Description: Katana decides to raid a Metro City subway station while Vanessa's in the middle of a hunt for Freeman. Crazy Ricky-O antics ensue.
The subway station is all but dead on this hot night in Metro City, only a few patrons remaining, shuffling about on their way out or waiting for another subway car to arrive. Unfortunately for them, they lay right in the path of the vicious street gang Mad Gear. Far from their former glory, the group of thugs has been reduced to petty thievery and violence, and the people left hanging about the station are the ones who will be the victims of their crime.
With a sudden outburst of noise, the underground station is filled with dozens of gangsters and thugs, clad in all different manners of dress and wielding a variety of make-shift weapons - chains, bats, kinves and even a few guns. Covering all immediate exits, the mob of thugs moves to circle the remaining patrons - a few attempting ot run and being struck by the brutal gang members. The next train isn't due for 20 minutes, and whether the gang knew about this or not, it gives them enough time to rob the citizens blind before it arrives.
Amongst the crowd of goons, only one individual stands out. Towering tall at 6'8" in height, the massive man is clad in bizarre Japanese garb, his face covered by a strange blue samurai mask. Wielding a jitte in either hand, the man steps seems to be observing and orchestrating the entire thing, arms folded over his chest and weapons pointed downwards. From behind the mask, possessing a strange boom, he speaks in broken, poorly pronounced Japanese. But hopefully no one actually -speaks- enough Japanese to notice.
<It is good, everything has gone following to plan. Soon the Lunatic Gear that is directly extraordinary, glory it returns! Ha ha ha!>
The moment Vanessa sees them coming in, she has one reaction:
A low, decidedly exasperated groan. Taking a puff off of her cigarette, her positioning puts her dangerously close to the... admittedly rather ridiculous looking leader. The thugs that happen to surround the lot of them are strangely of no concern, something that's showing up in her expression as she watches the Man of the Hour rather closely.
The first words out of her actually cause a bit of uncertainty among those civilians that remain captive, much less an uprising of fear. After all, this single redhead could get them all shot with what she's about to say.
"The -fuck- is all this about?" she says, rather blatantly, glancing around at the myriad of assembled... whatever they are. Thugs, goons, grunts-- it hardly matters. "Are we stuck in some ridiculously cliche` kung fu movie or are you guys serious?" For once... she honestly can't tell. The leader's visage is so -out there- that she's all but looking around for a camera crew. "Look... while I suppose being an extra could be pretty entertaining, I've got some serious business to attend. If you want a tip for a good performance, how about a tapdancing number? At least it'd make up for get-up like that." The last is said with an indicative stab of her cigarette in the leader's direction, her gaze wandering up to his, er... face.
"If this -is- serious," she says to him flatly, "How about cutting out the Ricky O routine and going for something a bit less inane? Like... speaking English, which we like to do in this country. I know, I know-- far be it from me to restrict the spoken word of another culture, but really, if you're barking demands you should at -least- do it properly."
By now? The other citizens are about ready to fill their pants. She's gonna get them all killed, or, less likely, she's got something up her sleeve.
As the fiery redhead verbally mocks their gang, the armed thugs glance back and forth between eachother, almost all of them sharing the same look of disbelief. What the hell could one woman possibly do against all of them? Did she seriously have the balls to insult the feared Mad Gear like this? Eventually, a few of them start to laugh, and within a few seconds the gesture is carried up by the rest of the thugs and goons.
"SIRENCE!" bellows the massive man in a Japanese accent so outrageous it sounds like something out of a Shaw Brothers film. Still, it's enough to force the assembled gang members into a hushed silence as the strangely dressed man stomps forward, unfolding his arms and holding his deadly jitte at his side. His mask makes it impossible to read his emotions, Vanessa unable to tell whether her antics have annoyed, enraged, or amused the large individual.
"Foorish American, you dare to speak to the feared Mad Gear rike that? I cannot arow this blatant insult to our honour!" Stepping towards the much smaller woman, he points the tip of one of his jitte at her, his voice lapsing back to broken Japanese.
<We must do the fight, dishonourable American!>
COMBATSYS: Katana has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Katana 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Vanessa has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vanessa 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Katana
If he thinks for a second that she's gonna be able to contain the laughter that's threatening to overtake her... he's got another thing coming. The moment he starts talking, with or without the slight discomfort that's brought about from the other gang members spouting off their own merriment... Vanessa really can't help the amusement that comes of this. It's mostly just a snicker, but it's one she's obviously unable to contain.
"I guess this means you -are- serious," she says, completely unable to get rid of the smirk that's on her face. "So what... you're gonna have a bunch of goons beat the everloving christ out of me, or is this a one-on-one challenge? I mean... they can -try-, but last I checked, there's nothing 'honorable' about having a bunch've pastyfaced thugs go after a single businesswoman."
She cants her head to the side, at that, apparently unphased by the weapon that's held up to her, her gaze remaining solely on the eyes that show through from behind the mask. "...Or robbing a bunch of civilians in a subway," she ammends.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vanessa 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Katana
Katana has reconnected.
Katana has dropped a connection.
