Nassir's professional fighting career was doing surprisingly well, at least from an objective viewpoint--two rather lopsided wins, and one loss against a powerhouse in Megumi Andou. His name was slowly beginning to pick up some steam behind it, face recognition kicking in. A normal fighter might consider it to be a boon...but Nassir found himself wishing otherwise. Face recognition would make his work as a mercenary and soldier in the Shank Squad that much more difficult, as the curious investigators began to dig for some history on him. If he had it his way, he would just as quickly disappear from the professional fighting circuit...
...but to do so would go against Holly Wood's orders. Fighting professionally both served to advance his training against a myriad of styles and irritate the young mercenary...which was as good as a win/win situation for the commanding soldier.
Standing in one corner of the stone floor arena, Nassir quietly ran his hands over his various implements of destruction...ensuring that everything was present, accounted for, and in the proper location. His career might be doing well thus far, but that didn't mean he got the same response as a major league fighter did--the arena was only partially filled, and the fighters involved got no major declaration.
"Standing at five-seven and weighing in at 148 pounds, Nassir Mahomet!" You could hear crickets, if it weren't for the half-drunk man in the fourth row screaming obscenities into his cell phone.
"In the Beginning there were nothing but rocks..."
Then somebody invented the wheel..."
And things just began to ROLL..."
States an ominous voice just before the Blue Blade's theme music, 'That is Rock & Roll', begins piping in loudly through Howard Arena's sound system. "Did you ever hear a tenor sax, swingin like a rusty axe... o/`" continues the raucous 50's rock ditty as the Blue Blade, the once famous Luchadore, now banned from wrestling in Mexico due to his tendency for using extremely dirty tactics, runs onto the arena floor, rocking out to the music and spinning towards the crowd, pumping both fists and pointing. "The Bluuuue Blade!" the announcer shouts simply.
His display elicits a modest spattering of cheers and clapping over his theme music, with a few loud boos from those elite enough to recognize him from the Lucha Libre wrestling circuit. Ignoring the less than impressive response, not the reaction he's used to, but times have apparently changed, Johnny Switchblade, now clad in the traditional Blue Blade wrestling mask, traditional, that is, except for the missing top that allows his impressive pompadour to show through. Running into the middle of the arena floor, the Blue Blade's leather jacket worn with traditional wrestling pants and boots jingles as he points at Nassir and pumps both fists once more, a taunt of sorts, hoping to get a reaction out of the stoic arabian.
COMBATSYS: Johnny has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Johnny 0/-------/-------|
The sudden explosion of music and crowd reaction seems to have a more immeadiate effect, jolting the youth into a state of shock and surprise. Nassir wasn't even given the /option/ of theme music, not that he would've taken it anyways. It seemed that he was going to be 'jobbed out' to someone worthy of music, that it was some kind of a setup. If that was their intent, Nassir might very well fall...but he would make it as difficult as possible. The taunt, for what it was worth, doesn't earn any /additional/ response out of him, but given his initial reaction it might go over most people's heads.
Face dropping down into a tight grimace, Nassir's hand slides over to one of the orbs resting on his chest, pulling it free as the bell rings to signify the beginning. Casually tossing it over to the Blue Blade, Nassir awaited the inevitable explosion which would soon follow. It was just a question of wheather or not Johnny would still be there by then, or what.
COMBATSYS: Nassir has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Nassir 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Johnny
COMBATSYS: Johnny dodges Nassir's Scorch the Earth.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Nassir 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Johnny
"DIOS MIO!" The Blue Blade shouts as the grenade flies at him, his eyes widening in fear behind his mask. The Blue Blade is used to fighting dirty, that's for sure, but a GRENADE?! Maybe someone's trying to get him back for his past sins by putting him up against a grenade tossing psycho in his first match on the world circuit. His surprised response is short lived as the high-flying luchadore runs directly /towards/ the grenade and leaps over it! The crowd roars in surprise as the daring lucha braves the ticking timebomb to rush in and attack his opponent. Now safely out of range of the explosive, the Blue Blade's right arm begins to glow brightly with the same cobalt blue energy that gave him his name. Flying at Nassir's chest in the way of an expert knife-edged chop, the impact of the Blue Blade's blue blade will resound loudly through out the arena, should it hit.
