Description: Ken has a nice little spar with Shenwoo in the Masters Arena. Just that simple.
Ken is merely standing in the middle of the Red Arena, a common pratice for when he is waiting for people to come out and fight him. He's already stretched out and reach for some action, the American ready to prove his skill once more. He is rubbing his arm a little bit though, making sure that it is good to go before putting on his glove again and tightening it. Seems like he healed rather nicely from his fight with Iori, but then again, he wasn't the one that lost that fight with a brutal super attack to the chin. There are some seated about the arena, but not too many, only large scale fights like when Ken fights three at once or the like when the arena gets a full house.
Besides, with only one day's notice, one can't really expect an enormous crowd... But to Shenwoo, any crowd is better than none at all. The fighter from Shanghai is here as he agreed, striding out into the Red Arena, his dark eyes alight with excitement as he surveys the interesting terrain the arena provides, and of course the opponent standing in the middle of it. He might be out of his depth here, but that's certainly never stopped the self-styled 'God of Battle' in the past; dressed in his more typical flashy outfit rather than the suit he wore the previous day, only a few faint lines show where once there were scratches on his torso, and his shoulder looks as good as new. It's nice to be so resilient. As he walks up to Ken, the tall fighter tugs his black leather gloves tight, before punching his knuckles together, heavy steel ring and all. "Guess that means you're ready?" Shenwoo calls, once he's close enough to Ken to be heard.
Ryu has arrived.
Cammy has arrived.
[OOC] Cammy stalks, too.
Ken has on his gi... But that's expected considering that it's been his tried and true for years and years. As Shenwoo enters the ring, some people cheer and others put down their magazines and food. Here comes the main event. Chuckling toward his sparring partner for the night, he nods. "Yeah... Was ready the moment I woke up today," Ken replies confidently, merely cracking his neck by moving it side to side swiftly. Prepared in just about everyway possible, Ken just waves his hand toward Shenwoo, clearly a bit overconfident as he is with those that he is fighting for the first time. "Give me your best shot."
COMBATSYS: Ken has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Ken 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Shenwoo 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Ken
Yes, even Shenwoo has /something/ of a fan following, which is surprising for someone who's never participated in a major tournament (Strolheim aside). He responds to Ken's confidence in kind, his broad slash of a mouth pulling into a feral, toothy grin. "Good, good. I've heard you old guys take longer to warm up, sometimes," he says, just some amicable trash-talking, and as he takes another step towards Ken, only the toe of his shoe touches the ground, leather creaking quietly before the berserker suddenly hurls himself forward, with a loud roar. His unbuttoned silk shirt trails behind him, as does his wild shock of hair, but his left fist - naturally, the one with the steel ring on it - is fully extended in front of him... "ORAAAAAAAAAAA!" Whether or not this is in fact Shenwoo's /best/ shot remains to be seen...
COMBATSYS: Ken dodges Shenwoo's Geki-Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Shenwoo 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Ken
Kula has arrived.
Katana has arrived.
"Old!" Ken cries out as Shenwoo, just rolling out of the way of the Geki-Ken attack. "I'll have you know I'm in my PRIME... As you are about to see." Ken offers, just giving a confident smirk as he charges for the man, just trying to grab him by his unbuttoned shirt. Should he grasp onto it, he'll roll backwards a couple of times with Shenwoo in tow before launching Shenwoo toward the forest with his foot. "...You are lucky I'm such a nice guy or I might have really gotten painful on you for that," he says regardless of the result.
Nassir has arrived.
COMBATSYS: Ken successfully hits Shenwoo with Jigoku-guruma.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Shenwoo 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Ken
Katana has disconnected.
