Shingo - Where'd She Come From?!

Description: The title says it all. Where -did- she come from? Hey, at least Shingo got some cash stuffed into his pants for his efforts. And now we join the fight already in progress...

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Vice             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Shingo

So you're Shingo Yabuki. And you've just left your highschool after coming out of a swim club meeting. One of the weekly Sunday meetings where they all get together at the pool to work on getting to become faster, stronger, better swimmers. Taiyo has the technology. It's sunny and that cool dip in the swimming pool was more than enough to make your day. Now it's time to head home and get some lunch. You're no longer grounded since your mom decided that a week was enough time for her normally responsible son. That and it ended up not making much sense to ground him after he did help kick Rolento out of Metro City. All in all a good day. Or it was...

Right up until he wandered across the path of an irritated Vice. He should've known better. After all those previous incidents, he should've known not to alert her that he was around. Yet, he still did. Like a doofus. Being all nice and junk. Now look where it got him. In a fight. Just to get home. Ah well, such is the life of a teenaged fighter.

Shingo eyes the Scary Devil Lady. If she wasn't prone to becoming extremely violent when irritable then he wouldn't have any hesitance about giving her a rematch from Saturday's free-for-all fight. But, it's not meant to be. He's going to have to fight her and hope she calms down. Hah. Fat chance. "SHINGO KIIIIIICKU!" He almost always uses this technique as an opener. It has served him well and if it works, why not? The boy arcs through the air and brings the lower part of his shin down on Vice's trapezius. She may be a Scary Devil Lady, but a lady nonetheless. Shingo meant for his leg to veer way from her head.

COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Vice with Shingo Kick.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Vice             0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0           Shingo

Vice isn't having a good day. But then, she never seems to have a good day, if she did, she'd probably only find some way to make it worse.
Mature had run out of people for her to kill, then that... moron had come up to her and started trying to chat her up, daring to get back up again after she hit him, and then having the gall to stay down after only three attacks! Ugh, some people have no manners.
On top of that, she still couldn't find any sign of any of the big players on her "list" and if she didn't get to them soon, they might think they were safe! And she couldn't have that...
And then, of course, there was the bigger issue- she and Shingo had tied the previous day! She couldn't let that get out of her head, a tie! Worse than a defeat! She had to know, was the boy better than her? Was he? No, surely not... it had to be luck! It just had to be!

Naturally, Shingo always knows how to make her feel better- a nice, swift blow to the head jars her for a moment, but she quickly recovers, charging forwards at the boy in an attempt to wrap her arms around his middle, if she succeeds she hauls the boy into the air and vents a little of that burning anger by slamming him into the ground as hard as she possibly can, and then kicking him away with contempt, and an angry yell of-
"Is that all you've got Japanese Boy?! Don't you hold back on me!"

COMBATSYS: Shingo counters Black End from Vice with Tsuki Hiji.
- Power hit! -

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Vice             0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0           Shingo

There's usually no need to tell Shingo not to hold back. He rarely does, if ever, such a thing. He feels that someone should give it their all in a fight. Mind, not do whatever it takes to win. But doing your best. Which he strives to always do. Vice's scream is answered in kind by bring a complete stop to her attack with an elbow to the same trapezius he was aiming to kick earlier to bring her off balance and then launching a powerful and blindingly fast thrust kick to her side to send her reeling back. "GECCHU!" Possibly cracking a few of her ribs in the process. Of course, not deliberately. Shingo falls backwards onto his rump, still haven't gotten used to regaining his balance every time he does that attack. Once he scrambles to his feet he maintains his fighting posture.

"Come on, Miss Vice. You know I don't hold back." Shingo says sans grin or smile; his facial expression being neutral. Though he doesn't know that Vice is here just to prove herself better than him. Nor would he think such a thing. Especially after all those times they've fought before and in general, both of them coming out more or less even overall. Guess she's not happy with that. Then again? When is Vice ever happy unless she's hitting someone with a powerbomb?

Vice grunts in surprise as her attack is so easily countered, and she is sent flying away, to land heavily, when she gets to her feet, she seems just a little less... controlled than before, not that Vice ever seems totally in control, but that sense of something about to be tipped over the edge is gone, she is now officially off the deep end.
With a scream that might have been some word originally, but now just seems to be one, long, animal-like howl of rage, Vice is off! She barrels towards Shingo at full pelt, her arms whipping forward at the last moment to grab the boy, flip him round and drive him skull-first into the hard ground.
Ah yes, all the previous fights had established a stalemate of sorts between the pair, but damnit! The boy was so insufferably nice to her! She couldn't stand it! How could someone so nice still pack such a punch? It just isn't natural!

