Description: Foxy goes after a renegade K9999 with... questionable results.
Well, K4. You'd done a good job, hiding out for perhaps a week. From an organization like NESTS, that was actually kind of admirable. The clone had, honestly, been congratulating himself. Not that it meant he was out celebrating. He sits, like any other night, at the outdoor cafe, sans a ridiculous cape, but nonetheless eyecatching in an orange-and-black outfit, comprised of tight fabrics and seriously not-styling pants. Perhaps Foxy would see him, the way the crowds were thinning out.
But, in case she needed any help, the clone seems to be less than stealth-minded, at the moment. K4 turns a page, leaning back in his chair to rest his head on the cafe's banister, behind him... eyes to the sky, rolling upwards to present him with an upside down view of the District. It would be, of course, at that exact moment that he sees her. Foxy. His "Mother", looking for him. A frown paints itself onto his face, and his eyes narrow... the book is closed while he considers her.
He should be running into the building. But... that wasn't his way. K4 was not one to hide. That, and the purpling of his cheeks and forehead was a pretty good indicator that he /wasn't/ happy to see her. Blue hair and orange duds, by the way, make one a pretty conspicuous target. Especially the way the crowd's thinning.
Difficult not to see him, yes.
As is obvious by the fact that her hand is rather quick to take hold of the rapier's hilt, her pace quickening with a bit more purpose as her deliberate strides take her closer to the clone's whereabouts. She knew she'd be met with success soon-- after all, her connection to her 'children' is strong enough... and her attention to their tendancies? Even moreso. She didn't get to the place she's in by slacking, after all.
As the approach is completed, her otherwise stoic expression remains unchanged, the usual tic of determination somewhat dulled in favor of self-restraint. If there's ever a time this woman is prone to seeming in any way emotional or charismatic, it's in dealing with the creations of the company.
Her creations.
"Correct me if I'm wrong," she says to him, her fingers tapping lightly against the metal surface of the rapier's hilt, "But I'm getting the impression that this little... vacation of yours isn't in the interests of sightseeing. Or perhaps it is, and my intuition is sorely mistaken. Either way, I'd suggest that whatever urge brought you here be corrected immediately. Exposing yourself to the public," as this next sentance begins, her voice falls to a hush, her words carrying a bit more urgency to them than they were before, "Is about as foolish as you can be. You're hardly ready for social affairs-- I thought we'd solidified that ideation early on in your training."
At that.. a pause. The expression seems to soften, as is common with the usual manner she's come to exhibit. Here comes the emotional appeal, rather than the analytical. "You should know by now that we're only looking out for your best interests-- I told you I'd help in making your tenure more comfortable."
Anger ran it's course, quickly, and K9 managed to control himself enough to put up something of a fight. After all... she was just starting to irritate him. No boundaries had been broken, yet. Yet.
A hand is waved, K9999 rolling his eyes and sitting upright while she speaks. He hated her for the way she spoke about him. Like he was some experiment, a psychologist's ward. Not like the way she talked to Kula. "Come here, sweetie!" and, "Oh, it's okay. You'll do better next time." Nothing like the snapped expecation and ironclad orders she extended to him. K4 isn't pleased with how she speaks to him... no. And it comes out in the form of sarcasm. Maybe he /had/ learned something in the months he'd been out of town.
"You're wrong." Spoken like any true teenaged boy, K4 not even looking at her... eyes on the book in front of him. Something about mastering the mind, with a picture of some complex neural schematic for the title. "And I'm not your science fair project. Nobody's gonna steal me. Besides that... you let /Kula/ out. And she's just as old as I am. Maybe a month or two apart. What makes her so much better, huh?" A creeping edge of bitterness, now, something biting, hateful. Spiteful and resentful. "I don't want tenure. I don't want to spend another fucking second with you, Foxy. All it is, really, is you bubbling with pride over the aberration. Why do you think I left in the first place? I know that's all I am."
By now, he's started drumming on the book, fingers tapping quickly, nervously. His voice rises towards the end of his little speech, and a few passerby might extend some attention your way, but nobody stops to stare. K4 continues.
"Just go away and leave me alone. I don't need NESTS."
"You could be far more than that, you realize," Foxy replies flatly. All told, her manner taken with Kula has... changed, in and of itself. Some of the girl's mannerisms are growing troublesome, and the same ironclad manner is replacing the old-- after all, it's the Spaniard's belief that one can't grow from being coddled. Certainly, psychologically speaking, it's a necessity in the earliest of years, but now? Now, her developement requires extra steps, even if it hurts her to go that route. It bears repeating: necessity.
