Description: Triple Threat match on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier in the Pacific Ocean. Starring...Shingo as himself, Roy as himself, K9999 as Brad Pitt.
The sun rises on the horizon shedding it's light on the three fighters confronting each other upon a single vessel resting upon the gentle waters of the Pacific Ocean a few hundred miles away from the coast of Japan. Namely, a Nimitz class aircraft carrier. How exactly they ended up on the 332.85 meter (1,092 feet) long military ship is still up for a debate. Though it is likely that they were invited aboard for an exhibition match of sorts to entertain the crew. They've spent a long time out at sea after all. Such as these things go.
The huge flight deck measuring 76.8 meters (252 feet) has had a section of it cleared of fighter jets and other aircraft for this match-up. Other items such as barrels, drums, tools, and other paraphernalia are carelessly strewn about. It was a rush job to just move the aircraft and no one bothered to pick up the smaller, less expensive items. After all, what's a monkey wrench compared to a F-16 Fighting Falcon? A crowd of cheering sailors and pilots form a circle around the trio, giving them enough room to safely let loose with all their attacks if need be without fear of injuring military personnel.
Shingo is dressed in his typical fighting outfit, black gloves covering his hands, and looks to the other two joining him in this fight. oO(A free-for-all? Awesome. Gotta remember to stay cool...)Oo The Taiyo student grins widely and holds up a fist for all to see. Their hosts brought them here for a show and a show is what he intends to give them. "I, Shingo Yabuki, student of the ancient martial arts of Kusanagi-ryuu challenge you!" This of course is directed towards his opponents. Should be an interesting match. The wind off the ocean providing continuous A/C for all those outside. Early morning. Best time for a fight.
The wind whips the fringes of Roy's otherwise neatly kept hair as he snugs his own gloves onto his hands. He came out here looking for a little fun; his parents had forbidden him from going to Metro City himself. Annoying, to be sure, but they felt it was too serious a danger to put him in. Que sera sera. At least he can see a little action and provide a little morale here, although Tiff fighting would probably do far more for that.
"That's nice, pal," Roy calls back at Shingo, grinning lopsidedly. "You the Queen of Sheba too?" He stands at ease, rolling a shoulder as he waits for the others to finish prepping.
oO(Jesus, Geri. I asked to help raise trooper morale, and you book me for an exhibition with these punk fighter kids)Oo. K9999 laughed at something as he was escorted out of the awfully nice-looking, Infinity Corp. helicopter that had brought him here. Wearing a stiff-collared, trendy Hawaiian shirt, and a tight, leather red jacket over that, his slender body, broad shoulders, and overall chiseled physique would be sure to draw the eyes of any females present. Add that to the tight, purposefully-trashy blue jeans, and the big orange sunglasses on his face, covering baby-blue eyes. Above that, K9999's standard, purposefully spikey-mussed hairstyle. He had a 5 o'clock shadow, so as to look just a smidgen rugged.
K9999? I'm sorry, I meant Brad Mother-Fucking Pitt. That's right.
Shingo's little statement takes the faux movie-star aback as he gets into his own position, throwing a cautious look at Roy, and then moving back to just... laugh. "Kid, you might be good with your fists, but seriously. All that for one guy? Too much." Brad doesn't bother taking his sunglasses off, rather, he settles down, heavy brown boots(Trendy!) hitting the floor. "Now, what's the plan, today? We're here to give the boys in white a good show? I can handle that." He moves into an exaggerated fighting pose, something he must have picked up from movies. Brad's arms loop around in wide circles, before he steps backwards, body in a side-profile, legs bent, and fists, held wide to either side, a la Shenwoo. "Bring it, kids."
COMBATSYS: K9999 has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Shingo has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
K9999 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Shingo
COMBATSYS: Roy has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Shingo 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Roy
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 0/-------/-------|
Bring it on to the Queen of Sheba? Shingo obviously must be hearing things from the wind blowing past his ears and distorting the voices of Roy and Brad ever so slightly. Of course this doesn't really matter in a fight. Don't need to understand what someone is saying to punch or kick their faces in. Got to love that about fighting. Even if it's all fun to Shingo. Both of his opponents are recognized somewhat. Roy he knows of but doesn't personally know. Same for Mr. Pitt. This by no means is going to affect his judgement this match. As far as he's concerned they're both fighters he can test his skills against.
