Description: Second charity match that Shingo finds himself involved in. This time it's against the lovely King in her very own Pao Pao Cafe.
If things had been different, King herself would have gone into Metro to try and put an end to things. But, unfortunately, Jan had gotten ill and tough times had struck the Pao Pao, requiring her to stay put in Southtown and see Metro suffer under Rolento's oppressive fist. Thank god others were not nearly as tied down...
For this reason, when the Reconstruct Metro City Fund asked her to join in on a PPV event to gather money to put Metro's infrastructure back together, she couldn't turn it down. What's a little bruising for the good of so many? Nothing. She hadn't been told whom would become her opponent, nor did she really care. Even if someone like Rugal showed up, she'd put on the best fight she could for the charity. If the same had happened in Southtown, she'd hope others would do the same.
Booking the match at the Pao Pao had been her idea, too. She'd recently implemented a five-percent donation to the charity for all purchases, so the extra publicity for the place couldn't hurt. Besides, it made it that much easier for her to have a pre-fight glass of Sauvignon Rouge without having to pay much for it. The blonde leaned against the bar, listening to the bustle of activity... Cameramen and grips wored furiously at getting things ready before the closed venue let in the second member of this combat. Whom would it be? Only a few minutes until she would know...
More like a few seconds and then she would know who she would be facing for today's charity match. King's opponent doesn't leave her waiting for any lengthy period of time. The doors open exactly on time, which would technically be five minutes before the fight is supposed to start, and the youthful face of none other than Shingo Yabuki leads in the rest of his body. His second match of this type in just as many days. Is this what it's like to be when one becomes more popular and recognized as a fighter? Lacking an agent of any sort really it all comes down to officials asking him if he'd help out and of course being the hero that he is, how can he say no?
"Hello Miss King," Shingo chimes as soon as he spots the French muay thai fighter and waves to her with his signature cheerfulness. Approaching her the youth is tugging at the blue gloves on his hands to make sure they're on properly. "I would've been here earlier but I had to finish up some studying. Shingo rubs the back of his head and looks around at everything that has been set up, "Wow. They sure are ready for this match, huh?"
Killing off the last of her wine as the doors open, King quickly stashes the glass behind the bar and turns back to the young man as he greets her. "Ah, Shingo," she says, approaching the Kusanagi-ryuu student and grasping him on both shoulders, quickly kissing him on both cheeks as a greeting. "You're quite the charitable gentleman, so I've heard! Second scrap for charity's sake. That's rather smashing of you." Taking a step back, the blonde smiles at Yabuki. "Do you need a moment before we begin?" she asks, brushing her hair back with gloved fingers. "Water, soda, anything?"
One of the stagehands steps forward. The de-facto director looks at his watch and at the clipboard in his hand. "King, Shingo, we're good to go in five. If you need to make any final preparations, do it." The slightly balding man then turns and heads back towards one of the far booths, where an editing station has been set up.
The blonde again turns to her opponent. "Last call. Need anything?"
Very slight blush, almost unnoticeable, settles into his cheeks from King's greetings. You'd think with a girlfriend he'd be over that silly blushing thing whenever a woman was just being friendly with him. Ah well, kids. Go figure. The redness brightening just a bit more when she praises him for his part in helping out Metro City. Well, beyond what he did already in helping get Rolento out and freeing the metropolis. Shingo shakes his head to King after a quick glance to the director, "No thanks! I'm good. I had something before I came over here." Got to love living within a reasonable distance of the mall.
The boy stretches out his arms over his head and then behind his back. He then looks around the restaurant and occasional arena one more time before the actual fight and grins at King with a thumbs-up. "Shall we get started then? I'm ready whenever you are." It should be interesting. This time he doesn't have Ramon to back him up against her.
Smiling and nodding at the young man, King turns to the director and shouts, "Oi! We're ready to go whenever," turning her eyes again to Shingo and winking. Yes, this time he doesn't have Ramon as backup, but then again, she doesn't have others trying to whittle the young man down, either. Tugging her gloves tighter onto her hands, she takes a few steps back into the center of the bar turned arena. Twisting a bit, her back popping a few times, she then sets herself into her stance. Hands up, palms out, knuckles slightly down; left foot planted, right heel bouncing as the ball remains planted. "Whenever you'd like to start, we shall."