As the Geki-ken gets no bite, Shenwoo actually lets out a bit of a chuckle. Well, who'd want it to be too easy, right? He came here to find a challenge, and he's certainly getting what he wanted. Ken's grab is faster than the taller fighter had expected, and so it's a wide-eyed brawler that gets pulled into that roll and thrown away towards the forested region, but luckily he doesn't have to fall to the ground... Because he hits a tree first. "Geh!" says Shenwoo, as he barely catches himself from flopping right to the ground thereafter, his shoulders shaking in mirth. "All right! That's what I was hoping for!" And then he's on the move again, surprisingly light on his feet as he dashes towards Ken, finally taking a last, whirling step to bring his right leg out in a straight-legged kick, aiming his heel right for Ken's solar plexus. "But I'm not done with just that!!"
Katana has connected.
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo successfully hits Ken with Tenrenshou.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Shenwoo 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Ken
Ken merely tries to move to the side to avoid the kick, but finds a rather painful leg in his gut. He is more angry at himself for letting the kick get through than anything else as he backs up a bit, looking up to Shenwoo after a split second of reacting to the pain. "So, you got some speed to ya. Guess this isn't going to be the shut out I had planned. Oh well, guess this means that I..." He pauses as his eyes narrow on the berserker, digging his feet into the sand as he mentally prepares himself for a true showing. "...Will have to show you the same moves that took down Iori, won't I?"
COMBATSYS: Ken focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Shenwoo 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Ken
[OOC] Ken says, "Well, I guess that ends THAT fight. ;)"
Keeping his stance for a few instants after the heel to the gut pushes Ken back, Shenwoo keeps right on grinning as he settles back into his casual boxing stance. He certainly doesn't have any interest in just letting Ken walk all over him, even if they're certainly not the same caliber of fighter. Let's see how far Shenwoo's enthusiasm and spirit can take him this time. "You'd hurt my feelings if you didn't," the man from Shanghai jokes in response, before one hand darts out with the intent of grabbing Ken by his blond locks! If Shenwoo should manage this, he follows it with a vicious headbutt, before burying his knee in Ken's gut where his heel went only moments before, and then finally throws the shorter fighter away with another of his wordless cries. "HAAAH!"
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo successfully hits Ken with Saikouhou-Geki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Shenwoo 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Ken
Kula has disconnected.
Ken decides that he isn't going to be as ninja-y as usual... And pays for it as he gets grabbed by the hair, hit a couple of times and tossed. He gets up from that, using a nearby tree for support, his hand going to his hair where.... there is some hair pulled out? Uh oh. "You.... You touched the hair," Ken offers, just shaking his head like it was his grandmother that was killed rather than a few hairs. At least he is remaining mostly calm. "....You are gunna PAY for that, no offense. Yah! Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku!" he cries out, just spinning about again and again like a top of doom or something while his leg seeks to lash out again Shenwoo again, again, and again... Justice must be served.
COMBATSYS: Ken successfully hits Shenwoo with Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Shenwoo 1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0 Ken
Again, Shenwoo underestimates the surprising speed of Ken Masters, and again he ends up feeling the hurt over it; the whirling kick impacts the tall man over and over again, before he finally gets tossed away again. Hitting the ground this time, Shenwoo rubs the side of his face as he gets back up, still looking quite amused. "Heh... Seems like you're everything people claim," he says, crouching low this time. "I'm glad I challenged you... This is fun!!" The berserker darts in lower this time, to rise up from his crouching run with one gloved hand aimed to grasp Ken by the throat. Should Shenwoo manage this, what he does next is simple... He just lifts Ken off his feet, letting the grip choke the other blond a little, before attempting to return the earlier favour of throwing him torwards the threes. "HA!"
COMBATSYS: Ken blocks Shenwoo's Kyakuten Touchi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Shenwoo 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\0 Ken
Ken gets caught by the neck, but he doesn't seem to struggle... But the reason for that is clear the moment as he gets thrown, just moving his body so that instead of landing on his back he lands on his feet. A rather incredible feat, but Ken is an incredible guy, more so when it comes to agility. Putting his hands together, he merely starts to channel some blue chi between his palms, a couple of leaves falling about him as he does, the fighting shaking a few here and there as is often the case. "Glad you are enjoying this... Always like to show people that I can put my money where my mouth is.... Hadouken!" And with that, he launches the not-so-powerful blast of chi for Shenwoo. At least it hurts when it hits and that's the important thing, right?
