Description: Another exhibition match at the Howard Arena. In this case, it pits Alex against Vanessa, with Vanessa as the victor. Drinks are had immediately thereafter.
Exhibition matches.
You'd think by now Vanessa would stick solely to the SNF and be done with it. But no, no... apparently, her sights are set towards the No-Holds-Barred segment of the later fights that take place in the Howard Arena, given that they provide a more cut-throat atmosphere without being underground dogfights in the middle of downtown. And the announcer is quick to make that known, belting out, rather enthusiastically, "This is it, ladies and gents-- to make it even -better-, we've got the curvey cusser who -still- holds one of the longest string of censored obscenities in SNF to date with us tonight, with a similarly noteworthy opponent! Remember, guys-- there's no rules this time around. -Anything- goes-- especially if you wanna impress the drunks hangin' around."
Of which... there are many, it would seem, considering the contrasting boo's and cheers that come from the announcer making note of them. They're out for blood, a free peep show, or just honest-to-christ brawling. Doesn't matter to them -what- it is, so long as it's brutal or, well. Scandelous in some fashion.
Standing out in the center of the arena is none other than the redhead herself, apparently making it a point to dress down in something that -can- be scuffed up. No point in ruining more business suits, after all. Smoothing out the material of a grey wifebeater with gloved hands, she dusts off her jeans in a similar fashion, falling back to rolling her shoulders every once in a while in an attempt to loosen up. This, of course, includes looking around for her would-be opposition-- who it is and how strong they are? Well... that'll remain a foreign quantity for the time being.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vanessa 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Alex has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vanessa 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Alex
Wouldn't it just be his luck...His first real fight in a long while, and it's some scrawny broad. Not even the tiniest ounce of effort is summoned into Alex's worn and rugged face to hide the distainful expression. Vanessa...the name didn't register any bells inside the brawlers skull. Likewise, it was more than likely that the woman had never heard of him either. Two fighters, two strangers, simply meeting here under the glare of bright lights and the ecstatic crowd to test their meddle. Maybe earn a bit of padding for the wallet as well...On cue the announcer started his frenetic pitch and Alex stepped forward towards the arena, squinting at flickering burst of the flashbulbs as he walked. "And now Ladies and Gentlemen...our second fighter, the Vale Tudo Eternal Fighting champion, the man who calls himself 'The Next Generation...', the blonde maned bruiser...ALEX!" Alex smiled almost grimly at the announcers wailing call. Outstanding. The thrill of the crowd's surging cry started the release of white hot adrenaline into Alex's bloodstream and he let out a loud shout as he climbed into the ring. Alex took a very quick look at his opponent, looking as if he is barely taking any notice of her. Meh, this was going to be embarrassing, it looked like he could break the lady in half with one arm. Alex instead turns his attention to the crowd for a moment, soaking in the cries. His massive physique flexs and poses for a moment and then he launches into his trademark. His hand grip onto the front of his flimsy gray tank top and he rips it from his chest in classic Hulk Hogan style. "HOOO YAAAAH!!" Alex grinned. It has been too long.
As is, Vanessa, while still being part of the telecasts, remains a relative unknown. And it's... probably a good thing those earlier sentiments weren't exactly -heard- by her in the first place, lest she attack before the go-ahead is given. Now, the only matter at hand is... you guessed it. the fight itself. Of course... upon -seeing- the man, she's already got her misgivings. Eyeing Alex warily, especially considering the rather... ah... -eloquent- arrival he makes upon the scene, the redhead just shakes her head at the testosterone-laden flexing and says, without hesitation--
"Might wanna tell me once you're done admiring yourself," the tone sardonic, one eyebrow raised to punctuate her bemusement. "Or, hell-- keep at it. Gives me an easier target."
"And-- FIGHT!" comes the heralding cry of the announcer, something that causes the boxer to... well... she doesn't even assume a stance yet. In fact, she practically strolls towards him, head canted to the side with a look of mild curiosity. "And -who- are you again?" is asked. "'Alex?' Well, Alex-- I'd say it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance..."
