Description: Just a normal tournament in Howard Tower. Momo decided to get back into action after her 'father' died, and Bao needed to fight against someone just to compete. It eventually turned to a wager for a date or Bao would have to play tennis with her. He'd do both. <3
It's a big day.... A great, brand new day for new beginnings and new matches. With things going on with Metro City, some of the more fighters haven't been around for some time. But the fans have been wanting to see someone fight within the ring. he crowd have gathered, they're cheering for fighters to duel for their entertainment. Cheers have been roaring, and people have been waiting for the day to go on.
A blond haired man is approaching the very center of the ring. He's wearing a black suit. With the microphone in hand, he calls out to the spectators. "Welcome... to our upcoming match up! It's been the fight that you all have been waiting for!"
"We will give our newest generation their moment to fight... in this corner... only twelve years old... Bao!"
...While normally, this would surprise the people, because children that aren't even teenagers shouldn't be fighting. Or competing against fighters. However, they have heard of Bao's great power.
The young boy is busy plopping his way into the ring, walking step by step. He finally leaps onto the rocky surface, "Hiii!" He smiles, adjusting his hat.
Momo smiles happily, walking out into the ring herself. She is dressed in her usual Taiyo gear- it had been quite a while since she had decided to retreat entirely from the events of Metro City and leave them to their natural course. Of course, she had retired from fighting for a while on the basis that her father had been killed, but enough time had passed now for her to be able to say that she was trying to live life as though nothing had happened. And it is this sense of "bravery" which the commentator picks up on.
"And in this corner, back in the fight after the tragic death of her father, Momo Karuizawa! I'm sure we all wish her luck in this fight, and we are all glad to see such developing talent bouncing back into the thick of things!"
The young boy notices the young girl arriving. Wow, she looks around his age, even if he is a little taller than her. The bouncy kid offers the young girl a smile, leaning forward while he calls out to her.
"I congratulate you on getting back to your feet after such a horrible incident." He frowns. THen he leans back while lifting his fists up.
And when he gets himself settled, the young boy is bouncing around for his stance, smiling. "Let's have some fun!" He giggles.
COMBATSYS: Bao has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Bao 0/-------/-------|
Momo smiles slightly, nodding. She gives Bao a short bow, unslinging her racket from her back. "Thank you for your sympathy, but don't you go easy on me, I need to make sure I haven't gotten sloppy!"
Suddenly the blonde guy punches his fist in the air with a cry of "FIGHT!"
The instant the word is out, Momo has produced her signature tennis ball, and the bright yellow projectile is shooting towards Bao at an incredible rate, she sure wasn't going to go easy on the boy... if he had made it into the ring against her, he was clearly capable.
COMBATSYS: Momo has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Momo 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Bao
COMBATSYS: Bao overcomes Whale Serve from Momo with Dan Kougeki - Bound.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Momo 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Bao
"You don't either!" Bao calls out, smiling broadly at the young girl. He is ready to see what she can do. Bao crouches low, watching her movements as she pulls out her tennis racket and swings the ball his direction. "Whoa! Tennis! How cool!"
Bao takes a leap back, then he starts to bring his right hand out, "Volleyball is cool as well!" He extends both hands out, channeling his Psycho Power to erupt from his hands. Then, the powerful orb of light takes its shape. "Watch!"
He calls out, "Psycho Ball!" He bats the ball out, sending the huge ball of energy to fly straight Momo's way.
...When it's flying her way.... It encompasses her tennis ball.
(*crunchcrunchgulp* Tastey ball.)
Now it's aiming to smack against Momo's stomach.
COMBATSYS: Momo fails to reflect Dan Kougeki - Bound from Bao with Racket Return.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Momo 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Bao
Momo grits her teeth, eyes narrowed. "Oh shut up! Tennis is the ultimate sport! Allow me to demonstrate you annoying brat!" With that she swings her racket around, clearly intending to slam the energy ball right back at Bao...
Alas... 'twas not to be so, and the ball finds its mark, burning deep into her stomach.
"Ouch." She states, staggering back a few steps with a neat burn mark in her uniform... dear god! How could the kid hit that hard! Its not natural!
