Description: Karin, now training with Sakura in order to better understand the nature of 'chi', gets a visit from a Sakura-seeking Shingo. Remarkably, they manage to have an entire conversation without beating each other up or degenerating into childish insults... those were all in the OOC comments found on Disc 2's director's cut.
The heat felt in the early afternoon of the day affectionately known as 'Hump Day' to some comes as no surprise with the bright yellow star of the Sol system hanging high in the sky as the third planet away from it makes its daily rotation. For anyone that wasn't expecting the sweltering temperature obviously has never experienced summer before. In their entire lives. Probably due to living in one of the polar regions. Shingo...wasn't one of those persons.
He was more of a 'looking around for his girlfriend' type of person. It's been a while since they've really spent any time together alone and he was wondering if she'd be up for doing something today now that his schedule was more or less free. Unable to find her at home and other usual haunts that he knows of, Shingo figures he'd go for the long shot and check out the dojo belonging to the Kim family where her sensei usually bums out at. You'd think with the money he has earned from fighting he'd have a place of his own instead of mooching off others. But whatever. Shingo isn't one to judge. He is one to go hiking all the way through the northern woods to make it to said Tae Kwan Dojo though. Which he does. Knowing the way fairly well after being invited over for training between Sakura and Ryu on a few occasions - not to mention this past weekend - Shingo arrives in relatively good time. That is if anyone was keeping count, which they're not.
Perhaps unexpectedly for poor Shingo, the vast Kim complex is apparently empty; no sign of the owner, his family, or Ryu and Sakura. All that's really left on said sweltering day is the chirping of cicadas and other random wildlife. It's remarkably pastoral in that respect, but... for someone coming here to find people, perhaps a bit of a disappointment.
Interestingly enough, mixed in with all of those sounds of the forest is the occasional kiai... not necessarily recognizable, since a kiai isn't exactly the best way to determine someone's speaking voice, but it definitely does belong to a young woman. If Shingo bothers to look, he'd find Karin at the riverbank, dressed rather differently from normal -- red gi pants, no shoes, and just the black leather top with no fuku blouse -- doing her palm strike technique, Hou Shou, over and over again, with a long break for what appears to be focus between each one.
Perhaps, indeed. But Shingo frets not. He rarely does. It -is- a disappointment somewhat. He'll find some way to get over it. And does. Like a minute later. All it means that he has to get enjoy the wonderful walk back to town admiring nature. He would to if he didn't get distracted by the sounds of a female voice carried on the more or less quiet forest air. Save for the animals of course. He knows that it isn't Sakura's. What sort of boyfriend would he be if he was unfamiliar with his own girlfriend's voice? A bad one, that's for sure. Fortunately he isn't. Curiousity getting the best of him and rationalizing that whoever owns that voice could possibly know where he could find Sakura.
Following the cries down over to the riverside, the boy sights a certain blonde girl in some...unusual attire. Unsual for her to be seen in, that is. So much so that he almost thinks to himself that he must've mistaken her for someone else. That couldn't possibly be the female heir to the Kanzuki Zaibatsu. Could it? "Good afternoon~!" Comes his cheerful greeting; making sure to alert the girl of his presence so she doesn't attack him thinking he's some sort of pervert stalker-killer out to get her. Shingo doesn't call any names right away. Not until he knows for sure who he's talking about.
It in indeed Karin Kanzuki, made obvious when she turns around to look and see who spoke; those curls are a hairstyle that's probably not duplicated within a 500 mile radius of Southtown. There's a pause while she does look, *briefly*, embarrassed to be found out here in the middle of nowhere, training on her lonesome, but she quickly overcomes it and hmphs. "Hello, Yabuki," she offers neutrally, turning back to her training and taking a deep breath. "Sakura's not here... she had some errands to run in the city."
Oh. Alright. Shingo then walks off leaving the rich girl to his own devices. And he really would too if he wasn't naturally a friendly, outgoing guy to almost if not everyone he meets or knows. "Really? Aw man. I guess I just missed her then? Or did she leave like a while ago?" Depending on the answer he -should- be able to guesstimate when she'll be back. If it is that she did in fact not leave only a few minutes ago then he might as well stick it out and wait for her to come back.
