Description: Alma VS Damian! Can our heroic surfing psychic defeat the man that beat Jiro three times in a row? Is his still-evolving fighting style up to the task!? And are boardshorts not the hottest thing ever!? At least one of these questions will be answered... in this very log!
Summer is ending, and you've got to catch the fading light while you can. Today is a day prime for such pursuit: the skies are clear for the first time in a couple days, the sun beats down warmly, and the Sound Beach is, once again, quite popular. For those who take their greater pleasure from warm summer days, it is one of the most beautiful. But there are those who are out not because of a particular preference of summer days, but simply because a day like this is better for certain kinds of activities. Alma is such a person. After all, every day's a beautiful day when you're Alma Towazu.
But not every day is a perfect day for surfing, and surfing is one of the things Alma does best, believe it or not. Maybe it's that 80s surfer mindset of his that he keeps cleverly disguised behind a certain implacable gentility. Or maybe it's just that feathery haircut of his. He'd probably tell you, if you genuinely asked and really wanted to know, that he believed it to be his general tendency to flow with everything in a metaphorical sense, that contributed to his ability to flow with the waves in a more physical sense. Of course, that's silly; really, he's just a talented athlete. It's to be expected.
His surfing time is done for today, however, it looks like. With surfboard slung over his shoulder and a white towel draped over the other, wearing red and white board shorts and leaving his broad, copper-toned chest bare to glimmer in the sunlight, everyone's favorite heroic prettyboy walks down the boardwalk, looking, all in all, in very good spirits.
And indeed, there is another figure meandering down the boardwalk. That used to be a complete mystery, yet has found after one appearance within the Saturday Night Fight that the occasional person recognizes him. Mayhaps it's the notable black suit and red tie. Mayhaps the fact he groped Jiro with tentacles. Whatever magical facet it was, Damian has the smallest of budding fan interest. He never slows when anyone hails him, giving wary looks at best. His tan trenchcoat has been carefully folded and tossed over a shoulder, tan fedora still on his head. Under one arm he holds a crisp bag of donuts, occasionally digging into them and carefully chewing. His gaze does glance over Alma, but not with any recognition, and Damian seems intent to continue on his way unharassed. However, Alma might not have nearly a hard time recognizing someone who completely annihilated his rival /three times/ in single combat within the past two weeks. Such things might have a tendency to reach certain ears.
Alma's in good spirits. And for him, fighting is something you do when you're feeling good, and something you *avoid* when you're pissed off. It's an art for him, like what he does at school, like his surfing, like, well, his artwork. So when he sees Damian walking down the boardwalk, his mild but genuine smile widens into a more youthful-looking, less mild, and just as genuine grin, causing his hazel eyes to sparkle. As he's coming the opposite direction, he tilts his stride on a less parallel course, but not on an intercept: he just makes his intentions known by his movements, even as he raises a hand in greeting. "Mr. Williams!" he calls, the tall youth's deep baritone politely friendly. "Mr. Damian Williams, isn't it?" His grin softens a bit to become more polite and less enthused, but doesn't look any less heartfelt for it. "I am Alma Towazu. Though I haven't been able to participate in the Saturday Night Fights recently... I was privileged to see your art on the television, and I must say, I was impressed."
'The television'. Who says 'the television'?
"To be honest, I was hoping I'd meet you. If you're otherwise occupied right now, I understand, but... if you aren't, would you honor me with an friendly match right now?"
Well, he's forward enough, at least. He manages to come across as more calmly interested than youthfully exurberant, though, despite the brightness of his eyes.
"Eh?" Damian is somewhat taken aback by the rather jovial tone Alma uses, head glancing around before turning towards the shirtless young man jogging towards him. He calmly munches on the remains of his doughnut during the interim, pulling a napkin out of the bag and carefully wiping his fingers. "Art?" is echoed, and then a realization. "Oh, my fighting style. It's nothing impressive. I'm not really a fan of fights..." This is said almost exactly in tune with Alma /asking/ for one, and Damian maneuvers to one of the open containers with a grimace. Depositing the napkin within, he pulls out his PDA from the folds of his trenchcoat. Alma Towazu. Yep, there he is. Was a member of Duck King's hijinx, and is indeed something of a rival to Jiro. Supposedly, he isn't much of a threat. Good -- Damian could use a break. "Alright." is finally said, placing the PDA back in his trenchcoat and moving to a bench. Fedora and clothing are transferred there, as well as doughnuts, and the large man stretches a few times before heading towards an open section of beach. Having one of the latter pastries in hand, of course.