COMBATSYS: Johnny successfully hits Nassir with Tajada Estupenda.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Nassir 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Johnny
Sure enough, Nassir is caught unawares--he was used to people doing all sorts of things to evade his grenades, but rarely did they involve hurtling over them in hopes of reaching him. It was new, it was different, and it was very effective...knife-edge chopped across the chest, Nassir stumbled backwards, arms going up to protect his now tender chestmeats. If he were of the wrestling persuasion, he'd probably give one back in turn, but instead Nassir's first instinct is to get away. Rolling into a crouch around the wrestler, Nassir springs to his feet only a couple of yards away...but missing another orb.
An orb which happens to be near the Blue Blade's feet. Hopefully, he'll catch onto that one before it's too late.
COMBATSYS: Nassir successfully hits Johnny with Scorch the Earth.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Nassir 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Johnny
Yup, a grenade tossing psycho. Glancing down just in time to catch sight of /another/ grenade at his feet, the Blue Blade mutters something in Spanish and attempts to leap away just as the grenade explodes; causing shrapnel to tear viciously into his body, though a fair amount lodges into his leather jacket, sparing his more vital areas. "You're gunna pay for that hombre," the Blue Blade says in perfect English as he reaches into the depths of his leather jacket and pulls out a small black object. A knife snapping out of the black object at the press of a button, Johnny smile wickedly under his mask as the blade of the switchblade erupts in bright cobalt flames. "Take that puto!" The Blue Blade shouts as he sends the switchblade flying end over end towards Nassir's chest.
COMBATSYS: Nassir dodges Johnny's Rocket 88.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Nassir 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Johnny
PROTIP: Do not use knives against a grenade-toting maniac. Also, anyone who has More Knives Than You(tm) is automatically resistant to the blades. Somersaulting over the thrown blade, Nassir lands on the tip of his boot just long enough to send himself into a backwards flip back the way he came. A little overly dramatic, but it certainly got the job done. Bringing himself down into a crouch, Nassir's left hand brushed by one of his holsters, snapping free the saftey and pulling it free in one smooth and practiced motion.
"My tactics anger you?" The question is posed in english, though mutilated to some degree by his heavy arabian accent. "Unfortunate, then. I suggest you try harder." A quarter-circle motion later, and the knife is loosed from his hand, flying for the wrestler's shoulderblade or thereabouts...enveloped in a bluish grey aura that left afterimages of the knife hanging in the air.
COMBATSYS: Nassir successfully hits Johnny with Horrors of War.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Nassir 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Johnny
Attempting to throw a forearms up to deflect the blade in mid spin, Johnny grimaces as he calculates the distance wrong and the blade sinks tip first though the sleeve of his leather jacket and into his left forearm. "Your tactics? Nah. I can respect those," the Blue Blade says through clenched teeth as he tugs the knife out of his forearm with a grunt. "It's your ugly camello face that's got me heated." Reaching into the band of his pants, the Blue Blade pulls out a pair of brass knuckles and slips them onto his right hand, switching Nassir's knife to his left hand.
"Thanks for the blade, puto," the Blue Blade notes as he rushes in on Nassir, his weapons held high in a practiced guard as he attempts to shoot through Nassir's defense and lash out with a knife slash aimed at his chest.
COMBATSYS: Nassir dodges Johnny's Weapon Jab.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Nassir 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Johnny
Nassir stands idle while the mexican deals with the blade, surprised to hear what follows next to some degree--while the vast majority of the fighters he'd dealt with held exception to his mercenary tactics, it was rare to find someone who actually used the old racial slurs to rile him up. Nassir could, in the back of his mind, respect the some other time, it would've succeeded and made him sloppy...but not now, not with the training behind him. If the wrestler was to hit, it would be due to his skill overriding Nassir's.
That time, it's worth noting, isn't now.
Nassir stood his ground as the mexican approached, springing into a downwards roll as The Blue Blade rushed too high with the slash. Uncoiling as soon as the danger passed, Nassir brought a boot up and out, the sole meaning to make contact with the back of his kneecap.
COMBATSYS: Johnny dodges Nassir's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Nassir 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Johnny
Though he has done little but brawl for the latter part of the match, the Blue Blade is still primarily a luchadore, and this is apparent by how he reacts as Nassir rolls by his attack. Crouching slightly, the Blue Blade leaps backward, his body coiling as he backflips and lands behind Nassir. Shooting his arms up and under Nassir's own, the Blue Blade attempts to lift Nassir into the air and twirl him around 360 degrees before slamming him onto the cold arena floor behind them. It should be a rather impressive belly to back, double-arm under-hook suplex if everything goes according to plan.
