Description: Ryu answers Freeman's public challenge, pursuing the serial killer to a church in a small English town. But does the World Warrior put a stop to the carnage.... or fall prey to the maniac's final hat-trick?
This particular town, scarcely an hour from London, is normally a small locale; Scarcely one thousand people, a large river bisecting it with multiple abandoned wharfs. Picture perfect, completely run by the nearby economy of Great Britain's hub as well as local small business -- not a single large chain here -- it would normally be a relaxing settlement with the only landmark being a large Gothic church overlooking the cool rushing waters.
Until Freeman chose this area to be his last hurrah, for whichever insane reason that might consist of.
London Special Forces and Police have flooded the town after his public assault with Vice, although her handy assistance led to him escaping the immediate comb. The other conflicts were only worrisome, yet the severe injury and projectile-use of the meager police force is another thing entirely.
And where is he now? Of all places, the gruesome murderer, one of the darkest souls on the planet, has barricaded himself within the church.
The monument is large, old dark grey stone covered in gargoyles and ornate arches and pillars; Stained glass show various pictures along the first floor, with a central large circular one overlooking the river where the main sermon halls are. It's almost a miniature Notre Dam to those who wish further mental picturing, and there were roughly twenty people within it. The current state of them are unknown; Police cars have barricaded it in, snipers are poised on nearby buildings, and a full breach has not yet commenced due to uncertainty about those inside.
This is assuredly a bad situation. Freeman will doubtlessly be able to handle basic police, even the enormously well-trained ones, enough that they've yet to bust in. It's almost as if they could use a Hero...
Freeman's announcement. Yes, it brought Ryu here, right on the tails of his endeavors in the King of Fighters tournament. Hopping a plane was easy enough, finding the town was easy enough... there are, after all, plenty of people who know he's there, and more who've actually been trying to /get/ there, as if Freeman were some sort of morbid tourist attraction. Of course, that phenomenon doesn't do much besides further the nomad's resolve... he's well aware that the world as a whole has a rather bizzare set of priorities. Then again, there aren't many people whose priorities /don't/ seem bizzare when he compares them from his perspective. So it is that Ryu arrived in town just an hour or two earlier. His choice of venue? He peruses the place from a nearby hillside, letting his intuition guide him.
He may not be a profiler, by any stretch of the imagination, but he does have some measure of understanding of the serial killer, at this point, and with a frown, a surveying of the spartan town leaves him with only one real conclusion as to where Freeman would be making his dramatic stand.... that aged church. Of course, when police start to encircle it, it's all the more telling. There's a sterner frown at that point... is he already too late?
That speeds Ryu's footfalls as he all but sprints down through town, to the house of worship. The night sky is broken only by the occasional flash of lightning, each answered quickly by a resounding, nearly earth-shaking rumble of thunder, as the very bottom seems to fall out of the sky, drenching the English shire in a sheeting downpour. It leaves the World Warrior soaked to the skin before he even reaches the church, but when he does, a few exchanged words are all he takes to get a sense of the situation, striding right past the police without another word. They don't stop him. Some know him, some just aren't sure, and some... well, some are intuitive enough to know they wouldn't be doing themselves any favours trying. There's just something in his eyes, something in his face. An intensity every bit as powerful as the bolt of lightning that splits the sky behind him, sillhouetting Ryu's form as he strides the last steps, and leaps up, one powerful vault carrying him to the rooftop of the church, where he quickly circles the building, dropping down and perching on the outer sill of a window. It might seem precarious, but he seems quite balanced there, holding one hand to the stonework bordering the side, as he waits.
Timing it. There's a flash of lightning... and one, two... there's a light shattering as twin fingers smash a precise portion out of the stained glass before him, knocking a few frames free in perfect correspondance with the crash of thunder, and Ryu leans forward, to look into his makeshift peephole. No, he's not going to kick down the doors, and risk the nearly two-dozen souls that... might still be alive. Maybe. A long, deep breath is drawn, steadying himself for this.
