Slowly, things in Metro City seem to be getting back to normal - people are going to and from their business in the subways, just as they would on any other day before Rolento's revolution. The only difference is that there is a clear increase in security, with posts stationed at the entrances to every subway station. Everyone who passes by is getting ID'd to make sure that they have valid business for being in the city.. and also to ensure that vigilante heroes aren't trying to make their way out of the subway up into Metro City proper.
There have been rumours growing amongst the civilian populace that the 'good guys' have been holed up in the deep, cavernous subway tunnels, waiting for a chance to strike and take the city back. Rolento and Katana, due to the intelligence gathered by their men, -know- this to be a fact. But rather than lead a unit of their own fighters down into the tunnels, the men seem perfectly happy to wait and simply stop them when they try to make a move.
To this end, the massive leader of Mad Gear - clad, as always, in his ceremonial armour and helmet - stands tall amidst the bustling civilians, at least a dozen uniformed 'police officers' strolling around the subway station and keeping an eye out for any trouble. For Katana, this is the most he's been able to relax all week - it's been a difficult past few days, practically one long, continuous fight against the resistance remaining in the city. But now, he's taking a day off to patrol the subway station.. what seems like it should be a relatively easy job.
Metro City's a nice place to visit and all, but Eagle wouldn't want to live here. Particularly at the moment.
A friend of his is living in the city, though, and decided to remain despite Rolento's overthrow of lawful authority. And so Eagle came by to make sure things were going well with him. He managed to get a temporary ID card and, so far at least, nobody has noticed that he's an at least moderately famous fighter. Eagle certainly doesn't mind people paying attention to him, but under the current circumstances he doesn't mind being inconspicuous.
To that end, Eagle also isn't carrying around the heavy wooden escrima sticks that he normally makes use of for fighting. While they are his favorite weapons to make use of, he's quite capable of using a wide variety of objects as substitutes, should he be required to defend himself.
And even though drawing attention to himself isn't really something the bouncer wants to do, he can't help but stare a bit as he sees Katana hulking above the crowd. Kind of hard to miss him, really. And what's up with that armor? It's so tacky looking...
Katana meets Eagle's gaze for just a moment, eyes narrowing behind his steel mask - what does he think he's staring at? But the massive man doesn't get the chance to vocalize his question, as a sudden yell from the direction of the subway tunnel grabs his attention. In a matter of moments, the station is in chaos - a small group of five vigilantes leaping out of the tunnel and rushing the uniformed Mad Gear thugs. So, it looks like Katana -wouldn't- get his day off, after all. A pathetic attempt at resistance by the heroes hidden deep inside the city's subway system. Although they are, on a one-on-one basis, more than a match for the Gear soldiers, they are not only outnumbered by them - but also didn't seem to take into account the possibility of someone like Katana being on the scene. No doubt they expected minimal resistance.. a mistake that they are going to pay for.
Breaking his gaze away from Eagle, the gang leader reaches inside his armour and pulls out a trio of throwing stars, his arm lashing out and tossing them towards one of the vigilante fighters - who has just finished knocking down two of the thugs defending the station. The weapons tear through the man's flesh, knocking him back down into the subway tunnel.. just in time to be ploughed by a passing train, becoming a red stain on the front of the locomotive.
Withdrawing his two wakizashi from the sheathe on his back, the big man stomps towards the remaining fighters - busy trying to break through the outpost at the entrance of the station. There's little chance that they'll be able to survive against the dreaded Mad Gear leader..
Now, Eagle's not really a /hero/. He fights for fun, and for the sake of putting on a good show. That doesn't mean he's just going to stand by and watch people get slaughtered though. Eagle turns one of the small, portable fences used to keep people moving along in straight lines. Those metal bars look sturdy enough, and long enough to have some leverage...
The muscles on Eagle's arms bulge out as he pulls on two of the bars, and after a few moments work he's reward as they snap off. The ends are a little bit ragged, but that's no big deal. Gripping a length of metal bar in each hand, Eagle begins striding over toward Katana as he approaches the severely outmatched resistance fighters. "Not very sporting of you. Although neither is this, I suppose." And with that he attempts to slam one of the metal bars violently into the back of Katana's helmet.