With a pleased smile, young Alma follows Damian to a spot by the beach. A beachgoers that recognize either of the two begin to whisper to each other, and soon, though nobody's crowding around and the sound of people playing on the beach continues as normal, they have a bit of an audience, men and women lying on sand or towels peering over to see how things are going to go.
"Alma Towazu," the young man announces, looking more composed now, though his eyes are warm, reflecting both the sunlight without and the light within. "Hiten-Ryu Kung Fu. ...highly personalized," he adds, completely deadpan.
~ This will be a great opportunity to test out my newest refinements to my style. I wonder how well they'll work, against a fighter like this? ~
"Are we ready?" he calls, tossing his towel aside -- it lands, somehow, neatly folded in a square -- and planting his surfboard in the sand, holding it up with one hand. "Please, Williams-san... do your best!"
Cue that piano battle theme from Advent Children, that one from Tifa's fight. Man, I love that battle theme. Friggin awesome.
Without even apparently adopting a stance, Alma kicks the surfboard, and it flies true, flipping vertically without losing much momentum at all, despite air resistance. Thus revealing the anime-realism strength for which super-powered martial arts are loved, Alma seems to disappear as the large surfboard looms in his opponent's vision -- and then, catching some previously unseen current of air, skips to the side harmlessly, catching the sand a foot to Damian's right and spiralling away. It is a feint, of sorts, for as it blurs distractingly past the man's peripheral vision, it may divert attention from the real threat; Alma, closing the distance in a heartbeat, lashing out with his hand to emit a blast of purple-pink energy, sparking with motes of light. "SACRED... WAVE!"
COMBATSYS: Alma has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Alma 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Damian has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Alma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Damian
COMBATSYS: Damian reflects Sacred Wave from Alma with Inversion Field.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Damian
"Uh." After Alma announces himself, Damian appears to be somewhat awkward, scratching the back of his head. "Damian Williams. Hell if I could explain what I do. I guess you'll find out." Flowing into a rather defensive stance, Damian appears to merely wait for the first assault. He actually seems to be warming towards Alma a bit. This is a nice surprise. A fighter who's actually nice and polite. Unlike that gruff Jiro who seems to only care about eventually beating in Damian's head. This is distracted as the feint is done, but Damian literally doesn't move a muscle until he notices an actual assault. His own palm raises, and just before the sacred wave impacts, there's a surge of cerulean energy. It impacts the assault dead-on, easily sending it screaming back for the effeminate fighter. A few crackles go through the man's form, but he returns to his defensive posture anew.
COMBATSYS: Damian successfully hits Alma with Reflected Sacred Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Damian
Alma's psychic senses fizzle and flare as his own assault is turned back on him; he can dish it out, but he has yet to build up any real psychic defenses. He seems to stagger a bit -- more than is appropriate, not that Damian would know -- but takes a quiet, deep breath and sets himself down strong again. Breathing deep again. Letting the ambient chi from the area, from the people around him, even from his opponent's attack, drift through him and strength him as he makes it his own. Letting go the pain. Letting go the memories, that seek to flow through the pierced veil of his mind.
But while Alma's zen is easy go, it's also easy come. He recovers fairly quickly, and overall, despite that initial staggering, he doesn't look that much the worse for wear anymore.
Psycho Power begins to coil around his bare arms, as he continues to center himself...
COMBATSYS: Alma gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Damian
There's absolutely no real reaction. Damian simply narrows his eyes, raising a clenched fist near his chest and extending a palm towards Alma. His stance shifts upon the sand, fluid and perfect. It obviously has edges of special forces, yet seems to be mostly defensive oriented. As well as having a tendency towards rapid assault and strength, if one watched the partial demonstration on the Saturday Night Fight before Mimiru managed to beat down the recovering fighter. In other words there's not much to pose, so lalalala.
COMBATSYS: Damian focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Damian
Well... this is gonna be rough. Face it like a true warrior, Alma!
