Bitch, I need da money!
Tonight isn't just any night for the Mad Gear gang - spent boozing and mugging and generally being petty thugs. Tonight is the night they pull something big, trying to steal a large amount of money at once from one of the city's biggest banks. It's just after midnight, and the streets are quiet - even in the busy financial district, there are few cars driving around.. off in the distance, a loud engine roars.
Oh, shiiit.
Driving towards their target at a frightening pace in the massive Mad Gear semi truck, an elite group of the gang's best soldiers waits in the back - led by their leader Katana. All of the men are holding on to their seats tight, the reason why becoming evident when the driver slams on the breaks in front of the bank. Katana opens up the back of the truck and jumps out, flanked by a dozen of Mad Gear thugs. They're the few smart people in the gang, the ones that can actually pull something like this off with only a relatively small chance of fucking it up.
"We musn't fail. Do this for Mad Gear! For Belger!" yells Katana, twirling his jitte as he rushes up the stairs, kicking open the front door as his thugs rush in to break open the safe. The gang leader himself stands at the door of the bank, most likely to prevent anyone from trying to stop the theft.
Of course, with Mad Gear... 'Elite' is best applied in the relative sense. Nonetheless, tonight looks, at first glance, like a very good night for their heist.. there's not a Haggarfriend in sight, and well, the MCPD isn't exactly known for their extreme levels of professional efficiency... if they could even deal with the gang's fighters in the first place. But, as with many things, appearances can be deceiving. Walking down the sidewalk towards the corner that sits across the street from the targetted bank is a man in a simple white gi, his geta-clad feet sounding dully on the concrete as the far more obvious truck roars by, and screeches to a halt.
It doesn't take a rocket scienties to figure out what's going on here, particularly once the thugs pile out of the semi, and Katana crushes in the doors of the bank. As such, Ryu is in motion a moment later, darting across the street, and launching himself to the hood of the truck. There, he crouches for just a moment, eyes turned towards the guarding Katana. He recognizes the man, and really, that just confirms what he's seeing here. Never hesitate, never falter. With a second vault, the nomad propells himself towards the door, body twisting slightly midway to the armored man. His intention? Quite simply, to greet the would-be ronin with a potent snap-kick to the faceplat, focused with a warm greeting of, "Kyaaaah!!!" No, no parlay with villains caught in the act today.
COMBATSYS: Ryu has started a fight here.
COMBATSYS: Katana has joined the fight here.
COMBATSYS: Vice has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Katana 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Ryu
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vice 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Katana fails to counter Medium Kick from Ryu with Shiraha Catch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Katana 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Ryu
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vice 0/-------/-------|
What the? Holy fuck!
As Ryu's foot comes flying towards his face, Katana desperately raises one hand to try and stop the man's kick.. to no avail. The Japanese man is clearly too strong for him, and the foot slams into his mask, severely denting the front and sending the man stumbling backwards into the bank. Glancing around to look for a possible escape route, the gang leader runs towards a nearby window and leaps out of it.
Landing in a roll on the sidewalk outside, the massive man catches his breath as he waits for the man to follow him. The thug driving the truck freaks out and takes off, the vehicle disappearing down the street. "Stay out of our business, Ryu!"
Shouts of anger, roars of semi-trucks, and the screams of pedestrians fleeing the scene. -Something- was happening. And if there was one thing Vice was... was curious. In any event, the Orochi woman was dressed in a white t-shirt, the words, "I <3 METRO CITY" in bold crimson letters. But that wasn't the only thing crimson on the shirt. Near the shoulders on both sides, there were a few interesting slashes in the fabric, splotches of what looked like old bloodstains stained the fabric. And on her legs, she wore a pair of jeans... a skirt that was open in the front tucked into the jeans. And on her feet? Yes, cowboy boots. Vice's 'American' outfit. And damn if she didn't look... er... good in it.
In any case, Vice was drawn to the corner of the bank, peering around the corner of the building at the ensuing altercation. Indrawing a quick breath through her nostrils at the sight, Vice sucks her lower lip into her mouth, and bites down hard upon it, setting a hand on the corner edge of the building. That was -Ryu-. Fighting... some -freak-! How could she resist this?! With a excited yowl, Vice pushes off of the building, and begins to dash towards Ryu's back. Perhaps unhonourable, but... Vice couldn't care less. Whether or not the World Warrior spots her approach, Vice would attempt to throw her arms around his middle, murmur "...Miss me...?"... before hefting him up off of his feet, spinning him upside down... and bashing him into the ground. Katana's cowardice didn't quite matter at the moment.