COMBATSYS: Eagle has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Eagle 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Katana has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Katana 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Eagle
COMBATSYS: Eagle successfully hits Katana with Weapon Jab.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Katana 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Eagle
Driving his wakizashi straight through one of the resistance fighter's from behind, the tips of the weapons practically explode out of the front of the man's midsection - the fighter keeling over dead once the blades are withdrawn. Before he has a chance to deal with the remaining three fighters, Katana is struck on the back of the helmet - the impact causing a loud *clang* and a little bit of disorientation.. but little else. Whirling around, the gang leader is surprised to see the man he met eyes with in the crowd, wielding two metal bars.
Without so much as saying a word, the massive man leaves the remaining three vigilantes vastly outnumbered against the Mad Gear thugs - focusing his attention on the new arrival. "You have made a mistake, stranger.." mutters the gang leader, casually twirling his wakizashi as he begins to circle around the British man. "You should have carried on your business.. but now, I'm afraid I'll have to evict you from Metro City. Terribly sorry.."
That said, Katana lunges forward, raising one wakizashi above his head and aiming to bring it down in a diagonal slash across the man's chest.
COMBATSYS: Eagle counters Jigoku Scrape from Katana with Canterbury Blue.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Katana 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Eagle
Eagle's not just going to let himself get slashed up, however. He gives the towering Katana a brief smirk, leaning back as he begins to twirl one of the metal bars rapidly around his fingers. "Well, I appreciate the apology, but-" And then, as the wakizashi is racing down toward him, Eagle snaps the spinning bar out, driving the broken end of it into the pit of Katana's stomach, knocking the larger man back. "-I believe you're a bit premature."
Letting out a sharp exhalation of air, Katana is driven backwards by the blow, his wakizashi coming up short as he stumbles back a step. So, it looks like he's not the only capable fighter in the subway station.. how troublesome. The gang leader really was hoping that today would be a chance for him to relax and unwind - he's grown tired of constantly fighting this past week. So much bloodshed.. but it looks like it's too late to prevent another fight, and the massive man takes a moment to gather himself, eyes narrowing behind his mask.
"So. You have some skill, stranger.. I do believe I've seen you before, in fact, though your name escapes me.." states Katana calmly, as he rushes back in - leading the charge with the tips of both his wakizashi, as he aims to imbed them deep into the man's stomach..
COMBATSYS: Eagle fails to counter Butsumetsu Buster from Katana with Canterbury Blue.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Katana 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Eagle
And in they go.
The blades driven into Eagle's midsection by the immensely powerful gang leader, it seems like the British man is at Katana's mercy for the moment. Letting out a deep, bellowing laugh as he stares at the stranger skewered on the ends of his wakizashi, the massive man leaps high into the air - practically reaching the top of the subway station as he carries Eagle with him. At the peak of their ascent, Katana shifts his position, leaving his opponent on the receiving end of a rather painful powerbomb back down to the ground, the hard floor of the station cracking as Eagle's back impacts.
Taking a step back and withdrawing his blades from the man's flesh, Katana slices them into the air, blood splattering on the ground as it flies off the weapons. He doesn't press the attack, instead seemingly giving his foe a chance to recover. "Had enough, stranger?"
Well, that's not particularly pleasant. The feeling of having two blades jammed into his stomach is not something Eagle would care to have repeated, and the followup in which he's yanked clear off the ground by them, before being slammed back down into the floor is no walk in the park, either. A large red stain quickly begins spreading over Eagle's white shirt as the blades are withdrawn, but even with that injury the bouncer begins climbing back to his feet relatively quickly, and he's maintained his grip on his own weapons. "Just a scratch." He manages a grin, but it does look a bit pained.
"Well, stranger, I do respect your diligence.." states Katana as he watches the man climb back to his feet, allowing him to do so without any interference. Enemy or not, the gang leader still believes in combat etiquette and honour - striking an opponent while they are recovering would be most distasteful in his view. However, once the man is actually -back- on his feet?
THEN it's go-time.
Rushing forward, the massive man is carried by his long stride towards his injured opponent, travelling with a speed that seems out of place on such a large individual. Spinning around in mid-run as he twirls his wakizashi madly, Katana leaps up into the air as he reaches striking distance, descending towards Eagle and aiming to bring the blade of a wakizashi down onto the man's shoulder.
COMBATSYS: Katana successfully hits Eagle with Medium Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Katana 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Eagle
Eagle attempts to swing one of his metal bars into the path of the incoming blade, but Katana manages to slip it past and slice the edge into Eagle's shoulder, further ruining his shirt and digging in fairly deeply to the flesh beneath. Not enough to sever any muscles, thankfully, but it's still very, very painful.
