Description: Bao was going in the clearing to pick up firewood for someone at the store. Unfortuantely, Zero had plans for him. A fight ensued.
Cool air blows through in such a breeze state. Placid life gives off its afternooon freshness as the trials of the day are rejoicing over for the brand new day as the new events allow for things for people to do their daily tasks. However, this isn't quite the case, as the atmosphere of the forest is rather secluded of all life, save for the wild-life.
The large orange hat is rather apparent, as it sways from side to side as the Chinese looking child is skipping with some string in his hands. He gives a rather cheerful smile, the hair swaying in the air as he sings.
o/` What a wonderful day! Oh oh yeah. o/`
o/` Only the badness pay! Oh oh yeah! o/`
o/` The day is great! Oh oh yeah! o/`
o/` The fishing needs bait! Oh oh yeaah! o/`
Swinging around, the large hatted twelve year old immediately kneels down to the ground and starts picking some logs.
o/` Fire's gonna brew! Oh oh yeah! o/`
o/` Lunch for the crew! Oh oh yeah! o/`
People accuse Zero for bringing to life abominations of nature. A mockery to the beauty that is life. Psychotic amalgams of power and flesh such as Krizalid, or the near plastic, immutable perfection of Kula, or the hideous, writhing mass of flesh that is K9999. NESTS istself is guilty of all those things, and even in his own self, things to scoff in the face of nature have been made. Bones and blood replaced by steel and synthetic plasma. Genetics modified in order to be accomodating of blasphemous powers beyond the comprehension of most. And still, somewhere along all of this, he finds room to modify his own brain for the cold, cruel efficiency of being devoid of nearly all emotion when he so chooses.
And all of that /still/ doesn't scratch the surface of the freakish happiness that is Bao.
Now, it doesn't matter that the boy is a mere child. Zero has no shame or dishonor in assaulting a juvenile. When NESTS projects come, everyone becomes a target, and the tracking devices are followed slavishly. Objectives are identified, and it doesn't matter if it's a young fighter in the prime of his life, or a little kid jumping around in the middle of absolutely nowhere, playing with /string/. No one is safe.
Having emerged from the NESTS teleportal a decent distance away, Zero does stall slightly. The target he was following... the power level showing on the meters... suggest a warrior of signifigant level of the elusive Psi powers. Not a kid that looked like a hyperactive fungus. Still, his instruments were calibrated. Finely tuned. Most importantly, they were right, and he draws a sample gun. The plan was as usual fairly simple. Get a genetic sample, and then test fighting prowess. The battle suit's system is checked. All systems online. A NESTS commando helmet is pulled down over his face, obscuring his features, leaving nothing but a breathing apparatus and camera lenses for eyes. Without a second's hesitation, he steps out into the clearing.
"You have been selected for Genetic Harvest. It is suggested that you comply fully."
They never did. The consequences of actually surrendering haven't been utilized in ages since the protocals were employed. But Zero is dutybound to recite them. After all, it's only fair.
While picking up the logs, Bao is humming softly to himself, shaking his rump while he's at it to dance to the beat. Then, he starts grooving to the music that only he can hear. There is serenity in the air. There is a sudden peaceful atmosphere for those who wish to undergo such a trial of dealing with the happy days.
...Until a presence makes an arrival. Striking like a lightning bolt to the back of the head, Bao's head rears back as his eyes widen. He turns over to face the tall, muscular man that is standing before him with the suited man. The youthful boy is frowning to himself, taking a few steps back. His eyes widen as they become doe-like. As if a truck is heading towards the deer, the youth is shaken with fright.
He utters under his breath. "You... you're not my priest..."
Bao quickly turns around, then he sprints like mad, turning tail to run from the man. "Heeeeeellppp! Sister! Brother! Granpapa! Anyone!"
Now, Zero doesn't know a whole lot about real kids. He grows them in vats, and age-accellerates them to age 16, bypassing all that whining, crying, crapping in pants, and all the things that make children a titanic nuisance to the delicate point where they're just teenagers. Which bring a whole new set of problems, but at least he can deal with those. With chemicals and mind control, mind you, but it's something. This wasn't exactly the reults he expected. Most people put up a fight immediately. Still, others would demand some kind of discussion.
This was the first time they've just... run away.
The battle armored man watches the boy flee for a second, unprepared for this sort of reaction, and he almost shrugs. Oh well. Another day, another genetic sample. The things he did for his company. The sampler gun is armed, and he immediately gives chase, hovering after the boy a few inches off the ground. He's fast, and he rears back his arm to jab it into the back of the kid's neck as he closes in. If it hits? A genetic sample and a bit of damage to go with it.
COMBATSYS: Zero has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Zero 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Bao has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Zero 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Bao
COMBATSYS: Zero successfully hits Bao with Jagai Kusetsu.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Zero 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0 Bao
Frighten by the presence of the man that wants to do bad things to him, Bao is running as fast as he can. Beating feet, Bao strides through the clering, entering the path of the wood life. Bao's eyes widen when Zero hovers after him, gasping with tremendious fear as he is trying to move away faster. Bao is given a jab towards the back of the neck. "GAH!" His neck almost feels like it's ready to snap from the powerful impact. It must of struck some nerve. Zero manages to obtain the generic sample of Bao's skin.
