Description: Occasionally, there are underground fighting rings participants can wander to. In this case, Vice and Vanessa engage in a catfight that's been brewing from the start. Double-KO akshun. o/' o/' For serious.
Within the cramped and crowded maze of neon lights, and narrow streets of Chinatown, there was a section that most good folk just did not enter. The streets were dirtier, many of the buildings in poor repair, and it was a haven for the less forunate, and less morally driven people that lived in the area. The entire area just had a pervasive feeling of decay, one that seemed to infect the buildings, people, the very air of the area.
It was also a place where less... formal fights were held. One such fight was underway, at this very moment. In the sort of square that sat in a intersection of streets and alleys, the darkness normally associated with night was kept away by a combination of dimmed neon signs, burning barrels, and exactly four spotlights, situated around a central raised area. A ring of sorts, drawn on the ground with chalk, a tattered mat the only thing between the fighters and the unforgiving pavement below. Oddly quiet, a crowd of Chinese and Japanese sat, or hung around the area, from well-dressed Yakuza, to thugs dressed in whatever new fashion was on the streets. And they were all casting bets on those in the arena.
And in the makeshift "ring" this very moment was a redhaired woman, her lithe form covered not by the outfit she was most known for... but a baggy pair of black sweatpants, and a crimson t-shirt, a few gashes already torn in it. Vice, on a more casual day, evidently. She wasn't alone in the arena, however... there was also some unconcious poor soul, laid flat on his back, one of his legs twisted at a funny angle. Vice was on her knees in the arena, drinking down the water given her as two men carry her once-foe out of the arena, presumeably to get him some medical attention. Vice was using the opprotunity to rest, and regain her strength... what little she used to dipense of "fighters" like that.
"Looks like we've got one -hell- of a catfight headed our way, boys!" the announcer shouts out, without the help of a PA, the crowd's murmurings dying down for the time being to make way for the announcement. "We've got a new contender! Broad's pro'ly got no fuckin' idea what she's up against-- so place your bets! And welcome--" He looks down at a card that's been handed to him, raising an eyebrow at what's written there. "--V! ...Guess there's no shortage'a creativity around here." This last bit is said with a fair bit of vitriol, though it doesn't seem to be noticed by the woman that steps up and into the arena. The moment she -does-...
There's a flicker of uncertainty.
As the 'staff' takes care of the body on the canvas, Vanessa finds herself arguing with one of the announcers, though the hum of the crowd dims the words that are spoken. Whatever they're bickering about, however, she loses out-- not that she looks -too- disgruntled. Turning back towards Vice, she raises her eyebrows, lacing her fingers together to crack her knuckles in the usual fashion. "Guess it's you'n me, Red," she says as she approaches Vice, a light smirk playing over her features. There's nothing hesitant about it, now. Dressed in a white, sleeveless t-shirt and a scuffed up pair of jeans, she's clearly here for a brawl, -not- a fancy bout.
"Alright, ladies!" the announcer calls out, then. "You know the rules-- no skimping, no complaining. There's no such thing as disqualification for roughhousing here so if you got a problem, walk straight out the door." The implication being 'as if we'd let you.' "-Fight-!" is the last ammended phrase, causing the boxer to go into the usual defensive stance as she eyes the Orochi assassin. Funny, there's no opening lines past the first?
COMBATSYS: Vanessa has started a fight here.
COMBATSYS: Vice has joined the fight here.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa focuses on her next action.
Hefting herself up from her kneeling sit with a small sound of exertion, Vice levels her unsteady gaze on her oppenent, a dark sort of chuckle leaving her unpainted lips. "It's -you-." Vice breathes, her voice almost breathless. Once she's standing on her feet, the Orochi woman allows her posture to hunch forward, her arms dangling in front of herself as she gazes over at the boxer out of the tops of her eyes.
And then Vice begins to move.
Vice begins to slow, fluid sidesteps to one side, her gaze not wavering from Vanessa's face for a moment. The dark chuckle begins to grow into a amused sort of laugh, one cut off as the woman runs her tongue over her lips. "You got better." is all she says, her deep voice heavy with threat.
COMBATSYS: Vice focuses on her next action.