What's a little pain, though? Eagle's not talking any more, for the moment, focusing on the fight at hand. He snaps out his arms to either side, bars extended, then begins to spin. Very, very fast. If Katana gets caught up in the whirlwind of flashing metal, he's going to take a beating...
COMBATSYS: Katana fails to counter Manchester Gold from Eagle with Shiraha Catch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Katana 1/-----==/=======|-------\-------\0 Eagle
...And as Katana gets hit by the spinning metal bars, he gets dragged along, whirled around and around as Eagle's weapons slam into him repeatedly. And then, finally, the beating ceases, but only because Katana finds himself being flung up into the air. Eagle spins to a halt, gripping one of the bars firmly in his right hand, arm hurting too much to add a lot to the theatrics... But there's still the last practical element.
As Katana comes falling back down, Eagle thrusts upwards with the metal bar, ramming it into the small of the thug's back, then flipping him aside to send him crashing back down to the floor.
As the spinning whirlwind of death approaches, Katana actually attempts to stop it - reaching out with one hand and trying to grab hold of a metal bar.. but instead, he's smashed in the wrist before being caught up in the flurry. Battered by the bars before being launched upwards and smashed back down to the ground, the gang leader seems shaken by the beating.. but is still able to get back to one knee fairly quickly.
Standing back up to his full height of 6'7", the massive man glares down at Eagle from behind his mask, his chest heaving with breath as he eyes the man. "Such an annoyance.." he mutters, obviously growing tired with the man's resistance. Taking a moment to glance behind him, Katana is pleased to see that his thugs have the three remaining vigilantes under control - at least he doesn't have to worry about that.
Turning back towards Eagle, the gang leader thrusts a wakizashi forward, pointing the tip at the British man. "Come, face your end."
Eagle crosses the metal bars over his chest for a moment, flexing his arms and abdominal muscles as he checks to see what sort of shape he's in. It hurts, certainly, but it doesn't seem like there's any really serious injuries, yet. He should still be able to get out of this on his feet. Assuming, of course, that Katana is nice enough not to slash him up anymore.
Uncrossing his arms, Eagle falls back into a combat stance, eyes on Katana, rather than the sword that's pointed toward him. "Well, you've got some style. Pity you're working with a group like this."
COMBATSYS: Eagle focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Katana 1/-----==/=======|-------\-------\0 Eagle
"As do you, stranger.. as do you.." says Katana, reflecting the man's compliment as he eyes him - pulling his sword back and crossing them both in front of his mask as he continues to speak. "A pity that -you- don't truly understand what is happening here. Typical ignorance.. you see a glorious revolution, an uprising of the downtrodden.. and you call it evil. You're just like the rest of them.." Katana's voice takes on a somewhat melancholy tone as he speaks - he truly believes what he's saying.. if only those still fighting Rolento's revolution realized that the man isn't as evil as Haggar has made him out to be. If only they realized that the former Mayor is the -real- villain in all this.
Shaking his head, as if breaking himself out of a trance, the massive man takes a step back and twirls the hilts of his wakizashi between his fingers. He's not making a move yet, seemingly waiting for his opponent to strike first. "But no matter.. you will believe what you want to, and I cannot change that.. such a shame.."
COMBATSYS: Katana focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Katana 1/-----==/=======|-------\-------\0 Eagle
Now's not really the time to discuss philosophy, though. Even if Eagle's wounds aren't fatal, he's still going to be running into some problems from bloodloss if this doesn't end relatively soon, so that he can get himself bandaged up. And so he continues to press the attack.
Katana's armor makes thing somewhat tricky, protecting him in numerous places. But any armor has to have joints. And Eagle attempts to take advantage of that, lunging in and attempting to sweep one of the metal bars in under Katana's arm, trying to drive the end of the bar in just above the other man's armpit. It's too much to hope that it'll actually disable his arm, but hopefully it'll slow him down at least a bit.
COMBATSYS: Katana interrupts Medium Strike from Eagle with Meido no Miyage.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Katana 0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0 Eagle
As his opponent lunges in to strike at him, Katana makes no attempt to get out of the way of the blow - instead stepping forward to meet it. However, it doesn't pan out quite as Eagle might have expected, the massive man blocking the bar-strike with his armoured forearm, knocking the British man's striking arm aside and leaving him wide open for what follows..
