Description: The touching story of how Alex got put into a coma.
It's late. People are already wandering home, going about their business, filtering out of or into the local bars. There's the faint hint of rain along the clouds, the lot of them obscuring stars that usually shine through the glaring streetlights. The ocean is restless with waves, the currents pushing the water in further and further-- an apologetic slop against the shoreline. The air is warm, muggy-- there's no sense in wearing anything more than a t-shirt and possibly some jeans if one wants to stay comfortable. Of course, with the promise of rain, that may end sometime in the near future.
The boardwalk is far from deserted, but it's quieter than usual. The amusement park is shut down, the lights and colors that radiate from it having been dimmed, leaving the streetlights and the random bars that still dot the landscape to provide artificial illumination.
Among the sparse gatherings of people are two individuals, one of which is exhibiting the usual signs of anyone who frequents the late-night pubs. This would be Vanessa, of course-- someone who's clutching desperately to the arm of an outrageously large brawler, wholly unable to keep upright on her own volition. Her every inclination is to fall over and go to sleep, especially since the wretching phase is long since over.
"I swear I d.. didn't mean t'get this wasted," she says to Alex, apparently believing it. Though given her state, that's probably true, even through the rough slurs. "...fuckin'... had t'lug this... green guy back into a dojo, an' waited for n'ambulance. Jus'... had t'take the edge off... y'know?" Yeah. Worse than usual. "Fuckin' swear m'not tryin' t'keep doing this, just... keep stumbling across th.. the shit that bastard leaves behind." Freeman, of course. Go figure. With droplets of rain beginning to fall, it's clear that dragging her faster is probably a good idea. Assuming she doesn't keel over again. "I wanna thank you for comin', though... didn't have to..."
Fuck. What a night. First a bungled operation, and now this. Not that Alex didn't MIND hanging out with Vanessa--it just wasn't the best set of circumstances at all. She was busted up as he'll get out, and blitzed out of her skull to boot. Now he was half dragging her along the Southtown Boardwalk in a desperate attempt to get her home before the rain. He would have flagged a cab earlier...if it weren't for him being in his usual broke state. Vanessa clung to his trunk of an arm raggedly, spouting her drunken banter like some busted up sailor in a foreign port. Well now, they were making fairly good time, but there was of course the small matter of Alex not knowing exactly -where- the redhead lived. Hopefully he could get a semi comprehensible answer out of her now. "" Alex paused to make sure he got that woman's attention. "where do you live..exactly?" Alex waits for the response with his bottom lip in the grip of his teeth. This was going to be a sorry trip if she couldn't get out something coherent for him to follow. Alex continued his plodding path, making sure to keep the woman steady in her walk, and also staying wary of projectile puke if it should come to that tonight. Looking up towards the increasingly threatening clouds, Alex could see the full moon, glistening brightly from between the moist wisps in the sky. It was a foreboding night, and for some reason it raised the hairs on the back of the brawler's neck like some kid in the dark, laying terrified to the nonexistent beast under the bed. Alex couldn't shake this horrible feeling...he kept thinking back to his first fight with Freeman for some reason. The taste of blood in his mouth from that battle souring on his tongue. The vision, the glimpse of darkness and oblivion that Freeman had imparted on him was nagging at his mind strongly tonight. It was maddening, but of course, that little thing wasnt going to stop him from getting old 'Nessa home now was it.
Indeed, this might be a far too foreboding night for some; There is something in the air, an almost electric buzz that permutes the darkness like some lingering demon, out of sight behind every shadow. Eyes might be felt upon Alex's back, but there's never anything but the dim light of the streetside lamps. An occasional flash of movement, crash of sound, that ends up being a cat or dog. A looming figure swiftly approaching, yet one that passes without so much as a glance. The boiling sky does finally open, however; Rain begins to spatter lightly, but then torrents down with a distant roll of thunder.
But the scarce tranquility is lost as there's a familiar sound in the air. A hellish scream, deep and obviously male, before a crimson burst of light arcs from an alley just ahead. The sound of someone hitting the ground, but then scrambling; Still alive? If that was Freeman, it might very well be uncharacteristic.
"Help! H,help!" is called out in a panic-stricken voice, far too hopeless...
