Katana - Cody Gets Kicked In The Face


Cody may not be Batman, but he's up there on the scales of Vengeance and The Night. Moving quickly along the rooftops of Metro City's West Side, clad in the dark black longcoat he took from Freeman's battered body, Cody's brief hospital stint has not done good things to his self-esteem, especially after doing so poorly against an opponent Guy described fighting with as, 'as easy as punching a kitten in a barrel.'
Now, given the opportunity, the blonde can't help but ponder the connotations of that statement. He doesn't let his thoughts distract him from his mission, however, that being to find the now-Mad Gear 'leader' Katana and hit him until candy comes out.

COMBATSYS: Katana has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Katana           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Cody has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Cody             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Katana

Guy certainly must have forgotten how much of a fight the gang leader put up, because punching a kitten in a barrel is fucking EASY. And I should know, I'm sort of an expert in that particular field. Goddamn kittens.
Anyway, Cody isn't the only one out searching for someone to beat down - Katana is also prowling the rooftops of Metro City, looking for.. well.. any enemies of the Mad Gear gang. And Cody sure as hell qualifies as one of those. The only warning that the jailbird has is a few stomps behind him - Katana's feet striking the ground as he strides swiftly towards his hated foe. His long legs carrying him at remarkable speed, the faux-samurai has caught up with Cody is only a few seconds.
"HI-YAH!" yells the man, leaping up into the air and aiming to deliver a flying-dropkick to the back of his opponent's skull.

COMBATSYS: Cody dodges Katana's Deep Kick.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Cody             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Katana

Cody's not easy to get the drop on; when Katana descends upon him and goes for the kick, the blonde suddenly drops down, the Wapanese's feet clearing his head by a whole foot. Hardly surprised, Cody is, in fact, grateful, as this turn of events means more time spent beating and less time spent looking for something to beat.
But I digress. Cody dives forward as Katana descends groundwards, tucking into a roll and coming out of it facing back towards the gaijin, scooping a chunk of debris off of the roof and hurling it at the armor-wearing man, just to distract him while he assesses the rooftop that will serve as their arena. "How sweet. This means I don't have to find you!"

COMBATSYS: Katana fails to slow Bad Stone from Cody with Thrown Object.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Cody             0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0           Katana

Sailing feet-first straight over Cody, the massive gang leader lands on the roof in a roll, coming back up to his feet a few feet away from his opponent. "Anything to make your inevitable death as convenient as possible, my old enemy!" hisses Katana as he sees the debris flying towards him - letting loose with one of his wakizashi to knock it away and carry on through to (hopefully) strike Cody.
But his aim is off. Way off. The bladed weapon comes nowhere near the ball of debris -or- it's intended fleshy target, instead clattering harmlessly to the ground several feet to the side. How unfortunate.
The makeshift projectile strikes Katana straight in the chest plate, the force of the throw knocking him back a step.. but that's about it. Clutching his remaining wakizashi tightly, the massive man points at Cody with his free index finger. "This time, your -woman- won't be here to save you."

"Neither will yours," Cody replies simply, rising to his feet and shrugging off his coat, discarding it a few feet to the side and dropping into a fighting pose. "Alright, bitch, let's go. You can't get a damn truck up here."
Scowling, the brawler takes a few steps forwards in a careful advance and then suddenly lashes out with what would be a kick to the shins if he weren't still a few feet away from the gaijin. Luckily for him, he kicks so hard that the force of it carries him forwards and his foot, indeed, towards Katana's shins, the foot he's standing on sliding effortlessly across the ground, kicking up dust and grit.

COMBATSYS: Cody successfully hits Katana with Ruffian Kick.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Cody             0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0           Katana

"I don't -need- a truck to beat you, Cody!" hisses Katana in reply, standing tall as the jailbird lashes out with a kick.. while nowhere near striking distance. Assuming that his hated foe is just screwing around, the massive man is totally unprepared when he actually -slides- forward to make the kick land. Struck in the shins with great force, Katana is knocked off his feet, striking the hard rooftop with a *crash* of armour.
"Hmph!" grunts the man as he flips back to his feet, an amaazing display of acrobatic skill for such a huge, armoured bastard. Still weilding only one wakizashi, Katana glances around the rooftop - noticing that his second is several feet away. Something that he'll have to retreive later in the fight.
Rushing forward, the big man spins his remaining weapons above his head, before bringing it down to slice into his opponent's shoulder. You know, with some luck. You remember me, right luck? :(

