Description: The Birth of Dynamite Vogue! Yes, it's just me logging yet another awesome social scene, with five people no less -- at least until Ash challenges our pretty psychic hero to a duel! It's utter madness! But Alma makes a fairly good show of himself, no doubt thanks to Gabriel's blessing.
Summer is beginning to fade into autumn, and those the leaves do not show it yet, the cooling temperatures are letting everyone know it's getting time to switch gears. As such, the early evening beginning to cool significantly, those who are walking the streets are dressed in warmer jackets. Except, at the moment, for one. Apparently sacrificing heat for style, wearing an eggplant silk long-sleeved shirt and pale tan cargo pants, Alma Towazu appears unfazed by the coming chill. In fact, by the look of merry bemusement on his calm features, he might not even notice it. Carrying two full shopping bags with unconcerned ease, it becomes apparent that he is, in fact, humming to himself.
o/~ "It's the poooweeer of looove..." o/~
Well, he's in a good mood. But after all, every day's a beautiful day when you're Alma Towazu.
The tall youth, only back in Japan today, doesn't seem to have suffered much from any jetlag on his way from the United States. If anything, the trip seems to have cheered him up quite a bit. His usual smile less mild and more good-natured today, it looks as though the constant Zen moment he lives in isn't going to stop him from being personable today.
Some people, the less fortunate are not so nicely dressed in jackets, or rather they are, but those jackets are soaked through. Those people are walking quickly away from a small soapbox with a girl on top. Actually said soapbox is fake, it's a very fancy box designed to look like a soapbox, except it doesn't give splinters and on top of that the box cost a lot more than a soap box. Clearly someone wanted a designer soap box. That person: KAI GABRIEL!
And she's pouring water on people's heads. Having a crate of Aquafina bottles and praying over them to make holy water and dumping them over people's heads as they walk past. She's doing them a favor. . Really.
Autumn, that's the sign of when you have to show off your car as much as you can before you have to spend every day sweeping leaves off or snow, annoying things like that.
Today Benimaru is just one of many people you see in solid-gray business suits, with black sunglasses on and hair being whipped back by the wind. The wind that's being forced out of the way by a black Lancia Stratos, tearing down the street with some euro techno blaring.
Today is a good day when you're Benimaru Nikaido to, you punk.
He seems to have a business face on, that is until he catches sight of Gabriel- He fought the girl not too long ago; and didn't she tell him that she wanted to be taken out for dinner or something? Some place called Repent?
The curious act that the religious gal is doing is enough to make the vehicle come to a sudden stop, a brow quirking as he lowers his shades, "... Hey!" he calls from his rolled down window, "Is this a wet-tshirt contest?"
o/~ "That train we're..." o/~
Alma pauses in his humming and, letting his gaze lead him -- Psycho Senses Tingling! -- he turns his head to where a familiar aura emanates from. Familiar auras always get his attention. That and soaking wet, irate people rushing by him wtih pissed-off looks on their faces. Resuming his usual pace, Alma shifts his grip on his shopping bags, crosses the street, and turns the corner, to see a certain blonde girl standing on a box.
"Kai-san!" the young man says cheerfully, an easy smile broadening and causing his hazel eyes to sparkle slightly in the remaining sunlight. "Is that you? It's been a while since--"
Uncharacteristically... he freezes. And then, even more uncharacteristically, his eyes narrow and his posture slumps, giving him the look of a very beleagured young man indeed.
~ Oh, crap. ~
Stepping forward into Benimaru's line of sight, Alma casts his fellow model the driest, most unemotional of deadpan looks. "Nikkaido-san. How nice that what you lack in style you make up for in manners."
Unfortunately, freezing like that messes up his flow, which is why he never does it. You see, messing up his flow messes up his Zen. Which messes up his general ambient Psycho Power. Which means he's really not paying attention to anything other than Benimaru right now.
Then he won't be paying attention when Kai Gabriel starts her prayers, having noticed him and decided he probably needs a purifying ritual. Therefore she opens a bottle, prays over it, making it extra holy and watery goodness before upturning it over Alma's head, in it's entirety and then murmuring her further prayers. Only then does she think to answer Benimaru.
"If you like, I can purify you as well, before the Goddess and her benevolent grace, like Alma-san."
Benimaru continues to look perplexed, having absolutly no idea what is going on around here. But when he suddenly finds himself looking at perhaps one of the last few people he'd like to see, his eyes narrow a bit, ".. really,"
Clearly he isn't amused by Almas quip, removing the shades and placing them atop his head, "Well, I'd be inclined to believe you, but ah.. It would seem as usual you're 'all wet', Balmung." He then smiles brightly to Gabriel, arm hanging out of the window as he chuckles, "I've never used that line before, miss. If it's purification you're looking for however, you're talking to the right man. Would you like me to show you Heaven?"
