Description: Alma invites Megumi to the beach, now that they've got more stuff in common since their first meeting (and failed sparring attempt), where they discuss modeling, and Megumi's constantly dark attitude crushes Alma's feeble social skills despite a valiant effort on his part. This scene was cut short slightly at the end, but it's totally worth saving, if for no other reason than Alma's big speech right near the end on as to why having Psycho Power is no different from having any other sort of talent. He's shy... yet so eloquent! *dreamy sigh*
With the sun still shining strong despite that the end of summer looms in the near distance, even more families and schoolkids are out to enjoy the beautiful, knowing that it will soon end. The Sound Beach does not disappoint them; the sky is a crystal blue, and the water reflects its luminesence, rippling it like a broken mirror as waves crash upon the white sandy beach. With the beach kept clean and everyone mostly behaving themselves and in general having a very good time, it's a modern picturesque scene, an ideal, but one that still looks like fun, too.
Not that Alma should care. Because, after all, every day is a beautiful day when you're Alma Towazu.
But that general acceptance does not get in the way of finding a unique way to enjoy this particular day, it seems, for our heroic fighting model sudden emerges from the waves like Venus reborn -- were Venus a dude, wearing board shorts, and carrying a big surfboard. His dashingly unkempt feathered locks now delightfully damp, Alma strides across the stand, appearing completely oblivious to what stares his sort of physique gets amongst a crowd of Japanese high-schoolers (he's tall, you know), and makes his way over to where the boardwalk reaches the beach, toweling off as he goes and pulling on a white muscle shirt, his usual mild smile... not as mild as usual. He's grinning, and there's a certain light in his eyes that, though it's not colored, could be Psycho Power. Unless, perhaps, his Psycho Power is merely a derivative of this light. For him, that's the case. This is the Way. He has found a Path along it -- another way to release his true passions -- surfing. Combat is another. Art is another. Going to college is another. And his friends...
...well, he'll see where his passion leads him.
For now, though, he enters a small beachside restaurant, apparently having a reservation, and quickly gets a table for two outside. Sitting down and neatly folding up his towel beside his chair, he sits and waits with a patient smile on his face. This seemed like a good time to stop surfing. Hopefully, he's not too far off.
Megumi is at that place, the one Alma is going to. Rather, she's just now arriving. Having paid a taxi for the ride down here, Megumi went down the boardwalk, right to where the shops/diners end, and sand begins. She's only a minute or so 'late' compared to Alma's arrival, spotting him and slipping on over.
Doesn't look like she's dressed for the beach. She's sticking with her usual look, and has a...quiet mood to her. "I got your message." A little tired, too. "You wanted to see me about something?" And with that, she sits down near him.
Alma smiles widely again as Megumi approaches, and raises his hand in greeting. "I hope you like fish," he says as greeting, his quiet baritone friendly. "This place is good, inexpensive, and you get a great view of the water from here. Their bread is good, too." His smile widens even more at that, his eyes sparkling engagingly. "I have a tendency to seriously change my opinion of restaurants depending on what kind of bread they bring as a starter, if any. I never really knew that about myself until a little while ago; kind of funny."
~ Too bad... no swimsuit....
...that's not a very professional thought, Alma. Man, even Jiro's got more self-control.
...well, she's certainly cute enough like this...
...sheesh! ~
To get his mind off of his, er, introspections, Alma answers her questions. "Well, nothing in particular necessarily," he says, eyes growing slightly heavy-lidded to match his joking, Alma-Deadpan tone. "I never called you before because I didn't want to make anything awkward -- but hey, now we've got things to talk about!" He grins normally again. "I'm just disappointed I haven't been able to go up against you in SNF yet. You're way stronger than me, I know, but we never finished our match. Er, d-don't worry!" he suddenly interjects, the stutter re-revealing itself as he raises his hands slightly, in a sort of have-no-weapons gesture. "I'm not going to try that again! Suddenly being admitted into, uh, the r-ranks of fighters made me go a bit overboard, but now that I recognize it's just part of who I am, well... I think I understand a bit more how you felt."