~ The only way is to draw him out... ~
With a deep, powerful, yet oddly cheerful -- or perhaps even 'joyous' -- battle shout straight from the gut, Alma... phases out of existence. For just a split second. Quickly reappearing right in front of Damian with a sudden burst of wind, trailing flakes of Psycho Power flame shaped like flower petals and bringing with him a hint of pine scent, he blurs into a series of short jabs. Even if his hands don't ignite, it's obvious his momentum is spurred on by his own inner strength.
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Damian with Rekka Rush.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Alma 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Damian
There doesn't appear to have been much care about the incoming fist. Actually, Damian had attempted to drive through it, and the short jabs would feel like they hit cement. It might be more uncomfortable for Alma then he might realize. And what does Damian do in the interim? He rears back his right arm, and his form bursts into cerulean energy. The crackles flit up to his hand, and he then strikes out in an attempt to grasp Alma by the face. If this works, he'll be slammed into the sand with a gruesome amount of force, before a concentrated blast of energy is sent into his skull. The explosion is fierce, flaring over Damian and for a moment blotting him out. Even if he misses, the sand is going to be neatly kicked up. "Nnngh!"
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Damian's Complete Obliteration.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Alma 1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0 Damian
Alma's not exactly "energetic". A better word -- at least the one that he would supply -- would be "passionate". And this passion spurs him on to act quickly, and build his fighting spirit up with astonishing speed. When Damian reaches out, Alma, acting as only a model can, protects his face, and manages to block the ensuing explosion with both arms crossed, his battle aura flashing around him with sparks of Sacred Psycho Power. He slides back with the momentum, skidding across the sand to better absorb the blow and redirect the force, but all of *his* forward momentum is gone.
This does not seem to bother him. All he does his reach out with his right hand, smile coolly with a little shake of his damp bangs... and snap his fingers.
"Rapture Break."
A little cherry blossom of pure energy emerges from his snap. It fragments, and blows away into nothingness, within a second.
This second is hopefully long enough for Damian not to notice the huge geyser of psychic energy that is about to erupt beneath him in a torrent of pink-purple, ego-crushing power.
COMBATSYS: Damian stops Two Heavens Harmony from Alma with Deflection Field.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0 Damian
The reaction to this is simple. Damian's entire form explodes with cerulean energy, just prior to the horrific onslaught of psi energy. He is completely entombed, lost in the raging storm of Alma's assault. Yet when it whisks away, he is completely unharmed. The mild blue glow remains, suddenly flickering out with a disturbingly mechanical noise. Damian raises an eyebrow, but beyond that flows back to his defensive posture. "Not bad." is offered, even if it's obvious that this particular tentacle man is not going to be within a hundred miles of easy to take down.
Ash has disconnected.
Alma's expression stays calm, but his brow tilts away ever so slightly, revealing... mild disappointment? "Not bad yourself," he returns, with a lopsided smile.
~ Fromthe level of his aura... I didn't think I'd be outclassed this badly. Just goes to show, I guess. But this fight is just getting started... ~
"Humph!" Alma suddenly rushes forward, lunges, and then drops like a rock, somehow converting into a powerful sliding kick. He skids across the sand and sweeps hard, hoping to knock Damian's feet from under him, and then immediately flip up on his hands and back into the air, to avoid being caught in a prone position whatever the outcome.
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Damian with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0 Damian
The kick manages to impact Damian dead in the shins, but he didn't seem particularly concerned about it. He actually just tried to shift to the side, although he's obviously a rather slow opponent. Alma's not easily able to pierce his defenses, something that Damian is going to take advantage of. But still, as the boy tries to flip, Damian strikes out with rather surprising speed. His attempt is to punch Alma right in the back of the head as he raises, with every ounce of force he can muster. It might be uncomfortable to say the least. "You are much more refined then Jiro." is complimented, seemingly out of the blue.
COMBATSYS: Damian successfully hits Alma with Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Damian
If Alma hadn't used so much Psycho Power just a second ago, he'd probably have been able to avoid that attack. As it is, no luck this time; he's pounded in the back of the head, and with a quiet grunt, is plowed facefirst into the sand -- or he would've been, if he hadn't quickly caught himself in a handspring, pushed off, twisted himself in midair, and landed like a cat, facing his opponent. He can't help but squint from the pain. That was a rough one.
He's pretty acrobatic for such a big guy, though. Ah, youth.
