Description: Iori arranges for Ramon and Yashiro to team up against him in an exhibition match, without the other two fighters know who they'll be teaming up with, or who they're fighting against.
Howard Arena's not just some place on the map that only comes alive on weekends. It plays host to a variety of smaller-scale weekly events during the day, but more significantly, exhibition matches that get scheduled between the more popular fighters, looking for something to break the doldrums of day-to-day existence. ... Plus, they can act as training exercises. Iori's thinking of the latter, in this particular case. Which would be why he'd had a little chat with the fight bookings here at Howard Arena, and had an arrangement sent especially for a certain Yashiro Nanakase, as well as the teammate he'd been having a bit of difficulty finding by himself, the El Amarillo Diablo himself.
And it's in the middle of the arena he waits, hands tucked in the deep pockets of his trenchcoat, the sole of his steel-toed boot tapping quietly on the stone floor of the arena. Yagami isn't crazy about waiting, but he has a great deal of patience... at least, when he has the thought of the two competitors meeting their 'blind date' in the ring to entertain him.
At least Ramon has been rather studious about arriving on time; There's no long, dramatic pause for his arrival within the Howard Arena. The moment he is announced he's jogging towards the middle of the ring, already beginning to work the crowd with arm pumps and that omnipresent cheerful confidence that oozes in his proximity. Hopping into the ring in a simple but still impressive manner, he lands in a deft crouch before raising and slowly rotating his right shoulder. "Hola!" is called towards Iori in a farm too chumly manner upon realization of his opponent, a wide grin upon his face. "Not seen you that much, esse. But at least this time you'll be able to see me fight, no? Don't go easy on me!" He did ring Terry's bell pretty hard before, so hopefully the fact he's a contender will be admitted. He does begin to glance around, looking to be somewhat unsure. Is he fighting Iori alone? He doesn't look outright fearful of the fact, but at least makes no illusions about being the man's equal.
Never one to pass up a chance for a good fight, Yashiro makes his way through the back halls of Howard Arena on his way toward the ring. Sure, he's got his King of Fighters match coming up, and it'd be bad to get injured, but he's quite confident that he can handle whatever he might end up having to deal with. Don't want to get lazy just before an important fight, right? He makes it into the arena and spies Ramon as he approaches the ring. He's not too familiar with the man, although he seems vaguely familiar from past SNF matches and-
And then Yashiro spots the /other/ person in the ring.
His face darkens noticeably for a moment as he glares at Iori. And then the announcer makes the actual match-up known, announcing "Ramon and Yashiro, teaming up against Iori!" Well, things could be worse. He could have ended up teaming up with Iori; a distressing thought. He walks up to Ramon and nods briefly to the man, doing his best not to let his anger bleed over into his interactions with his teammate. "Right. I know you've been in matches before, so you can fight, and this shouldn't be a problem. We're going to pound that bastard into the floor, got it?"
Iori Yagami, smug as ever. He nods silently to Ramon, answering, "Figured I needed to see what you've got first hand." He pulls his hands out of his pockets, drawing in a deep breath in anticipation as he nods once more, for confirmation. "You'll get a partner, soon enough, anyway."
And then Nanakase enters the ring, his glare bringing the broad grin back to Yagami's face. "And here he is. Figured neither of you would put up enough of a challenge on your own. ... And quite frankly, I'm bored of tangling with the riff-raff who run off bawling after a good sound beating. At least both of you have some self-respect." To which he then pointedly smirks at Yashiro. "... Some of the time, anyway." He hunches over slightly, hands adopting a defensive position. "... I don't expect this 'pounding' to hurt very much, mind."
Yagami snorts lightly, before adding, "Surprise me."
COMBATSYS: Iori has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Iori 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Yashiro has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Iori 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Yashiro
COMBATSYS: Ramon has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Iori 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Ramon
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Yashiro
"Well, don't think I'll say 'no' to a one on one. If you think you can handle it." There's a definite teasing quality to his voice at this, a cocked grin thrown to the other man in a fairly amiable manner. And then Yashiro arrives; A mild recognition is thrown towards the upcoming fighter, before he raises the eyebrow over his good eye. A hand raises to hail in greeting, but there's something of a smirk thrown at the venomous words and request. "Aww, Iori's not the bastard. I bet he's just misunderstood." Although he's heard a myriad of things about him -- ranging from beating the hell out of teammates to beating the hell out of people for no reason. Quite a lot of beating for someone who supposedly dislikes fighting, actually.