Giggling to himself, the young boy is busy bouncing around, grinning at Momo. "Oh, don't be that way!" He chimes out, hopping along the battle field as he is preparing to fight. "Hehehehe." He smiles, "I hope you're okay! Let's have fun!"
He starts sprinting towards Momo, taking a huge leap into the air. And when he's rolling into the air, Bao is lunging his head out, preparing to dive towards Momo's head.
...His head on impact would feel like a sack of bricks.
COMBATSYS: Momo dodges Bao's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Momo 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Bao
Momo licks her lips, Yelling out "Stop saying that!" She yells, clearly irritated, gods... this kid was getting on her nerves! With almost contemptuous ease Momo darts to the side moments before Bao was due to slam into her, and, just as Bao passes where she had been, Momo will try and lash out and grab the young boy's leg, hoping to use his own momentum against him...
COMBATSYS: Bao dodges Momo's Giant Swing.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Momo 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Bao
Although Bao's head crashes against the ground with an earthshattering eruption, the boy is quick on his feet to avoid the terrible fate of having his legs grabbed. Instead of letting her get to the punch of having him, Bao turns to face the young woman, who looks to be his own age.
He smiles at her, "You're cute! How about we get some ice cream after this fight?" He offers a beaming smile, "It'll be worth it!" He extends both hands out, channeling the Psycho Energy to erupt around his hands. Because Momo is so close to Bao, he has a good chance of letting it erupt out at her.
The Psycho Power takes the form of violet orbs swirling along the atmosphere. It's radiating off to give out a doosage of the strange power.
COMBATSYS: Momo dodges Bao's Psycho Ball Reflect.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Momo 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Bao
Momo grits her teeth, Diving backwards, "How about this, you beat me and I'll go out with you, you don't beat me... you play a game of tennis with me- that sounds pretty fair to me, but you won't win, naturally." That said she darts down, the attack going way over her head, she then comes up, bringing her racket with her, aiming straight for the young boys throat, she intends to keep on going, bringing Bao around and slamming down into the ground with those nasty reinforcement-bolts silencing any further banter.
COMBATSYS: Bao dodges Momo's Throat Racket.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Momo 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Bao
A smile curls on Bao's face, especially when she makes the stakes. "Actually, I wouldn't mind playing tennis with you, even if I do win." He leans back from the young girl, flipping away from her when she's trying to aim out towards his throat. So instead of letting her grab at Bao's throat, the young boy immediately slides away from her, and he reaches his right foot to snap across the ground, aiming to sweep Momo off of her feet. Literally.
To the ground.
Momo smiles slightly, "I'll hold you to that." She states, leaping into the air as Bao comes shooting in from below. She twists in mid air, somehow contorting her body to be pointing straight down again, racket leading the way and pointing at Bao's chest... and, just as in a cheesy cartoon show.
And suddenly she is shooting down, racket leading the way, those wicked bolts intent on doing a lot of damage with the amount of momentum she has built up...
COMBATSYS: Momo successfully hits Bao with Rocket Racket.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Momo 0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0 Bao
Bao smiles at Momo, then he watches her prepare to draw out her own power as she is aiming to strike him against the chest. His eyes widen as he sees that she's coming out with her powerful strike. Oh boy. Boy urks when she sends to aim the racket against his chest.
"AAHHHH!!" Bao bounces against the ground, then he sprawls back, groaning in pain. "Nice.... You have a powerful swing... I like that!" He smiles cheerfully. "You're a great fighter! I want to be one too!"
He channels his power together, drawing forth his Psycho Power. Then... it erupts around him as he takes a step forward as he bends his legs.
"So we'll continue!" He smiles.
COMBATSYS: Bao gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Momo 0/-------/----===|=======\==-----\1 Bao
Momo licks her lips, weighing up her options for a long moment, she shrugs. "Darn right we'll continue, I'm not losing this one!" She yells, rushing forwards as fast as she can to grab hold of Bao's shoulders, if this succeeds she will haul the boy bodily into the air and hurl him across the arena, reasoning that if she could do this it would likely break his concentration- and big auras seemed to need concentration to maintain...
COMBATSYS: Bao interrupts Giant Swing from Momo with MAX Psycho Ball.
