Description: Who knew Jiro worked at a pizza place? More over who knew that Li Xiangfei would be showing up to visit?! Staring Kai Gabriel, Jiro Kasagi and Li Xiangfei, this short scene is a must see (Because it has Xiangfei in it).
It's late at night, and it is still young. For people are gathered to make the reports and have their fun at the illustrious Duck Pond. Of course, not everyone can have fun.
After Duck King's requirement to boot the under-aged people who were dancing, Jiro already notices his little sister taking off to head back home. "Hey! Mimiru! Wait!" He grumbles, the he finds himself stuck with the holy girl. "...****." He shakes his head, "...Whatever."
" . . . . " There goes Mimiru. Well that's fine, young girls need their sleep and so 'holy girl' Gabriel decides it's for the best. Considering Jiro a moment she decides -
"You're very agreeable Jiro-san, you seem to say 'whatever' a lot and I think that means that anything goes right? I respect that." Gabriel gives a smile and a not, waving a hand around while making her explanation of whatever it she was talking about.
"But.. Now that Mimiru-san has left.." She looks up and down the street with no small measure of uncertainty. "What now."
Mental note, be sure to give Mimiru a welcome home noogie. Hard. Jiro mutters a few words to himself, then he hears the young girl address him.
The young man is very unhappy with the situation. His sister desserted him to go home, leaving him stuck for a moment. A sigh is given as the young man shifts his head towards his 'date'. "...Unfortuately." He peers at her, then he lifts an eye while stating, "Knowing Mimiru, she is trying to set us up on a date." Doesn't say too much else, other than waiting to see her reaction.
"Date-o?!" exclaims Gabriel with shock and alarm. Lets take a quick list of what is wrong with this picture:
1) Beauty and the beast.
2) She is not dressed and her hair is not done for a date.
3) She has never been on a date before, thus making this her first.
4) OMFG embarrassment.
"I'm sorry Jiro-san, but I am not sure I am prepared for this important life stage. Two young star crossed lovers meeting in the middle of the night, about to part forever, only have until the sun rises to express their feelings.." She clasps a hand to her heart,
"The glorious Maiden of light is good to them and makes the stars dance forever in the sky.." She's in la-la land.
See Jiro. See Jiro twitch. Twitch, Jiro, twitch. THe young man's eyes dull for a moment as he facepalms, "Of all of the people Mimiru set me up with..." That twerp is going to get it. The young man gives off an exasperated sigh as he grumbles a few angry words. "...You're really a religious fanatic, aren't you...?" Jiro shakes his head, "...I can tell this won't work out into a real relationship." His hands dig into his pocket, "I hate religion, you are a zealot. You like the small, tiny snacks that are hard to pronounce, I like simple food." He shakes his head.
"...Whatever... I will take you to a real place to get something to eat. There's a pizza shop not too far from here."
What what what?! Did he just say he hated religion, call her a tiny snack and then call her a fanatic? Well he's certainly rude. While Jiro speaks Gabriel's fantasy's are shattered in a shower of fleas on a stray dog.
"Now just wait one minute Jiro-san. I am NOT a fanatic.. I am not obsessed, obsessed is bad, I am simply a true beleiver in the Lady of Light and that our world will one day be saved and all the people shall know true harmony. Is that so wrong?" She places her hands on her hips and huffs. "And just because you don't understand the importance of faith." Pizza indeed, she didn't even get to start on how greasy and unhealthy that stuff was.
People out this late at night? But then again, being near the Duck Pond or wherever perhaps that's not as big a suprise as a certain 'Radical Warrior' might think.. The chinese martial artist exits the Pond with a drunk twice her size over her shoulder, still in her work uniform of course and headset over her ears, "I think it's about time you headed on home, boyo!" she pipes, twirling around and then hurling the poor guy over to the street corner.
"H.. Hey wait.. N.. No! I'm not done ye- Ieeeeee!!" the man cries before hitting the ground with a thud and is immedietly out cold.
"'Ieeee!' is right! All cry in terror before the might of the Radical Warrior! Aaaaah ha ha ha ha ha!!" she bellows, hands on her hips.
"...Is that why you were planning to crush Nassir like a twig when you called him a heretic?" He grunts for a moment. Narrowing his eyes at the young woman, Jiro shakes his head. "Meh..." He looks very annoyed at Gabriel, "Also, it seems that you mention her - a lot-. It's like a casual conversation and you suddenly sprout out to the goddess." He grumbles with an annoyed tone, "Geez..." He stares at the drunken man being tossed out.