COMBATSYS: Johnny successfully hits Nassir with Tornillo Suplex.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Nassir 1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Johnny
Another rarity to be displayed by the wrestler--the ability to stay with Nassir on a flip-for-flip basis. That could make things a touch more difficult. Foot meeting nothing more than some heavily disturbed air, Nassir suddenly found himself up, around, twirled, air-dried, and slammed headfirst into the stone floor. Ow.
Body crumpled into a disheveled heap of bone and equipment, one might expect Nassir to hold the position...that kind of blow might not phase older, more experienced fighters, but it came with enough velocity to break the youth in twain otherwise. Through strength of will or perhaps just sheer discipline and determination, Nassir does not break, and pulls back to his feet in a roll. No attack is forthcoming however...instead, the youth merely /stares/ at the luchadore.
COMBATSYS: Nassir focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Nassir 1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Johnny
"Did you like your ride camello?" the Blue Blade asks with a grin as Nassir watches him. The Blue Blade returns his gaze for a few moments before flying into motion. The Blue Blade's attack might seem confusing to bystanders at first, because instead of running towards Nassir as some would expect, the Blade is instead tearing off at top speed towards the side of the arena that Nassir is closest to.
Leaping up onto the large stone slabs that circle the arena, the Blue Blade gives the front row fans a show by standing on the stone slab in front of their seats and throwing his hands towards the heavens as he turns to face Nassir. The fans cheer and pat his back and legs as he flips forward towards Nassir, uncurling from his front flip half way through his descent and grabbing his /ankles/ as he soars through the air like a flying squirrel, his body on a suicidal collision course with Nassir's form, a desperate high-flying move that should send the crowd roaring, hit or miss.
COMBATSYS: Nassir dodges Johnny's Ardilla Plancha.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Nassir 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Johnny
It was...dramatic, certainly. Perhaps overly so. Still, with the /tremendous/ lead time Nassir was allowed, it might be a telling blow to witness him get hit /anyways/. The evasion for the flying-flipping-plancha-thing was a simple and straightforward affair...once the blue blade was in midair, Nassir trotted backwards a few paces, then watched as Johnny ate a serious crashlanding.
A crashlanding which Nassir hoped to take advantage of, anyways.
Going into a low, wide somersault, bluish afterimages follow behind the flying mercenary as his hands went to pull another pair of knives free from his bandolier. Seemingly hanging in midair ala-Michael Jordan(or in all reality any other fighter ever), once his human trajectory takes him over The Blue Blade's head, both blades plunge downwards with the hopes of finding a home in his shoulder areas. The afterimages add insult to injury, each seemingly striking of their own accord--or missing, as the case very well may be.
COMBATSYS: Nassir successfully hits Johnny with Indoctrination.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Nassir 1/-----==/=======|=======\=------\1 Johnny
Impacting the ground with a solid, bone crunching thud, the Blue Blade rises to his feet wearily and shakes his head with a hand to the side of his blue mask. Yeah, it was risky, maybe even dumb, but that's the business. You gotta please the fans. Taking a moment to shake the cobwebs out, the Blade doesn't really see Nassir's attack until it's too late to really do anything about, save taking two knives to his shoulders.
"Aaaaaaagh!" the Blue Blade cries out as the blades pierce his leather jacket's heavy shoulders. "Puto madre!" he exclaims as he yanks the blades out of his shoulders and stashes the knives in his jacket. "That was ruthless camillo... I like that..." the Blue Blade mutters as he dashes towards Nassir, blood already streaming off of his shoulders and joining that of the wound on his forearm. "Boy, are we giving these cats a show, or what?!" he exclaims as he raises a right hand glowing his blue chi and send it towards Nassir's chest with another knife-edged chop.
COMBATSYS: Johnny successfully hits Nassir with Tajada Estupenda.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Nassir 1/---====/=======|=======\==-----\1 Johnny
Again, the crowd pays tribute to Ric Flair, the man who made something as simple as a knife-edge chop famous. Even if he wasn't a professional fighter, per se, he was certainly good enough to turn something stupid into a veritable trademark. Landing out of his aerial assault, Nassir takes the chop in the chest, chi leaving a dark stain on his uniform and most likely the beginning of a deep welt on his chest. Ow.