Stumbling a couple times alongside the large man, Vanessa doesn't look ready to haul off and vomit again. That came earlier-- which was fun enough on its own. While she's not wounded in any real way, there's still stray blood along her blazer from the beastman she'd tended to earlier. One that she's liable to go back to come the morning, when she's able to see if he's doing alright. For now? For now, she's making a grand effort to remain cognizant.
"...Gorin... apartments," she manages, audible enough and clear enough that it's easy to hear. "Southtown village... can't miss it. S'one of th--"
And then, the shout.
Given how trashed she is, it's impossible for her to actually tell what that energy 'signature' is, though the cry is heard with ease. The resultant, "The fuck was that?" coming from her in the same bleary fashion
Alex stops straight in his tracks as soon as the screech pierces the air. It was a trap...too obvious, just laying out there spread like a 10 dollar whore. Alex's instincts tell him everything he needs to know right there, and its starting to make his blood boil. The smart thing to do, would be to keep going, try to find a safe place, a public place. Come back later, find the bastard with some backup. That would be the smart thing to do, the prudent thing. But this of course, was Alex. Freeman...he was one evil son of a bitch, but he know how to play people. He knew how he could inflame Alex's temper, get him to come right on out into his claws. Alex held onto Vanessa for a moment before stooping down to set her on a patch of soft grass. "Just, wait here for a moment...I'll be right back." Alex tightened his half gloves back on his fists and scowled at the alleyway producing the offending noise. "This ends here, tonight." There was no way now for the brawler to resist that call, the challenge, the chance to prove his honor and superiority to that rat bastard murdering shithead. No turning away now, no more snooping and searching! One way or the other, this drama was getting resolved. Alex walked away from the boardwalk solemnly, standing still at the mouth of the Alley, his arms crossed over his chest. "Enough bull. Tonight, its over." Alex speaks, letting his deep voice and heavy Metro City accent hang in the air--a promise.
The alley is rather wide, with a couple dumpsters and many trashcans within it; There are also fire escapes on either side, leading high into the air. Darkness is smothered within, and the serial killer could literally be anywhere. But he's not; There's someone dressed in a crumpled suit with long black hair, currently curled up near the mouth while grasping his arm with a stained glove -- there's a hellish wound upon it, bleeding profusely upon the ground. "H-he went up! What is going on?!" is whined out, managing to lift a trembling limb towards the fire escapes while attempting to wriggle past Alex to the safety of the street.
So where is the spandex avenger? He could be anywhere. Blended into any aspect. The stink of his chi does permute the air, and eyes would appear to stare from all corners. The rain bursts down harder, pounding the ground relentlessly as another flash of lightning bolts to the right; Not enough to illuminate the area anywhere, but quite condusive to the increased atmosphere...
COMBATSYS: Freeman has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Freeman 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Freeman focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Freeman 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Alex has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Freeman 0/-------/-------|=======\======-\1 Alex
...Wait here?
Oh, like hell.
Stumbling after Alex in spite of the fact that she was told to stay put, Vanessa's ungainly motions taking her towards the direction Alex wanders in, though she doesn't offer a verbal protest in that regard. While she's wholly unable to stay upright without a good amount of trouble, she's still following behind him-- which is, obviously, the worst idea she could possibly have right now.
"...Alex," she offers up weakly, coming to lean against the lip of the alleyway, her gaze just as blank as ever. She hasn't felt this kind of intoxication in a while-- that in mind, the entire situation is starting to legitimately frighten her. Especially once she sees the man crawling slowly towards the both of them, her breath catching audibly in her throat. "...jesus, not again," she manages, putting her weight on the edge of building she's positioned alongside, her eyelids still as heavy as ever.
Something in her obviously recognizes what's going on. Still, the uneasiness is tangiable. She's not ready for this-- Alex, sure, but.. "Alex, c'mon... w... we gotta help this guy first."
This was a contingency Alex hadn't really considered, he probably would have ignored the man, hoping he would survive to get assistance later..but with Vanessa's prompting...Alex reaches down to the man. "Hey bro...if you can stand and walk. Do it. Stay here, and you're gonna die." The brawler reached down to assist the man in stemming the blood flow. God way he can babysit this guy, AND Vanessa, and keep his own hide intact now. "Vanessa, Jesus Christ woman! Get the hell out of here, you're in no condition for this!" Alex takes a moment to see if the main is able to get himself up or not.
