Description: Eagle happens upon Momo practicing for her first SNF match. Most of the others around don't seem to be taking the young girl seriously, but Eagle's not one to deny a chance to fight to someone who seems so enthusiastic...
Ah, another lovely day in Southtown. Somewhere in Southtown, anyway. Eagle hasn't really been in Japan all that long, so he doesn't yet know his way around the city particularly well. He knows the general location of The Duck Pond, and he knows where his hotel is, but beyond that? But what better way to learn about the place than through exploration? And so Eagle has been wandering through the city, seeing the sights, and trying to memorize where things are. And at his side is a narrow leather case, just on the chance that anything interesting should happen to come up...
Eagle hasn't really made many stops in his journey, aside from a brief rest at a cafe to have something to drink. But now he's come across a business establishment that catches his attention. It appears to be a gym, and given the kind of people in Southtown, plain old exercise isn't the only thing that goes on in such places. A few signs out front confirm that yes, this place does have plenty of facilities, including those that are suited for sparring between fighters. Within a few minutes Eagle has entered the place, and paid for entrance. Once into the gym itself, there's plenty of exercise equipment, but that's something for another time. For now, Eagle wanders further back, until he starts seeing rooms with fighters practicing their trade. He pauses briefly to offer a few tips, which are occasionally appreciated, but he's also looking for someone who's not already involved in a match. It's been a while since his last performance.
Momo is indeed in a room by herself, her usual tennis club is shut down for repairs on the netting... and the court, and naturally the school tennis courts are being used by a bunch of beginners, so she has had to settle for here for the moment. The room was hardly ideal but... it would do, she needed to get all the practice in she could- after all, she was going in for her first tournament on Saturday, and since the fighters she had talked to had been reluctant about facing such a little, frail looking girl, she is reduced to training with herself.
She has settled into a pretty vicious set of volleys against herself, bouncing the ball against the wall and back again with amazing precision, the force behind the blows gradually seeming to start to make a mark on the concrete, although the room already looks pretty beaten up... so it could just be coincidence. Before she does too much damage she moves on to another patch... she was packing a big force with those attacks, the question was... could she focus that power in a real fight? She didn't know... if only one of these darn "Proper fighters" would take her seriously!
The repetitive thumping coming from further down the hall attracts Eagle's attention. It sounds like something is being hit over and over again, with a great deal of force. When he makes it to the next training room and just sees a girl apparently practicing tennis, he's somewhat disappointed. Until he sees a few shards of concrete flaking off the wall under the impact from Momo's tennis balls. "Hmm... That's quite a swing you've got there!" Some people have trouble just walking up to somebody they've never met and striking up a conversation, particularly if the person seems to be quite different from themselves. This does not, however, pose much of a problem for Eagle.
"I wouldn't have thought there would be somebody practicing tennis in here, though. Most of the people back here are fighters in training. Admirable sport, though! I've been to watch a few matches at Wimbledon, myself." Not that he can comment much on her form. Eagle enjoys sports, but tennis isn't really his best one. Even he can see that Momo has got some pretty incredible power behind her swings though, especially for a young girl.
Momo blinks, scuffing up the serve as she is suddenly addressed, the ball hits the floor, ricochets off the wall and whizzes past her ear, she smiles weakly, turning around to see who addressed her. She hesitates for just a moment, wow. What a big looking fellow, she chuckles quietly, approaching him somewhat warily- after all... she had heard strange rumors of murder and the like- not that she was too worried... she could look after herself after all.
"Thanks!" She says cheerily "I'd love to go to wimbledon one day... of course, I'm nowhere near their level, and as for fighting, well, I'm actually moving into the fighting arena myself- with my tennis racket of course... I'm combining my love of tennis with my love of fighting, I... I've only been a spectator so far, I mean, I haven't had the guts to challenge anybody yet, but I'm pretty confident of myself... I'm going in for the Saturday Night Fight this weekend actually, I'm trying to get ready for that... but nobody around here." She indicates the gym with a wave of her hand. "Will take me seriously! Isn't that ridiculous." The incredibly short girl pouts cutely, well, she hardly looked like a powerhouse, that was for sure.