The director stands, looking at his watch, then the fighters. "Alright, then! We are good to go. Filming starts in Five! Four! Three!"
The smile on the blonde's face grows wider. "Good luck, Shingo."
COMBATSYS: King has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
King 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Shingo has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
King 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Shingo
Normally Shingo is all about 'ladies first'. It's all part of his charm and he fancies himself a gentleman of sorts. That and his mother made sure to raise him with some bit of decency and politeness when it comes to dealing with members of the opposite sex. In other words he was fully prepared to let King start things off. It's not a surprise that she doesn't, but it was unexpected. But taking a look at it from another perspective, in any good dance the male is always the lead. And what's fighting but just a complex dance between combatants? Shingo slides his feet into his own version of a Kusanag-ryuu fighting stance and awaits the countdown. "Same to you, Miss King."
"One! Fight!"
Cameras are rolling and audio is recording. Time to set this thing off. And what better way to start things off than with his signature move that strikes fear into the hearts of less hardy fighters. "SHINGO KIIIIICKU!" There's a quick shifting in his foot movements that has him doing a small hop forward into a forward leap resembling a certain someone's R.E.D. Kick. Except that Shingo's version covers more distance length-wise than height-wise. Nonetheless, it still hurts with it connects with King's trapezius. A gentleman doesn't strike a lady in the face or head after all.
COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits King with Shingo Kick.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
King 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Shingo
Preparing for impact, King sees the kick come up and protects her face... Which turns out to be a mistake. The Shingo Kick is deflected not away, but towards it's target, striking hard at the muscle connecting neck and shoulder. King's face contorts as she is forced down to one knee in the blink of an eye, her patella coming in rapid and uncomfortable contact with the hard flooring of the Pao Pao. Grunting, the blonde stands quickly, trying to grab the young man by the collar and set him off balance for a pair of elbow strikes, one to come across his jaw, the second to come upward against his chin. She doesn't know Shingo has a thing against hitting women in the face... It's something she's never encountered, really. It's an alien concept.
COMBATSYS: Shingo blocks King's Hold Rush.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
King 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Shingo
Shingo Kick rarely succeeds in disappointing whenever he uses it as his first move of any fight. It's why he does it. Shingo has since learned that generally his chances are better off when it's used to begin a match. It must be the element of surprise. Because he knows it sure is a surprise to his opponents at how hard he can hit with it. The youth lands after the kick temporarily drops King to her knees and is already in a defensive stance; ready for her counteraction. The blonde grabs his shirt but the elbow attacks are guarded against by his own arms protecting his face from both strikes. Obviously he wasn't set as off balance as she thought.
Shingo takes a step back away from the woman to regain his bearings, his fists held up for any follow-up attacks she may have. None coming he launches back into his offensive. His hands shoot out to grab King by one of arms. This is because grabbing for her shirt might be misinterpreted and given the past record of durability of her clothing, he'd rather not take the chance. Fingers latching around her upper arm and shoulder, Shingo takes a strong step back with the leg on the same side as King's gripped arm and pivoting on the other foot to jerk the woman forward. He then blocks her movement with his body and lifts her up, over, and down to the ground. "Doriya!" The grip is maintained up until she hits the ground. Something he learned from Daimon about keeping control of an opponent as well as making sure they don't hit their head on the ground. A second later Shingo lets go and hops away from King just in case she decided to spring up with a kick or something.
COMBATSYS: King blocks Shingo's Issetsu Seoi Nage Fukanzen.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
King 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Shingo
King changes the intentions of the Kusanagi-ryuu student as he attempts to sent her to the ground by proving she's rather nimble... Twisting in mid-throw, she manages to land on her knees instead of her back, the spin of her body helping to break Shingo's hold on her arm as she lands. A wry grin crosses her face as she quickly stands, with Shingo hopping away from her. "Nice technique," she says, wasting no more time before launching herself after him. One step taken to gather momentum, the blonde hurtles towards the young man, twisting her body in the air to deliver a long arcing roundhouse kick, aimed for the side of his neck. "Tornado," she shouts, the momentum continuing to spin her as she snaps a back kick at his solar plexus with the other foot. "KICK!"