Better is a relative term. There's still a scab over the slice on her arm, and there's still bandages underneath the shirt-- but it's nothing that's holding her back. If anything, it's a reason to keep at it. She may not have the same quick-healing constitution as some of the brutes in town, but her body's ability to regenerate is still well above the average citizen. Watching Vice carefully, the redhead's tongue flits over her lips, watching for any possible openings in her defenses.
"Ain't thrilled to see you, either," Vanessa replies at long last, though it's what, essentially, preceeds the opening attack. With the encouragement of the crowd backing her (a good number of them, however, are still jeering for Vice in this regard), the boxer sprints in to deliver a sharp uppercut to the other woman's jaw, a great deal of speed put into her manuevering for the sake of catching her off-guard. There's still a good chance it'll fail utterly, but you never know... This could be her lucky night.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa successfully hits Vice with Dash Puncher.
[```\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Vice
My, wasn't Vanessa fast?
Perhaps it was Vice's low opinion of the woman, or perhaps it was the blazingly fast strike that Vanessa aimed towards her. Or perhaps a nice mixture of both. In any case, Vice's hunched posture didn't help her against the uppercut any, the woman's posture straightening, and her head snapping back as spittle flies from her mouth with the blow.
But without so much as a pause, Vice falls to one knee as she brings her head forward again, attempting to grab both of Vanessa's shins with both hands. Should her grip find purchase, Vanessa would find herself yanked off of her feet, to yank her flat unto her back. But Vice wouldn't be done. Then, she would slip one hand higher up the jeans to Vanessa's knee, as her other hand reaches for one of her forearms. Then with a heave, and a shout of exertion, the woman would toss Vanessa straight up into the air, with all of her formidable strength. Hopefully, Vanessa would land poorly. Hopefully.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa counters Black End from Vice with Parrying Puncher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Vice
Against all odds with the sweeping motion that Vice makes to take a firm hold of her shins, Vanessa doesn't hesitate to deliver a direct response. Just as quickly as the Orochi assassin makes it a point to gain puchase, the redhead lashes out to slam her fist against the side of her head, a light grunt of her exertion coming from her in the process. The crowd issues up another wave of sound, a mix of cheering and berating directed at both women in the ring, combined as it is with the usual run of hideously lewd commentary.
Smirking broadly, the boxer makes it a point to put some distance between herself and her opponent, her expression incredulous. "That -all- you've got?" she jeers Vice, either of her arms raised in the usual posture. "C'mon! All that talk from before-- you've -gotta- have more to you'n just -that-. You're running the risk of being a disappointment. Makes me wish I'd just gotten drunk before coming here in the first place."
The earlier taunts that Vanessa used on Vice before had little effect, for a very good reason. They were touching upon parts of her life that she really couldn't give a damn what Vanessa, or others, thought about her in. But here... but here... "Careful what you wish for, -FILTH-." Vice shrieks as she rises to her feet, leveling a glare on Vanessa as Vice recovers from the strike to the side of her head, wiping a forearm across her lips.
And then Vice charges, her footfalls a rapid cadence on the worn canvas as she nears the distance. But as she grows close to Vanessa, Vice skids to a stop, before lashing out a foot at Vanessa's side. Enroute to her side, her foot would flare with a blue-white sort of energy, the energy cutting retina-searing paths in the air on it's path to it's target. "DIE!"
COMBATSYS: Vanessa blocks Vice's Outrage.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Vice
Either of Vanessa's arms come up the instant that that foot is aimed at her, her limbs absorbing the worst of the blow-- which, at the very least, proves that had it -landed-, it'd sting quite a fair bit. With her expression showing some of the pain that lances through her, and bits of the scab from her fight with Freeman torn off as a direct result of the block, there's the introduction of spattered blood upon the canvas. Didn't take much, did it?
