Shingo - Ninja vs (ex)Pirate Redux

Description: Charity exhibition match between Duolon and Shingo for Metro City relief efforts.

Some days after the participants in the Metro City event had returned to their respective homes, the entire world, as if spurred on by the efforts of their own national icon, began contributing to the rebuilding of the shattered city. Donations, charity events, public speeches given by the heads of nations, it could be considered one of the world's more touching moments. People, everywhere, were doing their best to help. The same could be said of the fighters who had helped save(and in some cases hinder) the town. Speaking at high schools and town halls, giving personal accounts of the tragedies... these young souls were just as much a boon to Metro now as they were in the past.

And of course... charity fights abound. Tonight, at the Taiyo Dome, given over graciously by the school administration, two fighters had been asked to put their skills on display for the world. All profits from the fight, and it's made no secret, are headed directly to rebuilding Metro City. The seats are filled to capacity, the publicity for this battle over-the-top, and the contestants... an odd pair.

"Not much is known about this young man, though he seems to have an easy enough time getting fans! Ladies love him, men don't know what to think, and fighters just can't hit him... Duo Lon!" And... since tonight is all about the publicity, the Hizoku fades in, upwards... his body coming together from bits of dust and bone that coalesce from the floor up. He's wearing his standard outfit, and, of course, the moment his recognizable form shows, female cheering and scattered hoots echo throughout the arena.

If anyone thought the amount of cheers Duolon got was something then they should hear what happens when Shingo makes his way down to the stage. It should really be no surprise. He is the hometown hero in this exhibition charity match. In addition to Taiyo High being his stomping grounds. People show their love as his entrance is announced, "Now entering the arena! Your friend and mine! Taiyo High's very own, Shingoooooooooooo Yabuki!"

It's nothing too elaborate. Which suits Shingo just fine. He's all about helping people out and not his own publicity. He gets enough of that already from his fangroups and SNF matches. It's really no big to the boy as he stands opposite facing Duolon making sure his black gloves are fitting snugly on his hands. A nod and grin is given to the ninja, "Heh. Looks like we meet again, Mister Ninja." A wave is given to the entire Dome before his eyes fall back onto his opponent.

Shingo's approach causes the assassin to give a small double-take, and as the child clambers into the ring, Duo's hands slip into his pockets. He shakes his head, hair falling into it's proper place(away from his eyes), and generally causing a stir from the women, again. He's almost as dreamy as Benimaru! "Yabuki. You've never fought me straight on, before. Do you think you can handle it?"

Following that, the assassin steps into a combat position, legs bent, hands coming out of his pockets to lie in front of him. "Ordinarily," he says, grinning a bit. "I'd fight you without my hands, but... it's for the city, right? Shame what happened." The assassin doesn't do anything, however... it seems as though he's waiting for Yabuki to move first. Hell.. it looks like the ninja's still /fixing his hair/.

COMBATSYS: Duolon has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Duolon           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Duolon takes no action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Duolon           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Shingo has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Duolon           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Shingo

Hahaha. Cocky guy isn't he? Telling Shingo that he's going to fight with just his feet. How cute. Too bad that Shingo will probably make him regret that decision. It'll be reminiscent of the last fight scene from Kickboxer 3. Just without the broken glass added to the hand wrappings. Though he could just be misinterpreting what Duolon says about how he's going to fight Shingo.

"Yeah, a shame. Considering that you did play a part in it ending up like that." Shingo says this casually and without any malice towards the other fighter. He doesn't hold grudges really. Another reason why some of people consider him weird. Or downright crazy. Almost as crazy as Duolon adjusting his hair instead of starting things off. In which case, Shingo is more than happy to take the lead with a lunging punch at the ninja. "Alright. But I think I should let you know..." The punch curves in towards Duolon's body, "Your body is wide open!"

COMBATSYS: Duolon blocks Shingo's Aragami Mikansei.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Duolon           0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0           Shingo

"Nobody expects kids to understand that the world is a lot more complicated than it seems..." Duo raises both arms as Shingo's punch comes sailing in, effectively nullifying the attack, even if the boy's rather... ridiculous candor resulted in a staggered ninja. "And..." He smiles, bringing his arms down. "Who said my body was open?" With that, he takes a bit of a change in posture, bringing one leg back.

"I'm gladwe could meet like this, Yagami. You need to learn a few things." He brings his foot around, quickly, and downward, towards the mat. A flare of purple energy erupts at the apex of the kick, and consequently, bursts from the ground at the Kusanagi-ryu warrior's own knees. "But first... you should learn to watch your knees instead of my body."

