Description: Or: Karin Sucks, Part 4 (the missing part 3 is her getting owned by Jiro, lost to the ages). During a charity bout for Metro reconstruction, Sie Kensou reverses the food chain and completely owns Karin. That's... basically it. Like the fight, short and to the point.
Welcome to Chinatown! It's... a town. With Chinese flavor. Like ramen noodles. Yeah, shut up, it's 3am here. Among the colorfully-lit streets thronged with people and the vibrant marketplace is cordoned off a small area with police tape in the middle of the street. Quite a crowd has gathered around it, too. Why? Because Sie Kensou agreed to fight Karin Kanzuki, with a raffle and other fundraisers present to drum up finances for the Metro reconstruction. Thus there's an air of excitement.
Standing on one side of the area and going through some warmup stretches is the blonde bombshell herself, dressed to the nines (well... eights) in her typical black leather/red fuku fighting gear. Why is she here? Because the zaibatsu is doing some damned good business in private reconstruction contracts in Metro and it's good for the company to make a show of good PR. And this is some damned good PR even if she loses. Patiently, she straightens and waits for Kensou to show.
Of course Kensou agreed; he's a /hero/, you know, how could he not agree to participate in a charity event? Especially one that actually caters to his particular talents. Sure, sure, Athena would probably make for a bigger draw, but that doesn't mean that Kensou's name doesn't have an appeal... Especially here in Chinatown, where he's something of a local hero. Unfortunately, as so often is the case with the luckless kenpoist, /something/ has happened, and he's running a little behind schedule. Maybe he can pass it off as being fashionably late? Anyway, the Chinese fighter ends up having to /run/ to the cordoned-off area, nudging and working his way through the crowd, finally leaping over the police tape barricade and looking a little red-faced, either from exertion or embarassment. Stupid chores that he forgot to do on time. "OKAY!" exclaims Kensou, looking up with a more confident and relaxed expression, and striking a bit of a dramatic pose. "Sie Kensou is here, ready to give alla his fans a great show!" Then, he notices something, looking over at Karin, with a confused blink. "Hey... Who're you?"
COMBATSYS: Karin has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Karin 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Kensou has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Karin 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
Oy gevalt. At least, if she were the Brooklyn Jewish type Karin might be saying such a thing, but as a good little Japanese girl who just happens to be blonde (don't ask), she instead simply gives Kensou a 'look'. Why does she always seem to attract the nutjobs at events like this? Giving him a moment to get ready -- but only a brief one -- Karin decides to answer Kensou's question with a bullet! Alright, it's actually a palm thrust to the gut with considerable force, but still... if it connects that sucker's gonna hurt something hardcore. "Hello," she says brightly, right before striking. "I'm your opponent!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou dodges Karin's Hou Shou.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Karin 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
"Oh, really? Nice to--" HEY! NOT COOL! Kensou's eyes widen at the hand jabbing towards his gut, but despite the advantage of surprise Karin has, her palm does nothing but graze his shirt, as he nearly collapses into the barrier dodging backwards. "Geez, aggressive, aintcha?" he says, but rather than risk going out of bounds, the Psycho Soldier chooses from his available directions... Forwards? Actually, it seems like he's mimicing the motion Karin just made, though he's going more for speed than power, just attempting to tap his open palm against Karin's sternum. Should his palm land, then there's a brief flash of blue-white light, to hurl the blonde /away/. "Haa-!"
COMBATSYS: Karin counters Sunda from Kensou with Yasha Gaeshi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
The key statement here being "should his palm land"; acting quickly, Karin simply reaches out and *snatches* said palm, holding it fast. She's strong for a little blonde girl. "Forgive my rude start, Mr. Kensou, but the fans were getting anxious." And then she takes her unoccupied hand and gives tit for tat, ramming it right into Kensou's sternum instead. Of course, no flash of psycho power because she has to rely on good old Ameri... Japanese strength to get the job done. "A few wondered if you'd been hit by a bus."
Hello, that's new. "Hurk," pronounces Kensou, as he gets the wind knocked out of him. Unpleasant! "'kay... That was pretty good," he says around coughs, staggering a bit. Not fun. Not fun /at all/. Still, at least it's going to be a challenge, right? "But, don't go underestimatin' me yet!" He makes a quick whipping motion with one hand, then, and this time Psycho Power coalesces regardless of what Karin does; a blue-white sphere launches from his hand at the blonde, and /oh man/ does his sternum still hurt. What is she made out of, cement? Hopefully, this buys him some time to get a grasp on the situation!
