Katana - Codeeeee


It's a quiet night in Metro City, as far as these things go. There aren't nearly as many people on the streets as usual, and the roads around Haggar Arms are all but abandoned. As such it is quite noticable when a rusty metal grate abruptly shoots out of the side of the building, up on the fourth floor, and crashes noisily onto the sidewalk below.
And out of the hole from which came the grate climbs Cody, looking unusually damp and wearing a similarly damp towel around his shoulders. "I've got to bail," he yells back from whence he came, loud enough to be heard down on the streets below. "I'll call you, okay? I've already been here too long."
COMBATSYS: Katana has started a fight here.
COMBATSYS: Cody has joined the fight here.
Jessica's blonde head peeks out, a thick robe clutched tightly closed just below her throat. "But you haven't even had breakfast!" she protests, her other hand waving a piece of buttered toast. "You have to have SOMETHING to eat, even if it's just on the run..." She's not about to throw it to him, though, because it would fall on the ground or in the garbage, and knowing Cody, he'd eat it ANYWAY. And that's not very sanitary. "Mmph...wait just a sec..." Her face disappears, then she begins to carefully back out the window and climb down after him. "Wait up!"

A dark shadow stalks Cody through the city streets.. death that bears the name of KATANA! Okay, that was a bit much.
As the 'hero of Metro City' busts a grate and clings onto the edge of the roof, yelling down at the street below, there's little chance that he knows what awaits him. How the Mad Gear leader knew where to be and when is beyond anyone's guess, but he steps towards the edge of the Haggar Arms roof.
Gazing down at the precariously hanging Cody, he grins behind his steel mask. Aiming to strike before his hated foe notices him, it's becomes apparent that Katana isn't screwing around. He's out to murder the man partially responsible for Mad Gear's past defeats. Raising one of his jitte high into the air, he aims to stab it down into the center of Cody's hand.. the same one he's keeping a grip on the building with.

COMBATSYS: Cody dodges Katana's Medium Strike.

And there's another figure nearby, but that doesn't seem to be presently engaging in this conflict. Crouched down upon the concrete portrusion, one hand lightly twirling a grenade by the pin -- it would get anyone banned from ever handling arms in the forces -- Rolento occasionally taps his baton against the concrete. "Do not be brash, civilian. Enter your house. At the present we have no plans nor intentions to hurt you if complied." He's not near enough to harass Cody himself; And actually looks like he isn't going to. For whatever reason that might be, for the time being. Being on the building opposite Cody, Katana, and Jessica might put many combatants too far away to do much; Yet not Rolento. Once more -- yet.

"I'll get something to go!" Cody yells back, beginning to move away from the window horizontally. "Look, don't worry about it, I just have to go before-- what? What are you doing?! Get back inside, you'll get hurt!" he bellows, shifting to head back towards Jessica. Shifting at exactly the wrong moment, apparently, as Katana's weapon buries itself into the space between two of his fingers, prompting the blonde to blink in surprise and look up.
And woe, it is unto looking into the face of Satan. Well, kinda. "Jesus Christ," he snarls, shifting his hand and yanking himself suddenly upwards, rising up several feet and attempting to grab Katana's mask and half-pull, half-fling him downwards off the building as he drops back into place. "I can't get a break, can I?!

COMBATSYS: Katana fails to counter Strong Throw from Cody with Shiraha Catch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Cody             0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0           Katana

Jessica, being the girly girl that she is, cries out with a sharp, short note at the sudden attack on Cody. Boy, he wasn't kidding was he? "CODY!" she yells, glancing back over her shoulder as her fuzzy-slippered feet stretch blindly towards the fire escape. She runs to the edge, leaning over to catch a better glimpse of the fight up above. "Cody, be careful up there!" And she means it, dangit, because if Cody slips and falls just to spite her? Ooooo, he's sleeping on the couch...

Growling in frustration as his jitte strikes misses through sheer dumb luck on his foe's part, Katana pulls the weapon out of the side of the building Before he can lash out again, or back away from the edge of the roof, he finds himself gripped by the mask. A simple tug is all that it takes to bring him flying off the roof of the building, hurtling down to the ground below and landing on the top of a dumpster with a loud *thud*. Absolutely decemating the steel object, the Mad Gear leader groans, his jitte clattering on the ground beside him as he shakes his head and slowly begins to stand back up. Not going too well so far..