"Come on!" she shouts back at Vice, lashing out in... not a punch, per se, but and out-and-out attempted backhand across the woman's face as a means to further enrage her. "That's -nothing-! You wanna hit me, fuckin' -hit me!-" You'd think, by now, she'd learn that taunting and aggravating her enemy would cause them to fight -better- -- at least, that seems to be the case for most of them.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa successfully hits Vice with Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Vice
Enraging Vice was not a intellegent idea... at least in most cases. Still, the backhand catches Vice squarely on the cheek, snapping her head in the direction of the blow, but seemingly causing scant other damage. At least visibly. Now snarling, Vice snaps her attention forwards once more, her flaring nostrils and wild eyes giving clue to the rage that was now filling her. With a fast motion, Vice then attempts to throw her arms around Vanessa, a low growl punctuating her efforts. If Vanessa didn't do anything to the contrary, she would find herself spun upside down, and simply slammed into the canvas mat headfirst, Vice shouting a wordless, angry shout along with that move.
COMBATSYS: Vice successfully hits Vanessa with Mithan's Robe.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Vice
This time, Vice gains purchase. Thrown bodily towards the canvas with her head slamming against it at a harmful velocity, Vanessa has to take more than just a moment to right herself. Temporarily dizzied by the trajectory and what'll undoubtedly be an annoying kink in her neck soon thereafter, the redhead brings herself back to her feet, a low chuckle coming from her lip as she mutters, "Probably deserved that," the crowd around the both of them rooting for more destructive power than either of the women have dealt out so far.
"Better," she says to the fullblood orochi, grinning sardonically, "I was beginning to wonder if you were holding out on me."
Another prelude, pure and simple. Rushing in for another round, the boxer attempts to catch hold of the other woman's collar-- and, if successful, she throws a brutal punch across her face. It doesn't end there, either-- the assault -continues- with a series of sharp jabs and crosses across Vice's face and upper torso, driving her backwards and, hopefully, to the ground with the final blow coming in a downwards arc towards the top of her head. If it whiffs, and she doesn't gain purchase in the first place? Vanessa is quick to try and get out of range as soon as possible.
COMBATSYS: Vice blocks Vanessa's Machine Gun Puncher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Vanessa 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Vice
While Vanessa does grab hold of Vice's collar, the Orochi proves a bit more difficult to strike than one would think. The first jab strikes Vice, then the second, but then Vice starts squirming in Vanessa's grip, enough to whip her hands up before herself, as she guides some of the blows away with quick movements of her forearm, or simply moves to take the blow on a less painful spot. The final strike, though, the one that was meant to drive her to the ground? Vice lifts up her crossed forearms, tensing her lithe form as she absorbs that blow, relaxing and releasing a hissing breath soon after.
Hopefully, before Vanessa's movements to take her too far away, Vice would snap out with one hand, and attempt to grab Vanessa by the collar, front of her shirt, hell, even her forearm, if Vice could grab that. Then, with a yank, she would yank the other woman to the ground facefirst, before grabbing her by the arm, and dragging her around, before flinging her form towards one of the lightposts. Should Vice get that far, she would be chuckling darkly as she drags Vanessa around.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa blocks Vice's Gore Fest.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Vanessa 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1 Vice
She only gets as far as throwing Vanessa to the ground-- which, it should be mentioned, hurts enough on its own. Rolling away the moment the dull ache along her body is noted, the boxer gets swiftly back to her feet, moving well away from Vice in the meantime in what -looks- like an outright retreat. This causes the crowd to jeer more harshly, barking at the elder redhead to get back in there, to quit chickening out. Apparently... that isn't the intended effect in the least. Her -intentions-, however, are broadcast just as quickly as they were before-- and in this case, more brutally.
Coming at Vice is another -harsh- uppercut that comes at the end of a sprint, though it should be clear that the boxer is throwing a -lot- more momentum into it than she did the last time, her voice raising in an abrupt shout as the blow either connects or, more dismaying, whiffs. It's her hope that it doesn't-- but -should- it land, the result is pretty much the same.
COMBATSYS: Vice dodges Vanessa's Dash Puncher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Vanessa 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1 Vice
But Vice was not there to take the blow, this time. In a motion that seems more fluid than fast, Vice sidesteps the blow as she ducks her torso, moving in such a way to throw off the elder woman's "aim", so to speak. "Mouthy little...!" Vice hisses, as she then follows along after momentum in a sort of fast walk, ignoring the jeers, the cheers, the lights, all of it. And at the moment Vanessa turns around, Vice would attempt to snap a open hand towards her neck, and catch her by the throat...
