Katana - Guy Loves Men


It's a fairly bad day here in the Metro Slums, assuming the place ever gets good days. It's raining and dark, with mean looking clouds stretching as far as you care to look, and this isn't some wussy warm rain. No, it's a cold rain that really soaks you moments after you step out into it. Generally, it is miserable weather to be out in.
This is either unfortunate or fortunate for Guy, who is actually on his way back from doing some low-key volunteer work in one of the homeless shelters. One packed chock full of people trying to get indoors. It was a busy afternoon for him, for certain. Still, he managed not to make a commotion while he did it, dressed up in a normal t-shirt and jeans in an attempt to conceal his identity from the masses.
Really, the only odd thing about him right now is that he's walking home in this absolutely miserable rain, without even an umbrella to shelter him. Still, he seems to be doing fine enough with it for the moment.

Volunteering is for suckers and communists. Just had to get that out of the way.
The Metro City slums are fairly dead, as even the homeless and panhandlers have retreated back into their shelters and cardboard boxes in an attempt to escape the cold, driving rain. In fact, there doesn't seem to be a single other person walking down the street as far as the eye can see. It looks like Guy will have the pleasure of a peaceful, if miserable, walk home.
Or at least that's what he is likely thinking.. little does he know that a certain individual from his past is about to come crashing back into his life. Katana, the 'dreaded' leader of the Mad Gear gang and victim of a supreme ass-whooping from the ninja, has been following him since he left the homeless shelter. One of the numerous patrons of the establishment recognized the man as one of the 'heros' of Metro City, responsible for the near-decimation of the city's largest gang.. information that would be well payed for by the gang. Of course, when it comes to Mad Gear 'well payed' equals a few ham sandwiches and a bottle of hobo wine.. but it's better than nothing.
Regardless, the information has allowed the vengeance-thirsty Katana to track Guy from the homeless shelter to this deserted street, jumping from roof top to roof top in order to avoid notice.. and now.. now is the time to strike.
Casually stepping off of the edge of the roof top, the massive armour-clad man hurtles down to the sidewalk below, landing in a crouch a dozen or so feet in front of the ninja. Today, he wields his deadly twin wakizashi in either hand. Slowly standing back to his full, impressive height of 6'7", the massive gang leader eyes Guy from behind the cold eyes of his steel mask. Jutting the tip of one of his blades towards his hated foe, Katana speaks out - the mask giving his voice an eerie echo as he speaks in.. very.. very broken Japanese.
<So we meet, Guy, for the second time. But it is not fortunate this time, in regard to my defeat! After my defeat we meeting lastly, my focus is shaved, it is redoubled. It is the fact that bitterness of today and defeat is tasted by you!>
Swinging his two wakizashi around in a small display of his skill with the weapons, Katana takes a few steps towards Guy before stopping and crossing the weapons in front of his chest. <If it comes to me who I face, I give birth to the afterlife!>

COMBATSYS: Katana has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Katana           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Katana focuses on his next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Katana           0/-------/-------|

Oh, for the love of...as the significantly larger man drops in front of him, Guy waits the speech out. More than a little irritated at this little interruption, he retorts, in perfect japanese, mind, <You again? Go back to whatever hole you live in and eat some pocky, before you get hurt.> Guy starts moving forward toward Katana, not making any motions to attack. No, he's mostly hoping that Katana will wuss out and he'll get to go home undisturbed.

COMBATSYS: Guy has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Katana           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0              Guy

COMBATSYS: Guy takes no action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Katana           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0              Guy

If anything, Guy's total lack of fear or respect towards him only serves to anger Katana more, and his stance stiffens considerably as the ninja casually begins to walk towards him. But the massive gang leader isn't moving.. he fears no man, even when he -should-. <It dares my reputation that is insulted boldly? I do your dying pain the idiot who one does not know!> bellows the wakizashi-wielding man, his broken Japanese seething with hatred. This ninja has embarassed him once before.. it won't happen again.
Or maybe it will! Who knows?
<You think of that your friends is defeated the Mad Gear? We return to the glory where we are old! We control this city!> proudly exclaims Katana, before rushing forward to meet the casually strolling Guy, spinning mid-stride and raising one of his wakizashi high above his head. <PERISH!> With that single word, he brings the blade of the weapon slicing down towards the ninja's shoulder.

COMBATSYS: Katana successfully hits Guy with Jigoku Scrape.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Katana           0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0              Guy

Reflex is generally a good thing. It lets you do things you don't have time to think about. In this instance, however, with Guy out of his normal gear...well. He raises a hand to block, one that would normally have a protective cestus on the back, and then hurridly takes it back down before his hand get screwed up. Still, that leaves him with inadequate time to defend himself against the blade, which bites into his shoulder. Ow.
This joker, though...Guy hops backward after the hit, pausing to talk before counter-attacking. <Idiot. Your broken gang couldn't even control a block of the city, with an inept leader like you.> He pauses here, switching languages. "You can't even talk without making yourself look foolish." Dashing forward with that said, Guy goes into a long slide at Katana's legs, given extra distance by the slickness of the rain.

