Description: MAD-U GEAR-U ATTACK-U MALL-U... U!
Metro City is definitely something else compared to Southtown; It's considerably less insane, at least with the enormously squealched role that the Mad Gear gang has represented. But the history is at best vaguely known; And everyone's favorite one-eyed hispanic is traisping about the shopping mall in a perpetual prowl, holding a myriad of labeled bags over his shoulder. He's got a taco in one hand, but is holding a map of the mall in his pinky; Apparently he's trying to figure out how to read it while still eating said hispanic delight, and has a truly tourist-like look. Not to say the Mall is even crowded -- it's barely an hour before closing, but his Luchadore is content with that fact. And finally, in a burst of intelligence, he shoves the entirety of the taco in his mouth. Bulging cheeks, he shakes out the map and begins to read it with a nearsighted squint. His clothing is Metro at least; A white tee-shirt, faded jeans, and a jacket in the local team colors with a necklace around his neck having a dangling phrase; 'Viva Mexico!'
As the mall's PA system booms out a warning that they are closing in an hour, the last of the day's customers go about finishing their business, and the poor wage-slaves working in the stores think about going home for the night. But tonight isn't like most nights, and as people shuffle between the stores doing the last of their shopping several groups of armed thugs position themselves around the various entrances.
Mad Gear in the hizzy.
Wielding baseball bats, chains and all manner of bladed weapons, the various mobs of goons bust in through the doors as if suddenly given a signal. But they are far from well-trained professionals, and their behaviour displays that fact - many of them hooting and hollering as some rush into the stores and begin to rob them blind, while others surround the few remaining patrons and force them to give up their money. In mere minutes, the entirety of the Metro City mall has devolved into chaos, with Mad Gear goons on every floor, smashing, grabbing and mugging as quickly as possible.
Amidst the hordes of low-life thugs, one man stands very tall, towering above the majority of them at a massive height of 6'7". But it's not his height that draws attention towards him, it's his bizarre garb - clad in a quasi-samurai outfit and wielding twin jitte in either hand, the massive man stomps through the mall as he surveys the work of the goons.. there's little doubt that he's the one in charge, especially when he starts barking out orders in a rather ridiculous Japanese accent, directing his thugs around.
The beginning of this particular rush is barely noticed by Ramon. He continues attempting to read the map, glancing towards the nearby stores as the pandemonium erupts. But his eye subtley shifts, ears almost twitching, as he takes in the entirety of these proceedings. Still chewing the taco, one of the crusading Mad Gear ascends to the second level up the escalator's 'down'; What a flagrant violation of rules. More joking then anything else, he waves the map. "Where's the shoe store?"
Instead, the man aggressively tries to grasp him by the front of the shirt while yanking out an obscenely-sized knife. The grasp succeeds, but Ramon then snaps his head out. The forehead crashes right between the thug's eyes, who lets out a loud shrill; Before slapping him with the map, as if training a disobedient dog. The intended effect of turning him back towards the escalator in a stunned manner works, before a foot raises and presses against his rear.
The thudthudthud of the Mad Gear going down this time is heard; And yes, it's the correct side. It looks like the Lucha Libre has set the rules violation back in order.
Said hispanic then strides to the first step of the escalator, but doesn't move down. Instead he's now fully scanning the area, shifting the bags from his shoulder to the floor. In a friendly, chipper voice, he calls out to the people skittering around. "Not very kind to tourists, are you amigos?" His good eye then meets Katana... And he actually bursts into a laugh, grasping his mouth. He manages to shake his head and merely grin stupidly, but what's done is done. He'll likely never see a cliche as perfect as that again in his life.
The goon's rather rough descent down the escalator goes unnoticed, but Ramon's outburst does not - the man's voice drawing the attention of several Mad Gear thugs, as well as their leader, the tall 'Japanese' man wielding the twin blades. A few of the gang-members move to rush up towards the hispanic man, but they are held back with a single, bellow "STOP!" from Katana. Glancing up at the man from behind the dead eyes of his samurai mask, the Mad Gear leader lets out a disdainful snort before he gives out another order to his lackies. "Never mind him, I'll deal with this fool!"