His expression just relaxes, at first. Though he only managed to stay in Anti-Benimaru Mode for a couple seconds this time, it's apparently enough, because he has no trouble reverting to his usual mild calmness. He just sort of stares in Benimaru's general direction for a while. Relaxed. Poised. Blank.
Glug glug glug glug, goes the water bottle.
Finally, emotion seeps in, gradually, naturally. But all he seems to adopt is a mildly puzzled look, and it only reaches his eyes. The look of a good-natured man who's just been beaten in a chess game, who just wants to know exactly how it happened. Or, in this case, exactly what's happening right at this moment.
Glug glug glug... drip, drip, drip.
With perfect, smooth grace, Alma Towazu tilts his now-glistening face up to where Gabriel stands, his blond red-tipped bangs plastered to the side of his head. His face is utterly calm.
"Thank you, Kai-san," he says, gravely. "I feel cleansed."
A pause.
"I suggest, however, that you perform these sort of purifications when the weather is slightly warmer."
Gabriel smiles looking really pleased. Yes she was glad to have purified someone, well about twenty someone's and she was happy that Benimaru was apparently a believer in the church of the worthy cause, today was turning out to be a good day. She reaches to pour some water in Benimaru too who is inside a car. Apparently if he doesn't do something, like close the window on her, she'll cleanse the car too.
"Oh this is wonderful, so many people will be cleansed today.. Goddess bless!"
How can you tell such a thrilled face she's a knat?!
Benimaru's lip twitches a bit, and then he can't help but break out into laughter- How Alma can keep his expression so.. Calm is beyond him, but the situation is just so rediculous that he has to laugh. And he believes that Alma had it coming to him. Devine punishment as it were.
And while he laughs, it's then he feels the cold water splashing on him, matting his hair down and his own bangs splatter over his eyes, the model right then and there in a moment of shock.
Actually that's not true at all, but it is getting all over his nice leather seat, his lips curling in a moment, and then spits out a bit of water, "..... Given the circumstances, I'm not sure if that was a yes or a no."
Alma sees Gabriel begin to approach the currently laughing Benimaru.
~ On second thought. ~
"Actually," he says, his tone lightening slightly, "why don't you go ahead and purify as much as you can?"
When Gabriel is quite finished, Alma turns to the car, his expression still deadpan as ever. "Why, Nikkaido-san, it looks like we now have yet another thing in common." Pause. "Feeling cleansed of sin? I know I do."
"Yes! You are both cleansed! The Goddess has saw fit to remove impurity from your soul. Alma-san, Benimaru-san, we have not met formally, I am Kae Gabriel. That teammate of yours was my best friend Mimiru-san. I felt terrible having to fight your group. "
She sighs wistfully and then in an act of repentance pours water over her own head. By the way, she's dressed in her Justice High winter uniform, a orange coat with an orange skirt. Seee through? Not a chance, not even wet, or soaked. Justice is all about morals.
Stupid morals.
Though even still Benimaru would not have expected Gabriel to dump water over her own head and surely enough she does so. Deciding it's not very fun to sit in a puddle of water, and his suit, his poor suit, he gives Alma a look, ".. Will you shut up already? You're giving me a headache." In all actuality, Almas timing couldn't be any worse considering what had been going on the past couple of days. And so the models gaze locks onto the others for a moment, and then he opens the door and steps out, his back of course to the car.
A nod and suddenly a gentle smile is given to Gabriel, "Ah yes the little champion Mimiru. I'm quite familiar with her, she's my number one fan after all," is said to the girl, and he offers a hand, "I'm Benimaru Nikaido, I'm more than certain that you've heard of me. It must be quite exciting to have gotten a chance to.. ah.. Cleanse someone like me, ne?" Splash. "..... Interesting."
When Alma hears Mimiru's name mentioned, he perks up slightly and turns curiously to Gabriel, the deadpan look gone from his eyes, at least, if not his expression. What really gets his attention, though, is when she pours the bottle of water on herself. His features unchanging, he watches with mild curiosity as her long hair is soaked, then lets his gaze travel down -- subtly, at least, but not *that* subtly -- as the water pours over the rest of her outfit. She does not, however, look nearly as soaked as he does in his silk shirt.
Looking slightly disappointed, Alma returns his gaze to Benimaru.