And since 'Brad' wants it to be brought it so much, Shingo thinks he'll start with him. We all know what's coming next when it comes to Shingo starting things off. Two words. Three guesses. The first two don't count. The boy starts off with a simple leap by first hopping off his forward foot and bringing his leg overhead in an arch towards the incognito K-Quad's skull. Give up? "SHINGO KIIIIICKU!" There you go.
The other fighter looks familiar. Could swear he's been on TV or something before. With a mental shrug, Roy settles into a 'put up y'dukes' fighting stance now that the other two are ready. First move, first move...ah hah, there he goes. Roy relaxes a little as Shingo goes flying at Brad. Not just his turn quite yet, then. Still, Roy moves forward, getting closer to the other two but well out of arm's reach, watching for the perfect moment to jump in and start punching people.
COMBATSYS: Roy focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Shingo 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Roy
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: K9999 endures Shingo's Shingo Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Shingo 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Roy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 0/-------/----===|
"Agh! Kid!" Brad steps back in time to avoid a head smashing, but suffers a chest breaking instead, Shingo's foot probably leaving a print in the celebrity's chest. On the other hand... Brad's stumbling. Not floored. And as Acacia was so kind to point out the other day... If Shingo's close to /him/, that means /he's/ close to Shingo. Which translates, loosely, into Brad lunging at Shingo, grinning like a wild man.
The plan of attack is this. Grab Shingo's head, and slam it into his rising knee. While Shingo takes the hit, pull /backwards/ and send the kid's body into the air, parallel to the ground. Keep your hand on his head. Lower your knee. And then, slam his face into the pavement of the runway strip. Yeeeah. That'll work.
COMBATSYS: Shingo counters Sudden Slam from K9999 with Tsuki Hiji.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Shingo 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Roy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 0/-------/--=====|
Continuing with that train of thought. If he's close to Shingo because Shingo is close to him then that means Shingo is close to him. Close enough to show Brad the error in his ways of wanting to lunge at the boy hero with the intention of bashing his face in with lots of knee strikes. The Kusanagi-ryuu fighter has a great smile. He would also like to keep it that way. This explains why as Brad charges upon him he is able to stop the grabbing of his head by breaking the grip with a well-placed elbow. This is also there to throw the celebrity off-balance enough that the ensuing thrust kick to his gut will send him rolling along the flight deck away from the boy, "GECCHU!" Of course since Shingo tends to over-exaggerate force now and again, he falls over. But is skilled enough to quickly roll back up and remark to the now kicked 'actor', "The name's Shingo." Grin.
One vaguely familiar brawler. Check. One martial artist. Check. If he can break a grapple like that, he can pat a punch away. Fine. Roy smiles. "Hey, Shingo! Over here!" The rich kid breaks into a sprint, leaping toward Shingo with his arm cocked back, plainly readying a powerful punch. The fist swings forward as Roy's leap brings him close to Shingo...
...and then it swings down, slamming into the ground a foot away from Shingo, Roy kneeling briefly at the same time. "Touchdown!" The ground directly in front of his fist erupts in a golden pillar of light, which rushes forward for a short distance to slam into Shingo.
Brad Pitt, after getting knocked over by Shingo's Gut Kick counter or whatever, is a little winded, a little pride-hurt by the way the younger kid broke his awesome attack. But really, that's okay. Brad'll be fine, in the end. Anyway. He lands on shin and knee, getting to his feet after a bit of headshaking, and looks around at the crew members. "Kid's got spunk... I'll give him that." Following that, Brad just extends one hand, fingers outstretched. Pointing towards Shingo. "But can he take my training?" It all comes out. Brad Pitt's been working under a martial arts master or something. Look at how the crimson sphere cuts the pavement under Shingo's feet! Watch it fill in rapidly, so quick that the Boy Wonder might be caught in a TORRENTIAL BALL OF HATE AND ENERGY! :D
COMBATSYS: Shingo blocks K9999's Energy Orb.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Shingo 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Roy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Roy successfully hits Shingo with Touchdown Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Shingo 1/------=/=======|==-----\-------\0 Roy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 0/-------/-----==|
So it begins with the double-teaming of Shingo. It was only a matter of time for it to happen really. As always he finds it flattering that the other fighters in a match think he's either that much of a nuisance that they need to gang up to beat him or they just 'happen' to attack him at the same time without knowking it. Yeah, right. A grin shows that he doesn't take it seriously. He probably should with two chi projectiles homing in on him. Especially since as he sets up to take Roy's attack he is suddenly blasted. That hurt more than it should've. Dang football players. On the plus side the touchdown wave threw him out of harm's reach of Brad's big ball of hate. Just barely. The edge of the sphere doing some damage to Shingo. He's still standing though. Take that!