Slowly hopping from foot to foot, Ramon appears unphased by the hazing from Iori. He merely throws a salute to the redhead, before flowing into his standard fighter's stance. There's no surprise right away; No, Yashiro will be a good distraction before he does such. "Let's go!"
COMBATSYS: Ramon focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Iori 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Ramon
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Yashiro
Yashiro looks at Iori, giving a smirk to match the red-haired fighter's, although the visible tension in his posture shows the anger that's still coursing through him, already starting to give him an adrenaline rush before the fight even gets under way. He slams his right fist into his left palm, hand tightening as he cracks his knuckles. "Well, well... Pretty confident, aren't you, Yagami? I'll admit that you're tough, and I don't mind having a little help. One way or another, though, you're going down. And I'm going to make damn /sure/ that it hurts."
The Orochi's grin grows wider, and then he rolls his shoulders twice, before rotating his neck, causing a few popping noises to come from his spine. With that he begins to stride slowly but purposefully toward Iori. After about four steps, however, he suddenly picks up speed, charging toward the halfblood. As he gets close he lunges with one hand for Iori's neck. If he can grab him, he hefts him off the ground, then spins around and hurls him down toward the floor and in the general direction of Ramon. He shouldn't hog all the fun, after all.
COMBATSYS: Yashiro successfully hits Iori with Hatchet Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Iori 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Ramon
> ///////////////////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Yashiro
Iori's smirk grows as Yashiro responds to his baiting. It was the response he was hoping for, anyway. "You'll soon find 'pain' to be a variable over which you have little reign, Nanakase." The fact that the two legacies dueling within his blood is something that might not be immediately evident in such a statement, but it hardly matters to Yagami. In any case, the halfblood wants a -challenge-, and taking on either fighter alone wasn't exactly what he was after.
Mind you, he was also smug enough to think that he could simply sidestep out of brawny Orochi fighter's way, and let him whistle by. He's proven wrong, though, as Nanakase's hand finds purchase upon his neck and then proceeds to slam the six-foot-tall fighter around with surprising ease. It's not something he quite -expected- from Yashiro -- but that is, in some small measure, what the man was hoping for.
As he pushes off the floor, propelling himself back to his feet, he sweeps his hand in a beckoning gesture towards Ramon. "Don't be a bench-warmer, Ramon. Bring it." Such statements don't mean his focus on Nanakase is lessened, though -- for Iori then charges right back at the brawny fighter. Where Yashiro was aiming for the neck, Iori's aiming to slam four fingernails right into Yashiro's meaty sides -- and then continue raking around to behind to deliver a violent flesh-rending uppercut. "GURAAAAOH!"
Well, Ramon does appear to be fully realizing the odd confliction between the two, but it's none of his business -- at the moment. He's curious, and might be prone to meddling in some areas he shouldn't, but a fight is a fight and no place for diplomacy. Or something simple to that effect. And as Iori is hurled through the air, he immediately bursts into a run towards the man with a massive amount of speed. He then attempts to brace his foot upon the redheaded man and unleash a devestating upwards-kick that somersaults him back into place. "Ole! I'm still here, you know!"
COMBATSYS: Yashiro blocks Iori's Saka Sakahagi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Ramon
> ////////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Yashiro
Iori doesn't manage to sink his nails into the flesh of Yashiro's side, due to a thick arm quickly pushed in the way of the attack. Yashiro still takes a fair bit of damage however, as Iori's nails rake along his arm, drawing bloody furrows in his flesh. There's a quick hiss of pain from the Orochi musician, but it's not nearly as bad as it could have been. He doesn't let it slow him down, either.
Yashiro was able to hold his ground after the attack, leaving him quite close by as Iori recovers from his attack. The short distance between them is crossed in a blur, leaving Yashiro standing directly in front of Iori, his fist drawn back. It doesn't remain that way for long, swinging forward in an attempt to slam into Iori's jaw.