COMBATSYS: Ken successfully hits Shenwoo with Hadouken.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Shenwoo 1/=======/=======|=======\-------\1 Ken
If there's anything Shenwoo really dislikes dealing with... It's projectiles. Ken's response to his throw attempt isn't all that surprising, but the incoming Hadouken is more than he was hoping for. Odds are, it won't be as easy to avoid as one of Sakura's. And, as he discovers as he's a hair too late to avoid the impact, he's quite right, as the projected chi sears and burns. "Haaah... Keh..." the berserker mutters, though he's still got that fierce, feral grin. He doesn't look like he's got much fight left in him, honestly, but... "Heh... Sorry, I don't have any neat tricks like that to show you," he says, taking a few shaky steps forward. "I just have to... Play to my strengths!" As he takes another step, he once again puts only his toes down, and once again he hurls himself forward, but this time the tall man vanishes from sight. It's not for long, of course, and soon the only blurry figure of Shenwoo is barrelling right towards Ken, fist extended again, hair and shirt whipping behind him from the speed at which he's moving; a bluish-white shockwave is carried along with him, pushed forward by his extended fist, turning the berserker very nearly into some sort of human projectile, his roar echoing through the areana. "GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"
COMBATSYS: Ken interrupts Setsu Geki-Ken from Shenwoo with Shoryuken.
[ \ < > ////////////// ]
Shenwoo 1/---====/=======|=======\====---\1 Ken
[OOC] Shenwoo says, "Did anybody see my spleen?"
[OOC] K' >_>
[OOC] K' <_<
[OOC] K' says, "Hey Kula."
[OOC] K' says, "Wait, no Kula."
[OOC] K' says, "Hey Cammy. It got in your ice cream. ._."
Ken merely smirks as Shenwoo charges toward him, merely pulling his fist to his side just waiting for the man to make his way toward him, until he is only a couple of feet away. With a stunning amount of speed, Ken lashes out with a powerful flaming uppercut. "Shoryu-" he doesn't get to finish his words though, his fist hitting true but also the attack hitting Ken, sending him into the leaf and grass covered ground. He gets to his feet though, just shaking his head. "I think I overdid that one... Just a little."
[OOC] Cammy blinks. "But I don't eat ice cream!"
[OOC] Cammy finds that she not only has ice cream, but a spleen. Huh. Gives it back to Shenwoo.
[OOC] Shenwoo puts it back in. "Thx."
[OOC] K' says, "I gave you... that ice cream. ._."
Kula has connected.
Well, hello there Mr. Fist! When did you get there? Shenwoo's eyes widen as he feels Ken's fist meet rather harshly with his chin, which has the unfortunate effect of weakening his improved Gekiken technique, even though it got /some/ bite. Flying up and back, the tall man lands flat on his back, bruised and battered despite the grin on his face. Well, at least he didn't bite his tongue off. Rather than getting to his feet in any flashy way - which honestly, he doesn't have the energy to do right now - the berserker gets up the hard way, stumbling a little. He's been hit harder, it's true, but that doesn't make the impact of Ken's techniques any less. "I wouldn't be satisfied... If I didn't give it everything I've got," he says, closing his eyes to hide his blurred vision as he tugs his gloves tighter, exhaling slowly. His goal now is to indeed give it everything he has left, in one final shot. Those dark eyes snap open then, as Shenwoo throws his head back and roars out once again, his 'chi' expanding almost visibly around him... Before a surprisingly fast Shenwoo rushes towards Ken one last time, pouring all his remaining energy into one last, furious attack. He takes a first swing at Ken, and should he manage to connect with it, launches into a berserk assault, using his fists, elbows, head, knees and feet as weapons against the more experienced fighter... An assault that will end with Shenwoo finally giving up the ghost with one last straight punch to the face, before he falls back on the ground, all his fight gone.