And this particular tourist attraction has done quite the number within this otherwise quaint town; Every aspect has almost been more fitting for some manner of B-Horror Movie. Fighters who wished to save the world from some transient evil venture forth, and so far none have been capable of bringing him down. Yet that was likely the point; This much attention would make it impossible for the World Warrior not to come. From the first incident where Ryu failed to apprehend him; Maybe the one most pure chance to bring him to justice before Geese's fingers wrapped around many lives and fates, even as nothing but a distant intermediary. Killing fighters. Crippling them. Knocking Alex into a coma.
It was bound to stop at one point, and regardless of the end result this will be the climatic stand.
There's little difficulty in navigating the roofs; None of the jumps are much above a story, with multiple protrusions and sills to flit around the area. Although the windows themselves bode little use in peering through, rivelets of rain trickling down the still scenes of long-dead saints and prophets, it's a simple matter to time a strike amongst the boiling horizon. Black clouds and endless tears, quite the perfect atmosphere for this matter of business.
Within, the cavernous main hall is visible. No lights are on, and the scarce illumination comes from the gargantuan circular sphere of the prime stained glass window; Well over one hundred feet large, a myriad of designs meant to bask the area in other situations within a pleasant rainbow glow. There are dozens of aisles, as well as second story balcony seating. A choir area to the right has multiple people huddled, trembling but alive. Priests included, making it at least a relief there was no massacre. It's truly archaic but beautiful, with statues and paintings emblazoned within. Soft red felt marks the aisles on the ornamental stone ground.
And, through proper squinting, Freeman himself can be seen. He stands just before the massive glass circular window, in his normal black half-spandex shirt and jeans. There are stairs leading down to the frontal area and much more audible podiums; This appears to be more a ceremonial position likely rarely used. Thirty feet wide and stretching sixty feet long, he appears to be purposefully in the scant external light of flashing blue and red.
And the occasional flashes of lightning show he is merely standing up straight, head bowed as if in worship. Before him is a priest as well, bowed forward as if in prayor, forearms resting on his lap. He's otherwise little danger to the other hostages.
Easy. Far too easy.
Too easy indeed. There's the stink of death all about this once-fair hamlet, the aura of fear, and horror not just projected from Freeman's dark chi. It's a town on the brink, and the man who's driven it there is, naturally, the target of the World Warrior's darkly focused gaze. He draws a deep breath, only a glance spared for the priest before the killer, as he considers his options. Yes, this is clearly a last stand, and that makes the murderer all the more dangerous. Nothing's more deadly than a dangerous animal backed into a corner, and the unrestrained man below certainly fits the mold. Then again, Freeman chose this corner himself... it's hard to know exactly what's on his mind. It's a trap, perhaps, but Ryu springs it nonetheless.
Timed unintentionally this time, Ryu crashes forward, gauntletted fist slamming through the stained glass in a glimmering shower of shards mirroring every colour of the rainbow, and then some, dully glimmering like a uniquely falling snow as they skitter to the ground, followed by Ryu, who lands hard on the floor of the church, standing where he is at the fore of the pews. Not incredibly close to Freeman, but not far either... the distance could be crossed in a single leap, "Freeman." the Ansatsuken master greets, his deep voice focused, resonant. Determined... but still not containing that emotion the killer wishes so much to drive the stoic master to. There is no hate. Only a gross overabundance of disapproval, and disgust.
"You won't escape me tonight." The legendary nomad observes, with a grim certainty, "There's no one here who'll spare you from justice, no one here who wants to see your meaningless rampage continue." Ryu's feet shift, crushing the stained glass beneath the bare pads with little concern for the shallow cuts that cover soles and fist. It's just a reminder of what he's here for, as his fists tighten before him, "You've wasted your life, you pathetic beast. And now I'll see that you spend the rest of it wasting away!" Harsh words, clearly spoken, enunciated in echoing tones across the darkened hall, the massive window behind Freeman lighting up with the lightshow in the sky beyond, the building rumbling along with the following ripple of intense thunder.
There definitely has been a cold shadow that has fallen over the denizens of this town, one that is unlikely to fade for years to come. Those lost souls currently within likely don't think they will ever escape alive; Freeman's reputation is merely too much for that. And such a simple fact is most of the problem -- he used to be an enigma. A spectre that everyone feared but never saw. His jaunt into the public light, his sustained strings of murders, all those have caused too many eyes to settle on him. And it's little more then that continued stress at the core which has caused the brewing conflict to pour over this very day.