COMBATSYS: Vanessa successfully hits Alex with Puncher Weaving.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Alex
"But!" comes the next line, the boxer moving into a proper stance once she's practically right alongside the man, the single word punctuated with a quick, and -sharp- shot to the side of his face, "Under the circumstances," is said as she withdraws, only to move in with another admirably quick right cross to his jaw, "I figure -pleasantries-," comes the continuation, heralding a left hook to his gut, "--are the least of my worries." And... Bam. An uppercut ends the little run of commentary, the redhead skirting back a few paces once that's through.
"Th'name's Vanessa, by the way," she adds, offering up a particularly amused grin.
Vanessa might never know how effective her sauntering tactic was. As she started strolling towards Alex he paused for a moment to watch. The bulky brawler -finally- takes a detailed look at his opponent and he has a momentary glitch in his brain. What a babe! He blinks...once, twice. The rusty gears in Alex's noggin start the jar together and he smiles. The booming word "Fight!!!" echoes somewhat lazily in the back of his mind as he continues to enjoy the view. The fight? What fig-- oh yes...going to be a real shame to bash up this bird but...what...she's talking? Alex starts to listen and is then suddenly surprised as the 2 hit punch combo lashes out. His face is battered this way and then that. The massive man's face moves only a few centimeters in either direction, and he does not stagger at all. In fact, all he does is slowly drop the tattered pieces of his tank top to the arena floor. His eyes open suddenly, his scrambled brains quickly forming up what had just happened. That hit hurt...alot...but he wasn't about to show it, no sir. This is a jaw that has taken a shoryuken before, these punches weren't even close to that caliber. With a small grimace he chokes down the pain and opens his mouth to speak. "Vanessa huh...well chickie youse got yourself a nice hook there...congrats. But thats the only shot you get. Ordinarily I hold back for broads like yourself...but youse seem like a tough gal. I think you're ready for ALL of Alex!" The wrestler resumes his smile and finally assumes his own stance, loose and ready with his hands to the side, ready to initiate his expert grappling manuevers. He raises one hand up in a beckoning motion.
COMBATSYS: Alex focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Alex
She's heard -that- kind of reverie before. And she's no idiot-- she knows full well that she'd caught the man's attention, and thus... won't get another shot like that.
Unless, of course, she takes off her shirt as a last-ditch effort.
...which she won't.
"We'll see how it goes," Vanessa demures, her voice taking on a far more sobered sound to it. The audience, of course, is practically crowing for more effort on either of their parts. They want blood, they want it fast, they want it -now-. So, of course, that would leave it up to the two combatents to oblige, now wouldn't it? Picking up her stance a second time, either of her fists brought up as she watches the man carefully, she considers what in's she -does- have. In this case... it's likely she'll have to use speed on all accounts.
"Just try to look at my -fists- next time," she says, then, her tone picking up as she takes a couple steps to the side, either of her fists tightening as she readies herself for the next assault. "No matter how interesting they might be, tits don't telegraph moves." That said, she moves into a rather swift feint-- an attempted right straight that whiffs right past the wrestler's face-- though it's followed swiftly by another left hook to the side of his head, her other arm withdrawing just as quickly to deliver a similarly swift uppercut against his jaw a second time.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa successfully hits Alex with 1-2 Puncher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Alex
Alex was rather enjoying this little conversation, except for that stinging pain in his jaw of course! Where was his mind today? Surely this woman wasn't THAT distracting for him...was she? Dammit, focus on the fight already! Alex shifted gears in his mind and then set his jaw. Alright, just let me get one mitt on that dame and thats it! But it was too late, this gal had amazing speed and footwork to boot. The next attack does manage to stagger Alex and a spike of anger starts to tickle at his spine. He backpedals into defensive mode and pauses for a moment to wipe a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth. "Ah so you noticed eh? Observant gal you are! It's alright, I just didn't want the match to end too quickly so I let youse have a few licks is all. Want to enjoy the view as long as possible right? Things aren't gonna be so easy on the eyes after stuff like...THIS!!" Alex launches forward with seemingly impossible speed for a man his size and arcs a glowing chi imbued elbow at Vanessa's midsection, hopefully sending her for a little ride.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa blocks Alex's Slash Elbow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Alex
Impossible speed is right. Vanessa can't, for the life of her, fathom getting out of the way of the attack that's aimed at her. What she -does- manages is a quick jerk to the side, which is more than enough to aim the blow solely at her waist as opposed to anything vital-- more to the point, her arm goes down to intercept when it's clear she can't make a clean escape, her entirity wrenched to one side as an immediate result of the impact.