Now the question is to who to take care of next. Considering that Roy is closer to him than Brad, the choice is obvious. That and blond guy has yet to be struck this fight. Darn preppy kids. Wait. Shingo's a kid too. A kid that takes off like a bullet towards Roy, grinning like a fool. "Nice shot! How about mine?!" Roy plays football, right? He should know a shoulder check tackle when he sees one coming at him. Dodge this Mister Star Quarterback!
COMBATSYS: Roy fails to interrupt Ge Shiki - Kake Hourin from Shingo with Twister Upper.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Shingo 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Roy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 0/-------/-----==|
Roy glances at Brad with mild surprise, seeing that big, slightly evil ball of chi shoot out. It doesn't take him long to shrug it off, though, as he hears Shingo's answer to his attack. Roy crouches back down again, swinging his arms to one side in preparation for...something, but he doesn't get a chance to show it off. Shingo's speed is just enough to catch Roy before he can attack, and the check catches him right in the chest, sneding him flying backward and tumbling along the carrier deck.
Roy hops up to his feet fairly quickly, though, although he rubs his chest. "Damn, pal, you're tougher than you look." He grins, running his fingers through his hair. "We're definitely gonna give these guys a hell of a fight."
There's a time and a place for beatdowns, and right now, Brad Pitt is in a more... chatty frame of mind. While he's standing on the sidelines, hands on his knees, jacket torn, sunglasses foggy, he's keeping his eyes on Roy and Shingo, as best he can. Catching his breath, concentrating. There's a rhythm to the way a man fights, he remembers Zero saying something about that! But what, exactly, was Shingo's or Roy's?
Brad takes the next moment to chat it up with a female crewmember, the woman quite taken with Brad's appearance, apparently, though his eyes keep flickering back to Shingo and Roy now and then. Gotta keep your attention on the two who were liable to bring extreme pain to you, after all.
COMBATSYS: K9999 focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Shingo 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Roy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 0/-------/-----==|
"Hehehe. Thanks!" Shingo replies grinning from ear to ear at the praise. It's good that they can just sit back and enjoy a nice relaxing fight amongst friends. Who really cares if they're not exactly friends yet, right? Right. Moving on, after sending Roy for a nice trip and introducing him to the surface of the ship he figures a second meeting is in order. Let Brad talk it up with a woman. He'll get his in due time soon enough. Shingo is going to see if he can even things up a little when it comes to all three of them. Another forward dash towards Roy. This one is definitely followed by a shoulder charge. Nay. Once getting close Shingo reaches out to yank Roy closer to him and slamming a backfist into the other teenager's gut. It's slow in coming but appearances can be deceiving, "Teya!"
COMBATSYS: Roy dodges Shingo's Hatsugane.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Shingo 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Roy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 0/-------/-----==|
Roy starts back toward Shingo, but pauses as the Taiyo student charges him again. "C'mon, you think that's gonna work on me twice?" Roy flips his hair back and just smirks as he waits for Shingo to get within range. Right before Shingo makes contact, Roy leaps back at an angle to get out of the way of the bull's charge. ...Turns out it wasn't necessary, but it still worked! The jump back isn't merely a hop; Roy arcs his back, flinging himself into a backflip most football players would strain themselves even thinking about. As his open hands slap the ground, he brings his feet up, striking out in a round vertical kick at Shingo in the middle of completing the flip. Hit or not, unless Shingo prevents him, he finishes the flip right side up, fists up and ready.
They were both being silly. Trying to charge each other with physical, pure-force attacks. And Shingo! Trying to TACKLE a FOOTBALL PLAYER. That doesn't work, Shingo! You know that doesn't work, man. Brad grins at the lady he's talking to, gives her a quick autograph, and with a fake salute, runs off into the fight to go deal with Shingo and Roy again. Looks like Roy's better off than Shingo is, so... maybe Roy could deal with a quick punch to the face or something.