Hearing about Momo's love of fighting, and the fact that she's going to be entering into the SNF this weekend brings a grin to Eagle's face, showing off some nice white teeth. Apparently some British people believe in dentistry, at least. He claps a hand down on Momo's shoulder, though in light of her small stature he at least tries to hold back some of his strength. There's nothing overly menacing in the action; Eagle's just a very physical person. "Wonderful! It's always a joy to see someone who can appreciate the beauty of combat!"
Withdrawing his hand from Momo's shoulder, Eagle waves it airily. "I'm going to be entering in the competition, myself. I've heard that some of the best fighters in the world come to these events, and I imagine it'll make for a smashing performance! And it never hurts to practice, of course. If there's nobody else around, I would humbly ask for the opportunity to spar with you." The tone of voice is kept carefully serious, but the grin as Eagle finishes speaking is a friendly one, showing that while he's having a bit of fun, it's not meant to be mocking. Eagle's not sure of Momo's skills, but he's more interested in the style of the fight than the level of ability, anyway.
COMBATSYS: Momo has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Momo 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Eagle has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Momo 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Eagle
Momo winces slightly as he touches her, but it is hardly noticeable, she waits for him to withdraw his hand and then allows herself to smile, giving a small bow. "I would be honored to face you in a sparing match sir, but please, do not hold back on my account... I will be giving you my all." Her smile becomes a little more genuine, this was going to be fun! A proper fight, her first one! Well, if she could somehow net a victory in her first combat, that would be spectacular! Although... some part of her did register that this man obviously had a lot of experience in combat, she shouldn't get her hopes up too high... she just hoped she didn't embarrass herself!
She takes a few steps back and falls into a fairly well practiced evasive stance, waiting for him to come to her first... she wanted an indication of just how tough this guy was, and if he attacked first, if he was at her level anyway... he might, somehow, give her some opening she could take advantage of.
COMBATSYS: Momo focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Momo 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Eagle
Snapping open the case that he's been carrying, Eagle withdraws a pair of fairly heavy looking wooden escrima sticks. "Oh, I never hold back, but the show's the thing. Even without an audience, one must give the best possible performance, right?" With a grin, Eagle shoves the case aside, then idly spins the sticks in either hand for a moment, before snapping them upright and adopting a combat position.
"Here I come, then!" And with that shout, Eagle dashes toward Momo, covering the ground surprisingly quickly. His size may prevent Eagle from being especially agile, but he can still cover ground with a good deal of speed. He comes to a dead stop once he gets within a foot or so of Momo, then snaps his arms out to either side. "Hmn!" And with that exhilation of air, Eagle begins rapidly spinning, the sticks blurring through the air as he moves in on Momo... tilting his arms at a slight angle, to make up for the difference in height.
COMBATSYS: Momo dodges Eagle's Manchester Black.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Momo 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Eagle
Momo blinks slightly, impressive, this guy really was a professional, not that she was going to let that get the better of her, dashing forward with all the speed her small frame would suggest, and then some, she seems ready to take the attack head on, and then, quite suddenly, she has leaped into the air and is over Eagle completely! Wow! Who would have thought the little girl could jump so high?
She smiles widely "Oh yes, of course, the show is the thing." She repeats, producing a tennis ball from about her person she suddenly slams it forward, aiming for the back of her opponents head, hopefully her practice wouldn't have been for nothing!
COMBATSYS: Momo successfully hits Eagle with Whale Serve.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Momo 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Eagle
The ball slams into the back of Eagle's head, rather effectively knocking him out of his spin, and causing him to stagger for a moment. At least tennis balls have some elasticity to them; otherwise that could have done some serious damage. The jumping wasn't entirely unexpected though, so Eagle is able to track Momo's landing well enough, and he's already moving in on her as she lands.
Lashing out with one of his sticks, Eagle attempts to sweep the girl's feet out from underneath her, sending her crashing down onto her back. Should that be successful, he then sweeps one of the rods down, attempting to slam it into her stomach. Normally he would attempt to drive in the end of it, rather than the side, but well... she /is/ a young girl.