The fallen figure has managed to bring his knees beneath himself, trembling slightly but gesturing sharply for Alex to leave him be. "He... said he would kill me... if you didn't come...! What is going on?" He sounds lost, confused, curling up more and wincing away from the touch. As for Freeman, he's being rather silent; The water continues it's subtle dance, obscuring the area beyond ten meters away in a veil of shifting grey. "I'm fine! I'm fine! Just leave me be!!" Now a shrill voice, as the victim shrinks into a wall, black hair matting around his head as if nothing will transpire if he can't see it. Broken, indeed; Both little assets are not going to make the final odds very good. And if Freeman is in the fire escapes, that's a horrifically advantageous position. But the only way to pinpoint him before he gets frusturated... is to enter.
Sighing heavily as if Atlas's great weight was just levelled on his shoulders, Alex started walking into the alley. "If you want to live. Try to get away as fast as you can." The voice now could be directed at either the man or Vanessa, it's hard to tell. Either way, its probably good advice. Alex takes his steps into the alleyway, the deluge coming down is parted by his massive form, sending a vaguely circular pattern of splashes around him. It was dim hazy, and Alex strained his vision, looking for that damn splash of red hair and that awful grin of his. Bastard probably had perfect night vision or something. Alex steps carefully, checking around the corner of dumpster and keeping his guard up. "Come out Freeman, no use stalling. I know what you want, you know what I want. Lets cut the fat and get down to it."
If Alex didn't arrive, the victim would've been slaughtered?
Odd logic, that. Vanessa would recognize it as being common if not for the drink in her system. Angered as she is by Alex's own words, she doesn't seem to advance or retreat-- at least, not until Alex himself does. For the immediate moment, she doesn't seem to be going much of anywhere. Given how shaken her footwork is, it's amazing she even got -this- far. Getting back to where she was settled? That's another story entirely.
As he starts to make his way inwards, Vanessa eases away from her position against the wall, careful to take a couple steps in, if -only- to provide some form of deterrent. After all, Freeman was quick to run away from the both of them when last they ran across him-- why not now? It doesn't strike her that her demeanor couldn't possibly do anything to deter the serial killer, of course; after all, her entire manner isn't nearly as domineering as it could be.
She remains wordless throughout, watching the grappler quietly, her gaze occasionally flitting towards the man crumpled along the opening of the alleyway. Eventually caving to what little cognizant thought she's got, she offers up a gentle, "It's gonna be alright," to him, her tone surprisingly soothing in spite of her own uncertainty. "Alex'll take care of this."
The curled-up man actually begins to sob, crawling to the middle of the alley mouth before once more curling over himself in a less then masculine way, just barely within the shadows. The dark mattes of his black hair pool to either side, almost completely obscuring his head. Yet then his gloved hand tightens over his bicep; Clenching into the damaged flesh with what might be genuine pleasure as he still sobs, but a grin flashes over his face. And then the sobbing figure rapidly raises to his feet with an impossibly fluid motion, releasing his arm and slowly taking off his gloves.
Beneath them are ragged, uncut fingernails.
Smoothing the hair away from his black eyes, Freeman then shifts his attention towards Alex and Vanessa. with a very bemused expression. Vanessa might catch his movement towards her during her intermittant glances, but before a word can be said he grasps the drunken girl in a chokehold with his right arm, yanking her off the ground and then literally hurling her backwards. All the while, still faking the wounded, tortured cries of the victim; That victim being nobody but himself.
And thus, the serial killer of enormous renown is facing the one position that no fighter would want -- Alex's back.
Arms rear backwards, Freeman's back arching in an impossibly fluid manner as he then unleashes a double-claw overhead strike, the flash of crimson boiling in the air with impossible force right at the burly Street Fighter's spine. The crimson arcs are almost as big as the serial killer is, and it's a complete attempt at utmost ambush against the hapless Alex.
"Help me! Help me!" Now Freeman is speaking in a girlish, mocking tone; He wounded himself in order to get Alex to show his back, just to strike it.
