Description: Alma VS Shingo! Well, it didn't happen because Benimaru wanted Shingo to get revenge for how badly he got diss-pwned outside the ice cream store that one time, but it happened all the same. In this surprisingly close fight, Shingo comes away with the victory, and Alma comes away... with a little bit of a crush on Shingo. Eep.
Tap tap tap. Tappity tap tap. Wait. Now which was it? It was right, down, then... no... it was... oh! Oh no!
powpowpowpowpowYOU LOSE.
Alma Towazu blinks up at the screen, lookingly completely composed and calm but mildly puzzled, as the twelve year old boy standing next to him pumps his fist victoriously. "That's the ninth time in a row!" he shouts, jabbing his finger into Alma's side. "You *suck*, man! You're terrible at fighting games!"
The somewhat overcast weather has continued from yesterday, so most of the citizens of Southtown who have gone out this afternoon are choosing to find activities indoors. A number of middle schoolers and high schoolers are wandering around the mall today, and despite the rather gloomy weather, people seem to be able to have a fairly good time. Still, it's no fun that there's nothing much to do outside.
But that's okay; because every day's a beautiful day when you're Alma Towazu.
And thank goodness for that attitude, because when the kid taunts him, Alma just grins sheepishly, his eyes sparkling cheerfully, and pokes the kid in his finger, so that the fingers are meeting in a sort of 'high-one'. "You're right, I'm really terrible at these games. Ha ha ha!" Reaching up, he scratches the back of his head and puts the other hand on his hip, the handsome youth looking mildly perplexed. "I don't get it. I'm so good at Bubble Bobble."
"You just need more practice!" the kid says dismissively, waving off Alma and shaking his head. "You're not getting the special moves right."
"That's right," the fighting model says approvingly, looking down at the much younger kid. "One must practice very hard." As the kid re-re-re-explains the special move system to him, Alma glances up and away, looking outside the arcade. He had found a few neat things in the clothing store this time, unlike last time, but mainly, he's just here because it seemed like the right place to go... and he is feeling pretty relaxed.
~ I've been slacking on my fighting training a bit, though, trying to keep up with the last of my summer classes' finals. I'd better not stay here too much longer... ~
With the cloud cover hanging overhead in the sky, Shingo welcomes the cool. He prefers it to being cooked alive thanks in part to the unrelenting summer sun. He too is at the mall. But for a different reason than the model. Once more he has set aside some time to come down here and check out the usual places for any new and/or cool model figures that either just came out or that he may have missed or didn't pick up on his last visit. Holding two bags, one in each hand, Shingo grins as he thinks he's made out pretty well. Now all that's left is to head home to set up his purchases in his room. But first! He thinks he'll check out the arcade. They usually don't have figures, but once in a blue moon they tend to have something good. Like capsule figures. So Shingo figures, why not?
And so our hero sans flames steps into the arcade. Waiting at the entrance for a while to let his eyes adjust to the darkness.
"Huh!" grunts the kid, gritting his teeth as the third round commences. "You're getting better at this."
"Just finding my own rhythm," Alma explains with quiet cheerfulness, pushing the fight in his favor, eyes on the screen. "As long as I don't let conscious thoughts interrupt me, and now that I've made the special moves somewhat instinctual, you know, this game really isn't too bad." With that usual smile, Alma continues to do fairly well, until a figure stepping into the arcade causes a sudden aura-twinge that makes him tilt his head over to see who it is--
powpowpowpowpowYOU LOSE
The tall youth stares at Shingo.
~ ...goodness gracious. ~
"Ha ha ha! I win again!" The kid pumps his fist, and then turns to see Alma distracted. "Eh? Hey, what's wrong with you? What're you--" When the kid sees who Alma is looking at, his eyes widen. "Dude! That's Shingo Yabuki! A real-live fighter! Ohh, man..." He shuffles his feet a bit. "I... I want to ask for an autograph, but..."
"Don't worry," Alma says with sudden briskness, his smile a little more wavering than usual, but only for a moment. "I'll get one for you." And with the kid calling thanks behind him, only to then hide behind the game machine and peer out from the side, Alma Towazu, pretty psychic heartthrob extraordinaire, approaches Shingo, taking a deep breath as he does so and attempting to revert into his usual composed, straight and relaxed stance. It's not working very well.