Another palm strike cuts through the air; the water at her feet actually ripples a tiny bit from the sudden displacement. And then back into a stance, another deep breath. What the hell is she even doing? "To be honest," the blonde replies, doing another strike, speaking only during the downtimes, "I really don't have any idea. I'm not wearing a watch... it must have been a while ago if you didn't see her leave, however." It *is* kind of a walk; had she left recently Shingo probably *would* have passed her.
And finally, there's a break in the training. Karin exhales, steeples her fingers together under her chest for just a moment, and then turns around, walking past Shingo and over to a duffle bag lying against the base of the nearest tree. She plucks a bottle of water from it, takes a sip, and then gives Shingo a sort of wry smile. "Is there something I can do for you instead? I take it the Kims aren't here either."
Shingo is 'Mister Positive'. Somehow, someway more often than not he can find the bright side of any situation or the good in any person. It's very rare that he has a negative comment to make. So rare that his negative comments aren't even all that negative. For example, in response to Karin's offer he says, "Oh. Well. I was looking for her to see if we could go do something today..." He shrugs and scratches his head uncomfortably, "So...uh, I'd have to say 'no'." He's uncomfortable not because he has a 'thing' for her or something silly like that but because he feels embarrassed whenever he has to tell someone 'no'. No being a very negative word, you see. "But!" Shingo suddenly perks up, "If you don't mind, maybe I could stick around for a while just to see if she comes back?" There's some sort of hopeful inflection in his voice. He just doesn't want to do all that walking again. Plus. Maybe he and Karin can get to know each other a little bit better thereby strengthening their bonds of friendship! Then one of these days they can form the ultimate trio fighting team!
Karin raises an eyebrow at that suggestion, taking another sip of her water, then capping the bottle and putting it back in the bag before sitting down. "You're welcome to stay," she suggests, stretching out her legs and lacing her fingers together, stretching her arms over her head. "To be honest I've been so wrapped up in this training that I don't remember the last time I talked to someone other than Sakura or Ryu," she offers conversationally. "It's beginning to drive me the tiniest bit batty."
Hooray for 'nice' Karin. Much better than 'jerk' Karin. Shingo smiles widely, apparently pleased, "Thanks!" Then cue the light chuckle from the boy. A bit batty she says. As if she weren't a little batty anyways. No one heard that from Shingo, though. He wouldn't say such a thing to her. "Heheh. It can't be really that bad. I'm sure Mister Ryu is full of all sorts of exciting conversation, right?" Being that Shingo is almost -always- stuck in a perpetual smiling/grinning mode it is often difficult at times for some people to tell if he's really joking or being naive. Karin can interpret as she will. Shingo looks around and finds somewhere comfortable to sit. Like that conveniently nearby dry rock. That's a good spot for his backside. "So how is training going so far? Really enjoying it?" Though he'd rather ask if this is one of those 'If you can't beat 'em, join 'em' type of situations. Just that it may come out the wrong way and possibly offend her. Don't want to do that. Same for asking if she's just here to get a better understanding of how Sakura fights so that she may best her in combat. Being her rival and all.
The blonde gives out a short laugh that at first sounds almost like a tiny bark. "Oh, he's not what you'd call a gifted conversationalist," she says, judging her words carefully. Frowning, she digs out the bottle of water and has another sip. "But he is a highly capable and gifted fighter, worthy of his reputation. That much was never in doubt." She's still smarting from taking a Shoryuken right on the chin, but there's no reason to tell *Shingo* that. Sighing, she looks up at the sky. "It is... useful," she admits to the second question. "If only because it has forced me to reevaluate many things I had taken for granted. But it is also very, very difficult." Another sip of water, and then her eyes bore into Shingo, almost daring him to comment on the last bit. "But if I'm to bridge the gaps in my style, then I must perservere."