COMBATSYS: Shingo blocks Vice's Gore Fest.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Vice             0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0           Shingo

Yet a woman with her build who's just an inch shorter than he is who is able to bench press five hundred lbs is natural? When it comes to Shingo think of it as the strenght of Justice! While he may not be exactly a true Justice! fighter like the Kim dojo he does stand for truth, honour, and the Kusanagi-ryuu way. This helps to explain how he is able to kick out of Vice's throw when she's just about to drive his cranium through the pavement. Ok, it doesn't really. But still, it doesn't mean that he doesn't kick out nonetheless. Right before his head impacts he is able to get both arms over his head and brace with forearms and at the same time pushing off with them to slip out Vice's grip to land on his feet. Hrm. She looks a little pissed, he muses to himself.

The eighteen year old steps to her left and ducks low to avoid any flailing her arms might do in order to grab her by her clothing and yank her into a hard shoulder. Shingo holding firm his ground to make it feel like she's running into a brick wall. Except tougher. If only a bit. "Teya!" The force of the blow should be enough to cause her to stumble.

COMBATSYS: Vice interrupts Hatsugane from Shingo with Gore Fest.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Vice             0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1           Shingo

Vice snarls deeply, twisting a little as Shingo's shoulder slams into her, luckily, she has done a fair bit of running into, and through, hard wall-like objects in her time, and although it does hurt a bit... she has felt much worse. And in this position, with shingo stooped down and her body uncomfortably close to his, she sees an opening and just... takes it.
Her arms snake down and grab the boy right on the hips, she then lifts him up as though he weighed nothing at all, and slams him back down into the ground with an audible, nasty sounding crack, before getting back up and putting a little more distance between the pair. Eyeing Shingo with a smirk on her lips.
"I'd forgotten, you really are good... no amateur like that pathetic Vanessa." Her grin widens a bit more.
Wow... did Vice just pay Shingo a compliment? Sure looks like it!


It had to happen sooner later. This -is- Vice he's fighting here. If she doesn't get a successful throw against him he would be surprised and wonder if something was wrong with her. But from the force she displays lifting and just crunching him like a peanut against the ground, he has nothing to worry about. Except getting back up on his feet with a quick recovery roll. That stung, but he can shrug it off. Shingo slides from his roll back in a crouching position and hehs at Vice. Moreso at her alledged 'compliment'. "Thanks, I think. Then you're going to love this one!"

Looking like a sprinter on the starting blocks, Shingo bursts forward like a bullet from a gun and heads straight for the Scary Devil Lady. His face shows his determination on making this hit, though he has seen Vice manage some crazy stuff and get away from faster attacks. No matter, he has to at least give it a shot. Remember that shoulder from before? Yeah, it's coming back for a second appearance. This time backed by the weight and momentum of a almost six foot tall Japanese boy.

COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Vice with Ge Shiki - Kake Hourin.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Vice             1/------=/=======|=------\-------\0           Shingo

Vice cries out in pain as she is flung backwards by the rushing shoulder, her attempt to at least partially neutralize the force fails miserably, and she is sent sprawling back where, for a long moment, she doesn't do anything.
And then she is on her feet again, a wide, almost inhuman smile on her face- as though her features were stretched too taught over her skull, her eyes are wild, and blood trickles down from one corner of her mouth, not that she particularly seems to care, or even notice.
"Ah yes! Good! That hurt! That hurt a lot! Ha-hah! But it isn't over yet Shiiiiiin-go, oh no... I'm not done yet!" Her voice, decidedly erratic and getting progressively higher pitched, has an almost sing-song quality to it, and then... she isn't just standing there any more.
Vice moves horribly fast as she rushes towards Shingo, no intention of stopping at all, instead she just hopes to literally scoop the boy up...

COMBATSYS: Shingo fails to counter Withering Atlas from Vice with Tsuki Hiji.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Vice             0/-------/------=|=======\-------\0           Shingo

Vice growls as she scoops Shingo up, hefting the boy into the air, she hurls him up, following up after him to grab him by the leg and swing him down as hard as she can manage, which sends the boy careening into the pavement with another nasty cracking sound, but she doesn't stop there, instead as she falls she positions herself carefully, landing square in the middle of the boys stomach with both feet, before jumping off and considering the boy carefully for a moment, smiling an oddly satisfied smile.
"Ready to give up yet?"

It would've been really cool for Shingo to use his Tsuki Hiji to stop that attack. And frankly, that's all that he was thinking about when she came at him full steam ahead. The being hurled around like a ragged old doll, tossed onto the pavement, and then stomped on really really stings. More than anything else she's hit him with thus far. Which isn't too bad considering that she only hit him once really. By grabbing him out of his Hatsugane. Her throws are still powerful though. That's for sure.