Slipping his hands in his pockets, he just grins when Benimaru tells him to shut up, and then, at his fellow model's comment about Mimiru being his fan, Alma's grin widens yet more, causing his eyes to sparkle with latent mirth. "Do you count everyone who throws you to the ground your fan?" he asks, his deep baritone a little more obviously teasing this time around. "You must be very popular, then."
"Oh yes, of course I've heard of you, " Kai Gabriel bows politely,
"You're the Evangelical on tv who is always praying for things like Ryu to lose the next SNF and for Rolento's gang to all get pink dresses to wear to their next big assault. I must say I was a big fan when I imagined Nassir in a pink dress. Oh and when you were praying for Vega's chin on the King of Fighter's tournament to get into a fight with some fighter I hadn't heard of named Adon's nose.. Well, I found that mildly amusing too."
She allows a light grin to pass, it's hard to tell how much, if any or all was actually serious here. Then Alma speaks and slowly it dawns on her that maybe these two arn't actual friends. She decides to ask anyway,
"Are you two not friends?"
Benimaru is certainly doing his best to ignore Alma, just the mere look of him these days is irritating the model. He smiles even brighter, looking a bit smug when Gabriel declares to recognize him, and then goes and proves that she has absolutly no idea who in the blue hell he is. His expression is both embarassed and... Well maybe a hint of annoyance, "I.. Th... There must be some sort of mistake.." he starts.
And then Alma has to open his big mouth again, baby-blue eyes widening as he quickly looks to the other model once more, "Wh.. Listen you," in an impatient tone, "I'm about to throw /you/ on the ground in a minute, don't you have a puppy to adopt?" SCRAM.
Duolon has arrived.
Alma laughs.
No, really. It's not a fake laugh of bravado, or a mocking laugh. He genuinely laughs, out of real amusement toward this situation. And it's actually a bit of a tension-breaker. Youthful features brightened, shoulders shaking, Alma grins, eyes sparkling merrily, and a droplet of water slides down his straight nose. He reaches up to run a hand through his soaking-wet hair, in a vague attempt to make it look attractively tousled rather than bedraggled, but only partially succeeds. "Nikkaido-san, you're so quick to violence," he admonishes, sounding more obviously half-serious. Maybe he knows now that the deadpan only works to mock Benimaru, not to make friends. Or maybe he's just in a good mood. He was humming earlier, after all. "True courage is not feeling the need to defend oneself until it is absolutely necessary. Surely you aren't threatened by *me*... Benimaru."
He tilts his head to Gabriel, his grin softening till it becomes his usual open smile, though his eyes still look amused. "Oh, no, we get along quite well, Kai-san. We just have quirky senses of humor, isn't that right?" He glances back to Benimaru, and those hazel orbs twinkle again. How does he stay so cheerful, when he's in mortal danger? "We couldn't possibly be serious. We're both far too well-mannered to fight in front of a lady. Aren't we?"
"Benimaru!" Duo Lon appears, seemingly from nowhere, some ten feet away from the trio, stepping through what crowd had assembled. After all, hey! Free water purification, who WOULDN'T show up? The Hizoku doesn't seem to care, however, about Gabriel's motives, rather, he's staring daggers at Benimaru, and looking Alma over as though the boy's a piece of meat. "I've done my research... I know all about Alma Towazu. And, Benimaru..." Duo Lon steps forward, pushing some of the wet bangs out of Benimaru's eyes, beaming. "I think we've found our fourth team member. We need a psion."
Regardless of Benimaru's reaction, Duo turns to face Gabriel and give her a quick, formal bow, and the regards Alma. "Mr. Towazu, I presume? I'm here on business, I don't mean any harm. Unless there's something going on here that I shouldn't be interrupting?" He steps to the side, then, getting out from the middle of the mess, and eyeing the trio. "...Yeah, it looks like I've interrupted something."
for a moment Gabriel is just confused. She decides to give a polite bow to Duo Lon and then decides that deep down she's hurt. No one seems to want her on their team, even though well, she's proven herself to be a halfway decent fighter, but she's not a psion. Whatever that is. Instead, she'll try to purify Duo Lon.
"In the name of the Holy Maiden, I offer you this purification of your soul, may you live free and clean of sin.."
Up goes the water bottle, maybe after witnessing the other two poor saps the third poor sap (discounting Gabriel of course) Will actually get out of the way.
Boy.. This Alma, he's pushing his luck as usual, but what's even more annoying is that he seems to know how to manipulate the blonde in these kinds of situations. Thus far he's managed to secure himself from getting tossed out into the middle of the street or something. "....." And so when the question of well-mannerisms, he curls in his lips, biting down on them hard as he nods his head very.. Very slowly.