COMBATSYS: Vanessa dodges Vice's Withering Atlas.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Vanessa 1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0 Vice
Turning to face the other woman, Vanessa finds herself seeing the blow coming just in time for it to whiff straight past her face, the other woman's fingers coming deadly close to taking hold of the slim column of her throat. Gasping out a breath with an obviously startled look on her face, there's a moment of relief that broadcasts itself over her expression immediately thereafter, her shoulders tensed to a noticable degree. That was -too- close for comfort. Notably, she doesn't look -scared- -- surprised is more like it.
"Nice," she says, though the words are, oddly, far from acerbic. God forbid it be an actual compliment.
Not nice enough, though, obviously.
Rushing back in, Vanessa uses the proximity she has on the woman to level a quick punch in her direction, the heavy blows she usually puts forth not nearly so forthcoming in this particular instance. As is, with her heartrate having quickened by the close call, she's more willing to stagger the other woman than she is to out and out lay her out. Thusly, the punch is aimed straight for Vice's abdomen, at such a trajectory that if it -lands-, it'll knock the wind right out of her.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa successfully hits Vice with Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Vanessa 1/------=/=======|==-----\-------\0 Vice
The proximity which means Vice was unable to get out of the way of the blow, in time. The fist sinks into Vice's gut, the woman bending over the clow with a gasped breath. And yes, the wind was knocked out of Vice, and yes, she could barely breathe. But was she going to stop? No. Moving slowly at first, Vice reaches her hands up to Vanessa's face, before attempting to jab her fingernails into her cheeks. Should Vice get that far, she would be moving much more smoothly, as she lifts a knee, hoping to strike Vanessa in the gut soon after, hopefully driving the boxer away from her.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa blocks Vice's Death Blow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Vanessa 1/-----==/=======|===----\-------\0 Vice
While her hand raises to catch either of Vice's, the knee does come up-- and her arm isn't as quick to deflect the worst of it. Vanessa grunts audibly at the impact, staggering backwards as she's made to double over somewhat, the partially failed attempt to block causing a good amount of unwanted tension along her abdominal muscles. Shaking her head, some of her reserves getting weakened, the boxer knows that it's high time to bring this to an abrupt halt.
Or try to, anyway.
Thusly, the attack that comes at Vice is not one, but -two- strikes that are followed up by bright streaks of golden energy trailing behind them, the slicing power finally honed to a level that's respectable among the fighters here. It's not just a meager glow anymore-- the continued use of such energy has transformed it into something far more effective. That is, of course, if the left hook and trailing uppercut actually land
COMBATSYS: Vanessa successfully hits Vice with Forbidden Eagle.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Vanessa 1/---====/=======|======-\-------\0 Vice
[OOC] Kyo says, "x_x"
Well, Vice was doing badly tonight. Very friggin' badly. She bet it was because that moron Ramon had been bothering her, earlier. But like -hell- if she was going to give up. Her body shakes with each of the energy-enhanced punches, nonetheless attempting to keep her gaze on Vanessa throughout, her body quivering with each of the powerful blows.
But Vice would not take her hate-filled gaze off of Vanessa's face.
Except when the uppercut slams into the underside of her jaw. To Vice's credit, she doesn't cry out, or fall, but she was suddenly viewing the sky, and staggering backwards. Flowing with that movement, much to the jeers of the crowd. Vice staggers all the way out of the makeshift ring... and hefts one of the spotlights surrounding the ring from the ground. Lifting that over her head, Vice unleashes a shout as she attempts to bring that down upon Vanessa, likely causing quite the explosion of glass and light, even if she should miss.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa dodges Vice's Random Weapon.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Vanessa 1/---====/=======|======-\-------\0 Vice
Another painfully close call. Dodging away from the light fixture that's careening at her, Vanessa can feel the air whoosh past her as a direct result of the momentum put behind it, her hand going over her heart as she whips around to look at the damage caused. A couple of audience members were nearly taken out by it, to be sure-- one poor shit finds himself -pinned- by the thing, his cries answered by some of the staffmembers as they heft the object off of him. Turning back around to look at Vice, the boxer just... chuckles, shaking her head.