His young body battered and bruised, Shingo holds his stomach tight after 'OOFing' when Vice landed on him. The boy rolling from side to side from the pain. He barely hears her question of him wanting to give up from the ringing in his ears. And he's sure he's bleeding somewhere. It's that most of the pain has begun to numb away from the increased adrenaline flow in his blood stream. This helps him to climb back up onto his feet and heh at Vice with a grin of his own. "Give up? I never give up." Shingo coughs and spits out some blood onto the pavement. Mmm, yummy.

Vice nods approvingly, and barely -barely- contains the shiver of delight that runs through her as he spits up that blood... oh yes, this was so close to being over... but it wasn't yet, not yet... and it could still very much go either way- her own body was starting to instruct her that soon it would give out, not that Vice was paying it much attention... oh no, there was a far more interesting thing to listen to right here- our dear friend Shingo.
"Oh -good-" she cries, sounding genuinely overjoyed, before she takes a careful step forward, deceptively slow, her generous chest heaving for just a moment, she seems... disturbingly calm.
And then her leg is out, a flurry of powerful, scything kicks cut towards Shingo's upper body and face, leaving a trail of light blue shimmering where they pass...

COMBATSYS: Vice successfully hits Shingo with Outrage.
- Power hit! -

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ///                           ]
Vice             0/-------/----===|=======\==-----\1           Shingo

Shingo casts his arms up to do what he can to protect himself against the blue energy directed at him from the numerous of kicks Vice uses her leg for. Showing off a bit of leg at the same time. Shame Shingo isn't the type of boy to get easily distracted by such things. Or is he?! Because something has to account for each and every single one of Vice's kicks strike his body. Ripping his clothing where there is and bruising up his skin extremely well. But not well enough.

Shingo waits for the leg assault to end before he seizes the opportunity. Knowing full well he only has one good attack left in him. Might as well make the best of it. He steps in quickly while ducking low and once within Vice's guard he propels himself high into the air with a rotation that swings out his elbow into her gut and then the backfist of the same arm into her upper chest area just short of her neck, "Oriyaaaaaa!" Hit or miss he falls over unceremoniously out of the air and into a crouch with one knee down and breathing very hard. All he can do then is wait to see what happens.

COMBATSYS: Shingo can no longer fight.

[                        \\\\\\  <
Vice             0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Vice blocks Shingo's Oniyaki Mikansei.

[                          \\\\  <
Vice             0/-------/---====|

Vice isn't smiling any more.
The instant Shingo's attack comes in, her arm snaps up, blocking the first and then the second blow, damn... that smarted. her entire body ached.
But Shingo was down for the count, and didn't look like he was getting up again, she had won! Ha-ha... ha... not that it was as definitive as she would have liked... after all, that had been far, far too close for comfort.
However, Vice... although insane and fuelled by rage, had definitely found a kind of... respect for the boy, and she goes over to look down on his unconscious body, as though considering something very carefully for a good, long moment. She shrugs, sure... why not, it wasn't like she had any use for it after all, and after the amount of energy she had expended and the severe beating she had taken, Vice was feeling happier than she had in days, weeks... months even!
Vice withdraws from her pocket a big, fat wad of money, $10,000 in fact, fully half of the cash she had been paid for her previous fight- what did she care for money? But... Mature would never let her hear the end of it if she gave it all away.
"Spend it well, Japanese Boy." She mutters, turning Shingo over with her foot and tucking the money into the boys pants.

COMBATSYS: Vice has ended the fight here.

As Vice makes her way over to him his first thought is to brace for some more pain. Given how she has treated him in the past after their fights. Even taking a cheap shot to his gut that one time she dragged her unconscious body through the snow for three hours at night to the safety and warmth of a barn when she woke up the next day. Imagine his astonishment and relief when instead she stands over him and the impendng powerbomb doesn't come. Whew.

Shingo slowly wobbles to stand up and looks at Vice, ever wary. She didn't seem like she was going to put the hurting on him, so he guesses he could relax. Only a little. Never know. It could be a trap. Then she stuffs money in his pants. Shingo stares at her blankly not only at her compliments of his fighting but also the cash and then her simply walking off. Well, looking like she's about to. His first thought is to shout out how he's not a stripper. Fortunately he doesn't entertain that thought for long. "Uh...thanks." He's still bewildered by this side of Vice. It could be worse though. She could be hanging off him again and leaving him quite nervous as well as confused.

Vice snorts slightly, "Don't mention it, oh... and tell anyone about this, and I'll kill you. I don't want people thinking I'm going soft." And with that- a simple statement, she stalks off. Growling at anyone who even looks at her funny.

Log created by Shingo, and last modified on 13:26:33 09/18/2005.