The tall youth shrugs slightly and leans back with a smile. "People get on my case about my powers, too. Especially Vanessa." His eyes flicker a bit, as though the name triggers an unpleasant memory, but doesn't let it get to him, and continues. "But she was just mad, because she would've won if I hadn't used my powers to heal my teammate." He shrugs, and grins. "Well, I could just as easily get mad that she punches so incredibly fast, I think. Maybe people can't defend against my abilities so well, but... it's just a single facet of who I am as a fighter. I've get to get others to respect that, though; except maybe for Xiangfei, who doesn't seem to notice."
[OOC] Alma says, "(*yet to get, not get to get, whoops)"
"I'm not very hungry," Megumi answers the question about fish-liking with. But then Alma's going on about several other topics, and she sits quietly, listening until he's done. Mentioning Vanessa causes Megumi's mood to darken notably; disappointment shows on her face. "Vanessa's just like everyone else. Hates it because it's different. They hate it because it's different, because it's 'cheap', or whatever they come up with. Bet they've already started on you being a 'mutant freak', haven't they?"
Yep. Megumi's really laying on the cynicism there. "Just keep an eye out for handicap matches. If you get booked into one of're going to get hurt really badly. And some people are going to cheer for it. So...keep your eyes open."
Ooof, Megumi's being really dark, isn't she? Surely this should discourage Alma, especially considering, despite the fact that he genuinely just wants to make friends, he doesn't have enough willpower to set aside that Megumi's a cutie.
Ha ha, yeah right! Alma's will lies in other areas; he is bamboo, not oak. Megumi pushes, and he bends, and just snaps right back into place.
By which I mean, he laughs. Shoulders shaking, letting out deep peals of genuine laughter, he reaches up to scratch the back of his head and eyes her, quirking his eyebrows. "You're still on about that? Listen, if you cheer up, I'll pay for your meal. Okay, well, actually, I was going to insist you let me do that anyway. But, hey, cheer up all the same right?" He grins. "Nobody's called me a mutant freak, actually, but you know, I wouldn't mind if they did. Aren't all high-powered fighters mutants, in that regard? We're certainly different. But I'm not interested in arguments like that, because you can keep breaking it down; everyone's got their unique eccentricities. Much better to assume our powers are "eccentricities" than something that draws us hugely apart from the rest of humanity. Maybe we are, I have no way of knowing; but thinking that way is dangerous, for both them and us. I don't want to walk around thinking I'm nothing like the rest of the people around me. Then I'd be Jiro."
His grin only gets wider. "Oh, I've already gotten beat up a few times. This one kid assassin, Nassir, ambushed me in a restaurant because I rescued Jiro and Mimiru, those Kasagi kids, from this crazy paramilitary leader, Rolento. Nearly killed me; I barely fought him off, and I think I got lucky, considering he stabbed me about four times." He shakes his head, eyebrows raised, looking impressed that he survived. "I sure am glad I heal fast."
He tilts his head slightly, his smile softening. "Hey, Megumi, don't worry so much about what other people say about you. You've got to do your best with what you've got, if for no other reason than because you've got it. And speaking of what you've got! A-Actually!" The bread arrives, and Alma takes one with great respect and aplomb; he sure does like this bread. "I do have a proposition for you. About the whole modeling thing we talked about briefly last time. You remember that?"
"I'm really not hungry, is all." Megumi responds to the offer. "But...if you're at all like me, then...we're /really/ different. Not like them. They know it, too. Some of them are okay, but...wait." Megumi's eyes go wide as something in her mind clicks. The other, business-like offer goes unanswered. "Nassir. Stabbed. Because you did...are you sure about this? Nassir attacked you for helping them and stabbed you?" This apparently holds more 'interest value' to her than anything else does, and sounds significant; maybe moreso than it does to Alma.
"Tch. We're people, just like them. If we weren't -- we wouldn't about what they thought. I don't see how I'm any more or less special than, oh, Isaac Newton, or Lao Tzu, or Bruce Lee." Alma's argument doesn't really seem to be going anywhere, though, because what she focuses on in the stabbing. Despite himself, the youth does deflate slightly, as the conversation is torn away from the casual again. "Er... w-well, I c-can't imagine why else he'd stab me. He seemed like an alright guy. Just indoctrinated, you know?"
An interesting conclusion indeed. If Alma isn't stupid, he's extremely forgiving.
"I only found out his name was Nassir from Jiro, who'd fought him in SNF. He works for Rolento. So does Xiangfei... but she refuses to believe they've done anything that I've seen them do." He shakes his head slowly, looking surprisingly ambivalent. "That woman, I swear... great fighter, but..."