But then, it is Duolon to the rescue! While if anyone male touches his hair is normally ground for beatings, the assassin doesn't get much more than a pained look. Wondering if he could kill the other model or something. Instead something much worse happens.
Benimarus jaw nearly drops to the floor, all hostilities toward Alma gone and he now just stares in shock at Duolon as if someone had just burst in and killed his parents via gunfire. "............" What can he say? Really, what the hell can he say to that? He's at a complete loss for words, even as Gabriel continues to splashify people.
Alma's grin continues unabaited until--
~ ...what!? ~
--a fighting aura suddenly flashes into existance not ten feet away from him! Gabriel may look confused, and Benimaru may look despairing, but Alma looks something altogether new: awed. He stares Duo Lon's way with widened eyes, which, despite that he manages to maintain his vaguely calm expression, makes him look rather startled. He does not very often look startled.
~ I couldn't sense his approach. At all! ~
Slowly recovering, the youth fighting model pauses for a moment more, before finally speaking, his deep baritone cautious. "You... y-you are..."
~ ...just plain *gorgeous*! ~
"...incredibly skilled!" is what he actually says, his expression growing warmer as a cheerful, even slightly eager, smile spreads across his refined features. "I couldn't sense your aura until you were right next to us. Amazing! I've never met anyone else who could do that." He sounds completely genuine with his open compliments. Boy, for a guy who usually looks so stoic, he really holds nothing back. "Yes, I am he. Please, call me Alma. And no, no, you interrupt nothing. It's a pleasure to--"
His expression slackens. Thus has elapsed the shortest amount of time, ever, between two expressions of surprise on Alma's features.
Ash has arrived.
Duo turns, quickly, to comfort Benimaru, obviously, the other man's going to need to be talked to, spoken with about this turn of events, but just as he opens his mouth... Gabriel dumps her vat of Healing Water or whatever on his head. The young ninja, drenched, turns to look at the woman who's purifying everybody, long-nailed fingers reaching up to pull water-laden bangs from before his eyes. Beneath that curtain of hair, his expression clouds, and brightens before(hopefully) anybody notices, whatever urge to kick Gabriel's ass he's feeling.. well, held back for the moment. The Hizoku leans close to the religious speaker, and smiles broadly, giving another nod. "Thank you for the ministration, I will do my /best/ to stay within edict." Bald faced lie. Hopefully, it shuts her up.
"Now, Beni." Duo turns to the taller, blonde model, and jerks a thumb back at Alma. He leans in close, afterwards, slanted black eyes dancing with some hidden joke while he whispers a string of words into Mr. Nikaido's ear. A pat on the shoulder, and Duo turns to Alma again, head tilted to the side. "What'd you think I said?" Duo gives another one of those honest-to-God-no-I'm-not-lying smiles, and again, pokes a thumb back at Benimaru. "You and he have differences, right? I'm hoping they can be overcome so that we can show the world why fighting and fashion /belong/ to be together."
Now Kai Gabriel starts to decide this is a domestic dispute. Clearly Benimaru and Duo Lon have something in common. Really queer clothes. That isn't a problem for her, afterall, the best men to shop with are all gay. However this is not a time for her to involve herself, besides she's out of water and needs to return to her crate not far off to restock for anyone else who needs to be purified. Therefore she bows politely and turns to go, giving a
"You're welcome." She'll be praying over water for a moment or so.
"What, you asked me before you asked them?" Ash queries.
The red-clad teen is relaxing in a conveniently placed tree near the group, sitting on the only branch capable of supporting him - the trees on sidewalks are not that big - with his back against the trunk and his hands behind his head.
Lazily, he looks down to the Hizoku and waits for an answer.
Benimaru's eyes are dangerously narrow, but he doesn't say a thing, not even finding any amusement from his teamate getting 'purified' this time. Of all people, he should be the one getting burned by it though ISN'T THAT RIGHT DUOLON? When he's tugged closer, (in his wet business suit by the way. And it's getting chilly :() he listens to what the hizoku has to say for the safety of his health. And the chilled gaze is suddenly replaced with an enlightened one, the model reddenning a bit along the bridge of his nose, ".. I see.. Well, when you put it that way, how can I refuse?" is the response to the whisper, and clears his throat as he adjusts his tie. Granted he's still not pleased, but the right things have been said.
Though really, any moment now he was going to get the most splitting headache, "I'll leave this to you," he says to Duolon, attention shifting back to Gabriel as he asks, "Do you have any prayers that have the same effects as tylenol?" for the time being, Ash's presence isn't noted.