And Freeman doesn't look trapped. He looks at peace, almost. As if this truly did releave some weight from his lithe shoulders. As the window crashes inwards, multiple heads raise and gasp in shock. Many scream, covering their heads. But the priest, and Freeman himself, do not so much as twitch. A new thing will be known; Music is playing, an orchestraic performance with deep latin choir, permuting outwards from the speakers high above. Another small piece that adds to the grand drama.
And still no hate? Freeman raises his head, staring out from his dark eyes at the man opposite. Slowly he reaches out his hand and grasps the priest by the head, and shoves the limp body backwards. Limbs sprawl out in an obviously chronic lack of life. "I have confessed to my sins, Warrior." is smoothly called out in his menacing baritone, and a laugh echoes within the room. "I feel as if my life's burdon is off my shoulders. Almost. Almost!!" Hands snap out to either side, whisking through the air just as the thunder cracks. A black sillouette in a contrasting sea of colors exist for just a moment, juxtaposed on the wall behind.
"And you are right. My life was wasted... All of it a grand tragic comedy. Yet I dragged many into the grave I have stood, all the ilk of those who /forced/ me there."
And then he crosses his arms over his chest, shoulders trembling in yet another dark laugh. "And tonight... I will drag you with me!!"
COMBATSYS: Freeman has started a fight here.
COMBATSYS: Freeman focuses on his next action.
COMBATSYS: Ryu has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Freeman 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Ryu
Peaceful indeed. Not as peaceful as the priest, though Ryu certainly doesn't envy the man whatever his last moments may have entailed. Still, the nomad isn't going to allow further evidence of the murderer's sins to distract him from what needs to be done here. This isn't vengeance... it's utilitarianism. Not that the nomad doesn't have a strong degree of personal stock in the outcome, but he's not here to take it out on Freeman... he's here to /stop/ the serial killer. Not for glory, not out of anger... but for the people who've been hurt, and killed.
"Forced you there?" Ryu all but scoffs at that, "You're just a frightened little boy playing with power you don't begin to understand, or even know how to use." Just a little bit dismissive, yes. The World Warrior has little admiration, even for Freeman's renowned killing talent, "All of us have choice, all of us have pain. Confessed your sins? Little boy, you don't even /acknowledge/ your sins. An illusion of blame, a lifetime of delusion. There is no grand tragic comedy to your works, no deeper significance, no righting what has come to pass... you only deepen your error, prove those who drove you to it entirely correct. A sad existence, but it /stops here/!"
Ryu's words culminate in a sudden rush, charging the serial killer with steps that cross the distance in a flash, planting his left foot and stepping forward at the killer on his right, the corresponding fist all but shooting out in a fierce strike that's thrown like a straight... but angled to slam painfully into Freeman's solar plexus, "Tonight you fall as you've lived. /ALONE/!"
COMBATSYS: Ryu successfully hits Freeman with Sakotsu Wari.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Freeman 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Ryu
"You know nothing!" Freeman snorts, glaring in an obviously hateful manner towards Ryu while pointing an obviously accusing finger. "You speak as if you know this world. And it's simple. Death! Death is the ruling force! Death is the end of all! What does it really matter if I quicken the inevitable for my own pleasure?!" Whatever insane meaning this particular phrase might have is likely buried deep within, and could be somewhere near the heart of all of Freeman's actions. He should of had a therepist when a little murderous lad, mayhaps.
And he then lunches forward, wrenching back his arm as the kick whistles towards the serial killer. He's struck dead in the solar plexus much as desired, and an obvious attempt at driving through is stopped as he stumbles back and trips to the ground. His head strikes the stained glass window hard enough to crack a pane, but he immediately scrambles to his feet. Eyes manic, teeth bared, he does look once more like a perfect visage of Iori Yagami as he literally hurls himself towards Ryu just as lightning strikes behind.