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Ken 1/---====/=======|
COMBATSYS: Ken blocks Shenwoo's Bakuma Assault.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Ken 1/--=====/=======|
Ken decides that is Shenwoo is going all out on him, he decides that he'll take it. Just putting his arms over his head, he just takes the assault full on, the punches and kicks slamming into his defenses without much to dent it. However, that one last punch breaks through, slamming his mouth. He takes a step back, merely rubbing the site of the blow, pulling his hand back to see blood. "Well, that was an impressive display. A lot better than I thought. I actually got a bit hurt in that fight." He moves toward Shenwoo, kneeling down by his side. "You gave a good fight there... You have some real potential. You alright, Shenwoo?" he asks, a couple of medics making their way out as they always do after a fight. Safety is important to the Masters Arena. While people sign wavers when getting into fights like this, Ken always wants to make sure the fighters are in good hands. His pride as a fighter wouldn't let it be any other way.
Katana heads OOC.
Kula heads OOC.
Laying on his back, Shenwoo is mainly seeing the air above him, right this minute. Many fighters might be upset with such a result, but the tall berserker doesn't seem to be the type; fighting such a strong opponent is always fun, after all, and in landing some good hits Shenwoo saw evidence of his own strength as well. So, his response to Ken is a chuckle. "Heh... That was fun," he says, slowly sitting up. He's... Really freakishly tough in some ways, and while he's definitely battered he doesn't seem particularly /injured/. "Thanks for the fight." The taller man is, if shakily, getting to his feet on his own, though the medics will probably get to him before he could get away anyway. "Better be careful, though, next time you see me I might've realised some more of that 'potential'," Shen adds, with a smirk.
K' has disconnected.
Offering a hand just in case the help is needed, Ken merely gives a large smile. "Well, glad that you enjoyed yourself as much as I did. And as for you getting better next fight?" His smile changes into a confident smirk. "I count on it. After all, if I am supposed to get better, my rivals in battle are too, right?" he replies cheerfully. "If you ever want to fight me again, feel more than welcome too. I do challenges from time to time here, but well, be warned, I fight even harder when I fight multiple foes, more so when they are as skilled as yourself."
Nassir has disconnected.
And isn't the best sort of fight one can walk away from in a good mood? None of that tiresome declaring eternal hatred, or anything like that. Just the fun of a fight well fought. Shenwoo doesn't, of course, look at all worried about the possiblity of Ken fighting even harder against multiple opponents. "Oh, I'm sure I will," the tall berserker says. "It's always fun to have rematches against interesting opponents." And then, of course, the medics are there, to make sure the fighter from Shanghai didn't go and get badly injured in the course of the match; fortunately for Shenwoo, they're probably not as forceful as the medics after his last SNF bout were, since this fight had /significantly/ less of him getting stabbed with swords!
The medics ARE much more friendly, merely just offering to wrap injuried arms and the like since most fighters are rather capable themselves of saying what they need. Sometimes they try and put on the 'tough guy' act, but that is what a quick look over is for. "Indeed. Well, Shenwoo, it was nice fighting you. I take it now that we've had this match you are likely heading back to the East? Pity there aren't more skilled fighters here, that's for sure," Ken says with a soft sigh. Not like he's complaining too much, but he hates to just send tons of plane tickets around just to get a good fight.
Nassir has connected.
"Yeah, I'll probably be heading back to Southtown in a few days," Shenwoo replies, shrugging a little as the medics give him a good once-over. He's the sort of person who just goes where his whims take him, after all... But at the same time, he would hate to miss the usual Saturday fun back in Southtown, whether he's fighting that week or not. "I heard they had some tough guys over in that 'Metro City' place, though. I was up against, ah... Mike Haggar, I think it was, in a team match once. I didn't get to fight him that much, but he seemed pretty strong." Or at least, that's Shen's opinion. The guy did send him reeling with just one hit, which always makes an impression.