"Of course," Alma says automatically, though he sounds distracted, in a thoughtful sort of way. "Our differences are... superficial. They'll pose... no problem."
~ What is happening? ~
Both of his grocery bags now completely forgotten on the ground, Alma glances up to the tree when Ash's voice emerge, but, excepting a slight quirk of the eyebrows, there's not much of a reaction.
~ Void. He's not just hiding an aura. He hasn't got one.
It's moments like this that I realize, all over again, that I really don't understand the world that I've found myself inducted into. I'm not... I'm not like these people. I should be doing homework or something right now... not considering invitations to join fighting teams...
What am I saying? I chose this path. Like I said to Jiro: it's a new form of self-expression, a new way to more closely celebrate life. One of many, of course; but still, it's just as important as my art and my schoolwork, if not more so. Who am I, to dismiss this possibility? I'm not afraid, am I? Surely I'm not afraid. What do I have to fear?
Well... even if I don't fear death, perhaps I still, sometimes, fear that which I feel I ought to understand, but don't. Still! Me! Invited into a fighting team, with the likes of Benimaru Nikkaido! 'Psion' or not, with this greater power, this greater leverage in the world, I'll be able to do even more good! ~
For the past ten seconds or so, Alma's looked quite thoughtful indeed. His calm, mild expression has become yet more mild, his eyes softening as he gazes into his own mind, quite obviously spacing out. It's the same way he looks whenever he's about to draw a picture, or when he's getting ready to practice his martial arts alone. Before he proceeds into an action which will demand all of his furious passion, there is a moment of deep contemplation.
Then, action.
Eyes bright, Alma looks up, and though his face is calm, his wide smile is heartfelt. "If you think I can contribute to the world of fighting and fashion," he says, voice gentle but resolute, "I'll do it."
Cripes, Ash. Duo wasn't expecting his friend to show so soon. A sigh, Duo doesn't even bother looking up to the tree, rather, he snickers to himself while attempting to sway Alma over to his side of the proposition. It's kind of like trying to get a mouse to go for the cheese. In the middle of an empty room. With mouse chicks all around the cheese. Yeah. Difficult.
"Well, Beni and I were looking for additional teammates, and I understand that psions are relatively rare, as well as powerful in their odd attacks. The only psion who fit in with the general theme..." A snicker, and Duo looks up to Ash, using his left hand to point to Alma. "You can stay up there, Ash, and talk above everybody... or drop down here and say hi. If everything goes all right with Alma, here, we should be ready to go."
As to Alma's reaction to the proposition, the Hizoku looks back to Alma, giving a quick nod and a broad, charismatic smile. "Excellent! I'll give your agent a call and get you hooked up with contact for all of us. We're mainly here to work together to win tournaments, but, given that we're all of the same coat... I'm sure we can help the others in less formal affairs." That being finished, Duo takes a step backwards, and looks back up to that tree. "And how long have you been up there, Ash?"
"The Goddess does not grant us such healing powers, " except when she's herself recovering, but then the Goddess doesn't grant that either, still Gabriel would never admit how much her power is her own faith and not actually any god or goddess at all, she's probably too hung up in it all to notice anyway.
"For that we have this," Gabriel replies, pulling out of her pocket an actual pain reliever pill. And since her player can't spell them, she doesn't bother and hands the bottle over. Ash, who is safely in the tree, out of reach is more or less ignored, no greeting and she can't bow upward, instead she starts to pack her things up. She is after all, a villain, and these guys are heros. Supposedly. The two just don't mix.
Ash replies simply, "Long enough."
He lets the people on the street do their talking and jibber jabbering for awhile until he leaps down, strolling towards them. The teen shoves his hands into his pockets and walks in a tight circle around Alma, looking him over. "So this is the junior member, huh? I've never met a psychic before. Except for that Athena doll." He pauses, presumably adding a few more names to that list in his head, after which his smile turns sly.
"Can you fight?"
Benimaru ohs, looking a bit disappointed at first but when he's presented with medicine, well than that's just fine and dandy! "Thank you very much," he replies, popping open the cap and then an asprin into his mouth. No need for water here. A curious look is given to the woman as she starts to get ready, and then passes a glance back to Duo Lon and crew. He double-takes a bit to the sight of Ash, and for the love of pete, Alma is still there?
Maybe he could come up with a couple of fun initiations.
Almost as if on cue, the models watch beeps, and he gives it a glance, ".. Ah yes.. Well listen everyone, I hate to cut short, but I have business I need to attend. I'll see you all later." and once more glance is given to Gabriel, "Do you need a ride to the station or something?"
