Description: Nassir Versus Gabriel. One of the many fights between these two. In a nod to the typical tensions between religions, these two were practically always at arms. Starring Kai Gabriel and Nassir Mahomet.
Sakura turns Kai Gabriel down for instruction. She wanted to learn how to do the awesome moves she had seen Sakura use on the KOF tournament. Though she could probably handle it considering Sakura mostly sat on the bench. Gabriel wasn't one to point that sort of thing out though, so instead she thought of Sakura with a great deal of possibly undeserved respect. Still here she was, in the clearing. . . Training. It wasn't especially tough training, mostly just exercises. Training is training though and she could use it. That battle with Kain was something else.
She'll never forget having been nailed by that huge fireball that burnt her to a crisp. So here she is, in a training outfit of shorts with tights , a tank top and a joggers jacket. . All designer of course. She stands there now throwing palm strikes at the air and kicks along with it.
Meanwhile, within the treeline...
...The lengths at which Nassir was willing to go in order to improve his surveillance abilities were astounding at times. Undergoing voluntary training on top of what every Shank Squad Soldier learns, he was quickly becoming a true adept of the art...combining technological advances with the older, nigh-mystical arts of blurring lines and physical subterfuge. He wasn't a ninja, but Nassir was getting to the point where he could at least stand in. It took a lot of effort to get to that point, however...and he wasn't there yet. That's why he's practicing.
At least, that's what he told his commanding officer...which was only a lie by omission. In complete truth, Nassir needed some answers of his own after reviewing the notebook of one Gabriel Kai. He wanted to keep an eye on her regardless, track her movements and ensure that her blasphemy wasn't spreading to susceptible ears...and, eventually, deliver a finishing blow.
These wishes delivered Nassir to the clearing, a pair of binocular-like glasses attached to his head in Sam Fisher style allowing him a better view of her than could be afforded otherwise. Patience and vigilance would deliver him his prize...he just needed to wait until her jogging path lead to below him...unless, of course, she turned away from the path.
Nassir would have to be damned patient because right now and for a looong time Gabriel seemed content not to jog at all and to just stand in one place and throw punches and kicks. If a reasonable person saw him now they'd probably think he was cosplaying. Nassir would make a pretty dorky Cosplayer too. As it was, Gabriel had other things than Nassir on her mind for quite some time. She hadn't had to deal with the annoying idiot for a very long time and was even making notes in her new little black book. Though not at this moment. Where he wanted to be stealthy and spy like, Kai wanted to be a worthy crusader of light. That meant a great deal of training with her fighting abilities. She still needed a teacher too. Still no sign of jogging.
...and so, Nassir watched on idly as Gabriel's jogger's clothing does not quite lead to the expected activity. C'est la vie, there were cures for that. Slinking along from tree to tree, the leaves may shake and the occasional twig snapped--Nassir is no ninja, but he is talented...and extremely light. After moving a few trees down, Nassir allows himself to drop to ground level, body held low in a crouch, his equipment shaking against his body before falling silent. Pulling free what appeared to be a length of string free from a compartment on his uniform, Nassir advanced on Gabriel wordlessly...hoping for the advantage of stealth to work for him.
Goddess sense tingling. Then seeing as she lacks a Goddess sense there is always the seeing Nassir coming up on her. Okay he's quiet, that's nice, it's still a clearly for the most part so there really wasn't any cover. The sight of Nassir imidiately brings Gabriel's latest movements to a halt. What the heck is that? It takes her a moment to even attempt to recognize this man as someone she sort of knows and then piece together whom he is.
Most people would laugh. Gabriel does not, she's been under a rock too long to realize how rediculous such an outfit might be. Instead she goes stoic. It's custom intro time baby! Usually clasping her pendant and praying before giving a bow of respect, Gabriel's expression turns sour and bitter and she just points at Nassir.
"Heretic! Repent for your sins!" she says and then fluidly switches into her ready stance.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|
True, it was a clearing, but Nassir held to his guns. They failed him, certainly, but that doesn't mean they're abandoned entirely. Having been spotted, Nassir goes directly into his line of questioning, hands sliding the line back into its compartment in his uniform.
"You were given instruction by someone to kidnap one Jiro Kasagi," Nassir begins, hands sliding themselves along his bandoliers, nervous with anticipation. He wasn't looking for a /fight/ so much as he was looking for a point of advantage to help the questioning along. Now it was just a question of how...if it would require a fight anyways. "Which devils claim you as their thrall?"