Ken chuckles, merely holding out an arm to let the medic look it over, who puts some ointment and such on it to begin treating it. Ken might be able to rough it when he can, but he doesn't want to be all scarred up and leather skinned like most fighters when they get older... So that means taking care of oneself in the present. "Well, I might try and take on the Mayor sometime... But I sincerely doubt he'll be a challenge. I mean, slow guys are just like walking targets to me. Mr. Karate was supposed to be all that and it took having two people helping him out to avoid me massacuring him in no time flat," Ken says with a short laugh. "But who knows, maybe I'll do a 'Ken takes on all Challengers: the Metro City Edition' and see. After all, they tend to be rather interesting, that's for sure."
If anything on Shenwoo merits ointment, it's the faint burning from the Hadouken he took... But, the medics otherwise don't have /too/ much to do, for the surprisingly tough young fighter. "He might be slow, but if he gets his hands on ya..." That feral look is back, as he grins. "Well, I got too preoccupied with his teammates, at that Strolheim tournament, and he did for my teammate while his took me out. Probably not my best strategy ever." But really, when Seishirou presented him with such an interesting challenge, he couldn't help but get distracted from the original plan. "Maybe I oughta give that 'Mr. Karate' guy a try, though." Always on the lookout for the next interesting opponent, that's our Shenwoo.
[OOC] Ryu says, "Cool fight, guys."
Ryu heads OOC.
"Then I'll have to make sure that he DOESN'T get his hands on me... Not once." Sounds like an interesting idea for Ken. Fight Hagger without him laying a hand on him. Of course, win or lose, he doesn't think that Hagger would like such a wager to be made against him, that's for sure. "As for that tournament? I didn't keep up on it too much. It didn't seem that interesting and the coverage on it wasn't nearly as good as the more recent tourneys."
Well, it was interesting for Shenwoo, even if he did get eliminated in the first round. "Ah, well, I guess that Krauser guy didn't want many TV cameras up there. Kind of a weird guy, but it's not like I was gonna pass up a tournament, y'know?" Of course, he /did/ pass up the King of Fighters tournament entirely, but he had other business to attend to at the time. "The way I figure it, the next one that comes up'll really be my chance to show my stuff. Until then, I just gotta make sure I keep pushing myself." Otherwise, he's not about to get any stronger... And what a disappointment /that/ would be.
Ken nods. "Well, just make sure to keep pushing youself... That's the important thing. Remember to keep fighting and keep an open mind in all that you do. I'd love to stay and chat more... But I have a wife to get too and well, she usually like me coming in before it get to be around midnight or so for some..." He decides not to go into it deciding just to pause and look toward the door, but well, if it's a hot wife and Ken seems rather eager to get home, perhaps it isn't a big mystery to figure out what he might be missing. "Yeah. Need to get home."
Barking a laugh, Shenwoo nods. "Oh, hey, don't let me keep you," the berserker says, waving a hand. "Thanks again for the fight... And I guess I'll see you when I see you." For his part, well, he's going to head back to his hotel, and enjoy some relaxation! The best thing to do after a good fight.
Ken merely gives a simple wave to Shenwoo, with a simple "See you later!" before he just starts booking it out the door. Looks like he can't really wait any longer to be away from his wife. More so after his win because she likes winners. She wouldn't have given him a chance otherwise more than likely.
[OOC] Ken says, "Sorry for the wait for the last pose, got distracted with other stuff. Thanks for the fight though, was fun. :)"
Nassir has disconnected.
[OOC] Shenwoo says, "No problem, and thanks! Good time had by all."
[OOC] Ken says, "; woots and thumbs up. :)"
Shenwoo heads OOC.
Log created by Ken, and last modified on 23:22:21 07/19/2005.