COMBATSYS: Iori blocks Ramon's Somersault Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Ramon
> ///////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Yashiro
COMBATSYS: Iori blocks Yashiro's Jet Counter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Ramon
> ///////////////////////// ]
|====---\-------\0 Yashiro
Always in the face, it seems -- though the problem with this particular two-pronged attack was that both fighters aimed for the same general region. As such, it made blocking both attacks at once a relatively trivial matter for Iori, as he forms a cross with both arms, shielding his face from injury. Granted, a backflipped kick and a riotously powerful punch are nothing to take lightly individually, let alone in unison -- which causes the red-haired fighter to stagger backwards lightly. He chuckles softly, throwing his arms out to the side to rid them of the resulting numbness, as he nods, "Not half bad." He then comments, "Though I wonder..."
The rest of the statement is left hanging as he then rushes towards Yashiro once more -- aiming for his face with a slight alteration to the previous pattern -- a raging bloom of purple flame erupting from his palm. If Iori gets his way, it'd involve shoving the tall man over and triggering that flaming orchid into a riotous explosion -- enunciated with a howl of "OOOOORAAAAGH!"
Although the attack was deflected, Ramon isn't particularly worried about such technicalities all in all. He skips backwards with a deft amount of speed once he somewhat fails, but appears to be quite content about the fact he's not tareted in specific. Yet. Since damnation if it is going to hurt likely every bit as much as Terry did. Flitting towards Iori's back this time, he then bolts forward into another run -- yet this time leaps towards his legs, spiraling like a top and attempting to take the man's feet out beneath him with a deft assault. It's somewhat blindsiding; He's not a fan of the tactic mayhaps, but a two versus one already goes against most of his preferences.
COMBATSYS: Yashiro blocks Iori's Koto Moon Negative.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Ramon
> /////////////////////// ]
|======-\-------\0 Yashiro
As Iori's palm rushes toward his face, Yashiro lashes out with his own left hand to intercept it, catching the hand before it can crash into his face. This might seem like a good plan, but there's still the fact of Iori's flames to deal with. The explosion of energy around Yashiro's hand is less than pleasant, leaving him singed up to the wrist, and jerking his hand away from Iori in pain. In the brief period before that, however, he takes the opportunity to set up his own attack.
Swinging his right arm up into the air, the white-haired guitarist takes a step closer to Iori, ignoring the stinging pain from his scorched hand for the moment. Instead he puts all of his focus into slamming his right fist down hard on Iori's collarbone, attempting to drive Iori to his knees or, even better, smacking him right down into the floor.
COMBATSYS: Ramon successfully hits Iori with Teikuu Dropkick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0 Ramon
> ////////////////////// ]
|=====--\-------\0 Yashiro
COMBATSYS: Iori interrupts Sledgehammer Punch from Yashiro with Yumebiki.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Ramon
> ////////////////// ]
|=======\=------\1 Yashiro
As Yashiro's so darn close, he gets dibs on smacking the Yagami scion around first. In this particular case, that means his fist lands true upon Iori's shoulder -- but not with the fully intended effect. Howling with rage, Yagami's hand swats the taller man's arm aside with a vicious slash just a split second after impact. Stepping forward, he immediately capitalizes on the opening that results, reversing his hand sharply to hammer the back of his fist against Yashiro's jaw.
It's right about then that Ramon's attack lands even more true, finishing the job that the fullblood's sledgehammer started in felling the redhead. Legs knocked out from under him, there's little choice but for the man to fall to the ground -- but a quick arch of Iori's spine is enough to kip him back to his feet, and pace him away a few steps to face the two. "Better..." he growls under his breath, voice marred by the adrenaline of the fight and his tainted blood.
Legs impact the ground in an oddly acrobatic manner, and Ramon manages to somersault forward after his assault takes place and then roll to his feet in a fluid manner. Flexing his fingers almost in anticipation, Ramon then eyes Iori up in a rather appraising manner. "Better? I didn't think we were doing bad from the start!" Although Yashiro being struck thusly is likely a bad thing; And as such, Ramon attempts to distract Iori by deftly hurling himself through the air. Twisting feet-first towards Iori with a grunt of effort, he then attempts to impact him in the chest in a midair dropkick; It's only the beginning of his assault, however, depending on whether he impacts the ground or his forearm instead.
Yashiro is rather disconcerted when his blow fails to have its intended effect on Iori, leaving him off guard for long enough to have his arm knocked away, and for Iori to slam his fist into Yashiro's jaw, sending the Heavenly King staggering to one side. He recovers quickly though, giving his head a brief shake and then turning back to glare at Iori. "Oh, I've got a hell of a lot more than that, don't worry..."