"You want to know? I am a member of the Darkside Student Congress. Now Nassir heretic you shall face Divine punishment!" She is defiantly gearing up to attack seeing as she draws fourth a book, much like the one she threw in SNF last night. The first time she's admitted to being a member of the DKC, but it doesn't seem to matter to her seeing as she seems to think Nassir is about to die.
She doesn't attack yet though, she's gauging Nassir's movements, sure he can ask questions but this was his warning, the next time she'll answer while trying to knock him upside the head and there is no sign of respect or mercy on the generally kind spirited girl. She's out for blood. Nassir blood. The only kind of blood around to shed. Except her own, which she is clearly unconcerned about.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Nassir has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Nassir
Inwardly, Nassir sighed. Darkside Student Congress. It certainly sounded ominous, but then again so did the Shank Squad if one didn't know that their endgoal was ultimately one of (albeit twisted) mercy. Still, he recognized Gabriel's offensively minded stance, could read the body movements and understand well enough what her intent was.
So, then...Nassir would just have to pre-empt that thought. Pulling his sidearm free from it's holster, the result is nigh-academic: Raising the barrel to point at Gabriel's kneecaps, the trigger is pulled once, twice, three times....gun report echoing in the clearing. Hopefully, it'd work well enough to take offensive movements out of her mind.
"You will tell me what this Student Congress is, and its' goals."
COMBATSYS: Nassir successfully hits Gabriel with Semiautomatic Spray.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Nassir
Though Gabriel raises her arms to try and guard against the particularly unpleasant attack, the spray is all over the place and therefore it's an ineffective attempt to even bother. Still it wasn't that painful either. When she lowers her arms she looks more bitter that Nassir even tried than anything else.
" Reeepent!" exclaims Gabriel as she finally decides to let that book she's been holding fly, straight at Nassir's face, maybe he'll regret those stupid bloody goggles now.
The book makes a spinning ark toward intended target and meanwhile she doesn't stay in one place. She tries to run in a careful circle to avoid further reprisal while some shreds of her clothing flutters into the air thanks to the shooting.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel successfully hits Nassir with Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Nassir
Nassir's head jerks to one side, Goggles sliding askew atop his head. It wasn't quite what he was hoping for, though it wasn't exactly painful on her end either. Pulling the goggles free of his eyesight entirely, Nassir glances around for his moving enemy...something he hadn't seen her do before. She was improving, for better or worse. That simply meant he would need to use better tricks. Taking in a deep breath, he busies himself with putting his gun back into his holster....pulling free a knife and throwing it at his assailant/victim. No huge displays of chi, just the knife.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel reflects Large Thrown Object from Nassir with Mimic.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Nassir
Gabriel has seen this move before, knives have been thrown and knives have left their mark. . Not this time. When it reaches her she grabs the knife right out of the air with a flash of Chi and for a moment the energy makes her even look vaguely like a shadow of Nassir herself.
"CoooonFESS!" exclaims Gabriel while she grabs the knife out of the air and continues to spin and hurls it right back at Nassir. She uses the exact same sort of motion that he used to fling it at her.
A blur of motion and the knife is forgotten, she digs one heel into the ground and kicks up a cloud of dust as she changes direction.
Meanwhile the scrapes that the initial attack Nassir has made seem to gradually become less apparent, the blood seems to of stopped and the scrapes are vanishing.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel successfully hits Nassir with Reflected Large Thrown Object.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Nassir
Things were, on the whole becoming very dire for Nassir indeed--shocked and astounded to see his shadow-image briefly blink into existence and overlay on Gabriel...Nassir's own attempt at flitting out of the way met with nothing more than failure. The knife plunging deep into the mercenaries' shoulder, the crimson bloom of blood can be readily seen against the tan material.
The normal person, upon being stabbed, might panic. Then again, the normal person upon being stabbed and shot might then it might not be all that surprising to see that Nassir's expression is a far cry from panic. Still, things weren't looking too good. Spinning around, Nassir begins to trot backwards, looking to survey as much of the surroundings as possible, mind racing to put together a plan.
COMBATSYS: Nassir focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Nassir
Gabriel wasn't letting up on the attacks either. Nassir was her target, Nassir was getting her all. As Nassir surveys, Gabriel charges at him, but just at the last moment she flits to one side and throws out her hand in a hack handed chop, aiming to strike the base of his jaw with the side and slight back of her hand. The whole while her body twists and follows through to accompany the attack and she gives a, "Yee-aah!" shout as she makes the attack.