"..." He groans, "****. It's her again." He glares over towards Xiangfei, then he peers back at Gabriel, "Anyway, it's time to take you out of the rich life-style of life for one night... and bring you down to our level so you can see things in that atmosphere."
"I am not rich, I don't even have a job or a family, just an inheritance," Gabriel defies. Note that it is a big inheritance, but as far as rich people went, Robert Garcia, Ken Masters, just to name a couple, were way out of her league. Still she had enough to own a mansion and eat at the expensive restaurants. Someday she would have to work to keep up that life style. Or invest.
"Ohh, Li-san, this is perfect, you have to come with us." Gabriel says toward Xiangfei and then attempts to walk over to her to drag her away from her job.
"I'm sure.. Duck-san will not miss you.. Please."
Her plan..? Substitute Xiangfei in for herself as Jiro's date. She can just be.. the casual friend who comes along. Muahahahah
Brilliance is a blessing and for that she pauses a moment to murmur what is more likely than not yet another prayer.
Li-Li rubs the back of her neck, opening one eye to glance to Gabriel, and then pales a bit as she takes a step back.. Oh man, not her again, "Aw crud, Gabriel! Not right now!" she groans, waving her hands quickly, "Nope, no way! I'm not going down to the Police Station with you, what're you going to bust me for this time, littering??" she doesn't until the last moment notice Jiro herself now, and the womans eyes half-lid a bit. Oh boy, this is going to be a long night.
Jiro just stares at the exchange between Xiangfei and Li. He stares at the both of them for a moment. So Gabriel is -that- bad that the annoying twit, Xiangfei, is trying to avoid her. Jiro peers at the two. "**** it." Jiro immediately turns away from Gabriel and Li.
The young man will dump Gabriel on Li instead. Revenge for ruining his day with Kula. "Have fun, miss Li. You two will get along just fine." Digging his hands into his pocket, Jiro is -leaving- the two.
Oh no he isn't. First thing is first, get Xiangfei's mind in the right place,
"Li-san, Jiro-san has offered to take us both out to pizza. Please come with me, I've never gone on anything like a date and I'm uncomfortable going." Keyword here..? Pizza.
Then to Jiro she starts to march after him, confident in her assumption that whatever it is she just tried will get Xiangfei to come along. Maybe it's just that she expects Xiangfei not to want poor Gabriel to be uncomfortable.
"Jiro-san, wait up, we're coming. Remember? You promised pizza. A man doesn't break his word."
And the zealot gets bonus points for figuring out how to manipulate Xiangfei by just remembering the waitresses outburst with Gabriel and Alma! She was clever, very clever, and Xiangfei actually manages not to see right through that one, her eyes widening a bit to the mention of pizza, "R.. Really?" she suddenly asks, eyes lit up and cupping her cheeks, " Pizza! Free Food! Well, ok, sure it wasn't that great that it was Jiro-sans treat, but.. Perhaps he was looking to patch things up with the Hip-Hop Honey? By the time Gabriel catches up with Jiro, Xiangfei is already standing next to him, a hand on her hip, other pointing forward, "Yeah! You are a man, aren't you? Let's do this!" Hmn did Gabby say something about a date? Maybe she meant date and walnut pizza. Not a bad idea.
Twitch. Twitchtwitchtwitch. Jiro mutters a few words under his breath, "Damn you... Mimiru..." His sister is going to pay dearly for this. He doesn't know how or when, but he'll make her pay for this situation. And then he has the promise thrown back at his face.
"...Right..." He is -already- making regrets about his promise, "I'll be sure to watch what I say next time." He rolls his eyes, taking the two to his Pizza Shop...
The next scenario switches over to a large red building that's marked Pizza Hut. The place, believe it or not, is actually in good condition. The floors are cleaned and it has a grade A inspection on everything. There is a lot of pride in the place.
Jiro leads the two girls to the counter, then he mutters, "I'll make my order..." He looks at the person at the counter, "Yo Jeff..."
"Jiro?! I thought you have the day off from here? Your shift isn't until Tuesday."
"I do, but..." He gestures a hand, "...A date..." He shrugs, "Whatever, just give me the pepperoni pizza." He grumbles.
Gabriel has never seen the inside of a pizza shop before, so she's completely taken aback and mostly disgusted.
"These floors.. they're TILE.. like.. a bathroom.. except at my home we have wood." She gazes at the 'clean' shop and shudders.
Her revere is broken by the words of 'Jeff'.