"...anyway, Jiro attacked Rolento for having a relation to Mad Gear, and Rolento proceeded to beat him down, so I intervened, and got Mimiru to help do. We ended up beating him back, but he... well, he shot us all up with machine guns. If he had done that to me two years ago, I'd be dead. As it is..." He raises his eyebrows, and just shakes his head. "...I'm tougher than I look now, I guess. Anyway, we all survived, though I was the only one left standing... and because of that... I guess they got mad."
"But I bet Nassir got in trouble for trashing the restaurant and failing to taste me down, so he won't be back, I don't think. Still, paying for the repairs cost me everything I had at the time."
Yet more disappointment for Megumi to show in her voice and expression. "That's him. I know plenty about...well. There's a difference between controlled, and indoctrinated. The latter's your own fault if you get into it... he's tried to get onto my good side, you know." One of Megumi's hands goes onto the table, balling into a fist. "Now I know why. He wasn't offering help. He wants me on his side so he and the others he's with, whoever they are...can just go stabbing and shooting and hurting." disgusted by that thought. "I'm glad you're okay, but why did /you/ pay the damages? Shouldn't insurance have covered it? It's not like you're the reason the place got damaged. It's them."
"Uh, I, well hey, don't get discouraged. Sure, he was trying to get you to join, but he did that to Xiangfei, too. Not everyone's like that..." Alma looks at Megumi, for once a slightly helpless look in his eyes.
~ She sure is determined. ~
At the last part, his off-kilter mood is only exacerbated, and he coughs nervously. "W-Well, t-to be honest, I blew up a lot of stuff myself, trying to take him d-down. Wasn't t-their fault." He scratches the back of his head, looking slightly embarrassed, before managing a lopsided grin. "I guess I got carried away, but I couldn't run away, because Kai Gabriel was there, and, well, I would've covered her retreat, but... she didn't retreat."
Taking a deep breath, Alma quickly reorients himself, and banishes his stutter once again. "Well, I'm glad you didn't take him up on his offer, Megumi. Nassir's in, ah, a pretty bad spot right now, so it wouldn't be wise to trust him completely. I'm sure he could use some friends, though. Can't imagine he likes me much, though." He grins. Where does this guy get his attitude? "I wouldn't worry about it too much, though, unless he's been avidly pursuing you. Listen, Megumi." He folds his arms on the table and, after taking a long drink of water, leans forward. "I wanted to talk to you about modeling. You said last time we talked that you were interested in the idea, if I remember correctly, and I said I thought you'd be good at it. Well, I think I found an opening for you, and I wanted to talk to you about it. Would you still be interested?"
"I'll say. He's in some stupid army and trying to get people on his side and stabbing people and...that's a 'bad situation', alright." Megumi's hands go to her pockets, digging around in there. "How much did this 'almost all you had' add up to, exactly? I'm really not buying that this is your fault, in both of the ways I envision how that might've happened." And then...
...Megumi does go with the topic-shift, "I might be. It's money and people finding something to like, isn't it? So what'd you have in mind, exactly?" She's not showing much energy about it, but is at least humoring the topic, it seems.
Alma smiles gratefully, but raises his hands again in a gently dissauding gesture. "No, don't worry about it. Not only did I win my first SNF fight, which, ah, got me back on my feet, but I've got a really good contract worked out now, and I think I'll be set for a while. Especially considering my usual living standards." He grins, those hazel eyes sparkling with genuine cheerfulness again, his relaxed demeanor fully restored. When she professes some sort of interest in his proposition, Alma looks quite pleased, and straightens in his chair a bit. "Ah, well, it seems as though I'm getting somewhat popular, at least with the younger crowd. It's nice, I guess; maybe I can use my popularity to do something worthwhile, while it lasts. But the studio I've started working for is beginning to think that they could do a lot with... fighting models. That if there were some more of us, we could become especially vogue." He chuckles mildly and raises his eyebrows slightly. "Of course, I know my studio's just looking for a monopoly on that, so they can be the best; but that's alright with me, since, so far, they've been treating me pretty well. Especially Georgio. He's a sweetheart."