"If you wish for assistance, Katana, merely say the word." Rolento calls down towards the descending man, but he then places his grenade back on his harness while shifting his attention towards Jessica continuing to meander around in a dangerous manner like a head cut off a chicken. Instead he now draws out a knife, balancing the tip upon his finger. Testament to how starp it is, a small stream of blood dances to one of his knuckles. "As for now, I do not mind observing your combat abilities compared to the people we need... removed!"

"I'll be fine! Just go back inside! If you have to watch I'm sure a news crew will be here real soon!" Cody cries over to Jessica again; and, in doing so, finally notices Rolento. "You again, huh?" he roars over to the commando. "Well enjoy the show, you gymnastic queer!" To himself, more quietly, he adds, "Jeez, where are Cottage Cheese Thighs and Suplex Bitch when you need them?"
He doesn't linger on this thought for long, however, instead adjusting his position, taking a deep breath, and then dropping off the wall, shifting into an elbow drop as he falls and attempting to impact Katana's everything with his... well, you know, elbow. This is possibly the stupidest thing he's ever done, ever. Except maybe that one other thing.

COMBATSYS: Katana counters Random Weapon from Cody with Shiraha Catch.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Cody             0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0           Katana

Fortunately for Katana, he's able to recover quick enough to notice Cody falling towards him at very, very rapid speeds. Leading with that elbow, he's bound to cause some damage.. that is, if the massive Mad Gear leader just stands there and takes it. Which he sure as he doesn't plan on. Acting quick, the gang leader leaves his jitte where they fell and grasps both hands up into the air.
Gripping tightly onto Cody's arm and leg, stopping his fall entirely, Katana lets out a deep, bellowing laugh from behind his mask before tossing him out of the alleyway and onto the sidewalk proper. With any luck, he won't be needing Rolento's help.
"The hero of Metro City.. it's time to pay for what you did to Mad Gear!"

Jessica hears what Cody says. But she doesn't obey. This wasn't some ordinary street fight, this was a matter of life and death! And if she can help, then SO BE IT! "Leave him alone, you gruesome jerk!" she yells at Katana, chucking the toast down at his head. "Hang on, Cody! Just hang on!" Because obviously his life hinges solely upon Jessica's assistance. Riiiiight. She climbs in through the window, somewhat awkwardly...then back out again, with a pot of coffee. Not just any pot of coffee. Her DAD'S pot of coffee. The kind that gave a normal guy instant stomach ulcers. Bombs away! *plishplishplash*

Cody frowns, distressed, when his fall is not cushioned by Katana's body but his arms. And on purpose! This frown mutates into more of a grimace as he's tossed out of the dumpster and smashes into the ground, rolling along it for several feet and in fact bouncing once off an old tire and getting a good foot of air before coming out of the log roll into a kneel, in the same motion whipping a switchblade out of his back pocket, opening it, and flicking it through the air at the still-dumpster'd Katana.
"Dude, that was like six years ago. Get over it," the blonde points out, as he finishes climbing to his feet. "Do you even remember what your boss's name was?"

COMBATSYS: Cody successfully hits Katana with Knife Throw.
- Power hit! -

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Cody             0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1           Katana

"Of course I remember the great Belger's name!" shouts Katana, obviously insulted by the thought that he would forget him, "His dream lives on with me! Mad Gear shall rise again!" Some distance away, there's the low rumble of a truck starting up. A usual sound in the city night, but the quiet makes it somewhat noticeable.
Not fast enough to evade the flying blade, Katana gets the knife stabbed through his armour, penetrating his flesh and knocking him off the dumpster. Quickly getting back to his feet, the big man picks up his jitte and twirls them as he strolls out of the alleyway, towards the sidewalk to face Cody.
"I will never forget what you and your friend did to Belger. What you did to Mad Gear."

COMBATSYS: Katana focuses on his next action.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Cody             0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1           Katana

Jessica bites her lip, carefully setting down the coffeepot before she chucks it straight at Katana's head. If she had decent aim she'd do it anyway, but being as her father likes that coffee pot, she's better off not wasting it. Her fingers clutch the railing tightly, twisted and warped from where Yamazaki had first appeared on Jessica's balcony. "H-He brought it upon himself! He deserved what he got!" Jessica retorts heatedly. "Cody's a real h--" Creeeeeeeeeeak...SNAP! The slight weight of Jessica leaned up over the warped railing proves to be its undoing. The metal finally gives way with a short, pained groan, and pitches the young woman over the edge. "OH!!!!" she screams, clinging desperately to the metal and kicking her legs in an attempt to get something solid beneath them.