Yashiro lunges toward Iori once again, attempting to grab him by the shoulder. It still hurts to use his left hand, but he attempts to make the grip with that hand, keeping his right arm free for a moment. This is so that he can get as much power as possible behind the blow which quickly follows, as Yashiro attempts to slam his right fist into Iori's gut, with a blow intended to lift the red-haired fighter clear off of his feet.
COMBATSYS: Iori dodges Ramon's Rolling Sobat.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Ramon
> //////////////// ]
|=======\=------\1 Yashiro
COMBATSYS: Iori endures Yashiro's Lever Blow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0 Ramon
> //////////////// ]
|=======\===----\1 Yashiro
Ramon's going to have to settle for colliding with the ground, in this case, as Iori swiftly steps to the side to avoid it. Chuckling a bit, he nods -- "Weren't. You're losing the edge -now- though..." At least, he says so right before Yashiro's hand clamps down tightly upon his shoulder. ... There's something wrong with that, though. The grapple didn't catch him entirely by surprise: as Iori's face is spun around to Yashiro, a grin is painted across it -- one that indicates the true intentions of his strategy. See... while Yashiro's slamming a fist into his gut, Iori's also leaning -forward- a bit -- aiming to slam his bony forehead right into Yashiro's, and hopefully daze the fighter in the process. "GNNNNH!"
Well, Ramon manages to hit nothing in particular. Not only that, but he completely failed to distract Iori from the concentration upon the other man. Feeling somewhat odd, like he's some random interferance in a notable battle between two people with what appears to be a deep-running grudge, he actually takes a moment to scratch the side of his head as they trade blows in a rather vicious manner. "Huh." is mused, before he simply strides towards Iori almost lazily. He appears to be absolutely ignored, so attempts to tap Iori on the shoulder, then punch the man in the back of the head rather hard if he gives even the slightest bit of notice. "Should I just leave or something?" He sounds far more amused then serious in the slightest. He's actually not even in a fighting stance anymore; Merely standing there with his hands on either hip, peering curiously with his good eye.
COMBATSYS: Yashiro counters Medium Kick from Iori with Upper Duel.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/=======|=------\-------\0 Ramon
> /////////////// ]
|=======\====---\1 Yashiro
Yashiro does land a nice blow to Iori's stomach, but he also notices that his opponent didn't make much of an effort to avoid it. He sees the brief shift of Iori's muscles before the attempted headbutt is launched, and that gives him just enough time to react. He doesn't try to get out of the way, though, or to block the attack. No, instead he simply draws his fist back just far enough that he can drive it swiftly upwards, crashing it into Iori's jaw just before the Orochi halfblood can drive his own attack home. He's pretty sure Iori felt /that/, even if he's probably going to try to pretend otherwise.
COMBATSYS: Iori blocks Ramon's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/=======|=------\-------\0 Ramon
> /////////////// ]
|=======\====---\1 Yashiro
Maybe it's a good time to give Ramon something to react to, here -- especially after Yashiro jackhammers him in the face with a good, solid knuckle sandwich. Did Iori feel it? Sure he did! That'd explain why he flies backwards a few feet from the blow, hot half-Orochi blood founting from his nose in the process. ... He doesn't seem overly disturbed by that, though -- at least not in the same way most rational individuals might. No, a mild swipe of his forearm is enough to stem the bleeding for now -- with a slight pivot of his stance being enough to allow the redhead to knock Ramon's attack at the back of his head aside with an elbow. "I'm ignoring you because you're barely making a dent, Tex-Mex." But not only that -- his left fist rockets out towards the El Amarillo Diablo split seconds before a followup underhands towards his gut: "WAKE UP!"
COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Ramon with Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Iori 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Ramon
> /////////////// ]
|=======\====---\1 Yashiro
"Hey, give me some incentive here." Ramon states, before he gets his wish a bit more then he might of liked. He does manage to duck the first hit, taken rather completely off-guard. Yet the second impacts him dead in the gut; He lets out a woof of air, leaning a bit forward, yet doesn't appear to be too hurt from the experience. "That's better." is mused, patting his stomach with a mild wince before he then hurls himself towards Iori with considerably more gusto then prior in an attempt to strike him and knock him to the ground in something of a makeshift pin. Looks like he's attempting to 'tag in' as it were -- although if successful, it will probably be rather regretted in the grand scheme of things.