Dare you say? He thinks he will! ...Not. Well, not the comment Karin was maybe expecting from him. He nods to every thing she says and waits till she's done. "Heh. I bet. I've been to a couple of Sakura's training with Mister Ryu." Taking a couple of Shoryuken's himself to the jaw along the way. At her opinions at having to train with her greatest rival, Shingo grins widely with a thumbs-up, "That's the spirit! Who knows what little tips and tricks you can pick up from training with those two. I know you'll get better in no time!" Even if training with Kyo is a lot more beneficial. If Kyo actually trained anybody. Not that anyone sane would call what he has done for Shingo 'training'. More like entertaining the boy long enough to leave him alone for a while at that particular point in time. But that's a whole different topic. "Cause I know I'd be super worried if I saw you start tossing out hadoukens in a fight. You're already tough when it comes to hand-to hand."
Now that earns a raised eyebrow of surprise from Karin, though she at least has the good grace to accept a compliment where it's offered, and not to delve too deeply into past perceptions of Shingo's opinion of her. She caps the bottle of water and leans back against the tree. "I'm not here to mimic his style like Sakura does, if that's what you're concerned about," she says, closing one eye and keeping the other trained on Shingo. "Rather... 'chi' isn't something that the Kanzuki style explores. One might say it even derides that sort of quasi-mystical belief." A beat. "But I've seen -- and felt -- the effects of such attacks first hand, and I am not goin to simply ignore its existence out of foolish pride."
Concern? There's nothing to be concerned about. Shingo may not have in-depth understanding of how Karin's mind works but he is pretty sure that she wouldn't give up the fighting style her family has passed down for generations just to beat Sakura. Why do that when it would be that much more satisfying to defeat the Taiyo schoolgirl with Kanzuki-ryuu? At least, that's what he figures. Which presumably isn't too far from the truth.
Shingo shakes his head, "Nah. I'm not saying that you would. Just thought it'd be funny if like in the middle of a fight you just tossed a hadouken at someone out of nowhere. That's all. And yeah. Anyone who says that chi energy doesn't really exist would be definitely be in for a shock the first time they fight someone who uses it." And let's not even get into Psycho Power or 'pyrokinesis'. If that's what you want to call the Yagami and Kusanagi's bloodline ability.
This earns a nod from Karin, as she crosses her arms behind her head and looks up at the sky again. Stretching, calm... this must seem like Bizarro!Karin to Shingo, given their limited acquaintance. Perhaps it's all the meditating she's been forced to do. "It's not that they said it doesn't exist, per se..." A beat. "Rather, that people who relied on it were weak, and couldn't handle fighting with their fists alone." She glances at Shingo. "That is a gross misunderstanding. And as the heir not just to the Kanzuki fighting style, but to the company, I won't allow us to be blinded by ignorance of what we don't understand. 'Be the victor in all you do' is a multi-layered philosophy." It is also, many might say, sheer lunacy.
Sheer lunacy, you say? Would this 'sheer lunacy' she speaks of also be applicable to being able to want to cause fire to spring forth from one's fingertips when one lacks the specific genetics for such a feat? If it does then they must obviously be kindred spirits! In some insane version of reality. Bizarro reality. "Yeah. Cause anyone can fight with their fists. Being able to channel chi effectively and efficiently as some fighters are able to do, if anything, shows how strong they really are." And he's speaking from the other side of the 'energy wielding' fence. Also, since she brought up the topic of people relying on chi being supposedly weak. Let's see what she has to say on people who also utilize typically unconventional methods of martial arts. Except that he thinks better of bringing up the topic of Leona and her use of explosives and knives in a fight. So he sticks to something more...general. "And what about fighters that use technology when fighting? Like say guns or grenades?"
"Such people..." Karin says, with a vehemence bordering on the terrifying, "...are the lowest of the low!" And that pretty much settles that. She hmphs, taking a sip of the last of the water and glancing back at Shingo. "Even coming from a utilitarian standpoint like the Kanzuki philosophy, there is a difference between something like 'chi' -- a power that does indeed come from within -- and that... that..." Her eyebrows, which are rather like Ken Masters', if you consider them carefully, twitch faintly as she attempts to force this memory out. "...thug you were paired with last Saturday, who would simply hurl whatever they feel is necessary at their opponents." A pause, and then she grins faintly. "Ah... are you alluding to that trick I pulled with the rock last week?" The blonde seems to consider this for a moment. "I suppose it does make me a mite hypocritical. In my own defense I was aiming for Sakura's blast, and not Sakura." Never mind that you chucked a rock at Xiangfei not four days ago, but hey. That was life and death.