"No, I am not in need of a ride, I have my own transportation," Kai Gabriel replies, almost coldly in fact. She's gathering her things, picking up her cell phone and using some old contacts. Not that anyone here would recognize, or care that she was pulling out the Darkside bunch and having a pair of them pick her up, but since she's often monitored by the group to see how disloyal she's being today, they arn't far and before long a car comes screeching to a halt, piloted by a couple of high school delinquents. Not Gedo style, but upper class. She gets in, doesn't really offer many good buys, her player is tired.
Alma blinks once as Duolon smiles broadly at him. "Ah... of course," he says, and though it's hard to tell in the evening light, it looks as though the skin over his elegantly high-set cheekbones has colored a deeper shade, just for a moment.
That moment is fleeting. When Ash starts to circle him, Alma's still-composed expression does not falter for an instant, and though his body stays relaxed, poised, and unmoving, his eyes follow the fighter. His instinctual response is 'Anyone can fight', but remembering how Bonne Jenet reacted to his 'getting smart', he refrains, and with complete calm and a ever-so-slight look of curiosity, he says, "Yes." A short pause. "Not as well as Miss Asamiya. But I've done fairly well for myself in the Saturday Night Fights. I'm a lower-tier fighter, but I've only been running the circuit for a few months."
There. That's probably all this strange 'Ash' fellow needs to know.
Alma, belatedly, glances over to try and catch Gabriel's eye, realizing that he hasn't been able to ask her about what she's been doing, but... well, by the look of those delinquents, things haven't gotten much better. Still: "Farewell, Kai-san!" he calls, with his usual calm but sincere cheer. "I'll look for you again!"
Duo gives Alma a pat on the shoulder as Ash begins circling the child, and turns abruptly, walking towards Benimaru, now. "Ash'll show you how things'll work on the team, Alma... do your best, right? You've got a home here. Anyway... welcome to the team." Following that, Duo throws his ponytail over his shoulder, and starts to walk past Benimaru, a grin on his lips. "I'll give you the honor of escorting me, Benimaru! Are you stopping by Chinatown at all...?"
Ash stops, then abruptly skips back a few paces. Hands still in his pocket, the teen tosses his hair and says: "Hit me."
COMBATSYS: Ash has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Ash 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Alma has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Ash 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Alma
~ A home, huh? ~
Alma doesn't watch Duolon and Benimaru leave. He keeps his eyes on the auraless man. Which seems to turn out to be a good idea. In response to Ash's simple command, the bronze-skinned youth, his expression unchanging, flips his still-wet bangs back, unbuttons a button of his soaked dark-purple silk shirt, shakes his shoulders in a gentle movement to free it from clinging to him, and gazing at Ash through lowered lashes--
~ Interesting. ~
--there's a burst of wind, and the scent of pine, as Alma's right arm snaps up. It's a single smooth motion, like a snake uncoiling; first the arm is cast up, then the forearm uncurls, then the palm snaps, as though it were the most natural thing, into a fist, aimed right under Ash's chin.
COMBATSYS: Ash blocks Alma's Rekka Rush.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Ash 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Alma
Ash sways to the side, so that the fist catches him in the shoulder rather than underneath his chin. Hands still in his pockets, the teen stands his ground. The wind picks up, tousling his hair.
COMBATSYS: Ash gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Ash 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Alma
In response, his expression unchanging, Alma snaps out with his left hand in a vicious knifehand toward Ash's neck -- which promptly blurs out of existence, revealing his real attack, a right-handed backfist. The youth's eyes glinting with a pinkish-purple light, summoned with the effort from this sudden feint, his forearm twists in an attempt to strike his opponent in the temple.
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Ash with Rekka Rush EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Ash 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Alma
Ash sways to the side again, but Alma's fist still connects, turning the youth's head to the side. Crimson freezes, muscles tensing - but his hands still remain in his pockets.
Though it appears as if he moves lazily and with pronounced effort, the platinum-haired teen's next move comes with surprising speed. Gracefully, he pirouettes, spinning through the air and lashing out with a foot to the back of Alma's head.
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Ash's Prarial.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Ash 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Alma
Psycho Power enhancing his awareness, Alma is able to sense the attack coming before the lightning-fast kick is fully form, and so is able to snap up and parry the attack -- though he's forced to absorb more of the damage than he deflects, and doesn't seem to shake it off entirely. Wordlessly, lowering his head slightly to look at his opponent with bright but impassive eyes, he withdraws a pace of his own, sweeping back, his silk shirt rippling around him.
~ ...he's definately stronger than *me*, at least.