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Karin with Choukyuu Dan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Kensou
There's no snappy comeback to that. Projectiles are Karin's big weakness and it shows here; she attempts to get out of the rather speedy psychic shot and doesn't really succeed; it impacts and sends her stumbling back a few steps back into a fighting stance and gives Kensou the distance he was probably expecting. Her face knits into a frown for just a moment -- she couldn't ID psycho power in a lineup with a catalog and name tags, but something about that attack seemed... weird to her. However, it doesn't last long and the blonde in on her feet again, tearing up the distance between her and Kensou and lashing out with two quick palm strikes, followed by a pair of elbow strikes, one from the left and one from the right. Tricksy! "Hup... HAH!"
COMBATSYS: Karin successfully hits Kensou with Guren Ken.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Kensou
/That's/ the ticket. Kensou grins confidently as the Psycho projectile hits home, raising a hand to make a 'tsk' motion, wagging his finger at the blonde. "Don't look so confused! It leaves you wide ope--Hey, wha...!" So much for getting the chance to talk smack! The psion gets rushed at, and then quite thoroughly struck with palms and elbows, depositing him on the ground. Geez! What was that about wide open? Anyway, Kensou's process of getting back up to his feet quickly evolves into him making a low, horizontal jump /at/ Karin, hopefully getting inside her defenses as he brings up his left elbow, braced by his right arm, and also his left knee, to strike with both at the rich girl. Presuming those land, Kensou quickly twists his waist to knee her with his right knee, and then /continues/ twisting in an impressive little feat, to bring his left heel around in a wide roundhouse at Karin's side, just below her ribs. "Yaaa-!"
COMBATSYS: Karin blocks Kensou's Ryuu Renga.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Kensou
Hoodamn, that's a fast strike. Karin doesn't have time to get out of the way, so she doesn't bother; instead she throws up her arms and simply takes the smack right on the forearms. Does it hurt? Yep. Does it hurt less than taking a slightly miffed Kensou straight to the face? HELL yes. "I'm around Shingo far too often for you to start using that phrase," she throws back with a sort of exasperated look as she falls back into stance and Kensou recovers from the blow. "But you're an interesting fighter. Very aggressive." Speaking of aggressive, she simply follows up that comment not with a verbal jab, but rather with a physical one: a quick knife-hand directed right at Kensou's neckline. Very wire-fu. Wataah!
COMBATSYS: Kensou endures Karin's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1 Kensou
"Tch...!" Kensou doesn't seem too pleased that his little combo was blocked, but... Well, at least she didn't hit him in the sternum again, because that hurts. Taking a little hop back to land in his own, wide-legged stance, Kensou watches the blonde /very/ carefully. "Can't win a fight if ya don't attack!" says he, proving that not all the Chinese are fonts of pithy wisdom. Then, hey, he's getting hit in the neck! Except, Kensou doesn't really seem to make any effort to avoid or reduce the damage... He simply stands there and takes it, his body tensing, his eyes intently focused right on Karin's face, and then maybe she'll notice the part where his right arm is extended towards her, not quite touching, now that she's in so very close, his left hand against that upper arm...
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Karin with Senki Hakkei.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Karin 1/----===/=======|=------\-------\0 Kensou
...And for a moment, there's a bluish glow in those focused, brown eyes of Kensou's, and his hair and clothing shift as if he were being rustled by a faint breeze that doesn't touch Karin at all. "Tag," Kensou says quietly, before gritting his teeth in focus, and then things get interesting. The entire street is suddenly awash in a bright, blue-white light, as a sphere of Psycho Power emanates from Kensou's hand and envelops Karin, going off like a bomb; inside the sphere, smaller explosions, like 'pops' of that weird energy, batter the blonde fighting schoolgirl, before the Psycho Soldier finally loses his control over it, the sphere exploding apart and shoving Kensou away, while /hurling/ Karin away! This leaves Kensou standing, at least, with his right palm smoking. "You're it," he calls over to her, his tone a bit more jovial than before.
Well. It's too fast to evade, it's too close to block, and all walking into it is going to do -- as Karin basically shows -- is get you hurt. There's enough time for her eyes to widen before she heads into the light, as Bao might put it, the blast hammering the blonde's body and soul combined. It's a kind of raw technique, but it certainly does the job. Yet Karin is not about to be put down so easily; at the last second she focuses her will and simply... pushes back. Mostly physically, but perhaps spiritually as well, turning what should have been a knockout blow into something that merely sends her skidding across the pavement to land in a crouch. Beaten, bruised, but still very much up. "Alright. Normally I don't engage in one-upping showmanship, but it's for a good cause." And then she does a quick forward flip that gives her the momentum to simply *VAULT* at Kensou, her right hand a blazing scythe, whirling through the air in continuous circles and aimed right at Kensou from above. "Kanzuki-ryu, Kou'ou Ken!"