Now, Brad took a moment to put some spiked brass knuckles on, before running back in. He uses them sometimes, when he has to deal with tougher opponents. Like Roy. Jumping into the air to meet the American football star, Brad's right fist comes up, around, and straight /down/ into the blond's stomach, unless he manages to twist out of the way or something. "How's that?!"
COMBATSYS: Roy successfully hits Shingo with Flip Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Shingo 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Roy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 0/-------/------=|
Pfft. Tackling a football player totally does work. They get tackled all the time so that must mean they take to it like cancer to a prostate. Plus. It worked the first time Shingo did it. Obviously it must work again. Wrong. He feels nothing but air when Roy jumps out of reach and then nothing but pain to his chin from the somersault kick the Pacific student performs. Wait a second. Don't remember seeing any football games that had players flipkicking each other. What's the deal? Besides for Shingo lifting off the ground and watching helplessly as he is knocked away with the kick when Brad goes literally, rushing right by him. He hits the ground and rolls.
Ok. So maybe Brad had the right idea to take a step back and gauge the situation. He is getting hammered here. He was, anyways. Not so much now as he comes up from his roll into a crouch; one hand resting on his knee and taking deep breaths watching both Roy and Brad in the distance. His other hands wipes the sweat off his brow. Let's hope these two can keep each other busy.
COMBATSYS: Shingo takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Shingo 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Roy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Roy blocks K9999's Drill Fist.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Shingo 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Roy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 0/-------/-----==|
Yeah, Roy's used to getting tackled. Coach has this sadistic thing about making his players stand in front of a brick wall while a guy as big as Boman charges headlong into them. Builds character, he says. But then, Roy's also the quarterback and has done more than his fair share of running plays. You get -good- at not being in the way of a charging apeman.
In any case, as Roy's feet are currently uppercutting Shingo across the chin and his hands are reaching for the ground, he's unable to put any limbs in the way of Brad's incoming attack. He sees it, oh yes, albeit in a weird upside-down way. Still, the third fighter is coming down on him awful fast, so there's only one thing to do, and that's brace for fuggin' impact. Roy's torso muscles bunch up as tight as he can get them, until he's nearly about to pop a blood vessel. The knuckles hit home, but Roy's muscles, having had all that straight up tackle training, prove extremely resistant. Still, the force of it pushes Roy to the ground on his back. Good thing he'd already landed his hit on Shingo.
"Sorry to forget about you, buddy. Won't happen again," he quips. He pushes himself up on one hand, just enough to pivot, and twists his body so he can deliver a straight kick at Bradicle's shins, with the intent to knock him off balance enough to give Roy time to get back up.
COMBATSYS: K9999 endures Roy's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Shingo 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Roy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 0/-------/-======|
Brad just grins, now, taking the kick full to legs, and growling out as his body falls to the floor. Damn, but that kid could kick! As Brad unceremoniously falls to his rump, now /extremely/ bloody, and, well, quite irritated by the pain in his ankles. Not that he's worried or anything. He'd give Roy exactly what the kid was asking for.
The knuckles on his fingers are gleaming now(FORESHADOWING!), as the faux-celebrity gets to his feet. Roy, unless he dodges or something, is grabbed, headbutted viciously, and held out for a moment. Brad's a monster. "What the hell kinda Wheaties you eating, kid?" Brad throws Roy into the air, perhaps three or four feet above his head, and simply holds out that right hand, the spiked knuckles aimed for his midsection, once more.
Brad impales Roy on those knuckles, and since the kid's obviously too much to hold like that, falls to the ground in such a fashion so as to take Roy down to the pavement -first-, Brad twisting and using Roy as a cushion. It's a badass move, yes. But Brad took all the punishment for the prep. And all that stuff is, you know. Only applicable if it hits.
Woo. Free health. Well, at the cost of not being able to attack right away. Oh well, no skin off his nose. Let Brad and Roy duke it out with each other while he catches his breath some. It's not like he does it in every fight he's on. It is a change of pace for someone that's usually on the offensive. Speaking of which. Shingo slowly begins edging back into the fray keeping his attention on his opponents. Looks like Brad is in a bind. Let's see how this one turns out, hmm?