Well. More of an 'owwwww,' but at least she managed to get away from the worst of it. Hissing out a breath, she shakes the offended limb lightly, turning her gaze to look towards the wrestler with a light smirk. "Guess you'll be enjoying the view a bit longer, eh, Ace?" she replies, her tone bordering on cocky if nothing else. She's not -stupid- -- this guy could drop her if he seriously put his mind to it. For now? She'll give what she can. And in this case, he'd do himself well to get out of the way--
COMBATSYS: Alex dodges Vanessa's Machine Gun Puncher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Alex
Fist? Meet air. Vanessa? Start cursing.
"-Shit-!" is hissed out under her breath as she staves off the rest of the assault, her eyes going straight towards the man who evaded it in the first place. "Nice one," she says, either of her hands raising again, her momentum taking her backwards a couple paces. "Lot faster than I gave you credit."
Vanessa's attack goes wide as Alex appears to regain his game. She was a feisty one thats for sure, gonna have to watch out. Alex expertly disengages from her long before the attack even came out, and she flies past him once her body is committed to the momentum. "Oh...I can show some pretty good hustle...if properly motivated..." He chuckles a bit, letting the innuendo roll off his tongue. "For example..." The tangy and barely perceptible burst of chi energy, the sensation that only those gifted with high levels of martial arts ability can feel, radiates across the arena lightly as Alex launches himself high up into the air. It is an impossible leap, especially for one as massive as Alex, but he does it casually, arcing a handful of feet above Vanessa's position before coming down with a brutal double boot stomp aimed at her shoulder. It's a showboat-y move, but a brutally effective one if it lands.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa blocks Alex's Air Stampede.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Alex
Even when it -doesn't-, apparently.
Once again, she's caught between getting out of the way and finding a way to stay put whilst taking the -least- amount of damage. In this case, given the trajectory, there's little in the way of advantage insofar as getting -out- of there is concerned-- and throwing her arms up isn't gonna keep her from saying an intimate 'hello' to the ground. Caught on the shoulder, she manuevers herself in such a way that she manages to move with the momentum of the attack, even though the spin is... dizzying, at the very least.
Hitting the ground with a substantial impact, Vanessa rolls to her side and immediately gets back up to her feet, her lower lip caught between her teeth as she looks for any more proper ins. In this specific case... anything'll do. He's proving himself to be a -lot- faster than he should be. "Not bad," she murmurs. Louder, "Not bad at all," is stated, a halfsmirk still plain on her face. She's still got the upper hand at the immediate moment-- though lord only knows how long that'll last. Thusly, she doesn't make a movement just yet-- she merely watches him carefully, staying on the defense for the time being.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Alex
There is a moment of triumph that flashes over Alex's face as his foe haphazardly rolls away from the impact of his attack. The wrestler lands on the arena heavily, flexing at the knees to absorb the impact and kicking up a light ring of dust. He may not seem it at times, but Alex certainly has his ducks in a row in the middle of a fight. He's not one to underestimate any foe in the heat of battle, there had been many others to teach him that lesson in the past, and many were scrawnier than Vanessa. This is why he presses the attack during her brief defensive posture. This was the critical mid match moment, where one good blow could possibly seal the deal for the rest of the match. Alex was determined to make it happen here. "Not bad? Sorry babe, but youse talking to the best dey is." Alex charges forth as Vanessa is still trying to shake a bit of the pain out of that last stomp. His long tree trunk thick arms reach out in unison towards Vanessa's waist in a grasping motion. "Sorry about this...nothing personal."