Both arms flash overhead before arcing downwards with every ounce of strength Freeman can muster, two vorpal beams of crimson energy attempting to strike Ryu to his knees upon either shoulder. His muscles flex to their limit, and it's obvious that he's trying to do little more then cause damage with random, half-insane flailing. Which can, at times, be rather effective...
COMBATSYS: Ryu interrupts Phobia from Freeman with Joudan Sokutou Geri.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Freeman 1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0 Ryu
"Death is inevitable." Ryu answers, as if it just didn't matter, "Not a ruling force, but a meaningless end. Life holds the purpose, life holds the beauty... death is just a hollow finality, a reason to appreciate the rest. You /fail/ Freeman. You fail at /any/ meaning your pathetic actions might have found. Go ahead, take pleasure in the hollow... you'll never know what you've missed!" The nomad's eyes narrow as the manic figure lurches back to his feet, his gaze centered only on Freeman. Not the weather outside, not the whirling sound of a helicopter circling low overhead, not the ever-present threat of sharpshooters or police who might well screw up more than they'd help. No, this is between him, and the serial killer.
Freeman's charge is met with a horizontally aligned forearm, catching his descending hands squarely on either end, gritting his teeth past the momentary sting. He's felt far, far worse, "Keep it." He answers back, denying Freeman's gift as he twists counterclockwise, leaning away from the guard and /slamming/ a bent right leg out into the murderer's ribs at point-blank range, twisting only adding to the momentum of that strike, the World Warrior focused steadily in his silence, snapping that leg back underneath him as he again raises his guard, ".... I pity you." Ryu observes, dark eyes again centered on Freeman. Likely not the reaction he was going for, here.
This is going exactly as Freeman expected; And it does appear to be a suicidal agenda. Yet that might genuinely be what this entire charade is; The final outcries of a madman sick of the current limbo within which he dwells. But Ryu wouldn't kill him; He's not gotten the World Warrior nearly marred enough for that. Whatever illusions and grand plans he has are still hidden deep within his warped mind, only echoed by his dark grin and even darker eyes. The blow impacts Freeman in the ribs, yet he slides back and then strikes against the ground instead of going flying; Spasming knees then flex, launching him back up with blood pouring from nose and mouth. He's obviously already very taxed, but it will take a bit more whooping to put him down for good.
He then again lashes out towards Ryu with more a random disdain then anything else. Flashes of crimson mar the air, whispering in the half-night of the setting sun. He tries to go for the eyes, the crotch, the neck; Each one fluid and quick, almost as much as the lightning. Brutal as well, to say the least, but nothing special to his present opponent...
No more words from Freeman. He plans to end this -- One way or another. Every motion is met with a savage high-pitched grunt, throwing his entire body off-balance with the flurry of moves.
COMBATSYS: Ryu just-defends Freeman's Vision of Death!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Freeman 1/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Ryu
Ryu doesn't seem concerned with Freeman's grand plans. Doesn't seem phased by the darkness in the maniac's eyes, or the ire obviously expressed in every aggressive motion... no, none of that distracts the World Warrior. He's here for a purpose, and hell if he's going to let the serial killer get to him, alter that purpose. His goals, and Freeman's, likely don't align in the least, but it's not going to stop him from trying. This time, he /has/ to succeed. This time, he /has/ to stop the murderer in his psychotic tracks, "This is /over/." He reiterates, the back of his sparring glove meeting the slash at his face, centered blue chi conflicting with the angry red-black Freeman wields, a flash sending a mild shockwave in all directions as the man's nails brush harmlessly over the gauntlet. An open palm sweeps low, similarly brushing aside that rush of energy, batting Freeman's hand aside, with Ryu simply dropping out of reach of the last strike, as if it were the simplest thing in the world to stay one step ahead of his opponent.
"This is your life's meaning?" Ryu echoes, as if disbelieving, "You'd think you could have accomplished more!!" he offers up as he leaps in at Freeman, looking to use the redhead's forward momentum against him as, with a blurring singular three-hundred sixty degree spin, Ryu seeks to plant his foot squarely in the murderer's face.