COMBATSYS: Vice successfully hits Ryu with Mithan's Robe.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Katana 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Ryu
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vice 0/-------/------=|
Ryu's eyes track Katana's motion as he tumbles into the bank, and the ensuing crash of shattering glass certainly draws the World Warrior's attention as well. He's too busy keeping his eyes open for peripheral gang members, his attention on the leader and the heist in progress, to notice Vice's unusually sneaky approach, and as such, he's already hopped up onto one of the stonework railings bordering the bank steps to focus on Katana as the Mad Gear leader rights himself, "Doesn't look like you're minding your own business very well in the first pla..." he manages, before the uncanny strength of the Orochi woman grips him about the middle, and his best efforts to roll with the strike are for naught as his head glances off the top step with the slam, and the nomad sort of skids down the rest in a heap at the bottom, a light grunt leaving his lips.
That hurt, but he's made of sterner stuff than to let something like that slow him down, and as such, he kicks his legs around, bringing them back under him with a half-vault, courtesy of one strong arm, and his dark eyes snap to Vice, "Not especially." He observes calmly, and as he pushes back to his feet, his arms sweep forward, bringing a tremendous surge of blue-white energy rushing forth from his palms as the heels of his hands meet before him, focusing a densely packed sphere of bluish chi and propelling that gusting orb straight back up the stairs at Vice, with a focusing cry of, "Hadooouken!!!"
Katana's eyebrows quirk behind his mask as the strange woman suddenly attacks Ryu from behind, the gang leader backing up as she seems to have grabbed the man's attention. Reaching inside his samurai-like armour, the massive man pulls out a walkie-talkie and holds it up to his mask. A few words are uttered into it, and then it's returned to the confines of his outfit.
Twirling his jitte, Katana uses the woman's distraction to recover from the kick to the face as best he can. He certainly doesn't plan on letting her have all the fun, but he's not going to rush in just yet.
COMBATSYS: Katana takes a breather.
COMBATSYS: Vice dodges Ryu's Hadouken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Katana 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Ryu
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vice 0/-------/------=|
Hasn't Ryu learned -yet-? Eyes alighting with a sort of glee, Vice jerks herself backwards and 'off-balance' as soon as she sees Ryu begin to clasp his hands together, providing him with a easy shot... and Vice waits until he unleashes that blazing ball of pain... and shows just out off-balance she was, by lurching forward, and completely out of the way of the hadouken, the chi blast ruffling her skirt in passing. "You're -so- much fun to -tease- Ryu...!" Vice says breathlessly, before hopping down the stairway towards the Ansatsuken warrior... but evidently failing her jump a bit, as when she lands before him, she sinks down to one knee with a bit of a annoyed, murmuring noise. It was a trick, of course. One Ryu just may fall for.
Because moments before Vice's knee touches the ground, out lash her hands for Ryu's shins, hoping to take them both in her Vice-like grasp. And then, with a shout of effort, she would burst back up unto her feet, pulling sharply backwards... to hopefully cause Ryu to topple backwards. "So...much... fun...!" Vice would then say, as she leans back a bit, and uses all of her considerable might to toss Ryu high up into the air. At least that was the plan.
COMBATSYS: Vice successfully hits Ryu with Black End.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Katana 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Ryu
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vice 0/-------/----===|
And so the Hadouken dusts a fair portion of the bank's entrance, rubble flying in all directions in fine particles and chunks of the building as Vice darts around the blast, and hurtles forward. He knows better than to think the dangerous Orochi is quite that incompetent, however, but nonetheless, before he can dart backwards, his ankles are grabbed, yanked, and the World Warrior topples to the concrete, landing with a second wordless enunciation of pain, though he would have just assumed the impact ended there, rather than finding himself sailing upwards a short distance, to land hard on the sidewalk between Vice and Katana. Gritting his teeth, Ryu nonetheless rolls with the second harsh landing, coming up in a crouch and shaking his head once, briskly, to clear it.
