Description: On a visit to Metro City, Yashiro is approached by Rolento. There's a quick spar for gauging abilities before Rolento takes off, leaving behind a vague offer of support.
America. Although Yashiro has traveled quite extensively in Europe and Asia, he hasn't spent very much time on this continent. Luckily his English is at least passable; it was useful as a language for traveling, and eventually Yashiro managed to pick up enough to hold a decent conversation. He's not at his most eloquent in the language, but that's rarely something that the musician considers to be a real problem.
As for why Yashiro is here in the first place? While there are many things that can be found in Southtown, a person who can make a good hand-made guitar is easier to find here in the states. Yashiro discovered the address of one in the Metro City area, and so he's taken a flight over to this country to meet with the man personally. Sure, perhaps it's a bit of trouble to go to, but guitars are rather important to Yashiro, as evidenced by the one he's carrying even now, stored in a case slung over his shoulder.
And now that Yashiro has met with the guitar maker, it'll soon be time to head back to Southtown while he waits for the instrument to be finished. In the meantime though, it wouldn't hurt to do some touristy stuff. Besides, Shermie and Chris would probably love to get souveniers of some sort. And so Yashiro has been wandering through the city, lucky enough so far to have avoided stumbling into some of the rougher areas. Eventually he makes his way down to the beach, sitting down on a bench to take a short break.
And the meandering form of Yashiro through the Metro City streets isn't missed by much more subtle eyes; Amidst the tide of individuals softly boiling in the sidewalks, they are of every shape and color. It would be hard to find one that truly stood out in the first place, let alone one that might of /recognized./ One of the Shank Squads has quickly radioed through that one of the New Face team is presently moving through the city. Most notable fighters are shuffled through the channels to Rolento himself, yet presently more out of a carefully set net then any specific search. The most advanced of plotting begins with the most simple of bases; Without a solid foundation, a castle cannot stand.
As such, while traipsing around the comfortable beach within prime-time tanning weather, there's a hundred reasons to be here. Nice shade for cool drinks, multiple shops selling food and trinkets, the surf and miscellanious water antics, or merely observing the seas of attractive-legged females sprawled over the calm beach.
Yet whatever these civilians might be up to, or Yashiro himself, Rolento presently strides across the sand with only one thought on his mind. The harsh heat and oddly dry wind doesn't phase him in the slighest; He's looking for Yashiro, having pinned him down to this beach despite losing sight. If he's not left, he's still...
Walking along lazily, the tan-covered form heavily settles into the bench beside Yashiro; Red beret perched atop his head carefully, leather boots and gloves fully oiled. No grenades are visible on the outside at least, although the bulges inside might be another matter.
"Yashiro Nanakase." is stated in a firm but still amiable voice. "I've seen your exploits and that of your Band members; Impressive, from what I can see..." An interesting manner for a stranger to start a conversation though, isn't it?
As someone sits down on the bench next to him, Yashiro glances over in that direction. It's hardly the only unoccupied seat, so it strikes the musician as a bit odd that someone would choose it. Rolento doesn't look like a bum or petty thief, at least, so he's probably not about to make an attempt at stealing Yashiro's guitar. When Rolento speaks up, Yashiro gets a clearer picture of what's going on. Or thinks he does, at least.
Yashiro gives Rolento a grin at the compliment. While it's easy to end up getting into a fight with Yashiro, starting off in a friendly manner is usually a good way to keep him from trying to kick your ass. "Thanks. You a fan, I guess? Music," he taps the guitar case with one finger, "or fighting? 'Course, I'm pretty good at both of them." Another broad grin, and a brief chuckle. Yeah, Yashiro's got a pretty high opinion of himself. Problems dealing with Iori, or events at the King of Fighters tournament notwithstanding.
"My musical tastes lay elsewhere; However, the physical abilities you and your teammates displayed were remarkable." It's a truth mixed in rather neatly with a compliment, Rolento slowly crossing his large arms before his chest and lifting a leg to cross over his knee. Despite the obvious interaction with Yashiro, he appears to be lazily glancing around the desert. Only everything is taken up; Ques of movement, shifts in color, an impossibly finite scan. All done without much conscious thought in the slightest. "But I am not a fan. The mest explanation I can give is that I am a potential ...sponser."
Rolento finishes this with an almost dismissive wave of his hand. The 'sponser' aspect is phrased ambiguously, but there might be some manner of offer on the table. "However!" Rolento suddenly stands, and smoothly yanks out the long baton from his middle back. He taps it once against the middle of his hand. "I would also like the opportunity to engage in feigned combat! Non-lethal spar!" Despite his odd speaking mannerisms, the concept is crystal clear.