COMBATSYS: Shingo focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Shingo 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Roy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 0/-------/-======|
COMBATSYS: K9999 successfully hits Roy with Lunging Drill Arm.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Shingo 0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1 Roy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 1/-------/=======|
Abs of steel or not, Roy gets thrown about like a rag doll surprisingly easily. His attempt at getting up is quickly curtailed by the headbutt, and while the time spent in the air is rather pleasant, the sudden stop on Brad's fist is not. Not by a long shot. And this time Roy can't even hulk out. The finisher lands, and Roy's back thuds into the ground once again. He looks much worse for the wear; mussed hair, a black eye and bleeding nose, and his shirt's torn. But he doesn't look beaten yet; far from it.
"Three bowls a morning. It's part of a balanced breakfast, you know." Roy reaches for Brad's shoulders, tucking his feet up against his chest. Unless Brad can get out of the way, Roy kicks up as hard as he can, aiming to send the movie star as high into the air as he went. Shingo's gonna be coming back, and Roy just can't do much in this position.
COMBATSYS: K9999 blocks Roy's Leg Launcher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Shingo 0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1 Roy
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 1/------=/=======|
Brad's eyes widen as Roy is... like... Alive. And planting his feet into the celebrity's chest, and apparently kicking. Brad just grits his teeth, clasps his hands onto Roy's shoulders, and proceeds to fly in an arc, straight to the ground. Now he's writhing around, hands clasped to the small of his back, and wincing. "Ow, fuck... ow.. shit!" He rolls into a standing position, though, and glares at Roy. Again, Brad assumes a ridiculous fighting position, and his foot slams into the flight deck next to Roy's head. Just a tease.
"Hey! Queen of Sheba or whoever the hell you are!" Brad extends a hand towards Shingo, now, more of that odd red chi coalescing in his palm, between outstretched fingers. Where the hell did he learn this stuff, eh? "You should probably join the fight, I'm thinkin'." The ball of chi distends, streaks of the stuff headed for Shingo with concussive, painful, painful force.
COMBATSYS: K9999 successfully hits Shingo with Armcannon Blast.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Shingo 1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1 Roy
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 0/-------/-------|
Yeah. That stings. Just a bit. A smidgen even. You would think slowly making his way back into the fight would've allowed him to see that one coming. Guess what? He did see it coming. Getting out of the way is a totally different story. All he remembers is red glowing hands and then all of a sudden...BANG. And then he was on the ground feeling dazed. Like someone hit him with a car. A red glowy energy car. There's also the vague memory of raising hands to block. Very vague. As though it didn't really happen.
On the plus side. He's back in the fight. And on his feet. Shingo's whole body is feeling sore. Tired, nope. Just really really sore. Soaking in a nice hot tub, jacuzzi, or hot spring would feel really great after this fight. First things first. Finish the fight. Shingo charges like he changed his name to Rhino. He's coming for Brad. Or is he?! Apparently that chi blast hit him harder than he realised because he's heading the wrong way! The wrong way if he wanted to hit K-Quad. The right way if he wanted to hit Roy. Uh-oh. Look out for another shoulder tackle, Mr. Bromwell. "That hurt!" Poor boy. Thinking he's aiming for Brad. Ah well.
COMBATSYS: Roy fails to interrupt Ge Shiki - Kake Hourin from Shingo with Overhead Smash.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Shingo 0/-------/-------|=======\====---\1 Roy
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 0/-------/-------|
"Huh? Hey, man, I didn't throw that!" Roy looks surprised as Shingo charges him - and dammit, he's still moving faster than most man-apes on the football field. He's going too fast for Roy to get out of the way, but maybe he can slow the train down. He clasps his hands together and leaps forward, ready to bring the hammer down on Shingo's head...
But to no avail. Shingo's just a -little- faster than that, and Roy gets caught in the stomach, his fists sailing harmlessly behind Shingo's noggin. Once again he flies backward, though he manages to keep it so his feet are merely skidding on the deck rather than taking a full tumble. He puts a hand on knee, panting heavily. "You're like a brick wall. I know guys twice your size that's half as thick."
