Description: Shingo trains his newest student, Shinobu.
Shinobu stands admist the more wild grasses of the park, seemingly going through a kata. Really, though, she's just making it up, with lots of dramatic steps and wild stances, throwing out punches that curl the grass beneath her in their wake. It's a crisp, nice day, and the sun is just starting to dip below the horizon. There's a fair number of people gawking at her display now and then, but few remain for too long. If she notices, though, it doesn't show, more off in her own personal fight.
Making his way through the small crowd gaterhing around his student, Shingo shows up at the front of everyone else and chuckles bashfully after waving to Shinobu and giving her a small bow. "Sorry about that, Shinobu! I hope I haven't kept you waiting long." The boy straightens up and tightens his gloves around his hands and notices that she seems to have found a way to keep herseulf occupied. Shingo hmms and gives a light approving nod.
Shinobu looks over to Shingo, and says, "Waiting?", looking a little confused. She looks up at the sky. "Oh. It's getting late." She doesn't seem offended, though, and looks back over to him. "I'm ready to show you my new skills!", she says, holding up a fist dramatically. "Sensei!"
A beaming smile is directed over to Shinobu. "Excellent!" Shingo says exuberantly to the girl as he takes a single step back. He's still getting used to this being a teacher thing. So far he hasn't done much with Shinobu given the other factors in his life and was feeling kind of bad about it. To get the chance to do something with her regarding training and teaching her since letting her memorize a copy of his notebook on tactics and techniques is something he was looking forward towards. It's experience for the future. Be it teaching another fighter or whatever career path he chooses. Shingo grins widely at her, "Well then. Show me."
COMBATSYS: Shinobu has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shinobu 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Shingo has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Shinobu 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Shingo
Shinobu says, "Okay!", as she holds out her palms, focusing... on /two/ orbs of watery chi rather than just one." She then throws one at Shingo in her usual 'baseball' pitch motion, and then throws up the other one, following with a mule kick as she launches the second explosive attack at him! Certainly different than her usual method, though it really just helps hide that each orb has only half the chi of a normal 'pop'!
COMBATSYS: Shinobu successfully hits Shingo with Petite Pop.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Shingo
Each watery chi bubble may only be at half-strength of her normal singular version of the projectile but that just means that he feels the full power of both halves upon impact. The change of tactics on her part is different and that's what gives her the advantage with her first attack. Shingo has to divert his attention between the double bubble attack. Something he's not accustomed to when he fought Shinobu on previous occasions. Out of habit he locks his eyes onto one of the projectiles. The second one that she tossed up into the air. Probably shouldn't have done that. Because it means that he lost sight of the first one. Getting struck, it sets him up perfectly for the latter bubble causing the boy to stagger.
"Ow, nice one! Changed up your tactics! Good thinking!" Shingo praises his student despite grunting from the splash of energy over him. "Now let's see how you handle this!" He steps to his left to circle around and come in from her side. But he's just outside of arm's reach. You know what this means, right? Shingo takes a huge step forward with one foot, the other planted firmly on the ground, and comes in a-swinging with a familiar hook punch!
COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Shinobu with Aragami Mikansei.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Shingo
Shinobu blocks the blow, technically. The simple fact that her arms are knocked aside and she's blown back across the grass is the reality, though, and she quickly pushes herself back up to her feet. She shimmies for a moment, slapping her cheeks, and the levels a finger at him. "Okay! Try this!" She then rushes in on him, and as she runs forward, she skids across the dirt, leaving marks as she goes, "Yayayayayaya!", throwing out her distinctive flurry of punches with her left arm!