COMBATSYS: Eagle successfully hits Momo with Chest Blow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Momo 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Eagle
Momo attempts to dodge to the side but... alas, she is just a fraction of an instant too slow, the blow hits her fully, swiping her legs out from her and then, as she is trying to get her bearings, slamming again into her stomach- OUCH! Jesus that was painful!
She rolls to the side quickly, pulling herself up as fast as she can, she licks her lips, suddenly dashing forward as fast as she can, she jumps up in the air, although in a far shallower arc than before, bringing her racket around as she goes for added momentum, she attempts to drive the tip of her racket into her opponents skull, as she had always been told- if you can knock out the head, you can knock out the enemy. Wheras her opponent was showing at least a little sympathy towards her, despite this being a training match, Momo seems frighteningly focused- unwilling, or perhaps unable- to go for anything less than a total victory... after all, if she could get it, she would prove that she was right in entering the fighting world.
COMBATSYS: Eagle fails to counter Spin Smash from Momo with Canterbury Blue.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Momo 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Eagle
While he wants to avoid causing any permanent damage, Eagle isn't really planning to go all that easy on Momo. One can usually tell if one's opponent is holding back, and he certainly doesn't want the girl to think he's being insulting. Besides, she's certainly got some physical strength going for her. As demonstrated by the racket being pounded into Eagle's skull, causing him to see stars for a brief moment. He was lashing out at her with one of his sticks as the impact occurred, but luckily for Momo it seems that he was a bit too slow to do much. Still, he doesn't appear upset, giving her a grin. "You really do have a good arm on you!"
Momo grins happily, licking her lips "If you think that was good... you haven't seen anything yet!" She cries, suddenly springing from her position, racket leading the way, she had him right where she wanted him, and she was eager to press that advantage for as much as she could possibly get, she packs all her strength into this attack, utilizing the head of her racket- with those wicked reinforcement bolts- as best she can. She looks like she is fully intending to just drive on through any resistance and throw her opponent backwards! That such a little girl could attempt such a feat is pretty incredible to begin with, but as the battle thus far has shown, Momo is deceptively strong, and it looks like she just might be able to manage it!
COMBATSYS: Momo successfully hits Eagle with Rocket Racket.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Momo 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0 Eagle
The windup before the swing makes Momo's attack fairly telegraphed. Eagle considers trying to just hit the girl while she's preparing, but before he gets a chance the racket comes swinging in toward him. The bouncer attempts to hop out of the way, but he's not quite fast enough. The head of the racket slams into him, sending him sailing backwards to slam into the wall. He stays on his feet though, although the pain of the impact with the wall might not make that a worthwhile trade. He's still smiling, though.
But now it's Eagle's turn to show that he can jump, too. With a quick, "Ha!" he leaps into the air toward Momo, travelling in a graceful arc, with one of his sticks raised up over his head. As he comes down, aiming to land on his right foot first, the stick sweeps down with the intent to slam straight into the top of Momo's head.
COMBATSYS: Eagle successfully hits Momo with Liverpool White.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Momo 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Eagle
Momo smiles confidently, oh yeah, that had hurt him- she was sure of that, even if the bouncer had put a brave face on things, she had felt that impact. And then he is leaping into the air, oh-ho! She was absolutely confident she could dodge this, and for a moment it looks like she will do just that.
Alas, it is not to be.
She starts her dodge to the side just a moment too late, she had over-analyzed the situation, and the attack slams home viciously, sending her crashing to the ground with a fairly final sounding -Thump- But the little girl isn't done so easily, even if that attack definitely had her seeing stars for more than just a moment, she throws herself back on her feet and jumps backwards, eager for some distance between the two... he didn't seem to use projectile attacks at all, distance was clearly where her advantage lay. She winds up another tennis ball, sending the projectile forward again with all the strength of before... although this time she goes for a body shot, after all... her eyes were still watering from the attack, probably best to aim for a bigger target.