Just as her way with KQuad is, in fact, necessity. In her eyes, anyway.
"None of us got where we are through the methods of coddling. Kula herself is walking an excrutiatingly thin line since her arrival here, and part of that is the reason I've been drawn to this place. She lacks direction just as much as you do-- the both of you are bound to become little more than the prattling imbiciles that wander these streets. Can't you -see-?" A rather flagrant gesture is thrown towards the remaining stragglers, as a way to better illustrate her point. "All of them, obsessed with menial ways of life, determined to live out their desires, deal with the turmoils, as opposed to -doing- something about the cards they've been handed. But you?"
A light scoff comes from her, then. "You're a storybook. You, Kula, K'-- all of you. You were created to be something -better- than what's out here. Raised to shine brighter than -anything- that came before you. Certainly, mistakes have been made-- but without us, your power is so directionless. Your anger, useless. To these people, you're more an abberation than anything. A shadow of humanity rather than something that rests on the cusp of something greater. And if you ever believed me to think of you in terms of being 'lesser' -- perhaps your attitude has more to do with it than what I've said in the past."
"Don't even say his name!" K'. It was always the fuck about K'. Nevermind the fact that she was mentioning him in passing. Nevermind the fact that she's trying to convince him he doesn't know what he's doing. As far as anything went, K4 and K' were mortal enemies, to the youngest's mind. "What would you do, if I came back? Whip me into shape and send me out again? To fight him and fall, again? And to come back, so you could toss me aside, /AGAIN/?!" ..There really wasn't much debating that, to him. After the last major KoF tournament, K9999 had failed to capture K', and gotten hell for it from the Cartel. As far as he knew, Kula had gotten a lollipop and a pat on the head.
No matter how trivial, small they were, some things just were not forgotten.
"And from what I can tell, coddling is the reason most of the people who fight are where they're at. Everybody gets love and support, Foxy. Everybody buy us. We're reminded of who we are, what we are, /every fucking day/." By now, he's ceased drumming on the book, instead electing to push back from the table he's sitting at, and stand to his full, relatively short height. To stare Foxy in the eyes, and let her see exactly how much "love" he feels. "This past vacation has been amazing. Because I haven't had to look at you and think about the way you were too impatient to let me grow up like a normal kid. You're the reason I'm not capable of being out in the "wild". You're the reason I'm a storybook. You're the reason for /all of this/."
Maybe it was the way his hands were clutching the banister between the two of them. Maybe it was the way his last few words were hissed through gritted teeth. Maybe it was the vein bulging against the tight flesh on his forehead. Maybe, even, it was the way the wood in his hands started to smolder... a la the mimicry of Kusanagi's flame he was born with.
Because of her. That's why he hates her.
In any other situation, she'd say it's not her problem.
Right now? It is. KQuad is, despite being a relative failure, an essential component for study. At base, all of the clones are. And while Foxy cares, her way of showing that is ... strange. Offputting. And yes, a good goddamn reason to hate her.
"-Now- you're sounding like a teenager," she tells him, flat-out. "Now you're sounding like 'him,' with all the trimmings. You know, somewhere in your heart, that you're -stagnant- without our help, regardless of whether or not it feels good. Kula was coddled far too much-- and while I admire her integrity, I've spoken to Diana about this tendancy numerous times." Which isn't altogether untrue-- while Foxy exhibited the caring tendancies early on, they started to dwindle. The girl's soft. She knows it.
"People don't grow if they're offered nothing but affection. They don't learn in an environment that isn't constantly changing, forcing the need for further evolution. Happiness breeds cruelty-- stability breeds apathy. Your so-called nemesis was treated with kid gloves, and -now- look at him. Directionless, hopeless, frivolous. Does he appear to you to be any more -happy- than you are, running off, away from your benefactors and those that truly do care about your wellbeing?"
Once again: in their own way, of course.
"And let us not forget one crucial point-- I'm the reason you're -alive- to speak to me like this. I bore you from the knowledge -I- acquired while being pushed to my -own- limits. -I- suffered you to live despite the drawbacks. -I- made certain that those above me didn't terminate you when it was clear that your creation had complications."
