Description: Bao was playing kickball and Xiangfei was minding her own business while jamming on her rollerblades. Unfortunately, a stray ball conked her upside the head. Hijinxs ensues.
Ahh... Chinatown. It's a beautiful place, especially when it becomes night. With the half-moon shining in the air, the stars are blanketed by the dark clouds. It makes it hard for a person to see where things are going. With lights set up along the ropes, the Chinese lamps are hanging a few feet away from each other. The Chinese arts are very apparent in this side of the street.
One of the residents paying a visit through the town is a now meek little boy in orange. Trying to get over the fact that he scared away of who was a new friend, Bao has been trying to get his cheerfulness back up. So he has been punting a black and white kickball to the side to get himself going. "Man... I should head back home and play my Super Famicom..." He frowns, kicking the ball some more, "Bao shoots..." Punt. Bao kicks the ball into the air, "Bao scores!"
And it sails.... but where does it land?
While this may be the 'traditional' part of chinatown, a certain girl isn't quite so traditional this evening.. Not having to work at the Duck Pond tonight, she gets the night to continue getting used to her rollerblades- To the non-Chinatown resident, she was a tan kogal looking for trouble, but to the neighbors it's just Li Xiangfei, clad in her Chinatown high school uniform with too many bracelets on her wrists. This particular street was great because it was always clear at this time of evening, leaping up to grind against a street rail, "Who's bad? Who's b- OW!"
A stray ball nails her in the face, making her windmill her arms and then crash onto her back, leaving her stunned for a brief moment. The ball swirls in the air and then lands flat on her gut, "...... ow."
Insert surprised expression from Bao.
When the ball strikes Xiangfei at the face, Bao winces to himself, cringing from the look as it smacks against her quite hard. Then, Bao lifts his head up, sprinting over towards Xiangfei. "Ohmy! Oh my! I'm so sorry!" Bao looks down towards Xiangfei, grabbing the ball from her stomach.
"Say something, please! I'm sorry about the ball hitting you... it was my fault for not seeing you."
Xiangfei g'uuuuhs, the world spinning for a brief moment, vision swirling and swirling, until she hears an unfamiliar voice. The sound at least shows signs of life, and after blinking a couple of times, the world clears up for the chinese waitress.
And she finds herself staring up at the orange-clad boy, "Huh?" hey now wait a minute, this was an unfamiliar face, and she thought she knew nearly everyone in this part of town.. Her cheeks redden a bit, brown eyes widening and, she swallows hard. This boy...
This boy was SO CUTE! "Ow ow ow!!" she suddenly cries, slapping a hand over her forehead as she sits up, "I.. I think I have a hernia! Oh whatever will I do!" said in a drama-queen type fashion.
Glancing over towards Xiangfei, Bao is trying to figure out what to do. She is injured! Bao is trying to figure out what to do to help her. "...Eghn." The young boy tries to figure out what to do. "I can do this..." He removes the large, mushroom-looking hat and he places it over to her back to support her.
"...Let's see... what can I do..." He tries to reach over to her hand, "I... wait... she's too injured for that..." He scratches his chin, trying to come up with something.
"...How do you help someone with hernia...?" Oh! Idea! He calls out, "DOCTOR! DOCTOR! WHERE'S A DOCTOR?!"
Xiangfei is hiding her grin pretty well, unable to help but be amused by Baos attitude, it's rare that little brats run up to help someone they hurt, she had expected him to run miles away by now! She continues to hold her head, shivering a bit, but then sweatdrops when he starts to call for help- Er, not good!
"Hey!" she suddenly yelps, shooting her hand outward then to slap a hand over the young boys mouth to keep him from yelling and hisses, "Not so loud, don't you watch tv?" the boy may notice the little 'N-Gage' necklace around her neck, "I think I'm ok now, but I can't let something like this go unpunished.. Are you willing to take responsibility?" it'd be then when she uncovers his mouth for him to answer, "You're a man, right?"