"...well, anyway, when they brought it up with me, I immediately thought of you." He smiles widely and spreads his arms. "Think about it. You're beautiful, you've got neat-colored hair just like me, and you're even a way better fighter than I am. You could be a role model for teenage girls; so far my studio hasn't been able to convince me to sell out in any way, and I don't think they'd try to mess with you, either." He shrugs once and shakes his head. "Well, I just think it'd be cool to work with you. And... wouldn't we make a great team? Because we're both--"
He pauses for a moment, then looks into Megumi's eyes, and suddenly starts to look a little bit more serious.
"...this might be an opportunity to play *up* your powers, Megumi, not downplay them, and show what they really are. Which is amazing. And beautiful. And something incredible that can be used to help others. Even if you don't desire fame for yourself -- and I know I don't -- you could prove a point by becoming a public idol. And if we worked together... we would make a really neat pair."
Megumi's hands come back out of their pockets with a grudging, "Only if you're sure. I know a bit about that sort of thing." And then the rest of Alma's speech is primarily explanation and praise. They don't do much for her mood. "Right. Becoming 'mini-Athena' all over again. The difference is I don't want to put a good spin on something that's really bad." There's a brief moment of hand-glowing, though the light fades quickly. "I know what they really are. Sometimes they help, but most people hate it even when it should be good for them...and when it's not good for them, it's really bad."
Megumi has a little more to add. "I don't suppose you've seen Daigo in the last few days, have you? How he is right now? Half of that's my doing. I don't want to spin-doctor that. I want it to go /away./"
Not many people really understand Alma, and that's because he rarely tells people what his past was like. But as a child, he rarely had social interaction with anyone. He never even went to middle school or high school. In fights, he finds passion bursting forth, and often orates, if not eloquently, then at least intensely, and so it's easy to get a misconception of who he is. He's not good at one-on-one conversations. In groups, he's actually usually very quiet. And it's also hard to tell when he's having a tough time because of his strong resolve, and ability to flow back his difficulties. But this is just too much. Megumi might've well have slapped him in the face.
He was really being very brave, trying this.
"I... I see. W-Well, t-that's alright." The youth's eyes flicker a few moments, until he manages a lopsided grin, salvaging his end of the conversation as best he can, though he can't yet disguise the 'shocked and appalled' look in his eyes. "And... no, I haven't seen D-Daigo." He clears his throat. "I fought him. At Gedo. With Jiro and Sakura. He escaped. Heard he's been attacking people, but haven't seen him. If I do... I'll... tell you..."
He lowers his head for a moment, and takes a deep breath, that sounds more like a sigh.
He looks up, and though his expression is still gentle, his eyes are intense. But this isn't his pure, fight-type passionate joy intensity. This is just the intensity of a teenager. He's frustrated. "Why are you so convinced your powers are bad? What is it about yourself that you cannot forgive? I just want to know. I want to understand why you refuse to take my viewpoint on... Psycho Power. Because if you hate it, then you must hate me, too. And that seems strange, considering you decided to come here and, well, respond, at least. Besides the fact that it would be wrong to hate me!" He doesn't stop gazing into her eyes the entire time. He doesn't seem too worked up, but he's definately not his usual self; he's been thrown off balance, and that just messes up his mojo completely. "What's the problem with having abilities like ours, besides that we might get ostracized? We can overcome that. We can make our *own* team, and prove that we're great. If you tell yourself you're bad... you're telling everyone else it's okay to pick on you. You're giving up."
"So why? Please... please tell me why you're talking like this. It..." He looks a bit reluctant for a moment, as though unwilling to accept what he's about to say, but then he shakes his head, gets over it, and says, eyes now softened: "It scares me, Megumi!"
"His body's been attacking people. Not him. There's a difference. And I'm not blaming you or your abilities." Megumi's gone rather defensive by now, sitting pretty rigid in her seat. "You're fine, what you do is fine. But you should ask around about me. Ask Vanessa, I brought Iori down to ruin her life."