At this statement, the thugs who have stopped to glare up at Ramon go back to looting the stores and the unfortunate customers who are still around at this late hour. Katana, however, simply stands tall and points the tip of one of his jitte at the man standing at the top of the escalator. "Come down here and face your death at the hands of a true Japanese warrior! It will be an honourable end for a savage such as yourself."
The challenge laid down, Katana spins his two jittes around in a rather impressive display of skill with the weapons, before striking a dramatic pose and awaiting Ramon's descent.
COMBATSYS: Katana has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Katana 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Katana focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Katana 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Ramon has joined the fight here.
The Luchadore appears fully ready, and maybe even somewhat content, as the thugs start to burst towards him. But he has no fear; These are nothing special to him, at best class amateurs. Katana fit that mould as well. At least, until Ramon hears that deep voice. For someone who's a simple cliche, Katana is undoubtedly a menacing figure. You can only laugh so much at someone that huge, with weapons held in doubtlessly skilled hands. Yet this only causes a quirk of interest, before one foot steps out and Ramon begins to descend. He still has the map in his hand, tossing it from one to the other.
And then, just as he reaches the base, he bursts into motion towards Katana. Arms pumping, he's obviously greased lightning; Before he dives down, trying to slide right between Katana's legs in a spinning motion, forearms slapping to the ground. He'd then be propelled into the air, spiraling impossibly and attempting to lance his legs around Katana's head before again bracing his hands upon the ground.
"Let's see what you got!!"
COMBATSYS: Katana counters Combo Throw from Ramon with Shiraha Catch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Ramon 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Katana
"You dare to bring my morality into question? I am the most honourable warrior who has ever graced this earth!" proclaims Katana proudly, obviously unaware that leading the city's biggest gang doesn't really count as 'honourable' in any sense of the word. "If you do not fear Mad Gear, then you should at least fear me, the dreaded.." that same pause for dramatic effect that he always utilizes, "KATANA!"
By the time he's finished introducing himself, the massive gang leader finds himself being rushed down by the small, swift hispanic man. But he doesn't seem to be terribly worried at all, standing tall, the mask covering his face betraying no emotion. There is only the deep rasp of his breath, amplified by the confines of the mask.. that is, until the wily wrestler slides between his legs and leaps up, attempting to grab his head between his legs.
"HAH!" laughs Katana, imbedding the tip of one of his jitte into the ground - freeing up his right hand to grab his impromptu opponent's ankle. Without a word, the massive man utilizes his smaller foe's momentum and his own strength to bring him up high above the ground before slamming him back down to the hard mall floor, releasing his leg as he does so.
"PATHETIC! You dare to waste my time with such useress attempts at martial skill? I have faced down the best warriors in the world, and they have all farren before my brade! You think you will be any different?" boasts Katana, as he reaches down and picks up his second jitte, falling back into his combat stance as he awaits the mexican's next attack.
"An honorable figure who sends base thugs to mug civilians?" Ramon comments, apparently making that ambiguity public with a raised eyebrow. The name does cause another giggle, yet he's cut off by the fact that his ankle is being fondled. Letting out something of a yelp, Ramon is launched into the air before cracking against the ground with a whuff of air leaving his lungs. But the release of his leg doesn't quite work as expected; Seeming more stunned then badly injured, he lances out with his legs in an attempt to entwine around the offending elbow that sent him into his intimate contact with the ground.
Before he then attempts to grasp the wrist while it is stalled, still grinning upwards in a decidedly confident manner. Picking up his weapon might be a tad more difficult now. "You would do great in Lucha Libre, amigo. You got the long-winded villainy down flat!"
COMBATSYS: Katana blocks Ramon's Arm Whip.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Ramon 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Katana
And then he attempts to kick downwards, trying to knock Katana off-balance while Ramon raises to his feet. Although Katana has better bracing then was wagered, still the Lucha Libre wrenches out, trying to hurl him away to stumble to the ground. It won't work that way, but damnit, a man can dream.