COMBATSYS: Alex dodges Freeman's Phobia.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Freeman 0/-------/-------|=======\======-\1 Alex
There is a kind of instinct that gets instilled into soldiers. A kind of sixth sense that bursts forth occasionally, and makes you duck before the bullets start whizzing towards you. That is totally what is on display here, as Alex dives preemptively, making a quick hop away from the slashing arc of chi. Tricky as ever that damnable Freeman, but his ploy seems for nought now. "Damn you, fucking baaaaasstaaard!!" Alex roars at the killer, using his hop towards one wall of the alley as a springboard, kicking his boots into the brick and launching the big man straight at the probably surprised man. Alex levels his knee at Freeman, hoping to slam the psychopath and crush him up against the opposite wall.
COMBATSYS: Alex has joined the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Freeman 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Alex
Freezing up instantly as her throat is taken hold of, Vanessa's eyes widen at the visage of the killer, her hands going up to try and grasp at his wrist-- but, alas, it's too late. Flung headlong towards the boardwalk, she skids to a slow halt the liquor in her system and the impact of the fall making it impossible to get back up. Furthermore... the -angle- in which she landed is making her seriously wonder if anything was torn. Thankfully, it's -not- -- but with the pain that's issuing from her left arm, it's a wonder.
Regardless of that, it's at least plain that the woman -isn't- getting back up anytime soon. TApped out? To some degree-- almost embarrassing, how easily she was cast aside without so much as a word.
COMBATSYS: Freeman fails to interrupt Air Knee Smash from Alex with Overkill.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Freeman 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Alex
As the man bursts through the air, Freeman attempts to simply slide backwards and rear back his hand. He's coming in fast, more so then the lithe fighter might desire. He unleashes a burst of crimson energy, but before the crescent arc flashes towards Alex he is impacted hellishly in the chest. He definitely wasn't expecting his assault to be dodged for sure; And his little surprise card is lost. It shows. He impacts the wall hard, cracking it with the force as blood spatters from his mouth. Pure hate glowers upwards, but also a disturbing amount of confidence...
"Idiot! Your ploy failed! YOU FUCKING LOSE!" Alex screams at his opponent, nearly delirious with rage. Being sandwiched between Alex's knee and wall, the bulky brawler has him -right- where he wants him. Alex rears back, his hand balled into a mighty fist. What comes is a simple straight up punch, no fancy adornments on this baby at all. Alex yells triumphantly as he swings with every ounce of his might, determined to put Freeman's head -through- the brick wall.
COMBATSYS: Freeman interrupts Fierce Punch from Alex with Nightmare.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Freeman 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Alex
But this doesn't quite work as Alex might of liked; As Freeman is only struck a glancing blow in the head, slipping down with an impossible amount of liquid force as the wall caves in under the sheerly impossible force the massive man unleashes. One hand arcs out, shoving the burly man back a step before unleashing a devestating uppercut, spanning the distance in less then an eyeblink and attempting to arc from hip to shoulder. "You are marked for death..." is stated quitely, almost consolingly. "I was going to give you what I showed quickly, but now you must draw it out!" He actually sounds genuinely frusturated.
Alex's roar sounds like a freight train barrelling down a narrow tunnel. "rrrrRRRRAAAHHHH!!!!" The fist clips the Freeman's head and continues on into the brick, sending a circular shockwave into the wall, cracks spiderweb out dramatically, and ragged hole, 6 feet in diameter is created behind Freeman. You would think that Alex would learn that no matter how good a grip he had, there was just no holding on to poor Freeman. The uppercut catches him across the torso, forcing a painful stagger. It'll take more than that to slow Alex down for long though, even on his worst day. The brawler surges again for an attack, attempting to pick Freeman up and slam his head into the nearest dumpster. "Mark THIS!"
COMBATSYS: Freeman dodges Alex's Body Slam.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Freeman 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Alex
Yet the lurching hand manages to grasp nothing rather then something, and Freeman merely frowns as if genuinely displeased by this particular turn of events. He slowly tears off the suit's jacket, exposing his standard black spandex beneath. The arms remain comically upon, and a mild glance is thrown towards Vanessa. And during this, he actually backsteps in a mockingly simple manner, grasped by the forearm instead. His shredded sleeve is pulled free, before focus completely returns to Alex. But he appears to be staring at something insubstantial, as opposed to the present. "You don't see it, do you...? Tonight is your night..." He then snaps out his hand, trying to grab Alex by the shoulder in far too light a manner to be dangerous...