COMBATSYS: Shingo counters Rumble Punch from Shinobu with Tsuki Hiji.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Shingo
Ah, the Rumble Punch. An impressive display of punchy prowess from Shinobu. All those punches moving so fast. And she does it all with one hand! Most impressive. The one thing that he would call the true weakness of that particular technique is that Shinobu gives away her intentions too easily. Particularly since she started punching before she even got in close enough to him. Maybe she didn't. But that's the way it looks like to Shingo. He may not see every single punch coming at him but he is able to pick them out at random. He raises his arm and brings his elbow down in the blink of an eye. Instead of countering the punches, he figured that he'll counter the girl. This is done by stepping to the side out of the way and noogieing her on her head with his elbow joint. In reality it comes down on her left shoulder. "You're still giving what you're going to do away!"
Shinobu gets knocked to the ground, and winces, and then cups her hands, as she staggers back up. She looks at him, flicking her hair away from her eyes, and then suddenly forms the ball in her hands, trying to palm-strike it into him at point-blank... even though it means she might get caught in the explosion. She's really, really tired of seeing that elbow, so it's time to try and counter his expectations!
COMBATSYS: Shingo endures Shinobu's Petite Pop.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Shingo
Some form of retaliatory action from Shinobu is part of Shingo's expectations. Countering that idea in his head by attacking wouldn't actually count as countering his expectations, would it? He doesn't exactly know -what- she has in store for him. Whatever it is he has already prepared himself mentally and physically to take what she can dish out. The fact that it's another energy bubble does surprise him though and Shingo takes it like a man. Right in the torso. Doesn't matter. He's already reaching for her extended arm with both of his hands.
If she's not quick enough to withdraw her arm, Shingo uses a combination of his strength and skill to lift Shinobu over his head and down to the cushioning grassy ground by pivoting with a backstep and dropping his hips below hers. Then popping up to make the motion that more smooth and less dependant on pure strength, "Teya!" Dropping her on the grass, Shingo takes a couple of steps away to give her some time to regroup. If she wants to.
COMBATSYS: Shinobu blocks Shingo's Issetsu Seoi Nage Fukanzen.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Shingo
Shinobu gets thrown, but twists in midair, her arm making some disturbing *pop*ing sounds as she does so, and it's like her arm went to jelly. Then, she mimics his motion, bending over suddenly as she tries to grab his arm in turn, and fling him like a bizarre permutation of leapfrog. If there's something different about her style this time, it's something of a seeming desperation - or, at least, a powerful desire to win, even if she manages to hurt herself plenty in the process. After all, dislocating several joints isn't something that's normally done just to get a small hit in...
COMBATSYS: Shingo fails to counter Quick Throw from Shinobu with Tsuki Hiji.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Shingo
Popping sounds coming from someone's arm in the middle of a throwing technique when the particular throw didn't even involve any sort of joint-locking. Shingo worries that he may have broken something in the girl's arm and blinkblinks in the middle of the fight. Possibly blinking one too many times worrying too much for his student's well-being. He did think it was strange that she didn't cry out in pain or even wince. As far as he can see. Despite this she still continues with the match and even goes so far as to copy the throwing technique he just did on her.
Still distracted from wondering how her arm is doing, Shingo once again decides to use his elbow to stop the girl from her assault on him. Without him even knowing, probably on a subconscious level, the counter hit comes out slightly half-hearted. Did he really break her arm? He has plenty of time to wonder about it as she brins him over her shoulder and rests him flat on his back.
Then, with her opposite arm, Shinobu creates another ball of blue chi, and just spikes it down towards Shingo as she jumps back and away. As she lands, she takes her free arm and grabs the loose one, shoving it back into a place with a tormented wince and several more pops. Putting her hand on her shoulder, she pinwheels the 'hurt' arm with a wide grin, trying to hide the pain. After all, it's been awhile since she used her odd little joints like that, and even with them that still hurts a lot. But an arm-whip has its uses now and again.