Seemingly ignoring his opponent's comment, Katana seems more surprised at the resourcefulness of the wrestler, not expecting him to go back on the attack so quickly. His wrist grasped firmly, the massive Mad Gear leader finds himself knocked off-balance, thrown away from his second jitte. However, he doesn't seem too harmed by the fall, rolling right back to his feet and grabbing the hilt of his weapon firmly as he lets out a small, amused snort at the wrestler's skills.
All around the pair, the numerous Mad Gear thugs are quickly making their way through the mall, not bothering to stop at every store on the way - it's only a matter of time before someone manages to contact the police, and the last thing they need is a showdown with the law. Not while they're trying to rebuild their strength after Haggar and friends' last rampage all over their asses. A few of them shoot a glance at the battle taking place between their leader and the strange hispanic man, but none of them stop - they're sure that Katana can take care of himself.
"Hah. So you think you are quick, strange one. But to me, your actions are like those of a tortoise! My focus cannot be broken, my strength cannot be matched. You have no choice but to fall to my blades!" Rushing towards the man, his long stride carrying him towards Ramon at frightening speeds, Katana executes a spin in mid-run, bringing the tip of his jitte thrusting towards the man's shoulder as he reaches out with his other hand to grab the second weapon, still imbedded in the ground, in mid-strike. Fancy.
COMBATSYS: Ramon blocks Katana's Jigoku Scrape.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Ramon 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Katana
Well, this is something new to Ramon. Katana's definitely got a dramatic flare to him, even though he's now spiraling towards him in a manner not exactly condusive to being uninjured. And much like Ramon, there's definite skill in the Mad Gear leader despite appearances -- something that's shared with the Lucha Libre, undoubtedly. As proof of his skill, Ramon grasps his hand before lashing out to the side. The jitte impacts his forearm, and he stops Katana's spin dead. Blood pours down his hand, but he still appears mostly uninjured.
And his grin only spreads further.
"You got some moves..." is admitted, before then trying to grasp and twist the weapon-wielding hand away while moving in to strike Katana with his left shoulder, trying to grip him in a delicious manhug around the midsection. It's not exactly as kinetic and flamboyant as his other initial maneuvers. That is -- YET.
"TIGER NECK CHANCERY!" is roared out into the room, ringing about as if victory bells rang by tiny little half-naked chubby angels fluttering with undersized wings in sheer belief of the non-Christian hispanic's ability to triumph!
COMBATSYS: Ramon successfully hits Katana with Tiger Neck Chancery.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Ramon 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Katana
And then Ramon hurls himself up into the air, backflipping in the motion; Somehow, Katana's bulk is whisked with him before he brings his other arm around to complete the ever-affectionate embrace. Descending downwards in a spiral, Katana is then suplexed head-first into the ground with a deft snarl. Ramon barrel-rolls with the kinetic bounce of the fake-Japanese springboard, landing in a deft crouch just ahead. "Ole!"
Behind his mask, Katana's eyes widen in surprise as his strike is stopped dead by the man's solid forearm. But it's nothing compared to what happens next, the tall gang leader finding himself struck by his smaller opponent's shoulder, and then gripped around the midsection before he has a chance to recover. And just like that, he's flying up through the air along with his hispanic foe, the top of his head crashing back down to the ground in a rather painful looking impact. Laying prone on the floor for only a second, the massive man lets out a groan as he pulls himself back to his feet, the grip on his two jittes not having been broken by the impact.
"And you are not entirely without skill, despite the fact that you are merely a savage," exclaims Katana as he stands back to his full height, cracking his neck in both directions as he spins his jitte around in front of him. "But do not dare to think that you are anything approaching my equal, strange man. You are nothing to me, nothing but a fool who can provide me with entertainment before he dies!"
His long legs once again carrying him rushing towards the mexican man, Katana holds out the tips of both jitte in front of him, aiming to crash directly into Ramon.."