A lavender slipper tumbles softly to the ground, preceded shortly by its panicked owner just as the railing snaps loose entirely.

There's some dim curiosity at the moment, but this battle obviously has some significance with Katana in terms of pride. Although not exactly a fan of such battles, Rolento is familiar with it; And comfortable enough carefully removing Cody's body piece by piece if need be when he is triumphant. But it appears his warnings done towards Jessica have gone completely ignored. Letting out a disgruntled sigh from still across the street, he carefully yanks back his knife. And as Jessican starts to plummet, there's a literal sizzle in the air. The collar of her robe is caught in the thick bowie knife, and the sheer strength of Rolento shown as it then imbeds within the brick behind. And thus, Jessica now dangles above the fighters for the most part safe; Still the question of getting down or getting up, but at least Cody can glance towards the sky for inspiration. "I told you to remain in your household. I was tempted to let you drop given your... attempts at interferance this far."

"Jesus, cry me a river," scowls Cody, backing cautiously away from the advancing Katana. Admitting, at least to himself, the advantage bestowed upon Katana by the usage of weapons, he reaches once more into his pocket and withdraws another knife, flicking it open and twirling it around a few times in his fingers.
Of course, Katana has _two,_ so it wouldn't just be fair if Cody only had one. With this in mind he reaches down and picks up a nearby discarded brick in his other hand, giving it a good squeeze and then advancing on the helmet-wearing Mad Gear 'officer,' lunging forward and attempting to ram the knife into Katana's gut. The brick, for now, does not come into the mix.
"Maybe you should pick your fights more carefully and not, like, kidnap my girlfriend. Just, you know, _in the future._ You might get trashed less," he advises.

COMBATSYS: Cody successfully hits Katana with Tokushu Koudou.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Cody             0/-------/-======|=======\====---\1           Katana

Things definitely aren't going well for the armour clad man, evidenced by the pained grunt that erupts after receiving the knife in the gut - the weapon piercing his armour through sheer strength on Cody's part. Utilizing his close proximity, Katana wraps both his arms around his foe's back, holding his tight and rushing towards the street.. just as the engine rumble gets louder and louder, approaching at dangerous speed.
"Time to say goodbye, Cody.." hisses the Mad Gear leader before releasing Cody and shoving him out into the street, just as a semi truck speeds by. Not just any truck, the Mad Gear semi - complete with graffiti on the side and mohawked thug driver. Good timing.

Jessica could rebutt Rolento's comments. Katana had started it, after all! Cody was just trying to defend himself, and Jessica wouldn't be much of a girlfriend if she didn't try to help somehow...or so she believes. But she doesn't. Namely, because she's a sitting duck right now if Rolento decides to fling more knives about, so there's no sense in playing the spunk card. Instead she just holds very still, trembling, and crossing her legs tightly at the ankles lest any bum stroll by and try to catch a glimpse as to which Victoria's Secret special she happens to be sporting. No screaming. That would distract Cody, and she can't have that right now. But boy oh boy, is her face pale!

COMBATSYS: Cody fails to interrupt Run Your Ass Over Beyotch from Katana with Random Weapon.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Cody             1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0           Katana

At which point he turns to face the truck and is promptly struck by it. The truck actually, at first, slows down, tires squealing briefly on the pavement, but before long Cody's sucked under the front and run over by like nine goddamn sets of wheels, eventually depositing the man, clothing torn and covered in cuts, a good ten feet down the road as it moves on, leaving Cody prone, face-down, and totally owned. "S-son of a... bitch..."

Letting out a loud burst of laughter, Katana is no doubt pleased when the semi ploughs right into his opponent.. just like he planned it. After being slammed underneath an 18-wheeler, Cody is bound to be in some serious pain.. and that brings the fight back to a more even level. "You may be tough, Cody, but you sure are stupid. You've walked right into my trap, fool! Tonight, I take my vengeance upon you, in the name of Mad Gear! In the memory of Belger!"
The truck stops a few dozen feet away, parking there as the mohawked thug steps out of the vehicle to watch the fight. Meanwhile, the gang leader steps towards the still prone jailbird, and lifts both jitte high into the air, aiming to stab them down onto the man's back..