COMBATSYS: Shingo blocks Shinobu's Petite Pop.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Shinobu 1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Shingo
Shingo doesn't remain on the ground forever and as he sees the orb of chi floating over to him he promptly rolls over out of the way and onto his feet. Taking a hop away as an extra precaution in case she decided to do another one of those Double Petite Pop's again. Which she doesn't lucky enough for him. That means there's only one to deal with in the old-fashioned way of blocking with a raised arm. "You've gotten better," Shingo admits with a smile to her after witnessing the relocating of arm joints into their proper places. "I think you're ready for this one now!" He steadies himself on his feet for a half-second. Shingo suddenly bursts forward with a twisting jump at the girl.
"SHINGO KIIIIICKU!" Flying through the air with his body moving in a rainbow-like arc, except without the energy dynamite, Shingo grins as his swings his leg over and down towards Shinobu's body. Knowing how her arm must hurt, he purposedly aims for her opposite shoulder. More specifically her trapezius. Taking care as always not to hit her in the face or head.
COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Shinobu with Shingo Kick.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Shinobu 1/---====/=======|=======\===----\1 Shingo
Shinobu gets blown down, buckling, and then suddenly slams down, as if the force was a little delayed. Targeting her good arm may seem like the fair thing to do, but the end effect is now /both/ arms are hurt. And so she winces, gritting her teeth as she gets back up, and then suddenly slides into a horse stance, shaking her head. She swings her arms out, obviously feeling the pain, but manages to slam her fist into her palm. "C'mon, sensei! I barely felt that!", she lies. And badly, too.
COMBATSYS: Shinobu gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Shinobu 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\===----\1 Shingo
Spunky little thing, isn't she? Shingo will give her that much. He has no idea how well her skill is when it comes to lying, but he knows that for certain was one of those false-truths. If only because he felt the impact of her body against his leg. The impact that revealed to him that either through something he did on his part or due to her own doing was a bit more powerful than his regular Shingo Kicks. "I must be losing my touch!" Shingo calls back to her grinning. She's switching her stance and choosing not to attack. She must obviously have a plan. Or luring him into a trap. At least he hopes she's doing one of the two.
Whichever one she's choosing to do, Shingo doesn't bother to think too much on it. "Let me make it up to you!" Shingo sprints from side to side in a serpentine manner to keep his student on her toes. He's not one of the more agile fighters out there nor is he the speediest. The purpose of his tactic is keep Shinobu guessing on the direction his attack is going to come from. It becomes painfully clear that it's coming from straight on. The snake-like movements merely there to disorient her. Shingo cut the last darting motion short in the middle of it to charge at Shinobu with a forceful shoulder tackle to her torso.
COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Shinobu with Ge Shiki - Kake Hourin.
[ \\ < > ///////////// ]
Shinobu 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|===----\-------\0 Shingo
Shinobu raises her arms to block, but the injury keeps them from recovering. She gets blown back, but as she does so, she flails with her arms... the motion that would have been the block, but is rather... delayed. Still, the wild arm swings do have some force behind them, even if that's desperate force that almost served her well this match. Flying back, she tumbles over on her sides before finally coming to a stop on the ground, dirty and battered.
COMBATSYS: Shinobu can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shingo 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Shingo dodges Shinobu's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shingo 0/-------/----===|
Desperation -has- served her well this match. That much is true. There's no denying it there. But that's not all there is to winning a fight. In fact, desperation has a tendency to also cause errors in judgement when deciding on tactics. Not that he could honestly say that she made any errors in judgement there. Must be part of her unique fighting style. The impact from his shoulder charge is enough to send the smaller girl flying. For her to still swing wildly at Shingo after being struck so hard is another point on the impressiveness chart for her. However, it is still a wild punch coming at his head. Shingo ducks under the blow. Well, it's less of a duck and more of a accident from him falling over flat on his face. Seems he didn't balance himself out correctly for the force of contact from charging like he did and put too much of his weight on the forward leg. They both go down. Shingo is the only one to get back up; nonetheless he is breathing heavily. "Geez, what a workout," says the boy as he wipes a bead of sweat off his brow.