~ Damn it... if this happened around *only* handsome guys or *only* pretty girls, that'd be fine, but... I've got to build up my willpower to these sorts of things if I've ever going to be able to be a decently social person... must practice very hard!! ~
"Shingo Yabuki?" says the tall, bronze-skinned youth, managing both his usual mild smile and not stuttering. "Excuse me... are you he?"
~ W-what do I say to him...? I never knew he was so... ~
"Hm?" Shingo blinks a few times to get his darn eyes to adjust already when he hears his name called. Only that instead of it being someone he's already acquainted with it's a totally new face. When he turns to face Alma, the psion would see that the Kusanagi fighter has quite the smile. Friendly too. Grinning at being recognized - not that it doesn't usually happen, just that he's always glad to make a new acquaintance - Shingo looks to the teenaged model and nods. "Yep! That's me! What can I help you with?" His eyes haven't fully adjusted yet so he hasn't recognized Alma. That and he hasn't directly met the other boy. Only see him in clips of past SNF matches.
~ Aaahhhh... he's just too cute. ~
Unable to help himself, Alma's cheeks acquire a slightly tinge of red, but taking a quiet, subtle breath to reorient himself, he forges on and appears to get mostly relaxed again. Easily shaken, easily recovered. But then he realizes he has to say what Shingo can help him with, and he nearly falters for a moment, and appears to think for a couple seconds. Finally, he manages a winning smile of his own. "I'm Alma Towazu, and I'd like to challenge you to a quick, friendly match here. I've heard you're pretty strong. So, if you have the time..."
~ ...well, this is one good way to get to know somebody, I suppose. And I do need the practice, after all... ~
Glancing over his shoulder at the place where the boy behind the machine is now just *gaping* in utter surprise, the fighting model turns his smile to a grin and thumbs over his shoulder. "Oh yeah, and that guy wanted me to ask you for an autograph. He was a little shy about approaching you directly."
~ I know how he feels...! ~
"A fight?" Shingo blinks. Hrm. He's thinking about it by looking from side to side at the bags in his hand. "Well, that's not exactly what I came here for...but. Sure! Okay!" The Taiyo student beams at Alma. Blissfully unaware to the inner thoughts of the psychic. Thank goodness for that. He'd be flattered of course. But still. Shingo's already spoken for. MAnd depending on who you ask, he may be spoken for many times. Alma motions to the kid by the arcade machine and Shingo nods to him. "That's no problem either. Hey! You got a pen or something?" This, of course, is directed to the gamer and Yabuki's apparent fan. Shingo smirks at Alma, "After I give this kid an autograph, we can start. But not here though. Not enough room. What if we step outside?" Genius, Shingo. Plus, that way he can keep a better eye on his belongings. Oh yeah, before he forgets... he also says, "Nice to meet you, Alma Towazu." The name rings a bell. "Oh! You've been in SNF a couple of times, right?"
Alma grins, looking pleased. "Yeah, that's right. Just starting out. I only got good a year ago or so, but I've surprised myself by finding that I really enjoy matches with strong people who are good sports-- I'll wait for you outside." He's not a guy who gets eager or anything, but he really does look quite happy. Slipping his hands into the pockets of his designer jeans for a moment, he grins lopsidedly at nothing as he walks out of the arcade and into the boardwalk under the cloudy, cool sky.
~ How wonderful, that he's so nice, too. Well, he may not be 'that type of guy', but... at the very least, this is a way to get to know him. Though... it sure would be nice... ~
"T-Thanks, Yabuki-san!" says the twelve year old kid, a far cry from his brash self beating Alma at fighting games, and steps back with the autograph, looking awed. It's easy for the young crowd to idolize young fighters, and it looks as though there are quite a few; no one else has asked for Shingo's autograph, but a few have heard the challenge and are whispering to their friends, and they're beginning to leave their games to watch the real fight that's about to begin.
When Shingo leaves the arcade, a trail of younger boys following at a respectful distance to form a little semicircle around the front of the arcade, it looks like a few more have noticed what's going on; namely, some middle school girls, who are now huddled amongst themselves, whispering and pointing at where Alma stands, peacefully (and possibly obliviously) stretching. The handsome youth looks up at his opponent's arrival, and takes a breath. The awkwardness that Shingo didn't notice anyway is now gone. Now, it's about the fullness of their beings, meeting in friendly competition.
