Duolon - A Bad Mood

Description: Duo Lon, having a rather poor attitude about his losing streak, encounters the perpetually-smiling Dee Jay. While normally reserved with his emotions and reactions... well, too much is too much.

Heading back into the city after a lengthy night on the beach, Dee Jay's got an unbuttoned red shirt on over a simple pair of jeans, beach towel slung over his shoulder. His pace is rather leisurely, not seeming in much of a hurry to get anywhere in particular, though the large Jamaican moves with an inherent rhythm that's only enhanced by the earbud headphones in his ears, pumping beats from the portable player stuffed safely in his pocket. The tune echoes softly in periodic whistles from Dee Jay himself. He didn't bother to put shoes on after the trip to the beach, hiking home barefoot instead, so his footfalls don't make much noise, but it certainly doesn't look like he's doing anything to be subtle.
It's one advantage to being a capable fighter... walking these streets at night without concern for the roving of nastier elements. Dee Jay certainly doesn't look worried - anything but, judging from the bright tune and the smile on his face. It's been a good day, after all.

Of significantly opposite attitude and mood was Duo Lon. Enough so that people walked around him where he stood, went out of their way to keep their distance... all that. A funeral march to counter Dee Jay's own peppy theme... and undoubtedly, the two would clash, if the Jamaican kept in the direction he was headed. The ninja himself is standing still, hands slipped into pockets on his trousers, eyes on the sky. Clearly, something was on his mind. What, though... what, was a very good question.
Not that the answer would be forthcoming anytime soon. The young man turns as Dee Jay nears, eyes narrowing only a slight bit. Off put, in a sense, by the uncanny coolness of the other fighter. Let it be known that Duo was not the type to instigate, nor the type to bring up a conversation, if he could avoid it. But he would not be crowded out of a place by somebody of conflicting mood. There was such a thing as pride(tremendous ego), after all.
That being the case, he falls back against the newspaper stand he was leaning against, and pulls a paper from the shelf. Best place to find information, after all, is in a newspaper.

The Southern Comet doesn't look overly inclined to adjust his course, sauntering on his way without a care in the world. His fingers snap, his body sways, and the smile remains unhindered, despite the rather sour looking Chinese ninja standing off to his flank, a man he's steadily approaching. Dee Jay's shimmeringly dark eyes do take in Duo Lon, and the Jamaican gives a goodnatured nod, and even a hearty, grinning thumbs-up to the other man. Looks like he needs a little goodwill, after all. Nonetheless, the headphones are pumping, and the hour's growing late, so it doesn't look like Dee Jay's inclined to stop and bother Duo Lon /too/ severely.
The kickboxer does consider the other guy a little longer, though... something odd about him. Then again, it could just be the eyeliner. Dee Jay can't, and doesn't try, to suppress a hearty chuckle, all too amused at the entirely too serious assassin.

The chuckle was certainly enough. Already tilted eyes slant further, the slightest hint of malice behind them. While Dee Jay was probably just poking his nose and attitude where it didn't belong, Duo Lon wasn't in the mood to let it slide. The younger man folds the newspaper downwards, applying his thumbs to the outer edge, and cooly regards Dee Jay. "Is something funny? Or are you choking?" He begins folding the paper in odd ways, tuck, roll, fold, tuck, roll, fold. "Because if it's the former, I'm sure we could arrange for the latter to happen. It's not wise to confront somebody with such an extreme attitude. You see.."

A snowflake was beginning to take shape. Delicate, beautiful in the way the paper fanned out, little ink-lined spikes along the end. Duo Lon apparently liked origami.

"It's a well-known fact that people don't like their mood and their atmosphere to derivate from the other. Most tend to change their own attitude to suit their environment... but I prefer to make my environment suit my attitude."

The snowflake was looking to be very sharp, now. Sharp enough to pierce flesh, at least.

"Do you know how it feels to come up dry?" Another snarl, and Duo Lon steps forward, hand snapping at the wrsist to send the snowflake directly towards Dee Jay's midsection. Hopefully breaking those damn headphones, too.