"Oh, Jiro-san works here..? Do you deliver pizza's here..? As far as Justice High?"
Yeah, as if the security guards there would ever let one of these boys in. Then again, Jiro did get all metal gear on that place once, maybe he could do it again.
Oh and for clarification Gabriel gives Jeff a big smile and says, "Yes, a date, do they not look perfect together?" while gesturing to Jiro and Xiangfoei.
Li-Li was just tickled pink! Upon entering the 'Hut', her stomach is already growling, and the brightest smile on her face as she takes a look around herself.. And then pauses to the words of Jeff. Oh no.. No he did not!
The waitress' eyes widen a bit, and then narrow again as it becomes clear to her that she may be in the presence of yet -another- rival, though a pizza chain can't really hold up against the Pao Pao, can it? "Wow, talk about your sheltered lifestle," she mutters to herself, eyes then widening to Gabbys other comment, "... Uh.. Wait what? Actually, answer that later, I'd like one large cheese pizza, one large bacon and mushroom pizza, a personal pan chicken and onion, two orders of breadsticks, two orders of buffalo wings and a two liter diet pepsi, please!!" she cries, hand raised in the air.
Alright, remember that hatred towards the Justice High students? Well, that hatred is really picking up as she talks down about the shop. A growl curls on his lips as he facepalms, "Stupid idiotic sister of mine...." Fangs nearly come out of the mouth while he makes his acidic grumblings. He snarls at Gabriel, "-Deal-. This isn't like your place's rich life-style, so you'll live."
And the whe she gestures to him and Xiangfei, Jiro pauses. "...The #@!$?" Jiro stares at Gabriel, "Uh, Li and I are not on a date..." He points to Gabriel, "Her and I are... thanks to Mimiru..." He grumbles.
Jeff laughs sheepishly, the he rings up the total, "That'll be thirty dollars. ...Even with your employee discount."
"Like it even helps." He rolls his eyes, handing him the payment. "We'll have it here..."
Thirty dollars for feeding Xiangfei alone isn't that bad. So really he did make off well considering he got to eat and Gabriel will probably just nibble. Then again it's not unlikely that Xiangfei won't start going after his pizza too. If she does it might be wise to keep fingers out of reach, she might mistake them for sausage.
Gabriel meanwhile blushes bright red and her head threatens to explode. Her skull saw something like that on TV at the KOF award ceremony and was looking for just an opportunity to try it out. . IE one where Gabriel is embarrassed.
"No no on, sir, you see, Jiro-san and I were going to get pizza and I invited Li-san along to be Jiro-san's date because I was uncomfortable going on a first date. Besides, there are no flowers." As if that settles that she folds her arms in sudden silence.
Li-Li's eyes shift between Gabriel and Jiro, and while there is a mild feeling of confusion here, it's.. Well it's to be expected perhaps when you agree to go out with two people you may not be overly fond about. But she was raised to make the best of most situations, this would have to be one of them, she supposes, "I thought it was a double-date," she throws in, grinning rather smugly, "Jiro isn't very picky about his women, that I do know- So seeing you two togeather is actually a fine fine example of sweet irony, that can only be brought togeather by a girl of my own stature. Maybe you should change your name to 'Sly Dog', mister pimp."
Jiro just stares. Just. Friggin. Stares. The young boy looks at both Gabriel and Xiangfei for a moment, then he lowers his head while facepalming. He only wanted to date Kula too. The Stray Dog rubs his forehead, "This can't be happening..." Mimiru is going to pay.
Jiro glares at Xiangfei and Gabriel, "I will stick with 'Stray Dog', -thank you-." He sighs a bit, rubbing his forehead. He knew everything would go wrong. Walking past the two, he sighs, "Let's just take a seat." He sits down, "Jeff will bring our pizzas over... and yes, I deliver." He allows his forehead to hit the table. "Also, Gabriel, Daigo wishes to speak with you soon."
"Daigo?" Gabriel asks looking puzzled. "I do not believe I have met mister Daigo-san, please give him my regards, but why does he wish to meet with me?" She sits, but doesn't look to happy about doing it. Lets review. Gabriel wears nice clothes and generally doesn't slum it. She's a touch snobbish and doesn't realize it. The worst kind of rich person - the kind that doesn't even fully realize that she is rich.
"Should I call you Stray-dog-san? Jiro-san? It doesn't sound quite right to me, what do you think Li-san? And.. what is a pimp?" Now she's really puzzled. She hadn't realized these two knew each other so intimately . If she had her pink hello kitty notebook she'd probably make a note about it.
