Description: Or: Karin Sucks, Part 1. Bored out of her wits from micromanaging an urban revolution, Miss Kanzuki gets in a sparring match with Captain Wedgehawk. What results is a complete and total beatdown as Karin, in desperation, attempts some of the stupidest counters in the history of MotM. The title says it all.
The location? The recently-liberated Metro City port. The time? 4pm. The scene is still very messy for one not used to it -- the rebel forces are currently making do with whatever it was Rolento and the Shank Squad left behind: vehicles, weapons, pillow forts, whatever. Still, it's kind of peaceful here as people make the most of the freedom to move to continue their efforts, trying to organize, give emergency care, and all that other relief crew sort of stuff.
Karin Kanzuki, on the other hand, is using the opportunity to train out on one of the wide concrete breakwaters. It's a very "Karate Kid" kind of moment as she runs through katas with the sun setting into the harbor behind her... but there's a sort of vehemence and angry urgency in her motions that would make it apparent to a trained fighter that something's on her mind and she's trying to work through it, Parappa style. Punch, kick, it's all in the mind.
Heavy D! meanwhile...well, he's just getting here. With his wedgehawk and goatee on the rebound, judging from the fuzz on both his head and chin, he seems to be settling back into normalcy least, as normal as things can be. He's acting mostly as a gopher right now, bringing coffee for the more...legit authority figures helping out here (read: the cops). Of course, he leaves one for himself. Anyways, as he looks about, he notices a familiar figure, if only vaguely. He remembers Karin from fighting alongside her at SNF. Intrigued by the fact that she still takes the time to train during this crisis, he starts heading her way to observe least, as soon as he drops the coffee off.
It doesn't take long for Karin to finish running through her katas; a few punches, kicks, and more 'special' maneuvers later and she's done, pausing to take a few deep breaths and then essentially inhaling the bottle of water she's got leaning next to a duffle bag on the pier. Wiping her forehead, she closes her eyes as she drinks, then sets the bottle down and...
Stays right where she is? Taking a few deep breaths, she clasps her hands together in a praying-like stance and spends a moment or five just... standing there, motionless. Is she secretly Catholic? Or is there some sort of bizarre Kanzuki training ritual that involves pretending to be a Buddhist monk? Either way, after a few moments she turns, grabs her things, and heads back toward land with a towel slung over her shoulder. She places them in a humvee and is about to say something to someone when she notices D, and heads over in that direction, giving him a wave. "...hello." She sounds cautious, but she certainly has every right to be.
Well, praying is usually done BEFORE a fight. A real one, anyways. D!'s not gonna criticize for the gesture, however. Who's he to complain about training rituals? In any case, he keeps heading toward Karin's direction, giving a quick wave back to her as he tosses the drink carrier into a trashcan, slowly sipping on his personal cup of coffee. "Hey," he says just as tentatively, though probably for different reasons.
Well, he didn't suddenly whip out an SMG and start peppering the rebels with bullets. Chances D is not a Shank spy: steadily better. The blonde flips a stray curl back over one shoulder where it belongs, and then glances at D's coffee, then at the coffee of others in similar cups. "...Saturday Night Fights," she finally says. "Now I remember where we've met. Though... I wasn't at my most sociable that evening. I'm Karin Kanzuki." Who are you and what are you doing here? Questions she hopes are implied because asking them would be, like, super rude.
Shank Spy? D! Riiiiight. Considering what Rolento tried on him before, he has no love for the madman. Not that he's going to have to explain that to EVERY Fighter he meets. As Karin brings up SNF, the boxer gives a quick nod. "Yeah," he says, taking another sip of his coffee. "Heavy D!. Nice to meet you again...though not in the best of conditions." He extends his free hand out for a shake, taking a quick glance around the harbor. "I'm just looking to see how things here went. Sakura told me there'd be a hit on this place...I would have joined in if the cops didn't need help still."
There's a fun moment where Karin -- not an American, and definitely not a handshaker -- just LOOKS at D's hand before reluctantly taking it and giving it a bit of a shake, probably in deferrence to being a jerk and not introducing herself when they met. "Ah, well. It went..." Karin replies once the subject of the harbor takeover comes up. Well, Sakura got grenaded and three people got killed and now there's a psychotic ninja out for the blood of young girls. " could have gone better, but we won, so I can't complain."
Heavy D! furrows his brow. THat's...a mouthful. And quite a bit to digest. "I...see. At least we got the harbor, but seems like things are just getting more dangerous at this point," he says, stating the obvious. "Any idea what's planned next here, or is the nuke still the big problem?"