"Don't underestimate Jiro," he says, with a gentle smile. He doesn't seem particularly surprised at all by Damian's comment. And the gentleness of his smile is a bit odd; his eyes suddenly look a bit older. "He and I are very different, but the rage that fuels him, and his beastlike fighting style, can be effective against some opponents." He rises more fully to his feet, and grins. "I'll give you one thing, though: both Jiro and I have a lot to learn."
His grin is even brighter than usual. This may be because, as he's been talking, his normal energy has been gathering around him and changing to something not quite so usual; gentle waves, rather than roaring flames. The yin to his yang. He appears... less battered, now.
Maybe, for him, talking in the middle of fights is more clever than it would be for others.
"I underestimated him the first time. His raw offensive ability almost managed to overtake me." Damian seems to distantly reminisce, making something of a mild frown. "But I am trained as a bodyguard." Damian's not about to delve into a huge explanation of his fighting style, at least not while one remains perfectly capable of utilizing it against him, but does seem to simply take a deep breath and roll back his shoulders. He's going to take advantage of the opening if nothing else. He might not be able to heal himself nearly as well as Alma, but he wasn't even that injured in the first place. "As for learning? I still am. I have only been training the last three years. I entered the... Sport somewhat late in my life."
COMBATSYS: Damian takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Damian
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Alma with Faith Healing EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Damian
"Still learning?" Alma's eyelids lower slightly, and he tilts his head slightly with a mild smile, unconsciously giving the sort of look that would turn a 13-year-old girl's knees to jelly. "A noble sentiment. In that case, I must give nothing but my all -- in the hope that we'll both take something valuable away from this encounter."
~ Gee, I really am in a good mood. I haven't even stuttered once. Getting into the flow of things is just getting easier and easier... ~
Anyway. Break time's over.
With sudden speed, Alma flips into the air, gathering Psycho Power around him as he rises, and, reaching the zenith of his flight, igniting his right leg. With a burst of hitherto nonexistent momentum, he then suddenly blasts down at Damian's head, in an attempt to strike his opponent heavily with a flaming hooking kick.
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Damian with Engeki Shooter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Damian
That one hurt. There was an attempt to block it, but instead he is viciously struck dead in the face. He is sent stumbling backwards, the psychic aura doing quite a number upon him. Crashing upon his back, Damian skids in the sand for a short distance, coming to rest rather sprawled out. It was obviously an ungodly blow, but almost immediately the man lurches up, rubbing his chin and grunting in pain. "Ow. I heard Psychic power was painful, but I could of been given a smaller demonstration..." Slowly getting to his feet, obviously unsettled, Damian pats at his bleeding lip before shrugging his shoulders. "Alright. I guess I better take off my gloves. I don't like doing this, though..." His eyes then begin to fade to white, entire body tensing. His chi is suddenly... Tenfold. It was like everything Alma felt before was fastly condensed. His body bursts into cobalt flames, licking up his entire body as arcs of electricity begin to flicker. "Nnnnnnngh....!" is roared, ground shaking a bit. He looks to be in a large amount of pain from this, but still raises up his palm and faces it towards Alma. Still, it might be noted... That although his actual /chi/ might be ungodly, he's obviously not able to control all that much of it. Yet probably far more then the other man would want.
COMBATSYS: Damian focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Damian
~ Uuuuaaaaaahhh. *That* explains it. ~
Flipping back from his attack and landing squarely, Alma takes a deep breath of his own, letting out a quiet sigh, purple-pink flames rise from his own body as well. They do not match Damian's flames for intensity, but... at least they offset the color, you know? That's important, that is.
~ Find the center. The center within the centerless Void... ~
A sense of peace subsumes Alma's now expressionless features. Gone is any smiling or grinning; but the joy is even stronger than before, nearly palpable in intensity. Only it is not joy, translated as 'happiness'. It is joy as passion, as true and total passion, as fighting spirit. Not the will to win -- the will to give one's very all, to imprint one's self, whatever that might even be, onto reality. The drive for self-expression.
This feeling pours out of every pore of Alma's body, as he awaits his opponent's true power.
COMBATSYS: Alma gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Alma 1/----===/=======|=======\===----\1 Damian
The gathering energy from Alma is noted by Damian, as well as his tension. Although he is having a lot of difficulty thinking, still a single thought runs through his mind. .oO( ...No... not yet... ) However, his palm doesn't lower. The churning chi fades down to little more then a mantle, something that seems more an uncomfortable side-effect then show. The air around Alma begins to warble, shimmering, before Damian clenches his fist. There's suddenly a tremendous implosion that attempts to suck Alma into the delicious burning and chewy center. This seems to be only a taste. Damian is waiting, quite patiently, for the right moment to act. .oO( Not now... Not now... Oh, god...! ) He can't hold this much longer regardless of what transpires.