Being told that the abilities he and his teammates possess are remarkable suits Yashiro well enough, although he raises one eyebrow a bit at the mention of being a sponsor. The way in which Rolento is scanning the area isn't lost on Yashiro, but he doesn't think very much of it. Perhaps the guy's just generally nervous. Wouldn't be the first person of that sort that Yashiro has met.
Yashiro's eyebrow goes even higher for a moment as Rolento pulls out the baton, although what he has in mind quickly becomes clear. Well, Yashiro's never one to turn down a friendly sparring match. Rising from his seat on the bench, Yashiro makes sure that his guitar is safe, then straightens up to his full height. He rolls his neck a few times, then puts his hands together, cracking his knuckles. "Hey, no problems here." A thought does occur to him then, however. "You wanna do this here, or should we head someplace else?"
"This area would risk significant civilian damage." Rolento states carefully, before immediately pointing his baton towards a two-story building . There are long fire escapes to the top, and outside being a vantage point for many boosted radio signals it's something of a dynamic environment. "I am interested in assessing your physical capabilities myself... Actions speak louder then observations or words!" Ht then crouches down low, and in a few swift leaps arrives at the edge of the building. Vaulting up the two stories with ease, not even needing the fire escape, Rolento then pads to the middle of the admittedly quite-handy antenna stations; Four of them, one to each corner, and very tall. There's a few solid grey boxes near these in the middle, but more then enough room to run and loop around. The possibility of knocking a couple radio stations off the air in this county will have to be at best a secondary concern.
Yashiro's fairly flexible for a man of his size, and quite athletic, but leaping about in the manner which Rolento displays is a bit beyond him. Still, after slinging his guitar back over his shoulder it doesn't take him long to make it to the building. He is, however, dependent on using the fire escape in order to make his way up to the roof. He's able to dash his way up fairly quickly however, climbing up the ladder at the top and heaving himself over onto the roof of the building. Setting the guitar case down carefully again, Yashiro turns to scan the rooftop, looking to see just where Rolento got to.
The antenna stations are noted; and yes, it's quite possible that some people's enjoyment of the radio may be briefly disrupted today. Yashiro may not have a lot of flashy explosive moves like some people, but he's quite capably of doing some serious damage with his punches, when he puts the effort into it. And Rolento may well be so unkind as to get out of the way of Yashiro's attacks. But then, it's not /really/ Yashiro's fault if he ends up doing some property damage after that, right?
"Do not worry about the civilian services." Rolento explains, literally waving away the idea as if it was inconsequential. He now appears to be a deal more serious instead, spreading his stance and slowly tapping the long baton within his free palm. White eyes contrasted by his vicious scar eye the larger man with obvious attempts at reading him like a book. Every aspect. Strengths and weaknsses. "What is important is focus on the goal at hand. It is possible to win this battle while knocking over a tower, and it is possible to lose this battle while knocking over a tower. As such, nearby damage is absolutely irrelevant." He then smoothly stands up, a long distance away from Yashiro. "But you could better call me a talent scout..." This might be just a tad more foreboding, as he twirls around his weapon and then impacts it on the ground next to him. "Let me see what you have!!" With a comical sproing, Rolento is sent flying about twenty feet in a vicious overhead assault. The baton cracks out, attempting to belt Yashiro across the face with no small amount of force.
COMBATSYS: Rolento has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rolento 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Yashiro has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Yashiro 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rolento
COMBATSYS: Rolento successfully hits Yashiro with Mekong Delta.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Yashiro 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Rolento
Yashiro brings up his arms as Rolento comes springing in towards him, intending to let the incoming baton smack against his forearm. His misjudges the angle the attack is coming in from however, allowing it to slip past his guard and smack him across the face, causing his head to jerk to the side. Despite the impact, however, Yashiro's feet don't budge. Sometimes moving with the blow can allow you to soften the impact, but taking it head on can sometimes give you a better opportunity to respond...
At least, that's what Yashiro has in mind. While Rolento follows through with his swing, Yashiro raises his arms from the failed guard position, clasping his hands together in the air over his head. He then brings them down swiftly, attempting to crash his fists down on the top of Rolento's head or, failing that, one of his shoulders.
COMBATSYS: Yashiro successfully hits Rolento with Sledgehammer Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Yashiro 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Rolento
This particular assault really was something of a surprise to Rolento; He did attempt to begin a literal roll backwards, but instead one shoulder takes a double-fisted hit and sends the commando >hard< upon his side. Yet again bracing himself the baton, Rolento manages to boost himself a good thirty feet away; To just below one of the larger antenna fields, where it's slightly easier to rub his obviously sore back. That got the blood pumping rather well in the German guerilla combatant; Although he's now twirling the ring of a grenade.