"Alma Towazu," the fighting model says, relaxing into a catlike, spring-ready-to-coil stance. "Hiten-ryu Kung Fu." He really does look ready, now. If he was starting to be able to get into his zone in that fighting game, he's really able to get there now. Motes of pinkish light sparkle in his slightly heavy-lidded hazel eyes, and as he takes another quiet deep breath, the motes begin to sparkle around his forearms as well, turning into slowly circling trails of energy.
"Please, do your best!"
COMBATSYS: Alma has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Alma 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Shingo has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Alma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Shingo
COMBATSYS: Alma gathers his will.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Alma 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Shingo
Being in so many fights and tournaments that he has, Shingo is no stranger to crowds of aweing fans looking on with admiration at seeing 'good' fighters. Especially amongst the middle and highschool crowd. Most well-known coming out of Taiyo High he's probably not. But he's up there. So much that anyone in Taiyo practically recognizes him and even those not into fighting much has heard his name before. That's why the crowd forming even gets a wave and smile from him. That is he hands his bags to a lucky young lady in the audience to hold onto for him till he's done here. It doesn't look like he chose her for any specific reason and frankly, anyone would've done just as well. She just looked she really wanted to hold his bags. And with her being in front, the chances of her being able to run away are slim to none. Slim being very difficult for her.
Sliding into his fighting stance, the familiar Kusanagi-ryuu one, Shingo gives a thumbs-up to Alma and grins, "Shingo Yabuki. Kusanagi-ryuu kobojutsu." He waits for a while to see if Alma wants to be the one to start them off and sees that he has opted for Shingo to make the first move. Fine by him. Normally he would start off with his signature move. But he wants to feel out Alma first. See how he moves before he decides to give it his best. And with that the highschool student lunges at his opponent with a hook punch, "Looks like I'm going first! Look out!" Can't say that Alma is wide open. For all he knows it could be a trap!
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Shingo's Aragami Mikansei.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Shingo
"Hup!" For a moment it looks like Shingo might be too fast, but there's a sudden gleam in Alma's eyes, and at exactly the right moment his arm snaps up in a neat parry and knocks the punch aside. Spurred on to do a maneuver he's never tried against an actual opponent before by the situation, and inspired by the Psycho Power now brewing within him, Alma jumps up and fades back a bit, which doesn't really seem to set him up for any sort of move until it becomes clear that his right hand has suddenly igniting in wreathes of light purple flame. Then, snapping his hand up in a sort of half-underhand pitch, half-upward chop motion, he sends a gout of Psycho flame angled down at Shingo's body.
COMBATSYS: Shingo blocks Alma's Sacred Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0 Shingo
Ok. So he's got some skill to him. That was a nice way to handle the Aragami Mikansei, one of Shingo's faster techniques. Not bad at all. Same for the counter-attack that Alma pulls off against him in mid-air. Purple flame? Does he channel his chi into fire as well? Like several other fighters Shingo has encountered? The burst of energy strikes Shingo. Though not fully. The boy bringing up both his arms to guard against the projectile. Just to be on the safe side. He has paid for his mistakes of only blocking with one arm before. And has learned from them. Good thing too. Because it is made very apparent that no, this isn't chi being directed at him. He has experienced others with this same sort of power before. Athena, Kensou, Megumi, Vega, Cammy. This...Psycho Power. It's a subtle difference. It is there though.
Grinning at Alma, he says, "Hehehe. Seems you've got some tricks up your sleeve there, huh? do I!" So if this kid uses Psycho Power. Then it stands to reason that he should also watch out for the potential to pull off miraculous heals. It's logical. Four out of the 6 psions Shingo has fought before displayed this talent. Therefore chances are Alma can as well. He'll have to wait and see to be sure. So let's put it to the test, "SHINGO KIIIIIICKU!" Following after the kung-fu fighter, Shingo goes up in the air and down in a rainbow-like arc. Except that his arc is wider than deep. It gives him better distance when he does it that way. The front of his leg looking to connect with the side of Alma's head.
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Shingo's Shingo Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Alma 1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Shingo
Alma grins back, eyes narrowing, as he lands gracefully. "One or two," he replies. But then Shingo reveals his trick, and blazes toward him with a fierce arcing kick. With reflexes born of powerful intuition, Alma parries the attack again -- ow, his arm's getting sore now -- and continues with the movement to grab at Shingo's shirt, roll back, and throw him with the combined momentum of the non-flame-wielders kick and the fighting model's roll. "Sha!"