COMBATSYS: Duolon has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Duolon           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: DeeJay has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Duolon           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           DeeJay

COMBATSYS: DeeJay dodges Duolon's Thrown Object.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Duolon           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           DeeJay

Dee Jay's headphones, and his midsection, are protected by some quick footwork. That 'snowflake' came out fast, and proves this stranger's strength, but the Southern Comet takes the half-instant he has and capitalized on it, twisting and leaning as the papercut-offering projectile whirls past him, and his grinning expression recenters on Duo Lon, "And what if I don't wanna cry about how daddy left and mommy didn't care?" He taunts, waving a finger at Duo Lon, "My atmosphere is just fine where it is, thanks!" He doesn't advance on Duo Lon right away, instead raising his fists in front of him, the powerful weapons weaving lightly as he shifts from left to right on ever-moving feet, his fighting 'stance' more movement than form.

COMBATSYS: DeeJay focuses on his next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Duolon           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           DeeJay

At this point in time, the ninja falls silent. There's nothing more to say, and he understood, more than most, that anger would lose you the fight. For this reason, among others, Duo Lon falls back against the newspaper stand, eyes closing, arms crossed over his chest. What would appear to most to be idle irritation, to speculative types, it would be something closer to meditation. Concentration before a larger move, deep thought, whatever, whatever. Duo Lon wasn't attacking, that much was certain.
And, apparently, he manages to fall into something more akin to his typical mindset. No incense, just logic. "So you think you've got a chance? Show me that the sunshine's really where it's at?" He might be old for his age, but he's still 19. That means he can be an ass at times. "Let's see." His own position is... well...

He's not really doing anything.

COMBATSYS: Duolon gathers his will.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Duolon           0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0           DeeJay

While Duo Lon may not be outright attacking, Dee Jay isn't dense enough to miss the increase in the youth's energy, and Duo Lon's words don't exactly sound like he's looking to end this with peaceful coexistance, "Be wherever you wanna be." Dee Jay retorts, still smiling, unphased by this entire thing by all appearances, "You just shoulda left me out of it!" With that, the Jamaican falls silent as well, at least for right this minute, and launches himself forward, sprinting in at Duo Lon and then swinging around to align a right kick for the ninja's ribs mid-ascent. He rolls a quick twist in midair and follows through with his left foot, a powerful leaning sobat aligned squarely with the Chinese fighter's jaw.

COMBATSYS: Duolon blocks DeeJay's Double Rolling Sobat.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Duolon           1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0           DeeJay

Immediately, faster than most could have reacted, Duo Lon's wrist twitches, a black, cloth-covered catching the blow to his jaw while his ribs simply... aren't there. A quick writhe, a jolting of the hips, and the Hizoku saves himself from most of the damage delivered, though... there's certainly some visible. In his next movements, it'd be obvious that he was favoring his left hand.
"You've got quite a punch. I'd be impressed, if you weren't so oblivious to the mood of others." A burst of purplish, smoky chi from the young man follows, his eyes gone wide, newspapers fluttering a bit from the blowback. And... Dee Jay might sense the manifestation behind Duo Lon... perhaps he could see it. A second, wraithlike simulacrum of the Hizoku ninja, mimicking his actions in every way.
"However, there's a bit you don't understand about combat. Allow me to teach you." With that, Duo Lon steps forward, fingers snapping forward, straight, nails aimed to puncture the Jamaican's chest. If the hit is successful, the simulacrum of Duo Lon would fan out behind Dee Jay, and the two ninja would administer a lightning-fast, several hit combo, all puncturing nail wounds.

COMBATSYS: DeeJay blocks Duolon's Ouji Tajiuu Genmu Ankei.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Duolon           0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0           DeeJay

In his own display of stunning alacrity, Dee Jay catches the initial claw-jab on his forearm, twisting to put his sides to the pair of Duo Lons, rather than his front and back, as meaty forearms collide with slash after slash, ragged lines drawn in his muscles, but not in his torso, by the forceful assault, "Not bad, kid." Dee Jay congratulates smoothly, immediately launching back at the /real/ Duo Lon with a forceful uppercut, his right fist seeking the underside of the ninja's jaw. It doesn't end there, though... for one thing, there's an immediate explosion of silver-blue chi at the point of intended impact, and secondly, there are more explosive uppercuts. One, two, three get delivered, each with the accompanying shockwave of shimmering energy, "But not good enough!!"