Karin turns a shrug into a crossing of her arms behind her head; she looks surprisingly... calm, considering the high stakes of the situation. "As he loses his footholds, Rolento's becoming increasingly desperate. We don't know what he might do... the nuke, or something even more drastic. Certainly you've heard about what he did to that student from Gedo High School." Something that, as she was the one who found him, Karin knows first hand was fairly gruesome. A pause before she brings her hands down, stretching. "That's why I've been trying to keep up on my training. Rolento has to come down... even if I have to use these two fists to do it."
Heavy D! sighs. "Yeah...I know what Rolento's capable of, even if it was on a smaller scale than..." He looks about again, shaking his head. "This." Pulling his drink back up, he frowns. Training...something he's had precious little time to do since getting back to Metro. "I need to get some training in again myself. I'm starting to feel rusty."
There's a pause while Karin seems to mull that over, as if D has just asked if she'd like to see his stamp collection. She then turns back to the boxer with a raised eyebrow. "Care for a friendly match?" She's seen what D can do; he did beat Shingo pretty handily right before her eyes, after all. "To be honest, it might be refreshing to have a fight where I'm not concerned about... stealing Stinger missiles, or sniper positions, or fighting for my life against mercenaries," she admits. "To be honest, before I came here I was trying to learn how to have FUN in a battle. And then everything got thrown out the window."
COMBATSYS: Karin has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Karin 0/-------/-------|
Heavy D! blinks. Well, that's a request right out of the blue. Still...D!"s been far too inactive as of late. And a spar sounds right down his alley. "Yeah, I can see where that might be a problem right now," he says. "Well, if you're up for it, I guess I could be too. Stepping back, he places his still half-full cup of coffee on the ground, rising up and taking another step up before his feet spread out. Karin's last comment meanwhile gets a chuckle from the boxer. "Things never go to plan, huh?"
COMBATSYS: HeavyD has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
HeavyD 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Karin
With a wry grin, Karin nods to that last statement. "Truer words were never spoken." Falling into a fighting stance, she squares off with the boxer with a nod. "I'm glad, actually. Hopefully a good fight now will make up for my poor performance on that Saturday night." Oh, she was definitely kidnapped by aliens and replaced with a clone. The real Karin would never say that. "In any event... ready or not, here I come!" And then she starts things off with a short hop, and then a widely sweeping jump kick at D's upper body. Heeyah!
COMBATSYS: HeavyD blocks Karin's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
HeavyD 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Karin
Heavy D! shifts into his stance as well, arms held out, fists guarding his face while his elbows bend at 90 degrees. His feet spread to a steady base, the boxer sure not to square up. Finally, his head lowers, eyes narrowing as he starts to focus. "Don't forget to bring your best," he says with a smirk behind his fists, the incoming kick quickly wiping it away. As her jumping attack comes in, D! brings up his arms, taking the blow on his forearms and redirecting Karin's momentum away so he's not totally bowled over. Once he's taken care of that, his right arm pulls out of his guard, rearing back to his side and a little back. Then, with a quick snap, he brings it back, fist tightened into a hard ball as he attempts to drive a hard hook punch right into Karin's side.
COMBATSYS: HeavyD successfully hits Karin with Hook Punch.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
HeavyD 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Karin
Miss Kanzuki's footwork isn't anything to sneeze at, either; she deftly turns her rebound off D's impressive guard into a backward sidestep to get out of the way of the incoming punch. Unfortunately, it's probably called 'Hook Punch' for a reason, and while she for the most part manages to get clear, Karin's still nicked by the punch as she just barely shaves past it. Grinning as she comes to a stop, Karin squares off once again. "It may not seem like it lately, but in work or play, I'm always serious!" Dashing forward, the blonde makes an attempt to snag D's shirt (or shoulder if she's sexay shirtless yo) and simply push down, driving the boxer into the ground with her elbow.
COMBATSYS: Karin successfully hits HeavyD with Yashiro Kuzushi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
HeavyD 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Karin
Heavy D! frowns as he only manages to graze Karin with that punch. He would have liked a clean hit, but alas, it's not to be. Pulling back into his guard, he gets his focus back on Karin. He doesn't respond again, not one for much talking in a fight. As she dashes forward, D! tries to swivel off to the side...but alas, he gets snagged by his trademark jacket, shoved to the ground with an elbow. "GNNHH!" Rolling away after hitting the ground, D! settles into a crouch, eyes narrowed in focus. "Well, guess I better keep serious too." AFter a second to collect himself again, the boxer darts forward. He attempts to do almost much the same as Karin does, snapping for her shirt, or whatever she wears to cover herself up. THe difference? He lifts UP if he catches a hold of her and drives a nice hard stream of punches into her gut. If he doesn't catch her...well, you figure it out.