Well. Shingo -was- going to point out that Leona also uses her skill at manipulating chi in her combat technique in addition to throwing exploding earrings and making with the knife-stabby. But Karin has done such a wonderful job of providing a counter-point to her argument that people who use weapons against people like that are the lowest of the low. Cause technically, throwing bricks at someone would be considered weapon use as well. Depending on who you ask. The boy inwardly eeping at how scary Karin got when voicing her beliefs on the whole topic. When she calms down he nodnods and hehs, "Yeah. Well, I actually meant like how Leona was tossing her explosives at you. Or how this one guy, Nassir, has a handgun and grenades when he fights." Shingo shrugs, "I mean. Personally I don't see the big deal if they allow it in matches. As long as they know how to control themselves and not go shooting into the crowd or anything." Of course he wouldn't see it as a big deal. He actually got shot when fighting Nassir. And just -shrugged- it off. Like if they were haters. "But do you feel that way about weapons form martial arts? Like fencing or arnis?" Never fails that whenever two fighters get together they will always find common ground in discussing the finer points of their chosen career/hobby/past time/what have you.
Well... typically, 'argument' with Karin tends to be a one-sided sort of term. The problem with people of absolute confidence is that attempting to get them to see gray areas is roughly equivalent to stuffing 10 pounds of cheese in a 1 pound bag. "There is a difference," the blonde says slowly, as if puzzlig out the wording of her answer. "Consider the sword, a basic martial weapon. When you are using it against someone, you must come within a certain distance of that person, yes? True, you are giving yourself extra power, but you are also putting yourself in danger. The user of a gun need not do any such thing." A beat. "There is a balance between opening oneself up to retribution and the use of inner force that we all walk. Why is it we consider techniques like the Hadou to be fair game, but guns intuitively feel like 'cheating'?"
"Well..." Shingo starts off. The mere fact that he's responding so quickly without spending much time contemplating Karin's response shows that he has thought this over many times before. "What if they're using a gun to channel their chi? What then?" What craziness are you talking, Yabuki?! Channeling chi bullets through a gun? Why it's...just crazy enough to work! "Because I mean. Um. Cheating is breaking the rules right? In a street fight there aren't really any rules. And in tournaments, if the officials allow that sort of thing...then is it really cheating? That's the way I look at it. Plus. It's good training! You never know when some thug will pull a gun on you outside of a fight. At least in a tournament or official match if you mess up there are medics to take care of you right then and there." Shingo shrugs. He certainly has an...odd way of thinking. Case in point when he adds on, "Also. Maybe someone uses a firearm to, I dunno, even up the sides? Like if they haven't got what it takes to be able to channel energy into a projectile like some of the better fighters do."
The blonde raises a finger in the international sign for 'yeahbut'. "Ah, but is it always 'most desireable' to have a projectile?" She tilts her head at Shingo, trying to get a bead on his ulterior motive... generally speaking because she always believes people have one, no matter how much they profess the opposite. In such a case, it's possible the person might not even know it. "It's true that having some sort of distance attack gives you one type of advantage in street fighting, a mostly close-range affair... but both you and I have done alright without them, haven't we?" She nods her head once. "I came here to understand chi, not to bolster my arsenal with some sort of... throwing weapon. I'll learn to use it in my own way. Isn't that what's most important?" She looks up at the sky for a moment. "If I win over someone because I used my ingenuity to overcome their advantage with my own two hands, it means more to me than if I had a squad of Kanzuki Security guards snipe them with a tranquilizer dart from a bell tower." Not that she's ever thought of doing that.