COMBATSYS: Alex interrupts Morbid Angel from Freeman with Hand Stamp.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Freeman 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Alex
And then, Freeman vaults over Alex's shoulder with an inhuman amount of speed, enough that he leaves afterimages behind. Alex's back exposed once more, he then clenches with his hand in preparation to inflict a fairly devestating blow to the hapless fighter. But instead, Alex's nubile hot body manages to wrench around to grasp him in a headlock! Oh no!
When Freeman grabs the wrestler, his first thought is, "Fucking A. You want to grapple, fine with me!" The acrobatic psycho flips over Alex's shoulder but finely honed experience plays out for the blonde now, as he tracks the flip and immediately rushes in to get the headlock. Freeman's hand does lance out for a glancing blow, but its clear that it does only a fraction of the intended damage. "Got you, FUCKER!" Alex grits his teeth and merely starts to squeeze his arms around Freeman's head, manhandling the smaller fighter into a sleeper hold. "Just DIE!"
COMBATSYS: Freeman endures Alex's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Freeman 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Alex
But Freeman actually lances out his own hands upwards, obviously in pain from this particular assault. Fingers attempt to clench into Alex's hair, before he attempts to hurl the man over his shoulder while he's completely focused on the prospect of popping the serial killer's head off; And he'd then fully realize he would be trying to hold butter as opposed to anything else, the absurdly rubber Freeman like putty in even the strongest of grips when he doesn't wish to be held. "JUST DIE!"
COMBATSYS: Freeman successfully hits Alex with Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Freeman 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Alex
Alex takes the brunt of that one RIGHT on his head. The hard concrete, dashing his brains and exploding his vision into a firework of sparkling lights. That was a bad hit, and came at the worst possible time. Alex was too focused on his anger, and he was paying for it now. The large man stumbles up on wobbly legs and raises something resembling a defensive stance, but its clear that precious seconds have been lost.
COMBATSYS: Alex takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Freeman 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Alex
But as Alex begins to stumble to his feet, the fact that Freeman is once more descending upon him is rather apparent. He has launched himself into the air, blurring with the superhuman motion as he arcs downwards and attempts a pair of devestating blows to Alex's face, one to either side before trying to impact him with both feet and knock him into the ground. If it works, he'll be perched atop the other fighter in a rather comical manner with a morbid grin stretched across disturbingly attractive features. "What is it you truly hate about me, you worm?"
COMBATSYS: Alex dodges Freeman's Crow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Freeman 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Alex
If Freeman had done a ground dash to assault Alex, but luckily he opted for the aerial assault. The few precious moments of airtime was all the fighter needed to roll away from the flying feet. "I guess it could be that you have no fucking morals...or maybe its your ridiculous wardrobe, or that you mess with Vanessa every chance you get..." Alex huffs and charges at Freeman after he returns to the ground. "But right now I think, the reason I hate because you think you can fucking BEAT ME!!" Alex rears back again to duplicate his massive blow from earlier, attempting to knock Freeman out of the alley and into the street. "EAT THIS!"
COMBATSYS: Freeman dodges Alex's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Freeman 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Alex
"Such anger will never defeat me." Freeman states with a disappointed sigh, and he snaps to the side with a vicious amount of speed as the fist hurtles past. He then arcs back his right hand, and unleashes a vicious strike towards the larger man's face; Before similarly whirling out another blow, then a spiraling backhand trying to instead send the larger man stumbling into the street past the prone and dazed form of Vanessa. The fight is definitely reaching the beginning of a climax, but it's too early to determine who exactly is going to reign supreme...
COMBATSYS: Alex endures Freeman's Vision of Death.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Freeman 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Alex
Now Alex was getting too far ahead of himself, he was so confident about bashing Freeman that he practically visualized the man bouncing away from his fist. When the attack comes its too late to even attempt a defense, nothing to do now but steel as best as you can! Alex manages to brass ball against the flurry of arm strikes. As the backhand blow blurs towards him, Alex reaches for it, attempting to catch it in his palm and flip Freeman out onto the street using a Judo style toss. If they were taking it onto the street, they were doing it on HIS terms dammit!
