Description: Yeah, I'm all about the social scenes, so what, wanna fight about it? Actually, this one has a fight between Gabriel and Hokutomaru (though I wasn't there for the whole beginning) -- but, to be honest, the reason I copy-and-pasted the whole thing out into an improptu log was, well... Xiangfei is friggin' *hilarious*. And the world needs to know.
<< Belated Entrance, Here >>
Nevermind that Gabriel probably deserved to get ire from Sakura too, if you thought that maybe Momo was telling the truth about Gabriel being evil and doing terrible things to people and helping father's get murdered and all of that good stuff. If you didn't well never mind.
She adds to the order as Xiangfei spouts things off, somehow.. that all works out well enough. Probably Shinobu wants something too, so Gabriel just waits.
Shinobu eyes Hokutomaru. "Take them to your grave? What good are they there? Geez...", she says, oblivious to the 'drama' going on about her. She looks up to Xiangfei. "He has shuriken and everything.", Shinobu insists, closing her eyes and nodding to herself. She then looks to Gabriel... "Um... waffle cone... with orange sherbet, and mango sherbet, and... gummi bears.", she says, making it up as she goes, really.
Hokutomaru jawdrops at Xiangfei, "What!? Take that back! Take it back!" He begins pointing at her accusingly, "I'll have you know that I'm a powerful Ninja from the Shiranui clan! How dare you make such horrible accusations about me! Just because I'm small doesn't mean I can't be a ninja. Do you even /see/ my scarf!" He flings it out behind him quickly with one of his hands. "And I have plenty of secrets. Ohhhh... That's it! I'm going to show you what a student of Mai Shiranui and Andy Bogard can do!"
Xiangfei will actually be very pleased if her order is actually fulfilled, she has yet to find a place that can give her a fifteen scoop ice cream cone. Ths would truely be, "A dream come true," Xiang whispers with sparkling eyes, "I'm beginning to believe I truely have been blessed.
And then she looks to Gabriel, "For the record, by my ancestors, not by your nutty purification. What the heck were you thinking anyway?" The hip-hop girl slips her hands into her pockets, gaze shifting to Shinobu again and quirks a brow. Ninja gear, eh? "It's probably one of those Ninja Turtle disc-shooters, Shino. Your imagination gets a little 'out there' sometimes, you know that?" That's her story and she's sticking to it! But the schoolgirl may not even be paying attention anymore now that she's ordering ice cream, "Hey! Pay attention to what I'm saying!"
This is all lost however when Hokutomaru suddenly flips out, and seems to be trying to impress Xiangfei. Such is not the case! She just continues to watch the boy, clearly anything but impressed, "Uh-huh.. What're you gonna do, grow breasts at me?" but noting that he's serious, she frowns a bit, "Hey what's the big idea trying to fight a waitresS? Tell you what, beat one of my champions, and I'll apologize, recognizing you as a 1337 ninja!" as she points to Gabriel and Shinobu. She's sure one of them will be happy to fight!
"I will accept a challenge," she says, finishing the order, Kai doesn't know what they will actually get when the restaurant delivery arrives. None the less she even orders something for the kid, but she doesn't specify what because she doesn't know who the boy is.
"He looks like a ninja to me, except he should be wearing black shouldn't he?" She frowns as she looks at him for a while.
"Maybe he's a Samurai?" Yep, it's all about the cliches right now.
Shinobu walks over, sitting down by a tree as if Xiangfei was unheard. She stretches out, and yawns. Xiangfei or Hoku... it really doesn't matter so much, to her. Li's capable of challenging Hoku on her own, or vice versa... since they both tied against Shinobu, they must be pretty even, right? Right. "Ice cream.", she mumbles to herself, anticipating... but it's too late. She's out of sugar /now/, and her damp form crashes out hard, her head rolling to the side as she falls asleep.
Hokutomaru glowers, "Ohhhh, now you're just trying to make me angry!" He cracks a grin, "But if that's the procedure that's what must be done! So!" He turns to Gabrial, "It is you that I will challenge, uh..." He stops acting so silly and aggressive, "What's your name again?" He blinks a few times, "It doesn't matter! Hotokumaru versus the unnamed ice cream ordering girl!" Another moment, "I'm not a Samurai! N-I-N-J-A!"