It's still all hissed. She's painfully aware of where they are, and how frankly they're atlking to one another. Withdrawing somewhat from him so as to put aside the more in-your-face commentary, she straightens, her hardened expression softening once again. "Come away from here," she says, nodding her head towards a less populated area of the streets. "If we're to discuss these things, I'll not have it aired in public. I'll ask you -not- to force me to tip my hand towards more drastic measures to that end."
"Stagnant." It's spat out, from quivering lips and gnashing teeth. "You think we're stagnant, on the inside. You think the only people who can save us from depravity are the ones who created us." A small fire lights on the banister beneath his hand, the clone winces, and pulls himself from the heat quickly, slapping his palm down once more to quash it. "I'll show you stagnation!"
K4 is not a "stable" boy. He's roughly 4 years old, one-quarter of those spent as a "natural" in vitro baby, the next quarter spent in a tube, body stretched into an affable five-year old shape, "education" tapes being run during the sleep. The next year or so was spent learning basic combat techniques, as well as a crash-course on what the whitecoats surmised were good attacks with his unique body. Then more growth, and finally... showtime at KoF. His vacation, and now an encounter with the woman who had put it through him all.
Really, nobody couldn't blame him for the next part. K4's arm vanishes, a blackened, dense flail taking it's place even as his shoulder rotates, dragging that striking tool along with it. Lightning-fast, and possibly totally unexpectedly, K4 brings the ball-and-..."arm" down onto Foxy's form, aimed towards her shoulder and head.
COMBATSYS: K9999 has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Foxy has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Foxy 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 K9999
COMBATSYS: K9999 successfully hits Foxy with Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Foxy 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 K9999
The strike -does- come as a surprise. As evidenced by Foxy's inability to get out of the way, much as she'd like to. The hit that slams into her is -dizzying- above all else, causing her to reel backwards a couple steps, her hand immediately going towards her rapier. The weapon is withdrawn immediately, aimed towards the boy's heart regardless of the empassioned manner in which she treats him. Heh... empassioned. In terms of Foxy, the clones are the -only- ones who pull emotion from her, of -any- kind. Otherwise? It's just business.
Nothing personal, baby.
"The point is to -surpass- your creators, you dimwitted -reprobate-!" she hisses at him, keeping that sharpened point aimed straight for his chest, brown eyes alight with her own ... all too obvious anger. Once again, not a -common- expression for her. But around him? It's common enough. "To show them that you're more than able to outthink, outfight, outmanuever them without -any- issue. K's success is charted only by his determination. Otherwise? He's a -failure-. And I could only hope that you, of all people, would know hardship well enough to surpass him where he -failed-."
A pause. One that could very well cost her.
Then. "I will teach you, child," she says lowly. "Though it's always pained me to do so, I -will- teach you. And in the end, you'll be grateful for the assistance." That said, that rapier strikes out, the attempt that's made threatening to bury the tip into his shoulder and further, effectively pushing him away from her with little to no difficulty if it lands. If it does, it's quickly withdrawn with a jerk of her hand, the intent to sever tendons and further disable use of the limb. But she knows his constitution like the back of her hand-- his ability to overcome his injuries is legendary.
COMBATSYS: K9999 blocks Foxy's Tree of Beginning.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Foxy 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 K9999
Foxy's rapier arcs towards a furious K Four Nine in an all-too obvious effort to tear into his arm, rendering him less able to fight. His "mother" knew where to hit him, too... tendons weren't easy for the body to repair, K4's included. The reaction the clone gives? His arm, already surrounded by the chi/dust conglomeration that marked a morph, moved towards her blade as it approached. K4 /grabs/ the thing, and pushes it back towards her, hand cut, blood flowing down his arm freely. But no damage to the tendons. No real pain... just a surface wound.
However, blood in any aspect isn't something you want covering you. The clone steps backwards, sneering, still shouting... his hands quite obviously smoldering again, smoke curling upwards from his curled fingertips. "K''s success?! His SUCCESS is getting away from YOU! He doesn't have to think about it, Foxy! He's not bothered with his birth, just looking for something to live for! That's what you can't teach us!" His hands come together, the smell of blood burning fills the air almost immediately. "Just LET ME GO!" The fire that had previously been cauterizing his wound leaves his hands immediately, shooting towards you even while he takes another step back... the fires roiling in a perfect ball through their flight-- though halfway through, they sickle, turning misshapen, a prjectile of flagging height and speed, clearly an inferior make of the Kusanagi flames.