COMBATSYS: Cody dodges Katana's Jigoku Scrape.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Cody             0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0           Katana

Cody is, by all accounts, on his game tonight. As Katana lunges in and tries to bury the sword in his shoulder, Cody simply steps nimbly aside and forward, slamming his knee up to crash into the gangster's stomach. Ideally, this should double him over at least slightly, at which point Cody will remove his knee, clench his fists together into a double-axe handle, and then slam them violently into the space in between the gaijin's shoulder blades.
Succeed or fail, the blonde half-dances backwards to give himself some breathing room after the attempt. "Sure you don't, buddy."

COMBATSYS: Katana fails to counter Fierce Punch from Cody with Shiraha Catch.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Cody             0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1           Katana

Swiftly lashing out with one hand to stop Cody's knee, Katana is far too slow to actually stop the attack before it slams into his gut. And the double axhandle that follows is more than enough to bring the gang leader crashing to the ground. Things definitely aren't going well for the faux-samurai, who takes a few seconds to recover before pushing himself back to his feet.
"....Well," he says plainly, before taking off in a dash towards his second wakizashi. Ducking into a roll and grabbing the weapon before coming back up to a run, the Mad Gear leader heads for the edge of the rooftop. Leaping off and imbedding the tips of both his weapons into the wall of the opposite building, Katana slides down the side of the brick building, dropping down into the alleyway below and glancing up at the rooftop.
"Get down here and fight me!"

As Katana quite openly retreats to the ground of greener grass, Cody moves cautiously over to the lip of the roof and looks downwards at the now-ready Katana. He ponders for a moment, and then agrees, "Okay!" And then he dissapears from sight, at least to Katana.
To both himself, and the almighty All-Seeing Eye, he moves a few yards into the roof and then turns around, ducks down, and sprints for the edge, leaping off it and plummeting down to the ground. When he impacts with the concrete, it cracks and buckles, depositing the blonde, who lands in a crouching position, supporting his upper body on one clenched fist, in a small crater.
There are, somewhat strangely, intense side effects to the landing, as there's a sudden shockwave and blast of wind as he hits the ground, that blows about lightweight trash and loose paper and even threatens to knock the almost certainly unprepared Katana to the ground. It's like something out of a video game.
lol final fight

COMBATSYS: Katana blocks Cody's Thrown Object.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Cody             0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1           Katana

Readying himself against the strange shockwave that results from Cody's impact with the ground, Katana is shaken - his armour clattering loudly as the wave rolls past him - but remains on his feet nonetheless. Slashing both of his wakazashi wildly into the air, the massive man takes a step back and then juts the tip of one weapon towards his foe. "So, it's come to this. You and I.. the final fight!" lolz
Behind his mask, unseen to Cody, the Mad Gear leader closes his eyes. Darkness overtakes him, as he focuses his mind and spirit for the battle to come. One of the two will taste bitter defeat tonight.. and Katana is going to do his best to make sure it's not him. Or just run Cody's bitch ass over. Whatever works.

COMBATSYS: Katana focuses on his next action.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Cody             0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1           Katana

Cody sniffs disdainfully and rises to his feet, reaching into his back pocket and withdrawing a switchblade, opening it with an audible click. "A final fight, huh? I guess the kid gloves have to come off," he laments. "I'm only gonna kill you if you make me, you know. I might even just cut off a finger or two. Make sure you don't come back."
The blonde, suddenly and without warning, jerks forward, moving so fast as to blur and attempting to cram his knife, brute force style, through Katana's chest armor and into his, in fact, chest. "All up to you, buddy."