Xiangfei tries to fight back a smirk, but it would appear that Hakutomaru is buying the story, and on top of that, Gabriel has kindly risen to the challenge! Good move on her part, now the chinese girl can see if he's really a ninja without getting hit by some crazy technique that'll make her lose her taste-buds or something. "Well then, it's settled!" as she raises her hand in the air, "When my hand drops.. Let the fight begin!" and right then she chops the air, and then realizes something... Why didn't Shinobu volunteer?
Noting the sleeping girl, she suddenly leaps at her, grabbing her by the collar and shaking her violently, "Why do you always fall asleep at times like this??" she cries. But she'll give up soon enough.
"I am Kae Gabriel," she says, taking her pendant in her fist and murmuring a small prayer. She then stands and opens her hands, ready to start the fight. Actually she's ready to stand there and let him come to her. Not vanish and appear over her head or do some tricky ninja maneuver.
"When you are ready.. You may begin!"
COMBATSYS: Gabriel has started a fight here.
Shinobu replies with a mild snore. After all, waking up defeats the point of falling asleep in the first place!
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Gabriel
Hokutomaru nods and bows to Gabriel, "All right, then! I'm ready now!" And thus, the little Ninja starts off with a move that really isn't all that ninja like at all! He rushes forward and jumps up, attempting to wrap his legs around her waist while he makes several rather nasty scratches at her face with his hands. Ah! Crazy ninja-monkey attack!
CSYS: Hokutomaru has targeted Gabriel with an attack.
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru successfully hits Gabriel with Hikkaki.
Xiangfei... just sweatdrops.. After dropping Shinobu again and sits cross-legged to watch the battle. What the CRAP. She'll just sit at the sidelines for now, shaking her head. Ninja indeed!
Woah! He's fast! Too fast, he's too fast for her to guard, besides, what a random attack to make. She doesn't even know what to think of that. Though it doesn't phase her for long. Alright, she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and steps back from the attack, narrowing her eyes.
"That was.. nice." she says, not looking too fussed.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Gabriel
Hokutomaru hops down off of the girl after unleashing the strange attack, and then jumps backwards while flipping backwards as well, landing on the ground and somehow immediately switching into a forward slide, going right for Gabriel's feet. Nope, it may not be /that/ ninja-style of a move, but his style is more of a mishmash of two styles with his own thrown in it. "Thanks!" He calls out as he moves along the ground towards the feet.
CSYS: Hokutomaru has targeted Gabriel with an attack.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel fails to interrupt Sliding Kick from Hokutomaru with Serpent Coil.
Kai Gabriel seems to be waiting for this to come in, but when it does come in she gets swept out from beneath her. The ground is rather unforgiving, but could be worse. He's fast. But for the moment she can contemplate that on her back. Pretty sky, pretty clouds. She's too stunned to actually attack him just now.
Hokutomaru gets to his feet and dashes away after Gabriel hits the ground. He then does a sliding stop, slowly turning around as he does so and drops into a low crouch. After this he suddenly springs forward in a low arc jump, holding onto his knees as he darts towards Gabriel, reaching back for his home made bokken right before he reaches the ground and whipping out and swings hard twice at the prone girl.
CSYS: Hokutomaru has targeted Gabriel with an attack.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel blocks Hokutomaru's Kuuha Dan.
Finally, a bit of a break for Alma. What with trying to juggle finals with modeling, and still pursue his combative and artistic interests, even our super-Zen hero was getting a bit twisted up on himself; but no more! The water of his soul is flowing freely once again, no longer stagnating, dammed up by so many obstacles to inner peace. This is to say that Alma Towazu, pretty teen psychic heartthrob, is in a good mood. Not just his usual oneness-with-the-universe genuine-yet-instrutable-smile good mood. Oh no. He's actually grinning, the light bronze skin of his refined features brightened by the cheerful expression, and his calm eyes are more actively engaged (as opposed to... passively engaged. which I guess makes sense).