"But I guess anyone could make one mistake. It's compounded by a lot of other things." Megumi's raising fingers now, one at a time. One, "Yuri Sakazaki? I nearly got her killed by organized crime. They took her and were going to just kill her off, until I turned into their little drug-puppet assassin." Second finger, "Then Cammy. Met her? She's just now learning what /emotions/ are. She hasn't had a life up until now. She's had 'controllers' who use her as a killer under their command. I nearly frightened her away into going back to them, and they'll just execute her if they realize she's becoming a real human being." Third finger. "Then when Daigo was being hurt by this...Kurow or Hiroshi or whoever he is...I had us all run away and abandon him to it. Now he's even worse." That's apparently the final line-item to raise, as no more fingers go up. "Pretty good start, I'd think. I fight to get better, and because if fans like me, I get more money and they won't be /as/ glad when I get torn up." Morbid, cynical. Definitely.
Alma listens, and as he does, he seems to take the time to recover himself a bit. The strain of actually trying to convince someone wholeheartedly and failing shook him up, but, as always, he's easily shaken, easily recovered. Once she's finished, his eyes are clear and mature and his expression gentle and respectful. When she finishes, he sits for a moment... and then smiles slightly.
"That's a lot of mistakes."
Then he starts to chuckle, shoulders shaking, and his smile grows into a wider one, one of genuine pleasure, and his eyes are sparkling joyfully again. "As I expected, you have plenty of excuses for your attitude. You've been used, and have had your powers long enough that you've had the opportunity to hurt others with them." He lowers his head slightly, tilting his eyes up to continue meeting her gaze, in a sort of 'I am making a point' gesture. "But I still think you're making a mistake, thinking that Psycho Power is somehow unique in that it's more dangerous than any other power. That it's somehow special, in a way that no other ability is."
"When I was young, before I had even conceived of having powers like I do now, I was much bigger and stronger than all my friends. I've always been bigger than people. And oftentimes, by accident, I'd hurt other kids, because I was so strong I couldn't control myself. I'd try to do the same things they do, and I'd forget to hold back, and hurt them. But then, one day, they were all trying to lift something to make a fort, and they couldn't do it even when they all tried together. So I took command. I was able to do it, because I used what I had in a proper way. After that, I stopped wishing that I was smaller. Instead, I worked on making sure that I would use my size only to help others, and not to hurt. Because every strength is like that. Think of it as a tool, maybe; except a tool that can use you too. But then, I'm of the mind that any tool can use its wielder."
"Do you think I'm being simple-minded? Comparing physical strength to Psycho Power? Maybe I am. But really, I don't see the different. It's a talent. Like most anything, without skill and timely moderation, it will go out of control and get people hurt. What makes it so special? How does it change us, any more than being physically strong changed my mindset?"
"Like any other facet... it causes us to suffer, and learn, and succeed." Alma shakes his head ever-so-slightly, once. "Personally, I don't care about anything of those things you mentioned. Getting better. Fans liking me. Getting money. I don't know if you'll understand my mentality, or appreciate it: but I'm ready to die right now. I'm completely satisfied with how I am. But... even so... I keep trying. Just because I can. Because if I didn't show the world everything I had, in the way that's appropriate to me... well, I suppose there wouldn't be anything *wrong* with that. Trying harder doesn't make me better. But... at least I can say I was never false. That I was truly me. That I have no regrets."
"That's how you have no regrets, Megumi. It's not that you never fail, because I certainly have, in many important ways. But that you try to be yourself, to your fullest, and synch that up with the Right Way to do things, so that you're also in harmony with everyone else. It's a great challenge. And isn't it amazing?" His smile widens, to a grin. "Isn't it great, that we get the opportunity to do this? That we get the chance?"
"I'm really happy I was given the chance... to start over." Finally, his gaze softens again. "And... I think that's why I'm t-telling all this to you. Because... in my own silly way... I'm trying tilt you in the direction of your own chance for that. Because..."
"...well, I like you."
"No, it makes sense, almost." Megumi's answer to the inquiry on simple-minded comparisons. "And I bet on a purely logical level you're right. But there's a difference. People see muscle and know what it is. Big and strong and impressive. People see pretty energy and go 'mutant freak' and stab you. I'm sure you've sen this." Ultimately...Megumi isn't too persuaded by the argument.
"We're different though, I guess. You're fine with dying. I used to be. I used to try for it and want it every day I woke up. Me...I don't want chances or opportunities or starting over, but I've got stuff to do. At the very least, I have to take care of what I did with Cammy and Daigo. That's a good chunk of why I'm sticking around. Plus...there's a few people trying to help. They're not like everyone else. That's what I mean. I hate all of this, but I'm sticking with it and trying to get ahead where I can."