Sure, Karin. Keep...telling yourself that. One day someone may actually believe you. "Oh, I didn't say you did. I was just saying that's probably why some people use tactics like that." He is referring to any misunderstanding she may have had about him thinking she was planning on how to throw napalmy wrath from her hands as well as people's reasoning for using guns and the like. "And yep, we sure have!" No need to mention that more than anything he wants to be able to shoot flames just like Kyo and Saishu. Though he wouldn't be surprised if she already knew that. Word gets around. "Heh, yeah. I know how you feel. Like this one time I had an exhibition match with the president of Justice's archery club. It was close. But I was able to get past all those arrows and win out." Cue the wide pleased grin, proud of himself for that. Then again. As it has been stated before, whatever Shingo does doesn't really count. Cause he's haX.
Leaning back, Karin once again crosses her arms behind her head and settles herself against the tree. "There's a fine line between attempting to overcome your weaknesses and capitalize on your strengths, and simply fighting to win through any means necessary." A pause. "Victory is important. That's why you shouldn't take the way you get there lightly. How you win reflects on you. So I follow my intuition... and my intuition says I wouldn't want to win a fight because of a gun, or a grenade, or a time bomb."
This is true. How deep of her. To think that this normally somewhat-haughty rich girl could have such an intelligent and civil conversation with Shingo in this of all places instead of some posh locale. Will wonders never cease. It's too bad that Shingo fails to see how her comments connect with his previous statements of the both of them being quite successful when engaging opponents who capitalize on their inability to use long-distance attacks thinking they'd win easily. Maybe she just segued into another topic without him noticing. he laughs at that last part. Karin probably didn't mean for it to be a joke...but he just finds it funny. Time bomb. Heheheh. "Well, yeah. I'm not a big fan of 'any means necessary'. I think that all those should have fun. Win, lose, or draw." There's a shrug. If you're wondering if he's ever going to stop grinning like a fool, the answer is 'not soon'.
The blonde opens one eye, training it on Shingo warily, but then she grins. Faintly, but she does grin. "You and Dong Hwan have both said those exact same words to me lately," she says. Amusing anecdote... or cautionary tale? You decide. She looks out at the river. "You, Sakura, Dong Hwan, so many others... fight for 'fun'. I fight to win. And I'm not ashamed to admit it, either," Karin adds in a serious tone. "I think winning is more fun than losing. Is that such a terrible thing?" And that last part actually sounds like an honest question. Expect the rain of brimstone any second now.
"Heheheh. Really? Well that's understandable. I mean, what's the point of fighting if you don't have fun doing it right?" Shingo then flashes her a smirk, "I never said I -don't- fight to win." Or else he would hold back in his matches. And as anyone who has fought him knows...Shingo doesn't hold back. "It's just that I want the person I'm fighting against to have fun too. It's like a game, sort of. If that makes any sense. Of course you play to win. But you want to make sure that everyone is enjoying it too. So, no. It's not such a terrible thing." Winning would also be a lot more fun if he could hold up a ball of fire in one hand and then extinguish it with a wave. That would be so awesome. Shingo is really thinking about this and drifts out for a second. Until Karin starts talking to him again.
Chuckling at that, Karin leans back again herself. Probably better to keep the 'no mercy for the defeated' clause of the Kanzuki motto a family thing at this point. Long moments pass; the cicadas who were heard singing before and were drowned out by conversation fill up a long stretch of time before the rustling of leaves gives away Karin's standing up. Brushing herself off, the blonde heriess steps back toward the river, stretching. "Well, this little colloquium has been most diverting, but I should at least make an attempt to get this... focus thing under control." She sighs, falling into the Kanzuki-style stance. "It frustrates me to no end that a straightforward, uncomplicated girl like Sakura has an awareness that I don't," she murmurs, trying to find that inner pinball.
"Oh yeah," the boy mutters under his breath in the silence filled between the two fighters, "Feel my burn....huh?"
Shingo coughs and looks around bashfully. Did he just get lost in his own thoughts of flame-wielding again? Cough. Hopefully Karin didn't notice. "Uh, yeah. Sorry about that. And you know. Some would argue that's exactly why she has that 'awareness' you're talking about. It's because she's straight-forward and uncomplicated. Maybe that's what you have to do? Simplify things. Just a suggestion." Shingo shrugs. "Oh yeah, if you want to finish up by yourself just let me know. I'm totally cool with it if you ask me to leave. I know how it is to want to be able to practice with some quiet time." He says this yet makes no effort to get up off that rock.