His first-ever trip to America with his modeling crew had been great. Meeting Jiro there had been especially fortituous; all in all, the world seems to be conspiring to give Alma yet more reasons to feel encouraged about his future. Not to mention the team offer! Sure, he doesn't *really* like Benimaru, but he can probably get over it... as long as Benimaru can, which is a bit less likely... still. Every day's a beautiful day when you're Alma Towazu. Only this one more so than usual.
" o/~ It's the pooower of loo-- o/~ --hm?"
Low baritone singing interrupted, the tall fighting model loosens his grip on his small bag of art supplies as he pauses to register a couple familiar auras. Including one he had just met yesterday! Finally, he might be able to start a real conversation with Gabriel again. It's been far too long. Sauntering over, relaxed and poised as ever, Alma rounds the bend only to see a fight in progress. And a certain somebody else he recognizes-- for better or worse. He pauses, just for a moment.
~ If... if I turn and run *now*--
--oh, some man I am. ~
With a little lopsided grin at himself, Alma's simple virtue gets the better of his rational self-interest, and he makes his way over to where Xiangfei is standing, keeping his eyes on the fight while staying far enough away so as not to interrupt it. "Hey, Xiangfei," the youth manages, sounding friendly, and only slightly self-conscious. "H-How you b-been?"
Mmm, that could of hurt, but glanced off Gabriel's arms it wasn't too unmanageable. She needs to start scoring some hits of course, thus far she's done a grand total of nothing. Well she gave him the advantage, but..
"Alright.. you're not too slow, I suspect you move faster when you're on the defensive."
She decides to jump into the air and head stomp Hokutomaru if he stays in one place long enough to get hit by her foot.
CSYS: Gabriel has targeted Hokutomaru with an attack.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Gabriel
COMBATSYS: Gabriel successfully hits Hokutomaru with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Gabriel
Xiangfei is just standing there minding her own business.. She'd had her hands full for months, and now she's back in Southtown on a bit of a well deserved vacation. Boy, she's really missed this lifestyle, no worries about winning wars, or running from police or having friends as your enemies. No siree.
The chinese girl, dressed in baggy-pants and big jersey, hair up in bells, she seems to be in a great mood herself. She blinks though, and yells at Gabriel, "What'd I tell you about using that technique!!" her mood is interrupted by Alma, who believe you me would NOT have been able to escape even if he did run, and she promptly jumps up, expecting him to catch her in his arms, "Darling!" she cries, clapping her hands, "More importantly, how have -you- been? Are you eating right?"
Hokutomaru stands ready and prepares to take the hit, but gee did it hurt a bit more than he expected! His head snaps back and he stumbles backwards, almost falling. He shakes his head quickly and frowns just slightly before breaking out into a wide grin. Yep, time to break out the ninja gear! He reaches into a hidden pocket and pulls a single shuriken from it, letting the shiny metal gleam in the sunlight before flinging it expertly towards Gabriel.
CSYS: Hokutomaru has targeted Gabriel with an attack.
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru successfully hits Gabriel with Large Thrown Object.
Glancing Blow
Kai Gabriel charges at the little runt, dodges a little to one side and ends up getting a cutting edge of the throwing star. It doesn't hurt so much as take her off her stride. Pity, but instead of letting that get to her she charges at him with a new direction to her attack, aiming a palm strike at his face, a chi snap around her hand as she withdraws with a 'Ya'!
CSYS: Gabriel has targeted Hokutomaru with an attack.
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru interrupts Serpent Snap from Gabriel with Rakka-zan.
Alma, instinctually assuming he's being attacked, snaps up with his arms to enter a guard position -- but Xiangfei is too fast! She's already upon him! Oh, it looks like this is the end for... no, no wait, she's not hitting him. Instead, he's caught her. Huh. Alma looks slightly bemused by this turn of events, but, bein' his psychic self, shrugs it off and rolls with it. Which is to say, he doesn't boggle at her too overtly, and manages to keep her aloft.