As for K4, he wasn't so angry anymore. Foxy wasn't putting up enough of a fight to really fuel the fire, so to speak... and it gave him time to consider the situation.
COMBATSYS: K9999 successfully hits Foxy with Flame Burst.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Foxy 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 K9999
While she may not have time to raise her arms and deflect the worst of the attack, the rapier does make its way in front of Foxy, deflecting a good majority of the burning damage that's flung at her. Once again, her footing is challenged, but she's more than able to compensate. At this stage in the game, she's hardly down and out-- but the clone is putting up a better fight than she's likely to have given him credit for. Without her gloves present to dampen the damaging grip she has on her sword, to boot, the finely honed edge of the blade cuts into the pad of her thumb where it's clutched.
Thankfully, the worst of it is absorbed. But not by much.
"You weild that anger like a torch," she sneers at him, "But where will you be when that -power- of yours is displayed to the world at large? What -human- could possibly take you in when they see the kinds of things you can do to your flesh? Their sensibilities are -feeble-, child-- their aims, their -goals-, little more than laughable. Why would you shirk becoming something better, something greater? Showing them that -your- way is the coming of the -future-, rather than appearing to them as little more than a -monster-?"
COMBATSYS: Foxy focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Foxy 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 K9999
He doesn't care about her words, now. Or her concentration. Sure, he's listening, but K4's eyes have closed, and something /ominous/ might be felt, whipping around him in passive, invisible torrents. Chi, passive and portentous, flailing around him in a show of what's to come. "I'm not the future, Foxy. I shouldn't even fucking /be/ here. The only reason I am is to kill /him/, and you know it. The Cartel doesn't /want/ their projects shown to the world." He's quiet. Not so angry, but.... just passively pissed. "So why don't you give up, and make another one? You could call him K10000, right?"
Anybody'd be able to hear the WHOOSH of air turning to stinging dust. Anybody. Even a focused Foxy, who'd been doing miserably bad so far. "I'm going to show you why I'm already as great as I need to be. And you're going to die, Foxy. I'm never going to have to deal with you again."
But, as any teenage boy was wont... K9999's anger flares with the release of that dust. "I HATE YOU! GOD ALMIGHTY, I /HATE YOU/!" From above your head, from the sides and front, billowing clouds of the stuff fall upon you, an effective show of exactly what he's got.
COMBATSYS: K9999 successfully hits Foxy with Dust Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Foxy 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 K9999
Miserably bad is right.
The hit that she takes is immense, and she has absolutely no ability to get away from it. The shockwave of dust that encompasses her is harsh, the pain that comes with it just as brutal as she'd intended his assaults to be in the midst of his creation. To that end... there's a -smile- that comes over her face. One that is, surprisingly enough, -genuine-. It's not sardonic or scathing-- it's as melodious as the laughter that breaks from her as an immediate result. "Why give up on one that shows such -promise-?" she replies, without hesitation. "Oh, child, if -only- you could embrace the chance you've been given-- if only you should find yourself persuaded by those who -know- what your true potential could be. Your -passion-... your -fire-..."
How's that for cooing? Not quite the tones one might be used to, but it's pretty damn clear she's impressed. With strands of hair hanging from their bound position, with her blouse slowly being shredded to tatters, with every lick of damage that's being done-- she's unafraid, and unwilling to restrain her approval. "Yes, Kay-- -fight-. Show me what you're worth-- -show- me that passion!" That said, the attack that's levelled on him is little more than an out-and-out offensive, her body ducking down low before she whips her rapier around in a spiral pattern, the blade threatening to catch him once across the chest, and -again- across his shoulderline, once again aiming for tendons underneath the skin. It doesn't seem to -matter- if it lands or not.
COMBATSYS: Foxy successfully hits K9999 with Planunium.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Foxy 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 K9999
You talk about being hit in the face with a brick.
More than her sword across his chest, Foxy's /attitude/ stops K9999 dead in his tracks. "You... what?" She was complimenting him, for beating the hell out of her? The woman stands before him, ragged, bleeding, and overall seemingly in a world of pain... happily. The result is a stunned K4, and a sword along the shoulderblade. An arm hanging at his side, and a held-back hiss.