Brad's on what some people would like to call a "projectile roll". He likes hanging out on the outskirts of the fight, talking to the ladies present, you know. Getting a feel for things. It works a little better than charging straight in, and definitely works better than being Shingo Kicked and Light Kicked to hell and back. Kicks were all around bad. So what's the movie star do? He takes a step back, since the fight's gone the other direction, and gets into another(totally different) made up fighting style. Legs spread, hands in fists at his sides, and making a really... awkward sound. Something between one of Bruce Lee's high-pitched screams and a ninja's surprise attack sound.
COMBATSYS: K9999 gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Shingo 0/-------/-------|=======\====---\1 Roy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 0/-------/---====|
Success! Minus the one tiny detail that Shingo hit the wrong person with his not-so-legendary Kake Hourin shoulder tackle. Uh...oops? It hits Shingo like a ton of bricks. Since nothing else looks like it's going to hit him at the moment. He looks very sheepish right about now after sending Roy sliding back as much as he did. "Darn. I didn't want to hit -you- with that technique. Where's that other guy?" The boy looks around and quickly spots Brad. Not that doing such a thing is hard on a wide span of space the flight deck of the carrier affords. "You got away last time! But I have you now!" Crossing the distance with a few quick strides he's all over Brad with his hands. Just...not in that way. In paying respects to the earlier attack the actor attempted on Shingo, he does the same thing. Reaching out to jerk the charging up fighter towards him and slamming a knee to the gut instead of the face and ending it with a powerful backhand right across his chest, "Teya!" Hit Shingo with an armcannon will you?!
Roy shakes his head, clearing the fuzziness. "Maybe you didn't mean it, but that's twice you nailed me." Whether or not Shingo can hear him while focused on Brad is immaterial. "A little payback's in order." After all, the star quarterback can't just go around being tackled like that with nothing to show for it, right?
Even as Shingo clsoes with Brad, Roy leans forward, shifting his feet into a runner's start. A second to collect his breath, and he's off, sprinting as fast as he can toward Shingo. As he gets closer, he twists his torso to deliver his own mighty shoulder check. Wheter or not it connects with Shingo, Roy continues running for a short distance before using his momentum to spin around. He brings his fist up and slugs it forward, a brilliant flash of golden chi enveloping the punch like a bullet-head. It may look odd if Shingo's not there, but it helps to slow him down. If Shingo is there, though, he's definitely going to feel it.
COMBATSYS: K9999 blocks Shingo's Hatsugane.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Shingo 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Roy
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 0/-------/--=====|
Brad throws a hand up, but doesn't really do much about getting a knee to the stomach. On the other hand, he's pretty well prepared for that backhand! Shingo's arm slams into Brad's shoulder, and the celeb falls back, shaking out his hand, wincing. "Dude... you've got a /helluva/ punch. Who taught you that shit? Popeye?" Brad falls back into a fighting stance, looking around at the surrounding fighters. Everybody was on their last legs, Brad was bleeding from a split lip.
"Christ, kids. You're both wrecking balls. How's a guy like me supposed to keep up?" Brad's already got a tarp in his hand, though, pulled from the pavement on the landing strip. Sprinting towards Roy, flailing the heavy fabric behind him like some kind of cape or something, he spins at that last second, bringing the sheet out in a wide arc, a huge, debilitating towel-snap, aimed straight at the rocketing football player's back.
COMBATSYS: Shingo fails to counter Dynamite Justice from Roy with Tsuki Hiji.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\ < > //// ]
K9999 0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0 Roy
COMBATSYS: Shingo can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\ < > //// ]
K9999 0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0 Roy
Holy crap on the grass being scooped up by a pooper-scooper after a horse unloads a nice big one from eating too much oats did that hurt. If Roy was looking for payback after getting tagged by Kake Hourin twice then he definitely got it. Shingo was so focused on hitting Brad with his hatsugane that he didn't even hear much less see Roy charging at him. Which is why it sucks to be Shingo when he spins around last moment to bear witness to Pacific High's star player about to run him over like a F-16 coming in for a landing on the deck. Reflex takes over on the boy and he brings down the infamous Moon Elbow to stop the attack. Only it doesn't stop. Roy must really want to hit Shingo back. Cause damn. Geez. Ow.
Good thing all the planes have been moved aside. Or else there would be a life-sized Shingo dent in the side of one of them right about now. Instead he hits the deck and bounces a meter or so before rolling the rest of the way. Movement stoppped, it's plain to see Shingo isn't getting up.
COMBATSYS: K9999 successfully hits Roy with Dust Wave.