COMBATSYS: Freeman endures Alex's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Freeman 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0 Alex
And indeed, Freeman is grasped and hurled towards the street; Yet he spirals through the air with purposeful ease, and then can be seen whisking backwards. The rain patters around him in a rather noticeable manner, as both hands snap out to either side. "Rrrragh!" is roared, as he then summons an impossible amount of energy. Crimson lightning crackles to his hands, before he rears back and hurls down a crimson blast that splits across the ground towards Alex, attempting to impact him in the chest. Followed behind is a second, this one aimed for his face, before Freeman impacts the street and rolls away to a stop. Slowly he pushes himself back to his feet, breathing deeply and glaring towards the other man. "Is this all you have...?"
COMBATSYS: Alex endures Freeman's Double Overkill.
[ \\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Freeman 0/-------/------=|=======\===----\1 Alex
"ALL I GOT!? ALL I GOT!!!?" Alex screams incredulously. The brawler was in a dangerous state now, and he doesn't even know it. The fight is hyping him up with too much adrenaline, dulling his pain, not informing him of how injured he really is. When Freeman unleashes his twin chi blasts, Alex simply clenches his fists and holds them to the side in rage. "YEAH YEAH YEAH! BRING IT!!" Those two slashes aren't taking him down, no sir, Alex was determined to suck it up like a man, just to show how outclassed Freeman really was before he takes him down. Now THAT would be some satisfaction right there. A slash cuts deeply into Alex's chest, sending an arc of blood spattering onto the pavement. The blood clouds the pools of rainwater into a dark ichor. The second arc penetrates into Alex's face, snapping his head back and sending another blood spray out to greet the rain. When Alex's head rolls back down to its level position, dark red blood cascades down his face in a torrent. He looked like a demon. "THAT WAS NOTHING!" Alex roars again as he presses the attack once again. If not for the rage, not for his foolhardy confidence perhaps Alex would actually be able to feel how hurt he really was. He was close to the brink, heck, over it now. The brawler leaps through the air, soaring high over Freeman, once again bringing every -ounce- of strength into his swinging blow. Alex crashes down onto Freeman's position, swinging both of his fists in a crude hammer blow designed to crush the lanky man.
COMBATSYS: Alex successfully hits Freeman with Fierce Punch.
- Power hit! -
[ < > /////////// ]
Freeman 0/-------/-======|=======\===----\1 Alex
It seems that pure, unbridled rage does indeed work to a degree upon Freeman, as he attempts to skip backwards and duck underneath the punch for a third time. But this one impacts him right in the back of the head, sending him exploding out into the street with a sharp gasp of pain. He bounces away, striking the side of a car and beginning to hack up blood harshly. "Well... unexpected..." is admitted dutifully, before he abruptly bursts into motion once more. Rather then going for Alex... He descends to Vanessa, grasping her by the back of the hair and yanking her to his feet. Claws snap against her neck, pressing against the deliciously vital arteries with far too much force. The serial killer doesn't have any fight left in him; But he might not need it... "Stop moving now, my friend! We don't want Vanessa..." He extends his tongue, trying to lick the back of her ear. "To be hurt...!"
Through all of this, Vanessa's been largely unable to make herself stand upright, much less -wake up- -- though upon hearing Alex's shouting, and the resultant battering that rains down Freeman, she slowly starts to come to again. The alcohol in her system is still making her incredibly woozy, her body shifting just enough to push her against the sudden grip of the serial killer's outstretched hand, her eyes immediately going wide as she feels those claws pinprick against her skin... and sink in. While alcohol works as a dampener, it only serves to -increase- her instincts.
And right now? Struggling against him would kill her.
Yelping as she's dragged to her feet, she goes a good job of just -hanging- there, her gaze at a trajectory that makes it obvious that she's -trying- to look at Freeman. This -defies- proper reaction. Except, of course, a look towards Alex as if to deter him from making any advances, her shoulders instantly tensing at the feeling of the man's breath against the contour of her ear. That -alone- causes her eyes to shut tightly again.