It may be topic deflection, but she stands up at that point...and instead of responding to Alma's most recent statement directly, she topic-backtracks. "So, what all would this proposal involve, exactly?"
Alma smiles.
"I'm glad you have a reason. Just... when you run out of reasons, remember that you don't need one. When I realized I didn't need an excuse to live... I stopped being afraid of dying. And that just made me enjoy life far more than I had before." He tilts his head to the side slightly, and his smile grows into a small grin. "And when you think like that... it's hard to feel worthless. You're too relaxed to worry about worth." His smile fades then, though, and he takes a quiet breath. "Not that I've perfected my mindset... but I think this is the Way."
~ Not that I've come anywhere near close to perfecting it, considering how much she's thrown me off balance. Oh, Alma... you still have to work so much on figuring out who you really are... ~
But she's got back to talking about the modeling job, and she hasn't mentioned being 'mini-Athena' again, so he is more than satisfied. His efforts have actually paid off in some way. As a guy who takes little for granted, this means a lot to him, and despite his subdued-as-always general expression, his smile truly manages to be radiant, his brow lifting. "Well, we'd find a date where you come in with me to meet my director and general manager, Georgio, and he'll go exstatic over you -- everybody loves him, he's a really amazing person, and quite good at what he does -- and I imagine, if he has the same sense of style that I do, he'll also conclude that we would look really good together. They'll want to capitalize on the fact that you're a fighter, though. They'll want to make your powers cool. So if you don't want that, you shouldn't follow through with this plan." His expression softens as he says this. "That's why I want you to try this. Try making use of this unique gift we have. The both of us, together, can make it so nobody's scared of it, because they'll identify it with us. Not that most people know the difference anyway -- but hey, we can be the Psychic Beauties." His voice goes deadpan for that, but he can't help but grin widely, his eyes glittering with amusement at his own comment. "Personally, I think it'd be fun."
"...not to mention we'd probably be a big hit, since you've already got an established career."
Megumi just stands silent for a few moments after Alma speaks. She's got counterpoints, though. "It's easier to not need reasons if you're...well. Not causing problems. Maybe it'll be okay once I stop hurting people. Once they're okay and I've accomplished something really good...that approach might work. I'm glad you've gotten to that point though, where you don't need reasons."
And then she has a bit more to say. "Problem with the job you just outlined is...I don't want anything to do with that. I don't want people focusing on the pretty lights I can make. I want something different. I don't need any weird name that talks about what sort of person I am. I don't want any attention on how I'm different, either. The idea here is to get people to overlook that. To like me despite it. Some people do that. Shingo does. He sees past it for the most part. I...well. I do want to do this. It's money, good publicity, and I need both." Not that Megumi looks like she's straggling for cash by any means. "I just don't want this to be some sort of...well. You get what I mean, right? Can we talk about something else on this topic?"
Alma looks slightly embarrassed now, a bit thrown off again. "...sorry. I wasn't implying... well. That it would be the only reason why you'd get the job. Or even that everything you do will be with me. It's your career, and you could totally manage it without me, or this opportunity." He breathes deeply, and quietly reaches up to scratch the back of his head. "Just that, if we... worked together on things, it would be something cool to capitalize on. The idea really caught me. I think I may have focused on it too much. Because... I know what you mean. I'm glad that Xiangfei just considers my abilities part of my fighting style, when she fights me... she's never even mentioned how I'm different."
~ ...I hope I didn't mess this up. Damn... I really have no idea what I'm doing... ~
"This is just an excuse for an introduction." He grins slightly again. "I think Georgio trusts my judgment, and I trust his. And it's a good studio with a solid reputation. You'd do well by them."
~ Have I made myself sound like some sort of sell-out...? ~
"Well. Right now, I'm going to say it's too much to expect that. I don't mind the job, I do mind the underlying message you're trying to send with it." Megumi's at least settled back down to a calm mood, instead of...frankly, depressed, morbid cynicism. "So I don't mind giving this a try, but I'd like to wait a bit before branching out into using it as some sort commentary. That make sense?"
Alma spreads his hands. "If you like, you don't even have to mention that we have a similar sort of unique power. They don't know the difference." Then he smiles, slightly, and his eyes grow a bit more heavy-lidded. "And I'm more worried about your self-image than changing the world. That was... why I really brought it up."