[ \\\\\\\ < > // ]
K9999 0/-------/=======|=------\-------\0 Roy
Roy lets out a small wince as Shingo just goes -flying-. He hadn't meant to hit him -that- hard. Well, okay, maybe he did. After those tackles, though, it seemed like Shingo wouldn't have felt it as strongly. Oh well. Looks like that's one fighter down.
A flapping sound behind Roy gives him cause to turn him head, and with a "Yah!" he leaps back, but not fast enough; he catches the rat-tail along the stomach. Wincing again, Roy touches it gingerly. "That's gonna leave a mark." He looks up at Brad, wiggling out his fingers. "Just you and me now, huh? Let's finish this!" Without waiting for a response, Roy charges toward Brad. This time, though, it's not a tackle -- as Roy nears, he cocks a fist back and lunges forward, driving his fist into Brad's chest. Once more the golden chi wraps around his hand, adding that special 'oomph' to the strike.
COMBATSYS: K9999 dodges Roy's Dynamite Straight.
[ \\\\\\\ < > // ]
K9999 0/-------/=======|=------\-------\0 Roy
Brad, being the AWESUM(no) FIGHTER that he is, effortlessly turns Roy's fist aside, spinning counter to the other man's body and plowing a backhand into the football player's head, sending him straight to the ground. No, really, Brad just makes a strangled "ulp" sound and falls straight onto his ass. Thankfully, that golden chi-bomb passes right overhead, and, being the titan of violence and pure physical pain in the face that he is, Brad9999 simply reaches for Roy's leg on the run past.
If his grab is successful, Brad spins on his rear, moving down to lay on his side and buffet the American's other leg with a multitude of kicks, finishing the impromptu combo with a brutal straight-kick to the back of the knee. Because that's how Brad rolls, kids. Like a felon.
COMBATSYS: Roy dodges K9999's Grab and Chop.
[ \\\\\\ < > // ]
K9999 0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0 Roy
Abuh? Roy looks surprised as Brad falls over on his butt, and to avoid being tripped, he leaps forward into a handspring. Yes. He actually lands on one hand and pushes off, hoisting himself far enough into the air that he can land right side up. It also has the nice side effect of completely eluding Brad's leg grab.
Though panting with the exertion, Roy is grinning and obviously not at all ready to give up. With Brad on the ground, the next move for Roy is simple; he does a short hop in the air to give himself momentum, then slams his fist into the ground once more. Unless Brad can get away in time, that pillar of golden chi is going to erupt directly beneath him.
COMBATSYS: K9999 overcomes Touchdown Wave from Roy with Dust Wave.
[ \\\\\ < > / ]
K9999 0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0 Roy
"Ohshi-," Brad's rolling the moment Roy does his fruity, effective handspring. That kick combo is so totally gone, and instead, the celebrity is faced with an exploding surface. Not too cool, if you ask him. Given that there's really no hope for Brad at all, the actor grabs a landing gear block from the nearby wall, and, well, sits on top of the thing. Doing everything he can to seperate himself from the attack below and instant death. As the ground erupts, Brad's sent flying, the landing block he used as cover now entirely blown away.
While the movie star is sailing, those Chunks of Landing Block are falling, making their way slowly, inexorably for poor Roy below. They're heavy, they're made of some kind of soft-hard material(I have no idea), and unless Roy does something about them, well. He's boned. Brad's got to worry about landing, for the moment. By the time Roy's figured out what he's doing, our anti-hero's going to be on the ground, groaning. That wasn't a smart move, but at least he's not pizza.
COMBATSYS: Roy overcomes Dust Wave from K9999 with Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\ < > // ]
K9999 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Roy
Roy sways a little, watching Brad sail through the air. Damn, didn't even touch him. His attention is quickly drawn from the other fighter, though, and to the raining blocks of...whatever. Ah hell. Casting about wildly, Roy spots a toolbox conveniently near him, one of the miscellaneous unimportant items that hadn't been cleared from the deck. Roy snags the handle and spins around in a smooth motion, throwing the box upward to intercept the object.
It does indeed strike the landing block, knocking it away safely, but there's a catch. Rather, a lack of one. The box wasn't closed properly, and as it sails through the air the lid pops open, throwing tools all over the deck. And, yes, a wrench or two do go sailing in Brad's direction.
