Description: Stand Up And Fight! Except not this time, because that already happened. This scene occured after Alma and Xiangfei's first fight -- an incredibly close fight where Xiangfei won on a Second Wind -- and before their second fight -- also an incredibly close fight where Xiangfei won on a Second Wind. Both those fights were hella dope; the first one was especially dramatic! But you'll have to take my word for it! Because I didn't know how to log then. Gosh darn it! Anyway, check it out, sexzors. By which I mean a lunch box.
It's a lovely day for a walk by any means. The sun is shining brightly and high in the clear blue sky, birdsong manages to filter through the sound of traffic in the trees planted next to the street, and the general ambiance of Southtown today is one in which no one should be left inside. Yes, it's a beautiful day.
And that's irrelevant! Because, of course, every day's a beautiful day when you're Alma Towazu.
So, recently, Alma's been diversifying, making it his perogative to figure out what his passions are, as for a guy who acts so composedly all the time, he's finding that he has the maturity of a four-year-old when it comes to knowing really basic stuff about himself; like what he likes and dislikes. Of course, if you add to that mix a philosophy of general acceptance of everything -- which is either based in Buddhism or just an 80s surfer mentality, take your pick -- and Alma has a hard time really defining himself. He's already taking way too many classes during the summer for his own good in an attempt to ge tt into Southtown University, he's still practicing his martial arts for three hours every day in the middle of the night, he still manages to subsist off four hours of sleep with the aid of meditation, and he still wanders the city randomly doing his crazy spacy art thing, but it's just not enough. He feels the urge to know more, and when Alma gets an Intuition, all hell breaks loose.
Thus the SNF fight and the Wheel of Madness matchup. Thus the fact that he actually *has* been learning how to surf, and finds himself to be pretty friggin good at it. Now he wants to learn how to play an instrument. This guy is nuts. But if you ask him what's driving him, he'll have nothing to say. Just a smile. Pehaps the best answer is 'everything and nothing'. But he'd have to be a douche to actually say that to your face.
But after getting beaten up in his last match, Alma needs a bit of relaxation. He's got his silly little clipboard with him, looking unconcerned that it makes him look like some sort of gorgeous accounting intern, with his latest pencil work pinned to it, but he hasn't done anything yet. He's not even spacing out yet, which is, of course, a prerequisite. He's just chillin' by a fountain, watching the cars go by, looking somewhat exhausted by recovering. It's Chinatown, baby.
Hella Sweet.
Those are the two words Li Xiangfei would use to describe Chinatown, her hometown. Her hangout spot of choice, with the Village Mall being a very close second place. She's not headed to the Mall today though, she's actually on her way to work, and while she usually goes on bike, it's all about rollerblades today! So atop her bright-pink hair is a light blue helmet, knee and elbowpads worn over the rest of her 80's ensamble which is also neon pink, "o/~ It's Tricky to rock a rhyme to rock a rhyme that's right on time it's TRICKY!"
The voice without any doubt the voice of the Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey Li Xiangfei, she blazes down the street with a bookbag on her back- However there's a sudden bum p in her plans, which also is a very good twist of fate for her! Pausing in her singing then, nothing but good thoughts in her mind, she picks up the pace, waving her hands in the air Alma-ward, "
Never again will Alma mix women and alcohol. Never again.
Oh, it wasn't the fight with Xiangfei that did it. He didn't feel too bad about that one, since it was so close, and he got the feeling that she started treating him like more of an individual than a pseudo-Feilong -- though that joke about being his fiance sure was odd. No, what did it was when he made the mistake of inviting Vanessa to that bar. Sure, Alma, she's very attractive. Sure, you like her attitude. Sure, you had just managed to prove yourself in a fight against her. But trying to outdrink her? Big mistake. And then...?
Alma, countenance normally undisturbed, actually flinches at the thought.
Oh, man, that was terrible. She may have been more forgiving since he was drunk, but next time she catches him sober, she'll probably... well, at the very least, she'll make fun of him until he cries. I mean, to *leap on her*... what kind of man is he?
~ One that didn't know what being a man entailed until a year ago, ~ Alma's weary mind supplies in a deadpan of it's own. ~ If I'm not careful, I'll wake up one night with two thirteen year olds in my arms, in a room with posters of myself all over the wall... argh, oh god! ~
Cue flinch again. He shakes his head tiredly, eyebrows slightly raised, and grins lopsidedly at nothing. At least that Xiangfei girl got more fun when she was drunk. Definately more susceptible to teasing, anyway. But she's not interested in him; he's pretty sure of that. Didn't she say his style made him less attractive? Anyway, he's psychic, so he has to be right about stuff like this.