COMBATSYS: Vanessa counters Body Slam from Alex with Parrying Puncher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Alex
The best, huh?
Well. The best just got clotheslined.
The moment Alex charges in, Vanessa changes her stance just enough to get out of the way of his arms, her right arm swinging on to not -punch- him, but slam the bulk of her bicep against the dead center of his throat in an attempt to not only use his momentum against him, but drive him backwards against the turf with that one shot. Of course... it doesn't come without a -price-.
For one thing, her bicep is practically -throbbing-. Hissing in a breath and bringing up her left hand to run over the abused muscle, she takes another couple steps back, readying herself for any other possible assaults. Lord knows they're coming. "Like I said," she demures, raising either of her arms despite the distinct ache in the right one. "Not bad. Could be better, gotta say..." Nooo getting cocky yet. The last couple times she's let herself get to the point she's regretted it. Immensely.
Freeman has disconnected.
For some reason Alex wasn't really too surprised by that turn of events, it just seemed like that's how things were going today. No matter. The amazingly stiff arm crushes into his throat, turning every pain nerve in Alex's neck into an electrified fire brand. Vanessa was far too quick for him, that was plain for everyone in the crowd to see. They were going wild now, the close matches were always the most entertaining. People loved seeing the fast pixies take on the big bulky tanks as well, the contrast always made for interesting battles. Alex decided to take advantage of his mass here. His grasp missed, in quite an embarassing manner as well, however he had a good hundred pounds or more on the girl and so instead of retreating away from the blow he simply stood his ground. With her arm still embedded deep into his throat Alex grunted and reached for Vanessa's own neck.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa endures Alex's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Vanessa 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Alex
What Alex needed was a bit of space now, the match was getting more brutal than he expected. His meaty hand groped for the woman's neck and he latched on, probably causing a great deal of discomfort for her. After a short squeeze for her to reflect upon he tosses her away with one arm, allowing her to land as she will. This was just an exhibition, no point trying to strangle anybody, just returning the favor is all.
She probably deserved that.
Coughing audibly as the faint squeeze is given to her esophagus, Vanessa is tossed rather... easily towards the ground. Skidding against the arena floor in a way that looks -far- from wonderful, the redhead finally comes to a stop and rolls, at first, to her back. Blinking a couple times as she looks up towards the ceiling, she just... chuckles lightly, forcing herself back up to her feet as she keeps her gaze levelled on Alex. There was no chance to avoid that last one-- but now? Now, she'll gladly bring this back to something more tolerable.
"Better," she says, lowly, loud enough for the man to hear. Of course, it's a heartbeat later that she's set back in motion, a swift spring closing the distance between the two of them as she moves in to make a rather brutal assault...
COMBATSYS: Alex blocks Vanessa's Crazy Puncher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\1 Alex
Oohhh, she sees the man's arm's raise, alright.
But she's got too much invested in her momentum now to let up. Alex will swiftly find himself subjected to a -fierce- array of punches ranging all over his body, Vanessa's fervor for landing at least one or two of them showing through in her mounting frustration. Shouting out all -kinds- of obscenities the more she's met with unfettered frustration, she ends the attack with what would have been a particularly brutal left hook meant for his face, her stance quickly shifting so that she moves a couple paces backwards-- or, at least, she -tries- to.
