed in flame and carrying with it the force of a typhoon.
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Hokutomaru with Sacred Rekka Revelation.
[ \\\\\\ < > //// ]
Hokutomaru 1/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Alma
Hokutomaru tries to get out of the way. Yep, tries. Too bad he was trying to dodge the images attacks instead of Alma himself. The hit smacks him up into the air, and not only that, he's also on fire! Ouch, psyco power is not to be underestimated! Thankfully, the nature of the energy itself means his clothes do not catch on fire and burn, otherwise he might need some replacements. He hits the ground and the Psi leaves him, the ninja climbing back up to his feet and shaking his head. Ugh. He climbs up to his feet, one of his legs threatening to give out on him, and grins at Alma, "Wow! That was really impressive! You really know how to control your energy... but so do I!" He runs forward and reaches into his pocket pulling out a scroll. He sticks it in his mouth and bites down hard, making a proper energy channeling motion with his hands and holding them in the proper places. A strong Chi whirlwind then shoots out from him and swirls quickly, trying to grab onto Alma and drag him along for an unpleasant ride as the ninja spins and raises into the air.
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru successfully hits Alma with Chou Hissatsu Tatsumaki EX.
[ \\\\\\ < > ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Alma
And up he goes!
Battered about roughly by the whirlwind, Alma is thrown into the air -- yeah, it's pretty clear this guy is done for. But with the last of his reserve, even as he feels the rhythm of the fight fading from his blood, as he drops from the air, he attempts to grab Hoku by the scarf, and bear the kid ninja heavily down with him...
COMBATSYS: Alma can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\ <
Hokutomaru 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru dodges Alma's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\ <
Hokutomaru 0/-------/-------|
...but, of course, he misses.
Landing heavily on his hands and knees, Alma takes several deep breaths, managing to steady himself, and then raises his gaze. He definitely looks beat, but he's still grinning lopsidedly, genuinely impressed, and clearly satisfied with the results of the fight.
"Well done, Hokutomaru."
Nobody touches the scarf! Or, at least no one will right now, as Hokutomaru simply poofs out of existence when the boy tries to grab for him, appearing immediately on the ground in a standing position... after the smoke from the bomb that went off clears, anyway. He grins brightly at Alma and walks over to him, "Thanks, Alma! That was a really great fight! I told I was off during our first one."
With some effort, squinting slightly to keep himself focused and conscious despite his severe psychic drain, Alma heaves himself into a sitting position, tenderly rubbing his injured forehead. "Well, that's fighting skill worthy of a bodyguard, I'd have to say. Hmmm." A smile slowly spreads across the tall youth's features. "Are you really interested in such a position? If you haven't thought about money, you can at least be sure to count on me for ice cream outings. And it will certainly be a job to put on your... ninja resume."
He leans forward slightly, and quirks an eyebrow with deadpan drama. "However, you have to promise your foremost loyalty to me, and not Xiangfei. If I need you to distract her so that I may make an escape, I must have your word of honor that you will do so. I must be able to trust that you will protect me." He sounds quite serious. Of course, he isn't, at all, but he sounds like he is. He finally leans back, and grins again. "But when it comes time for a real fight between Xiangfei and I again, I won't have you getting involved. Duels of honor are for two people only."
"Well... is this what you want?"
~ What am I even doing?
I'm being nice to a kid. The fact that he actually has the power, even now, to be a highly effective bodyguard doesn't mean he should genuinely take up that position... he's way too young for such a serious job. Better me than anyone else. *I'm* not in any real danger.
Besides, I wonder... does he have any friends?
...I didn't, then... ~
Hokutomaru grins a little, "I'm very interested in such a position! And the reason.. Well, I need to help my sister pay the bills. It isn't fair for to have to do it all by herself. I started entering the Saturday Night Fight tournaments because of that, and it's been really fun!" He looks a little embarrassed, "But, um, to be honest, I can't be a /real/ bodyguard until I talk to Master Andy, Mai made me promise that. But this isn't the same! I'd be willing to help you out with Xiangfei, but I couldn't protect you from other things except as a friend if I was there." And of course he'd help out a friend if they were attacked, "This'd be special! And, uh. I don't really know how /that/ kind of bodyguard would charge... I should have asked Mai when we were talking about it."