"...fucking figures it'd come down to this," she growls out, her voice strained with the weight of oxymoronical impulses. Resignation, and the desire to break free.
No...All at once the adrenaline amped rage drains out of Alex's body in a deluge, not unlike the cold coursing rain that drenched the three in the darkness of the city. A chill rises up in the fighters gut, and he starts feeling the pain of his wounds and the effects of blood loss. Suddenly...he could feel just how extenive his injuries have been. "Bastard." A whisper, followed by something like a shudder. Alex's knees started to get wobbly and he took a tenative step towards Freeman. "W..wait! Leave her out of this...Fuck." Alex gritted his teeth. Through all his experience in the army and even on the mean streets of Metro, he had never experienced a situation like this. Vanessa was...a friend? Wait no. He never really had met anyone quite like her before...never really had much intimate interaction with women in fact. But surely...the sickeningly warm feelings were edging their way into Alex's mind now. He -cared- for the woman...seeing Freeman at her throat now, with his strength nearly opened up new throught processes for the young fighter. It terrified him. For a moment, Alex stood even more paralyzed with fear than even Vanessa, kept now in the devil's grip. He loved her. It was a dangerous though, insane and ridiculous...but it was true. That single horrible acknowledgement stole Alex's flame, extinguishing as easily as a match in this godforsaken storm. Lightning flashed again over the scene, accompanied by a low ominous rumble. "Just...let her go Freeman. We can..we can...settle this like men--I ah..." Alex faltered now, visibly. Coping with the blood loss and the surge of foreign feelings was too much for him now. Steeling a little. "Now, Freeman...the FIGHT..forget her, this is between us."
"Let her... go..." Freeman states softly, glaring towards Alex now with what might be actual hatred. At what? Did he see something within those features that he despised? Maybe even more then the simple fact that he was a fighter? But the other man has dropped his guard. He tenses his grip on Vanessa, before laughing in an uproarious manner. "Okay... let her go...!" Alex will know these foreboding words for what they were. As what did he do the last time he had a hostage during that demand? Fingers tense, before he unleashes a devestating slash. Vanessa's neck explodes bloodily, before he hurls her as hard as he can to the right. Yet towards Alex... In an attempt to get him to reach out, to catch her, to stop her descent in his shock.
And yet it would be impossible to tell in that fraction of a moment, that the blood was not fully hers; Freeman impaled his hand with his thumb before giving a very light scratch to Vanessa, but in both her own disorientation and Alex's shock that will not be immediately apparent. During that exact moment, he bursts into speed beyond what either have seen. Pure focus. Pure desire.
And he snaps towards the other side of Alex's massive body, the opposite of where he threw. And there's a single, lazy whisk of crimson energy that lances just to the side of the burly man's neck. A minor wound. One that couldn't stall a man that large. Right? And then he sinks to his knees, breathing deeply and trembling from the damage wrought thus far.
There's a look to Alex's gaze that's just as paralyzing as the situation she's in. With the disorienting feeling of having rain-soaked hair gripped, combined with the cold drops from the sky and the warmth of the bloodied killer behind her, Vanessa's all the more impacted by what happens next. She hears Freeman's words, but her attention is, sadly, caught by the timbre in the brawler's voice mere seconds before she finds herself introduced to an entirely different kind of warmth. With his claw wrenching across her throat, the first inclination is to draw in a sharp gasp, her reaction to feeling the drenching blood-- not her own, which is, indeed, far from her immediate thoughts-- to appear as startled and, admittedly, -frightened- as ever.
The last time, she had an inclination that she'd survive. This time?
Even as she's cast aside and colliding heavily with the ground, she's, likely to Freeman's amusement, playing along just wonderfully by remaining surprisingly still. The immediate shock of the injury, the pain of which is only now beginning to seep in, has kept her breath stalled, the liquor in her system only intensifying the reaction that she's got to what occurs. So it's likely far too late that her hand draws up towards the laceration, her breath finally leaving her without the interference of blood...
There's no further warmth there.
A hairline scratch.