[ \\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Momo 1/--=====/=======|=------\-------\0 Bao
Of course, for poor Momo, young Bao is given a nice grab, and he is swung all across the area. "Yaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!" His eyes widen as he is soaring all along the air, feeling the rush of the atmosphere tearing against his form. Bao is hurting quite nicely from the build up of the powerful toss.
But when she takes him off into the air, Bao is rolling his head back, curling up into a ball as he murmurs.
o/` I am King of the Ring! Come here and play with me! o/`
He draws both hands back, gathering a small ball of energy. But, the ball keeps channeling, crackling in the air as it continues concentrating and erupting a long the youth as he is drawing forth a powerful amount of energy.
o/` Meet the King of the Ring! Bring in you, the energy! o/`
The ball grows bigger. He smiles.
o/` King of the Ring! o/`
He takes a deep breath, sweat dropping along his face.
o/` King of the Ring! o/`
Then, it shoots straight down at Momo, which in turn, sends Bao flying higher into the air from the battle. The ball... is massive. Way taller than Bao and incredible wide. It's like a comet crashing down.
Momo takes a look at the massive ball of energy, then at her tiny racket... well, crap. Despite a vague attempt to block the blow- after all, it was far too big to dodge or even try to bounce back, the ball of energy still tears into her form, she screams, and falls to the ground, smoking softly.
But Momo is not out of the fight just yet. She was -not- going on a date with this little... brat.
Carefully she takes a step back. And pulls her watch to her mouth. "Come in Angel, the unbeliever needs smiting." She whispers into the watch, before turning back to Bao. Smiling happily.
"I got to hand it to you, you did good! I've never been hit by something like that before! But... would you mind giving me a moment to sort out my hair? You kinda mussed it all up." Without waiting for an answer she has pulled a comb from somewhere and is smoothing out her classical pig-tails. Well, if Bao was -any- kind of gentlemen he would let Momo sort out her hair, wouldn't he?
COMBATSYS: Momo takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Momo 1/--=====/=======|=------\-------\0 Bao
Somewhere from the audience there is a commotion. Security seems to of spotted a trouble maker. Someone rushing the auditorium. Of course more fighters entering can sometimes be better entertainment and besides, this was a fringe match anyway, hardly worth drawing the attention of upper management or the higher paid security. Therefore when someone jumps down from the stands, the few people actually watching this match make OOOO sounds.
Justice. Some Angel, dressed in black and . . orange?! WTF you say. The uniform of JUSTICE!
Kai Gabriel with eyes on fire comes walking toward the match circle now, unannounced. One wonders what things Momo might of told her to get her so angry, but to Bao she points and exclaims
"You Villain! I shall not allow you to assault this young girl any longer with your wicked intent! I shall smite thee in the name of Heaven and the MAIDEN OF LIGHT!"
COMBATSYS: Gabriel has joined the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Bao 0/-------/------=|=======\=====--\1 Momo
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|
Hrm? She wants to take a breather? And come her hair out? In the middle of a fight? Well, most experienced fighters would tell her no and attack her anyway. But the boy in the orange suit... Well...
Bao's not experienced. He's quite guillible as far as that goes. So he does allow her to take a comb her hair and soothing herself out. "Sure!" He giggles, then he looks at Momo.
But then, when Gabriel gets into the mix, Bao frowns softly towards the older girl.
Blink. Blink.
"You want in the fight too? Sure! This should be fun!" He giggles, then he starts bouncing around.
COMBATSYS: Bao focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Bao 0/-------/------=|=======\=====--\1 Momo
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|
Momo shrugs slightly, "Fair enough, looks like I have a helper! Thank you mysterious stranger!" Sure, that might be a little overdone, she just hoped that- for the love of god- Sakura never saw or heard of this fight. Ever, that would require some pretty wild explanations...
"Now, uh, back to the fight!" And with that Momo rushes forward, circling around to come in from the left with a powerful jab to Bao's stomach- after all... projectiles hadn't worked too good so far.
Kai Gabriel actually doesn't do what you would of expected her to do. She does interfere.. She charges in when the fighting starts, looking scandalized.