COMBATSYS: Ryu successfully hits Freeman with Senpuu Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Freeman 1/----===/=======|==-----\-------\0 Ryu
"You will see my meaning soon..." Freeman muses in a rather somber tone, raising up his forearm as the kick strikes out before being impacted dead in the face. He's send stumbling to the side, but it appears to have only dazed him compared to the other impacts suffered thus far. Still, his chin is rubbed regardless; The tones of the latin music begins to grow darker, more foreboding. The people scattered below have burst into runs towards the front doors; Freeman observes them impassively for just a moment, yet then redirects his attention towards Ryu. Apparently a massive amount of pointless genocide, at least, wasn't in his playbook. Small relief, even if one murder is still far too many.
And then he merely arcs back his hand, another surge of energy flickering in the scant light as he hurls a crescent beam towards Ryu's face, aiming to strike him across the cheek. It would probably tickle more then anything substantial, yet disorientation is his card right now. He's never had the chance to truly show Ryu death; And this time he plans to...
Even if it kills him.
COMBATSYS: Ryu overcomes Overkill from Freeman with Hadouken.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Freeman 1/----===/=======|==-----\-------\0 Ryu
"I'm sure I won't find it any more impressive!" Ryu counters, landing on lithely bent legs as he shifts right back into his ready stance after the lightning-fast offensive, weaving to the side slowly to keep himself steadily between the murderer, and those running for the doors. At least, as much as he possibly can. They deserve their safety, as far as the Ansatsuken master is concerned, and he'll do everything he can to provide it, even if that means staying in the line of fire.
Something he's forced to do when Freeman lashes out more long-range like with that dark chi, and in an instant, Ryu sweeps his arms forward, heels of his hands meeting before him accompanied with an upsurge of the trailing aura of blue-white chi that follows them, the swirling mass all but pouring from his palms in tumultuous waves, a call of, "Hadooouken!!!" sounding as he sends the gusting blast of flaring energy along a breakneck path for Freeman, with a layover in Overkill.
Dark red meets bright, flaring blue, and with a tremendous outrushing of chi, the cutting lance is smashed back and asunder, leaving Freeman to contend with the remaining potent energy, "What strength you might have had is all but lost to your weakness." The nomad observes, far too calmly.
COMBATSYS: Freeman fails to slow Hadouken from Ryu with Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Freeman 1/---====/=======|====---\-------\0 Ryu
There's little that Freeman can really do against the sudden onrush of energy swirling towards him; He has no interest in those who flee. Death will find all, and he only gets enjoyment in inflicting such far earlier of his own accord. One hand grasps the fallen priest by the ankle, and he then makes the horrific disgrace of hurling the still form right towards the incoming blast. Luckily he misses, the man going spiraling away in a somehow darkly comic fashion as he's then struck in the chest by the remainder of the Hadouken. But it was definitely the lightest strike thus far, enough that Freeman was more pleasantly surprised then anything.
Yet now he sags down, stumbling back and impacting the gargantuan glass window with deep, ragged breaths. He looks somehow broken, grasping his chest where the initial spiraling sidekick hit his solar plexus. Lurching down a bit, he actually almost collapses to his feet.
"Come... hero... Are you... going to end this?" is wheezed out, still managing quite the insane grin. "Or will you preach... like the others... until I repent once more...?"
Now that's just sacreligious! Not that Freeman cares, obviously. Thankfully for Ryu, he doesn't get the dubious privilege of helping to blast the poor priest's body, nor does it seem that the nomad is inclined to let up to preach, "You're not repentant, Freeman. I'm just here to stop you!" He confirms, suddenly rushing the devious killer. Playing right into his hands, perhaps... but the World Warrior sees little other option. Freeman's established at least /that/ much of a reputation with the nomad... a reputation for being slippery. If he doesn't put him down /now/... who knows where the maniac will slither off to next? Who'll get hurt? No, it's not a possibility Ryu wants to entertain by backing off even for a moment.
There's a sudden, tremendous build in Ryu's chi, a wind thrown up around him despite the relative stillness of the inside of the church, the storm itself responding as lightning strikes the church, a resounding *CRACK* sounding as a large chunk of the ceiling all but rockets to the ground behind and beside the man as he stalks towards Freeman, suddenly sprinting the last strides, and bringing his left fist around in a quick, clockwise twist that aims to plant that fist squarely in the killer's already-addled ribcage, eyes locked on the murdering redhead's face.