Emitting a small grunt as Vanessa refuses to back down on her words, the gang leader simply tilts his head to the side and shoves his jitte in her direction. "You will eat those words, foolish westerner! None can stand against the might of Mad Gear, and their invincible leader.." he pauses for dramatic effect, before practically yelling the next word, "KATANA!" He seems a -bit- too enthusiastic about it for his own good.
And with that introduction, the massive man lunges forward, his long stride carrying him towards the red-headed woman with startling speed. He doesn't seem all too concerned about getting into a loud, prolonged fight in such a public place.. or about the supposed 'dishonour' of robbing a bunch of innocent civilians. Two of his goons stepping aside so that their leader can rush at the big-mouthed woman, the rest of them get to work on their initial mission - robbing the living shit out of a bunch of subway patrons, the goons going through wallets, stealing jewlery, and even subjecting a few of the more attractive women to their own little stripsearches.
But none of this seems to interest Katana, who seems more intent on putting a serious slicing on Vanessa, raising on of his jitte high into the air as he charges forward. <DIE!!!> he screams in Japanese, as he brings the vicious weapon down, aiming to impale the tip into the woman's shoulder.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa counters Jigoku Scrape from Katana with Parrying Puncher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Katana
In spite of Vanessa's immediate distaste in seeing some of the thuds make it a point to start taking full advantage of the other women amidst the gaggle of civillians-- and in spite of her amusement in hearing his announcement-- she's quick to defend herself, and quicker still to put some honest-to-christ hurt on this guy. MAking a quick motion that clears her shoulder of any nasty impalation, she brings both her hands together and -brutally- spikes her elbow into Katana's exposed side, using a fair bit of force to throw the man off-balance by way of a proper counter.
Taking a couple steps away from him, she says, "Don't seem too invincible to me," her tones still as mocking as ever. "And what the hell kinda name is 'Katana'? Were you dropped on your head once too often as a kid? You really -are- straight out've a bad kung-fu movie. No wonder you find a meager amount of 'honor' in running a band of reprobates-- the defnition of the word must've gotten lost in the shuffle."
Struck in the side by the swift woman, Katana stumbles a step to the right, although he doesn't allow her the pleasure of hearing a grunt - either from surprise or pain. She can only imagine how pissed off he must look behind that mask, though. Pissed off and JAPANESE as hell. Spinning both of his sharp jitte around between his fingers, the massive gang leader displays some amount of talent with the weapons, and if he seems at all surprised about Vanessa's fighting ability, he doesn't voice it.
"You have some skill, woman," he states boldly, still spinning his jitte as he puffs out his chest, trying to appear as big and menacing as possible, "but it will not be enough to stop my deadly blades!" With dialouge straight out of a bad Chinese swordfighting movie, the big man lunges forward once again, swinging out one of his weapons in a diagonal arc down the woman's chest. He doesn't appear to be displaying much quickness, but it looks like Vanessa doesn't want to get caught in the path of one of those totally fucking Japanese weapons. TOTALLY JAPANESE.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa blocks Katana's Heavy Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Katana
Authentic or not, the slice that rips through the arms of her blazer-- and her arms besides-- causes an obvious wince to overtake Vanessa's expression, if only in the fact that, no matter how many times she's fought Freeman, she'll -never- get used to being sliced up. Still, she stands her ground without falter-- the only difference in her stance being either of her gloved hands tightening all the more to push back the added sting that comes alongside the attack. She'll look like an angsty teenage goth by the time her tenure as a fighter is over with all these cuts on her arms.
Doesn't stop the next attack from coming in, though. Lashing out, the redhead strikes at him with a quick left hook across his chest, a bright slice of amber energy trailing after it with a cutting power that -almost- rivals the honed edge of the blades. The next? What's intended to be a brutal uppercut against his ribcage, since reaching his face would require, oh... jumping up and down. Likewise, another arc of amber luminescence is quick to follow, the loose grunt that comes from her making it obvious that it at -least- required some exertion.
Hit or miss, the reaction is the same-- "--You make it sound as though I've never come up against anyone of your calibre," her tone mocking. "Which I suppose is true-- sure as shit havn't seen anyone as -goofy- as you before."
COMBATSYS: Vanessa successfully hits Katana with Forbidden Eagle.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Katana
Letting out a short gasp of air as he's struck in the ribcage, Katana is forced several steps back by the surprising impact of the small woman's honed fists. Covering the injured area with one hand, the Mad Gear leader simply eyes his opponent from behind the cold, blank eyes of his mask. Despite the ass-whooping that he is so far receiving, he doesn't let up on his act, trying to appear as dramatic and threatening as possible.
'Hmph!" he grunts, standing tall and gazing down at the woman, "So you can throw a punch! It takes no skill to fight with your fists. A true master must have the reflexes of a serpent, the strength of an ox, and the patience of a tortoise!" Whatever the hell that means, it sure -sounds- like something deep and meaningful.. right? Either way, the massive man lunges towards Vanessa, striking out with both jitte from either side, aiming to stab the tips of the weapons into her sides.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa counters Butsumetsu Buster from Katana with Parrying Puncher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1 Katana
Swatting aside either of the weapons with upraised arms, making sure that either of her limbs impact the flat of the blades, the redhead, once again, doesn't bother to hesitate in retaliating. Taking one step towards him, she throws another swift punch against his abdomen with enough speed that she doubts he's able to brace himself for impact-- but if he is, good for him. At the moment, she's tearing him to shreds-- and all told, she almost... ALMOST feels bad about it.