"You.. Terrible man! How could you!" Kai exclaims and darts in the way. Somewhere in her mind she screwed it up into thinking that Momo's attack was Bao's attack and that.. Okay, it's just screwed up, at any rate she moves in to stop MOMO from hitting Bao, putting herself between them. Though she does attack Bao herself the next moment, if she can prevent the attack, even if not really, it's nothing spectacular, just a palm strike toward the face.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel blocks Momo's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Bao 0/-------/------=|=======\=====--\1 Momo
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Bao blocks Gabriel's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Bao 0/-------/-----==|=======\=====--\1 Momo
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|
That's odd. The girl is charging straight towards Momo and his direction. She really must want in the fight badly. However, that doesn't mean that Bao is going to give up on Momo. But he will, however, make his attempt in avoiding the incoming palm srike against the face.
Bao pulls his arms up, attempting the guard himself against the incoming fist.
But it doesn't truly deter him from his path.
Bao is channeling his Psycho Ball, drawing it forth to come at Momo's direction.
COMBATSYS: Bao successfully hits Momo with Dan Kougeki - Bound.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > // ]
Bao 0/-------/--=====|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Momo
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Momo can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Bao
Momo urks! A ball of Psycho Power burns deeply into her again, despite her somewhat desperate attempt to fend it off with her racket, and she is knocked back, skidding to a halt. She can feel the pain already blurring the edges of her vision... yup, she was out of this fight, but for the love of god she was going to take this little orange demon down with her, it was as though everything she hated to have to fight about the people she was currently betraying- all their happy, spunkiness, was personified in this bouncing ball of orange love.
Oh how she hated that orange ball.
"OUT THE WAY GABRIEL!" She screams eyes wide with rage as she charges forwards, racket held tightly as she swings it in at Bao's soft, tender body, and again, and again, intending to hack and slash and stab and rend and tear at the boy with those wicked bolts as she swings her racket around again and again and again, a vicious whirlwing of metal pain fuelled by pure anger and boundless hate.
Needless to say, Momo is a bit pissed off right now.
Eventually, however, the assault passes, and Momo sways, if the boy dodged, she had just slashed the air, if he blocked, his arms, and if he endured... well, that was obvious. But regardless Momo is left swaying, unsure if her attack did anything.
"Make mine chocolate chip." She declares cryptically before her racket clatters to the ground and she slumps forwards.
Momo can be scary when she's bad.. Imagine if you will.. Chucky. Only a little bigger, female and much cuter. That is Momo, mad, with a Tennis racket rather than a knife. A serious ball of FIIIIIREEEE.
Kai Gabriel looks shocked, alarmed, she gets out of the way. A long ways out of the way.. That was, because she knows this would hurt. She just stands back and watches.. Disbelieving at what she is seeing. Momo could like.. Explode! But instead she died right there on that beach in Vietnam,
And that's all I've got to say about that.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Bao
COMBATSYS: Momo successfully hits Bao with Momo Crush.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|=======\=------\1 Bao
After unleashing the powerful swing, Bao smiles towards Gabriel and Momo. "Yeah! This is fun!" Then, he looks over towards Momo as she doesn't seem to be pleased. His eyes widen as he watches Momo swinging the racket his way. Bao is attempting to avoid the strike against his body, but Bao is quickly smacked straight across the stomach. But it doesn't end there, he is given several more strikes along hisbody, then the final one ends up sending Bao reeeling into the sky. "AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"
He lands on the ground, landing on his back like a crashing meteor. Ow... So much pain. He groans.
However, Bao is still conscious, and he can hear her call. Chocolate chip. Noted.
Wait. He's still up? Bao's eyes now form with glee!
"And the winner is.... Bao!"
The crowd is cheering over the match, watching the fight proceed on and the fans are uproar in cheers.
Bao? However, looks at Gabriel, then he leaps over to her to grab her hands and bounce around excitedly.
"Yay! I get to take the pretty girl out for ice cream! I'm so happy!" He looks quite cheerful at the victory.
Kai Gabriel just stares in disbelief, what gets her more though is Bao dancing around with her, for half a moment she even gets into it and dances too, until she remembers who called her and tries to figure out what to do next.
"Ummm.." she begins, scratching her jaw. She looks at Momo, looks at Bao, back at Momo, then at Bao, then at Momo.
"Merciful Maiden.. .Please tell me, show me a sign.. what am I supposed to do?" Kai prays softly.
Log created by Bao, and last modified on 06:27:11 09/13/2005.