COMBATSYS: Karin fails to counter Reverse Stomach Buster from HeavyD with Yasha Gaeshi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
HeavyD 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Karin
We won't have to worry about the what-ifs in this situation; Karin attempts to interpose her waiting hands between D's incoming fist and her fuku blouse and is just a mite slow; perhaps she was getting cocky, or maybe this is just one of those times when you try and it doesn't work. The look of surprise on her face only lasts as long as the first punch, though, and she's back in stance and ready to go once D's had enough of hitting a little girl. "I can see that!" she offers with a grin.
Heavy D! doesn't keep going for too long. AFter the sixth punch, he drops Karin and lets her get back to her stance. Smirking, he settles back into his own stance, thinking of what to do next. For now, he holds back, instead taking the time to analyze Karin, and see how she attacks, hoping to find holes he can exploit with a big move. He can't be all full-bore, after all.
COMBATSYS: HeavyD focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
HeavyD 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Karin
Not normally one for an all-out assault, lately Karin has been learning the value of pressing the attack when it's called for. She doesn't know much about D's style but hopes that she can at least use this moment to power through and even up the score before he begins his assault again... and that pain in her gut tells her that the faster she can get this hard-hitting man down, the better off she's going to be. "It's good to watch your opponent," she teases, leaping in with a pair of quick palm strikes, "but it can come back to haunt you if you take too much time!" Not a malicious sort of thing, just fight banter. She's smiling, after all. Sliding, too; instead of the standard palm to the gut of this move, she's ducking low and looking to take out D's legs, hoping the rumors about boxers being mostly upper body fighters is true.
COMBATSYS: Karin successfully hits HeavyD with Guren Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
HeavyD 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Karin
The palm strikes come quick...quicker than he expected. While he knows well enough to crouch in the face of a low attack so as to not lose his balance completely, but he still gets a nice kneecapping. Grunting, he collapses further onto his knees, gritting his teeth. "We'll see," he says. Suddenly, with a downward thrust of his fist, he creates a nice, large chi explosion. Not large enough to be on...say...Terry Bogard's level, but the ensuing eruption should be enough to send Karin flying if she doesn't get away from D!...
COMBATSYS: Karin blocks HeavyD's Soul Flower.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
HeavyD 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Karin
Whoa there, tiger. That was not an expected move at all; the blonde fighter is lucky to be able to throw her arms up and let the blast push her back a bit, as dodging at such close range is all but impossible. It's not exactly the distance D might have been looking for, but Karin is definitely forced to back up a few steps. "Heh... a sound move," she admits, standing her ground and taking her own turn at not doing anything... yet. She moves back a few steps toward some boxes and stands her ground, not attacking. "Perhaps I'll give it a try myself."
COMBATSYS: Karin focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
HeavyD 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Karin
While D! would have liked to hit with that attack, it does it's intended purpose: to push Karin back. Boxing is all about making a zone for yourself, after all, and while close range is good, TOO close, especially against someone who can toss you at will, is NOT good. Getting back to his feet, he waits and watches Karin again, narrowing his eyes as he tries to think of what next to do. Finally, he gets into motion. With a dart forward, he charges at Karin, fast enough to nearly disappear. Finally, he reappears almost right on top of the Kanzuki heir, snapping a hard hook punch right into her chest. THis is followed by a quick body blow to her gut, and a final flourish, a hammering overhand right toward her head. Any one of these punches alone will hurt, but the total combination will be especially painful.
COMBATSYS: Karin fails to counter Ducking Combination from HeavyD with Mujin Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
HeavyD 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Karin
Well... you can sort of tell that Karin does not fight boxers all that often. In a weird way, the upper body focus sort of thing is actually working in D's favor. Why? Karin's used to fighting people who use kicks too, and so she's unprepared for the speed and ferocity of D's punches. Taking a huge gamble, she lashes out a kick to meet D's fist, hoping to knock it out of the way and give her some space of her own. The real problem here is that it, uh, doesn't work. D's hook plows right on through, knocking her leg out of the way and actually turning the blonde's body in just such a way that the gut hit connects in a particularly painful fashion; there's no recovery roll here, Karin simply is blown back INTO a crate, and it's a moment before she picks herself up and hits back into a ready stance that's lookin'... kinda wobbly. "...ow."
Just because D! fights mostly with his upper body doesn't mean he hasn't compensated for his lack of foot-based attacks. He's learned how to accomodate for the weaknesses left by kicks, as well. Managing to shunt aside from the kick, he takes advantage of Karin's imbalance to land his strikes, one after the other. As soon as he finishes, he slips back into stance, watching Karin carefully as she extracts herself from the crates. Seeing her unsteady nature, he moves in to take advantage of it. As soon as he gets into range, he starts sniping off pinpoint jabs, trying to tag her on key points. He's mostly just testing her defenses and hoping to unsteady them further for a bigger attack, but they'll still hurt if Karin gets herself tagged.