COMBATSYS: Karin successfully hits Kensou with Kanzuki-ryu Kou'ou Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Karin 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0 Kensou
Giving his hand a little shake, because forcing that much power through it really isn't the most comfortable thing ever, Kensou raises his brows at the realisation that Karin is still up. "Let's see what'cha got!" Kensou calls, amicably, his boyish face splitting with a grin. See? This is all for fun and a good cause! No point in developing any hard feelings about nearly being blown up, right? Then... Wow, Karin's speed is pretty surprising, honestly, and the hapless Psycho Soldier can't manage to get out of the way of that freaky attack; Karin hits him good and proper, battering with her hand as she whirls, and ultimately knocking the poor boy down. "Keh..." Okay, he doesn't have that much fight left in him, after taking some pretty hard hits from the blonde. But he /does/ get back up, turning towards Karin to aim a quick punch at her as she lands. If the punch hits, he doesn't stop there; instead, he aims a few more overhand punches at the schoolgirl, finishing the combination off with a double axehandle aimed at the underside of her chin. "Not... Yet...!"
COMBATSYS: Karin fails to counter Ryuu Renda from Kensou with Mujin Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Karin 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0 Kensou
When she says she's not usually up for that kind of showmanship? This is why. Those big flashy attacks are certainly damaging if you can land them, but they oftne leave you in a vulnerable position when sopmeone decides to counterattack. Like, say... now. Karin whirls around as Kensou leaps at her and makes a desperate attempt to simply boot him out of the way. It doesn't work. The series of blows lands cleanly and... Karin's not looking so hot. She stumbles back into a fighting stance, facing Kensou wordlessly. It's never good when talkative fighters suddenly go quiet.
"Heh... Heh..." Kensou breathes heavily, his shoulder heaving, as he watches Karin. There's no way he's done yet, even in an exhibition match...! With all the training he's had lately from his teacher, with all the heart and hard wo--Okay, well, nix that last part. But, you know, he was planning on getting around to it. Now, though, it's a bit of a facedown, isn't it? What happens next is probably going to be the end of this whole little match, so... What to do? He could hang back and toss another Psycho Power blast, or he could go toe to toe with a rather dangerous young woman. Of course, he realises, that grin returning to his battered, sweaty face, playing it safe won't keep the audience entertained. "A'ight... This one's for everybody over in Metro City," he declares. Of course he missed that little escapade due to one of his drunken sifu's 'training expeditions'. A bit shakily at first, Kensou takes quick steps towards Karin, before jumping up and forwards quite spryly; he twists and turns in midair, to bring his right foot into a great big axe kick aimed at the schoolgir's blonde-haired head, that foot trailing a blue-white streak of that weird energy of his. "YAAAAAA-!" Win or lose, hey, at least it looks cool.
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Karin with Ryuu Sougeki.
[ \ < > / ]
Karin 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1 Kensou
COMBATSYS: Karin takes no action.
[ \ <
Kensou 1/------=/=======|
COMBATSYS: Karin can no longer fight.
[ \ <
Kensou 1/------=/=======|
The blonde just has no energy. Period. She makes a token attempt to get out of the way and it doesn't work; Kensou's final strike simply smacks her right in the face, sending her sprawling; she doesn't get up again, and after that becomes clear to everyone Kanzuki employees come to collect her and take her home to rest. Meanwhile, the crowd loves them some Kensou, and a Metro charity of his choice gets a substantial donation from the Kanzuki corp. Good job!
And the dramatic long shot... Pays off! Hooray! Kensou lands flat on his ass after the kick, but at least he's sitting, his legs akimbo and his hands supporting him. Dang, that was a close 'un. "Whew," says he, looking a bit surprised at the sudden bustle of zaibatsu employees to cart the fallen girl off - of course, he doesn't feel bad about knocking a girl out, a lot of the ones here in Southtown hit /really hard/ - instead, he'll enjoy the adulation of the crowd and the warm fuzzies of a job well done! ...And then the horrible feeling of his empty stomach gurgling. Here's to hoping he can get away from his fans before he passes out from starvation.
Log created by Karin, and last modified on 01:45:30 09/23/2005.