Apparently, it's a lesson Vice hasn't quite managed to successfully teach, because as Ryu shoves back to his feet, he shoves a second, far more impressive wave of chi forward at the Orochi redhead, the surge of energy coming in multihued reds this time, flaming superheated chi cascading together into a searing conflaguration, the swirling mass of fiery energy lurching forward as his hands come together, orbitted by licks of flame as it hurtls across the largely negligible distance between Ryu and Vice, echoed by a more forceful, "Hadoooouken!!!!"
If one could see Katana's face, they might notice an impressed look - the strange woman sure is giving Ryu a run for his money. Not something that is easily done.. and something that bolsters the gang leader's confidence. Inside the bank, his thugs must be close to cracking the safe and making off with hundreds of thousands of dollars. Money for weaponry and vehicles, things that will be needed in the battle to come.
Taking a few steps back from the fight unfolding between Vice and Ryu, the Mad Gear leader spins around one of his jitte, before rearing back and tossing the weapon towards the ansatsuken disciple.
COMBATSYS: Vice blocks Ryu's Shakunetsu Hadouken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Katana 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Ryu
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vice 0/-------/--=====|
He -always- has to use the -bloody- -damned- -FIRE- one, didn't he?
Chuckling darkly as Ryu lands, Vice runs her tongue over her lips as she notes his recovery... and frowns at the buildup of chi. Vice was preparing another one of her strange little moves, but this one... something about it quirks something in her mind, and Vice freezes for a moment, giving the World Warrior time to unleash his ball of firey doom. Too late, Vice realizes what it is, and snaps both forearms up to defend herself against the blast... the ball of firey chi impacting against her arms, and knocking her back a step... the crossed arms protecting her face, and a goodly part of her torso from the concussive force of the blast.
But it didn't protect her from the burning. "FILTH...!" Vice shrieks, lashing her arms to the sides as the feeling travels along them, the woman realizing a agonized howl of pain, giving Katana plenty of time to do his thing. "DON'T! DAMN! DO THAT!!" Vice says, before lunging forward at Ryu again, weaving a bit as she nears him. And when she gets close... Vice lashes out both her hands towards the man's face, hoping to catch his cheeks within the grasp of her nails... before slashing towards herself, hopefully gouging the flesh there, before she sets her arms on the man's shoulders, and gives him a harsh shove. Hopefully into something hard.
COMBATSYS: Ryu dodges Katana's Thrown Object.
COMBATSYS: Ryu interrupts Death Blow from Vice with Shoryuken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Katana 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Ryu
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vice 1/---====/=======|
There's a slightly sterner set that comes to the World Warrior's face as Vice negates the fury of that fiery Hadouken with her arms... this one's resilient as always, that much is evident. Ryu himself? Well, he's in a situation he'd really rather not be in, and letting this one slip from his grasp just wouldn't do. What would Haggar say? A glance over his shoulder to check up on Katana comes not a moment too soon, either by happenstance or due to the veteran's honed instincts and general awareness of his surroundings, and he simply sidesteps the incoming jitte, his attention focused forward, on Vice. Here she comes.
For a moment, and then two, the legendary nomad holds his ground, dark eyes fixed forward on the raving redhead, and in the last instants as the distance is closed, he drops to a crouch, shifting his right side forward. The Orochi's talonlike nails dig a deep series of gouges in the Ansatsuken master's hardened forearm, but it doesn't slow, or dull what happens next... with a sudden snap, that crimson-gloved fist shoots upwards, and accompanied with a spring of his powerful legs, takes the rest of the World Warrior with it, his strength and the weight of his entire body behind that singular, fearsome rising uppercut, his momentum carrying him into Vice as he ascends, slamming the truck-stopping punch up along her chest, and smack dab into her chin, bringing the Orochi up with him, and likely sending her flying back to a far less pleasant landing than he hopes to enjoy, an echoing cry of, "Shoooryuken!!!" sounding in Ryu's deep voice.
Growling as his jitte sails harmlessly past Ryu, Katana continues to spin the remaining weapon between his fingers. Meanwhile, inside the bank the dozen Mad Gear thugs have broken their way into the safe, and are in the process of filling up their sacks full of money. The arrival of the crazy lady sure did help the gang, since she managed to distract that damn do-gooder Ryu.
Katana could easily abandon Vice to fight the man on her own, but he feels that he owes her something. Were it not for her, he might have ruined Mad Gear's plot to rob the bank.. so, he stops spinning his last jitte, and tosses that weapon towards Ryu as well.