"Doctor! Doc---hmmmppphhh!" Bao's eyes widen when the mouth is covered by the hand. Soon, the hazel eyes focus on Xiangfei when she finally gets his attention to stop yelling. He eyes the N-Gage around her neck. Oooh. Coool! But his attention is brought back when she mentions that she can't let his actions go unpunished. Bao blinks a few times, then he nods a few times, "Yeah! I'm a man that tries to make up for the wrong he has done!"
Placing both of his hands to the waistline, Bao keeps the arms leveled around his waist. It looks odd, considering that Bao is wearing short-shorts. Soon, realizing that his hat is gone, Bao reaches over to pick it up and put it baack on. "What must I do to make up for the injury?"
A true chinese man! Such a strong sense of honor, it makes Xiangfei excited, pleased, and ecstatic all at once a very rare breed indeed! And being adorable doesn't hurt either; but if only she knew this boy was in cahoots with Kensou heer worst enemy.
The pseudo kogal gets to her feet and brushes off her kneepads, and nods her head sagely, "A true follower of chinese tradition, good good," she replies crossing her arms and then grins, almost devilishly. Though wait a minute, short shorts? Who was this, a Benimaru wanna-be? Well whatever, "Well then what you'll have to do then, is become my doctor.. The cure for a hernia is a common-known fact you know, only plenty pampering for three days straight should cure me post-haste."
Perhaps she was going a bit overboard there but hey, what did kids know about medical stuff right? "Though to be fair, it is a reallly big responsibility, I could get anyone to do that really so tell you what; I noticed you have a pretty good kick, are you a martial artist?"
Blinking for a moment, Bao cocks his head to the side, "Be your doctor?" He looks at her in confusion, then the youth smiles, "Okay! I'll be your doctor then!" He considers the idea. Well, considering that Bao is usually the working child, the clumsy kid has no choice but to comply with the terms. He has to keep the strong sense of honor, given that it would reflect back at Kensou, Chin, and Athena. The young boy nods towards Xiangfei.
"Kinda! I am okay with the martial arts! But I want to be great one day! I'll be like the kung-fu artists like Chun-Li, or that old man Gen!" He beams, "I want to be able to be a strong fighter!"
"Woah woah easy there, cu- er, kiddo. I have to make this fair, so that you can't make any complaints," The sudden mention of Chun-Li makes Xiangfei's eyes light up, she clasping her hands togeather as she makes some sort of happy little burble. Someone else who believes Chun-Li is the greatest martial artist around isn't very common, the young woman finding herself with even more cards on her table, "I love Chun-Li too!" she cries, "Though, I am destined to defeat her one day, and then I'll become the strongest woman in the world.. I'm not familiar with Gen though, but.." she kneels again, to unstrap the velcro of her rollerblades, "Maybe you're pretty strong too, huh? So here's the deal, if you defeat me, I'll go ahead and let this situation slide. But if I beat you, you have to be my doctor no questions asked, got it? I'm not an easy girl to take care of, so you'd better give it your all," but then she has all her bases covered, of Bao does manage to take her down, she could always fein being injured and he's -still- stuck with her. Sheer genius, Fei! "I practice kung-fu, so it should be fairly even!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Xiangfei 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Bao has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Bao 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Xiangfei
Blinking for a moment, then he cocks his head to the side, "Give it my all...?" He frowns for a moment, then he nods, "Okay, miss pretty lady!" While letting the hands expand out. Stepping himself into a fighting stance, Bao is starting to bounce around. "Here I gooooo!" He begins to move around, jumping back and forward repeatedly. With his hands held up, the youth immediately starts sprinting towards Xiangfei. "Here I...." He charges straight towards her, then he leaps into the air. While leaping up, Bao extends his right leg out to make a quick kick at her chest while he is in the mid-air. "Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei endures Bao's Light Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Bao 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Xiangfei
Miss Pretty Lady? Xiangs eyes blink a couple of times, and she reddens a little along the bridge of her nose, "H.. Hey, flattery will get you knowhere little boy," she replies, keeping an eye on his sprint and takes a couple light steps forward herself; and so the kick to the chest hits dead on, but the waitress is still on the offensive, her eyes widening a bit, "Good!" she cries, clasping his leg and with a strong huff of air, tosses him upward. If he doesn't get away in time, she then crouches and handsprings into the air, kicking him as he descends, "Kyaaah!"