It was a good thing that he added that space between them because at point blank range there would have been no way to anticipate that flurry of punches. With that split second of time during her dash Alex is able to raise up his arms in defense, warding off the stinging blows like a hundred little fist shaped hornets. It was a good battering and there would be some nice shiny bruises on his forearms later. *whistles* "Hey babe, you kiss your momma with that mouth?" Alex waits for the frenetic attack to end and then pivots on his hips to launch one of his prized brown boots towards her. It's a decent enough strike, (kicking was never really Alex's move) a fairly quick probing attack, just strong enough to keep her off balance a while longer.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa blocks Alex's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1 Alex
"Not these days," Vanessa replies sharply, bringing either of her arms up to grab... yes, -grab- the man's leg and throw it straight back towards the ground in an effort to throw -him- off-balance. That's the second time in a matter of days that she wasted her energy on an assault like that, only to find that it became fruitless. Nonetheless, she's not giving up -yet-. Not by a long shot.
In this, the wrestler will quickly find himself subject to-- yes, another uppercut. In this case, the blow is aimed not towards his jaw, but -straight- for his abdomen in an immediate attempt to wind him, and, if she's -lucky-, knock him straight off his feet. It's clear she's getting angry, at least; her moves are a bit more telegraphed than they should be.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa successfully hits Alex with Dash Puncher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1 Alex
There is kind of a strangled exhalation sound as all of the air being held in Alex's frame is suddenly expelled from the sharp blow to his diaphragm. That punch had to be the worst yet. Alex was continually amazed at how a girl with such stick arms could pack like that. She was no Bison for sure...but jeez. Ahh the wonders of chi...Alex managed to keep from doubling over just barely, but he is launched a few feet back and desperately digs in to remain standing. "Arrrggh!! *KOFF KOFF* Give me a break lady! *KOFF* That ALL YOU GOT!? *KOFF KOFF* I've had buddies in grade school that hit harder n dat! *KOFF*" With that Alex gives her the flash chop, its a bit more sloppy than he's used to, but the wide sweeping arc of the attack guarantees that she'll have to deal with it in some way, hopefully in a way that swings some advantage back to the brawler. "FLASH CHOP!!"
COMBATSYS: Vanessa dodges Alex's Flash Chop.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1 Alex
There's a simple solution, and it's not just used for putting out fire! Stop, drop, roll. Good boxer.
Throwing herself at the ground the moment that the arc comes racing towards her, Vanessa's quick to manuever out of the way of any possible damage, her breath coming to her in uneven huffs as she turns the majority of her attention back towards Alex. Keenly aware of the fact that he could still turn this around at any moment, her one and only interest is in regaining herself.
In this, she stays where she is, crouched on the ground, attempting to keep the most of her vulnerabilities from view. She's being worn down, certainly-- this fight is taking its toll on her, but not to the degree it could. Even if she goes down... she'll take him down with her.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1 Alex
Good boxer indeed. Lucky for Alex, he's had plenty of run-ins with the biggest boxer of them all. Recognizing the tucking manuever, he immediately swings himself with the momentum of the chop and reaches out with his opposite hand, gracefully reaching towards Vanessa with lightning speed. He could see her regaining herself, but he wasn't about to find out what other tricks this gal had for him. Alex's giant hand reached down straight for Vanessa's head, straight for her hair more accurately. No playing around with this move. There is a burst of chi energy, and if the grab connects, Alex will violently jerk her head towards his own for a rapid fire series of 4 headbutts.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa blocks Alex's Stungun Headbutt.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Alex
In two words:
Holy shit.
Still in a crouched position, Vanessa's an easy target for the attack, the hand that reaches out to take hold of her gaining purchase and, thusly, dragging her in. The energy that fluctuates through the grip itself is more than enough to tell her one thing: move fast, and do it -now-. Wrenching herself away from the grip, she manages to get out just in time to have her shoulder caught by one of those brutal headbutts-- but thankfully, it's enough. The downwards momentum it causes enables her to drop to the ground once again, her legs pushing her to the side in a less-than-graceful manuever to get out of the man's way.