COMBATSYS: Katana successfully hits Ramon with Daikyou Burning.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Ramon 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Katana
Slamming hard into his hispanic foe, Katana's weapons are imbedded into the man's midsection, the gang leader's momentum forcing Ramon slamming down onto the ground. Keeping his jitte deep into his opponent's flesh, the massive man continue to rush forward, dragging the wrestler along the ground, getting faster and faster until..
Yes, Ramon's back actually -bursts into flames- from the friction. Don't ask how! As soon as he sees the fire erupt, Katana lets out a deep, bellowing laugh before suddenly coming to a halt, raising his jitte out of the man's flesh and taking a step backwards, gazing down at his foe.
"Hah! See what your foolishness has brought you? PAIN!"
Well, this is a particularly painful experience. Despite not throwing his interia into the Tiger Neck Chancery, Ramon is obviously not well-off by the sheer speed by the other man. "You should talk about being stran-Urk!" And then he's impacted by the pair of weaponry just as desired, gasping while wrapping fingers around the blade of the jitte. This is all that keeps it from piercing internal organs, outside his obvious physique. The rugburn makes this a good deal worse, before the weapon is yanked out of his flesh.
But in another of his unpredictable escapades, he still clenches the weapon, which helps him lurch to his feet far faster then even his acrobatic grace. But now his palms are slicked with his own blood -- ew.
"You don't sound Japanese..." is mused, Ramon apparently more intent on that facet then the wounds in his chest. Apparently curious, he then lurches out both hands in an attempt to grasp Katana by either side of his Samurai-style mask's pointy ear-thingies. "Let's see what you are hiding, no?" Still that mocking grin. He's not been knocked down a peg in the slightest.
COMBATSYS: Katana fails to counter Fast Throw from Ramon with Shiraha Catch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Ramon 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Katana
And the attempt to catch those invading fingers does not succeed, nope. He then tries to wrench Katana downwards, to double over as if in a mock bow to the smaller fighter. And then his foot raises, trying to impact Katana in the shoulder before kicking out with as much force as possible. The intent is to send him flying backwards, sans-helmet; But if it's on tight, he might just slit his palm in the motion. One way or another, this particular Mad Gear leader is goin' down, yo.
The questioning of his true Japanese heritage is all that throws Katana off, honest! It's the only reason that Ramon is able to get such a firm grip on his mask, finding himself pulled down into a bowing position and then kicked backwards.. and yes, his helmet comes off in the smaller man's hands.
But if he's expecting a glimpse of the mysterious man's true face, he's to be sorely disappointed, as behind the blue samurai mask is.. another mask, identical except for the fact that it's slightly smaller. "YOU TRY TO DISGRACE ME BY REMOVING MY CEREMONIAL MASK?!" bellows the massive man, obviously enraged as he gets back to his feet, crossing his jitte in front of him and widening his stance, "No more games! Come, face your death!"
"What the heck? Isn't it hard to breath in that?" Ramon states, and oddly enough it's seeming to be genuine concern. But the rampaging of the other Mad Gear is noticed, as the mask is tossed from hand to hand with a frown. He's got to cause them to scatter before anyone is hurt; And before his damn tacos get cold. So he then bursts towards the other man, but wrenches back his arm and hurls the mask as hard as he can. The intent is to pelt Katana right in the face with the 'ceremonial mask', already coming in low with arms spread to either side in full anticipation of the fight's undoubted climax. "But okay! Let's roll, amigo! I'll show you Lucha Libre's true power!" Bah, he's being dragged into the cheesy zone!
COMBATSYS: Ramon successfully hits Katana with Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Ramon 1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Katana
[OOC] Ramon says, "I can imagine Katana working with Igniz in order to get his DNA turned into that of a Japanese person."
"Not for a truely skilled warrior such as myself!" proudly states Katana in response to his opponent's question, not budging in the slightest as his mask is tossed back towards him. Catching the item right in the face, a loud metallic *clang* is all the noise that results from the throw, as the gang leader backs up a few steps, keeping his jitte crossed in front of him.
His gaze remaining fixed on his opponent, Katana does nothing but wait for him to make his next move, seemingly unworried about the man's forward momentum. If he wants to rush to his death, that's his problem.