Time to make a good show of this! Let's get some rhythm! ~
Finally, a smile begins to spread across his features, and that light in his eyes becomes more than just Psycho Power: it becomes passionate. Continuing the sweeping gesture of his withdraw, Alma slices his right hand upward, and the light of his eyes transfers to his hand; with a sudden burst, the young fighting model sends a gout of flame at his opponent.
"Sacred WAVE!"
COMBATSYS: Ash overcomes Sacred Wave from Alma with Rapide Ventose.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Ash 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Alma
Ash lands lightly, smiling faintly, though it's not as sincere as Alma's. He skips back, watching the other's movements. Finally, he removes one hand from his pocket, gesturing at the incoming psycho power - which summons up a ribbon of strangely liquid green flame. It's totally unlike Alma's flame, in that it's... actually fire. Much like Kyo and Iori, Ash is speshul.
The flame hurtles towards the sacred wave, engulfing it, and moving on.
COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Ash's Rapide Ventose.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Ash 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Alma
[OOC] Alma says, "....."
[OOC] Alma says, "[D:5]"
[OOC] Ash says, "Haha."
Now, Alma doesn't play around with his Psycho Power. It takes too much of his energy to simply be used as a feint. But somehow, as soon as he feels Ash begin to summon his own -- highly different -- energies, the fighting model knows that his attack simply wasn't enough. His Sacred Wave is shattered by the liquid green flame, and the quick and destructive onslaught carves a path through the burst fragments of fading Psycho Power.
But miraculously, Alma is not there.
He's in the air. But not for long; after seeming to hang in the air for a moment, power gathering around him and his eyes sparkling with battle passion, he suddenly blasts downward with a surge of momentum from nowhere, impossible by any conception of normal physics, but quite possible with the benefit of Psycho Power. Which, as it happens, is also benefitting him by lighting his right leg on fire, as he prepares for a powerful hooking kick at Ash's head.
COMBATSYS: Ash endures Alma's Engeki Shooter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Ash 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Alma
Ash looks up, gauging Alma's attack. And then he jumps right into the attack.
Springing into the air with surprising power, Ash plows himself right into the attack, probably causing both to end up in a tumble of arms and legs. He's smiling, though. Smiling big. This can't be good for Alma.
A second later, Ash is engulfed by a titanic explosion of green flame.
COMBATSYS: Alma endures Ash's Sans-Culottes.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Ash 0/-------/------=|=======\======-\1 Alma
Well, it's not like Alma has much of a choice; he's already committed himself to the attack, and it looks like, despite psychic abilities, Ash is one step ahead of him, and more than willing to sacrifice a bit of damage. So, naturally, Alma ups the ante yet again, and goes headlong into Ash's attack as well.
The flames scorch him, but though pain distorts his features for a moment as he grits his teeth, Alma takes surprisingly little physical damage, for his aura has come into full visibility now. Purple-pink electricity sparks around his body as battle aura meets bizarre flames, and recovering quickly, too much in the flow of the fight to let up even for a moment now, Alma's eyes, once merely bright, now glow -- no, they *burn* with Psycho Passion.
The youth reaches up with his right hand, and it glows white hot.
His brow lifts, and he grins widely, as he slashes out, and unleashes a shockwave of raw sacred power. With the force of his gathered passion and fury, combined with the latent energy of the area, he will engrave the truth, the Way, on Ash's very being. To tear away at his opponent's ego, for a moment, they will be as one.
COMBATSYS: Ash blocks Alma's The One Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Ash 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Alma
Ash extracts himself with preternatural speed. At the telling moment, he raises a forearm to intercept the psycho power, the flame designs on his sleeves actually burning with green fire. The teen rolls to his feet, puts a hand on his hip...
...and lashes out with a single finger in a wide arc. A single finger that cuts as if it was a knife.
COMBATSYS: Ash successfully hits Alma with Poussee de Couteau.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Ash 0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0 Alma
Ah, well. His ultimate attack, ineffective. It's happened before.
But he's committed all his power and momentum, and with his best apparently not enough, there is nothing he can do but take the hit presented by Ash's lashing finger. With a grunt of pain, Alma spins back and, though obviously heavily injured now, manages to curl up in midair and land like a cat upon the ground, sinking in on himself before slowly rising.
With deep breaths, Alma's Psycho Power turns from unbridled flames to gentle caressing waves: the other side of passion. Feeling the flow of the battle wash through him, Alma feels cleansed, purified, and his eyes grow soft, and his smile grows gentle, as just for a moment, he seems to touch upon inner peace.
But, like everything else, he lets it go. He is left, however, inspired. And, by the looks of things, actually a bit less battered, too.