Bao immediately falls over towards the ground, rolling over from the impact, then his head lunges against the tree, impacting with a sickening crash. Bao groans softly, turning his head over towards Zero, the man who is coming after him. Bao's eyes widen as he sees something red along the forehead. Reaching a hand out to check the forehead, he sees that it's busted. He yelps, then he starts crying, kneeling on the ground.
"You meanie!" He stands up, narrowing his eyes as he tightens his stance. "You big meanie! You big bully!" As Bao's anger becomes more apparent, the Psycho Power is erupting from the child. "We will play a game!" He extends both hands into the air. "The popular Sega game!"
"MONKEY BALL!" Bao's Psycho Power engulfs is body as the youth leaps into the air. And when he takes off, the Psycho Power consumes his body to where Bao is a blazing blue sphere. Curled into a tiny ball, Bao is rolling toward a tree. When Bao strikes at a tree, Bao bounces off to the next tree.
*BOING!* *BOING* Bao goes. He's like the tigger, who is about to pounce on Zero. While the Pinball Bao bounces off of the last tree, he is zooming in towards Zero. "
COMBATSYS: Zero counters Hontai Kougeki - Bound from Bao with Forcefield.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Zero 0/-------/----===|=======\==-----\1 Bao
Well. It's not every day Zero explodes monkey balls.
Still, Zero's not going to take any chances with this alien power these psionicists seem to weild. He's been on the receiving end of it before. Juni's strikes weren't powerful per se... but her hits were much stronger than they should have been. Ever wary of them, Zero feels no qualms about tossing up a defensive perimeter. And adding a little more juice to it all at once.
As the bounding ball of boy caroms towards him, the shimmering wall of power before him flares even brighter in intensity, the power roaring to the forefront as he leans forward into the defense, and with explosive results. As Bao collides with the warping power field, it ruptures, blasting a devestating amount of hard, near invisible chi energy at the boy. The pure force of such is capable of blasting him across the clearing.
The gathered energy erupts from Zero as Bao hones in towards him. Unfortunately, Bao is quickly feeling his body become covered with the powerful energy that is erupting along his body. "Eghghhnn!" His body is suddenly propelled back from Zero as the field sends Bao flying straight towards the tree, "Arrrggghhhhh!!!" He hunches his back over, groaning in pain as he slides against the object quite hard. "Eghhnnnn...." Bao is landing flat on his face, his eyes swirling into stars. "Oowww... Hamana, hamana.... that hurt." He looks a bit bruised up, and he glares at Zero. "Grrrr...." He won't let Zero get him down. He has something that will keep him fighting. He sings out:
o/` They call me Sonic. Because I'm faster than sound, I keep on jumping around! o/`
o/` Blue hedgehog Sonic, with incredible speed, I'm moving my feet! o/`
Bao sprints towards Zero once more, ready to dive in his way, hoping to give him a powerful strike. However, instead, given the distance, he comes to a halt.
o/` They call me Sonic. Because I'm faster than sound, I keep on jumping around! o/`
Bao is channeling the Psycho Power to erupt around him. The ground around him quivers and shakes with raw power as he focuses his feelings into the power.
o/` Blue hedgehog Sonic, with incredible speed, I'm moving my feet! o/`
Even while channeling, Bao is singing. Positive energy emits from the Psycho Power, then electrical energy emits at the lines of the purple orb. The bigger and bigger it grows, the energy is ready to shoot off.
o/` They call me Sonic. o/`
Crackle. It grows.
o/` Blue hedgehog Sonic. o/`
Afterwards, an eruption of the large ball is shooting out towards Zero's direction. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" The large ball of energy is sent out towards Zero's direction, aiming to erupt his entire form with the matter of the violet Psycho Ball.
COMBATSYS: Zero reflects DX Psycho Ball from Bao with Hankyou.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Zero 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Bao
Projectiles again? It's not that Zero really cares one way or another for them. They're effective attacks. It's just that most of them are so dreadfully predictable. Even if this one is made of different stuff than he's used to, it's a little tiring to see another giant ball of supposed death hurtling at him.
Now, normally, Bao's song would have the effect he wanted. It'd usually be distracting enough for ANYONE to just take their minds off the fight a moment, and wince, or tell the little bastard to shut up. But Zero's not the sort of person that's susceptible to that kind of thing. No, instead he's actually devoid of any emotion, bad, good, or otherwise. That makes it easier to concentrate on doing something that most people can't do to a powerful attack like the DX Psychoball. Eyes flick about, as tracking systems plot out the trajectory, toss up percent chances, hitboxes. A targeting reticle pops into existance, and the correct moment in time is given to him. With a fast motion of his hand, the battle fringe flares into existance, the bladed edge snapping across the powerful ball of psychic power.
