Description: The Fight For Muay Thai Supremacy! Will Adon retain his title? Or will King buck Muay Thai tradition by becoming its first Goddess?
Ah, Howard Arena. Where careers are made, or ruined. Where reputations are cemented, created, or destroyed. Where titles are won or lost. Many a fight have been fought here, with yet many more to come. What better place for such a high profile fight such as this! A match sure to stun Muay Thai purists, the God of Muay Thai himself is putting his title on the line against a WOMAN no less, Southtown's very own King! The match, despite being announced only last week, has been promoted endlessly, and the arena, as expected, is packed to the brim. The lights are up, the judges are out, and the announcer is in the middle of the ring! All that's necessary is fighters themselves! "Ladies and gentlemen, this match is for the title of God...or Goddess...of Muay Thai! The rules are standard, and one may only win by knockout or forfiet. Now, for the fighters! From our very own Southtown, the challenger, give it up for the Classy Madame of Muay Thai....KING!!!" As the announcer blares out his intro for the challenger, the crowd erupts. Definitely a hometown audience.
It's been a long time since she's done anything quite like this. With a long, white cape wrapped around her, she steps into the arena and into the lights. Waving a hand clad in the traditional strips of hide, she steps into the ring and pauses. This is important. It's time to show the world that Muay Thai isn't men-only anymore. Time to bring the sport kicking and screaming into this century.
"Okay, Jean," she mutters to herself, yanking off the cape and throwing it to a nearby Arena official. Raising both hands into the air, the blonde revels in the moment, breathing in the energy... This is going to be good.
Megumi is trying not to draw too much attention to herself, but she is taking sides in this match. When King goes in, she makes that side obvious by joining in with other spectators to applaud, and cheer, make some noise. Enough to make her support known, but not so much as to be annoying or distracting.
As King finally makes her entrance to the cheering crowd, the announcer waves for the audience to quiet down. After all, only one fighter's been introduced. The champion needs to make his way in still. "And now....the champion. He is the master of his self-styled Jaguar Muay Thai, and he is the one called the God of Muay Thai. Ladies and Gentleman...ADON!!"
The crowd has obvious mixed reactions, some enthusiastic hollers, some equally enthusiastic jeers, and a couple of blank stares from those who obviously didn't do their research for this matchup. But in any case, Adon's entrance is a little more flashy than King's. Walking through a cloud created by the Arena machines, the God himself, followed by a couple of his trainers, walks through, body rocking back and forth in the manner of the Waiku dance, the traditional ritual of Muay Thai. He too is clad in his traditional kickboxing wear, his trademark headdress, bicep wraps, and trunks on him as he approaches. He doesn't need a cape...but if only because that would put him on the same level as that cursed Higashi and his loud robe. Instead, he climbs up onto the fighting platform, raising a wrapped fist with wide, toothy grin. After playing the crowd a bit with some posing and a little more Waiku dancing, he looks over to his opponent. "Well...I see you dressed for the occasion," he calls over to her, even as the announcer blares over them with the explanation of the rules and the importance of this match.
King broke out the cape especially for this occasion. She hasn't used it in nearly a decade, but it seemed, well, appropriate. Watching Adon's Waiku amkes her feel a bit... saddened. She'd once know it, but has long forgotten it. As the current God of Muay Thai steps onto the platform, King turns to him and bows in respect. He IS the current Emperor, after all.
Taking the ends of her right hand's wrapping in her teeth, she pulls the horsehide tighter for a better fit. Releasing the bindings with a smile, she returns the comment thrown at her by her opponent. "It's a special occasion," she says, before beginning a few pre-fight stretches.
It's not every day one gets to take on a God.
Adon grins, the announcements seemingly going over his head. He doesn't seem to care about what the announcer says, keeping focused on one of the few females ever to grace the style. "Well, at least no one can claim you look like a man this way," he says with a near cackle. In any case, his arms rise up as does one of his legs, wrists bending down and one foot held just off the ground with toe down. His usualy Muay Thai stance, about as different from Sagat's almost boxing-like stance as can be. Finally, he looks to the officials. After all, they have to signal for the fight to start. "Champion, are you ready?" Adon simply nods, his sneer disappearing as he goes all business now. "Challenger, are you ready?" the officials them ask King, making sure she's set before the fight gets underway.
Akira heads OOC.