"I... I-I..." Composing himself with a subtle inhale and exhale, Alma easily recovers and continues, more relaxed. "I'm fine, thanks... just got back from a trip with the modeling studio, and I've been invited to join a team of fighters. So both my careers are picking up, and I've got time to relax, too." Despite himself, he grins again, still a little bit self-consciously. Ah, the simple pleasures. "Just cleaning up my apartment again, at the moment. So I've been cooking for myself..."
~ ...I really can't deny it... ~
"But, heh, whenever I do, I end up thinking about that lunch you made me," he confesses. "You're a way better cook than I am."
"I like your bells."
Poof! Hokutomaru's form turns into a spiral and suddenly his gone! A large puff of black smoke appears above Gabriels head and there he is, diving straight down at her! He cries something out and whips out his bokken once more, swinging mightily and smacking her right in the head with it. Still, the palmstrike still ends up hitting him, knocking him off course from the strong impact and causing him to land in a rather odd position. He recovers quickly and then grins over to Xiangfei. Try to say he's not a ninja /now/!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Gabriel
That hit hurt a little bit, actually it hurt a lot, totally knocks Gabriel off her stride. Now in fact she even looks annoyed. She knows how to fix that, one way. A quick dash and a quick slap. Time to even things out a bit. She'll just slip back to her feet and dash past the runt. Ignoring Xiangfei, she aims a chop to hit him on the base of the neck, aiming for a critical blow, so to speak.
"This should even things up a bit, " she hisses and then adds,
"Chop!" as if you couldn't tell what the attack was already.
CSYS: Gabriel has targeted Hokutomaru with an attack.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel successfully hits Hokutomaru with Venom Bite.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Hokutomaru 1/----===/=======|-------\-------\0 Gabriel
Xiangfei is certainly in a brighter mood herself, that can't be denied, and she kicks her legs lightly, crossing her arms on her tummy as she looks between the two fighters and back to the good-looking model. She seems genuinly interested in what he has to say, eyebrows raised and lips pursed in an 'ooooo' with the good news Alma has, "Wow! That's really great Alma!" she pipes, reaching up to pat his shoulder, then smirks as the other raises to poke his forehead, "Well -duh- I'm a better cook, what kind of woman would be beaten in cooking if they're going to open a resturaunt? If you'd like, I can make another one for you.." and to his compliment on the bells she squeals in delight, "Awww, Alma, that's so sweet! I bet someone like you says that to all the girls; oh and speaking of which," her pointyfinger shifts to Hokutomaru and Gabriel, "They're fighting because I accused the boy of not being a ninja.. It looks like he may be telling the truth after all- What a wacky world we live in, huh?"
Hokutomaru speeds up and attempts to get out of the way, but it just isn't enough. Thwack! He gets nailed right in the back of the neck, hard. "Itee!" He screams out and stumbles, smacking into the ground and eating dirt. Slowly he picks himself up, brushing himself off afterwards and rubbing the back of his neck where he got hit liberally. He mutters a little and watches her closely, not attacking but watching her movements carefully.
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru focuses on his next action.
Kai Gabriel at this time, having passed by the rat faced runt squirrel kid, realizes something. She pulls out a water bottle from her pocket, opens up the top and then hurls it at the kid's head.
"For your sins in the name of the merciful maiden, the Holy mother, I cleanse thee! REEPENT!"
The water bottle aimed to hit the kid in the head and well, make him very wet.
CSYS: Gabriel has targeted Hokutomaru with an attack.
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru overcomes Thrown Object from Gabriel with Chou Hissatsu Shuriken.
Hokutomaru grins brightly as the water bottle flies towards him, "I'm already clean, I don't need that!" He then strikes a very flashy pose and reaches into his pockets and throws a /ton/ of shurikens at her! First he holds three in his hand and throws them at her, turning the water bottle in shreds, then reaches in again and throws three more, and then three more, and even three more for 12 shuirkens! After then somehow produces a shuriken that is, no kidding, as big as he is, spinning around to get momentum on it and hucking the massive projectile at Gabriel. As all this happens he calls out, "Ne, ne, ne, ne, ne!"
COMBATSYS: Gabriel blocks Hokutomaru's Chou Hissatsu Shuriken.
Gabriel raises her arms and blocks it, the final impact leaving her rather undamaged.. She looks unimpressed, even if she is sweating and breathing heavily from effort, it's from the combined effort of the fight, rather then any one attack.