COMBATSYS: Duolon dodges DeeJay's Machinegun Uppercut.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Duolon           0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0           DeeJay

The ninja is quite simply gone, the moment his attack fails. Claw-like nails scrape along Dee Jay, and inflict minor wounds all along his uppre body, however, the moment the man puts up ample defense, Duo Lon falls back, and as Dee Jay lurches forward, fades out of existance. It's a close call, one of Dee Jay's uppercut's slicing through the hazy, fading image of a not-all-there Hizoku.
And the moment Dee Jay's attack falls, Duo Lon appears behind the other man, rising up from the ground itself, skeleton assembling, muscles, flesh, clothing materializing from the dirt and dust on the ground. One of Ron's own signature teleportations, it was Duo Lon's pride and joy. Also... he was right behind the Jamaican, immediately turning to grab the man's shoulders, spin him, and elbow-throw him into the newspaper stand behind him. The issue, of course, was grabbing his shoulders.

COMBATSYS: Duolon successfully hits DeeJay with Suishu Makyakuho.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Duolon           0/-------/------=|=======\=------\1           DeeJay

Well, that didn't go quite as planned. While he's committed to the forward assault, the Chinese ninja decides to be /behind/ him, and Dee Jay finds himself spiked quite painfully into the pavement, a grunt of pain leaving him as he twists back to a crouch, rolling out of the impact quickly. His grinning, rather fiery expression is turned upwards to the assassin, and in a flash, Dee Jay is out of the crouch, and leaping the distance between himself and Duo Lon, his right knee snapping out, levelled with intent to take the ninja cleanly in the face. This guy's quick, but then... Dee Jay likes quick. The circumstances of the fight may not be the most amiable, but hell if he's not going to enjoy it while it's here.

COMBATSYS: Duolon endures DeeJay's Knee Shot.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Duolon           0/-------/---====|=======\===----\1           DeeJay

An exploding knee to his face. Cute. Also, extremely painful. While the ninja normally attempts to avoid attacks, the moment called to him, and here he was, taking burning anger to the nose. The Result: Unseen. While Dee Jay is very likely feeling some kind of satisfaction for his rightous hit(And it was righteous), the ninja has /again/ disappeared, this time reappearing in the air behind the Jamaican kickboxer. Sailing towards the back of his head, bloody nose and all, at a 45 degree angle, legs rotating in a Hurricane Kickesque motion. Obviously this would hurt if it hit. But with the other man wondering where the hell the ninja was... it very well might.

COMBATSYS: DeeJay dodges Duolon's Genmu Hishou Keikou.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Duolon           0/-------/---====|=======\===----\1           DeeJay

There here then there trick doesn't have quite the same effectiveness this time, and as Duo Lon vanishes, Dee Jay's alertness intensifies, such that the descent of the ninja catches nothing but air, Duo Lon's flight caught in the periphery of the kickboxer's vision as he twists, and leaps backwards, out of the path of that rather nasty-looking swinging kick. His step increases its tempo a bit, grin widening as his shifts in motion become more chaotic, unpredictable... moving to whatever inner song he hears, and rather gracefully, "Not bad for starters, let's see how the second verse plays out." the Southern Comet states in a calm, actually rather friendly tone... is it good or bad that he's entertained, here?

COMBATSYS: DeeJay focuses on his next action.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Duolon           0/-------/---====|=======\===----\1           DeeJay

So he could learn. That was refreshing. However, there's a significant difference between truly learning and getting lucky. In this case, Duo Lon planned to test Dee Jay's intelligence, and reflexes, yet again. The ninja stands after he lands, taking a moment to dust himself off. His opponent was ridiculous. "Stop dancing. You'll distract yourself, and then this entire lesson'll be worthless." The young man steps back a pace or two, tilting his head to the side, hands straightening out almost painfully, fingers /rigid/. Suddenly, his foot snaps forward, a light kick that's far too distant to connect. Save for the fact that it coats itself with dark chi, and within a moment, a geyser of energy erupts from the ground at Dee Jay's feet. "You're already dancing... maybe I should see how good you really are?"