Li-Li stares at Jeff expectantly until he hands over the breadsticks.. And once he does that, then she moves on to follow the other two, one already hanging from her mouth as she smirks to the Gedo student. She had to give him credit though, he really does stick to his word, she knew this couldn't be too fun for him with her around, she would have to try not to intrude too much, ".. What's a pimp?" she asks in sudden suprise, "You're joking, right? Don't you have HBO in your mansion or something? Next you're going to tell me you don't know what a 'player' is!" she looks to the face-down Jiro, "Hey! Wouldn't that be funny if she said she didn't though? Hahahaha! Hey, Jiro so what's the deal, do you feel high class chicks? Or just classy looking or what?"
"You will soon." Jiro states plainly.
Gabriel receives an uncaring shrug as he says, "Whatever works. I don't give a damn now." He looks at the counter, hoping Jeff finally brings the food in for the love of God. And thankfully, his prayers are answered when Jeff does arrive with the food.
Looking at Xiangfei, Jiro says, "Most likely, she doesn't. As for going on a date with her, it wasn't my choice. My little sister set me upwith her. I just tried to make the best of it."
"Of course I know what Dvd players are. Anyway.. Daigo-san.. That name sounds fimiliar, he's the one that Yabuki Shingo-san attacked right? I heard it on the school bulleton that Yabuki Shingo-san was waging war on the gangs of Gedo.. But I'm sure you've heard all about that already."
Gabriel didn't actually order anything, so she goes after the food of other people. Xiangfei's.. Jiro's, but not aggressively because she doesn't want to get her hands greasy.
Li-Li just... Watches with amused interest, if Jiros sister really was involved, she wonders just how involved she was in the matter- Curious, very curious. Maybe it was even an excuse to save face, it was hard for the warrior to say this early on. Just this.... Look is given to Gabriel, she slowly shaking her head and reverts her attention back to, "Thanks for the food!" she suddenly cries, slapping her hands togeather, and then starts to chow down, stuffing a slice into her mouth, and a bread stick, "Mmnnn.. 'Ake the beft? No offenfe, bug 'Abby doeshn't sheem th' type t' put out," she mumbles, "'Ay! Daigo.. He'f the wan Zaki hakes, eh?" so delicious!
"..." Jiro's eyes narrow for a moment. "Funny, I don't recall anything like that." He states with a glare towards Gabriel. That bumbling nice guy wouldn't attack Gedo, would he? Eh. He'll take her word with a grain of salt.
Towards Xiangfei, Jiro sighs, "Again, it wasn't my idea... I would of immediately left haven't I tried to make the best of it." He grunts, "Still am." He lowers his head a bit, clamping his hands together. He looks at Li, "I suppose so." He states. He remembers that he didn't like Zaki much. So... The young man brings his hands together, then he grabs to the pizza. Taking a bite out of it, Jiro sighs. He is trying to enjoy his pizza. While normally he would scarf it down, the mood, unfortunately, puts him in the position to savor his meal.
"This is Italian food right..?" She looks skeptical then just sits there. She turns to Xiangfei and decides to chat with her a moment. "I don't know what the mansion has, I havn't been to my family home since my parents died in the plane crash. I'm sure whomever was hired to take care of it until I move back in will be sure to leave everything the way I remember it."
More like they will use every luxery they can until there is nothing left. That or they hired a real snob who will in turn hire low wage workers to clean up every once in a while. She doesn't know. Doesn't care.
"So Jiro-san, do you like your job here? I've never had a job before."
Li-Li can't talk, eating.. And if she does talk she talks with her mouth full so it may be wise to avoid chatting her up. ... Unless you like see-food, "Uh-huh," she replies to Jiro, clearly not convinced, but not seeming put off that the Stray Dog is a player, either. She thought there was some confusion in Gabriels story as well, as she knew Shingo fairly well, "'aybe you shuld check 'a spelling in yer notgook," she suggests to Gabriel, and had no idea of pizza was italian herself. She was pretty sure it originated somewhere around there though, "Oh.. Er.. Forry," she then murmurs with a sweatdrop. She still had her parents.. But things were starting to make more sense now, as to why this chick may be such a snob.
"I guess. Is there a reason to care what it is?" He finally starts to eat the meal, trying to enjoy it now. He frowns slightly, the he looks over at Gabriel. "Eh..." Considering the youth is an 'accident' according to his father and mother, Jiro is rather unsympathetic, "Let's not bring sob stories to the table, please."