Besides, he should find a girl his age. His eye for older women has gotten him nothing but trouble so far. Though, I mean, who says it has to be a *girl*... right?
Aura senses, tingling! Recognizing a familiar fighting spirit and then promptly seeing the waving hands, Alma looks up, and grins widely, eyes opening more fullly to properly display that healthy photogenic sparkle in them. "Xiangfei! Nice to see you again." He raises his hand in greeting, and straightens his back a little, stretching in preparation to finally rise.
Aura senses? Though perhaps more importantly Xiangfei didn't know about whatever it was Alma was doing with Vanessa. And it didn't help that she wasn't exactly fond of the foul-mouthed redhead either..
But perhaps that's bitterness of being unable to defeat the woman. Sadface. But she's all smiles at the moment, twirling around to skate backward and wave to the model, "Hey I'm in luck, I didn't think I'd run into you today, it's a good thing I decided to bring my bag!" she pipes, coming to a forced stop when she crashes into the fountain and sits down rather hard on the rocky structure.
.... Ow. She sits there cross eyed a moment, and then takes off her bookbag, "Yeah duh it's good to see me, because today I brought you a boxed lunch!" she whips out a tupperware rectangle, with a purple cover on the top, offering it to the model, "I made egg rolls, with chicken fingers and fried rice, for you!" pause, "Whatever you don't finish, I'll eat, and save the container because it's my moms, ok?"
This is like the fourth time I've said it, but I'll say it again; Alma really does not have a surprised expression. Really. He has a 'mildly alarmed' look, and a 'woken out of reverie' look, but he never really seems to get shocked by anything. So that expression he has on his face is *not* surprise -- really. I promise. It's just... something very much like surprise. And it's kept him from even asking if she's alright after crashing (of course she is, but it's the gentlemanly thing to do). Slowly, looking down at his own hand as though he's not sure he's actually doing it, he reaches out and takes the tupperware.
"T-t-thank you," he manages, looking at Xiangfei with wide eyes and a slightly slack mouth. Uh oh, his stutter's even back. "I, uh... t-this isn't your lunch, or anything, i-is it? You actually... made this for me? J-Just... in case you met me?" Then, slowly starting to snap out of the confusion caused by this Lunchtime Ambush, he manages a wavering grin, his eyebrows tilting to the far sides of his face in a sheepish expression. "Oh... you're joking, aren't you? Gosh, you surprised me. Ha ha!"
Li-Li rests her hands on her kneepads and leans forward a bit in her seated position, then rocks her wheeled feet back and forth as she looks to Alma with an amused smile. It wasn't suprise? Well, it sure could have fooled the chinese girl, she just snickering to his stuttering. Sure, her opinions changed on Alma than from the very first time they met, but perhaps that's because she sees him as a fiance' now rather than a wanna-be.
.. That's probably not a good thing, "Oh heavens no, I eat a lot more than that, I read that you models don't like to eat much," she then explains, "But uh yeah, why would I not make lunch for you? Though the hard part was trying to figure out where you live, so I got really lucky today, Aaaaaah ha ha ha ha ha ha! Anyway, have you had real chinese food before, darling?" she then asks, now leaning a bit to the side to rest against the model, as if they'd been the best of friends for years and years.
"Ha ha... ha... ha..."
The feeling that Alma is getting now has no relation whatsoever to psychic intuitions. This man, who has let go of his fear of death, who stands open to every possible path that he might take in this life, who does everything to his fullest without clinging to desires, is suffering from the deep and age-old curse that has plagued human males from the dawn of time:
Fear of Commitment.
When Xiangfei leans against him, a shiver goes up his spine.
~ Maybe I should change the subject away from where I live. ~ Ah, there we go, a coherent thought. Good! Let's use it! For the win! Managing a smile, trying his damndest to convince himself she's joking, he says, looking over to her, "This is really thoughtful of you. Thanks, Xiangfei, you're great." It's not a fake smile, but it's not his usual one; the normal brightness in his eyes is gone, replaced by intense shyness. *This* is new. Or at least... newly visible. "And no, I don't suppose I have... not compared to anything you could make, of course." Opening the tupperware and wielding his chopsticks a little awkwardly -- but he's doing everything a little awkwardly at the moment -- he takes a bite. Then takes another. Then another. Swallowing, he looks over again, and really smiles. "Hey, it's really good."