COMBATSYS: Shingo counters Tornado Kick from King with Tsuki Hiji.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
King 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Shingo
Sorry. Shingo's not accepting any deliveries today. Please return to sender. The first of King's kicks looks as though it's about to hit Shingo dead on in the side of his head. And it would've too. If it wasn't for that meddling kid and his little elbow. Rooby-dooby... "GECCHU!" His second most feared technique, or at least the one that's the most annoying, saves Shingo from pain once again. The Tornado Kick meets forearm and the impact is absorbed by the lad's body. The kinetic force from which is transferred from his hand through his body and to the answering leg that flies out in a blink of an eye to catch King right in the gut. The speed of the thrusting kick plus the awkward position he gets put in from his opponent being airborne, blocking a kick, and attacking sends him falling over to the ground along with the unofficial 'Emperess of Muay Thai'. The two of them should be back on their feet around the same time.
It's also now that he chooses to respond to her compliment of his throw, "Thanks. That was a good kick too. I barely got away from it." Shingo grins.
Bloody hell. That hurt just a wee bit. The wind taken out of her, King gasps for a moment until she hits the ground, the impact of which knocks the air back in. Rolling onto her feet, she just looks at the student with a slight level of confusion on her face. He's damn good... If only Kyo would take training him seriously, the kid could become an unstoppable force.
Time to change tactics a bit. Hopping back to gain some distance, the blonde rockets her foot up, the familiar blue glow of her chi welling up on her foot. "Venom," she shouts, kicking the amassed chi at the young man with all her strength, the ball charging towards Shingo with alacrity. "STRIKE!" The force of the kick takes the French-born woman off her feet, spinning her around and forcing her to land in a crouch. Little extra mustard on that hot dog...
COMBATSYS: King successfully hits Shingo with Venom Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
King 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Shingo
Unstoppable she says. Like maybe...a Shingonaut would be? It's probaby true too. A lot more serious training and Shingo would be going around slapping mountains and making them cry like little girls. Chances are even if he got to that point he wouldn't since making mountains cry is not a very nice thing to do. Shingo doesn't blame King for changing her approach towards him. It makes a whole lot of sense. If one way of fighting someone isn't working out, then adjust and come at them from a different angle. So to speak. The Venom Strike catches Shingo right in the torso as he makes an effort to dive out of the way. It was a longshot, but he had nothing to lose. The energy shot rolling him along the ground like a tumbleweed for a short distance.
Reclaiming his footing on the cafe floor he decreases the space between himself and King rather quickly with a sprint. Getting very much into her personal space he twists his body to the side to swing his left elbow out away from his body and at King's gut. The angle at which he does is set so that the impact lifts her off her feet. "Bing!" A second elbow instantly follows the first to lift her even higher as he gives chase into the air. "Bang!" Completion of the technique comes when he over overextends his reach with his right arm to then impact her with his shoulder and side, "Boom!" The aerial juggling maneuver set up in such a way that Shingo lands before King will. If it hits anyways.
COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits King with Nie Togi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
King 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Shingo
It definately was not in King's plans to be used as a volleyball, but it certainly happened that way. Bounced around like a children's toy, she falls to the cround in an unceremonius heap. Battered and bruised, she rolls onto her back and kippups, body positioned immediately for a follow-up attack. Luckily, one doesn't come before she's able to once again hop away. The kid just might be too bloody good for her right now... She's become rusty again.
Strategy, part two. Taking a moment, she concentrates her mind on the battle, washing away the worries of the cameras, the charity, the bar and everything else. This is the time, the moment... Blue eyes somehow become more brilliant as her chi starts to manifest around her in a whirlwind, causing her clothing, hair and surrounding bar napkins to kick up and dance. The concern and confusion on her face lapses, and all is Zen...