The blonde simply nods to the comment, a slight grin crossing her face. She would have to concur... no man outside of Benimaru would wear this top. As Adon moves into his stance, King begins to mirror the God's change. Fists come up, twist and rock forward; knee rises with toe down... and then begins to bounce a bit. Tapping out a rhythm with her heel, her face shifts into a facade of steel. This is the moment she'd dreamt of as a young girl. It's what drove her so hard to become what she is today... And to what she might just become now. As the officials call to her, she nods, her dark eyes never leave Adon as she nods twice.
COMBATSYS: King has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
King 0/-------/-------|
Finally, it seems like the match is ready to get underway. Challenger and Champion alike are ready to fight. The crowd is hyped, the cameras are rolling, and the lights are hot. It's go time. "Ready..." the official at the side of the ring says slowly, hand raised up...before it's brought down with a sharp chop. "FIGHT!" And the match is underway!!
And as soon as it's officially started, Adon wastes no time flipping into action. Eager to show why he's the God of Muay Thai, the rooster headed fighter leaps up, closing the distance between him and King. As he starts to near, he twists about, snapping his leg back at King's head as he desecnds, heel first with his other leg tucked in carefully for his landing.
COMBATSYS: Adon has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
King 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Adon
COMBATSYS: King dodges Adon's Medium Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
King 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Adon
King is normally an offensive fighter, aiming to get the first attack in before her opponent... But Adon was quicker on the charge this time around. His leap, however, is easily seen and sidestepped, giving the female fighter a perfect shot at the side of the side of the God's ribs. "Good open," the blonde says, letting the Emperor's kick fly by freely. Lifting her knee, she chambers a kick of her own and unleashes it to Adon's side, punshing off with her other foot for added force.
COMBATSYS: King successfully hits Adon with Heavy Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
King 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Adon
Unfortunately, Adon can't quite get out the way quick enough when that shot to his ribs lances out, rocking the God's body and causing him to stumble back upon landing. "Nghh..." Reeling from that hard shot, he glares at the blond fighter. "I see you have enough power," he grunts. However, lets see if she has the agility. Jumping back, Adon drops onto his foot, only to spring right off the ball of it, flipping forward in a pike. "HRRrRRRT!" he croons out, his body and feet pointed upward before his legs snap down, one heel dropping toward King's shoulder, the second slashing down toward her head with a blazing green arc of chi.
COMBATSYS: Adon successfully hits King with Jaguar Kick.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
King 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Adon
Nnrg! The one-two kick combo hits like a lead brick as the now-unfamiliar horsehide wrappings on King's feet bind up on the mat, preventing her from sliding out of the way as intended. Falling backwards with a slight yelp, the blonde manages to recover in a single roll, popping back onto her feet for a moment before once again getting into the Emperor's personal space... Flipping back into a handspring, King's feet drive up into Adon's defense, hoping to break it open and leave him defenseless for what's next...
COMBATSYS: Adon blocks King's Trap Shot.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
King 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Adon
...but it doesn't look like it will.
As Adon lands, his legs snap back into their usual place, his arms rising back up to do the same. Smirking as King falls, he waits for her to pop back up...and that she does, immediately snapping up with a backflipping kick. Almost like hs Jaguar Kick in reverse. The strike, however, is absorbed by his guard, a hard knee and a forearm bracing against it. "Heh..." he chuckles, waiting for King to come back upright. That's when he strikes, his leg thrusting out for her chest. Should he get a nice plant of his heel, he'll flip over, pushing off with his other foot in hopes of sending King sprawling away yet again.
COMBATSYS: King blocks Adon's Jaguar Carry.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
King 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Adon
Well, at least the God's shown himself worthy of it thus far... But this last attack seems to be about insult more than anything, at least in King's mind. After all, that foot comes out and smacks her right in the breast, which both fails to give Adon the footing he needs and hurts like HELL. A shriek of pain and indignation coalesce into a shout of rage as she drives her fist, hard, at Adon's nose, reacting with the strike before her hand goes to cover the injured mammary.
COMBATSYS: King successfully hits Adon with Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
King 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Adon
Ok, that hurt. And he didn't even mean to be all insulting! He just forgot to...aim a little higher with that plant is all. WHich is probably why he stumbled on his landing. "Damn...forgot she..." And then the CRUNCH comes. "GNHH!!" Reeling back at that big punch, Adon growls. That was not fun. " want to play like that?" he asks. Suddenly, he snaps his right leg up, trying to drive his heel at an upward angle right toward King's chin, his hands splayed out for balance as the limb rages up.