COMBATSYS: Katana blocks Guy's Hayagake.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Katana           0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0              Guy

A deep, booming laughter echoing out from behind his mask, Katana is obviously pleased when his wakizashi bites into his hated foe's flesh. Withdrawing the weapon as the ninja hops backwards, the crimson blood along hte length of the blade is quickly washed away by the driving rain. His laughter cutting off just as Guy begins to speak, the massive gang leader stands tall and awaits for the man's next attack.
"You dare to insult my Japanese -and- Mad Gear?" bellows Katana in a thick, ridiculous Japanese accent, obviously upset at the man's total lack of respect. "You will learn to show some respect, little man!"
As the wily ninja comes sliding in towards his legs, Katana ducks low in order to brace himself. When Guy slams into him, the massive man barely even budges, his armour rattling slightly as the force of the impact travels throughout his body. Before the ninja has a chance to get back to his feet or flee out of striking range, Katana raises both his wakizashi high into the air and brings them slamming down, aiming to pierce Guy's midsection...

COMBATSYS: Guy dodges Katana's Daikyou Burning.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Katana           0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0              Guy

In this instance, Guy doesn't even need to flee out of striking range from his position at Katana's feet. Instead, he rolls. Yes, he rolls, nicely soaking anything that wasn't already wet, not to mention irritating the wound on his shoulder. Coming up behind Katana, Guy once again he pauses to speak, still evidently not taking this fight very seriously. "I dare, because they're both pathetic," he says with anger and contempt in his voice.
Hopefully, that's given Katana time enough to turn around and face him, because Guy's going for the armored man's shoulders, looking to grab on. If he does, Katana can expect many presents, in the form of knees launched repeatedly into his gut. If not, well. No harm, no foul.

COMBATSYS: Katana counters Tsukami Nage from Guy with Shiraha Catch.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Katana           0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0              Guy

The blades of his weapons striking nothing but sidewalk, Katana leaves them imbedded firmly in the ground as he stands back up to his full height and wheels around to face his opponent. As Guy reaches out to grab onto his shoulders, he lashes out with both free hands to grip the smaller ninja by both wrists, utilizing his impressive strength to bring the REAL japanese man high into the air, before crashing down to the hard cement below.
"Not as pathetic as your fighting ability! And you call yourself Japanese.. you are a disgrace to our country!" mocks Katana, pausing to grab his twin wakizashi out of the ground before he backs up a few steps, allowing Guy to get back to his feet. "Come, enough games. I do not remember you being so weak and slow. Attack me!"

That...whoops. Plan not as good as advertised. Crashing down into the ground, it's all Guy can do to soften the blow however he can, which isn't a whole lot, really. Still, just a few days ago he fought Terry, who hit way harder than this. It's not too difficult to get back up again, as evidenced by Guy hopping to his feet.
And for now, Guy has no retort to Katana's words. Maybe it's finally the fabled go-time. Indeed, Guy seems a bit more focused now, and if Katana wants fast...Guy will give him fast. He leaps upward, flipping in a tight ball, to a spot not too far above the japanese wanna-be, before unfolding himself in such a manner as to deliver a nice little vertical elbow drop.

COMBATSYS: Katana endures Guy's Bushin Izuna Otoshi.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Katana           0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0              Guy

Watching with careful eyes as his foe leaps high into the air, Katana makes no motions to get out of the way, instead standing tall and accepting the elbow that comes crashing down right on top of his mask. It does stun him slightly, and he shakes his head as his steel helmet vibrates from the impact, but it's more than worth it.. as it has enabled him to get close to Guy.
Before the ninja even has a chance to plant his feet back on the ground, the massive gang leader thrusts out the tips of both his wakizashi. It's a surprise attack, aimed to imbed both blades into the man's midsection...

COMBATSYS: Katana successfully hits Guy with Butsumetsu Buster.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Katana           1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1              Guy

The tips of both blades pierce into Guy's tough flesh, Katana's grin widening behind the dead face of his mask as he relishes the sensation. Leaping high into the air, the massive man carries the ninja along with him - impaled on the ends of his wakizashi. Reaching the peak of his jump, the Mad Gear leader shifts his position so that he is on top of Guy.. and when they come crashing back down to the ground, it's the ninja who absorbs the full force of the fall, the impact forcing the blades even deeper into his flesh.
Remaining seated on top of the ninja, Katana leans forward, bringing his mask close to his hated foe's face, relishing the look.. "It's time to die, worthless ninja. Your friends will soon join you, and then this city will be mine to rule!"

Well, that doesn't feel pleasant. At all. Stabbed in the middle of his descent, and slammed shortly thereafter, underneath this...this moron, Guy puts up some resistance by saying, "It will take better than you to kill me. Even if you were to defeat me, you could never triumph against the others." Pinned rather neatly, Guy twists a bit, glaring at that mask as he does so, and brings all the momentum he can into a nasty right hook, aimed square in the middle of Katana's forehead. It should get that fatty off, one way or another.