Yashiro grins widely as Iori goes flying backwards, showing a lot of teeth in a manner that doesn't really have humor behind it as he begins stalking toward Iori. "What's wrong, Yagami? Not feeling too hot? A little bruised and battered, maybe? Don't worry, you won't have to stay on your feet too much longer!" The fact that Iori has gone after Ramon doesn't bother Yashiro too much, especially since it gives him a nice opening to prepare his own attack.
Crouching forward slightly, Yashiro tenses up, especially in the muscles of his right arm. The ground beneath him rumbles ominously, but he's in control enough to keep the Earth chi from cascading out of control as he draws it into himself. No need to do excess damage, or wear himself out by being careless. No, now he's got plenty of time, channeling all of the force that he can gather into his fist. And as soon as he's done so, he launches himself at Iori with a wordless shout. The Heavenly King attempts to slam his right fist into Iori's chest with all of the enhanced strength he can muster, hoping to send his opponent on a short, painful flight.
COMBATSYS: Ramon successfully hits Iori with Flying Body Attack.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Iori 1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0 Ramon
> /////////////// ]
|-------\-------\0 Yashiro
COMBATSYS: Iori dodges Yashiro's Final Impact.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Iori 1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0 Ramon
> /////////////// ]
|-------\-------\0 Yashiro
Grinning a bit as his fist slams into Ramon's torso, Iori steps back a bit, smirking a bit. "Need more incentive?" he asks, a low growl present in his voice. Really, it's not something he has control over -- his blood is practically -boiling- from the proximity to Yashiro and all. He's been working on his control, so it's not quite as chaotic as it could be -- which is why he's still aware enough to realize that Yashiro's gearing up for something seriously -painful-. Or so it seems. No... when someone throws all their energy into one all-or-nothing blast, the only rational reaction for the defender is to ensure the 'nothing' side of that equation. In this case, it means that Iori backpedals off to the side, letting Yashiro rocket past him in a rapid -- if more controlled -- flight of his own.
The disadvantage is that it leaves him completely open for Ramon to fling himself atop him, the Luchadore's mastery of leverage allowing him to keep the the tall fighter pinned for a moment. Really, though, Iori just shakes his head. "What now, then, Ramon? You -must- have something in mind here..." he growls, peripherally mindful of the fact that Yashiro could tear into him quite easily in his disadvantageous state. But maybe he's got something else in mind, instead.
COMBATSYS: Iori focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Iori 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Ramon
> /////////////// ]
|-------\-------\0 Yashiro
"Well, if you were Vanessa, I could think of a few things..." Ramon states towards Iori matter-of-factly, and without so much as the slightest trace of bashfulness. "Then again, I've been in this position with her before!" As this particular statement is made, he arcs his head backwards while strengthening his hold for just a moment. With a tremendous amount of force he then snaps his head towards Iori's own, all but screaming with force as he attempts to /smash/ the Orochi blooded warrior into the ground. It's a bit slow compared to what he /could/ do, yet in other situations it would probably be significantly less threatening as well. But at least he managed some witty commentary that will get him slugged in the stomach next time he's encountered by the redhead fighter. Ahhh, she hurts so good.
With all of the force behind a blow like that, missing his target means that Yashiro goes several feet behind his intended stopping point, although he does eventually manage to come to a stop. It seems it's a good thing that he managed to keep that under control, then, or he'd be rather worn out now. As it is, he quickly turns around and begins making his way back toward Iori.
Since Ramon is still keeping Iori pinned, it means Yashiro doesn't have quite as a good a shot at the red-haired fighter as he'd like. He can still hit Iori in the face, though, and that seems to be what he's aiming for, throwing a quick three punch combination at his opponent, trying to add some more blood to that he's already managed to draw.
COMBATSYS: Ramon successfully hits Iori with Random Weapon.
[ \\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Iori 1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0 Ramon
> ////////////// ]
|-------\-------\0 Yashiro
COMBATSYS: Iori dodges Yashiro's Missile Might Bash.
[ \\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Iori 1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0 Ramon
> ////////////// ]
|-------\-------\0 Yashiro
Sure, there's a nice spatter of Yagami blood all over the arena floor now, via Iori's previously bloodied nose, but that's all just icing on the cake. Ramon's forehead slams into Iori's -- but he might find that keeping hold of the feral fighter might become a weee bit more difficult -- for the luchadore's upon him loosens in the midst of that impact, giving Iori just the leverage he needs to break free, bucking sharply to the side and pushing away from Ramon with a low growl. Granted, the -direction- he rolls also puts him conveniently out of the range of Yashiro's triple-threat punch. "Explains why she volunteered you for the team so damn quick," he comments -- but he's also initiating a plan of his own.