Shingo is powerful, but Alma is as bamboo or water. Knowing he won't be able to win just standing there and trading hits, getting his opponent away from him by tossing him is probably the best plan... if it works.
COMBATSYS: Shingo counters Quick Throw from Alma with Tsuki Hiji.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Alma 1/----===/=======|==-----\-------\0 Shingo
It was a sound strategy. May have even worked against any other fighter. However Shingo isn't just another fighter. In his entire fighting career, if you want to call it that, he has sparred and fought all sorts and manner of style, technique, martial art, and combatant. From striking to grappling to weapons styles. He can usually what's going to come next when someone starts to move. Even if he has never fought them before. There's only so much a person can do from any given position. Alma's position gives away that he wants to sacrifice his balance to toss Shingo away from him. The boy in blue is more than happy to expedite Alma's desire to be on the ground. That is with a solid smash of his elbow to the boy's trunk. Right between his neck and shoulder. "Ditto," he responds. Referring that he also has a trick or two up his sleeve. Tsuki Hiji being that 'or two' trick. Dropping Alma, he hops off to the side to give the blonde-haired boy that space he wanted.
"Grnh!" is Alma's intelligent response as he realizes he's underestimated his opponent. This isn't Jiro he's fighting here; this guy's fought a lot more, and knows a lot more tricks. The young fighting model goes down hard, but lands well and rolls forward to create even more space between him and Shingo, in case the Kusanagi-ryu practicioner had wanted to follow up with the People's Elbow or something. Rising to his feet, rolling his shoulders and shaking his head once as he naturally reassumes his stance, Alma makes a gathering motion with his hands, and then begins to stagger-step forward, his image blurring slightly behind him as his right hand starts to glow with gathered power. If he's going to have any chance at beating this guy, he's got to totally and utterly immerse himself into the fight, and this is the best way to do it...
"Soul Shattering Strike!" the blonde shouts, suddenly and with odd gracefulness lunging forward like a pouncing hunting cat, bringing his arm out as though he's about to try and chop Shingo across the side -- but then he swings a couple meters too early, and a shockwave of raw battle aura moves to catch Shingo in his middle and send a blast of soul energy surging through his body, tearing apart his ego -- or at least shaking him a heck of a lot.
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Shingo with The One Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0 Shingo
Soul Shattering what now? You lost him after that second word. If there's one thing that his parents has always thought him is that anything that shatters the soul -can't- be good for you. Wise words from the...uh...wise. Yet. Shingo stands there and takes it. That's right. He just -stands- there in place. Not moving a muscle to attempt to get out of the way or anything. He's fully ready to take the attack head on. Just that...well, Alma's hand movements are strange to him. Gee, would that be because you haven't fought the boy before, Shingo? That could be it. In any case, he's all ready to plow right through the energy aura to punch Alma but alas. It's stronger than he anticipated and knocks the poor lad right off his feet. "Ung!"
Performing a very well-done catspring, Shingo is mobile a split-second later rubbing his head. "Ok. So that didn't go so well. Nice one!" He grins over to his opponent. "But I think my soul is still intact!" Yep. Even after taking a hit like that he's still cheerful. So cheerful that he darts from side to side to close in some distance on the other boy before reaching out to grab a hold of something. Anything. Preferably clothing, to bring in Alma as close to him as possible in the least amount of time. Right into an awaiting shoulder and swinging out back forearm into the taller boy's gut, "Teya!" Should it hit. It should sting a little. But just a little.
COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Alma with Hatsugane.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1 Shingo
Alma grins back, and once again, there's a light tinge of red around his cheekbones, that's a bit more visible in the outside light. His eyes, now resplendent with that pinkish gleam, sparkle, and though he's obviously Shingo's age, his smile is that of a kid for a moment, genuine. "Looks like your soul's too strong for my technique," he says, in a joking tone less deadpan than the one he usually uses. It's a bit more engaging.
If Shingo were a girl, it'd be a bit more obvious that he's trying to flirt.
But again, crush-like thoughts cause Alma to stray from his center, and he loses the rhythm of the fight for a moment, so when he tries to take the hit well, he fails completely, gets caught by the quick grab, and is hit *hard* in the gut, sending the handsome model staggering back with a strangled cough, until he collaspes backward in the dust for a moment. 'Just a little' indeed -- that hurt like hell!