COMBATSYS: HeavyD successfully hits Karin with Light Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
HeavyD 1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1 Karin
So, maybe it's just exposure to Shingo, or perhaps she realizes there's not much else she can do in this fight, but Karin actually... walks into the blows. The initial intent, of course, was to simply suck it up and break through D's guard at the end by taking one on the chin for the team, so to speak. Unfortuantely it just doesn't work that way and instead she takes them on the chin to... absolutely no benefit whatsoever. Still, lip bloodied and looking like this is the end for her, Karin doesn't give in; she buckles down and goes right for the jugular, dashing in to grab D's upper body again... only this time she's aiming to drive her knee into his gut a few times, and then perform a nice, tidy Judo toss that should land the boxer flat on his back. If it works, anyway...
COMBATSYS: Karin successfully hits HeavyD with Arakuma Inashi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
HeavyD 1/---====/=======|=======\===----\1 Karin
Ok....that HURT. Doubled over by the knee to his gut, D! finds himself turned over with the Judo flip, landing painfully on his neck and shoulders. While he's familiar with landing from throws to minimize damage, that was NOT the case here. Maybe it's his lack of experience against Judo. In any case, he's hurting now. Groaning as he picks himself up from the ground, he pulls himself up, shaky himself. "Nghh..." Realizing that a couple of more turnovers like that will take him down quicker than he had hoped, he decides to make some distance again. Rising up with a swift uppercut and a shout of "BLAST!", he tosses out a scattered wave of chi, the expanding explosion of energy moving Karin's way out of the arc of his punch. Maybe this will put some ground between them again...
COMBATSYS: Karin blocks HeavyD's Blast Upper.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
HeavyD 1/--=====/=======|=======\====---\1 Karin
Hot off her success from the strike/throw combination that's one of her move effective moves, Karin... backs away? Yes she does, because while she took the Soul Flower attack for granted before, she sure as heck is not letting D! get away with that a second time. Still, she's forced to take the incoming chi blast on the arms, which doesn't look like it hurt all that much in and of itself, but in the aggregate... she's pretty worn down. Perhaps that might be why she contents herself to wait and watch D, letting him make the first move. Is it a little telegraphed on her part? Probably, but she's not putting herself in range of those quite nasty punches a second time, that's for dang sure. "Ha... done in by my own advice," she admits. "Good work."
COMBATSYS: Karin focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
HeavyD 1/--=====/=======|=======\====---\1 Karin
D! got what he wanted, which was Karin stepping away. While he's out of range for most of his attacks, he's got ONE thing up his sleeve. He smiles at Karin's comment, but doesn't say anything. He simply steps back and cocks his right arm back, fist aimed upward as he charges as much of his energy into that arm. Finally, after a couple of seconds of charging, D! stomps back forward. His whole body twists into the strike as he slams his fist outward in Karin's general direction with a shout of MAGNUM! The result? Explosive.
As soon as his arm reaches full extention, his chi explodes out like a cannon blast, expanding as it flies further from his fist and closer toward Karin. The name is appropriate too, as the blast hits with the force of a magnum gun. Buyer beware, this gun his loaded.
COMBATSYS: Karin fails to counter D. Magnum from HeavyD with Mujin Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
HeavyD 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Karin can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
HeavyD 0/-------/-------|
Maybe he can see it in her eyes when he comes in for the kill, but it's pretty clear to Karin -- who hates losing, but is a realist -- that this fight's over. She makes a token attempt at a counter, but even Karin knows her heart's not in it; the blast quite literally sends her flying through the air in a reprise of D's ducking combination assault, only THIS time Karin lands back first on the door of a humvee which makes a VERY unpleasant *CLANG* as she smacks it and then slides to the ground in a heap. No pithy post-fight commentary here, folks: that chick is out cold.
The boxer remains in place for a while, right arm outstretched as he regains his breath. THat kind of attack takes a lot of energy and will to throw out after all. ONce he's chilled off, though, he looks over, and watches Karin as she slumps beside the humvee. He winces, noticing the fact that she's out of the game, clearly. Slowly, he walks over to her and the humvee, crouching down to get a good look at her. " alright?" he asks, slowly trying to prop her up against the car so she's not just lying about on the street.
COMBATSYS: HeavyD has ended the fight here.
No reaction! But she's breathing, at least. That's probably a good sign. Some of the rebels give D! a troubling look... he did just beat the hell out of someone they consider one of their 'leaders', after all. Luckily, the man to whom D! delivered coffee suddenly speaks up in his defense, and things die down; medics peel Karin off the truck and put her someplace to rest. Presumably a fighter is a quick healer, so she'll be up and around in no time. As for D? He now has some major street cred with the flashy ownage. Good job!
Log created by Karin, and last modified on 08:29:19 09/16/2005.