Not wanting to be too close the girl takes the opportunity also to try and circle around behind Nassir, sure he'll attack, but maybe if she can land the blow and follow through, she'll be able to interrupt his focus against her.
COMBATSYS: Nassir blocks Gabriel's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Nassir
Thanks to the backpedalling, Nassir saw Gabriel coming easily enough--of course, in the same breath it was easy enough for him to simply deflect the blow with his forearm, lips curling into a tight grimace. She was on the offensive, he was on the defensive, and any tactician knew it was impossible to win a war while on the defense. /Some/ offense had to be produced...
...which is his intention, now that Gabriel was within a close enough range. Running headon at Gabriel with shadowy blue afterimages following closely behind, Nassir...runs right by her, and with that so do the afterimages. On closer inspection, one may notice that the afterimages aren't /exactly/ mimicking his run--one armed with a knife and going high, another going low with a sweep, a third driving the middleline with a knife-handed thrust.
COMBATSYS: Nassir successfully hits Gabriel with Phantom Patrol.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Nassir
Dodging was not working out. The whole of the attack manages to nail her square and all over. Okay, it was time for her to back off a little on her own offense. She was getting a little too much hurt. It was all in one strike no less. The three knives sent her tumbling back and with a grunt she hits the ground.
"I'm going to kill you.. " Gabriel says as she picks herself up and glares at Nassir. For the moment she'll invite attacks instead of being on such an offensive. Though from the looks of it she'll be back on the attack in just a moment. While her hands do not make fists often, they are presently clenched in a ready to palm strike position.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Nassir
Dodging was not working out. The whole of the attack manages to nail her square and all over. Okay, it was time for her to back off a little on her own offense. She was getting a little too much hurt. It was all in one strike no less. The three knives sent her tumbling back and with a grunt she hits the ground.
"I'm going to kill you.. " Gabriel says as she picks herself up and glares at Nassir. For the moment she'll invite attacks instead of being on such an offensive. Though from the looks of it she'll be back on the attack in just a moment. While her hands do not make fists often, they are presently clenched in a ready to palm strike position.
Regaining the offensive. That was, ultimately, what Nassir wanted to accomplish...except for the fact that it wasn't. Nassir wasn't even looking to fight Gabriel, at least initially. However...her mention of murder does remind Nassir...the Clearing, as empty as it was, as isolated as it was, served as a perfect place to follow through on an execution.
Suddenly, the stakes were quite high indeed.
"'re going to answer my questions before the release of death and the promise of eternal suffering claim you," Nassir reminds, run stopping some few yards away, comfortable with the range established. Pulling free one of his throwing knives, Nassir makes another go at landing a blow on Gabriel...though unlike the previous one, this one is encased in Nassir's peculiar chi-effects, afterimages cast in flight and adding a little extra punch to the blow.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel blocks Nassir's Horrors of War.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Nassir
Everything Nassir throws is a projectile of some kind. It's getting kind of old. Getting over his speed would be one thing but then getting over his range is entirely different. On top of that he seems to manage to deal with damage fairly well. Gabriel has never seen him try to throw anyone so she imagines he probably doesn't even know the first thing about it and spent all his time training how to shoot and throw stuff. Unfortunately that didn't help her defeat him any. No. not defeat. Kill
"Just shut up, your words are a waste of breath. " Comes Gabriels embittered reply. She isn't going to dance around the bush, she simply leaps into the air toward Nassir and tries to get her knees around his head. If she can manage that she'll fling a handful of energy into his face before kicking off his chest. If she can manage to land there in the first place.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel successfully hits Nassir with Serpent Snare.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Gabriel 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Nassir
Having range is one thing--indeed, it's one thing that Nassir is quite accostomed to doling out. On the other hand, the tactics surrounding slowly sniping and striking someone out fails when range cannot be maintained, nor when speed falters wholly and completely. In this, much as he was hit before with his own knife, speed falters in the face of what may very well be spectacularly bad luck.
The three-hit combo landing perhaps more flush than Gabriel could've hoped for, Nassir is sent sprawling away even as Gabriel does her leap backwards...leaving the mercenary eating a faceful of dust, his knifewound still bleeding freely. It may be time for a new tactic, something to adjust to the lay of the fight...but for now?
The pair were at range. Again.