Alma is able to kip-up as well, but he looks quite a bit worse for well; finally, he's truly encountered Shingo's physical strength, and it is mighty. ~ I can't let myself get distracted like that. I've got to get back in gear... ~ So he centers himself with a deep stabilizing breath, letting go of the pain and relaxing back into his fighting stance as his aura radiates around him; but in waves, this time, and not in flames. With the strength of his resolve, Alma prepares to fight on.
Hey now. It's not Shingo's fault that Alma can't take a hit worth a damn. Nor is it his fault that he's just so darn strong when it comes to know when and how to strike an opponent to cause maximum amount of damage. He's been doing it for so long that it comes as second nature to him. There's no conscious thought involved. Shingo just knows how to hit. He supposes he could make the effort not to be so efficient. But that's not him. This kid isn't the type to hold back. He has a sense of honour that in a fight, all those involved should give their best. That way they don't have any regrets.
As far as to 'what if' Shingo were a girl...let's not ever talk about that train of thought again. Ever.
An aura rises off Alma. That much Shingo can see. He has no clue what it means though. Could be a trap. Could be the psion regaining his composure to turn this fight around. But whatever it is, Shingo seems ready to finish this match. Eyeing Alma he grins, "Hey! You alright? Cause I've got another trick for you to see! Don't blink!" Go for broke! He pushes forward with more acceleration than he should have at his disposal. Almost like a rampaging bull about to gore its horns on the awaiting matador in a bull fight. In those particular matches, it's always the bull that gets stuck in the end. However, Shingo is aiming for a more pleasant conclusion for this 'toro'. With Alma standing in one spot he makes himself the perfect target. Instead of horns though, Shingo uses the next best thing he has. His momentum and weight all focused into his shoulder for one hell of a battering ram. Compared to this technique...hatsugane does sting only a little.
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Alma with Faith Healing.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0 Shingo
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Shingo's Ge Shiki - Kake Hourin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Alma 1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0 Shingo
Holy crap that's fast. And powerful looking. But Alma, his center found again, is ready for it, and with hands alight with Psycho Power, he's able to block the hit with an aura explosion, and though it sends him skidding backwards, he somehow maintains his feet. And as he skids back, he begins to gather all his energy into his hands, taking deep breaths as he steadies himself. "The power from without as yin!" he announces, as his hands begin to glow. "The power from within as yang! Combined, they are two ideals, synthesized as one--" He brings his hands together, and when they meet, their glows combine with a sudden powerful surge of energy, like an atom suddenly split, and a huge orb of power grows between his palms: that's one big ole fireball. "--be awed by its might! Oosh-SHA!"
And he projects out the huge ball of Psycho Power, which becomes a near wall of flame which attempts to wash over and batter the young fighting model's opponent.
COMBATSYS: Shingo dodges Alma's Two Heavens Harmony.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Shingo
Attempt is a most excellent word to use there. Being that the 'spirit bomb' as it were does -not- wash over and batter the young fighting model's opponent. Somehow, someway, for some reason...Lady Luck has shined down fortune on Shingo. Massive it is. But when one is dating a certain female Ansatsuken practitioner and her big ol' hadoukens of pain, one has come familiar on the best ways of avoiding damage from two metre plus wide projectiles. Alma spending all that time spouting off the concepts between his technique was helpful as well. He should work on that. All that talking when fighting is not very wise. Especially not when fighting a physical monster such as Shingo is known to be. Guess he was really hoping for that thing to hit. Oh well. Next time he should ask Shingo to stand still again. It just might work.
Taking a cue from how much Alma's last attack hurt, he decides that he doesn't want to do the same with this. As a precaution, you understand. Shingo leaps straight up into the air to avoid the ball of light and soul energy. That bench behind him? Not so lucky. What is lucky though is that everyone cleared out the area behind Shingo in case of this eventuality. Smart bystanders. He would hate for there to be any crowd casualities. Anyways, back to him being in the air. The sky is cloudy so there's no sun to use to his advantage to blind Alma. Not that he needs it after giving away his position with his loud battle cry of, "SHINGO KIIIIIIICKU!" Using the height he gained from the jump, Shingo swings his leg down hard and comes spinning at Alma. Reaching the correct distance, the leg swings out to connect with head once more.
COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Shingo's Shingo Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Shingo
Alma's heard the whole 'don't talk while you're fighting' thing before, but hey, he talks fast, and it's how he gets inspired. It's like a mantra. But it doesn't work this time -- Shingo leaps over the huge fireball, and it's not the first time that's happened. The young model doesn't look particularly disappointed or anything, though; he actually looks like it was all part of his plan, but really, he's probably just got a good mindset toward this whole battle, and so isn't one to get frustrated.
But Alma's Psycho Power hasn't all left him just yet. Quite the contrary, his soul burns within him more than ever, and the light in his eyes shows it. A smile blooming on his features as he spies Shingo comes down toward him, he dives forward and rolls out of the way, letting Shingo hit the ground where he was standing as he miraculously escapes the powerful attack. But Alma's already ready to attack again; as he comes up, it appears he's ignited his hand again while he was rolling, and with another chop upward, making it part of his rising movement, he sends another wave of flame Shingo's way.
COMBATSYS: Shingo blocks Alma's Sacred Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Shingo
The battle cry of his opponent is heard and Shingo knows what's coming. Another projectile of psionic energy from Alma. No biggie. After facing down the power wielded by Vega, Alma's little energy slash is nothing too big. Still. He isn't going to take it lightly. Knowing how to handle this, Shingo runs -forward-. But rather than charge through the oncoming burst of energy he swings his left hand outward with a type of backhand and swats the Sacred Wind technique out of the way. The bolt sent careening into the air before it dispereses in the atmosphere. All this is done without any loss of momentum on his part. Which is exactly what he wants.
Running as fast as he can at Alma and successfully deflecting the attack, it puts the six-foot plus fighter in a nice situation to be punched by Shingo. Depending on how he moves, this may be either a body blow or a strike to the face. The latter happening if Alma decides to duck under the incoming fist and failing to do so. "Now I have you! You're wide open!" Shingo shouts out. His fist rocketing in on Alma with a speed that can serve to hurt if taken the wrong way.
COMBATSYS: Alma endures Shingo's Aragami Mikansei.
[ \\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Shingo
This is the sound Alma makes -- thankfully in a deeper voice than Feilong usually makes it -- as he ignites his hands, and reaches up as though to parry, but instead takes the hit in the chest. The hit gets him pretty good, but using his pseudo-parry as a sort of trap, Alma is able to move with the momentum of the attack, and then, with another "Sha!", leap straight up into the air, Psycho Power again crackling around his fists. He's breathing hard, and looks pretty worn, but that light has yet to leave the young fighting model's eyes. What is that emotion, exactly? Happiness is not quite the right word. There's certainly no rage, though there is a certain intensity; but that 'intensity' is really just a sense of immediacy, for he's entirely here at this moment, fully involved in the fight, and that is what drives him. For now, the fight is all: it is truth, it is beauty, it is everything Alma has lived his life for up to this very moment.
In his eyes is joy.
"Soul Dragon Release!" he shouts, his arms now shaking under the strain of performing this technique again, throwing every last ounce of his resolve and spirit into this attack. "TWO HEAVENS HARMONY!"
And now the fireball is rocketing down from above, aimed straight for Shingo's head, and ready to engulf him entirely.
COMBATSYS: Shingo endures Alma's Two Heavens Harmony.
[ \\\\\ < > ////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0 Shingo
If the 'soul dragon' wants him then Shingo shall let it engulf his form. Like Alma he's definitely feeling this little match-up they've got going here. It has gone on longer than it should've. But that's mostly due to Shingo making an error in judgement early on as well as Alma rejuvenating himself with his healing trick. He can't really complain though. That mistake was his own fault. He should've been paying more attention. Or at least his player should've. And it's not like he can do anything about Alma using a heal. Short of hoping that it fizzles. Which it didn't. Darn the luck. Shingo isn't nearly as worn as his opponent is, though. He can go on for longer than most. It's all part of his youthful exuberance and his refreshing take on life. His body is wearing down from all these psychic attacks though. That's what's really getting him. It's not over till it's over, he tells himself and grins back at Alma after absorbing the brunt of that last attack.
There's nothing left for the two of them to say. Really. It all comes down to who can evade and who can hit. And speaking of hits, Shingo launches into the air one more time. His first kick was blocked and the second one dodged. Here goes number 3. Third time's the charm, right? "SHINGO KIIIIIIIICKU!" So watch out for the charming kick aimed coming at you, Alma!
COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Alma with Shingo Kick.