K4 doesn't do anything at all, now. His eyes close, and the flesh along his shoulder knits, flesh and tendons slipping back together, the sound of slick, liquid repair filling the space between the two of you. "...Don't praise me for this. You don't deserve to. What I'm doing to you is because I've gotten to hate you almost as much as the renegade. I don't want your praise, Foxy." The sullen way he says it, one could almost imagine he really /was/ 16. "I just want you dead."
COMBATSYS: K9999 takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Foxy 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 K9999
"If my death fuels these kinds of fires," Foxy replies, "Then so be it. It pains me to know as much you desire this, but if only you could harnass this-- let it come to fruition. See it -through-... You are -far- more than you know, child. Your abilities surpass those that have come before you, and they -will- surpass the renegade in due time. The only reason they -havn't-... is you havn't allowed anyone to teach you. And if I must teach through -hate-, then I -will-!"
That said, she raises either of her arms in front of her, her rapier still in hand as she brings the both of them down in a swift arc, a metallic object thrown straight for his chest to embed itself in the wound that's been created. If it sinks in, the detonation is painful, and abrupt-- an explosive force that's meant to wrack through the whole of his nervous system. "Your first lesson is to stand and -fight- for your beleifs!" she tells him, ignoring the crowd that's all but assembled around the two of them, watching this spectacle with obvious intrigue. "If you want me dead, then by -god-, -show me-!"
COMBATSYS: K9999 overcomes Horn of the Unicorn from Foxy with Armcannon Blast.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Foxy 1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0 K9999
COMBATSYS: K9999 successfully hits Foxy with Armcannon Blast.
[ \\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Foxy 1/-======/=======|=====--\-------\0 K9999
She asked for it. She really did.
Show me! Foxy's demand cuts through the melange of liquid and flesh-shaping. It cuts through whatever cloud surrounds K4's mind... and brings him back into the fight. That, of course, and the rapier flying through the air towards him. Quite immediately, he shrieks. Whatever he'd been thinking about, whatever tenuous hold on seriousness and solidarity he had... gone. "STOP TREATING ME LIKE A PROJECT! STOP FAKING LOVE WHEN ALL YOU HAVE IS HATE! THERE'S NOTHING YOU CARE ABOUT OTHER THAN RESULTS! Never, NEVER! have you shown me anything but the back of your hand!" Speaking of hands, and limbs in general... K4's arm has completely shifted into a blackened, tubular cannon, chi energy being sucked in liberal amounts from the earth and air around him, lights flashing in unison as whatever attack he's preparing commences. With a shriek, he lifts his arm. Hate in his eyes, a fine froth on his lower lip... K9999 means to show you exactly what you want to see.
The plasma-chi rips forth from the wide muzzle of that cannon, her rapier sent /far/ off course in the resultant meeting of metal and energy. Round after round of pure force tears into Foxy, a heated, burning, /crushing/ force that could very well kill anybody else. Dozens of anybody else's as a matter of fact... the thing is obviously meant for crowd-control and/or slaughter. Have fun with /that/.
Indeed. The luminescent energy that rips through her is more than enough to dig past cloth and into skin, throwing her back against the pavement of the street-- a street that's, thankfully, unpopulated for the immediate moment. The outcry that comes from the surprise of the pain that lances through her is an obvious enough indicator of how far down he's brought her-- as is the fact that it takes her a good couple moments to raise back to her feet. With what? Not a groan or a grimace, but -gales- of laughter. It's not mocking in any sense-- the apparent hysteria is little more than a show of her wildest expectations of the boy being -met-.
What a -wonderous- feeling!
With her clothes quite literally in out-and-out tatters-- though thankfully she maintains her modesty-- and a good majority of her hair falling free to hang limply along neck and shoulders, Foxy hardly looks -able- to maintain her jovial attitude. But it's there. Twisted and perverse as it may be.
However, she sobers. And quickly. He said something that -demands- reply-- and a reply he gets. "If you think for an -instant- that your treatment is any different from any of the other so-called projects, you're -sorely- mistaken!" she calls back at him, regaining herself as best she can. "If I'd no -respect- for you and yours, I'd -let- you be coddled! -Let- you be vulnerable and -weak- like the rest of these mindless drones wandering aimlessly about their sad lives... No, child. What you see is siphoned through the eyes of an infant, through the enfeebled grasp of -emotion-. I've shown you more care than I've shown -anything- -- -all- of you are my -life-."