With this in mind, Nassir's hand goes up to one of those small grey orbs resting on his bandolier, pulling the object free and rolling it towards his adversary. It's a slow roll, and will likely explode before properly reaching the Divine Kempo fighter...but between blast radius and the resulting debris-wall, Nassir hoped for a moment or two of rest and contemplation.
COMBATSYS: Nassir successfully hits Gabriel with Scorch the Earth.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Gabriel 1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0 Nassir
What a big shock, another ranged attack. Does Nassir do anything but ranged attacks? Gabriel is starting to wonder. Yep.. Luck was a factor, her's wasn't so great but it wasn't terrible either. Even so Nassir certainly had an edge she couldn't compete with too readily. Still she had some things up her sleeves. Like just now she seemed to think that a quick rush could close the distance and with a chop aimed at the back of Nassir's neck, near the base. A single quick lightening fast strike to attempt to land a critical hit.
"Die, by the name of the Merciful mother.."
She's still smoking from the attack that Nassir just sent at her and she was apparently attempting to charge through it, though she's looking a little torn up from it still.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel successfully hits Nassir with Venom Bite.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/------=|=======\=------\1 Nassir
Again, Nassir proves to be just a tad too slow to get out of the way...the explosion and resulting wall of debris working to blind him as readily as it did her. The strike does land, and lands square...however, it may not have had the 'Austin Powers Judo Chop' instakill effect she was hoping for. His body sags beneath the weight of the blow, but does not remain still for more than a second.
Dire, indeed.
Curling his body into a low roll, Nassir looks to evacuate the area, regroup...something, anything. Thus far, it was good for buying him a couple of seconds...but little more. Out here, he'd have to start thinking about cutting his losses and making a break for it, but...not yet. For now, it's a roll, nothing more.
Nothing more than the possibility for another explosion. He's used the trick on Gabriel before, to mixed results--the grenade sitting by her foot, dropped at the beginning of the roll in hopes of getting the drop on her and being able to work up a feasible offense from there.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel blocks Nassir's Scorch the Earth.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/-----==|=======\=------\1 Nassir
"Can't you see.. I've already witnessed that trick, I'm not going to fall for it," Gabriel hisses, her voice low and dark while her hands cross over her face and protect her from the blast. When the dust clears she's still standing there, a little more filthy, but charging through.
"For your information. . Not that you deserve to know. . My organization is seeking to remake this world. It is corrupt, it is defiled.. We will fix it, but I understand... some may need to suffer. I will pray for them."
She then rears back and hurls a rock from the rubble caused by the attack, right at Nassir's face.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel successfully hits Nassir with Thrown Object.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/-----==|=======\==-----\1 Nassir
Nassir's eyes widened considerably, but not due to any attack coming his way...but due to the words. Normally stoic to a fault, the ensuing reaction might seem like something major to the perceptive--a slackening of the jaws, words lost to a gasp on the winds. Of course, the rock hits--slamming and ricochetting off of his knee, spinning the normally agile mercenary around and dropping him down to one knee. His hand goes up to his bandolier again, clasping around an orb--this one white rather than grey like the others. Instead of pulling it right off of the bat, Nassir takes a moment to talk.
"The world /is/ corrupt, and /does/ need rebuilding, yes. Many need to be scourged for the new order to begin. I had no idea that you were even /capable/ of viewing the truth to the world. To be honest, the thought pleases me." The words, while chopped and mutilated to some degree due to his accent, and easy enough to understand otherwise, and ring of truth. His words offered, the grenade is tossed to the ground...a thick, greasy black smoke released soon afterwards.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel fails to slow Thrown Object from Nassir with Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/----===|=======\==-----\1 Nassir
Well Gabriel already knew about the Shank Squad's beliefs and actually had gotten along fairly well with Rolento. Still she is distracted by what looks to be another grenade and therefore doesn't react except to pick up a rock of her own and throw it back. Only problem is well. Her rock sort of misses and the smoke grenade hits her square on the head with a ringing sound. DDDunnnng!
Gabriel is therefore left standing there with a stunned look on her face.
Even if it hit her directly, it was nothing more than a smoke bomb--considerably friendlier than the other breeds of explosives the young mercenary carried. curiousity ate at him like some kind of parasitic worm on the inside of his intenstine, gnawing and growing with the hopes of breeding and taking over entirely. He had every intent to run,, with the lay of the smoke hanging thick in the air, he might've had the opportunity to exercise some of his curiousity, for better or worse.