Not that Ash is going to let this happen. With a hop, he launches himself at Alma, fists blazing - one to the kidneys, one to the chest, and one uppercut to work the jaw.
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Alma with Faith Healing.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Ash 0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0 Alma
COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Ash's Vendemiaire.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Ash 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Alma
His psychic energies resummoned, Alma is able to weave out of the way of the flaming attacks, his image blurring as he does so, and retorts with his own series of punches. Flameless, this time, however. Power still wells within him, but it looks like he may be trying to conserve it now.
COMBATSYS: Ash blocks Alma's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Ash 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Alma
Ash continues punching - except now his fists are simply there to deflect the incoming punches. He breaks out into a grin, "That was fun. Okay, time to wrap things up."
This time, there's only one punch involved, an underhanded swing that should plow into Alma's stomach.
COMBATSYS: Ash successfully hits Alma with Messidor.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Ash 0/-------/-======|=======\===----\1 Alma
Alma's body jerks as the fist plows into his stomach, but he remains standing, and, though he squints with one eye from the pain, he manages a grin of his own, and the gesture ends up looking more like a wink than a wince. "So soon?" Skipping back again, his still-wet hair begins to ripple from gathering power, and both his hands begin to glow as flames gather around them.
"But I'm just getting started!"
The flames grow until they become crackling orbs of power. "The power from without as yin -- the power from within as yang! Two ideals as one!" Slamming his palms together, the two orbs combine, and become one huge fireball, which he promptly projects out at his opponent.
COMBATSYS: Ash slows Two Heavens Harmony from Alma with Ventose.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Ash 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Alma
Ash dances backwards, gaining space in which to consider his next action. The teen puts a finger on his lips at the lightshow, and then promptly waves his hand in Alma's direction. A burst of flame shoots out, disappating the fireball to the point that Ash doesn't take all that much damage.
Again unfazed by another mostly-failed attack, Alma skips in quickly, with a Feilong-style skipping high kick, aiming to snap twice in rapid succession at Ash's face. Looks like this guy's really going to give it everything he's got.
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Ash with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Ash 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Alma
Ash's head snaps to the side at the kick, his body jerking with him - but far be it from him to give up! The red-clad teen uses this momentum to start his own revolving kick, one that might be saying a painful hello to the side of Alma's head.
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Ash's Prarial.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Ash 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Alma
Alma only manages to defend with a full-guard, both arms raised, and he stumbles under the force of the blow this time, half-falling to one knee. But his eyes still glimmer with his remaining power, and determined to see it through to the end, his hands ignite once more. "Sacred Cross!" he announces, raising his forearms so that they cross like an X. His entire arms now engulfed in flame, he snaps them out, unleashing a large wave of fire. "HEAVENLY ETHER BLAST!"
COMBATSYS: Ash blocks Alma's Heavenly Ether Blast.
[ \\\\\\ < > /// ]
Ash 1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Alma
Ash raises his arms, mimicking the X, which has a nice effect of disappating most of the attack. Immediately afterwards, he dashes towards Alma, leaping into a graceful boot to the stomach.
COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Ash's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Ash 1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Alma
Alma just barely twists out of the way, but keeps as close as he can to his opponent, so that with his spinning evasive motion, he can reverse into a roundhouse kick of his own.
COMBATSYS: Ash blocks Alma's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\ < > //// ]
Ash 1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Alma
Landing on one foot, Ash weathers the kick with stonelike intensity, and then swings his leg around for another assault - this time to the face. The face is a good place to strike.
COMBATSYS: Ash successfully hits Alma with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\ < > ]
Ash 1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1 Alma
Not the face! The face is important, man!
Well, Alma can't keep up this exchange forever. The attack hits him solidly, and he spins with the force, and nearly collapses. But before he hits the ground completely, his eyes blaze with the last of his remaining passion, and with an unintelligible cry, he lunges forward one last time, attacking with a series of blazing, blurring punches, his image fading and wavering in a final attempt to outdo Ash...
COMBATSYS: Alma can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\ <
Ash 1/------=/=======|
COMBATSYS: Ash dodges Alma's Sacred Rekka Revelation.
[ \\\\\\ <
Ash 1/------=/=======|
...but it fails.
With a final sigh of release, Alma hits the ground on his knees and slumps heavily, palms upon the ground as he quietly gasps for breath at Ash's feet.
Unfortunately, Ash has decided that his silent bet to win this fight without dodging a single hit is boring, and jumps straight into the air.
He does not come back down.
He's gone.
Log created by Alma, and last modified on 14:38:07 09/20/2005.