COMBATSYS: King dodges Adon's Strong Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
King 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Adon
Oh, damn, that is really not happy. The lingering pain of the boobshot keeps her on edge for the next upcoming attack, now fully expecting new lows from the God of Muay Thai. Deliberate or no, remember... This is King. She's still sensitive about her gender when it comes to her art. The entire 'forbidden to practice' aspect kinda hampers things.
So it's with not much surprise that King is able to hop out of the way when Adon tries to take her head off with his heel. The strength of the kick is assured, but luckily for the owner of the Pao Pao, her speed is enough to get out of the way, and line up this next attack... Suddenly, her foot flashes with blue energy as she begins to bring it up.
The growing ball of chi is quickly lashed out as King rockets her foot into the air with a leaping roundhouse kick, sending the ball careening towards the Emperor at breakneck speed.
COMBATSYS: Adon overcomes Venom Strike from King with Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
King 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Adon
Adon gritting his teeth as King hops away, he backs up a bit, watching as King tries to set something up. The blue ball of chi that swings out toward him looks none to pleasant. And without any fancy tricks like that of his own, Adon's got only a few choices. Oddly enough, the obvious ones of 'block' and 'dodge' don't factor into his choice. Instead, tosses his risen leg up, then snaps it down into the fighting floor, a loud crack heard from it. And just as the Venom Strike comes...the piece of the stone floor that Adon broke off sails off, kicked right into the blast with a vicious roundhouse. The chunk of stone breaks off a bit as it collides, but it manages to power through it, disappating the chi strike while sailing on and on toward King.
COMBATSYS: King endures Adon's Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
King 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Adon
Oh, shit. The God of Muay Thai definately shows his abilities here, tearing up the FLOOR and kicking it at her. She knows she could probably have blocked, or perhaps gotten out of the way... But the impressiveness of it keeps her still until the last moment, when she tenses up and absorbs the chunks of concrete that begin to pelt her. "Tasty," she says, flipping a baseball-sized chunk of the concrete off the floor with her foot into the air, then taking a quick step to the side to send it back towards Adon with a roundhouse kick. "Try some?"
COMBATSYS: Adon blocks King's Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
King 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Adon
Adon hrmphs, satisfied by the impact of the concrete block chucked King's way. The crowd ooooohs at the new development, amazed at the resourcefulness of the "God". And who would have thought to stop a chi attack that way? In any case, as the smaller chunk is flung much the same way Adon did to King, the God simply charges through. Once it nears the his head, Adon slaps it away with a forearm. Oh, he's going to have a nice little bruise there once the fight is done, but Adon's more intent on rushing in on King. Once he nears King, he plants a foot in front of him tucks his elbow in, winds it back and...snaps out his leg at King's shin? Yes, rather than trying to pull out what he's dubbed the Jaguar Crunch, he instead hopes to jar King's base with a swift low kick.
COMBATSYS: King blocks Adon's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
King 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0 Adon
It's a surprise to King that her kicked projectile even flew straight. But the God's reaction to the ball of concrete does not. As he slaps it away without a second thought, King sets herself into stance, prepared to take on anything he has to throw at her... And he throws that. The kick bounces off her shin without so much as a flinch from the female fighter. "That's it?" she mutters, twisting slightly before pushing herself off the ground with a fierce spin. "Tornado..." she snorts. lashing out first with a roundhouse kick aimed for the Emperor's face and then followed by a back kick launched at his solar plexus. "KICK!"
COMBATSYS: King successfully hits Adon with Tornado Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
King 0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Adon
Adon was hoping for more of a hit on that leg, yeah, but it can't be helped, it seems. In any case, Pulling his leg back, he brings his arm up in hopes of trying to block that snapping spin kick sailing toward him. However, despite his best attempts, the kicks break through, one cracking across his face, and the other lancing into his gut. "Nghh!!" Falling back, he glares at his foe. "You think that' will stop me?" he asks. Vaulting forth with a stiff extension of one leg, he juts one of his knees out toward King with a shout of "JAGUAR!!" As soon as the knee nears King, however, hit or miss, a second knee will snap out, a little higher toward King's face. It's a little more horizontal than his move usually comes out, but Adon needed to make some distance up!
COMBATSYS: King dodges Adon's Rising Jaguar.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
King 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Adon
There's just the slightest grin that crosses the blonde's lips as her kicks make contact, but she quickly stashes that aside. This is serious business here. As she lands, the Emperor makes his quip... And as he launches himself at her, she flips back, handspringing out of the way several yards back. Blonde hair tickles his knees as she makes her escape, just barely out of range of the blows.