Running a strafing pattern in case his adversary had more attacks planned for him, Nassir followed up the smoke with speech. "Tell me of your new order, and I will give you your notebook back." He wasn't aware of Gabriel's dealings with Rolento at all, but if it wasn't some kind of ruse, then the potential there seemed too good to pass over.
COMBATSYS: Nassir takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/----===|=======\==-----\1 Nassir
"I do not know Hiroshi-sama's full intentions.. But it will be a world of control and where people are responsible for their own actions and sins.. Were we will stop people from making the mistakes to begin with," Gabriel replies. She doesn't stand there and do nothing at the same time though. She advances at Nassir rather quickly and reaches to grab him in order to fling him along the ground. Hardly more than a drag, but he's on the ground so how much more can she hope to harm him.
"I know your master Rolento-sama. I've heard of his plans for a utopia. We agreed on everything we spoke of.." And yet she's still attacking.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel successfully hits Nassir with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/----===|=======\====---\1 Nassir
Nassir was banking on the cover of smoke, pressing his luck thanks to his curiousity...a gambit which failed him, as was par for the course thus far. The Congresswoman seemed to simply have his number today, much as he had hers in their first meeting. If she wanted to, she could likely kill him. He was running out of options... for one. His last trump card, played in a moment of desperation, likely to fail and with that bring him into the darkness of death. Flung to the ground, Nassir's shadowy shape is quick to roll back to one knee...though given the close proximity, it's easy enough to make his form out from the rest of the slowly dissipating smog. Thrusting his fingers out, afterimages cast by his energy emission are mostly lost due to the grenade, but are there regardless...thrusting out for Gabriel's chest with fingers extended, hoping to strike at various nerves and bring the fight to a standstill if not a close that way. If successful, it'll cause extreme numbness as opposed to pain, like an overdose of anesthesia.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel blocks Nassir's Stockholm Syndrome.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Nassir
. . . Tink. Gabriel uses her arms and brushes the attack off. Despite the apparent size of it, the end result is Gabriel loses some space, skidding back just a little. She's still looking bright and chipper.. Somehow.
"Is that it..?" Gabriel asks, though she's breathing heavily from the overall effect of the fight, she otherwise doesn't look so bad for wear. "Okay, My turn."
It's a palm strike, aimed at Nassir's face, a crack of energy accompanying her hand as it makes to close just at his chin.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel successfully hits Nassir with Serpent Snap.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > // ]
Gabriel 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Nassir
By comparison, Nassir is bleeding and showing the signs of bruising--assuming he'll even get to walk away from this one, he'll need stitches for some of his wounds. The fight wasn't treating him well at all, and the last of the palm strikes is little more than icing on the cake. Crumpling like a wet cardboard box in the middle of a Tsunami, Nassir goes to all fours before bringing his eyes up to Gabriel's...briefly. He could feel unconsciousness and shock begin to claim him, though his adrenaline and willpower would keep him up for at least one final shot. Going airborne for the first time in the match, Nassir's body went into a fierce twirl...human projectile going almost straight up and harmlessly by Gabriel. However, much as they did before his afterimages follow...taking on brief lives of their own, slashing gestures being repeated by each apparition as they rise to follow their progenitor.
COMBATSYS: Nassir can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Gabriel 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Nassir successfully hits Gabriel with Phantom Patrol.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\ <
Gabriel 1/-----==/=======|
She tries to block, but Gabriel is dropped anyway. So instead of doing anything else she takes this oppertunity to get away. After the knives have their way, the girl loses her footing a little and then fumbles her footing before turning and starting to run away.
"don't.. talk to me.. anymore. " She coughs, it's not as bitter and hateful as before, but even in their best moments together, Gabriel still seems to dislike Nassir, for the most part. Her recovery.. just isn't going to be enough.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel takes no action.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel can no longer fight.
What goes up, must come down...the immutable law of gravity claims its son with a vengeance, bringing the mercenary down hard to earth...with just enough strength to look up at the fleeing Gabriel. It interesting meeting, with an unexpected development. Gabriel and her Darkside Congress sought a similar goal to Rolento's utopia? They had words in the past? He'd need to seek verification, but if it was true...then their next meeting might be a bizarre one indeed.
But...that would come later. First, he'd ned to seek medical treatment. Even if he /wanted/ to say something--debatable at best--he simply didn't have the energy for it. Pulling himself along, Nassir dragged himself ever so slowly for the treeline...leaving a heavy coating of blood on the grass near the scene of the fight.
Log created by Gabriel, and last modified on 06:25:22 01/31/2007.