At that point, the gathered chi bursts higher still, spilling from his form in a blurring aura of blue as Ryu shifts his right side forward, dropping to a crouch and launching himself upwards, fist-first, in at Freeman's chest and face. It's a technique the killer would know well... he's seen it up close, after all. The big brother to the Rising Dragon punch. Shin... "Shoooryuuuuuken!!!!"
COMBATSYS: Freeman fails to counter Shin Shoryuken from Ryu with Creeping Death.
COMBATSYS: Freeman can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <|
Ryu 0/-------/------=|
And thus, the fight is over. The sheer brutality of it might surprise even Ryu; Blackness flares, and he attempts to grasp Ryu by the face. Lunging forward, ignorant of the simple words. Ones he has heard many times before -- and no heed is going to be paid now, not any more then any other. The impossible momentum of Ryu easily bypasses this defense, although the proximity of those black fingers to stopping the Shin Shoryuken was distraughtly close. More then might of been liked by a longshot.
But he's done it.
The blow to his chest causes a sickening crack. An explosion of bone. The further blow then strikes Freeman right in the head. No being, not even Freeman, could have their neck whip backwards like that. A few moments are seen, enough for Ryu to see Freeman's eyes dialate. Go blank. Dead eyes.
Backwards the serial killer flies, and the entire glass wall explodes outwards. And thusly, a final descent is done. The form impossibly limp; There's no faking this manner of situation. Three stories into rushing, freezing water -- the rainbow shards then impact all around him. For just a moment, Freeman bobs to the surface; And then is sucked under by the current, and not seen again.
Of course, not long after the sounds of the police bursting into the church can be heard. Running through the aisles, massive riot shields poised and weapons at the ready. Yet there's nothing to see; The hostages have gotten out safely. There's only one body in all this particular overblown carnage.
And Ryu it would seem, in his attempt to make certain that he stopped Freeman for good... Seems to have just killed a man.
Most disturbingly of all, one can almost still here his dark, inhuman laugh...
The sheer momentum behind the powerful strike carries Ryu just to the edge of that outwards-shattering window. He heard the bone crunching, say the reaction from Freeman's body. He's familiar with the killer's unearthly flexibility, but... could he pull off an act like that? It's a sick feeling even before he lands, but it's only compounded by the sight of the murdering bastard droppping like a rock in that shimmering shower of stained glass, into the black waters below. Ryu swallows, hard, bringing his right fist forward, and just staring at it for a long moment. Blood on it.. his own, from the shattered window, mingled with Freeman's. His performance, his efficiency, the level of force levelled on the killer... did he... ?
It's a question he has to ask himself, but the answer he comes up with almost immediately, is no... he was in control. Perfectly so, perhaps, but there was no darker drive, no tapping of the 'greater' power that lurks within him. No, he did this himself, and does that make it better... or worse... if he did indeed manage to end a life? His strikes were not meant to kill, and unless Freeman was simply... hit too hard, too often, in just the wrong spots, it has to be, "Impossible..." the nomad whispers, though his words lack the conviction of his earlier statements, sound empty to his own ears.
The crashing entry of the police force rings just as dully, Ryu simply staring down the long drop that leads to those icy waters for a long moment, unconcerned with the firearms momentarily trained with him, with the shouts as further hostages find safety. Women and children. Innocent men. All saved by his actions, and yet... that doesn't make Ryu feel any happier about this. His face is a mask, a controlled facade of calm as he turns to the first officer who arrives by him, gesturing to the water.
"Freeman was thrown clear. I took him down, and he fell. Get a team to sweep the waters. Check the shore. MOVE!!!" Despite Ryu's lack of authority here, the insistence is clear enough, and as established, this particular martial arts master is not one with whom it's easy to argue. Looking back towards the water as the man moves to order just that action, Ryu whispers a follow-up that's only for himself, "Find him, stop him. Or find... a body." One way or another, he has to know.
Log created by Ryu, and last modified on 17:22:02 06/13/2005.