"Fast. Not particularly strong.. Could be a ninja,"
Kai nods to herself and moves in again to hit the blasted rat turtle faced .. whatever.
Another palm strike with a snap of chi around the edges.
CSYS: Gabriel has targeted Hokutomaru with an attack.
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru dodges Gabriel's Serpent Snap.
Hokutomaru crouches down and jumps up into the air, the palm passing just under his feet as he rises. He lands on the ground and, again, slides forward and attempts to kick Gabriel's feet out from under her. Hey, when something works, it works. "Miiiised me!"
CSYS: Hokutomaru has targeted Gabriel with an attack.
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru successfully hits Gabriel with Sliding Kick.
And once again it works. Mmm, not exactly strong hits, but strong enough to slowly wear her down. She'll not be giving up yet, no, she'll make another attempt, one with a rising force, she swings her arms around in a twisting flight.
It's a pilfer from Hotaru! Sort of though actually it's more of a dragon kenpo style that 'gets around'.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Gabriel
CSYS: Gabriel has targeted Hokutomaru with an attack.
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru interrupts Tenshin Shou from Gabriel with Rakka-zan.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > // ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Gabriel
Hokutomaru waits for the attack to come his way, and whips out his bokken once more. He wiggles his fingers on the hilt and jumps into the air, trying to get up above the raising attack, swinging again for the girl's head. Thwack! And again, thwack! Ouch! He didn't quite get high enough to get away, but at least he got that nice hit in! He lands on the ground and grins at the girl, practically daring her to attack him again.
Well she looks like she's down, but not without making some form of final attack right? It's a twist like a coil, a swinging thing ending with a back handed chop to the face. "Tenshi - .. er.. " *cough cough* She's so out of energy now.
"Uhhg.." She holds her head. She should be falling over, but she doesn't, she's still standing?!"
"Okay, I conceded you are actually a ninja." She offers a hand toward the ninja, if he hasn't hit her again to agree that in fact he is a ninja.
"You win.." Even if she hits him, she'll give him the win.
CSYS: Gabriel has targeted Hokutomaru with an attack.
COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru dodges Gabriel's Serpent Coil.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > // ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Gabriel
Hokutomaru hops back quickly, and then smiles brightly, "Great!" He then reaches out for the hand that just missed him and shakes it with his, "Good to know there are believers!" He doesn't gloat or anything, but he does lift a hand to wipe some sweat off of his brow, "Whew! That was a good fight. Thanks! It's good to get some /real/ exercise."
~ Alright, Alma. Relax. You know that you're just building this up to be worse than it actually is. Remember your philosophy, your self-training. Fight as you live, right? You're all about the Way being a part of everything, and how the same passion is applied in combat, art, schoolwork, and, indeed, all conceivable Paths: so social activities follow, right? You can be composed and engaging here, too, right? Sure you can. Suuure you can.
...don't... purse your lips... so close to... my face...
Arrgh! No! No! Shyness is the mind-killer! ~
Despite his general unease about being called her fiance, and thus a certain unwillingness to commit himself, Alma has to admit that, frankly, Xiangfei's cooking is really, really good. Plus, there's no need to insult her. So good-naturedness and, well, hunger combine to give Alma a genuine grin, his eyes twinkling with pleasure as he says calmly, "Another lunch would be wonderful, Xiangfei. It would make my day."
~ Hey... hey, that wasn't too hard. ~
At her response to his compliment, Alma actually manages to look nonchalant. "Oh, not *every* girl," he says, with an extremely convincing deadpan. "Just my favorites."
~ Ha ha! Hey, this is fun! I can joke around with her just like I-- wait. Should I have really said something like that to Xiangfei? Uhh... ~
And, promptly, Alma's mojo fades again. Oh, yes, this sure is a wacky world. Where kids say they're ninjas and then are actually telling the truth, and where Chinese martial chefs defeat poor innocent fighting models and then claim them as fiances...