And said grenade, a HE, is ticking away just below Yashiro's feet. A moment later it lets out a tremendous explosion, shuddering the building and sending small pieces of wood and a couple of random wires descending for the ground. Collateral damage, mayhaps, but it didn't seem to be intentional in the slightest... Although what qualifies as 'fair play' with Rolento has a large berth.
COMBATSYS: Rolento successfully hits Yashiro with Grenadier.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Yashiro 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Rolento
The motion of Rolento's hand doesn't mean anything to Yashiro at first, even with the glint of metal around his finger. Yashiro's a musician, not a soldier, although he's seen enough movies to finally recognize the pin of a grenade. That gives him just enough time to look down at his feet before the grenade goes off. He tries to brace himself for the explosion, but it does little good, the force of the blast sending Yashiro flying backwards to slam into one of the other atenna stations, leaving a major dent in it.
The musician gets back up with a groan, darting his eyes quickly in the direction of his guitar before he even thinks of going back after Rolento. Thankfully the instrument was outside of the blast radius, and managed to avoid getting hit by any shrapnel or rubble. "What the hell was that supposed to be?" He sounds irritated, but not completely pissed off. If the guitar had gotten damaged, well, this might not be quite so friendly anymore. Perhaps Rolento will get a chance to respond, but Yashiro doesn't give him much time, charging across the damaged rooftop toward him. Once he gets close to the commando he opens up with right hook to the torso, followed by a blow from the left, and then a third heavy blow from the right to finish off the combo.
COMBATSYS: Rolento interrupts Missile Might Bash from Yashiro with Mine Sweeper.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Yashiro 1/---====/=======|==-----\-------\0 Rolento
"It was merely a concussive grenade; They are not built for actual damage. Your items should be fine; But this is a test of real combat, Yashiro! The real world!" And then, as the other man bridges the distance, Rolento dips both hands within his vest and comes out with four large grenades; Two per hand, dangling like rings. Clenching his fists, the obviously skilled guerilla fighter then drops a grenade at Yashiro's feet; Before leaping up, clinging to the side of an antenna, and then leaping once more. The odd effect is that each grenade is dropped just above the other, and each goes off in such a way that Yashiro will find himself blown upwards a good hundred feet exactly like a cannon before... descending to the sand-covered ground, as opposed to the now damaged radio broadcast center. Standing high above on one of those antenna is Rolento, before he leaps off. Suicide at first maybe, but then he slows from a zipline and twists to cut it, landing in a stout crouch scarcely fourty yards from where Yashiro is. The fight's not over, after all; If anything else, it's only just beginning.
And Yashiro's world becomes a series of explosions for several moments, before he finds himself sailing freely through the air. Perhaps this is what birds feel like... after being shot by the hunter. Of course, what goes up must come down, and Yashiro finds himself quickly accelerating back toward the ground. He slams heavily into the beach, sand spraying everywhere and leaving the musician in his own little crater.
With a grunt Yashiro heaves himself up to a sitting position, then climbs back to his feet. That was... unpleasant. But now the Orochi is in contact with his element, and perhaps he'll be able to return a little bit of that pain to Rolento. Yashiro clenches his right fist, the muscles in his right arm tensing as he hunches forward slightly. He gives a low growl as he begins drawing the chi into his body. At first the sand around him begins to ripple, and then it actually begins to flow away from Yashiro in waves as the power moves into him. And then, once he's amassed all the strength he can, Yashiro launches himself forward, throwing everything he's got into a nasty blow aimed at Rolento's chest. Grenades may have a wider blast radius, but right now Yashiro could probably put his fist through tank armor.
COMBATSYS: Rolento dodges Yashiro's Final Impact.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Yashiro 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Rolento
This is assuredly a talent that Rolento didn't fully expect to meet in person; The ability to manifest one's chi in that manner is outright ungodly, even to one as stoic as he. Widening his eyes and stepping backwards, for a few moments Rolento looks to be completely lacking in ideas. Crouched as he is, there's no quick enough manner of egress that won't end in him being-- --Wait, there is.
The baton is struck into the ground, and Rolento then literally sits atop it while releasing the tension.
And through this laughable little display of ingenuity, instead Yashiro's gargantuan assault screams beneath Rolento; Close enough that he's knocked sideways and forced into a crouch, eyes still wide and hand braced upon the sand breathing deeply. "Impressive!" is called forth, but that doesn't mean he won't continue his own little dance.