COMBATSYS: Damian successfully hits Alma with Selective Extinction.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Alma 1/=======/=======|=======\====---\1 Damian
~ ...what!? ~
Despite his best attempt, Alma cannot hold his ground. Grimacing, he's dragged into the maelstrom, and battered heavily -- and emerges in a rush, slowed by the attack but not stopping for anything, his eyes burning with summoned power.
~ There's no other chance! This is it! ~
"...rnngh..." With a grunt of both effort and pain, Alma's battle aura burns into existence around him, a halo of energy that begins to form around his hands. He twists, gathering momentum, and shouts. "SCREAMING DRAGON!" A series of uppercuts from several feet away send cyclones of Psycho Power-imbued wind to batter his opponent.
Then, in a flash, he is merely inches away.
Blurring into multiple images of himself, seven Almas punch at Damian in a line, and the final one finishes, after only a split second of this, with a rising uppercut of psychic flame.
[OOC] Damian says, "What's the revelation?!"
[OOC] Damian says, "I MUST KNOW"
COMBATSYS: Damian fails to interrupt Sacred Rekka Revelation from Alma with Localized Cataclysm.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Alma 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Damian
[OOC] Alma says, "It's that I'M AWESOME"
Too long. Damian held it too long.
Before the horrendous detonation of chi can be done, Damian is struck dead in the stomach. The remaining energy merely fizzles away, burned into nothing. Doubled over, every other blow impacts perfectly as well, finally sending the man flying into the air. Landing on the ground rather disconcerted, a curious fact might be seen. His black business suit isn't even wrinkled or dirty. The power of holographics. Slowly, coughing heavily, he manages to get back to his feet. "...Heh... oops... That worked on Jiro..." is commented, blood spit upon the sand and head grabbed as Damian stumbles across the sand.
It goes against Alma's good nature to take advantage of a wounded, distracted opponent. But this is a challenge, to which both of them must give their very best. And he would expect no less from any opponent, were the same to happen to him. This is, he is convinced, part of the path of the warrior. This is the way to the Way.
Mercy and compassion will come after he's won.
~ ...passion, not technique, overwhelmed him there. I have a lot to learn. ~
Only having skidded back a few feet from the force of his own attack, Alma steps out in an odd sideways lunge, strangely graceful, in the usual manner of Hiten-Ryu. With a stagger step, he then lunges out with a fierce sidekick to Damian's head, attempting to bowl the other fighter over with a final powerful blow.
COMBATSYS: Damian blocks Alma's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Alma 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Damian
Yet a forearm lifts and stops the attack dead, Damian managing a grin. "You are definitely the most impressive opponent I have yet faced..." is offered out, and he doesn't look to be nearly disappointed that this might be his first lost. Then again, Damian was never an arrogant man. Humble and quiet, who loses more potential in underconfidence then anything else. But that does not mean this battle is over. He suddenly strikes out, and attempts to grab Alma's face once more. "But this fight is not over!" He's be slammed into the ground amidst another catastrophic explosion, in a manner that might actually even out this particular fight if it fully connects. For Alma's sake, we can hope it will not.
COMBATSYS: Damian successfully hits Alma with Complete Obliteration.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Alma 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Damian
Well *that's* for sure. So much for Alma's advantage.
Or maybe not. Alma doesn't exactly spring back from this one; he more, sort of, rolls and staggers away. His nose is bleeding from the sheer force exploded within him, and his flames are flickering weirdly, but his gaze is as steady as ever. This kid just doesn't know when to quit. Or, maybe, he knows it's not quite time to quit just yet.
"It's an honor," he manages simply, before taking another deep breath, attempting to recontruct his aura and his ribs. The rapt gazes of their unofficial audience; the crash of the waves; the powerful aura of the man across from him; his own undeniable love of life and the fight -- these are all fuel for his power.
This is not the resolve of iron or oak. This is the resolve of bamboo...
His nose stops bleeding.