COMBATSYS: Bao dodges Xiangfei's Shinsaiha.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Bao 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Xiangfei
After striking the foot towards her chest, Bao immediately pushes himself up into the air. While she is trying to give him a kick towards the stomach, Bao does keep her from getting an actual shot by him as he propels himself high into the air to where he can get to the top of a stand. He immediately bounces off of the stand, rolling to the side as Xiangfei hits nothing but air.
Bao smiles, then he starts to get into a powerful stance. "This is fun!" Hebeams softly, then the child starts to channel his power. Of course, Xiangfei should be familiar with Athena's style of fighting. She will notice a ball of energy emitting from the child, who bolds the ball out in front of him, "Psycho Ball!" He chucks the ball towards Xiangfei, letting the orb fly straight towards the older woman.
COMBATSYS: Bao successfully hits Xiangfei with Dan Kougeki - Bound.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Bao 0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0 Xiangfei
Xiangfei was somewhat familiar with Athenas style, she was moreso with Kensou however.. But the Psycho Ball is famous! To hear the boy cry it, on the other hand, that's one hell of a suprise, "Huh?" she asks, crossing her arms in front of her and hopes to block the energy somehow. No suck luck. She goes tumbling backward, the all-too-familiar psycho energy slamming into her and sending her back. She shudders a bit, shaking her head and gets to her feet again, "O.. Ow.. That was pretty good," she replies, 'No way.. That couldn't have been what I thought it was... Maybe he's just really strong,' and she soumersaults forward, striking toward the boys shoulder with her palm.
If that connects, suddenly she spins around and delivers a strong kick to the boys back, "Hi-YAH!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei successfully hits Bao with Ekisupo.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Bao 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Xiangfei
After unleashing the Psycho Ball, Bao stares in shock, then he beams happily to see his strike hit. The youth starts to dance around, then he shifts his head to see that Xiangfei is coming straight his way with her somersault. THe eyes widen, Bao lifts his head up, then he attempts to roll away from the attack, until she slams the hands against his shoulders. "AAaahhhh!" And then, to top it all off, she gives him a swift kick towards the back.
The sheer power of the foot sends Bao stumbling along the ground, rolling until he lands flat on his face. "Ooof!" Smiling, Bao turns his head to face Xiangfei. "That was good!"He chimes cheerfully, then the young boy says, "Alright! Heeee... I... coooome!" Theboy starts running towards Xiangfei, then he leaps into the air. He starts bouncing on the ground, being consumed by a ball of powerful Psycho Energy. With the Psycho Power engulfing him, Bao is aiming to bounce along the ground, rolling as he charges towards the older lady.
In other words, Bao is a glowing blue ball of death.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei interrupts Hontai Kougeki - Crush from Bao with Esaka.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Bao 1/-----==/=======|=======\=------\1 Xiangfei
Xiangfei actually feels a little bad for Bao once her strike hits, but.. After suffering a blow like that, she knew she was going to have to kick it up a notch. But it was confusing, how could such a small boy have so much power? .. But he was high spirited and so cute, she couldn't help but feel she's having a little fun herself, "All right, come and get me!" she calls back, though she suddenly freezes and sweatdrops again when he comes flying at her. Uhhhhh..
An unusual situation, Xiangfei suddenly crouches a bit, and holds out her palm as if 'catching' the ball when it slams into her, and sends a wave of confusion through her body. The impact is certainly strong, but with a huff of air, her free fist shoots right back, to break through the ball and whallop the boy but good, followed by a light hiccup as she staggers afterward. A page from Chens book??
Ughhh..... Oww.. that hurts.
While the boy is flying straight towards Xiangfei, she manages to catch the form. Although Bao manages to make her feel the raw power that is his chi, Bao does feel the pain shooting in when she shoots out to whallop Bao good. He is flying towards the ground. Kerthud!