Where Vice was once relishing the feeling of her fingernails cutting into flesh... there was then pain. Flaring, nasty pain... and the feeling of flight, before she lands roughly on the stairway, the back of her head cracking against the topmost stair of such. Where Vice lies, stunned for a few moments... at least until her alto voice breaks her silence. "...what just happened?" she asks no one in particular, as she rises to her feet, her eyes wide. All in all, she looked more stunned than angry... but when she gazes down towards the World Warrior, her expression hardens, and her eyes narrow, as she lifts a sleeve to wipe at her lips. " was -you-." she says darkly, before taking a somewhat shaky step down the stairs... her eyes watching the World Warrior -very- closely.
COMBATSYS: Vice focuses on her next action.
COMBATSYS: Ryu dodges Katana's Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Katana 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Ryu
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vice 1/---====/=======|
A single, complete rotation caps the apex of the Rising Dragon Punch, and gives Ryu a lovely panorama of the battlefield, and as he lands, it's on light feet, darting back to the other side and letting Katana's second jitte sail harmlessly past the space he had just stood, the motion from landing to dodge so fluid and lightning-quick as to be almost uncanny, though the World Warrior's attention is still focused primarily on the Orochi woman, for the moment. She may be dazed, and he /knows/ how much the Shoryuken hurts, but he's also familiar enough with Vice to know she's not going to stay that way, and that the repurcussions... could be quite painful. As such, he brings his hands to his side, answering Vice's words with a singular, simple nod. It was indeed him, and what's more, there's a sudden, brilliant flash of light centered between his cupping palms, fingers splayed in opposing directions, "Shiiiiiinkuuuuuuuu...."
The Ansatsuken master's fervent incantation summons into being a rampant torrent of raging chi, swirling blues touched by darkest cerulean, the World Warrior's corded arms tensing powerfully as he forces more and more energy into his ultimate Hadouken, the rampaging chi flaring brilliantly as it grows exponentially in barest instants, the brilliant vortex drawing fiercely inwardly on the air around it, the nomad's red headband fluttering violently, along with the tatters of his gi, as the dust and debris scattered on the sidewalk are outright /consumed/ by the potent chi, before that densely packed sphere is shoved forward with a finalizing shout of, "Hadoooooouken!!!", the coruscating blast swirling its wrathful path straight in at the redhead, threatening to consume her much the same way as it devours further bits of building on its breakneck path. That... or the bank's going to need one hell of a facelift. Either way, Katana still has a problem... Ryu is still between his gang, and their escape route.
His last jitte clattering uselessly to the ground, Katana only then realizes how stupid it was to throw away both of his weapons. Knowing that his gang must be almost finished looting the bank by now, he has to find some way to get Ryu out of the way before they make their escape. And there's no way that him and his goons -aren't- leaving with that money.
Running into the fray for the first time in the fight, the gang leader lashes out with one massive hand. He aims for the smaller ansatsuken disciple's throat, aiming to close his hand around it tightly..
COMBATSYS: Ryu successfully hits Vice with Shinkuu Hadouken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Katana 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Ryu
[ \\\\\ <
Vice 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|
Ah, yes. Vice was becoming very well acquainted with all the flavours of hadouken Ryu can dish out. This one had to be her... favourite. Unconciously twitching at the sound of 'Shinkuu'...Vice nonetheless roars defiantly, and seeing the beautiful doom barreling towards her.. tries to side step it. But it was too big, too big. Launched through the doors of the bank, taking the door off of it's hinges as she goes, Vice disappears inside, the clatter and such emanating from inside the building. A few silent moments pass, and then... a angry, angry scream reverberates from the building, followed by Vice launching herself out the doors... and towards Ryu. Crossing the distance with a little hop, Vice hopes to throw her arms around the World Warrior, with the shout of... "DIE!!!" before flipping him over, and battering him into the ground, headfirst. Then again. And again, and againandagainandagainandagain. "DIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIE!!!"
COMBATSYS: Vice successfully hits Ryu with Withering Surface.