COMBATSYS: Duolon successfully hits DeeJay with Genmu Kyaku Uchikiba.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Duolon           0/-------/--=====|=======\======-\1           DeeJay

The blast of dark energy catches Dee Jay mid-leap once more, throwing him out of the motion as he tumbles to his side, and quickly flips back to his feet. It's one fluid motion, though the impact was certainly felt, it's not stopping the kickboxer's plans, as he charges in at Duo Lon with the follow-through momentum of righting himself... but midway there, he pulls a bit of a ninja trick of his own. It's not teleportation, he just moves /damn/ fast, suddenly closing the distance to point-blank, as a fearsome right uppercuts for the ninja's face. Similar to the last barrage, there's a brilliant blast of silvery blue chi with that incoming fist... but unlike the last, this one goes with quite a bit more fervor. For one thing, the rhythmic beat of rights and lefts inreases rapidly, ever accelerating in perfectly spaced beats, fists flying in one after the other, over and over, until a final, forceful uppercut flies skyward, intent on launching Duo Lon hella far,

COMBATSYS: Duolon dodges DeeJay's Climax Beat.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Duolon           0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0           DeeJay

"Try it again." Duo Lon was in his element, now, and the pounding was coming evenly. The ninja felt much less dissatisfied with his performance, though there was certainly room for improvement. Dee Jay's incoming flurry of attacks was initially blocked, and then Duo Lon merely... /shadows/, or something, to behind the kickboxer. By /shadows/, it is inferred that the ninja simply dashes quickly enough so that his form becomes excessively blurry. Oftentimes, he appears to be a shadow. Duo Lon hops backwards once more, perching on a parked car before jumping to the side, and stands tall, adjusting his collar. Another foot is lanced out, and, yet again, another geyser erupts at Dee Jay's feet. However, this one is a bit less focused... apparently Duo Lon is still recovering from the quick movement.

COMBATSYS: Duolon successfully hits DeeJay with Genmu Kyaku Uchikiba.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Duolon           0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0           DeeJay

Once again, that plume of chi hurts, and once again, Dee Jay can't get out of the way of the eruption before it consumes him, and hurtles him right back to the street. The attacks he can't even see, it's hard to fight... and this guy seems to be an expert at keeping his opponent in that situation. Or at least, making it hurt, "This one isn't over yet!!" Dee Jay protests, and apparently neither is his barrage of uppercuts, as he attempts to land at least a triplicate of the explosive strikes strongly on Duo Lon's jaw... this guy's fast, and if the Southern Comet can't pull off something /big/, well... he might just wind up beat down in the streets. Which isn't where he wants to be, thanks.

COMBATSYS: Duolon dodges DeeJay's Machinegun Uppercut.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Duolon           0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0           DeeJay

On the other side of the punches, Duo Lon was having a significant turnaround. Not just in this fight, but in the way fights have been going in general. Perhaps the kickboxer had managed to turn his luck around, after all. "You do understand," This spoken while the ninja steps to the side, moving without rhythm, rather... a single, percussive beat. "That this /is/ over? Attack like that, and you'll hit nothing. Understand that I've trained my entire life to avoid being struck. And you haven't seen a thing, yet." His initial statement, 'I bring the world around me to my own mood!', seemed to be applying itself quite vigorously. Duo Lon seemed happier now that things weren't looking so good for his opponent. Without another word, the ninja ducks into a two-part series of kicks, a low roundhouse to unsettle, and a stronger, higher roundhouse to the face, to knock the opponent backwards.

COMBATSYS: Duolon successfully hits DeeJay with Fuuka Tenshi Combo.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Duolon           0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1           DeeJay

Dee Jay's footwork, on the other hand, isn't with him at all just now. Dancing back from the low strike, he succeeds in little more than tripping himself up, which is helped by the slam to his face, dropping him to the asphalt once again, his face bloodied, along his his torso in a number of spots from the first claw-strikes and the repeated tumbles into the road. Gritting his teeth, the Southern Comet refuses to give in just yet, reversing his tumble to shove back to his feet, "You ain't heard the best part!" He protests, launching himself in at Duo Lon in a vicious rib-kick similar to the one he led the match with. This time, however, the impact would be greeted by a blast of silvery energy, along with each follow through. Rolling and twisting, Dee Jay slams spinning kick after sobat, right foot, left foot, in at Duo Lon's chest and face, explosive chi greeting every strike.