It takes a while for the young boy to get back to his feet, stumbling to his feet. While leaning back and forth, the young black haired child is trying to get himself recomposed. That was a powerful strike that Xiangfei managed to score on him. Bao pauses for a moment. She was faking the injury! No matter, Bao is going to teach her a lesson. The young boy is starting to gather the energy, charging the Psycho Power within his grasp.
With both hands pointing forward, Bao channels the Psycho Power to burn within his grasp. All of the strength from his spirited side, the youth finally gathers the tremendious amount of energy. While the ball appears small now, Bao manages to make it grow repeatedly. "Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...." There is crackle emitting fromthe ball.
The ground -erupts- filled with debris and matter that engulfs the boy's form. Raw power is hurled straight towards Xiangfei, zooming straight towards her direction. There will be an electrifying after effect upon the impact of the strike.
COMBATSYS: Bao successfully hits Xiangfei with DX Psycho Ball.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Bao 0/-------/------=|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
"... Oh no.." is pretty much the words that come from Xiangfeis lips, with that energy crackling and building up, she knows something fun is -not- headed her way.. She panics a little really, and just tries... To block it. No such luck, and the girl cries out as she's practically lost in a wave of psycho power that lights up the evening sky, and what the waitress feels.. Well, it's a really weird sort of pain that messes up her nervous system.
So when the smoke clears she's flat on the ground covered in red burn marks and ash, her uniform tattered here and there and seeming to be down for the count.. (T.. That quickly?) she thinks to herself, struggling to get to her hands and knees, (Aurgh.. Chun-Li.. She'd never aknowledge me like this, but how's he so.. Strong?) Panting heavily, she grunts and a large cloud of smoke bursts behind her "Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!", the girl blazing toward the little boy suddenly with her shoulder extended- and she's looking to slam her body into the boy to send him flying back. (Guts! Got to have guts! Need to keep going!)
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei has reached second wind!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Bao 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\1 Xiangfei
COMBATSYS: Bao dodges Xiangfei's Dai Tetsujin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Bao 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\1 Xiangfei
The young boy finishes releasing the powerful wave of Psycho Energy. The young sprite is becoming tired out from unleashing the powerful wave of energy. He sweats, trying to get himself back to his normal route. But, he suddenly notices when Xiangfei is coming towards him with her shoulder extended towards his way. "Whoaaaa!" Bao immediately leaps into the air over her charge.
While taking himself into the sky, the child rolls his body in a somersaulting tumble. And while he performs such a tumble, the youth twists his body, lifting both of his hands into the air. Forming yet another Psycho Ball, the youth says, "PSYCHO BALL!"
He lobs the blue sphere of energy out towards Xiangfei's direction.
COMBATSYS: Bao successfully hits Xiangfei with Dan Kougeki - Bound.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Bao 0/-------/----===|=======\===----\1 Xiangfei
Xiangfei huffs and gasps, screeching to a halt when Bao manages to somehow get away from her attack, though somehow she's still smiling.. Perhaps because she's managed to somehow keep herself going, but in this case- How much further would that get her? Her body shaking and tears starting to streak down her eyes despite her smirking, she tries to move away from the ball this time but to no avail. The powerful energy crashing into her, she goes tumbling backward again with a grunt, and again is flat on her back. But with her newfound energy, a light blue aura about her body she kip-ups to her feet, "HaaaAAAAAAA!!" and crouches like a football players, "Here we go!!" the cloud of dust bursts forward again, and Xiangfei flies yet -again- at the boy, her shoulder extended to try and take him down yet again, panting heavily as she lets the impact do the work.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Bao 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei successfully hits Bao with Dai Tetsujin.
[ \\ <
Bao 1/------=/=======|
After unleashing the Psycho Ball, Bao immediately lands towards the ground, giving Xiangfei a smile. "This has been an awesome fight!" He gives off a cheerful smile,t hen he looks straight towards Xiangfei when she charges towards him. "Huh...?" His eyes widen, like a deer when a truck is running their way. "Yaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!" The shoulder impacts against Bao, which sends him flying towards the other side of the ground. Then...Bao collapses on his back.