COMBATSYS: Ryu interrupts Daimyo Throw from Katana with Joudan Sokutou Geri.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Katana 1/----===/=======|====---\-------\0 Ryu
[ \\\\ <
Vice 1/-------/=======|
As Vice hurtles away into the bank via its newest entrance, Ryu twists towards the sound of the armored warrior's charge. Katana's hand finds Ryu's throat, and it's a painful squeeze, cutting off the nomad's air supply for a moment before, with a sudden jerk of his upper body, the gi-clad fighter jerks back, breaking Katana's grip before the larger man can capitalize. With that same motion, Ryu leans back and twists on an anchoring left foot, bringing his right side in-line with Katana as he bends his knee up towards his body, subsequently lashing out in a potent side-thrust, slamming the corresponding foot out into the Mad Gear Leader's upper ribcage. That should buy him a moment's respite, at least... but not from Vice...
Ryu doesn't have time to avoid the Orochi woman's rush, and so he tries to roll with the slams, but by the first or second.. it's just no use, and he's battered quite effectively into the pavement over, and over, and over again. But, in blatant defiance of Vice's demands, the World Warrior is anything but dead, despite the blood that flows freely down his face as he tumbles away from the final crushing impact, and sidelong towards the street, aiming to keep an angle of approach open to the bank. No way he's letting Mad Gear get away after all this. Instead, he pushes up with the palm that finds asphalt, and rises back to his feet, raising his defenses and slowly advancing on a point between the pair, eyes scanning patiently from redhead to armored criminal.
Knocked back by Ryu's swift counter-assault, Katana rolls backwards on the pavement, coming up in a crouching position. "Hmph. Your meddling will bring you nothing but pain, Ryu!" exclaims the Mad Gear leader, before backing up onto the sidewalk.. just as an engine rumble grows in the distance. At the top of the bank steps, the dozen thugs step out of the building, each of them carrying multiple bags of money. There's a murmur of panic as they notice that their getaway ride is gone, and that some white-gi clad karate goon and crazy looking lady are fighting right in the middle of the street.
Ah, there's their ride. Hurtling down the street at breakneck speeds is the Mad Gear semi, returning to the scene of the crime in order to pick up the goons and make a swift escape. It just so happens that Vice and Ryu are unfortunate enough to be in it's way.
COMBATSYS: Vice dodges Katana's Run Your Ass Over Beyotch.
Well, the approach of a freaking semi was enough to catch Vice's attention. Eyes widening in shock of the... sight. Vice hisses, and begins to step away from Ryu, ignoring the rumbling of the street. Snapping out a hand, Vice attempts to grab Ryu's forearm, and drag the man along with her... was Vice saving Ryu? Not a chance. If she got that far, she would give him a sharp push back into the path of the truck, hopefully making it that much harder for him to dodge out of the way of the oncoming semi, as she climbs the stairs into the safety of the bank. "-Filth-..." she hisses, in the meanwhile.
COMBATSYS: Ryu dodges Vice's Quick Throw.
COMBATSYS: Ryu interrupts Run Your Ass Over Beyotch from Katana with Shoryuken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Katana 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0 Ryu
[ \\\\\ <
Vice 1/-------/=======|
Ryu doesn't really want to hold hands just now, thanks... he darts in the opposite direction as Vice reaches for him, slipping out of her grasp and to the opposite side of the speeding semi. The smart thing to do at this point would be to just keep backpedalling, right? Let the truck hurtle by. But he /knows/ this is Mad Gear's ride. /Knows/ this is their getaway vehicle, and is /well/ aware that with Vice still upright, and angry, getting to Katana before the goons load up the truck could be an exercise in futility, to say the least. As such, rather than avoiding the collision, the World Warrior embraces it, launching himself in at the side of the very front of the semi as it passes, dropping low and /slamming/ his right fist into the side of the cab's grill, a sudden wrench of metal sounding as a large chunk flies clean off, the engine screaming protest as the entire frame shifts and gives, ravaged by the forceful strike, Ryu's entire form flying in behind it, with a fervent, and /damn stubborn/ cry of, "Shoooryuken!!!!" Yes, he just got clipped by a truck. Yes, it /friggin' hurts/.... but as Ryu is jolted backwards, slammed to his back in the road, the truck wobbles on its wheels, and jacknifes viciously, tires squealing as the crippled vehicle's diverted momentum carries it right in at the bank... sort of like Katana wanted, except he's now right in the path of his own hurtling ambush toy, its front-end utterly smashed to hell, steam rushing out from the engine, leaving a trail of fluid in its wake. Pity the poor driver. Unfortunate that only Katana gets a good look at the ganger's face. *SCREEEEEEECH*
Katana just stands in sheer awe as Ryu obliterates the front end of the truck, leaving the vehicle to wrench to the right.. straight into the front of the bank. The gang leader leaps out of the way, as do the thieving thugs, some of them retreating back into the building to escape the colliding truck. Well, Katana certainly wasn't expecting -that- to happen - he's never seen anyone take on a semi like that. But the engine is still running.. the truck is still upright..