COMBATSYS: Cody blocks Katana's Daikyou Burning.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Cody             1/-----==/=======|===----\-------\0           Katana

As Katana approaches, Cody struggles to make the world stop spinning, and he manages to get onto his stomach and snap his hands up to catch the thrusted jitte, stopping them short of piercing the skin. The force still makes his hands ache, however.
"You ran over me," he says, simply, throwing Katana's hands to the side and performing roughly half a kip-up, what is essentially a hop into the air and then a folding of his legs so that he's on his knees. With his back still touching the ground. From here, he rises onto one knee and uses the leg he's not kneeling on to propel into a quick spin.
As he comes out of the spin, he rises even further, back to his feet, slinging his clenched fist in an uppercut towards Katana's stomach. And just behind the uppercut erupts a seven-foot tall, conical whirlwind, threatening to engulf the wapanese Mad Gear and lash at his armored skin with the thin streaks of bright blue energy caught up in it. "With a truck," the blonde finishes. "I don't think this relationship is going to work out if you're going to be using your bitch car as a weapon."

COMBATSYS: Katana counters Criminal Upper from Cody with Shiraha Catch.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Cody             1/----===/=======|=====--\-------\0           Katana

His hands knocked away, Katana is quick to recover - he knows that Cody is going to come back fighting with a vengeance. So when the uppercut comes slamming up towards his stomach, the big man is ready - lashing out with one hand and girpping him tightly around the wrist, using his impressive strength to heft the man high up into the air and bring him slamming back down to the concrete.
Quickly shuffling backwards in order to ready himself for his opponent's next attack, Katana shoots a glance up at Rolento and nods. He's got this under control. "You've gotten weak, Cody. Slow. My focus has tripled since we last met! I will strike you down with the power of a hundred thunderstorms!"

Continuing to observe without any interferance other then stopping Jessica from interfering with the pancake, Rolento throws a salute towards Katana and then stands up as if ready to leave. Once the man is dead they can move on; His plan of attack involves execution of each potential threat to the second coming or Mad Gear, and Cody most assuredly is one!

Jessica's curled fingers press tightly against her mouth as she watches helplessly from on high, her heart throbbing with worry. "Keep fighting, Cody!" she shouts. "Don't give up, you can beat this guy!" Morale Boost: +2!

Oh, hell. Cody narrows his eyes as Katana once more grabs ahold of him, and this time crashes him directly into the ground. That's getting really annoying. The blonde sniffs disdainfully and begins to rise to his feet, wiping some blood from his mouth. "Alright, punk. That's how you wanna play? The kid gloves are off." he snaps, in his rage flipping out and removing his torn-up shirt, tossing it aside.
The brawler takes a quick step back and inhales deeply, settling into a ready stance. "I've only got one request," he announces as an afterthought, to the gaijin opposing him, "Get yerself beat down with dignity and take off that _silly ass hat._"

COMBATSYS: Cody focuses on his next action.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Cody             1/----===/=======|=====--\-------\0           Katana

One can imagine that Katana, under his mask, doesn't look very impressed with Cody at all. "I am not going to remove my ceremonial mask and show my honourable, Japanese face to an ignorant American such as yourself!" he states, practically spitting in disgust. Twirling his jitte around, he eyes his foe for a few moments before directing his attention up at Rolento.
"Rolento! Grenade!" is shouted, before he returns his attention to Cody.. preparing himself for the attack to come.

COMBATSYS: Katana focuses on his next action.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Cody             1/----===/=======|=====--\-------\0           Katana

COMBATSYS: Rolento has joined the fight here.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Cody             1/----===/=======|=====--\-------\0           Katana
[                           \\\  <
Rolento          0/-------/-======|

"Affirmative!" Rolento states, and then yanks off the grenade he had been tinkering with earlier. Such cheap manners of double-teaming are not above him in the slightest; And he then tosses it into the air, before striking out with his baton and impacting it. It whizzes down towards the alley, only a few inches to the side of Katana's head, before detonating in a tremendous explosion right behind COdy. And Jessica's probably not going to enjoy the flash of force and heat and shrapnel, either. "FIRE!!"

COMBATSYS: Rolento successfully hits Cody with Grenadier.

Jessica screams, raising her arms instinctively to shield her face. Her knees jerk towards her chest as the heat waves from the explosion send her hair and the ends of her robe fluttering madly. "You-you-you...you...!" she sputters, infuriated at Rolento. Her small hands clench into tight, trembling fists. "You hypocritical black-browed bastard!!!" She'll feel ashamed for cussing later.