Once regaining her feet, she simply says, "Not yet," in reply, before quickly dashing back towards the God, twisting low at the last moment to bring a roundhouse kick to his... Temple? The low spin being a feint, she stand and delivers the kick, followed by a trio of sidekicks from the other leg, aimed at his knee, then waist, then neck.
COMBATSYS: King successfully hits Adon with Mirage Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
King 1/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1 Adon
As Adon sails past, he growls, feeling the tickle of her hair against his leg. ONce he comes back down, he turns and snaps his arms up in preparation...and ends up eating that roundhouse to his head, the trio of kicks that follow drumming up his side. "NGHH!!" Stumbling, he hisses. His arms clutch at his head and his side, a shoulder reared up where his neck was hit. " think this is done yet?" he asks. Oh no, he's not going to fall yet. He's a GOD! A /GOD/! Slapping his fist into a palm, he slides forward toward King, his body rising, then twisting downward as he tries to drive that elbow harshly down onto her shoulder with a vicious crunch.
COMBATSYS: Adon successfully hits King with Jaguar Crunch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
King 1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1 Adon
Iori heads OOC.
Adon seems to be putting a lot of words into her mouth, the most recent of which is "OW!" Reeling back, just barely able to keep in her feet, King stumbles away from the God of Muay Thai as the crowd 'oooh's at the spectacle. "Bloody..." the blonde mutters, putting hand to shoulder and being very glad nothing is out of place. Gritting her teeth, King pops back up into stance for a moment before once again whipping herself around into a spin, her chi manifesting on her foot before spiralling out to the Emperor from another hopping roundhouse kick. The normal shout of the title is replaced with a much more simple and direct grunt.
COMBATSYS: Adon endures King's Venom Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
King 1/---====/=======|=======\=====--\1 Adon
Knowing that he needs to end this, like, NOW, Adon pulls back, waiting to find an opening through which he can strike. However, he sees no such opening, especially as the streaking chi blast flies toward him. Still, something must be done. SOMETHING must be done. Finally, Adon, not known for his patience, decides to bite the bullet and simply rush RIGHT into the chi blast. While the impact washes over him and rocks him back on his heels, he pushes forward. Suddenly, with a trill cry, his elbows snap out, driving one to King's temple, another to her neck, a third to her ribs, and one right across her jaw. Then, with a loud shout of "JAGUAR ASSASSIN!", he drives upward, a knee toward King's gut, a second to her shoulder, and one, final punctuating knee into her face. Will the strike work, though?
COMBATSYS: King blocks Adon's Jaguar Varied Assault.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
King 1/--=====/=======|==-----\-------\0 Adon
To be honest, landing after a Venom Strike has always been awkward. King thinks it's amazing that, even after all these years, she's able to stay on her feet awfterwards. Thus, her rocky little landing gives her little time to think or react before the God of Muay Thai is on her, so she does what she can... She turtles. Elbows slam into her repeatedly, causing her to grit her teeth and close her eyes, even as the blows don't land where the Emperor hopes they would. The pain is real, it's intense, but it could have been worse. The knee strikes drive her backwards, sliding back several feet on locked legs. The onslaught subsided, King opens her eyes again. The glare she gives Adon could freeze men's souls.
"Here I come," she says, eyes and nose flaring. The crowd falls silent.
Launching herself at Adon, she flips in midair to try and drop her feet on his head. Landing in a crouch, she unleashes her fury in kick form, lashing out with a spinning roundhouse kick to his head, then two sidekicks to his waist and thigh. Two spinning hook kicks to the face are followed by a backfist, which leads to a spinning backfist, a series of three spinning roundhouse kicks. A savage right cross is sent at Adon's throat, a roundhouse kick to his knee, a sliding elbow to his face and a knee to the groin. The final flurry comes as she hops into a backspring, feet trying to pop the God into the air to suffer the onslaught of two more leaping, spinning roundhouse-back kick combos. The Illusion Dance.
COMBATSYS: Adon dodges King's Illusion Dance.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
King 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Adon
Despite how battered Adon is, despite how his cockiness might have caused him to take a lot more damage than he really should have, and despite how much he seemingly just plain LACKED SKILLS....Adon has life in him. Jumping back from the initial kick, he backpedals from the rushing barrage of flying feet, before he finally rolls sideways from the finishing combo. Taking his cue, Adon chases after her, flipping forward to try and give her yet another taste of his trademark Jaguar Kick, one heel dropping after the other.
COMBATSYS: King endures Adon's Jaguar Kick.
[ \\\\\\\ < > /// ]
King 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Adon
King is now angry. Not only has he kicked her in the tit, but he didn't even have the decency to take a hit with her Dance. Sure, Waiku it isn't but it hurts more. And all she catches is air. She feels... foolish.