Swinging back his right arm, he begins to twirl his baton with all the force he can, until it appears he's holding a helicopter blade rather then any substantial weapon. And then in a trio of sharp, masterful swipes he aims to >drive< through the other man's defenses in order to establish at least one step closer to the fabled end game.
COMBATSYS: Rolento successfully hits Yashiro with Patriot Circle.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Yashiro 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Rolento
Yashiro stumbles a bit when his fist meets only empty air. With all the force behind that blow, recovering from it can be kind of tricky. Although he manages to regain his balance, it's not in time to bring up his defenses against the incoming whirly stick of doom. Instead, Yashiro attempts to simply backpedal out of the way, but Rolento's assault is coming in a bit too quickly for that to work. The baton smacks into Yashiro multiple times, sending him staggering. There's nothing broken, but the musician is sporting a number of welts now, and being blown off the building certainly didn't do him any favors, so he's starting to get a bit worn down.
Being beaten up doesn't mean he's going to stop giving his all in an attempt to actually make an impact on Rolento, however. He charges in toward the other man again, despite the rather painful result last time... And launches into a lightning fast flurry of blows aimed at Rolento's head and torso. Again and again he throws out punches; some of them may get blocked, but there's so many that some are likely to slip through any defense that's put up. Even if they do all get blocked Yashiro still finishes the assault off by attempting to slam his right fist into Rolento's gut, followed by dragging it up along his body to drive it into his jaw in an uppercut that will hopefully take the commando clear off his feet.
COMBATSYS: Rolento interrupts Million Bash Stream from Yashiro with Mekong Delta.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Yashiro 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Rolento
The fact that Yashiro is continuing to get up is rather impressive to Rolento; At least, so far as his willpower is concerned. There's assuredly little wrong with his fighting style -- more that there's less a style, and more the obvious use of innate gifts and talents. Such rarely works against the disciplined Rolento, and this will be no different. Leaping backwards in a scouter jump, a few blows rain upon the commando's body; But he then lands in a crouch, bending his stick before >hurling< himself at the vulnerable Yashiro before he can further capitalize on his injuries. For being such a Blanka-like attack, it would feel like a giant iron ball swung with a ton of force; In other words, noticeably painful. Bouncing off in a lazy upwards arc, Rolento then lands in a deft crouch. He's only been solidly hit once thus far -- and doesn't plan to again, regardless.
Yashiro's throwing his all into his assault on Rolento... and then suddenly the commando isn't there any more. What the heck is going on? Oh, there he is- *WHAM!* Yashiro staggers backwards after the impact with Rolento, but even though he's just about out of energy he's not going to let that stop him. As Rolento springs off of him, Yashiro lashes out with one hand, attempting to get any handhold on the commando that he can, in the short period of time between being so badly battered that he can't fight and when his body actually realizes it and gives up.
COMBATSYS: Yashiro can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rolento 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Yashiro successfully hits Rolento with Hatchet Throw.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Rolento 0/-------/=======|
And it looks like Yashiro has a little bit of luck left in him, as his hand finds purchase. With the last of his strength he spins himself around, dragging Rolento out of his escape attempt and then slamming the commando into the ground as hard as he can. That's all he's got, though, and once he lets Rolento bounce off of the ground Yashiro sinks to his knees. A moment later he falls forward, supporting himself on his hands and breathing heavily. Trying to get back up doesn't seem like a good idea at the moment, given the complaints he's hearing from his muscles.
Well, this mars the very satisfiable victory in Rolento's eyes. Worse is that he was never under the assumption that Yashiro was down; He genuinely tried to get away, leaping back but still grasped by the foot and then whirled into the ground. A sharp rock manages to clunk Rolento in the side of the head, adding neat insult to injury. But he merely lays there at best two seconds before grunting, pushing to his feet and fingering the wound on his forehead. "You fight well to the very end; One of the most impressive traits I look for!" Rolento states in what would seem to be an increase in compliments despite a resounding victory. "You have the innate talent. You have the inner ability. I am interested in offering you... More." One large hand extends, stiff but definitely with full intent of helping the larger man to his feet. "What are your dreams in life, warrior?"
COMBATSYS: Rolento has ended the fight here.
Yashiro accepts the offered hand, grunting a bit as he gets unsteadily to his feet. His entire body aches, but at least there don't seem to be any injuries that won't heal up soon enough. "Thanks." The compliments are slightly less welcome after getting his ass kicked, but they still seem to be honest enough. And although Yashiro can be a sore loser, this fight seemed to be fair enough that he's not /too/ pissed off.