He's not giving her so much as an -inch-, is he? And he doesn't look like he's about it. Getting back to her feet, she doesn't say a word as she launches into another attack, this one starting out with a brutal left hook that comes imbued with a sharp arc of amber energy, the light lancing through the air as its followed just as quickly by an uppercut-- the same burst of energy coming out with a similarly cutting edge. So to speak.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa successfully hits Alex with Forbidden Eagle.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Alex
Ergh! That move usually drops them where they stand...but Vanessa continues to be possibly the slipperiest fighter he has faced. If only he could gain a good hold on her, she could break like a twig! Just as Alex is reflecting on his sorry state during this match, a glancing blow strikes at him. The one two combo strikes against his face once again, sending small sparks of energy blazing about his head. The large fighter buckles a bit, his vitally finally being sapped to a critical level. "Well babe...looks like you just might have me...but *KOFF* you just KNOW I can't let youse roll me like this. How to remember me by!" As the last sentence escapes his mouth Alex jumps forward straight at the fiery boxer, his arm stretching out at the last moment to catch her in the midsection and drag her unceremoniously to the arena floor.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa fails to counter Spiral DDT from Alex with Parrying Puncher.
[ \\\\ < > /////// ]
Vanessa 1/----===/=======|======-\-------\0 Alex
That... just... tears it. Right there. It really does.
In more ways then one. In fact! Vanessa's pretty damn certain she felt something rupture the moment Alex's arm swings to catch her midsection, her entire body slammed in a particularly painful fashion against the arena floor, knocking every -bit- of air out of her lungs as she comes skidding to a dead halt. There was clearly an attempt made to pull another clothesline... but clearly, that was a -bit- more premature than it needed to be.
By all accounts, the boxer looks like she's down and out for a good couple seconds. Her eyes cast towards the ceiling again, she does what she can to gather her senses, her breathing finally coming back to her in slow, wheezing increments. "Holy..." a cough, then, as she seeks to right herself. "...mother of... fucking -christ-..." It's. Uh. Well, it's a slow process. Let's put it that way.
"Heheheh. Thats it baby." Alex rolls to one knee out of the DDT manuever that he was refined over years. "I say its time to play uncle!" As Alex moves to his feet he reaches down for the prone and agonized boxer. If he grabs her, he'll lift her up by the waist and squeeze down for a bone crunching bear hug. "Not the exactly the right circumstances that I would want to be doing this under. If you catch my meaning. But don't worry, when it gets to be too much just let me know!"
COMBATSYS: Vanessa dodges Alex's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\ < > /////// ]
Vanessa 1/----===/=======|======-\-------\0 Alex
She's not out of the game yet.
Vanessa's quick to pull away from the attempt made to drag her into a less-than-loving embrace, her footwork taking her back to a standing position as she gracelessly scrambles away from his reach. "Nice try, jackass," she growls back at him, lunging forward to try and catch him with a fierce shot to his jaw, the blow coming with a surprising amount of speed put behind it, especially considering how winded she still is. Of course... dependant on whether it -lands- or not...
COMBATSYS: Alex blocks Vanessa's Gaia Gear.
[ \\\\ < > ///// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0 Alex
Bolstered by the sharp crack of her fist against his jaw, Vanessa throws a sharp, downwards punch that... misses completely. With reason, though-- the moment she brings her arm down there's a -serious- shift in the air. Sharp, cutting spirals of wind that move in swift circular patterns towards the grappler, the strength and speed that go into the energy that swirls around making it nigh-on impossible to get around. But block? Seeing as that's the case...
"-FUCK!-" is shouted almost immediately. "Just -sit the fuck down-, already!" she snaps at him, aggravated beyond -believe- at the outcome.
Is that the sound of a wristbone cracking? Probably. Alex is pretty amused to see Vanessa scrabbling away from him like that. But he's not so amused as to not try and defend himself from that quick and brutal shot. Even with the glancing blow to the face Alex reaches a palm up to try and absorb the rest of the torrential blast. It takes his toll on him for sure, but Vanessa IS in a pretty sad state right now. At full power that probably would have dropped him. Looks like luck is with the brawler in the end. For once he says nothing, her profanity adds plenty to the battle on its own. Time to get to business. Alex whips his arms forward and grasps for her yet again. This time, attempting a brutal german suplex.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa dodges Alex's Powerbomb.