[ < > ///// ]
Alma 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Shingo
If there's one thing about being psychic, it's that you know when you've hit your limit. As his blast engulfs the model's opponent only to leave him still vigorous and ready to continue the fight, Alma lands heavily on both legs and a hand, smanaging to strike a sort of catlike posture again, but obviously pretty exhausted. When he manages to see that arcing kick coming -- basically, half a second before it hits -- the handsome blonde can only smile and shake his head once, his eyes sparkling with genuine mirth.
"What a guy."
Blam! The bronze-skinned youth is sent spiralling away, rolling across the ground and cracking the pavement in the first place he lands from the force of the blow. He lies there for a moment where he stops, but then, his arms move shakily, and he manages to prop himself up, until he laboriously, but with methodical patience, gets himself to his knees. "I think I got lucky to even do as well as I did," he says, weakly but with his usual mild cheerfulness, his baritone still carrying well despite that his vision seems to be hazing up a bit. Darn being semi-conscious. "You fight well, Shingo Yabuki... I..."
He slumps forward slightly, and takes a shuddering breath.
~ Alma! This is not your best! ~
Then his head jerks up, and he seems to almost half-lunge forward, Psycho Power sparking his eyes one last time. "...I'm not finished yet! Hiiyaa--!" And, with a sudden surge that seems to come from nowhere, Alma gathers the last of his energy into one final blast. From whence this power? Even though it's Psycho Power, it seems as though he's able to get energy from the world around him; as his final strike, he becomes a vessel for soul power one last time.
"Sacred Cross!" he shouts, sending a final double-wave of power at Shingo, as his lunge begins to become a slump to the ground. "Heavenly Ether BLAST!"
COMBATSYS: Alma can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\ <
Shingo 1/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Shingo dodges Alma's Heavenly Ether Blast EX.
[ \\\\\ <
Shingo 1/-------/=======|
Opponents that get back up when you think they've been defeated. Shingo has been caught unawares many times before by those fighters who seem to have that edge of getting back up even though by all rights they should still be down. Similarly, there are those that seem to summon all their might into one last attack and still manage to bring about a double KO. It is because of these two facts that he knows to be true when facing certain people that Shingo doesn't let his guard down even for a second after his foot finally gets introduced to Alma's skull. Smart move, Yabuki. It means that you're not a sitting duck for when yet another wave of energy comes hurtling in towards him.
He still has the energy and he can still move. That much he's got going for him. Shingo quickly steps to the left to avoid the wave. Only thing is that he loses his footing somewhere along the way and falls forward flat on his face. Well, almost anyways. Not exactly the type of evasive technique he was looking for but good enough! Getting back up to be ready for Alma just in case he's still ready to go, Shingo spots the culprit for his tumble! An untied shoe lace! That could've been his undoing. Fortunately he overcomes the evils of shoelaces. As soon as this fight is over...
Which apparently it is. Because there's his opponent laying on the ground. Not moving. Shingo gives him a few more seconds before straightening up and says to no one in particular, "Looks like...I did it." There's some applause for both fighters performing well as Shingo moves to the fallen Alma and checks to see if he's going to have to take him to the closest medical facility. There should be one in the mall. "Yo Alma? That was a great match. Thanks." Shingo grins even if his words aren't heard. If Alma is out cold, he's definitely not going to leave him there and will pick up him onto his back to carry him where he can recover. Asking the girl holding his stuff if she could just hold onto it for a little bit longer before heading in the direction of the first aid center or whatever they have here.
COMBATSYS: Shingo has ended the fight here.
After a few seconds of teetering on the brink of unconsciousness, Alma decides passing out in the middle of a street isn't a good plan, and manages to roll over onto his back, with the most extreme of efforts. But his arms and legs aren't working so good, and he can't really muster the energy to actually get up. Thankfully, Shingo is here! "...thanks, Shingo..." He manages to reach out with his hand, and gets some help up; looks like he can stand, but he really put his all into that fight, and can't walk alone, so while Shingo won't have to carry him, it would help quite a bit if he helped to support the young fighting model.
So Alma drapes his arm around Shingo's shoulders, and they make their way to the closeby first aid center. And, naturally, for the third time during their encounter, Alma can't help but blush a bit again.
He opens his mouth to say something; then averts his eyes, and doesn't.
Oh, woe is the boy who likes a boy who doesn't like other boys...
Log created by Alma, and last modified on 02:16:15 08/11/2005.