COMBATSYS: K9999 overcomes Thrown Object from Roy with Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\ < > // ]
K9999 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Roy
Desperate now, Brad's up and running for something to defend himself with, a Rain of Toolboxes and Shit coming down towards him. And nobody likes that, right? Given little option, the celebrity makes his way towards one of the various audience members, an attractive woman laying in her swimsuit, beneath a large umbrella. Sunbathing, or something. Brad flashes her a smile, kisses her forehead, and...
Steals her beach umbrella.
Brad runs out to the rain of tools now, and, holding the thing out in front of him, successfully deflects all of the tools, an enormous rendition of Hello Kitty protecting him from the painful chunks of metal. Brad closes the umbrella after that, and, gritting his teeth, rears back and sends the thing sailing at Roy, javelin-style.
COMBATSYS: Roy overcomes Thrown Object from K9999 with Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\ < > // ]
K9999 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Roy
Roy shakes his head as he watches Brad protect himself from the tool shower. How long will this go on? Still, tired as he's getting, Roy's not about to simply flop over and call it quits. But he does take the time to catch his breath a bit and keep an eye on Brad. Good thing, too, as the umbrella come flying at him. Roy leeeeaaans out of the way, letting it pass harmlessly over his shoulder -- and he snags it out of the air by the handle. Straightening up, he twirls the umbrella a couple of times before he whips it right back through the air. "You should give this back to her!" he calls out.
COMBATSYS: K9999 overcomes Thrown Object from Roy with Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\ < > // ]
K9999 0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Roy
"God dammit." Brad, by this point, is getting sick of projectiles too. While there's a big part of him that wants to block, be done with it, and punch Roy to death, there's a bigger part of him that demands ninja satisfaction. Brad reaches to the side, grabbing a wrench from the ground, and hefts it while calculating trajectories or something.
He throws it, knocking the umbrella out of the air and sending some heavy metal(HAHA) through the air, in a descending arc towards Roy's head. "You've got an arm, kid!"
COMBATSYS: Roy negates Thrown Object from K9999 with Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\ < > // ]
K9999 0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Roy
Roy scoops up a ratchet that had fallen next to him, flinging it through the air with practiced aim. It smacks the wrench squarely, but unlike the other times it doesn't continue on its way; both drop to the ground. Roy looks down at the two tools, then up at Brad. He shrugs one shoulder, taking deep breathes. "What now, huh?"
Clearly, Brad knows what's now. The man's lowered his head, crouched into a /very/ football-style three-point position. And now, he's running straight for the quarterback, subjecting him to yet ANOTHER tackle. If this one hits, well, properly, Brad takes Roy down in a classic, school-boy fight. Essentially, tackling the other man and punching him in the face repeatedly,.
COMBATSYS: Roy dodges K9999's Grab and Chop.
[ \\\\\ < > // ]
K9999 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Roy
Without the confusion of three fighters running around, this tackle is fairly easy to see. Roy crouches, waiting for just the right moment...then makes a hope to the side, putting himself out of the line of danger. As soon as his footing is stable, he steps forward, twisting his body to deliver a powerful forward kick to Brad's back. Sending him on his way, as it were.
COMBATSYS: K9999 fails to interrupt Heavy Kick from Roy with Grab and Chop.
[ \\\ <
Roy 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: K9999 can no longer fight.
[ \\\ <
Roy 0/-------/----===|
Jesus. How did he dodge so many attacks? Big guy, football player, but Brad was doing /everything in his power/ to make his hits hard to dodge. Well. It's not like this fight mattered, anyway. Brad takes the kick in the stomach, a failure to bring his fists to bear resulting in a downed celebrity. Uniformed men swarm the area after Pitt goes down, and when they clear, they've got him in tow, dragging him to the helicopter. But not before Brad bleeds or something on paper, and sets it on the ground. Autographs, blood spatters, whatever. People need their proof, right?
Roy thrusts a fist into the air as Brad drops, looking mighty pleased with himself. A few people surround him, congratulating him on the fight, but the known celeb naturally gets more attention. Roy doesn't appear to care much, accepting the congrats he does get before stumbling off to find somewhere to rest. What a -workout-.
COMBATSYS: Roy has ended the fight here.
Log created by Shingo, and last modified on 21:22:21 09/08/2005.