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > // ]
Hokutomaru 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Gabriel
Xiangfei may purse her lips however she darn well pleases! Even if it isn't intentional; Xiangfei wasn't much of a flirt after all. In fact, in many cases she was pretty blunt, all her subtlty goes into her cooking. Interested in the match, she slips out of Almas hold, and then looks back to Alma once more as she reddens along the bridge of her nose, "It would be my pleasure," she pipes, clasping her hands togeather and bringing them to her cheek. The final line, however, catches her off guard, the smaller girls eyes widening, and taking a small step back, "Wh.. Wha... J.. Just the ones..." like a cat, she suddenly crouches, and then leaps into the air, arms extended for a splash to tackle Alma to the ground, "You didn't even stutter!!" she cries, "Daaarliiiiiiiiiing!!"
Kai Gabriel returns the smile to the boy and then turns to Xiangfei. She observes her and Alma and decides not to allow Alma to flirt with her anymore. Actually she better not interfere with them, so she takes the money out for the ice cream and walks over to the ninja and offers it to him
"Here, if you are paying for the ice cream it will force Li-san to accept you,"
She winks to Hokutomaru and gives a little wave.
"I'm Kae Gabriel, it was nice to meet you." She gives a bow and starts to sneak off.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel has left the fight here.
Alma actually doesn't tense up, this time.
~ ...she's right. I didn't... ~
This is, of course, to better let his body absorb the impact.
It's not the weight, you see. She's as light as a feather. But when Xiangfei wants to tackle somebody, well, Alma'd better roll for dodge or just accept, you know? The young fighting model tries to catch her, and vaguely manages something to that effect, but he's bowled over all the same, and hits the ground on his back. Painlessly, at least. "Aheh, heh heh, Xiangfei, I, uh, I d-don't know if... I mean, w-with the kid right there..."
Twisting his neck a bit, Alma looks for assistence, but it looks like Gabriel is leaving! "Wait, Kai-san," he says, managing to only sound a little desperate. "Are you leaving already?"
Xiangfei simply.. Grins, giving a little 'heeeee' when she collapses on top of Alma, resting quite comfortably really with her arms crossed on his chest, legs kicking lightly in the air, and grinning like a cat down to the fallen model. An arm slinks out to beep him in the nose though, and chimes, "Hmmn? What kid are we talking about?" she asks curiously, though she does notice at last that the fighting has died down. And so she looks to the side, and seems disappointed when Gabriel leaves.
On the other hand, a car pulls up at the front of the park with a resturaunt logo on the side. And out steps a well dressed man with one of those long tubes used for posters, and a couple of smaller cups in his other arm. He looks around curiously.
Hokutomaru nods to Gabriel before she runs off, and accepts the money. He frowns a little at Alma and is about to yell out that he's not some little kid, but decides against it. Besides. They don't look like they'd like to be yelled at right now. If he's learned anything from having an older sister, it's that you don't interrupt women when they get /that/ look in their eyes. It leads to pain. Serious pain. He grins a little as the ice cream man pulls up and does as he was told, running over and shoving a wad of money in his face and then toting the ice cream over, "It's here!"
Oh, no, no, please interrupt women when they get that look in their eyes. Come on. Please? Aww, shucks. Well, the manner in which Xiangfei is comfortably resting on Alma is, to him, perhaps one of the cutest things he's ever witnessed (and he's had long talks with Momo, for goodness sake), so it's no wonder he's starting to look a bit wild-eyed. But just as the color begins to rise to his cheeks--
~ Alma. ~
--a rather helpless-looking grin broadens across his features, and he starts to laugh, his shoulders shaking as he tilts his head up to peer at the older girl atop him, his elegant brow quirking as he seems to survey his own situation with amusement, and glancing down at his own nose with a bit of wry look as she beeps him. "Even when we're not duelling," he remarks, "you still toss me around. I'll have to train harder, just to keep up with *normal* encounters."
~ ...I didn't stutter, again.
This is Right, isn't it? To keep the conversation going, no matter what happens. To keep the situation flowing, to harmonize rather than mess things up with my shyness. Even if one does not draw great barriers between the concept of self and other, like I... it's still easy to see that this, not my shyness, is who I really am.
...gosh, I feel pretty good right now.
