Description: Bao was having a lovely day preparing for a picnic. But then Mad Gear came raiding Chinatown. This made Bao not happy.
Chinatown. The place where people from China can live in Japan. The people in Southtown's Chinatown district are currently walking around while others are dragging a wheel-barrel filled with shopping goods.
The older men hold out fish, "Get your fish! Get the fish! Fresh from picking in the lake and good to eat! Five dolla!"
It's just a normal day in Southtown. It's been a while since the Psycho Soldiers really hooked up. So where has Bao been?
Bounce. Bounce. Bounce bounce bounce. The mushroom hatted child in orange is skipping along the sidewalk. He has a cheery expression on his lips as he swings his arms around.
o/` Okee dokee, toodey moidey, crouching tiger, hidden dragon, red lights, blue skies, what a wonderful day! o/`
In his hand is a picnic basket as he's carrying some apples inside.
Amongst the swarm of criminals, one stands out - literally towering over the crowd at a massive 6'7" in height. Clad in bizarre, antique samurai armour and wielding twin wakizashi in his hands, the dreaded Katana - leader of Mad Gear - surveys the scene calmly as he steps forward, watching his underlings cause chaos as they see fit. The gang is just in Southtown on some business - smuggling weapons back to Metro City - and they decided to have some good, old fashioned Mad Gear-style fun.
One doesn't need to be a Psychic to notice when things are suddenly going wrong. The fact that the arrival of the gangs is what causes a disturbace to the Psycho Soldier. After the group of mohawked thugs arrive to cause some havoc, the hazel eyes of the Chinese child widen. Furrowing his brows, Bao quickly runs straigth towards the the incoming gang, especially towards the samurai-ish man.
The child gives off a hiss, clenching his fists. "Hey!" Unable to stand for the injustice, Bao's eyes narrow, "Get out of here now!" He looks over towards Katana, frowning at him. "Leave the people alone!" He sprints over the man's way. How to deal with the situation? Beat up all of the thugs? That is one idea.
COMBATSYS: Bao has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Bao 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Katana has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Katana 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Bao
It takes Katana a few sweeps over the crowd to notice Bao, the child so small that he is easily hidden behind other people. The massive, armour-clad man tilts his head to the side, obviously put-off by the fact that the kid is rushing straight towards him.. and telling him to leave eveyrone alone?
Unable to hold in his laughter, the massive man lets out a massive bout of laughter - even bending over and slapping his knee. He can't believe the gall of this kid! Rushing the dreaded Mad Gear like he'd be able to fight them off? He certainly wasn't Haggar, if that's what he was thinking.
Pointing at the rushing kid, Katana bellows in sloppy, broken Japanese, <It becomes, you have got to be joking me! Look at the size of this person! The child, get out from here!> Taking a few long strides towards Bao, the massive man aims to simply.. punt the kid away.
COMBATSYS: Katana successfully hits Bao with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Katana 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Bao
Unfortuantely, young Bao doesn't prove to be much for when Katana takes a stride towards the youth. Bao's eyes widen, "Hey Mister---AAAHHHH!!" The foot smacks against the young child, then he is sent flying towards the trashcan.
Kerthud. A trashcan lid flies into the air, then it immediately crashes at Bao's head. "Ughhnnn..." Groaning in pain, Bao narrows his eyes at Katana. He leaps out of the trashcan. "Alright mister..." His eyes flicker to a mere smile. "Nice shot. I bet you can't do that again! o/`" He chimes out, then he expands both of his arms out. Channeling the Psycho Power, Bao immediately sprints towards Katana. Then, he leaps into the air, rolling himself into a ball.
While he rolls into a ball, blue energy emits from the child. *boing!* *boing* *boing!* He's bouncing along the ground as he is heading straight towards Katana. "Here I go! o/~"
COMBATSYS: Katana fails to interrupt Hontai Kougeki - Bound from Bao with Shiraha Catch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Katana 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Bao
Letting out a deep, booming laugh as the kid goes flying, Katana shoots a quick glance around to make sure that his men are doing their job. There's a few fighters amongst the crowd, and they put up a bit of a fight.. but they're no match for the sheer number of Mad Gear thugs. When his gaze returns to Bao, the kid is back on his feet surprisingly.. and still looking to fight.
Eyes widening slightly as the small child rushes towards him, Katana is doubly thrown off guard when the blue energy kicks in. His hands jump up to try and catch Bao in mid-air, but he's not quick enough. Knocked off his feet, not so much from the impact but rather the sheer force of the energy, Katana is thrown back several feets. When he stands up, he's clearly shocked by the power that the child possesses.
Getting the attention of a nearby thug - dressed in leather and wearing an eyepatch - Katana gives him the sign. Prepare the secret weapon. Turning his attention back to Bao, the massive man lets out a snort. "So, you have power.. but you are nothing but a child! I will CRUSH YOU!"
After crashing straight towards Katana, the young boy immediately feels his body bouncing away from the impact of crashing straight towards the man. After his body bounces back from the impacting crash, the energy fades away, leaving Bao as the normal looking child as compared to the Psycho Powered engulfed youth. As he lands on the ground, he extends his hands out to press himself into the air, then he tumbles back, stepping into his fighting stance; sliding the right foot forward, he brings his hands up while the fists ball together. He bounces around, looking over towards the man trying to get away. Not so fast.
Bao draws his right hand towards his basket of apples, then the eyes emit a bright glow. The illuminating eyes triggers for the basket to tumble, then it shoots out towards the leather-eyepatched man. The basket will release apples to provide a path for the man to trip.