So when Adon unleashes his Jaguar Kick on her, all she does in her defense is brace her back foot and glare at him, allowing the full brunt of the kick to lash onto her shoulders. With a grunt and gnashed teeth, she uses the opportunity to try and end this. He blocked this one before, but his chances are likely not so good now. Flipping back, feet jamming upward to attempt to be rid of his defenses, King hopes this time she may show Adon how she kicks...
COMBATSYS: King successfully hits Adon with Trap Shot.
[ \\\\\\ < > ]
King 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Adon
...and that is fast. Unleashing a rapid-fire series of roundhouse and hook kicks that travel from Adon's waist to his throat, King pummels her opponent with her feet before spinning and unleashing one final strike to his temple.'s just not his day today, is it? As soon as he pulls out of the Jaguar Kick, King manages with her own flip, catching him in the chin before she goes wild with the rapid roundhouses all along his body. His body reels and winds until he's struck hard in the temple, sending him to the floor straight. Is he done? Is he gone? Has he lost his Godhood?
Well, he may be out of the game, but he's going to make sure King's sent off with one final present. Without any walls to bounce from, Adon simply springs off the floor with his last burst of energy, trying to snap an outstretched foot right into King's jaw with a ragged cry of "JAGUAR TOOTH!"...before he falls flat on his back, dead spent.
COMBATSYS: Adon can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\ <
King 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: King dodges Adon's Jaguar Tooth.
[ \\\\\\ <
King 0/-------/--=====|
Slipping back into stance after her onslaught, King watches Adon fall, and fall hard... It's with a measure of respect and surprise that washes over her face as the Emperor rises again, springing towards her with outstretched leg. Instinctively, King hops a few feet to the side, letting the God fly past unimpeded. His lack of a landing is more than enough to let her know that he has had enough. With a sigh, she gives him a few moments on the ground before walking over to Sagat's former student, the final bell ringing to signify the end of the match. "I am honored at the skill you have shown me, Adon," the blonde says in his native tongue. With that, she offers her hand forward to the fallen fighter.
Megumi, once Adon goes down, goes into a little more applause and a little more cheering. Again, nothing that would be outright obnoxious, but it makes it obvious which side she was cheering for.
As Adon falls and doesn't get up, the crowd erupts, the final bell ringing to sound out King's victory. As if it wasn't official enough, the announcer climbs up to the ring, taking King's hand and raising it triumphantly. "Here is your winner, KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!" Of course, he doesn't outright say that she's won the title of Goddess of Muay Thai. After all, it's not like the authorities on this sort of thing are actually here to make that title change official. However, the implication is well enough that those covering the fight are already typing up that byline, and calling in that story to their home studios.
As for Adon? He simply stares out across the ground, barely aware of King's polite gesture, only barely registering someone speaking to him in Thai. If one actually was low enough to look into Adon's eyes, they'd be almost blank, almost broken...
Megumi leaves the arena through the large main entrance.
It had not been an easy fight... Adon had proved the worth of his title in her eyes. But it wasn't through her eyes the world was watching their bout. As her outstretched hand is taken, not by Adon but by the announcer, King is too tired to really care. She looks up, waving at the crowd with a relieved smile, before looking back down at the fallen Emperor.
Looking over to the side, he tries to find someone to come over. Medic, official, organizer, anyone... She wants to pick the man up and take him out of the arena on his feet. He deserves that, at least. Being the God of Muay Thai and all.
Adon isn't left there for too long. As the announcer continues to hype up the crowd after King's victory, Adon's trainers quickly climb up, picking up the limp 'God' by his arms, both looped over two of the trainers' shoulders. Looking back over to King, the last trainer simply bows in reverence to King. At least one person seems to recognize her authority now.
As Adon's trainers swarm over him, King attempts to help, but finds herself a spare wheel instead. So she steps back, out of their way, and watches them gather the man up and take him out of the Arena. There's a sudden look of surprise on her face, however, when the last trainer bows reverently to her... A Thai man bowing to her after something like this. She would have never thought it possible, really.
As the crowds begin to disperse, King simply stands in the center of the Arena, mulling things over in her mind. "You did it," she says to herself softly, eyes turning to the television cameras and waiting reporters. With nothing more than a sigh, she begins to make her way towards the newspeople. Time for her interviews.
COMBATSYS: King has ended the fight here.
Log created by Adon, and last modified on 15:53:26 06/15/2005.