Specifically, he reaches out for Ramon's shirt, intending to sling him like a super-sized dodgeball right into Yashiro. "I'm still waiting for the 'pain,' Nana-kins!"
COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Ramon with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Iori 1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1 Ramon
> ////////////// ]
|-------\-------\0 Yashiro
Well, this is certainly something curious. Ramon is deftly broken by the sheer velocity of his force. He ambles to his feet, grinning wildly in far too amused a manner. "Oh, she gets the benefits of personal wrestling whenever she wants!" Of course, the fact that this little banter is being nicely transmitted across the city, and that she's in the /audience/, is presently slipping his mind. But then he's grasped by the shirt, and yanked into the air. Hurled towards Yashiro, he spirals a few moments before then twisting with a grunt.
This might hurt Yashiro a bit more; As he manages to impact the large man in a crouch, for a literal moment perching on the New Face's chest. The impact appears to have hurt Ramon if nothing else, yet with a mighty snarl he then hurls himself towards Iori while using the other man as a literal springboard. Deftly he snaps out his hands, and attempts to grasp Iori mid-air in the rather showboating assault. "Tiger Neck Chancery!!"
Alright. Despite the fact that Ramon has now earned a few dozen punches to the back of his head, Vanessa's practically howling with laughter through the most of the fight. Not necessarily at Iori, mind-- oh, no. Despite the fact that he's up against Ramon, it's -Yashiro- she wants to see torn to pieces.
NNNGH. Alright, so, BOTH Iori and Ramon deserve to get shitbeat right here and now, but! Outside interference = a bad thing .They keep it up with the remarks, though, and the fat bastard alongside her near the railing is gonna get his beer stolen for the sake of it being put to better use.
"You only -wish-, Luchadore!" is shouted out from the sidelines, loud enough for Ramon to hear before he finds himself becoming a Human Projectile. "And -you-!" is shouted at Iori. "He's barely winded! I took that bastard out with his own guitar and you're fumbling about like a fifteen year old school virgin in the back of a pickup truck! Pick up the pace, you lazy bastard!"
COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Yashiro with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Iori 1/----===/=======|=======\==-----\1 Ramon
> //////// ]
|====---\-------\0 Yashiro
Yashiro grunts as Ramon slams into his chest and then springs away like a human superball. Yashiro's not quite so lucky though, staggering backward from the impact of Ramon's feet against his torso. It takes him a moment to catch his breath, but it doesn't take too long before he's charging back toward Iori. Giving the halfblood room to throw things around seems like a pretty bad idea, at the moment.
Even though he's mostly recovered from being smacked with Ramon, Yashiro does seem to be getting a little short of breath. Throwing around heavy hits all fight does take its toll on the man after a while; being able to swing with that much power comes with a price. He's not out yet, though, as he demonstrates by lashing out with one foot, attempting to stomp Iori square in the knee.
COMBATSYS: Iori blocks Ramon's Tiger Neck Chancery.
[ \\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Iori 1/---====/=======|=======\===----\1 Ramon
> //////// ]
|====---\-------\0 Yashiro
COMBATSYS: Iori interrupts Light Kick from Yashiro with Ya Otome.
> /////////////// ]
|=======\===----\1 Ramon
> ]
|=======\=====--\1 Yashiro
COMBATSYS: Iori can no longer fight.
> /////////////// ]
|=======\===----\1 Ramon
> ]
|=======\=====--\1 Yashiro
And although it's not quite a solid grasp, Ramon still attempts to wrench Iori around and suplex him into the ground. Feel the burn of real wool.
Okay, for one thing -- Vanessa's comments only bring the grin back to Iori's face. Sure, he might be at a slight disadvantage here, as he's being attacked from two fronts, but really, the fight is what he -lives- for. Well, that and slaughtering the last vestiges of the Kusanagi clan from the face of the earth, but the fighting thing is just for grins and giggles.