Then, Bao shifts his head towards Katana, "I haven't forgotten about you, mister! I hope you are good at dodge ball!" His brow furrows as his eyes narrow, bringing both of his hands together. The young man bounces around, channeling the Psycho Power to emit from his grasp. With a basketball sized energy forming, Bao expels the energy. "PSYCHO BALL!"
The Psycho powered ball hurls straight towards Katana, bouncing along the ball like a bouncing ball.
COMBATSYS: Bao successfully hits Katana with Dan Kougeki - Bound.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Katana 1/----===/=======|======-\-------\0 Bao
Katana is too big of a target, and he's still too slowed down from the last psycho energy onslaught to evade the projectile - struck dead in the chest and knocked a few steps backwards. Clutching at his damaged chest armour, the massive man lets out a deep, dangerous growl. Drawing his twin wakizashi from behind his back, the massive man rushes towards Bao with a loud yell.
"SECRET THRUSTING STYLE #108!" bellows the gang leader as he rushes down the kid, skidding to a halt just a foot away and thrusting one of the wakizashi downward to stab into the kid's shoulder. Normally he'd go for the midsection, but with the height different that's not physically feasible. If the blade strikes home, the kid is in for a nasty ride.
COMBATSYS: Katana successfully hits Bao with Daikyou Burning.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Katana 1/---====/=======|=======\===----\1 Bao
[OOC] Katana says, "More."
The tip of the wakizashi sliding easily into Bao's young flesh, the massive gang leader knocks him down to the ground and bends low. It's alot more akward than this move usually is, but he still manages to run forward, dragging the youth along with him. He gets faster and faster before, finally, Bao's back simply bursts into flames from the sheer friction. It's an impressive site that Katana carries on for a few more moments, before skidding to a sudden halt and withdrawing his blade, allowing Bao to slide forward and smash into a fruit basket or something suitably hilarious.
When the short japanese sword strikes home to the child's shoulder, the child releases a cry in pain as blood emits from the blade. While the blade injects itself into the youth, the y oung boy is slammed to the ground, then he is dragged along the ground. With the speed of the weapon's friction, Bao is being dragged around like there is no tomorrow. Trying so hard not to break into sobs, Bao is screaming in pain and suffering as the burned marks are forming at the spine. To top everything off, Bao is immediately hurled towards the fruit basket. With the fruit flying everywhere, the young boy is groaning in pain. "Ughghhh...."
Slowly leaning his back over, Bao is staring at Katana. Tears are running along his lips, almost trying not to break into sobs. He wants to break down and cry, but then it would shame the Psycho Soldiers. So instead of breaking into sobs, Bao is extending both of his hands out. He is forming a Psycho Ball. It starts off as a basketball sized-object, but Bao is continually charging the powerful mass of energy. With the tears erupting along his eyes, Bao growls.
Crackling full of raw power, the huge Psycho Ball builds up, soon becoming way bigger than the youth itself. Afterwards, Bao immediately launches the ball like a rocket.
...Upon contact will sent Katana reeling into the air lopsidedly.
COMBATSYS: Bao successfully hits Katana with MAX Psycho Ball.
[ < > //////////// ]
Katana 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|-------\-------\0 Bao
*honk, honk!*
Glancing back down the street, Katana returns his gaze toward Bao after a few moments. He can see the tears, and to be honest he's not too proud about what he's done.. but the damn stupid kid shouldn't have tried to stop him and his goons! "I told you, kid, you should've ran.." mutters Katana, turning his back to the boy and beginning to walk away.
Of course, that means he's not aware of the massive ball of psycho energy until Bao yells out, Katana spinning around to face the powerful projectile. Slammed dead in the middle of the chest, the massive gang leader is knocked off of the road, onto the sidewalk.. and he's not moving much at all. It looks like Bao's taken care of the Mad Gear leader.. now, all that's left is the dozens of Mad Gear thugs roughing people up further down the street.
Oh, and Mad Gear's 'secret weapon'.. Bao might notice the semi truck barreling down the road directly at him. Hopefully with time to get out of the way.
PS die plz.
COMBATSYS: Katana can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Bao 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Katana successfully hits Bao with Run Your Ass Over.
[ <
Bao 1/----===/=======|
After unleashing the atomic nuke that is the Psycho Ball at its maximum power towards Katana, Bao is looking at the massive man being knocked unconscious. Unfortunately...
The semi-truck is on its way towards Bao. While the Psycho Senses kick on on the youth, Bao is shifting his head over to see that the truck is heading straight his way.
Bao goes wide-eyed, like a deer with a car heading straight his way. Unfortunately, the deer eyes doesn't safe Bao at all, so when he tries to leap out of the way, the foot is caught by the edge of the truck.
Once the foot is caught, Bao is spinning around like a top, twirling into the air, then he lands on the ground against the stack of trashcans. "Oof!" He groans. "Eghnnnn..."
COMBATSYS: Bao takes no action.
COMBATSYS: Bao can no longer fight.
As soon as he ploughs into Bao, the semi-driving thug puts on the brakes -hard-, and reverses to where Katana lay in a crumpled heap. Apparently that armour doesn't do much to protect against psycho power. Meanwhile, further down the road the thugs are just finishing up on their 'shopping' spree, running back to the Southtown hideout with loads of money and goods. A rather lucrative evening.
Getting out of the truck, the mohawked thug puts his arms around the fallen Katana and tries to lift him up, failing at first and dropping him back to the ground. "Jesus bloody Christ, man, ditch the goddamn armour!" grunts the annoyed goon, but still tries again - this time barely being able to drag the gang leader into the passenger side of the truck. "About f***in' time.." mutters the man, before getting back in the driver's seat and speeding off.
Log created by Bao, and last modified on 06:04:03 09/13/2005.