"!" says Cody, somehow managing to pronounce punctuation and whirling around to face the grenade as it explodes... and when the smoke clears, he's _way the hell down there,_ fleeing down the street, trailing unhealthy amounts of blood. Apparently, he has chosen to subscribe to the better part of valor, and has broken and is running for it.
Oh -- oh, nope, wait, he was just getting help. As he reaches the parked Mad Gear semi, he suddenly veers off course and slams into the mohawked punk driver, crashing him into the side of the truck and then dropping him to the ground and climbing inside the still-running truck, slamming the door shut and getting comfortable..
The first order of business is, of course, the radio. He flips through a few stations until he ends up on a country station playing the Dukes of Hazzard theme, declares it 'good enough,' and adjusts the rear-view mirror before putting her in drive and beginning to turn around.
Oh, sure, he impacts a wall and causes it to almost collapse inwards, but he manages to get the truck turned around none the less, and as he straightens himself out he rolls down the window and cranks up the radio, grinning madly.
Finally, the ultimate preperation: he reaches up and wails hard on the horn in a series of quick bursts that come out to a rough approximation of 'I Wish I Was In The Land Of Cotton,' except in Truck Horn.
And then he slams on the gas, and the truck lurhces forward, tires squealing and kicking up bits of gravel. Cackling gleefully, Cody leans out the window and screams forward towards his gangster target, "HONK HONK, MOTHERFUCKER!"

COMBATSYS: Katana counters Dead End Irony from Cody with Shiraha Catch.

[                            \\  < >  ///////                       ]
Cody             1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0           Katana
                                  >  //////////////////////////////]
                                 |-------\-------\0          Rolento

Katana's view is obscured by the explosion for a moment, and when he regains it Cody is off in the distance, carjacking the Mad Gear semi. Oddly enough, the gang leader actually steps out into the street to meet the rapidly approaching vehicle. One hand snakes inside his armour and pulls out a small, shiny item. Keys, with a button attached. The reason for the object becomes clear when Katana actually pushes the button.
What happens next? Well, the emergency brakes on the semi all surge into action. All six of them. That means the truck is slamming to a half -very- quickly. And it's very unfortunate that Cody wasn't wearing a seatbelt, because he's slammed forward, flying out the front window of the truck and crashing onto the ground just a few feet away from the calmly standing Katana.
"Heh heh."

Did I mention that annoying?
Unfortunately for Katana, Cody's learned to roll in his adventures in professional combat, and he hits the ground in, indeed, a roll, coming up into a run and simply launching himself at Katana, screaming frustratedly. As he nears the Wapanese gangsta, he erupts with blue light, and time kicks into Dramatic Time Freeze mode for a moment before kicking back into gear and allowing Cody to snap forwards, trailing blue afterimages.
He makes full use of this, lifting his leg and snapping it forward so hard that he actually slides across the ground, foot meaning to bury itself in Katana's chest. From there, success or failure, he just kinda goes, launching himself into a pair of hops, one after the other and each accompanied by a piston-like kick at neck level, and then kicking forward to slide across the ground again, trying to slam his foot into Katana's shins and knock him towards the ground, face first...
At which point he crashes his knee into the gaijin's face, ideally launching him up into the air. Cody, of course, follows him, slamming his foot once more into the mask-wearing man's chest and attempting to ride him down to the ground.
Should all of this succeed, there's an explosion when Katana impacts with the concrete. For no justifiable reason.

COMBATSYS: Cody can no longer fight.

                                  >  ///////                       ]
                                 |=====--\-------\0           Katana
                                  >  //////////////////////////////]
                                 |-------\-------\0          Rolento

COMBATSYS: Katana fails to counter Dead End Irony from Cody with Shiraha Catch.

                                  >  //////////////////////////////]
                                 |-------\-------\0          Rolento

COMBATSYS: Katana can no longer fight.

                                  >  //////////////////////////////]
                                 |-------\-------\0          Rolento

Somewhat shocked as Cody rolls up from the painful fall, Katana is totally unprepared to defend against the man's onslaught. His shit thoroughly beaten up and down, the combination leaves the gang leader slamming down to the concrete, an explosion erupting as he strikes the ground. Well, so much for that.
"Ugh.." groans the fallen man, dropping his jitte and slowly attempting to get back to his knees, at the very least. That.. hurt. "Rolento! Execute him, and his woman!"