The driver immediately puts the vehicle into reverse, backing up down the back steps back out onto the street. The Mad Gear goons all run towards the back of the truck, opening the cargo door and leaping in. Katana jumps onto the side of the vehicle and holds on tight as the 18-wheeler begins to slowly roll forward, it's engine struggling to build up speed. Naturally, the driver directs it towards the ansatsuken disciple as they make their getaway.
Snarling as her hand comes up empty, Vice can only crouch in the doorway of the bank, her eyes sliding over the scene unfolding before her. Like hell she was going to jump in front of that semi again. Instead, she chooses to relax... at least somewhat, her eyes watching and waiting for the outcome of the attack...
COMBATSYS: Vice takes a breather.
COMBATSYS: Ryu interrupts Run Your Ass Over Beyotch from Katana with Shoryuken.
[ \\ < > / ]
Katana 0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Ryu
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Vice 1/-------/=======|
As Ryu picks himself up off the street with a groan, he has to frown. The truck is still mobile, and what's more... so is Katana! That's just not right. Or at least, it's not something he's going to take laying down. Drawing a deep, steadying breath, the nomad brings himself up in a crouch, apparently unable to get out of the path of the incoming semi. In fact, it's more a case of unwilling, and as the truck hurtles in, Ryu's fist clenches at his side, muscles tensing as he focuses in on the speed of that hurtling truck. This... is going to hurt.... again. Even so, he's not letting Mad Gear drive off with their loot, and as the truck comes in at him, Ryu launches up into the truck, and with a finalizing shout of, "Shooooryuken!!!", sends his fist colliding squarely with the front grill, raking off a sizeable portion of the front of the vehicle... and this time, it's direct. This time, there's no deflection of force. The engine block gives a resounding *CRACK* and there's a flash of sparks as things stop working right, and glance off each other inside in the moment it takes the vehicle's motor to screech to a grinding halt... along with the rest of it.
Sure, inertia carries it forward a bit more... but only after a lurching, near total, and extremely sudden halt, its momentum reversed for that half-second as the trailer buckles forward, hitch snapping as the cab pulls a slight accordian act, Ryu once more launched backwards, but that vehicle.... it really doesn't look like it's going anywhere. And ten to one the thugs inside weren't quite buckled up, eh? A loud groan sounds as Ryu skids backwards on the road, gi torn and back bloody... but he's still not out. Stubborn bastard.
"Oh, fuck!"
The driver's words are the only warning the people in the back cab get as to the incoming collision with Ryu's fist. Slamming into the vehicle once again, the Japanese man manages to completely halt the truck this time. Engine rumbling, creaking and finally shutting down, the semi slowly rolling to a halt before it tips over onto it's side.
Inside the cab, the thugs are thrown around, money flying everywhere as their getaway is suddenly halted. Most of them are too stunned to act immediately, but Katana is on his feet in seconds - pulling open the large door and leaping out into the street. With a hateful glance at Ryu from behind his mask, the massive gang leader takes off in a run down a nearby back alley.
Unfortunately, the semi is left behind.. something that the gang will no doubt have to steal back at a later date.. and the money.. unless the thugs wake up before the police show up, that's gone too.
COMBATSYS: Katana has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > / ]
Vice 1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Ryu
Well, dayum. Katana was running off now, and lazily, Vice's eyes track that movement until they shift back towards Ryu. Bleeding, weak, broken Ryu. While she was by no means raring to go, she did feel a bit more refreshed with the temporary reprieve, and so, Vice gets to her feet, her shoulders and torso hunched forward as she dashes from her hiding spot... to where Ryu was busy bleeding on the ground. With any other warrior, Vice would be certain that they were good and gone at this point. But with Ryu... one needed to be sure. Curling her lip, Vice steps over Ryu, one foot on both sides of his neck... before snapping her feet together with a harsh squeeze.
"Time for you to -stop-." she says in a commanding sort of voice... before throwing herself backwards in a backflip, attempting to drag Ryu up to a bit of a stand, before completing the backflip, hopefully bashing the top of the World Warrior's head into the ground with a obscenely harsh and fast manuever. "GO TO HELL!"