Seeing that Shinobu isn't climbing back to her feet, Shingo walks over and crouches on one knee beside her to check her out...err, bad choice of words. You know what he means. "That was a great match, Shinobu! Thanks for the workout. You really have gotten better at this." Shingo offers a smile and sits down beside her. So. She better be conscious still!
COMBATSYS: Shingo takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shingo 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Shingo has ended the fight here.
Shinobu moans, and starts to get up. She doesn't /feel/ better, sadly. She frowns, and sits up, "Enough...", she says, getting into a cross-legged position. "... don't say 'workout'...", she adds with a sigh. "Fight.", she corrects. She rubs her neck, looking away, and then looks back to Shingo. Then suddenly, she declares. "Milkshake!", raising both her arms, and then winces as she realizes what she's just done, lowering them, "Owowowowowowwwww..."
Nevermind the fact that fighting -is- a workout. Shingo figures that he'll go with her on this one, "Heh, okay. That was a great fight, then." He smiles and chuckles at her exclaimation for a milkshake, "Why not? You've earned one." Looking around at the are and taking a deep breath, Shingo pops up to his feet and holds a hand out to help Shinobu up. "Because seriously, you've gotten better since the last time we fought." After she gets onto her feet he then continues, "Feeling alright or want to go get some painkillers before I buy you that milkshake?"
Shinobu forces herself up. "Milkshake would be better.", she says simply. She rubs one shoulder with her other hand. "Well, last time, other people were beating up on me... I didn't get that at all." The idea of a 'team' match really not being something she has a handle on. "Why'd you let them do that, sensei?", she asks innocently, starting to walk.
Walking alongside the girl on their way for the post fight treat, Shingo blinks at her with a laugh, "That's because it wasn't a one-on-one fight." He shakes his head in amusement at her and goes on, "It was a team match. You and Malin against Mister Ramon and I versus Miss King. Those were the rules of the match-up so..." Shingo glances down at her, "You mean you really didn't know?"
Shinobu looks up, and says, "Well, I mean, why did he attack me while Miss King was attacking him? That's just mean. Man. I'm gonna beat him so bad the next time we fight!", not really answering Shingo's question. She sort of understands. But in the fight itself? It's so hard to keep track of rules and stuff!
Shingo shrugs at the question, "That, I don't know. I guess he wanted to make sure that everyone else was out of the way so that both of us could focus on Miss King instead of him alone. Which would make sense. It did improve our chances of winning." There's another chuckle at her declaration of beating up the luchadore next time they engage in combat. "That's the spirit! Maybe if we're lucky, we'll be able to even be on the same team for SNF!" Grin. He then takes a look around and wonders if Shinobu knows where they're walking to. He sure doesn't. Well, he knows they're going to get a milkshake. Shingo just doesn't know where there are any good milkshake places around here. Understandable considering that he's not particularly fond of milk.
Shinobu continues to walk. "Maybe he's just afraid of me... hehehe...", she says with a grin, moving on through the park. She remains quiet about SNF, looking actually like she's pondering that for a change. "SNF is getting kind of old.", she says woefully, leaning on out of the park. "I want something more exciting, like... fighting in a volcano... against robots!" She says that if she honestly thinks it could happen. "And then, bonus stages against elephants!", she continues, going off into her own little world.
This causes Shingo to laugh even more. "Yeah, that would be a whole lot more exciting. Though I don't think you'd really want to do that. I mean, what'd the elephant ever do to you?" He jokes with her on that statement and then says on a more serious note, "Well. What about that thing that Mister King is organzing?" Duck King that is. "That looks like it'll be a break off the monotony of SNF. I'm thinking of entering that myself." He shrugs. "So, how much longer before we get to the milkshakes?"
Shinobu says, "I dunno... I just thought it would be interesting." She looks over to Shingo. "Eh? Really?" Cue imagery of man in duck suit with itty bitty crown. "Wow... that does sound more exciting." And, she leads Shingo out of the park, seeming to forget her pain in lieu of sugary dreams.
Log created by Shingo, and last modified on 06:14:43 07/30/2005.