~ What the hell is going on here? ~
Li-Li doesn't seem to really.. Care if Alma is trying to convince himself out of it or not- That is unless he openly expresses it, then there'll be trouble.
The Hip-Hop Honey just grins, nodding her head in agreement to being great. Yes, she really is! And so she leans back slightly again, "Yeah, isn't it?" replied with a bit of a blush, "When I'm really famous, and get enough money, I'm going to open my own resturaunt.. And if I'm going to do that, I need to cook really really well. I haven't had to cook for anyone who wasn't myself for a really long time," she taps her heels togeather a bit, cheeks growing a little more red, "So it's good to know that it's someone besides me who thinks my cooking is good.
~ She's... blushing. ~
Alma pauses, staring at Xiangfei, and swallows, even though the piece of chicken in his chopsticks has only made it halfway to his mouth. Slowly, with extreme care, as though he's disarming a bomb, he places it back into the tupperware, maintaining eye contact with her the entire time. There's a moment where it looks like he's not thinking anything at all, just looking into her eyes; until a wavering, tentative smile appears, and then, as though one is watching a time lapsed video of a flower through the seasons, winter turns to spring, and the smile blossoms into a grin. It's a good thing Alma is good at looking elegant, because really, he's just grinning like an idiot.
~ She... likes me. She really likes me. A girl... my age... who's funny... has a strong attitude... she likes me. ~
For one brief shining moment, Alma sits there, radiating an aura of pure goodwill, his Power of Love for once really, truly amplified by his self, for finally, there's somebody out there who really believes that Alma--
Whoops, someone put the time lapse on rewind. That or someone just hit Alma in the back of the head with a brick.
"Uh," he begins eloquently, "Xiangfei. So... do you... uh. Do you really think we're engaged?"
Li-Li oh rights, shuffling in the bag again and takes out a light-green thermos, or rather a canister slightly larger than one, and unscrews the cup. She appears to be pouring green tea judging by the color and the strong scent, and it's still warm, which is better than cold, right? So in that moment she's breaking eye-contact, and then keeping it otherwise with her sweet little smile, "eh?" is her first response.
Sometimes it's easy to tell whats going on in the girls head; most of the time though it isn't, "What's that supposed to mean?" she asks with a slightly quirked brow, "It's not a matter of thinking, it's a matter of knowing, you know, part fighters honor, part chinese tradition!" Well not necessarily chinese tradition, her family probably hadn't hooked up with their beloveds through arranged marriages since her grandmother. There's a slight pause, "You uh, know you're engaged to me, right?"
Nassir has arrived.
[OOC] Nassir shows up to ruin TS scenes in public places. Or just watch. Unless it's one of those unwatchable scenes...if you know what I mean.
[OOC] Li-Li says, "page Alma=Uh, we better pretend we're not banging each other over the work counter. Any ideas?"
[OOC] Li-Li says, "Osnap."
%Alma's brain is working furiously now. Fighter's honor. Chinese tradition. Oh, no, it's one of *these* things. And she's actually serious about it. Is this girl completely insane? In this modern day, something like this? No way. Absolutely no way. Not this soon. This is just patently ridiculous! It can't be happening! Hordes of thirteen year old girls should be coming to tear her apart any minute now! *Somebody* should be coming to save him, anyway!
~ But she's... got such a cute smile. And such good cooking. Well, I... I never really thought I'd ever come to a point like this in my life, but... I mean...
...what is *happening* to me? ~
Shaking his head once, just to physically keep his thoughts from going any further in that very, very dangerous direction, Alma clears his throat, the tall youth taking a deep breath and looking... a bit overwhelmed. "Uh, Xiangfei, listen. I really like you a lot. Um. And you're really nice. Clearly. But. I don't think. I can marry. Anyone. Right now. I am. Kind of young. For that." He shivers a moment, and then blurts out, " mean shouldn't I get my degree first or something? Your mother probably won't approve... does she even know?"
~ What... what the hell am I even saying? ~
Alma's Psycho Power Intuition appears to be completely absent today. Having been struck to the core, his true shyness revealed, our heroic fighting model is at a complete loss.
PROTIP: Don't play too defensively. Get your own offensive momentum.
"...Xiangfei... you don't have any *other* fiances, do you?"