COMBATSYS: Katana focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Ramon 1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Katana
And rush to his death Ramon does in full order, continuing to whisk towards Katana in a rather impressive little display of aggressive miniature Hispanic death. But before he quite approaches melee distance, his foot slams into the ground; And Ramon spirals sideways through the air, teeth clenched in concentration. The arc is very small, but quite high; The light is eclipsed by his lithe form before he then flits downwards, arms snapping to his side as a literal whistle of speed roars around his body.
The attempt is to strike his forehead against Katana's own. It will likely be a very painful experience, but for which party remains under consideration. He sure is a squirmy little bugger; Will he do anything normal?
COMBATSYS: Katana blocks Ramon's Flying Body Attack.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Ramon 1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1 Katana
[OOC] Ramon says, "And thus, we find out what is not Ramon's best idea ever."
Standing his ground, the massive Katana seems completely unafraid of the rapidly approaching man, his body not flinching in the slightest as Ramon leaps into the air. Even when the wrestler's forehead slams into the gang leader's mask, he only takes a single step back - forced to do so from the impact, as relatively painless as it was. He's not too sure where the little hispanic man got the idea that a flying headbutt to a person wearing a hard steel mask was a good idea, but.. he obviously needs to get some new sources.
Letting out a mocking bout of laughter at his opponent's relatively.. well.. stupid idea, the massive man uncrosses his jitte and suddenly thrusts them both forward, once again aiming to imbed them into his smaller foe's midsection.
COMBATSYS: Katana successfully hits Ramon with Butsumetsu Buster.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Ramon 1/----===/=======|=======\====---\1 Katana
[OOC] Ramon says, "...DM/Luck does nothing!!"
[OOC] Terry says, "Ouch. :o"
The tips of the blade sliding into his opponent's tough, hardened flesh, Katana remains silent as he suddenly leaps into the air. Bringing Ramon up with him, the gang leader reaches the peak of his jump before the pair begin to plummet back to the ground.. and it's not too difficult to guess who's going to hit the floor first. Slamming the hispanic man's back into the hard mall floor, Katana's weapons dig even deeper as they both strike the ground.
"Die.." hisses the tall man, before sliding his weapons out and taking a few steps back, spinning them around as the crimson blood flies off the blades, splattering on the white ground.
The hapless Ramon impacts the ground thusly, striking it hard enough that he blacks out for a few moments. But he's then stuck like some manner of fish, letting out a likely delightful scream of pain. That hurt a bit more then his masochism can squelch, and he rolls over while hacking out somewhat bloodily. Likely nicked a lung with that; But it doesn't mean a whole lot to Ramon. He slowly gets to his feet, although without the bountiful energy he displayed earlier. And then he turns towards Katana, and begins to run once more. It's almost a lazy shuffle; Nothing special, except for the fact... That he doesn't stop.
Run. Run. Run.
And then he lifts up a foot, trying to plant it upon Katana's crotchplate.
COMBATSYS: Ramon successfully hits Katana with Somersault Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Ramon 1/---====/=======|=======\======-\1 Katana
And then, upwards lances Ramon's foot with a whistle of force. It impacts Katana right below the chin, severely denting the armor if not sending this one flying away as well; Unless they are a good deal stronger then he might think. So great is the force that he continues backwards, arcing 360 degrees before landing on the same foot that delivered that particular strike. "Game's not over yet..." is wheezed lightly, forearm grasping over the twin wounds.
And still, the annoying little gnat is smiling. He hasn't stopped the entire time.
Katana certainly wasn't expecting his opponent to resort to such.. dishonourable measures. He's fully prepared to defend himself against the man's next attack, but when the foot is planted on his groin, he's somewhat thrown off.. and that's all it takes.
Before he knows it, the massive man is struck underneath the chin, his ceremonial mask crumpling from the force of the kick - but fortunately remaining firmly on his head. The impact is enough to send his substantial amount of weight airborne, sailing backwards - dropping his jitte in mid flight - and skidding to a halt several feet away.