"My dreams, huh?" Yashiro shifts his posture slightly, feeling something pop in his back as he does so. "Fame and fortune'd be nice. Having everybody in the world know about CYS and wanting to listen to our music..." While Yashiro may enjoy fighting, it's not something that he particularly lives for. It's fun, and he likes to improve himself, but his true love is, and always has been, music. Of course, when somebody interferes with that love, fighting has its place. "...And showing that bastard Yagami what happens if you cross me and my friends." Some people might think that freely telling others about a desire for vengeance might not be the best idea in the world. Frankly, Yashiro would tell them to shut the hell up, before he punches them in the face.
And Rolento himself can be something of a sore winner; But it truly depends on why he goes into a fight. If it is to teach discipline to someone who lacks respect, more then one fallen opponent have had grenades thrown on them. Yet it's quite possible for there to be relatively friendly matches like this, even if Rolento plays a hell of a lot more roughly then your standard fighter; The grenades are not fatal, for instance, but they are still rather surprising.
"So you wish to be remembered in the world. To do something that you love, to change it, and be heard of for generations to come?" Rolento appears to have shifted the way it was said slightly, yet to him that sort of wording would look to be more important. An eyebrow does raise at the mention of Iori, but Rolento merely takes another couple steps forward before reaching into his pocket.
"My name is ex-Major Rolento Schugerg." This name might be known; He's supposedly quite the terrorist and black-ops man, with a couple documentaries done on him and high on the list of world's most wanted groups/men from Interpol. "If you believe the world media, I am one of the most heartless monsters to ever live! However, I'd like to give you the opportunity to see something *more*. The power of a true vision!" A simple white card is then offered to the other man, but without any appearance belief of whether it will be taken or not.
Yashiro doesn't really pay a huge amount of attention to thing like most wanted lists, or generally even much of the news. Sure, he'll read a newspaper once in a while, but it doesn't really do much for him. Even so, the name manages to ring a few bells, at least faintly. Despite that recognition, however, Yashiro doesn't immediately try to run away, call for the police, or any such thing. Instead he reaches out one hand, taking the card from Rolento's fingers.
The musician glances at the card briefly, not responding to Rolento for several moments. Eventually, however, he speaks. "Yeah, the name does sound kinda familiar. So I hope you'll forgive me if I say that I don't exactly trust you." Still, that's probably a better reaction than Rolento might get from a great many people. "And I also don't understand what exactly it is that you'd want from me." Yashiro may be a big guy, but that doesn't mean he's stupid. He knows that there's a good chance that Rolento is interested in something that's not exactly on the up and up. And while Yashiro might not be the most moral man in the world, there are a few things he draws the line at.
And somehow, that response seems to please Rolento almost as much as any other could. He merely nods his head in affirmation, crossing his arms lightly before his broad chest. "Affirmative. I will not deny my history of attacks, although they have all been for the same goals. Any civilian loss of life was indirect, acceptable losses." This is the case if one was to research it; Rolento was generally hired by a horribly bad man to take out a horribly bad man, but that could involve sinking a boat full of people just to get at him. An extremist mannerism, to say the least. "Yet what do I want? I am merely scouting the waters, Yashiro. I believe in my convictions, and I believe I can find people who share my vision for a better world. The role of a true revolutionary hero is made in the history books; I might be despised now, but future generations will realize my sacrifices!"
And then there's the loud whirring sound of a helicopter, whirring overhead and kicking up sand despite being high above. A Russian-made transport chopper now hovers over Rolento, slender black line coiling down to his feet. "It is only an offer, Yashiro. You have the potential to change his world. The rest... is up to you." The helicopter then ascends as the line is withdrawn, and in an eyeblink Rolento is within the helicopter, flitting over the ocean at a comfortable altitude...
For a few moments Yashiro stands there, card in hand, watching as the helicopter vanishes off into the distance. Once it's out of sight, he takes another look at the card, before slipping into his pocket. Well, you never know when it might come in handy, right? And it's not like he actually has to ever follow up on this...
And then it occurs to Yashiro that it might be a good idea to get out of here. Those explosions were probably heard by somebody, and the police will likely be on their way soon. He doesn't think he really did anything wrong, per se, but dealing with the police will certainly be a hassle. And so the musician hauls himself back up the fire escape to the ruined rough, snatching his guitar before quickly making his way down. His recovery is remarkably, considering the state he was in just recently. Everything still hurts, but at least he can move around fairly freely now. He uses that ability to make a hasty exit, making his way in the general direction of the airport.
Log created by Yashiro, and last modified on 10:27:09 06/19/2005.