COMBATSYS: Foxy focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Foxy 1/-======/=======|=====--\-------\0 K9999
"LIAR!!" The clone is already on the move, regardless of your laughter, your mirth at his apparent pain. "All you ever talk about is results and the lack of control! All you ever remind me of is my flaws! Why're the rest of the clones okay if I'm just as important, Foxy?!" Not screamed... no, he was doing far too well to become desperate. However, the edge is still there. He's madder than ever, apparently. "You're lying to me! You're lying so I sober up, lying so you can take me back to that place again! I'm not going, you hear? I'm /NOT GOING!/"
And what a punctuation he chooses. While Foxy concentrates, throwing out insults and "lies", K4's arm takes the form of a large, flat panel of /something/. However, it makes it's purpose clear soon enough... He intends to smash her body with it in an all-out rush with the fists. "I'm going to show you! I'll show EVERYBODY I'm better!"
COMBATSYS: Foxy endures K9999's Strong Punch.
[ \ < > //////////////////// ]
Foxy 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=====--\-------\0 K9999
Instead of sidestepping the attack or trying to get around it, Foxy... takes it. Full on. Without so much as a -hint- of faltering. While there's the lightest of grunts that comes from the impact, her body seeming to sag against his for all of a couple seconds, the Spaniard isn't -quite- down and out. Not yet. Not entirely. Chuckling softly, almost ruefully, she murmurs, "Oh, child," her tone almost -morose- in its beginnings, though there's nothing ... misleading about it. Much as he can try to think that tone is just a lure, it's not. And he'll know it.
"You have no idea... how proud I am to hear you say that. But no matter the pride-- your lot and mine are intrinsically tied."
That rather odd statement made, there's a bright blue glow that starts to surround her, her arms reaching out to take a firm hold of him-- whether or not it meets its mark, well...
COMBATSYS: Foxy can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 0/-------/-======|
COMBATSYS: Foxy successfully hits K9999 with Honey Bee.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
K9999 1/-----==/=======|
The clutching of the embrace is meant for more than just reassurance in this fashion. Though the lightly uttered words of, "Love can be expressed in so many ways. As I've said... it's not impossible... for a truly beautiful mind can be borne from the cruelties wrought upon it. Everything I've done, I've done for you... and yours..."
With that, she clutches -tighter- to him, the eruption of energy around her finally coming to fruition as there's a -devestating- explosion between the two, pitching him backwards as well as her, the last tatters of her consciousness finally ripped from her in that one moment, the pain of channelling so much energy through an already frail body getting the best of her. Skidding to a dead halt along the sidewalk, there's no chance for the NESTS operative to save herself from any attempts to truly end her life-- and the crowd? The crowd merely stares on, dumbfounded by what they've seen. So much so that it's doubtful they heard, or understood, what words passed between them.
For the very /first/ time in his four years, K4 gets a hug. And, if this one was any trendsetter, he'd be traumatized from it for the rest of however long he lives. An... odd feeling, a quivering of the lips at Foxy's touch, her words. Certainly, hugging a spider-thin, bird-structred boy must be creepy. But Foxy does it with such /warmth/... K9999's honestly off his guard. "I..." He smiled. Honestly. And the guard came down, his arms came up to return the embrace.
Everybody wants a mommy.
He doesn't expect the explosion, and... he never hugs Foxy. Instead, the clone throws his hands back at the last second, feeling the sudden upheaval in the air around him... and it's no good. K49 is sent soaring backwards from the explosion, /through/ the storefront he'd stood in front of in the very beginning, and left to lie in the debris for a time, people all over shouting, screaming, worried.
About Foxy, of course. Nobody really worried about him. That, and Foxy wasn't really... well. Suffice it to say that modesty took the form of people, this time.
K4 stands, after a moment, eyes watering. He wouldn't let her see him like this. A hand wipes across his eyes, the evidence obliterated, and the clone steps out of the debris, bruised, bloodied, battered, but overall... entirely okay. Foxy, for all she did, is given a look somewhere between hate and loathing... and pity. Whatever she had done this day, it hadn't done anything to bridge the gap between her and K9999. Not only was she a liar... she was a con-artist, too. The police and medical crew were already on their way. Seeing as how he couldn't do anything to relieve Foxy of her life, and, thus, her annoyance to him... K49 simply picks up his book, rights the chair he used to be sitting on, and heads off towards downtown. "I'll find him. I'll kill him."
Log created by Foxy, and last modified on 16:52:55 07/25/2005.