"HI-YAH! UNSTOPPABLE WHIRLWIND STRIKE #5!" bellows the gang leader, sporting a ridiculously thick Japanese accent that seems to have appeared solely for the last sentence. Slicing diagonally across Eagle's chest, Katana follows up with a storm of attacks.
Wielding both wakizashi with deadly expertise, the massive man cuts and slices Eagle from head to toe, his blades becoming a veritable blender as they spin and chop. Finishing the storm of slices with a massive boot to the face, Katana leaves his opponent to - presumably - fly backwards, letting out a deep, mocking bout of laughter as he does so.
"Your best isn't good enough!"
And Eagle does go flying backwards, a spray of blood trailing after him as he sails through the air, before crashing heavily against one of the walls of the subway station, and sliding down to the ground. He /still/ hasn't lost his grip on his makeshift weapons, however. And a moment later Eagle's eyes open, as he uses one arm to wipe away some of the blood pouring into them.
The bouncer's stance changes as he stands up, shifting his arms so that one is held at head level, while the other is around stomach height, pointing the ends of both of the metal bars straight at Katana. A full out assault is quite risky, especially in Eagle's damaged state... But nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?
"Hn!" And with that exclamation, Eagle lunges toward Katana, striking out with the metal bars so quickly that they seem to blur through the air, quite possibly putting a few dents in the massive man's armor, should he manage to connect...
COMBATSYS: Katana counters Oxford Red from Eagle with Shiraha Catch.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > / ]
Katana 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1 Eagle
Katana is, to be quite honest, surprised when his opponent manages to get back to his feet once again - expecting that the whirlwind of wakazashi strikes would've been enough to keep him down. Still, it's a display that - at the very least - deserves his respect. "Impressive.." states the gang leader calmly as he watches the British man rushes towards him.
Casually placing both his weapons back in their sheathes, Katana seems ready to face his opponent with nothing more than his bare hands. As the metal bars strike out towards him, the swift gang leader grabs them out of the air, holding on tight and heaving Eagle up into the air, brining the man slamming down onto the hard ground of the subway station - causing a spiderweb of cracks to form where his body strikes.
"But not impressive enough to stop me..."
Eagle is slammed down into the ground, and for a moment it looks like he's not going to get up. But then he lifts his arm, and drives one of the metal bars down into the concrete with enough force to add a few more cracks, using it as a crutch to help him get back up. "The show's... not over... yet..."
Almost over, though. Eagle doesn't have much more left in him. But he does have enough energy (and blood) left for one last hurrah. Lunging back to his feet, not caring about the fact that he's going to fall over any moment, Eagle lays into Katana with a frenzied series of blows, striking at the armor-clad warriors from a wide variety of different angles, before finally launching into another assault much like the one that just failed, but with even more force behind it as he throws all his weight behind the blows, hoping to blast Katana right across the subway terminal.
Either way, Eagle slumps forward afterwards. Is he unconscious? Possibly.
COMBATSYS: Eagle can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Katana 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Katana counters Union Jack Platinum from Eagle with Shiraha Catch.
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Katana 0/-------/----===|
"Impossible!" bellows Katana as Eagle -once again- just won't stay down, the gang leader clearly not expecting his opponent to show such staying power. Very respectable, indeed..
But that doesn't mean that he holds much chance of defeating the massive man at this time - and when the first of the planned blows comes his way, Katana simply stops it by grabbing hold of the metal bar once again. He hefts Eagle into the air once more, before slamming him back down onto the ground.. and this time, it's obvious that the man has no more fight left in him.
"You fought well, stranger.." states Katana as he shoots a glance towards the subway outpost, noticing that the vigiliante fighters have all been knocked unconscious by the Mad Gear guards. "Well enough to preserve your life.."
Pointing at a group of uniformed Gear thugs, their massive boss bellows an order towards them. "Take this man outside the city and leave him there. I doubt he will be bothering us again.."
And then, Katana simply turns away, walking towards the subway tunnel and staring down it. Deep, deep inside the city's subway system, the resistance lies.. today won't be the last of their attacks.. Katana is no firmly convinced that they can't wait for them to make the first move any longer.
They must be crushed.
Log created by Katana, and last modified on 16:34:00 08/23/2005.