COMBATSYS: Katana interrupts Tokushu Koudou from Cody with Meido no Miyage.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Cody             1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0           Katana

There's no way that Katana's not going down without drawing some blood. Thus far, he's failed at doing so - his old nemesis controlling the match with seemingly casual ease. As the threats come pouring out of Cody's mouth, the Mad Gear leader stands tall and emotionless - his face covered by his trademark blue steel mask. Even as the blonde comes rushing towards him, moving frighteningly quick, the massive man just stands and twirls his wakizashi between his nimble fingers. The blades are practically a blur by this point as his fingers move faster and faster.
And he accepts the knife straight on in the chest, the weapon piercing his solid armour and reaching the flesh underneath, cutting throught that as well. Then.. then, the Mad Gear leader strikes, lashing out with both hands as he slices Cody - windmill style - on both shoulders, causing a fair amount of bleeding. A kick to the chest sends the jailbird back against the brick wall of the alleyway, and then Katana does his real damage. One wakizashi through the hand, one through the other - imbedding the Metro City hero to the wall behind him, Christ-style.
"This is over, Cody.." he hisses through his mask, leaving his weapons in the wounds as he crosses his arms over his chest, "Metro City doesn't belong to your friend Haggar, anymore. It's -ours-. With Rolento back, no one can stand in the way of Mad Gear! No one!" A last, solid palm-strike straight to Cody's chest punctuates the faux-samurai's comments, before he backs away and simply watches for the man's response.

COMBATSYS: Katana focuses on his next action.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Cody             1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0           Katana

Cody raises an eyebrow as Katana simply accepts the stab... and he certainly wasn't expecting a reprisal quite _that_ soon, as his shoulders are suddenly cut open in a spray of blood, and then he's against the wall and _crucified._ Grimacing, the blonde slumps against the wall, resting for a moment before turning his head to look distastefully at the swords in his hands, and in the walls.
"What, is that it?" he asks, with a scowl. As if to enforce his point, he leans forward and then crashes his back violently into the wall he's pinned do, the shaking causing painful vibrations in the wakizashi. Vibrations that, at least, cause the swords to wiggle slightly free from where they're buried into the wall. That, unfortunately, isn't quite going to work. So it's time for Plan #2!
With a sudden roar, Cody slams his hands forward, slidin them along the blades they're impaled on and into the crossguards of said swords, ripping the weapons out of the wall behind him with the force. And, as they're freed, he reverses his hand's momentum, whips his hands off of the swords, and then ducks down to grab the falling wakizashi from the air... at which point he erupts with an explosion of bright blue light, time jerking briefly to a halt.
And then it goes again and the blonde brawler explodes forwards, lashing out with a series of blindingly quick cuts towards Katana's chest, despite his lack of skill with the weapon. After a half-dozen quick cuts, he roars and draws back, meaning to plunge the two weapons, side-by-side, into Katana's stomach.

COMBATSYS: Katana fails to counter Dead End Irony from Cody with Shiraha Catch.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cody             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Katana can no longer fight.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cody             0/-------/-------|

Behind his mask, Katana really looks quite impressed with the display that his trapped foe puts on. One would think that he would run his ass off, given his current condition. You know, what with the chest wound and pissed off dude totally looking to beat his ass. As his own wakizashi are used against him, the faux-samurai moves to grab the hilts of both weapons away from Cody.. a move that would be quite impressive.. if he had actually managed to pull it off.
Instead, he's on the receiving end of numerous slashes to his chest armour, the sharp blades cutting through to the skin below. And then, the final thrust of both weapon into his midsection, the sharp tips cutting through his flesh effortlessly. Stumbling backwards out of the alleyway, Katana is bleeding -everywhere-, and quite obviously on the run from the hero of Metro City. As he stumbles back onto the sidewalk, the infamous Mad Gear semi pulls up, two goons rushing out to pull him into the back - he'd be uttering threats, but he doesn't want to risk losing more blood and oxygen by talking. After he's safely in the back of the truck, the driver slams on the gas, trying to get away from Cody as quickly as possible.

Blood pouring from his hands and shoulders, Cody steps casually after the retreating Katana; he makes no motion to stop the thugs as they retrieve their fallen leader, and as the Mad Gear semi begins to pull away, he only roars after it, voice loud enough to pierce even the metal walls of the trailer, "Just remember! This could happen to you again! And again!!"
He makes no move to actuall chase them, however, merely watching the truck drive off. He continues to watch, glaring, for a few long moments after it's out of sight, and then he simply turns around and begins seeking passage to the roof of the building, so he can retrieve his coat.

COMBATSYS: Cody has ended the fight here.

Katana leans out of the truck and flips Cody the bird. Fuckin' Judas Priest pumps out of the semi speakers.,

Log created by Katana, and last modified on 12:16:51 06/28/2005.