With knives still in hand, Nassir sends one flying in towards the wrestler with a flick of the wrist--again, the blade is coated in his manefestation of energy, trailing afterimages in a shadowy blue hue.
COMBATSYS: Nassir successfully hits Johnny with Horrors of War.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Nassir 1/-======/=======|=======\=====--\1 Johnny
His left forearm already hurt with a knife wound, the Blue Blade chooses to default to his right this time when attempting to knock the knife out of its spin. No such luck. "Bastard!" Johnny spits as the knife bites into his uninjured forearm, yanking the weapon out of his forearm and causing a gout of blood to shoot out of the wound.
"Now I have two of your knives, eh? I'm sure they'll come in handy, the Blue Blade can always use another knife." Stashing both knives in his jacket, the Blue Blade points at Nassir. "Come on puto, show me your best!" he shouts. "You're a pretty ruthless cabron, I'll give you that, but these fans need something special!" the Blue Blade informs the Arab with a hopping double arm-thrust. "Bring it camello!"
COMBATSYS: Johnny focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Nassir 1/-======/=======|=======\=====--\1 Johnny
Nassir...wasn't entirely certain what to make of the Blue Blade, even now. On one hand, he believed that the speech was meant to goad him into a course of action. On the other...he was the kind of guy to skydive without a parachute, if the fight meant anything thus far.
"A victory should be considered special."
Stoic in the face of Johnny's wishes to ramp things up, Nassir's hand goes up to his bandolier, pulling free...the bastard child of his combat knives, a smaller blade featuring almost no handle to speak of whatsoever. A flick of the wrist, and it's flying in for the Blue Blade's knee area. If he could keep this up, he might be able to render the wrestler wholly incapable of action.
COMBATSYS: Nassir successfully hits Johnny with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > / ]
Nassir 1/-======/=======|=======\=======\1 Johnny
The Blue Blade says, "Gaah!" the Blue Blade cries out as the blade sinks into the sinks into his thigh. "Puta! So you're too scared to rumble face to face with a cat like the Blue Blade, huh? Well, I don't blame you, but the fans might!" Not even bothering to pull the blade out of his limb this time, Johnny instead reaches into his jacket and pulls out the two knives that Nassir had thrown at him already. "I guess you leave it up to me then!""
"Gaah!" the Blue Blade cries out as the blade sinks into the sinks into his thigh. "Puta! So you're too scared to rumble face to face with a cat like the Blue Blade, huh? Well, I don't blame you, but the fans might!" Not even bothering to pull the blade out of his limb this time, Johnny instead reaches into his jacket and pulls out the two knives that Nassir had thrown at him already.
"I guess you leave it up to me then!" Almost becoming a blur as the Blue Blade rushes in on Nassir, both knives burst into thick cobalt blue chi flames. "Ahhhhh!" Johnny bellows wildly as he flails at Nassir with a wild barrage of swipes and thrusts with the chi sheathed blades, striking out at the man's head, neck and chest savagely as he bull rushes in.
COMBATSYS: Nassir stops Rebel Rouser from Johnny with Depravity.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Nassir 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Johnny
In comparison, Nassir is a veritable bullwark of stoic composure, watching the bullrush come in for him, waiting for the strikes. What follows can best be described as Hong Kong action theatre gone to an extreme--for every thrust of the knife, there is a counterthrust coming from his end. Instead of using the blade in his hand, Nassir uses his unarmed hand, forefinger and middle fingers extended while the remaing fingers ball in. Afterimages follow each of his movements, Matrix-dodging each swipe and jamming those fingers into the forearms of his assailant. One might be hard pressed to believe they were even capable of causing pain...and in this particular instance (to Nassir's shock and disdain, no doubt), they'd be right. Each strike is designed to incapacitate, but instead a millimeters' offset causes the blows to merely numb the appendages.
Panting slightly from the sheer effort involved in his attack, the Blue Blade slows to a halt as his assult is defused. "You... you're pretty good..." the Blue Blade concedes. "But this isn't over yet!" he promises as he suddenly flips backwards, one of the two chi-sheathed knives flashing from his hands as he flips, the borrowed blade flying straight for Nassir's shoulder.