COMBATSYS: Duolon fails to interrupt Sunrise Theme from DeeJay with Suishu Shoukou.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ///                           ]
Duolon           1/----===/=======|-------\-------\0           DeeJay

Ladies and Gentlemen. Your show stopper.
What had just transpired sent Duo Lon on a trip. No damage, no worries, cockiness... it was honestly, truly great. However, the ninja has always had a problem with letting his ego get to him, and this was just an example of that at work. An attempt to grab the first foot left the spidery man reeling, face impacted again and again, after his chest was soundly shattered by a multitude of kicks. It didn't knock him off of his feet, however, the blood dripping from his nose, the split lip... certainly, they were enough. Duo Lon's sense of victory had been brought straight back to reality, and it was apparent. Things weren't all /that/ great.

"Always come prepared..." Dee Jay begins, as he spins down from his attack, "For an encore!" The kickboxer doesn't pause as the series of chi-laced kicks concludes, sprinting the handfull of strides Duo Lon managed to fall back before shooting nearly straight up into the air, aligning a knee-based strike with the underside of the ninja's jaw, a clear and powerful attempt to plant the Chinese man squarely on his back, and soundly this time, "Ain't gonna keep me down!!" A direct comment to his ascent, or perhaps simply the fact that, win or lose... Dee Jay's not inclined to join Duo Lon under the raincloud.

COMBATSYS: Duolon interrupts Knee Shot from DeeJay with Ouji Tajiuu Genmu Ankei.

[                            \\  < >                                ]
Duolon           0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0           DeeJay

Flying into the air, falling straight into a knee... this was a /really/ bad move. Duo Lon wasn't the type who could take damage very well, and it showed. Face torn, blood dripping freely from his chin, Duo Lon simply wasn't looking that good, at all. So he did what he could, and with a burst of purplish chi, the simulacrum came forth yet again. The two ninja sprint straight into Dee Jay's knee, nails ripping into his body, piercing his flesh and gouging the tougher tissue beneath. The blood involved would be far too much more than necessary... but it wasn't as thought ninja was very /pleased/ with DeeJay. He wanted the man /down/.

That /hurts/. It's amazing what this guy can accomplish, and Dee Jay's never faced anything vaguely like it. It gives the fight a whole different flow, and while it's certainly interesting... the kickboxer isn't sure he entirely /likes/ it. It's got a vicious dissonance that just doesn't set well with him, and even as he's torn, sure to fall to the street, the Southern Comet fights on, snapping a somewhat tired, but sharp jab in at the side of the ninja's head, aligning the strike with the real Duo Lon's skull even as he tumbles to the asphalt, groaning lightly. He's not getting up right away, in the one goal, the Chinese ninja was certainly successful... Dee Jay is -down-. And hard.

COMBATSYS: DeeJay can no longer fight.

[                            \\  <
Duolon           0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Duolon dodges DeeJay's Quick Punch.

[                            \\  <
Duolon           0/-------/---====|

Duo Lon comes down from his high, stumbling a bit, rather easily stepping out of the last punch's way. It was a desperate, respectable attempt, but given at a time when perception wasn't at it's highest. The opponent, it seemed, was down. Duo Lon took a moment to himself, and closed his eyes. "I feel a bit better now, thanks." With that, the ninja drops to his knee, and pats Dee Jay's unconcious form. "But.." He stops as he notices something beneath his hand... pulling two earbud headphones from the Jamaican's pocket. "Well, you /do/ deserve it." They're smashed between his fingers, and placed back into the Southern Comet's pocket. Won't be givin' him beats anymore. "Have a nice day, friend. When you wake up." With that, the slender, pale man hobbles back to wherever he came from, to heal up for tomorrow's fight.

Log created by Duolon, and last modified on 15:27:13 08/13/2005.