COMBATSYS: Ryu parries Vice's Negative Gain!
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > / ]
Vice 0/-------/------=|=======\=------\1 Ryu
Bleeding, battered, yes... but not broken, and not weak. Underestimating Ryu's will to fight at /any/ point in the match can be a tremendous error, and he's already regaining his wits, such as he has left, as Vice steps over him. His eyes snap upwards, and the perspective he has on the redhead's deceptively slender frame tells him all too clearly that he is /in trouble/. However, just as fast as her legs begin to vice closed around his neck, Ryu's hands snap upwards to the back of the Orochi woman's calves, and he shoves himself out from underneath her with a lightning-quick motion, leaving her with nothing to grip with those dangerous legs, "Not this time!" Ryu declares, with that same stubbornly willful determination that's carried him through the rest of this battle, kicking his legs upwards and planting one of those palms to the ground in a fluid follow-up to his evasion, a quick shove carrying the momentum to the side as he half backflips back to his feet, left fist clenched.
The reason would become obvious in the blink of an eye, as he twists clockwise, slamming that potent left underhand in at Vice's flank, aiming to slam her with a breath-stealing blast to the ribs. But it doesn't end there... there's one more vicious follow-up to come, as the World Warrior pours the last vestiges of his strength, and his energy, into the second of the paired strikes, dropping low, a tremendous upsurge in his inner chi centering and enhancing his already formidable strength as his right fist launches upwards, aiming to blast Vice back with a final, devestating rising uppercut, wisps of blue chi trailing his form as the truck-stopping+ strike hurtles him skyward, with a resounding cry of, "Shooooryuuuuuuuken!!!!!" This... is the big brother.
COMBATSYS: Ryu successfully hits Vice with Shin Shoryuken EX.
[ < > // ]
Vice 1/------=/=======|==-----\-------\0 Ryu
Pain. Nothing but sheer pain. Releasing her breath in a gasp as the first of the blows hammers into her, Vice's lithe body sent sailing high up into the air with the sheer -force- of the blow. Vice may be sturdy, but she was no semi-trailer. Maybe. Slamming back to the ground at a strange angle, not a second goes by before Vice was already shoving herself to her feet, fists curled before herself at both sides. "GARBAGeee...!" she shouts.. or tries to, as her voice gives out on her about midway through the shout, the Orochi woman turning in a shaky manner, her eyes searching for... for... anything. There. -There-.
With a wet sort of gurgle, Vice starts to stomp towards Ryu, intent on grabbing him, lifting him up... and with the last remainder of her strength. Just batter him against the ground. And keep battering him against the ground until he either -stopped moving-, or Vice's strength runs out. The world was already starting to grow black from the sheer damage she took from that blow. She likely wouldn't be able to hold on too much longer... rage can only take one so far.
COMBATSYS: Vice can no longer fight.
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Ryu 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Ryu dodges Vice's Withering Surface.
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Ryu 0/-------/-----==|
The last thing Ryu wants just this minute is to be in the clutches of the raging Orochi, even if Vice is rapidly losing steam. Instead, as he lands a fair bit better off than Vice out of the greater Rising Dragon, Ryu draws a deep breath, steadying his attention on the redhead's charge. With alacrity that stands in paradox to his bruised and bloodied frame, the legendary nomad dances away from the grab, keeping one step ahead of Vice's offensive until she finally falls, and he's left with a moment to draw several long, much-needed breaths of the not-so-fresh Metro City air, turning away from the wrecked semi, and the falling Orochi, once he's sure the fight has left her. Arms crossing over his chest, Ryu closes his eyes, losing himself in reflection, or perhaps simply doing his damndest to hold to his consciousness, the long tails of his headband fluttering lightly on the breeze.
After a brief respite, he begins off again, down the street he was heading up to begin with, suggesting that perhaps he is indeed just wandering the city. He could use some /real/ rest, and probably a bit of medical attention. But he's not interested in being central to the scene about to ensue here, judging from the sirens rapidly closing on the location. Still, a number of the people who had chosen to run, and some who were drawn by the chaos, can certainly fill the proper authorities in. Ryu isn't in any frame of mind, or body, to be doing such.
Log created by Katana, and last modified on 12:38:22 06/28/2005.