Upon impact, Xiang comes to a screeching halt, she brushing the back of her hand over her eyes, to wipe away at the tears.. As expected they don't stop right away, but it seems whatever energy she had after her first fall, it's completely gone, now. Her shoulders heave, and she manages to get to her feet again, holding her stomach as she staggers slowly toward the fallen boy, then leans forward a bit, "H.. Hey.." she gasps, "A.. Are you all right? Little boy?" its almost like an exact switcharound of when she was on the ground and he was asking if she were ok!
The smoke clears...
... Bao is on his knees, staring at the ground. His eyes lift up towards Xiangfei, noticing the effects. His eyes are widen from what was a powerful and painful battle. It looks like that he's about ready to cry.. but instead...
He giggles. "That was a fun match!" He lifts a hand up, cheering. "Thanks for the awesome spar, miss pretty lady!" He beams, then he blinks a few times, "Oh! I'm Bao! A Psycho Soldier!"
Xiangfei... blinks.. And sweatdrops again, was the boy going to cry? Did she hit him too hard? But suddenly he's cheery, and she can't help but smile back, wiping at her eyes once more, "Y.. Yeah, that was really good," she replies, though she can't help but feel she got a little lucky in the end, and blushes a little, "H.. Hey, it's nice to meet you, Bao, but you don't need to call me that, I'm Xiangfei," she can't help but laugh a little, though winces as she holds her stomach again, "So you're a Psyc- .... PSYCHO SOLDIER???" she then shrieks, clasping the sides of her head, "N.. No way!! You mean you.. .You... You're with that idiot KENSOU???"
The youthful child smiles softly, then he leans his head back. "Oh! Xiangfei! Nice name!" The youth beams softly, then he blinks. "...Huh..?" He cocks his head to the side. "Yeah!" He smiles softly, "Kensou is my big brother!"
He cheers, then he notices the way how she acts. He frowns, "...You don't like big brother...?" He frowns, cocking his heada to the side once more.
Xiangfei frowns right back, shaking her head, "Heck no I don't like him! Kensou is my rival!" she declares, one hand tightening into a fist, "You wouldn't believe him, last time I saw him he was trying to get away with my meat buns, that jerk! I... Ooh he makes me so mad!" she lets out a huff of air, reaching over to pat Baos head, "Not like you, you're very polite and adorable, you must take Athenas side of the team, I bet.. So uh..." she crosses her arms afterward seeming to be rather thoughtful, and then grins, "Well, since there's no real winner this time, I guess you get to decide if you want to be my doctor or not, Bao.. So what'll it be?" her tears seem to finally stop, she kneeling to strap her rollerblades back on.
Be Xiangfei's doctor or not...?
Well, Bao -did- kinda mess up her groove earlier.
It doesn't seem to be a contest. So, Bao doesone thing when she pats him on the head. The youth cheerfully lifts a hand up, grinning, "I'll be your Doctor!" He chimes out musically. It doesn't seem so bad. After all, it helps him get close to a lady!
Xiangfei had a bit of a way with words, didn't she? Of course she went asking in a way she was sure he wouldn't reject her, and so when he agrees, her eyes gleam over almost dangerously. And so then the very first test starts and she nods her head, reaching into her pocket to take out a few dollars, "Well then first thing is first. You need to go and buy me plenty of chocolate. You can have a couple yourself but only a few! If I don't see you with a lot of candy next time I see you, you'll be in really big trouble, ok Bao?" and so after handing that over she winks, and waves her hand, "I need to be heading home now, it was really nice to meet you- Say hi to Athena for me!"
Smiling towards Xiangfei, the child finishes getting back up to his feet. When she gives him the few dollars, the youthful sprite takes the dollars. "Thank you! I'll be sure to get you some chocolate for the next time we meet!" He takes the dollars, then he sprints off, waving a hand towards Xiangfei, "Bye Xiangfei!" The child is skipping happily, hoping to see big brother and big sister. They should be around now, right?
COMBATSYS: Bao takes no action.
COMBATSYS: Bao can no longer fight.
Log created by Bao, and last modified on 06:15:04 09/13/2005.