COMBATSYS: King gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
King 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\0 Shingo
This trick isn't knew to Shingo. He has encountered many fighters that are able to concentrate to clear their mind and somehow gather themselves for a moment. Among them are his girlfriend and his student. So he's familiar with all that it involves. One being that for the brief moment they're easier to hit. Well, it's harder for them to avoid attacks targetted at them since they basically make themselves sitting ducks. More or less. It opens up a few options for him. If he wasn't going to do what he normally does anyways. Keep up with the attack. His entire way of fighting basically being broken down into hitting the other person till they KO. Can't go wrong with that tactic. Shingo jumps in at King with a deep aerial kick that should be strong enough to knock her off balance. That's counting his weight behind it of course. "Here I come, Miss King!"
COMBATSYS: King blocks Shingo's Strong Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
King 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\0 Shingo
It may not be an original feature, but it certainly is still effective. King holds her ground as the student leaps in, bracing her forearms for the incoming impact. Even still, it's not quite enough for her to keep her footing, and she falls backwards from the blow... Or does she? Recovering, from the impact, the contorts her body in mid-air, flinging her legs up and into Shingo's face, hoping to stun the young man long enough to submit him to a nice series of rapid-fire kicks, roundhouse and hook alternating at blinding speed travelling up the body and finished by a spinning roundhouse to the side of the head. Of course, if the stun doesn't happen, then the kicks don't go off... If she can't get back to her feet fast enough, after all, why should she try?
"Trap Shot!"
COMBATSYS: King successfully hits Shingo with Trap Shot.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
King 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Shingo
The French bartender doesn't have anything to worry about. For her attack goes off against Shingo without a hitch. After his jumpkick he was planning on weathering her assault long enough to move into an opportune position to be able to retaliate that much quicker against her. Plans change. The flipping kick of King's legs throwing him for a loop and he still ends up taking all the hits. Just not in the way he wanted to. His whole body taking blow after blow of her barrage till the last roundhouse introduces his head to the floor. Overall it wasn't that damaging due to the speed. But it is also because of the speed that he's now on the ground.
Shingo hrms to himself and rolls to the side away from King to pop up into a defensive fighting stance. A grin adorns his young face even after taking so many kicks to the face. He's having fun. Why not show it? "You've got some pretty fast legs there, Miss King. I'd better watch out." Shingo slowly starts circling around King with his eyes locked on her. Not in the way that a guy might normally look at her, but as a fighter watching her every move.
COMBATSYS: Shingo focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
King 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Shingo
Smartass. The kid's a smartass. A long grin crosses her face as she thinks this, and she nods in agreement with Shingo's statement. "Indeed," she says, getting her stance moving again. Front leg bouncing, she pauses for a moment more to simply ask, "Are you ready?"
And with that, she's off.
Charging after Shingo like a cheetah after it's prey, the blonde suddenly diverts from her track to leap into the air, flipping over the top of Yabuki's head... Only at the last second, a foot comes lashing out to attempt to kick him in the back of the head. This is the start of something slightly new, a revision of a classic. Landing, King jabs an elbow towards the kidneys of the Kusanagi-ryuu student, then follows up with another to the meeting of both shoulderblades. Turning, she lets loose a third elbow to the side of his neck, followed by a knee strike to his hip joint. Continuing around, she throws a hard punch right at the young man's collarbone, then spins around again to deliver a backhand to his temple. A roundhouse kick to the same target is unfurled, with a hammer fist to the hip as a follow-up. She ducks, swinging her elbow at Yabuki's floating ribs, a front kick to the small of his back following soon after. The kick has another purpose, however, as she uses it as a foothold to push herself up and over Shingo's head, trying to crash her knees into the back of his head as she jumps over yet again. Twisting in mid air, she slashes out with a hook kick at the last second, which is continued twice more after her landing. Springing into a repeated back handspring, she flips her feet up at Shingo's face three times more, the third hoping to catch him hard in the chest instead and send him hurtling upwards so that the follow up series can land... Four revolutions of the Tornado Kick. Instead of just letting the young man fall freely at the end of this and calling it good, she tries to grab him and land on him, arms in the air like the end of a long dance number. The Illusion Dance. Remixed.