If Karin heard Shingo's little daydream commentary, she shows no sign of it. Rather, she is focused instead on doing that damned Hou Shou... over, and over, and over. In a sense it's actually getting difficult to watch, but a skilled observer might note that it's become less about focus and more about rote, now; whatever progress she's made, she's back to swimming against the current. Could it be something Shingo said stuck in her maw? Or is she just frustrated with lack of progress? If you where Dhalsim, you'd know the answer already. And you could shoot flame. Hahaha.
"That's your decision," Karin says. Whoosh! Another palm strike. "I really don't know when Sakura will be back, and she didn't say where she was going other than 'out'." Another strike. "To be honest, I don't know if I understand any of this." This is to say: She's talked to Ryu a whole once since she started, and has mostly just been meditating with Sakura. "Maybe you really can't overcome talent with hard work." And immediately after saying that, comes the expression of 'I just said that out loud, didn't I?'. Damn.
Yes Karin. You may not be the best when it comes to tossing around energy blasts, using a successful RKO on opponents, or pummeling their face in with your fists. But that's not all there is to fighting! "For those who don't believe in themselves..." Shingo stands up and looks sincerely at Karin, "...hard work is worthless! You may not be as much as a fighting genius as Sakura is. can still be a genius..." The boy pauses and grins widely, "...of hard work!" Though he shouldn't be really one to talk. Being a genius himself when it comes to the martial arts. How else do you explain being able to copy Kyo's techniques from only watching him peform them once? Albeit they're not perfect copies. But damn close enough without flames. "You think like that and you -will- definitely beat Sakura. It'll take time. But you just gotta have faith in yourself. If you can believe it, you can achieve it! Yeah!" Shingo gives Karin the best 'Super Nice-guy' pose he has complete with the super version of the thumbs-up. The pose is hold long enough for dramatic effect.
There's... a brief pause while Karin digests what Shingo just said. It's a *tense* moment, too, because there is a certain stillness to her posture that in another situation would be terrifying. Yet after a moment she turns around and gives Shingo an almost weary look. After all, he didn't say something she hasn't thought of herself once or twice. He just said it like a yutz. Putting a finger to her temple, Karin says with a sigh, "You two really do belong together, with your ability to take the most well-meaning of statements and turn it into incomprehensible gibberish." A beat, before she turns around and resumes trying to focus her inner being so she can smack people upside the head with it. "I don't have the sort of feel-good rhetoric about it that you and Sakura do, but..." Another Hou Shou; once again the water right at her feet ripples just a tiny bit, though she doesn't see it at all. "Genius of hard work. Honestly." Oy gevalt.
The energetic lad starts laughing at Karin's criticism of his encouraging speech and pats himself on the back for coming up with such insightly words of wisdom. If you've played KoF98 then it's essentially the pose he has for his opening against Kyo. "Huh? Oh, well," he says rubbing his head in a sheepish manner, "you could be! If you really truly believe it with allllllll your might. I know you can do it. I believe in you!" Then again. He sorta believes in everyone. -She- doesn't need to know that. "But uh, anyways. I guess I'll let you get back to your practice now. It was good talking with you. Oh! If you see Sakura before I do, just tell her to give me a call and leave a message if she gets my voicemail. Thanks, Karin!" Shingo waves to the blonde girl and checks to see if she has any parting words for him before he takes off.
Yeah sure fine. "I'll do that." Whoosh! Palm strike #457, collect them all. "I'll do that. Have a good afternoon, Mr. Yabuki," she offers, going back to her training. After a brief moment, however, she turns around and clears her throat. "Despite your ridiculous cheerfulness and your tendency to let the verbiage get in the way of the message..." A pause. "Thank you for the kind regards anyway." Oh lord, the seventh seal has been broken. Flee!
Ha! Sakura will never believe this if he told her! He should've brought one of those digital 'tape' recorders. Nonetheless he flashes her another grin saying, "No problem, Karin. Anytime." Then very much like an Autobot, he transforms and rolls out.
Log created by Karin, and last modified on 16:52:26 08/17/2005.