...But not quite.
"You almost done humiliating yourself?" she asks, then, taking a couple steps away from him, her eyes back to focussing on the mask. "I mean... all these people, even your -henchmen-, are watching you get your ass pounded by a housewife. How 'feared' will you and your's be after word gets out? Not that I'd use the word 'fear' in relation to the lot of you anytime soon."
Knocked backwards from the brutal force of Vanessa's punches, the faux-Japanese man drops his weapons in shock, the jitte clattering on the cold, hard subway floor. Letting out an annoyed grunt at his opponent's quickness, Katana glances around to make sure that none of his thugs are watching the beating he is receiving. Fortunately, they all seem too occupied and entertained by robbing (and stripping down) the citizens to notice the fact that their leader is getting swatted around by some uppity woman.
"Your luck is amazing to me, American! The fates may wish for your victory, but I will not allow it! Prepare to taste the martial prowess of Metro City's most feared samurai.." once again, he pauses for dramatic effect, "KATANA!"
Stepping towards the red-haired woman, he spins around in a full circle once before he lashes out with one long arm, aiming to plant the hard palm of his hand straight into her nose with cartilige-crunching force.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa blocks Katana's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1 Katana
And again those arms come up-- the sad part of this being the fact that his palm presses right against one of the slices he'd caused earlier, which causes a hiss of breath to come in through clenched teeth. Audible enough for him to hear it, at least. As this occurs, her eyes go to one of the thugs that's taking far too much pleasure in divesting one of the women of her modesty, her expression growing that much darker as a direct result. Lashing out her hands to take hold of his wrist, Vanessa has to exert far more effort than she'd like to get him in line-- but hopefully, it'll do what it's intended.
COMBATSYS: Katana fails to counter Medium Throw from Vanessa with Shiraha Catch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/-======|=======\===----\1 Katana
Even with ... whatever it is he's trying to do, the boxer is able to seize hold and *heft* the behemoth of a man in the direction of the aforementioned thug, bowling over the both of them and getting the woman away from any unwanted attentions-- of which she's clearly grateful for. "Grab your clothes and get behind me, hon," she says to the woman gently, her eyes still locked on her opponent, the throw serving as a blatant warning to anyone else who's thinking of pulling a fast one.
Attempting to snatch the woman's hand out of the air, Katana somehow misses, his hand closing around nothing but air and leaving him completely open to her expert throw. Sailing through the air, the massive gang leader crashes into one of his goons, both of them slamming down onto the hard subway floor. Shaking his head and letting out a small, barely audible groan, the Mad Gear leader notices his jitte laying on the ground a few feet away, quickly rolling to the side and grabbing hold of his weapons before standing back to his usual towering height.
%"Enough!" he bellows, and all of the assorted goons cease their robberies and glance at him, while still being sure to not allow any of their victims to escape. "I grow tired of entertaining a pathetic fighter such as you! You're not worth my time, puny American female! I am destined for greater battles than this, and so you may keep your precious money - I need it not. I don't require empty material possessions to fill my dishonourable heart.." striking a pose with his two jitte, the mock-samurai gazes at Vanessa through his mask.
"My fellow warriors, we will take our leave!" he says, the thugs taking his words as their cue to get-the-fuck-outta there, taking all the stolen jewlery, cash and credit cards and hauling ass for the exits. Standing tall, Katana points the tip of one of his deadly weapons at Vanessa, his voice becoming low and dangerous. "We will meet again, woman. And the next time, I will strike at your with the ferocity of a thousand roaring tigers!"
That said, the Mad Gear leader turns tail and begins to run, headed for the nearest stairway back up to the surface, and then doubtlessly back to the nearest gang hideout to divvy up the loot.
COMBATSYS: Katana has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vanessa 0/-------/-======|
"More like a thousand mewling kittens!" Vanessa calls after him, still bristling. "Come back when you can actually make a fucking dent!" Scoffing audibly at the inability to take him down completely, the redhead stands amidst the victims of the assault, rather irritated that the gang still made it out without handing back the stolen items. But, alas... there will be other times. And right now, as much as she's been called a 'hero' more times than she'd care to admit, she's gonna let the police take care of that.
Freeman's still out there, and that's all that matters. This was just a hiccup along the way, more or less.
Nonetheless, she does what she can to soothe addled nerves, as well as help some of the more frightened citizens to a calmer state of mind, the sound of the subway car pulling up heralding the group's furthered salvation. Loosely agreeing to ride with them for the time being, if only thanks to the utter -lack- of police interference that's gone on, she doesn't bother to say so much as a word after everything's come together. The police will be spoken to, the civilians allowed their shows of gratitude, but she's here for a reason, dammit.
And this isn't it.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa has ended the fight here.
Log created by Vanessa, and last modified on 10:21:27 06/11/2005.