This won't stop Damian from attempting to stop this particular healing, however. He snaps forward and rears back his right arm, and attempts a devestating uppercut to send the other fighter flying backwards. It's a somewhat desperate motion, but one can at least give the other man points for not outright throwing in the towel. And in actuality, it's Alma's own passion that infected him. In most circumstances he'd not care in the slightest. He's injured, Alma is obviously well above him, and he's weakened.
But something is different... For the first time, he wants to win. .oO( ...So is this the spirit of a true fighter? ) mulls through his head in a lazy manner.
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Alma with Faith Healing EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Alma 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1 Damian
COMBATSYS: Damian successfully hits Alma with Uppercut Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Alma 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1 Damian
Wham! The punch catches him hard as hellfire, and casts him up into the air, head snapped back...
He looks down, through exhausted eyes, and smiles slightly. There is effortless calm in that expression.
"So strong."
And, with a final gust of the winds of fate, he kicks out, even as he is carried away by the powerful attack.
COMBATSYS: Damian blocks Alma's Rekka Rush.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > // ]
Alma 1/-----==/=======|=======\=------\1 Damian
A forearm raises, and deflects this attack as well. Damian lets out a hiss of pain, but obviously is not in the best of condition afterwards. He can sense it. That thread. This can still be won. But he might have to actually do something less then... kosher in order for such. Ducking down, he then gropes around the ground for something. Anything. He finds a bottle, and in a swift motion hurls it right towards Alma's head. This was really more desperation then anything truly malicious. Obviously the heat of the moment. Yet he rushes forward immediately afterward, intent on one final climatic end... "RRRAUGH!"
COMBATSYS: Alma overcomes Thrown Object from Damian with Two Heavens Harmony.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\ < > // ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|=======\=------\1 Damian
[OOC] Damian says, "Sweet holy god why"
Alma lands. Looks up.
His eyes are fire.
"RRRRRRAUUGHHH!" he returns, with equal force, and with a single thrust of his palm, Psycho Fire surging around him, he fires a pure stream of light at his opponent. This is not a normal technique. It does not have a name.
It is his very self, to be engraved upon Damian's soul.
COMBATSYS: Damian fails to reflect Two Heavens Harmony from Alma with Resonance Cascade.
[ \\\\\\\ <
Alma 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Damian can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\ <
Alma 0/-------/-----==|
There was an attempt to summon one last well of strength, attempting to strike that assault just as hard as it came in. But the light easily pierces through, striking Damian dead in the chest. This was truly a titanic fight, to say the very least. He is sent hurtling backwards, flying off the very beach and rolling to a stop on the boardwalk. His suit is unharmed, but his mind? That's another matter. Damian is completely unconscious to say the least.
Alma lowers his hands, closes his eyes, and exhales.
There is a moment of awed silence before the unofficial audience erupts in applause and cheers, for both fighters. This was an epic fight, to say the least, and not one that any of them are going to forget in a hurry. A couple of little girls, mostly in frilly one-pieces, rush up to Alma with pieces of paper clutched in the small hands; but when he opens his eyes to bow respectfully to his audience, he smiles gently and raises one finger at the girls, gesturing for them to wait, before walking over to where Damian now lies.
Kneeling down, Alma lets what remains of his Psycho Power wash over his fallen opponent. There isn't much. But it's a bit of a Psycho Band-Aid, before he's completely and utterly drained.
No, not drained. Purified.
With the strength of a fighter -- and still quite a bit of effort, this guy's big, man -- Alma manages to heft Damian up a bit and carry him just a couple feet to a bench by the side of the boardwalk, where with yet more effort, he arranges his fallen opponent in a moderately comfortable position. Wincing as he withdraws, Alma raises an eyebrow. What's this guy wearing, lead weights beneath his suit?
The youth bows, once, low.
And then turns and walks, without looking back, to his waiting fans, and fallen surfboard.
There isn't a whole lot to heal. Damian is solid as a break, and it seems to have been more the psycho power then anything else that impacted the man. However, the rejuvenating surge causes his eyes to flutter to life, doing something near a shuffle that probably hurts more then helps. Slumped into his bench, a trembling hand pulls out a doughnut and begins to chew on it numbly. He is spaced out, not seeming to notice the bow, yet won't die at least. Psycho Power attacks the mind. The plus side is, recovery should be fast. ...Then why does Damian seem to be now 'off'...?
Log created by Alma, and last modified on 18:07:16 09/25/2005.