Sparks kick up, blasting across his form, creating a beautiful but deadly corona about him... but the suit holds, and soon sends the attack back to it's origin without any delay.
COMBATSYS: Zero successfully hits Bao with Reflected DX Psycho Ball.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Zero 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Bao
The Psycho Ball heads over towards Bao. The youth suddenly sees the incoming wave of energy coming his way. He gasps softly, noticing the Psycho Ball become smaller and smaller for the youth to do anything about. Unfortunately, the wave of energy is so filled with power, that Bao tries to move away from the strike.
Unfortunately, he's given a lovely blast towards the stomach, and he's sent flying towards the ground once more. "Eghnnn..." Bao gets back up, holding his right hand out. "Let's see how good you are at dodgeball, mister!" Left hand joins in. The Psycho Ball forms in his grasp, and then he bats it out towards Zero.
A blue ball of Psycho Energy is lunged out towards Zero's direction. "PSYCHO BALL!"
COMBATSYS: Zero dodges Bao's Psycho Ball Reflect.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Zero 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Bao
The attack is slow and clumsy to Zero. Eyes behind the mask seem a little distressed. Though his power may be great, his skill? Nothing to write home about. It's almost a little sad, really. There's no sympathy in Zero for the boy. He knows there's no mercy inherent in his work, and no quarter can be given. Still, the boy is just that: a boy. What passes for leniency slides through is analytical mind for but a moment. At least put the kid in the hospital after leaving him a bloody mess. Still. Whatever the case may be, this needs to end, and end quickly. The time window on these sorties is never really very long.
Zero steps forward again, eyeing the battered child, and then with a smooth swing of his arm, he's unleasing the vicious saw bladed jacket tails at the child with enough force to saw a small tree in half. Granted, with Bao's psycho-powered constitution, it won't kill him, but there's no doubt that if it hits, there's going to be some seriously unpleasant damage incurred.
COMBATSYS: Zero successfully hits Bao with Ouga.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Zero 0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1 Bao
As Zero manages to quickly avoid the Psycho Ball, the youth frowns towards his impact. Bao's eyes widen with fear, especially when he releases a vicious saw bladed jacket towards the child. The blade lashes out towards Bao, sending him up into the air. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He cries out, tears forming as he is sent crashing towards the ground. Bao immediately lands on his stomach. He is unable to get up for a little while. It looks like the child is out for a nice while.
Until a hand moves. The child releases out in stride:
o/` I'm the King the King. o/`
o/` Come here play with me. o/`
Slowly, but surely, Bao is staggering up to his feet. Battered, bruised, and bleeding, the twelve year old child looks at his torn hat. But he pays no attention towards the damage of his clothes. He is going to do something about the man who attacked him. He channels the Psycho Power to erupt around him. Bao is channeling for the raw power to swirl around his hands.
o/` Meet the King of the Ring. o/`
o/` Bring in you, the energy! o/`
After getting back up to his feet, the Psycho Power erupts into a small Psycho Ball. While it was slow the last time, the growth of this attack is more rapid. The more it builds up, the more power is erupting from the youth. His Psycho Power measures up, getting into a powerful peak. All of this while he sings.
o/` King of the Ring! o/`
o/` King of the Ring! o/`
Bao is extending his hands out, "Nnnnnnnnn....." The large ball of Psycho Power grows until it is the size taller than the child himself. Bao finishes his charge, then he aims the charge towards Zero. "SAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIII!!!" The huge ball erupts from the youth's hands. Flying towards Zero.
Bao, spent from the fight and using his energy, collapses. But not before he utters the last words of the verse:
o/` King of the Ring... o/`
And with that, the child closes his eyes into the state of unconsciousness.
COMBATSYS: Bao can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Zero 0/-------/-======|
COMBATSYS: Zero reflects MAX Psycho Ball from Bao with Hankyou.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Zero 0/-------/-======|
COMBATSYS: Zero has ended the fight here.
As powerful as the attack may be, Zero seems to have worfully little problem with it's incoming force. The psycho power does indeed go off the scale, the power levels inherent in the blast causing spikes in his scanners.
But all for naught, unfortunately.
Zero brings up his cloak to defend himself, the massive blast of energy rushing towards him as he narrows his eyes. The boy's already somewhat inferior technique failing him further as he falls into unconciousness. Instead of defending himself from the rolling blast, he sidesteps, and with another smooth swipe, sends the psycho ball flying in another direction, off into the woods where it explodes with something harmless. He pauses for a moment, loosening his grip on his cloak as he peers at the boy. Bao will be fine. He needs no further assistance. The genetic matrix is tucked away. Something for Zero to work with later. Turning swiftly, he moves from the area to his pickup point, already feeling the sharp charge of the trasport corona covering him.
Zero is not a man of regret. That, however, was a massacre. A sense of pity moves through him, no more powerful than the breeze he feels while moving, and it dies just as fast as he stops moving.
The project continues.
And it's just one more mark to add to the slowly growing collection.
Log created by Bao, and last modified on 15:09:38 08/10/2005.