COMBATSYS: Katana blocks Guy's Fierce Punch.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Katana           1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1              Guy

Grinning behind his mask, Katana begins to twist his blades in Guy's flesh.. that is, until the right hook comes sailing at him, the gang leader raising his forearm into the path of the blow. Even blocked, there is enough force behind the punch to send him off of the ninja, falling to the side as his blades slide out of his opponent's body.
Quickly scrambling back to his feet, the Mad Gear leader grips both of his wakizashi tightly and laughs mockingly at Guy. "You think your friends can stop me? A jailbird and a muscle-bound mayor! They got lucky, you fool.. this time, Mad Gear will not be stopped.. we CANNOT be stopped!" he bellows, before rearing back with one hand and actually tossing one of his wakizashi - blade first - towards his foe.

COMBATSYS: Katana successfully hits Guy with Large Thrown Object.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Katana           1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1              Guy

Well, there's a certain amount of satisfaction as Guy's punch knocks Katana off, even if he did manage to block it. Getting rather slowly to his feet, as he's sort of feeling it all at this point, Guy's entirely too late to notice the Wakazashi coming at him. While he does notice at the last moment, he's unable to get out of the way, the blade striking him rather soundly in the previously unwounded shoulder, sending him stumbling back several steps.
Wincing, Guy pulls it out, and then begins a slow, steady advance on Katana. At this point, he doesn't care enough to argue with Katana. His multiple stab wounds bleeding freely in the rain, Guy begins to worry about blood loss. Which means he needs to finish this, and soon. Oozing menace, he stops and waits for Katana to make his next move.

COMBATSYS: Guy focuses on his next action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Katana           1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1              Guy

His deep laughter booming out through the deserted, rainy street, Katana spins his remaining wakizashi around as he watches Guy slowly approach him before stopping. The rain splashing off of his hard steel armour, Katana looks positively menacing, standing tall like a samurai warrior straight out of ancient Japan. For a moment, he is silent, the only sound being the pitter-patter of rain striking the ground. And then, he speaks, his voice deep as he puts on his ridiculously overdone Japanese accent.
"So, it's come to this. For years I have had to live with the dishonour of my defeat.. and now it is time for me to exact my vengeance upon you. Prepare yourself to face the power of a true Japanese warrior! ATTACK ME!"

COMBATSYS: Katana focuses on his next action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Katana           1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1              Guy

So, Katana's stopped. Well, Guy is beyond the point of wanting to talk. He's been chatty enough this fight, and odds are good it's cost him. Still...as imposing as Katana may be at the moment, Guy is firm in his desire to walk up and beat the crap out of him. This is what he begins to do, resuming his slow advance on the self-styled-samurai. Chi gathers around him, suffusing his body, making the rain that's fallen on him steam. It's all dramatic and crap. Abruptly, however, Guy dashes forward, extremely low to the ground, and grabs at Katana. Really, anywhere will do, just so long as Katana is there.

COMBATSYS: Katana fails to interrupt Bushin Musou Renge from Guy with Tengu Walking.

[                          \\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Katana           2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|-------\-------\0              Guy

And this is why you never count Guy out. As soon as Guy gets a hold of his vengeance-seeking enemy, he explodes in a blur of motion. Punching and kicking the shit out of Katana in mere moments, chi is practically overflowing through his fists and feet with every attack, in bright, almost blinding flashes of light. In fact, down the street, a random person starts counting seconds to see how close the lightning was. Finally, it comes to an end with Guy kicking Katana one last time, and flipping backward a short distance away. He turns his back and speaks, in Japanese, <Such is the price of overconfidence.> Oh, damn, he's all playing it cool now.

Holy shit!
Before he knows what hit him, Katana is on the receiving end of a red-assed beatdown, courtesy of his hated foe. Perhaps he -was- getting a bit overconfident.. Guy certainly didn't seem to be as impressive an opponent as he had been the last time they met... until he unleashed the mother of all ass-whoopings onto the Mad Gear leader. Sent sailing backwards, dropping his last wakizashi in mid-flight, the massive man comes skidding to a halt on the slicked cement and remains still for several moments.
A low groan is the first sign that he's still conscious, and it's shortly followed by a few short, pained movements. It takes a few more moments before the big man is able to get back to his feet, and when he does he's barely able to remain standing. Now it's -his- turn to be all bitter and silent, as he eyes Guy from behing his mask, one hand slowly snaking into his armour and withdrawing a small circular object. "This isn't over, Guy. You have only begun to taste my new power.. we will meet again." Throwing the ball to the ground, it explodes in a massive plume of smoke, "NINJA VANISH!"
When the smoke finally clears, Katana - and the two wakizashi he dropped during the course of the fight - are nowhere to be scene.

COMBATSYS: Katana has left the fight here.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Guy              0/-------/-------|

So, Katana got out of the way after all. Guy stands still through the smoke bomb, finally shaking his head. First order of business is to go talk to Haggar, and then afterward maybe take the rest of the day off for some R&R. That was so much closer than he'd like to admit, after all. Clutching at one of the wounds, Guy wonders if he can pick up an umbrella as he goes on his way.

COMBATSYS: Guy has ended the fight here.

Log created by Katana, and last modified on 15:15:07 06/11/2005.