[ \\\\ < > //// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0 Alex
Once again finding the energy to roll out of the way of the undoubtedly painful attack that's levelled on her, Vanessa's energies are getting more and more depleted the more this goes on. In fact, despite the notion that she's trying her damndest to appear as right as rain, it's clear that, while still wearing her down, Alex is -exhausting- her. A thin sheen of sweat covers what skin is exposed, her cheeks flushed from exertion, breath coming more heavily than it probably should.
That in mind, she's left with very few options. Chewing on her lower lip, she dashes in once again, her fumbled attempts ending in a sharp blow to the man's face. There's no finesse about it. There's no flashy effects, no nothing-- just a powerful right straight meant to plow straight against his teeth. Or anywhere else she can manage, for that matter.
COMBATSYS: Alex fails to interrupt Medium Punch from Vanessa with Air Knee Smash.
COMBATSYS: Alex can no longer fight.
Alex is in a bad way when the exhausted Vanessa presses her attack on. He may not look it, but he's running on fumes. The constant barrage levied against him has nearly crushed his vitality. Gritting his teeth he watches as the woman charges him, her blazing fury still keeping her on her feet, belligerent as ever. He knows that with his endurance gone there is little hope of defending against the next blow. She was too quick for him when he was at full strength and she's too quick for him now. The best he hopes for now is to at least trade blows. Alex sends a flying knee towards his foe with a last burst of strength, but sadly it is too little too late. The boxer's footwork and textbook perfect punch blazes straight into his midsection and crumples him to the floor. The fight be over...
*DING DING DING DING!!!* The crowd surges with a exstatic cry, and a several of Howard Arena's flood lights send a dazzling array of colored brightness around the stadium. A few confetti launching firecrackers go off, sending their shiny debris everywhere. Southtown has consumed its bloodsport for the night. The announcer once again comes onto the stadium speakers after the referee confirms Alex's status. In his vigorous engrish he decrees: "WINNAH IS...VANESSA!" Alex is prone, face down on the arena floor. He's halfway napping, and his wounds are giving him a nice warm throb up and down his body. Can't win em all...\
Of course, staying upright for her win being announced is a funny thing. The moment Vanessa lays into him, she isn't able to keep herself from stumbling, and eventually falling to her knees alongside the grappler. Breathing heavily with either of her hands on her thighs, the redhead does her best to get some wind back in her sails, slowly bringing herself back to her feet by the time the pretty lightshow is over. Shaking her head a couple times as she loosens a light cough, her breath still too caught to enable her to take in a full load of oxygen, she looks over towards the felled individual with a faint smile.
"Put up a damn good show, there, sweetheart," she says, with all honesty, the only sarcasm that's thrown in being the pet name that caps it off. "Shit, feel like I owe you a drink for givin' me that much've a run for my money. You uh..." Heh. "You good to hit the bars or would you rather have the medstaff here flood y'full of morphine?"
Slowly and carefully the big wrestler come up to one knee. He takes a moment to catch his breath and then shake some of the buzzing out of his head. He smiles slowly at the woman. "'ll take more n dat to make me report to sick call." He reaches up and grasps the top of his head and his chin. There is a loud crack as he turns his head in a neck popping fashion. "Well girlie, as long as you're buying...I could think of worse ways to make me forget about these bruises. Where did a scrawny broad like youse learn to hit like that anyway." He stands now, and regains a majority of his composure.
"Chicago," Vanessa replies, her tone facetious. While she was tempted to extend her hand and help him up... she can see that he's able to stand just fine on his own. "And getting the living shit beat out of me by some of the other boxers in town," she adds with an amused edge. Nodding towards the Arena's exit, she says, "Was gonna buy anyway, even if it -is- usually the loser's fare to accept the tab. C'mon... I know a crappy biker bar down the street that's got this drink called the Three Wise Men. S'fuckin' great. And hell, after a fight like that? I could -use- something with that much alcohol."
Log created by Vanessa, and last modified on 09:02:17 05/23/2005.