COMBATSYS: Shingo blocks Duolon's Genmu Kyaku Uchikiba.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Duolon           0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0           Shingo

There's no need for Shingo to watch his knees. His honed fighter instincts, despite them still needing more honing, kick in and he manages to avoid the brunt of the energy directed at his legs. Most he feels is like a light energy punch without the actual punching. "Heh. I need to learn a few things?" For some reason he finds this funny as he steps to the side after blocking the projectile attack. "I guess that's why I go to school, no?" Grin.

Stepping to Duolon's right is get himself into proper position for his next attack against Duolon. Shingo knows he can't hope to match the ninja's speed but at least he can work on getting himself into a placement where he can maximize his ability to hit really hard. "SHINGO KIIIIICKU!" The boy's signature move comes across the short distance between them both with the leg aimed for Duolon's head. Duolon is going to learn some things too. Like how hard this kick can hit.

COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Duolon with Shingo Kick.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Duolon           0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0           Shingo

Hahaha, like Shingo would hit him. Duo's already stepping out of the way, bringing his body around to gracefully evade the attack. However, just then... and really, maybe it's his Friend Sense tingling. Duo knew Ash was somewhere out there. The Hizoku blinks, wondering why his companion would be out in Taiyo, watching fights, but, unfortunately, also forgets to move. We'll call it the Ash Effect. Needless to say, Duo's hit full in the chest buy that... disgusting kick.

He's bowled over, slamming into the ground, rolling backwards, dazed on the ground. He'd have to confront Ash later. Now? Now is asskicking. "...Lucky!" Duo clambers to his knees, panting, and quite quickly, erupts in a burst of chill, purple energies, tendrils and ghastly figures filling the air around him. Sure, Yabuki's a hardy kid, but can he stand up to SOUL POWER? Probably not.

COMBATSYS: Shingo endures Duolon's Shiryou Hatsu Seikin.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Duolon           0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0           Shingo

Sure he can. He's the Shingonaut. He can stand up to anything. The trick is standing up -after- standing up to it. Which Shingo puts to the test right here and now. The appartitions emanating from from Duolon is enough to send a chill down his spine. But he's got to remain firm and hold his ground. Kyo wouldn't run away or show his fear in a fight. So why should he? The phantoms strike Shingo and the boy grunts through it all to avoid shouting out.

He doesn't even wait till it's all over before moving at Duolon. The ghosts tugging at his clothing and person. Shingo doesn't seem to care. He just wants to see if his plan will work or not and there's only one way to know for sure. He ducks in low and springs up with a spinning elbow into a backfist to elevate Duolon off the ground. It's an exact duplicate of Kyo's move sans flames. Those will come later. Really. "Oriyaaaaa!"

COMBATSYS: Duolon dodges Shingo's Oniyaki Mikansei.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Duolon           0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0           Shingo

Duo Lon is still in his element by the time Shingo ducks down and offers that... gutsy swing. Really, the kid had serious balls. Duo had to give him that. Unfortunately, Duo's balls could /teleport/. That Kyo-esque punch to the side hits... a whole lot of nothing, and Duo's disappeared in a streak of purple/black, reappearing at Shingo's side after looping around a bit. For cinematic effect. The second he reappears, a snicker.

"Try again. I'll even "set you up the bomb." A hand extends, and once more, the air around Duo explodes with ghastly energy, chill air and ghoulish screams echoing throughout the auditorium. While it's not quite as quick as it was earlier, it's still quite fast, and Duo /does/ seem intent on it. "Wither!"

COMBATSYS: Shingo blocks Duolon's Shiryou Hatsu Seikin.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Duolon           0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0           Shingo

That's one dud of a bomb he's been set up if you think about it. He barely felt the attack this time now that he knows what's coming. Shingo darns when Duo simply teleports out of the way of the rising anti-air move but that's all really. No use crying over spilled milk. Just go get a mop to clean it up. First got to watch out for the retaliation. Which -is- quite fast. But simply put, Shingo's guard is faster and his arms protect him from the second assault of necro-like chi energy.

"Sorry. I think I'll pass. But good effort on setting me up the bomb. Maybe next time!" He retorts to Duolon's command of withering with a grin. Withering doesn't sound very fun at all. Regardless of whatever spin the ninja puts on it. Speaking of spinning, time for another one from Shingo's repetoire of techniques. "SHINGO KIIIIICKU!" The Taiyo student spins around and his leg strikes hard against Duolon's head again! Really. Quit laughing.