This time, it takes a few moments before the gang leader is able to get back to his feet.. fortunately, there's no more thugs in the immediate vicinity to witness the rather painful blow. They're all on the other end of the mall, their robbing spree almost completed by now. But their leader still has some business to finish here..
"Worm.." speaks Katana as he stands shakily back to his feet, eyeing the man from behind his crumpled, ruined mask. "PREPARE TO FACE THE FURY OF A THOUSAND HOWLING WINDS!"
What the fuck THAT means.
Rushing forward, Katana seems to be running full-bore towards his opponent, with no signs of stopping. Executing a hand-spring in mid-run, the massive man is actually able to grab both of his jitte in the middle of the manuever, landing back in a run. As he closes the distance, Katana raises the tips of both his weapons, aiming to slam them into Ramon's shoulders...
COMBATSYS: Ramon blocks Katana's Ten Chuu Satsu.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Ramon 1/-======/=======|===----\-------\0 Katana
Once again leaping high into the air, Katana executes two Butsumetsu Busters.. IN A ROW. OH THE HORROR. Of course, Ramon does something to make it less painful.. stay tuned!
That particular thing is somewhat unique. Both forearms raise up at the charging man, having taken the interim to gasp as hard as he could despite the pain. He's short winded, and it's obvious that he's going to need some medical attention. But as the jitte snap through the air, both forearms lance outwards.
And wedge between the spokes, despite gouging deeply.
Every strike goes as planned, only rather then impaling him they just poke him, the kinetic force absorbed with masterful flexes of his mighty buttocks. It's still a less then pleasant bullride, and he then hurls himself away to crash on his shoulder. But he then stands up, brushing himself off and sighing.
"It's really been a good fight. Even if you are a bit much." He then merely jogs towards Katana, before attacking in a manner that's almost comical. He thrusts out his right hand, trying to push Katana onto his rear with his hand, likely leaving a bloody print on his armor.
"Take a seat, esse. This is going to hurt."
COMBATSYS: Katana dodges Ramon's Tiger Spin.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Ramon 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Katana
Letting out an annoyed growl, Katana obviously seems displeased at his opponent's refusal to just, you know, fucking DIE. Watching with a careful eye as the hispanic man crashes to the ground, he keeps his guard raised for the next attack. While Ramon comes rushing in towards him, the massive gang leader allows himself a brief glance around, noticing that all of the thugs seem to have vacated the premises. They must be out of the other end of the mall by now, leaving Mad Gear much richer, and that much closer to their glorious return to power.
As the man's palm thrusts out to shove him to the ground, Katana simply steps to the side, leaving Ramon to continue his run unabated. "This is over.." hisses the Mad Gear leader, reaching inside his armour and producing a small, grey circular object. "NINJA VANISH!" he yells, before tossing it to the ground, a burst of smoke suddenly rising up and temporarily blinding his opponent.
When the smoke clears, Katana can be seen several dozen feet away, rapidly hauling ass towards the nearest exit. Okay, so he can't -actually- do the ninja vanish thing. It still looks cool, right?
COMBATSYS: Katana has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Ramon 0/-------/------=|
This is not good. His most powerful assault just whipped. The idea that Katana might of just been distracting him comes to mind; Was he really just trying to buy time for his friends?
Stumbling off and almost collapsing to the ground, startled as the smoke bursts into the air. Coughing heavily and waving around his hands, he easily notices Katana running off before literally shaking his fist. Giving chase? Hell, no. He'll probably get stabbed in the crotch or something.
"YOU... YOU BETTER HOPE MY TACOS ARE NOT COLD, YOU BASTARD!" is yelled after, before he then sighs. All he managed to do was slap at that mountainous man, although he does walk over and pick up the thrown helmet. He places it on his head, somewhat comically, and glances around appraisingly. Slinking to the escalator, he then is carried upwards before reaching into his bag.
Shocked, he yanks off Katana's helmet, and allows it to fall to the ground. Collapsing to his knees, he trembles before thrusting both hands up, clenching the tissue-covered form.
The taco... is cold.
COMBATSYS: Ramon has ended the fight here.
Log created by Katana, and last modified on 11:32:05 06/11/2005.