COMBATSYS: Shingo counters Illusion Dance from King with Tsuki Hiji.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
King 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1 Shingo
Well. Where to start. The beginning is usually a good place as any. Shingo's caution serves him well. In fact, extremely well against the pouncing King. In one word he responds to her question about whether or not he is indeed ready. "Sure am!" Ok fine, two words. So sue him. At least he's pleasant about it. And he's not a liar. Because he really is ready for the fancy footwork of King's dance. Then again it's not much of a dance if one doesn't get past the first step. Shingo ducks low, evading the back kick to his head. As he crouches he extends a leg outward and executes a spinning back sweep on King just as she lands to swipe her feet out from under her. Then he continues with the pivot so that he does an about face, rising with the spin after knocking her off her feet. Right into a fierce looking downward elbow smash to her body while it's more or less parallel to the ground. "Hiji Otoshi!" Another backward hop to give her room to breathe and catch her breath if she needs to. He isn't going to add insult to injury by asking if she's alright. That'll come after the fight.
...Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Thank god this thing's for charity, and against someone like Shingo, whom isn't about to rub this kind of thing in. But she's not looking good for the public, and the fight she's giving out right now is definately not her best. In fact, it's some of the worst fighting she's done since, well, fighting Vanessa for whom picks up the bartab. That was a fight to forget... And this one is looking relatively the same.
Standing back up, King shakes her head. It'd be a miracle to win this, so might as well try to make miracles happen. It's worked before... Just not for her. Jumping back, she contorts herself quickly in mid-air, foot snapping out as she unleashes a ball of chi, sending it flying at Shingo. "Double," she calls out, spinning again in the air, landing a mere moment after sending a second ball chasing after the first. "STRIKE!"
COMBATSYS: King successfully hits Shingo with Double Strike.
[ \\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
King 0/-------/---====|=======\====---\1 Shingo
When will he learn? Shingo always keeps on wanting to see what's faster. A Venom Strike, or in this case Double Strike, or him. So far it seems that the two different types of Strikes are superior to him when it comes to terms of moving quickly. Albeit he figured he'd have a better chance with the twin projectiles coming his way but no such luck. The double energy shot, while it doesn't floor him, does send him reeling back from the stinging sensation of being hit by the woman's chi. He really should work on getting out of the way. Next time for sure!
Shingo dashes forward in almost a mimic of King earlier when she wanted to dance for him. Except instead of taking to the air like she did, he goes for the low road and rolls in. And roll cancels into a punch directly in front of her, "Burning..." Luckily, being a female the fist is nowhere near her face. It is instead a body blow to her side. "SHINGOOOOOO!" Same for the rest of the punches that come after the hook. Shingo angles three down punches towards her shoulder and outside chest area then an uppercut to her sternum that segues into a powerful shoulder slam as the finisher that if everything works out should leave her twisting through the air like some sort of top nearly horizontal to the floor.
COMBATSYS: King fails to interrupt Burning Shingo from Shingo with Hold Rush.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shingo 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: King can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shingo 0/-------/------=|
The roll in is met with a valiant attempt to grab at the young man, to try and stop the incoming blow... But King is unable to grab the Kusanagi-ryuu student and instead finds herself the victim of a Burning Shingo. The attack proves to be the last the blonde can handle, for she falls gracelessly to the ground, twisting into Shingo's legs and wrapping around them somewhat like a ragdoll. What a pitiful mess she makes, hmm?
For a good two minutes, the Thai kickboxer lay motionless, before finally starting to stir. "Agh," she says, eyes fighting to focus. There may not have been any head blows, but the body blows still took their toll. "Did you run over me with a truck, too?" she asks, words slightly slurred. "'Cuz it bloody well feels like you did."
Maybe he overdid it a little. The boy can be clueless at times at how hard he really can hit people when he wants to. Once it's obvious that the fight is over he relaxes for his stance and checks to see that he didn't hurt the woman more than he meant to. So at her question he chuckles sheepishly and rubs his head, "Heheheh, sorry about that. Guess I still don't know my own strength." Understatement of the week? Maybe. But at least it was for a good cause. Shingo holds out a hand for King. That is if she wanted to get off the ground. She should look on the other positive side too. At least she didn't lose her top.
COMBATSYS: Shingo takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shingo 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Shingo has ended the fight here.
Log created by Shingo, and last modified on 11:48:19 09/21/2005.