Oh, sh--
"Vanessa!!!" Alex is utterly absorbed in the ploy, his eyes transfixed on the gush of blood. It seems impossible to him, that soul shattering visage of Vanessa's life blood, spilling forth like a child's carelessly overturned juice cup. Tonight, Freeman wins. Even though the logical part of his mind SCREAMS that she is dead now, don't even bother! RAISE YOUR DEFENSE NOW! He still leaps up to catch the body as it falls, helplessly. All his emotions control him now. Nothing more for him to do but catch her, to SAVE her...comfort her...The cut is so subtle, he barely even feels that pain of it save for a pinching sensation. But that scalpel like nuance of an attack hit where it counts. He had already lost too much blood already, and this last gush of that sensitive jugular is all it takes. Alex falters, drawing in a fierce gasp. His body loses all its strength now, and as his boots hit the gravel he realizes that he is going to fall. Alex makes no attempt to raise his arms to brace himself falling, all of his meager strength is used for now is tracking with his eyes. Tracking the crash of Vanessa's corpse onto the ground...It was ok...he was soon to follow her. Alex flopped belly first onto the gravel, not making a single motion. As the blackness coiled around him, starting to claim him he starts to wonder, if perhaps in that inky beyond he might find her again...and tell her.
And then, Freeman slowly raises. A glance is thrown towards Vanessa, as he slowly fingers the hole in his hand now. He was defeated; That much is certain. He was unable to overcome the titan that is Alex by brute strength and even ambush; But in the end, he was instead killed with something more powerful. His own misguided love. The blow was indeed precise, and it's doubtless that within a few minutes Alex is going to die. How could he not? But rather slowly he then begins to stride away, teetering a couple times. "He is not yet dead...!" Freeman purrs towards Vanessa with a laugh, apparently genuinely pleased with himself. And that might be the most monstrous part. "Rush him to the hospital if you want, you drunken fool. You are next. I have saved your blissful death for last...!" Arms spread, and he begins to giggle once more. He has killed anything between the pair now. There is nothing but a void; No misplaced feelings. No mercy. If she wasn't going to kill him before, she will now. And that... is exactly what he wants. Humanity is a waste of time. "If you hurry, he might only be braindead. Run along, now; Mr. Freeman is done playing for the night." And then he limps away, grasping his self-butchured arm with only a sliver of satisfaction now.
The sound of Alex falling to the ground after practically -howling- her name is sickening to the redhead. Enough to make her bypass what intoxication she is feeling, her decidedly comical scrambling across the boardwalk to reach him interfered with only by her immediate attempt to lash out at Freeman-- something that's all for naught as the serial killer slinks off. There are no words-- there needn't be any. He'll know just by what he's done that he's a marked man-- even if someone else gets to him first, she's bound and determined to have the final word. Cops, bureaucrats... -nothing- is going to keep her from meeting her goals.
Taking a firm hold of Alex's arm as she stumbles a couple paces forwards, there's something that's innately tragic about all of this. She, as with Jacob, doesn't return the unspoken sentiment. If not for that momentary pause, Alex would've won. If not for -her-, he would've made it out of this okay. Tugging that much harder on the large man's body in spite of her inebriation, her adrenaline rush somehow manages to allow her the ability to take a firm hold of him, and, at the -very- least, drape him partway over her shoulders. "Jesus christ," has been a muttered, frantic statement throughout all of this, repeated over and over as it's intermingled with the whimpered words of "...I'm sorry... I'm sorry... god... -fuck-, I'm -sorry-," though the seemingly idiotic phrases, wrapped neatly in a veneer of panic, are likely to fall on deaf ears.
His life for her's?
This game has played out one too many times.
It doesn't take long to reach help. People who witnessed the entirity of it have already phoned for an ambulance ever since seeing Vanessa strewn out along the ground. Fancy that that it'd arrive -now-... the med team quick to gather the large man up into the back, with the drunken boxer allowed to stay alongside him. Too many times she's witnessed this fallout. Too many times she's been in an ambulance alongside someone attacked by the serial killer.
The outcome of this is already written in stone. Whether or not Alex lives or dies-- whether or not Blanka recovers or her nightmares disappear--
--Freeman is her's. No one, come hell or high water, will take that from her.
Log created by Vanessa, and last modified on 02:22:57 06/27/2005.