COMBATSYS: Johnny successfully hits Nassir with Rocket 88.
[ \\\\\ < > // ]
Nassir 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Johnny
It had to end eventually, one would have to imagine. Nassir couldn't dodge and counter everything, wasn't of the calibur to merely flit around like some kind of demented Balrog wannabe and go through an entire fight untouched. Of course, it might be somehow poetic to see that the thing that would break his streak...came in the form of one of his own knives. 'catching' it with his shoulder, Nassir grit his teeth together...but did not allow himself to scream. It was the kind of willpower that he might've been better off directing towards his attempt at hitting, but he could regret that later. For now?
Now, it was time to return fire. Pulling free /another/ blade from his sheathe, Nassir flicks it at the Rudo, but without the same kind of direction and ferocious velocity.
COMBATSYS: Johnny dodges Nassir's Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\ < > // ]
Nassir 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Johnny
Catching sight of yet another knife flying towards him as he lands his flip the Blue Blade seems intent on not taking yet ANOTHER knife in him. Let's see, what's the count now? One in each forearm, one in each shoulder, and one in his thigh?! Is this an arena match or a knife fight? Rolling to the side to avoid the tossed knife all together, the Blue Blade rises to a crouch and lets the final chi imbued knife fly at Nassir, hoping to hit him in the other shoulder. Finally, some payback!
COMBATSYS: Johnny successfully hits Nassir with Rocket 88.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\ < > ]
Nassir 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Johnny
Nassir was getting used to the flow of the fight now, and while Johnny didn't seem to be too horribly worried about taking /another/ knife from him, Nassir didn't overmuch mind. If it came down to what amounted to a firefight, Nassir could do it. Even if he lost, he wouldn't feel /bad/ about it. Spinning out of the way, Nassir was quite saddened to find that the blade ended up in his leg anyways. Go fig.
Given his outlook, one might expect /another/ blade going his way...but not this time. Righting himself, Nassir stands slowly, hand creeping down to his gun holster. He didn't have many opportunities to shoot someone, not as many as he'd like, but it seemed like Johnny might be able to appreciate it. Hand twitching, Nassir...waited for a response from his opponent.
Cue Western Music Here.
COMBATSYS: Nassir focuses on his next action.
[ \\\ < > ]
Nassir 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Johnny
"Well daddy-o, here we are... You and you gun and me and... Hey, looks like I'm out of knives..." Glancing down at his leg, the Blue Blade smirks and returns his gaze to Nassir. "Oh, lookie there... I forgot about that one..." Grasping the hilt of the knife in his thigh with his right hand, the Blue Blade tugs it out of his leg with a grunt.
"There we go... I suppose you want me to throw this..." he says as he holds up the bloody knife for all to see. "But what is it they say? Never bring a knife to a gun fight?" Lowering the knife, Johnny begins to stalk forward, closing the distance between the two slowly. "Yeah, I can see the wisdom in that... but it don't look like I have much of a choice. So let's see what you got. It's your turn this time my friend," he finishes as he continues to walk slowly, crouched slightly and ready for whatever Nassir throws at him.
COMBATSYS: Johnny focuses on his next action.
[ \\\ < > ]
Nassir 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Johnny
Twitch. Twitch.
Nassir had nothing to really say about it, nothing particularly witty that he could offer. Certainly, he was capable of conjuring something up that would fit the bill, but that something would most likely end up seeming stilted, chopped and incoherent due to the language barrier. So, instead, as Johnny talks, Nassir nods intently...staring the man and his newfound knife down. Once he begins to advance, however...all bets are off.
Pulling the gun free in a smooth, practiced motion, Nassir squeezes off one bullet that echoes through the stadium...something to put an exclamation mark on the fight, one way or the other. One. Single. Shot....would win or lose the fight for him, much as if they were on the battlefield.
COMBATSYS: Nassir successfully hits Johnny with Under A United Banner.
[ \\ < > ]
Nassir 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1 Johnny
COMBATSYS: Johnny takes no action.
[ \\ <
Nassir 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Johnny can no longer fight.
[ \\ <
Nassir 0/-------/-------|
His advance is cut short as he takes the shot straight in the shoulder. The Blue Blade spins and slumps to the gound, where he lay bleeding silently.
Log created by Nassir, and last modified on 16:12:29 12/15/2005.