The bitter young man looks over towards Gabriel, Jiro states, "It's okay. Not something I like to do all of the time, but it has its perks." He continues to eat the pizza, looking over towards Jeff. "Eh..." He stands up a bit, "I think fulfilled my promise and I already handled the payment, I'm off." He tucks his hands into his pocket, slowly heading towards the door.
"Arn't you going to walk us home? I live in the dormitory at Justice High and miss Li? Where do you live? Surely in the suburbs by my school. I can't imagine many other places in Southtown worth living.." Gabriel says, gently as though she doesn't realize that she probably just single handed insulted everyone at the table with a single sentence. That sort of thing takes real skill.
Well, to Xiangfei Jiro and Gabriel had something pretty big in common- They both lacked tact. Not that she minded much, stuffing her face, she actually was having a good time overall! But she then nods in agreement as she points to the rich girl, "Uh she faid," she mumbles, pushing one empty pizza box aside, and then gives the girl this... Look of disbelief. Her jaw drops, and then she manages to utter without strangling the woman right then and there, "Uh, yeah."
One difference is that while Gabriel lacked tact because of ignorance, Jiro does it because he can. At the moment she mentions of walking them home, the young boy grits his teeth, sighing a bit, "Oh yes, that." He grunts, "You both could use the exercise." He shrugs, then he sighs, "Fi--..." He growls towards Gabriel.
Jeff, noticing the look on Jiro's eyes, heads over towards counter to try to get his friend. See, Jiro also has a reputation with his attitude towards complaints. It's why he's not in Public Relations.
"There are other places outside of Justice High you uppity snobbish piece of..." A hand makes its way towards his mouth, "Mmmffmm..." Jiro glares at Jeff, the he mutters a few words. "Whatever..." He breaks away from Jeff, "I'm going outside. So it's either now, or you'll be able to walk yourselves home."
Gabriel looks hurt. Her eyes wide and starting to water, it only takes a moment from there before she sniffles and hides a sob in her hand. He just called her.. mean things. And all of this was with Jeff censoring the swear word.
"No.. it.. it's okay.. I can tell when I'm not wanted, I'll walk myself home." She stands up, having not actually eaten anything and goes toward the door with her shoulders slumped. She opens it and steps onto the street. She pulls out her cell phone and calls a cab.
Li-Li tsks, her eyes half-lidding again.. How rude! Though then again, if he was a friend of Daigos, it shouldn't be much of a suprise that his attitude was so... Hmn. She continues to stuff her mouth as much as she can though, it wasn't like the insult wasn't warrented, but it was still a bit of a shock. When Gabriel starts to cry, she jumps in suprise, and then tsks again. Were it anyone else, she'd probably extract some vengeance. But nope! "You done f'd up now, Jiro!"
There is only a pause from Jiro when he looks over at Gabriel. Noticing her crying, Jiro looks at Li, the expression turning cold. "Like I care." He immediately heads out of the door, but he stops to see Gabriel's expression. "..." He is twitching a few times, then he heaves a sigh. Try to make friends, his sister says. Try to be more kind and not so much of an asshole.
Giving the exasperated sigh, Jiro makes his way towards Gabriel, his expression looking more placid, "...Listen... I want to apologize... I was just angry... and..."
"It's okay Jiro-san," Gabriel says and gives a weak smile. "I'll just be going now.. Thank you for taking us out." She waves a little and it isn't long before a taxi would pick her up anyway, seeing as when she says walk home she really means call a taxi to drive her there. Though her fighting training at least ensured that she would get exercise right?
Li-Li picks up the other box as she hops to her feet, and gives a wave to Jeff, "It was very good, thank you!" she pipes with a broad grin, and wishes she brought her bookbag with her, she'd have to carry the soda in her other hand. Managing to catch up with Gabriel and Jiro, the waitress can't help but feel a little awkward- On one hand, Gabriel deserved it, but on the other, she didn't really know any better. Someone might have to take the responsibility of showing the girl how the real world works.
.. She just hoped it wouldn't have to be her, maybe there was some down-to-earth friend she hung with, like Angel was to Kula, "...." she'd stay quiet for now, seeing how this plays out.
"Wasn't much choice." Jiro shrugs a bit, making his way to see the cab pick her up. There is relief to Jiro as he watches the cab get ready to take her out. Eh, so that's her idea of walking home. Ughing for a moment, the Stray Dog shrugs once more, then he begins to walk off. Soon joining his side as he wanders the streets are two rottweilers and a labador.
Log created by Gabriel, and last modified on 06:09:03 01/31/2007.