Yagami smiles even more as Ramon rockets towards him -- though rather than presenting an easy target, he presents a raised forearm, sidestepping sharply to present Ramon with the ground once more. "Even in the hospital bed?" he quips -- pleased that Ramon's interruption seems to have irked Yashiro just a wee bit more.
It's a good thing, in the long run -- for the slight delay that imparts is enough to slow Yashiro down a smidge. Not enough for Iori to get out of the way, per se, but enough to allow him to ready himself. Does he get stomp-kicked in the knee? Yeah. Does it hurt? Well... not as much as Yashiro might think, because Iori's in the process of -raising- said knee at that instant. "Is that all you've got?!" Snapping it into a knee, he then unfurls it into a full-out kick. And then lashes out with a hard right to the gut. "SHOW ME MORE!" An uppercut to the jaw, an overhand slash to the trapezius, a backhand to the sternum, a shoulder-ram, another rapid gut punch... really, Iori unloads a furious barrage of attacks into Nanakase, culminating in a final two-handed grasp for the pureblood's cranium, which erupts in an ear-splitting explosion of orchid flames. "IF YOU'VE GOT ANY MORE!!"
... Really, though, Iori's one to talk, for after all that -- his shoulders and head sag forward, and he drops to one knee, utterly exhausted. "Y... you still can't do it, can you..." he speaks with ragged breath, even starting a low chuckle as he pushes himself off with one hand. Not that he seems to be able to -stand-, mind you...
Yashiro barely seems able to stand, himself, after all that. In fact, it looks for a moment like he may have passed out on his feet, blood slowly dripping down his chest as the flames around his head flicker out. He stares blankly upward for a moment, but finally staggers forward, head dropping back down to glare at Iori. "You... want more...?" He winces in pain, feeling every blow from Iori's last assault, but he still hunches forward, glaring at Iori as he begins to tense up.
The ground beneath Yashiro begins to rumble again, the stone floor beneath his feet cracking and splintering. He's on his last legs, and it's getting too hard to maintain his focus. His vision is starting to blur, but he can still make out Iori's form, and that's all that matters. His voice is a low growl as he struggles to hold on to conciousness long enough to see Yagami go down. "I'll... show you... some more... /bastard/!" And with that he lunges forward, using the last of his energy in an attempt to drive his fist straight into Iori's face with all the strength he can muster.
COMBATSYS: Yashiro can no longer fight.
> /////////////// ]
|=======\===----\1 Ramon
COMBATSYS: Ramon blocks Yashiro's Final Impact.
> /////////// ]
|=======\=====--\1 Ramon
"Wow." Ramon states after kip-upping to his feet, having been shrugged aside like a pest in every instance in the entire fight; And even when he impacted, it was little more then lovetaps. But observing the gargantuan force inflicted upon the other man, he does wince. "Was that really neccesary?" he mumbles towards Iori, before realizing the beginning of what Yashiro is about to inflict. There's a glance towards Iori, almost confused. "What--No!" is finally said, before in a burst of speed he attempts to knock Iori aside just as the punch goes off. One forearm raises, and it's impacted with every ounce of force that the other man has. Although the Lucha Libre is slid back a solid meter, and his hand is trembling with grit teeth, it didn't hurt any more then Iori's sock to the gut. "What the heck are you doing?!" he asks the Orochi, rubbing his shoulder in an attempt to get the annoying numbness to go away. Ouch.
COMBATSYS: Ramon has ended the fight here.
After his attack collides with a far more resisting target than he was expecting, Yashiro falls to his knees, head spinning as he just barely manages to avoid losing conciousness for a little bit longer. "What the hell did it look like I was doing!?" He's not in a position to do much more than that, though, and he's not even able to summon a huge amount of vehemence to his words. Right now all of his energy is devoted to not toppling forward and passing out.
Shoved aside by Ramon like a sluggish consumer on Black Friday, Iori actually erupts into a fit of laughter. C'mon, it's HILARIOUS to think that someone actually pushed HIM aside to take an attack. Especially his own teammate. ... That, and Yashiro still amuses him to no end. "I didn't realize you knew Morse code, Nana-kins... heh heh..." Snickering lightly, he pushes himself back to his shoulders, glancing over at the two even as the announcer calls out: "AND THE WINNERS ARE: RAMON AND YASHIRO!"
"Because =damn= you telegraph like crazy..." Shaking his head, he grins back at Ramon. "Better. I'm calling you Frogger from now on though."