~ Jiro's right. I can be a real dumbass sometimes. I just don't know any better. But... I hope I put her in a better mood, somehow. ~
"And besides, if we're working at the same studio, I'll get to see you all the time, right? We can do lunch, some time when you're actually hungry." He grins, obviously making a valiant effort to avoid sitting around feeling like a dummy.
"Maybe," is Megumi's response to these questions. "It might work. But if it's alright, for now? I'd like to see the sort of stuff I'd be expected to do, be in, that sort of thing. Anything we can do with that?" She's...staying in a relatively neutral demeanor, still standing by the table.
~ Sheesh... ~
Socially pimpsmacked again, Alma clears his throat quietly and responds. "Yeah. I brought some material with me." Reaching down to the folded towel, he draws out a (slightly damp) series of pages carefully cut from magazines, and hands them over. The first is Alma on the cover of World Warrior Insider, a somewhat popular fan magazine that follows professional fighting and scouts out tournament winners; he's shirtless, got white wraps around his forearm, and looks somewhat demure, as though surprised to be there. It's a good look, and, well, he looks good, obviously. The second is Alma on the cover of Seventeen, although he's fully dressed (though the shirt's slightly opened), and showing that slightly mysterious mild smile. The rest appear to be advertisements, all for fairly mundane things, but Alma seems to fit the part fairly well for all of them. Plenty of them are things like public-service announcements or goody-two-shoes stuff, like anti-drug messages. "I have plenty of leverage," he says quietly. "I've refused a number of advertising jobs I didn't like. Maybe it's only because I'm on Georgio's good side; but I seriously doubt there are many managers as good-natured as he."
The last one is an underwear ad. Well, it's boxers at least, though they are a bit tight, so--
With a neat movement, his expression unchanging, Alma snatches that out of the stack. "Meant to take that one out," he says, deadpan. He doesn't look too bothered -- unless that really is a tinge of red on his cheeks. Considering that Megumi could easily see it if she picked up the right magazine, it's a bit silly, but... welcome to Alma.
Browse, look. Check. See. Megumi does in fact go through these as Alma flips through them. She's paying attention. There's even a slight show of being humored by Alma's mistake. It's a brief smile, but still had a positive effect of some kind. "What, that? That's fine. I don't mind seeing that. I'm actually wondering what you're expecting to see me in. I wouldn't mind...I don't know, do they 'practice' this sort of thing?" She's making a wild guess/inquiry there.
~ Well, see, we go somewhere private, and you practice posing in your underwear, until you get really, really good at it, and I-- ~
ERRRRRRN *mental airhorn*
"Modeling is definately a skill and an art," is what Alma *actually* says, his face in no way whatsoever betraying his teenage boy thought process, "but I think it's hard to practice until you're actually doing it. Look in the mirror a lot. Get facial expressions you like, then close your eyes and feel out how it feels to have that expression. Get comfortable with unique things about the way you look, and utilize them. Turn everything you have and can do into something beautiful." He pauses for a moment, and then grins. "But there's the general way in which I do everything coming out again. You'll find your own way." He pauses again. "As for what I'm -- I mean, they're -- expecting to see you in," he continues, managing not to stutter or betray any embarrassment in his expression even though his cheeks visibly redden again, "that's up to you, of course, but you can expect to be asked to do these sorts of things too. Georgio's not the type to ask you for anything more, especially not when you've just started..." He clears his throat again, and then grins slightly sheepishly. "So he won't ask you to do an underwear advert right away or anything. I have to admit, though, he's been implying recently that I should do a few more..."
"So, what. Like practicing the smile in the mirror and all that?" Megumi sounds a tad skeptical of this notion that she's assuming. "But, you know, about the rest of it...have you seen some of my recent matches? I think it might have a bit of bearing on this, is why I ask."
"Not just a smile! You've got to have different looks. You have to envision a setting for yourself, to really draw out the perfect sense, and get just the right look." This is obviously something Alma gets into, but he doesn't dwell on it. "And no, I haven't seen your recent matches... why?"
"Maybe you should, then. I usually stick to this when I fight," Megumi tugs a little at the three main bits of her outfit, "But occasionally I do have something else. I guess it's not too far off from 'modelling', really. much time do you have, actually?"
Log created by Alma, and last modified on 01:58:43 08/11/2005.