Uh oh. That's right. This guy comes from a family of ninjas. They actually know the going rates for stuff like this. Alma may be in over his head. Wrinkling his brow slightly, the young model clears his throat.
"Well, then, how about we call you 'bodyguard-in-training'? Taking care of me will teach you the basics, and since I can take care of myself a bit, if you make a few mistakes, things should be fine, right?" He grins, and actually winks, quite cheerfully. It's a rather winning gesture; he's a very photogenic young man, and it shows. "It'll be good practice for when you have to take care of somebody who doesn't have the same abilities as we."
~ Besides, I'm not exactly loaded... ~
"But, ah, if your sister needs helps with--" Alma pauses, and then raises an eyebrow. "--are you sure your sister needs help with things like that? At the very least, her lingerie brand shou--aahhhhhh, hmmmmm, well..."
Ah yes. What a social recovery. Well done, Alma-kun.
He finally manages another lopsided, sheepish grin.
"I'm sure we'll work something out, chief."
With a little bit of effort, he raises his hand and offers it to shake.
"Do you solemnly swear to protect Alma Towazu from all threats from Li Xiangfei, and maybe a couple other threats if you happen to have the time? Do you have the resolve, the strength of character, to give your all, even to lay down your scarf for my sake? Shiranui Hokutomaru! Are you truly prepared to be a bodyguard?"
Hokutomaru taps his foot and makes a 'hmmm' noise. Bodyguard in training... that will probably work. Just better not let Mai find out about it. "Yea! That should be a good way to do this, and it /will/ be awfully good training." He blinks a little, "...They aren't /really/ hers, you know." He doesn't seem to freaked out though; he's dealt with it for long enough. "But! Even if she does or doesn't need help, it's still not fair to maker her pay all the bills herself when I'm capable of helping, she should be able to spend more of the money she makes on herself." He grins a little and nods, "I swear I'll protect you from Li Xiangfei! I'll give you everything I have!" Pause, "But I /won't/ lay down my scarf for you." Right then a car stalls in the road and another honks it's horn, one that has been replaced with something that sounds like a loud, 'bzzzzzzzzt' sound.
~ ...maybe I *should've* said 'life'. ~
"Alright," Alma continues with dogged determination, his face as serious as ever, "I accept you, Hokutomaru, as bodyguard-in-training. From this day forth, we're partners."
In a vague attempt to stay awake, he drinks the final dregs of his green tea smoothie, still laying where he left it, in the drier parts of the grass, and sighs blissfully before gazing up at Hoku with warm, friendly eyes.
"And now... I think I may take a nap, while there's still sun in the sky."
He leans backward, leans more, oh, no, he's falling, and he hits the grass with arms spread, heavy-lidded eyes staring upward, as his exhaustion begins to overcome him.
~ Well... it's the best I can do for him, I suppose.
And who knows? Maybe he really *will* come in handy. ~
He grins.
Hokutomaru grins and raises one fist up in the air jumping, "All right!" He lands on the ground, very happily grinning. "I promise not to let you down, Alma!" He laughs a little when he goes over to sit down and take a nap, and nods to him, "Okay! I'll stay here and keep an eye out for Xiangfei!" He waves to him and then runs forward and jumps up onto one of the store rooftops, looking from side to side and watching carefully.
Ah yes. Good work, Hokutomaru. Protect the sleeping Alma from Xiangfei.
But there's one thing not even a ninja can guard a man from...
...his dreams.
A smile, near-angelic in its innocent, slowly grows on Alma's sleeping features.
Log created by Alma, and last modified on 18:49:50 10/05/2005.