COMBATSYS: Eagle reflects Whale Serve from Momo with St. Andrew Green.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Momo 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Eagle
This time, however, Eagle is in a position to see the incoming tennis ball, rather than having it aimed for the back of his head. He claps both of his sticks together, bringing them down into a position not unlike someone preparing for a golf swing... Then, as the tennis ball gets closer, he swings the sticks upward with a grunt of exertion, throwing his full strength into the strike as he slams the rods into the ball. It connects cleanly, leaving Momo to find her own tennis ball zooming back towards her.
COMBATSYS: Momo fails to reflect Reflected Whale Serve from Eagle with Racket Return.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Momo 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1 Eagle
Momo gasps, clearly not expecting /that!/ Although she brings her racket around in an attempt to bounce back her reflected ball, she is, again, just a moment too slow, and she finds the ball slamming painfully into her gut, knocking the wind right out of her. Dear god- is that what it felt like to be hit by her own attack?
She sinks to her knees slowly, obviously in pretty severe pain, small tears well up in her eyes as she pants for breath, god that had hurt! "You... and I... should play... Tennis." She jokes weakly, looking up at the man with sudden determination flashing in her eyes "Well? Don't just stand there, this isn't over yet!" She cries, starting to force herself up to her feet, racket held out between the pair, ready to parry any strike against her... blimey, she hadn't expected the attack to come back at her, and she hadn't expected it to hurt so much when it did!
Eagle barks out a quick laugh. "Well, it's been a while since I've held a racket!" As for just standing there... It's true, this isn't over yet. And while Eagle doesn't mind having his matches drag on, he's starting to get just a bit winded. He's strong, it's true, but his techniques take quite a bit of stamina to do. He's still got enough left for what will hopefully be a wonderful finale, though!
"Here we go, then!" The bouncer charges in toward Momo, skidding to a halt just a short distance from her. His arms snap out to the sides again, and he begins to spin, but it's much faster than before. So fast, in fact, that if Momo gets struck by the spinning batons, she'll find herself being sucked into the painful maelstrom...
COMBATSYS: Momo dodges Eagle's Manchester Gold.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Momo 1/-----==/=======|-------\-------\0 Eagle
Momo suddenly, as she sees the spinning batons, gets a surge of energy, "No! I won't give up!" She yells, suddenly leaping again, right over the attack, right over Eagle's head, "You got lucky last time, but lets see you return my attack again!" She almost screams, eyes wide with a sudden rage... this man had dared to bounce her own attack right back at her, and she had been dumb enough to fall for it! Too slow to bounce it right back! Something was just wrong with the world when she was getting hit with her own tennis balls.
Predictably, she unleashes another powerful volley at her opponent, aiming again for the back of his head, in fact, unless she was very much mistaken, for the very spot she had hit earlier- no half measures now! She would show them all that she wasn't to be messed with!
COMBATSYS: Eagle dodges Momo's Whale Serve.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Momo 1/-----==/=======|-------\-------\0 Eagle
At least spinning provides Eagle with a little bit of momentum. He's able to spot Momo rearing back for the serve, and so as soon as he gets a chance he stops his rotation and flings himself out of the way. The landing is a bit unsteady, but it serves to take him out of the way as the tennis ball zooms through the space recently occupied by his head.
"Now, now! There's no need to get upset. You're doing quite well!" Especially since she seems quite insistent on simply not being there when Eagle attempts to hit her. Still, got to keep trying, right? Time for something a bit simpler now, as Eagle lunges forward, leading with his right arm. He attempts to to drive the end of the stick into Momo's chest, following that up by sweeping it up for a rap on the chin. Not a huge amount of force behind it, but at least it's fast.
COMBATSYS: Momo blocks Eagle's Weapon Jab.