COMBATSYS: Duolon dodges Shingo's Shingo Kick.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Duolon           0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0           Shingo

"Right then." Shingo blocks Duo's next attack, and the Hizoku frowns, the slightest bit. As the spirits subside, and Shingo turns around, spinning with an awfully decently executed Shingo Kick... well, what kind of idiot is going to subject himself to more of that pain? The /whoosh/ of the Taiyo High student's shoe passing over his head is... a relief, and Duo's honestly quite thankful he ducked. Afterwards, the Hizoku looks up at Shingo, eyes wide, and... /then/ the smile spreads over his face.

"I don't think you know what I'm talking about. Remember my speech about the world being more complicated than you think, Yabuki?"

A gesture to the fighter's likely tired arms, and Duo simply, disappears, reappearing some ten feet away. A hand raises, and the Hizoku regards Shingo from the corner of his eyes, hair, flowing outfit beginning to whip around his body with the power welling in his hand. The crowd(His side, anyway), goes crazy. "Sorry to submit you to the school of reality, but... These are the breaks." A grey ball, possibly as large as Shingo's head, suddenly flies out from Duo's pale, outstretched hand, and arcs towards the boy's chest. This thing's like concentrated drain and pain, basically.

COMBATSYS: Duolon successfully hits Shingo with Hiden Genmu Juu Onshii Kon.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Duolon           0/-------/-----==|=======\====---\1           Shingo

Goodness gracious, great balls of not-fire. Shingo arches a brow at Duolon wondering what the ninja is blabbering about. What speech is he talking about? Must not have been all that important if he can't remember it. This is saying a lot since Shingo generally has a good memory and is really excellent at taking notes. This moment of distraction is exactly what Duolon needs to turn the tables around on Shingo. The grayish orb colliding with his chest and infusing itself with his body. Pain indeed. But no worse than what he's felt from a Shinkuu Hadouken from his girlfriend. Save the somewhat draining effect it has on him for a second causing his step to falter when he gets back up from the ground.

Shingo hehs with a grin at Duo. "What are you talking about?" Seriously. He's lost. All these references to things that he's never heard mentioned before. Clever banter in a fight is something Duolon should work on as well. The boy is breathing hard, like one would after running the hundred metre dash. Yet he's still able to maintain his fighting stance. Though why he isn't attacking causes some people to wonder if he's more hurt than he looks. Maybe. However, if he is, he doesn't show it and locks his eyes on his opponent.

COMBATSYS: Shingo focuses on his next action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Duolon           0/-------/-----==|=======\====---\1           Shingo

"You mentioned that I was in a place I shouldn't be." Duo steps back, placing his hands in his pockets, shaking out his hair, again. That last torrent of focus and energy mussed it. "And I told you there are things children can't understand. Combat..." A gesture to Yabuki's body, the trails of grey energy still trailing from it. "Is one of them. Dozens of approaches and methods that your kick can't duplicate."

Duo simply leans back, now, eyes on Shingo. Discerning, alert. His own mastery of martial arts gives him insight into the attempts of other fighters to harm him... simply looking at Shingo's eyes, legs, and arms gives /huge/ hints about what he's planning, how hard the strike will be, and how fast the Shingonaut's going to hit him.

COMBATSYS: Duolon focuses on his next action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Duolon           0/-------/-----==|=======\====---\1           Shingo

Okaaaay. Shingo still has no idea what this bishonen is talking about and scratches his head. He can afford to do that since there aren't any more attacks being tossed around. Essentially, they're at a face off of sorts. Don't know why when Duolon clearly has the advantage at the moment. Oh well. He passed up a perfect opportunity to take advantage of Shingo. Needless to say, Shingo isn't going to give him the same benefit. "Uh, right. Whatever you say, Mister Ninja." Clearly he's still lost.

The Shingonaut blitzes Duolon with a speed that is normally unbecoming of him. If the ninja is going to wait around for him to attack then why make the pretty boy wait any longer than he has to? "Well all I have to say is this." He darts around the arena while closing in on his target. "Burning..." Suddenly he's right in front of Duolon with a powerful right hand coming in to clobber the man, "SHINGOOOOOOO!" And after the first clobber? It's lots and lots more of them. Pounding fists intent on pummeling the pugilist.

COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Duolon with Burning Shingo.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Duolon           1/-------/=======|=------\-------\0           Shingo

The ninja is, quite accurately, pounded into oblivion by Shingo's fists of fury and spiteful confusion. Duo was going to have to learn, one day, that Focusing when your opponent is ready to nail you with a MAX is always stupid. Never a good idea. It happened with Guy, and now Shingo. Both times, Duo had been served. But unlike the last time, the Hizoku was more than prepared to win this battle. He had to! For the ladies. For the team!

Lying on the ground, Shingo looming over the man triumphantly, Duo looks up, blood trickling from a cut along his lip. He smiles, bitterly, towards the Yabuki boy, and, without a word... dissipates, flesh and bones sinking into the mat beneath him. Just like that, the Hizoku is gone, and Shingo is the victor! Hooray, Shingo!


Duo's coming down /quickly/, having reappeared ten feet /above/ Shingo, behind the child, descending at a 45 degree angle, legs and ponytail circling around his slender form in a series of attacks that, if they connect, would undoubtedly cause heavy, blunt damage.

COMBATSYS: Shingo fails to counter Genmu Hishou Keikou from Duolon with Tsuki Hiji.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Duolon           1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0           Shingo

Heavy blunt damage is exactly the type of damage Shingo is perfectly set up to receive. Despite him horribly failing to catch Duolon's legs with a well-placed elbow that would've more assuredly spelled the man's defeat at the hands of the highschool student. Alas. It's not meant to be and the best he could probably go for now is a double knockout. Unless the Goddess of Luck floats down from the heavens and just makes sweet sweet love to him thereby increasing his luckiness by a thousand fold. Lady Luck's milkshake brings all the boys to the hard. Damn right, it's better than yours. For the moment, until she shows up, Shingo is going to have to accept his fate at getting kicked multiple times and falling over to hit the ground into a backward recovery roll.

Duo lands, and can't help but think about how great /his/ milkshake is. It brought all his feet straight to Shingo's face! That, if you keep an eye on his fights, /never/ happens. This is half because he never does it, and half because he doesn't know how to. Shut up. Regardless, the Hizoku steps back, electing to take this fight to the finish now, pulling a leg back, offering a wan smile to Yabuki.

His foot flashes down, second time this match, and the burst of shadowy, flared chi tears out of the mat, cold flames licking at Shingo's knees. "It was a good fight, Shingo! I didn't expect you to..." A look down at his outfit and body after the attack's executed. "...Kick me so damn hard."

COMBATSYS: Duolon successfully hits Shingo with Genmu Kyaku Uchikiba.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  /                             ]
Duolon           1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0           Shingo

Another helping of dark chi energy at his feet? Yes please! That's the way it seems anyways from how easily the attack gets past his defenses and strikes him. When all the times before he was able to reasonably avoid the same attack. All it means is that Lady Luck hasn't shown up yet. Probably still in the restroom freshening up for her big date with Shingo. He's sure she's bound to show up any moment now. Any moment.

Meanwhile, Shingo is going to do his darndest to make sure that he gives Duolon his all and make this a DKO match rather than a complete loss. And Duo's just being a pansy. Shingo Kick doesn't even hit that hard. In fact. Compare it to this next attack he musters with the last ounce of energy he has before he's no longer able to continue to fight. Shingo hops forward at Duolon with a series of three forward spinkicks that lift the ninja upfrom the diagonal angle. Well, two spinkicks that launch and a downward heel kick to ground him out of the air. Shingo shouting out otherwise nonsense words along the lines of, "Teya!" When he lands he almost falls over and instead catches himself with one knee down and looking to see how Duolon fares against his unfinished technique. Unfinished compared to Kyo's.

COMBATSYS: Shingo can no longer fight.

[                        \\\\\\  <
Duolon           1/-----==/=======|

COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Duolon with Oboroguruma Mikansei.

[                             \  <
Duolon           1/--=====/=======|

Well. That was unexpected. Another step back, and Duo's crazy bad luck comes into play, making yet another freakish incident occur. Yes, this time, people have started throwing roses into the arena before the fight is over! And, as a matter of "just desserts", Shingo's... fiery punch thing minus the fire slams into Duo's solar plexus, and the man goes down to his knees, then falls to the ground. Ow. Serious ow."

And just like that the fight is over. A draw match! The announcement resounds over the cheers of the crowd on the loud speakers. A good fight indeed. Shingo sure showed that ninja that he isn't easy pickings. Mwah. Though he wonders what the lesson Duolon was talking about was. Oh well. He can always find out later. Now he's going to fall over onto his backside and just lay looking up at the ceiling while medics take care of him and the other fighter. Good fight and good night.

Log created by Shingo, and last modified on 11:39:07 09/21/2005.