Jessica wriggles frantically now. Cody's in *serious* trouble. While she's still pretty high up, at least another story, it's not TOO high up. She thinks. And there's a bunch of empty cardboard boxes heaped up below, so... She reaches up, fumbling for the knife with her fingers until she finally finds the hilt. Twisting around as best she can, Jessica plants her foot against the wall and begins to tug. There's a slight 'shrrrip' from her robe that's mildly alarming, but not so much as the sudden 'chink!' that comes from metal being freed of a hotel wall prison. "AHHHH!!!" An explosion of cardboard boxes flies through the alleyway.

Groggily Jessica stands, still clutching her bowie knife and putting a hand to her head. And that's about the time she hears Katana make his call. "Oh no you don't..." she breathes, her eyes narrowing hatefully. The ties of her robe flap freely as she swiftly darts towards the fallen Katana, sliding to a halt against his back and pushing the knife to his throat. "I have a better idea!" she yells. "How about you guys go home and leave us alone?!"

There's a deft leap as Rolento lands near the alley mouth, slowly standing up. As Jessica places the weapon against the fallen man's throat, there doesn't appear to be the slightest ounce of care in the mercenary's features. He simply reaches into his vest and yanks out a knife of his own; Twirling it around before pausing a small distance off. The man is in danger, yes; But there's a simple oversight.
Rolento doesn't negotiate.
Whisking out his hand, he hurls his own knife at a briliant speed. The intent is to sink it into Jessica's own shoulder, the one that's needed for joyful activities like pressing knives against aspiring Japanese throats. Outside the fact she'd probably be sent flying backwards. "Negative!" Rolento snarls, before then reaching into his vest and pulling free two large grey bricks. He rapidly does something to each before hurling them to the ground, eaching 'beeping' slightly out of chorus. If Katana gets his throat cut in the process, well, that's acceptable losses. Not something he'd exactly prefer, though. If everything went according to plan where Katana is concerned, Rolento will attempt to yank him to his feet and then beat a hasty retreat. "Mission complete!"
Beep... Beep... Beep...

Cody takes a staggering step backwards off the fallen Katana and then collapses onto his rear, sucking in a quick, ragged breath. He jerks his head to the side, however, when he hears Jessica hit the box-ground, and roars angrily, "Are you _insane?!_ Run, damnit! What are you -- for the..." he sputters, struggling (and failing) to get to his feet. "They don't care about their own men! Just run!"

Jessica's face turns shockingly pale just seconds after Rolento's knife buries deeply into her flesh. Her wide hazel eyes stare blankly, filled with intense pain, as she draws in a shuddering breath. The knife she was holding jerks sharply as it makes impact, which may or may not cause Katana a great deal of really bloody discomfort. Falling back onto her hip, still paralyzed with shock and agony, she raises a trembling hand to the blossoming crimson stain in her robe. "I...messed up, didn't I...ha...ha ha..."

Mike Haggar is here, and he's really mad.
Mike Haggar is here, and he's really AN~gry!
Mike Haggar is here, and he's really mad.
Mike Haggar is here, and he's really AN~gry!

Haggar explodes out of the side door of Haggar arms, having heard the fire escape's breaking, and... whoa what the hell is this. He's still a few stories up, and takes about one second to see what's all going on. Cody... Katana and Rolento escaping... Jessica... injured! Beeping things... bombs. Bombs, Cody, Jessica, all in one area. HELL NO.
With a bestial roar, Haggar leaps from the fire escape, falling a good five stories and landing on what used to be a soda can. Everything else moves away from him in a sort of halo. Before anyone else can say anything, he bends down and grabs the two bombs, grunting. The suckers are heavy!

Pushing himself up onto all fours and scrabbling ill-fatedly after the fleeing Rolento and Katana, Cody roars after them, "COME BACK HERE, YOU PUSSIES!" When this course of action returns no results, he collapses again and digs a thin cell phone out of his pocket, flipping it open and quickly pounding in a number. Grimacing, he starts dragging himself away from the about-to-explode Haggar, and screams into the phone at the earliest opportunity. "GODDAMNIT, WOMAN, MAKE YOURSELF USEFUL AND COME GET ME!"

Log created by Katana, and last modified on 18:26:01 06/23/2005.