[ \\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Momo 1/----===/=======|-------\-------\0 Eagle
Momo snorts, bringing her racket up she easily blocks the blow, although the force does knock her back a bit, she narrows her eyes. "Doing well? I'm doing pathetic! Hit by my own attack indeed! Well! I'll show you!" She suddenly darts forwards, bringing one leg round to try and hook behind his in an attempt to trip him up and throw him to the ground, if she succeeds in toppling her far larger opponent she brings her tennis racket around to try and drive it forward in a vicious stab aimed at her opponents throat, and then she will try and nimbly dart away, all in a flurry of movement that- hopefully- leaves her opponent gasping on the ground... if of course she fails, well, she does leave herself quite open at several points in the assault, and she doesn't seem too worried about her own safety at this moment.
COMBATSYS: Momo successfully hits Eagle with Throat Racket.
[ \\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Momo 1/---====/=======|===----\-------\0 Eagle
"It's the nature of things, nobody can be fully prepared for everything that's going to happen in a figh-" Case in point, Eagle gets swept off his feet while he's talking to Momo. In theory, he could continue to talk to his opponent while on the ground, but that's made somewhat more difficult by having a heavy, reinforced tennis racket driven into his throat.
Eagle's coughing and choking a bit as he sits up, but it doesn't take too long before he's able to breathe again. And he doesn't seem too upset, either. "There's no point in getting so worked up. That kind of stress isn't good for you!" Of course, neither is being hit repeatedly with blunt objects, which both Momo and Eagle have experienced to a fair degree today. And it seems it will continue, as Eagle gets to his feet and closes in on Momo, lashing out with a simple strike aimed at crashing down on her right shoulder.
COMBATSYS: Eagle successfully hits Momo with Medium Strike.
[ < > //////// ]
Momo 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|===----\-------\0 Eagle
Momo grits her teeth, she was more than worked up, she was furious! She rushes forward, intending to just turn and take the strike and reply with her own attack... alas, she is again haunted by her seemingly awful luck today, and the blow strikes her fully, sinking her back a step... she grits her teeth, all was not lost... she had one chance, although the pain in her shoulder was more than enough to send her to the edge of unconsciousness, she had one more chance, one more attempt to take her opponent with her. Clearly she wasn't this mans superior, but she would be damned before she admitted him as anything more than her equal!
Her eyes glow with a seething, inner rage, gods this girl was angry- she hefts her racket, suddenly she lets out a scream "NO! I WON'T GIVE UP!" She yells at an ear splitting volume, she is suddenly right up close to her enemy, attacking him with a flurry of powerful blows, stabbing and slicing with that racket viciously, as fast and as hard as she can possibly muster, seeming more like a very small, angry tornado than just a girl with a lot of pent up anger.
Eventually, of course, the attack passes, and Momo, regardless of whether her last attack manages to take out her opponent, sinks to her knees "That was... ung, ouch... mommy?" She murmurs, mostly to herself it seems as she slumps forward, knocked out cold. Her final assault shoving her forwards into the welcoming arms of unconsciousness.
COMBATSYS: Momo can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Eagle 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Eagle fails to counter Momo Crush from Momo with EX Canterbury Blue.
[ \ <
Eagle 0/-------/--=====|
As Momo comes charging in, Eagle draws back his right arm, the stick in his hand a rapidly twirling blur as he waits for Momo to get a bit closer. And then she draws near, and he lashes out... Only to be hit in the face with a tennis racket. And there's not really a chance to recover, as he finds himself getting slammed around with the piece of sports equipment, being struck over and over, causing a number of nice bruises. He's still on his feet, though, as Momo collapses to the ground.
Wincing, he kneels down to check on her. Well, aside from being passed out, it looks like she's okay. Eagle takes a moment to stow his weapons in their case, and then grabbing Momo's tennis racket with one hand he hefts the girl up off the ground, and carries her out of the room. Leave a young girl sprawled unconcious in the back of the gym? Of course not! Given the nature of this place, they do have a small infirmary; it's not much, but there's beds for unconcious fighters to recover, as well as facilities for getting bandaged up and the like. He leaves Momo in the care of the staff there, with her racket next to her on the bed, but turns down any help for himself. He just needs to head back to his hotel and rest, and he'll be fine.
COMBATSYS: Eagle has ended the fight here.
Log created by Eagle, and last modified on 13:01:56 08/15/2005.