Shuffle shuffle.. Shuffle shuffle.. Xiangfei can take care of 13 year old girls with little to no trouble, Alma should have seen what she did to a crowd of girls who were about to swarm Ken Masters! And rollerblades? They wouldn't slow her down one bit. She rocks her shoulders to and fro, nodding her head as a bunch of words go in one ear and out the other, "I know I know, that's why it's just an engagement," her eyes light up a bit, "It's not like we're going to get hitched right away, and plus I need to complete my goal as well, we have plenty of time!" there's a slight pause, "Oh of course! She was really psyched to know I was getting engaged to a -model- of all people, I mean how many people can boast that, right? And... uh.."
The last question.. If it was supposed to deter her in some way..... It doesn't in the least, she replying quite honestly, handing over the cup of tea, "Well uh, not yet.. I'm kinda hoping I can get Rock too, you know?"
Li-Li again nods excitedly. Rock Howard -is- good looking! "I think you two would get along really well actua-a-a-aaaAAAAAH!" the waitress goes cross eyed when the man suddenly grabs and tries to shake some sense into her. Oh wait.. She wasnt' shaken, but for some reason she's moving like she was before suddenly sitting back to normal, her expression rather puzzled in a pretty cute fashion, "Huh? Well no, if you beat me nothing would have happened aside from me being really embaressed," she replies, "But sure of course I can get engaged to two people! Or even three if I so chose!" she points to the sky, her smile even brighter this time, "And it's really easy too, all I have to do is not be beaten, and then all the rest writes itself, you know? But anyway, you may think it's crazy now, but you'll get used to it, it's like riding a bike," and with that she suddenly flumps forward, attempting to throw her arms around Almas ribs, "You can get to know me anytime you want, I'm always around, darling! Daaaaaaar-liiiiiiiing!" she then yells a bit louder, succesfully drawing the attention of some passerbys who are either weirded out, or awww'ing at the cute couple.
~ So... so cute. My strength... melting. Can't... can't resist... ~
Oh, Alma, you're hopeless. Good thing he's popular with the thirteen-year-olds and not anyone older; it looks like he's their emotional equal at this point. His grip slackens significantly at her oh-so-cute expressions, and is slackened yet more when he's stunned by her further, completely shameless comments. The 'like riding a bike' one certainly seems to send him for a couple spins. So when she goes for the hug, he has the, like, *anti*-Psycho-awareness, and can only watch, flabbergasted, as her arms wrap around his body. He looks down, lips parting in surprise, and then finds himself face to face with her, only a couple inches seperating the two of them.
~ Darling... ~
Oh, it's just too sweet that calling him 'darling' really actually moves him. His handsome, chiseled face softens, and his eyes travel from her eyes, to her lips, and back to her eyes, just gazing at her somewhat blankly, even more out of his element now, were that possible. Looking as though he's not even sure what he's doing, he awkwardly puts his arms around Xiangfei, shifting them a little, and just stares for a moment.
~ I... this isn't Right... is it...? ~
"Is there," he manages, still only inches away from her face, "no way out, other than accepting this engagement?"
Li-Li's eyes half-lid a bit, in sort of a dreamy kind of way, seeming to be in some sort of trance.. Though in reality it's just the sun's shining in her eyes, and she'd rather not be staring directly into it, you know?
Non-business-wise, Xiangfei doesn't tend to be much of a thinker, and more of a feeler. You know, emotional-wise not touchy touchy, though her fighting style would say otherwise to that, "Mmmnn?" she murmurs a bit lazily again, then her eyes widen again, remembering she was supposed to be heading to work, not lounging around! Aww but to heck with that, "You aren't too bright, are you?" she asks, leaning up to close in the distance, attempting to tap the tip of her nose against the models, a finger raises to poke his chest, "There's always a way out, all you'd have to do is challenge me again, and win of course." eyes then upturning cutely, she coos, "But you wouldn't want to do that, right? Who else is going to cook you lunches and give you hugs and shower you with compliment, eh, darling?"
~ Her eyes... they're closing... is she... is she going to...!? ~
If the blank was 'tap her nose against yours', then yes, you are correct, Alma-san. He certainly doesn't look very bright right now, no, just sort of staring at her as she manages to look cuter and cuter with every passing minute, and he's not even getting drunk or anything, either. Cornered, trapped, with no place to flow to, Alma's dead in the water. If he weren't, maybe he'd put up more of a fight. I mean, of course he would. He'd say something smooth and clever. He didn't act like this when he first met her and Gabriel, did he? Did he?