Course, there's a woman atop me. ~
"Ice cream?" he remarks casually, trying to tilt his head to the side again to see where Hokutomaru is. "Any for me?"
Xiangfei has Alma exactly where she wants him, and in just mere moments, his doom will be sealed. Sealed away forEVER! Being a fairly simple girl, she doesn't have quite as monologue-y train of thought as the model below her, but one could tell just by looking that again she's taking note that Alma is losing the stutter and she's RIGHT ON TOP OF HIM.
She grins myschivously, sliding up a little further to the boy, and she purses her lightly glossed lips, ".. Daaar-liiiing.." she coos in a deep whisper, her lips trailing slowly to meet Almas, the fire in her cheeks increasing.
Until Hoku suddenly speaks up about the same time Alma does, "WHAT??" she yells, handspringing to her feet, and nearly tackles at the ninja, instead she stops just short of tackling him, "The one in the tube is mine!" she cries, flailing her arms. The other two were supposed to be for Shinobu and Gabriel but... It would appear they're for the ninja and the model now. Eyes gleaming and shimmering, she slaps her hands on the ninjas shoulders if he allows, and tears stream down her cheeks, "You, Mister Ninja, are truely, truely a master of the mystic arts, I'm so sorry I doubted you!"
Meanwhile the delivery man is stagging around in confusion, with dollar bills stuffed in his mouth. He trips and falls into the open window of his car.
[OOC] Hokutomaru facefaults and then busts out laughing.
[OOC] Alma nearly falls out of his chair, cracking up.
Hokutomaru is suddenly grappled by the arms! Luckily he ignores his training and doesn't attack her, since this is not a fight. Instinct: Can't live with it, can't live without it. Instead, he just titters a bit as she speaks, a sweatdrop falling down the back of his head. "Thank…you." He manages to spit out, holding forward with a shaky hand the tubed icecream that she has claimed. "Here you go..." He speaks almost as if he is talking to a tiger eyeing the same piece of meat he is, very slowly and carefully.
For one brief, shining moment, the world goes all sparkly. Alma's eyes widen slightly, his lips part in surprise, and his cheeks color as Xiangfei moves in closer -- but he doesn't turn away. Had this happened a few months earlier, say, he might look like a deer frozen in the headlights of a semi. Now, instead, he looks more like a man poking at a landmine with a stick, out of sheer morbid curiosity.
His life flashes before his eyes. It is conspicuously absent of any kissing.
All rational thought processes shut down, and Alma closes his eyes, and tilts his head up--
--and, er, misses?
Blinking in surprise, both that he met air and that he even *tried* in the first place, Alma rises to a sit position and looks, blank-faced, over to where Xiangfei is now fretting over ice cream. He pauses for a couple moments, and then lets out a loooong breath. Hoooooooh.
~ Well, *that's* a relief. Almost got myself into trouble there. Thank goodness that ice cream came. Mmhmm. Yup.
Aww, who the hell am I kidding.
...damn it. ~
Rising wearily to his feet, Alma trudges over to where Hokutomaru is looking all wary, and casts a calm, tired, but genuine smile in the shorter kid's direction. "Hey, Mister Ninja," the tall fighting model says, with no better name other than the one Xiangfei has used, "are you taking the one with the sherbet and gummi bears? Because I'm all about sherbet and gummi bears."
Xiangfei is absolutly stoked about her 15 scoop ice cream cone, hardly able to wait to look at it, and her look almost feral. Hokutomaru is right to be wary, she might bite his hand off, "Hey, I'm Li Xiangfei, the Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey of Southtown! I noticed you're a friend of Sakura's it's nice to meet you! You've got some great moves, really gave Kai-san a run for her money there!" she hefts the tube off the ice cream and stares at the balancing scoop in all it's glory, her jaw dropping in awe. It's simply amazing! He tongue flicks out at the 7th scoop and then everything up falls over to the ground with a SPLAT. "..... Dag nabbit! This is uncalled for, I'm getting a refund immedietly! See you two later!" and with a wave, she bails, making a chase after the car that's just pulled off.
Log created by Alma, and last modified on 01:06:42 09/28/2005.