Vaulting the railing the moment that the call is made, Vanessa makes her way across the floor despite the fact that there's a couple security guards looking to stop her. They... don't, understandably, considering they know full damn well who she is. And how much she can pitch a fit when she wants to. Coming alongside Ramon, she actually looks -concerned- for a moment or two. "You alright?" she asks him, looking over towards Iori as if to indicate the same question-- though in the halfbreed's case, she can tell just by his manner that he's amused beyond reason.
Nonetheless-- Ramon's allowed to answer her question at any point. Yashiro? Well. He can wait his turn. Or stand to be ignored as he falls flat on his face.
Well, that doesn't make much sense to Ramon. He doesn't quite know what to make of the enigmatic Yagami by all accounts, but having his head blown up by a full-borne punch to a mostly defenseless figure isn't something a majority would want to happen. "It looked like you were trying to kill him!" is responded towards Yashiro, before he dully realizes that's probably exactly what transpired. Shaking his head as if greatly exasperated, still massaging his forearm while flexing the fingers, he actually fails to do his triumphant 'Viva Mexico!'. Or actually any amount of crowd cheering. Instead, quite uncharacteristic, he stares towards Yashiro and Iori with a completely flat expression. "I guess." is stated softly.
And it's around that point that Yashiro's final reserves of strength give way, as he slowly slumps forward to the ground. He took a fairly hefty beating, but he probably won't be out for very long. Besides, the medical staff should be showing up quite soon, anyway. He'll just have to take some satisfaction in knowing that he /could/ have given Iori some serious pain, and there was nothing that the Yagami heir would have been able to do about it. If it weren't for that, he'd probably have a grudge against Ramon for stopping that last hit.
Another low chuckle erupts from the back of Yagami's throat. "Back for some more 'personal wrestling,' 'Nessa?" Of course, he's more than a little punch drunk -- though it's a high he doesn't often receive from other fighters. Shrugging lightly, he lies on the arena floor for a bit more. Nothing better to do, really.
Well. That about tears it.
Instead of letting Yashiro get the last shot in, Vanessa just walks on over to Iori an *SLAMS* her fist into his face without so much as saying a word. Of course, he's probably out cold by the time she -does- start talking. "Better not take any cheap shots when you're the one on the ground, Ace," she grumbles raising back to her feet as she makes her way over towards Ramon. "It'll take more than a failed musician to kill Iori, Ramon," she tells him. "And by the way..."
Here it comes. An open-palmed slap across the Luchadore's face. It's not hard enough to cause any damage, per se, but it'll sting. "-That's- for that comment earlier. You know how much shit I get about you these days thanks to the crap you say in front of these audiences?" Pfeh. "Now c'mon. Knock it off with the maudlin act and let's get a couple drinks at the Shanghai."
There's a rather wide-eyed observation of Iori being punched in the face. When Vanessa advances on him, he flails a moment before being slapped across the face. Rubbing his cheek for a moment, there's a definite smirk across his features. "Wow, I got off easy." is mused, but in more a tone that's condusive to being slapped again as opposed to the boxer's wrath being satiated in the slightest. He did get off easy; Sure, he got punched at, thrown, then punched again, but compared to Yashiro it's nothing worse then a standard day of trying to date Vanessa. "But fine. I'll stop soiling your name in public. I'll keep it in private..." Whatever that's supposed to mean. Of course, then he glances towards the cameras. Green lights, huh? Well... he's going to get slapped again, isn't he?
Iori mmms, medics. <-- dreamland
Ramon's lucky in this regard.
Vanessa's actually in a good mood tonight. Well... NOMINALLY good mood. All told, she got out a good amount of wrath on a certain Syndicate kickboxer earlier on, so... while she's still a bit bruised from that, she's not nearly as inclined towards beating the everliving christ out of Ramon as a result. Walking towards the arena's entrance, she pauses long enough to cast a glance over her shoulder at him, her eyebrows raised curiously.
"You coming, or are you just gonna stand there?" she asks, barely waiting for an answer before she keeps on going, leaving the (in)human wreckage of both Yashiro and Iori behind, and being more than happy to, at that. They got their little fued-- and undoubtedly, Yashiro was made to fully understand the fact that he's no match for the halfbreed on his lonesome.
Humility is a wonderful thing, isn't it?
Log created by Yashiro, and last modified on 13:38:39 05/30/2005.