Choose Your Own Adventure, Alma. If you throw her off you and run away, turn to page 1517. If you challenge her to a duel right here, turn to page 4563. If you lean in and kiss her--
~ ...who *is* going to cook me lunches, if not her? That's... that's a good question. It's not like she's a fan... though... isn't she still a member of that gang that tried to kill me...? Oh, well, they seem to be leaving me alone now... I even saw that Nassir fellow at the fight, and he didn't look twice at me...
...I really am hopeless, aren't I? ~
He definately can't fight. Not like this. Not completely disarmed like this. He's got to get his defenses back up if he's going to resist this sudden and surprising onrush of cuteness. He's got to get back in the rhythm and let the beat drown out everything else; otherwise, he's done for. He can't possibly get engaged to her. That's ludicrous. But... if he could convince her... to date him instead...
~ life is so insane. ~
He turns his head just a bit, to cast the purple-lidded tupperware one last look, before looking back to Xiangfei -- and he smiles softly. "Xiangfei, I'm sorry. I can't be engaged to you. It's flattering, really, and your lunches are the best, but I think I'll have to give them up. I'm just... not ready. It wouldn't be right, for either of us..."
~ This whole situation is stupid and insane. I know that. But I had such a hard time resisting... am I really... that hungry for someone to love me? I thought I was... past being so needy. ~
Plenty of options, that's for certain, but even if Alma did decide to try and kiss her, she her a pointer-finger block ready. Xiangfei was a fairly simple girl, even if she was rather random, and doesn't have nearly as many thoughts zipping this way and that in her mind, she's just having a bit of fun, and really not thinking of the long-term consequences.
It also doesn't help that she isn't the most popular with boys, perhaps because she's spending so much time being obnoxiously loud, "Well," she says, seeming to take the rejection in stride and she gets to her feet, taking back the tupperware if it's given to her, "You look pretty flustered, there's no need to flip out, you know? Just take some time to think about it at first, ok?" the chinese girl v-signs to the model, slipping her bag back on, "Because you don't seem to realize how good you have it right now. Don't worry, I'll see you again of course and then you can give me your answer. For now, I need to be heading to work, so I'll catch you later, ok?"
Oh, Xiangfei, so carefree. And here's Alma, who, now that he's been knocked off that beautiful rhythm he's found, has *immediately* degenerated into brooding. And that's why he has a low Will score, but Resolve. QED.
Alma, however, has no concept of 'obnoxious', and is certainly seeing Xiangfei, at this point, as absolutely anything but that. "Yeah," he manages, when she tells him there's no need to flip out. "You're right." Managing to maintain his smile, he nods. "Sure... I'll catch you later." Then -- oh Alma, you're so brave -- he grins. "But you might want to be ready for a fight, when I *do* see you."
~ ...maybe... I just need some real friends. Maybe only that will bring me towards my true path... maybe that's what's making me so unable to let go of this. The Way is strong... but I am still fragile. ~
"...your cooking is really good," he adds, putting every ounce of resolve he has into not looking forlorn. "I hope your pursue your dream all the way."
For the moment, he'll be lost in thought. But now that he's come to a conclusion about what's wrong with him, he'll be ready to let it go for now. He'll look up at the sunny sky, and smile, and maybe get a little art done. He's really feeling a lot better; getting his composure blasted to pieces was quite refreshing, really. Tonight, Alma will look back on this whole situation and laugh merrily as he bakes another batch of cookies for the rest of his apartment complex.
Because, you see, every day's a beautiful day when you're Alma Towazu.
Is it, Alma, IS IT?? ... Ok, maybe it is, Xiang really knew jack and squat about the model, which wasn't really a major concern for her, after all, time was the answer for that little 'problem'. A hand raised to her chin, she grins back to Alma, "No, I'm confident you'll make the right decision," she replies, starting to skate backward, "It seems to me your decision-making is better than your fighting-style at the very least. And hey thanks! You should tell me your favorite food next time, ok? Holla!" gloved hand is raised and then zoosh!! She's off, nearly bowling over a couple of pedestrians along the way on her way to the Duck Pond.
Xiangfei rarely has bad days. And given her rather 'unique' lifestyle, that's actually pretty darn impressive.
Log created by Alma, and last modified on 01:41:36 08/11/2005.