"Come on, now," she says, chidingly. "Getting -this- angry is just as bad as throwing the fight. And fun as it -is-... I think it's high time we brought it to a close... don't you?"
Once the catty line's been spoken, the redhead winds up for another assault-- though this one is altogether different--
COMBATSYS: Vice blocks Vanessa's Gaia Gear.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0 Vice
Despite the fact that the woman's arms move to intercept, Vanessa's got too much speed put into this to back down for so much as an instant, or even change her trajectory to compensate for the defense that's put up. The rush of energy that surrounds the oncoming fist with the barreling force of a contained hurricane slams against those defenses, the attack itself denied the ability to come to fruition-- and thusly, the energy dissipates, the boxer left cussing up a varitable storm as a direct result. "Well, -shit-," she says, grinning wolfishly at the other woman, "Guess you've still got something worthwhile left in you after all."
Vice does lift her arms to intercept the blow, her muscular body tensing as she prepares herself to absorb the all-too-fast move. And as much oomph as Vanessa puts into the blow, as much force... it strikes her crossed arms with a -SMACK- that resounds throughout the area... but Vice did not move backwards, although a quiver runs through her shaking arms. "Maybe we'll CLOSE IT LATER!" Vice shouts, as she snaps a hand towards one of Vanessa's shins. Nevermind the fact that her taunt really didn't make sense. She was angry. If she should grab Vanessa there. Vice would spin around, yanking her off of her feet, unto her back. Then, with a flick of her arms, simply toss the other woman across the ring, to land on the ground in a hopefully painful fashion.
COMBATSYS: Vice successfully hits Vanessa with Decide.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1 Vice
It... made very little sense, actually. The moment she's taken hold of, Vanessa knows full well that her luck couldn't last forever. Right now, it's a simple matter of trying to brace herself through the entirity of the assault-- which she does, as good as she can. Despite the fact that it FRIGGIN HURTS, every last bit of it. Instead of careening towards any kind of level ground, the boxer's body slams full force against one of the lightfixtures, the angled metal biting into her skin and, further, into the bandaged wounds that are still present. Yelping at that alone, she takes a moment or two to get back to her feet, the attack having staggered her more than she would've liked.
Shaking her head, her hand going up to her forehead as if to steady herself more, she takes a couple weary steps to the side, blinking considerably. Well... time to get a bit more serious, mn? Grimacing a little, she doesn't offer any more taunts in this regard-- instead, she darts back in for another full assault against the other woman, something she'll just as quickly double back on in the case of it being deflected--
COMBATSYS: Vice dodges Vanessa's Puncher Weaving.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1 Vice
"-Shit-!" is shouted out at the sudden whiff of Vanessa's fist, the boxer taking a couple heavy steps forward before she's fully able to right herself, or pull away from the intended attack.
"No, no, not that..." Vice snarls, her voice grating, as if she were forcing the words through a damaged throat. Flinging her torso backwards, and to the side, falling to her knees to avoid the blow... and then she just as quickly rises again to her feet, her heavy breaths, and groans of pain evidencing how much she was stressing herself with those movements. But whatever distance Vanessa manages to gain for herself is crossed with a short hop, in an instant. Gnashing her teeth together, she angrily shouts, "YOU'RE GARBAGE!!", as she attempts to throw her arms around the waist of the woman opposite. But that would only be the beginning...
COMBATSYS: Vice successfully hits Vanessa with Withering Surface.
[ \\\ < > // ]
Vanessa 1/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Vice
Again, Vice wrenches Vanessa off of her feet, and twists her upside down, pounding the head or shoulders of the redhead into the ground not once, not twice, but three times, before tossing her up into the air with a heave. With whatever strength remains, Vice leaps up after Vanessa, intercepting the woman midair, and manuevering her in such a way that when they make their reunion with Mother Terra... Vanessa would be sped along the way, Vice slamming the woman again to the ground, moments before impact.
Ryu has arrived.
'Ow' doesn't quite put that into perspective. With the crowd all the more riled by how close this has gotten, the shouts from the meager audience override any immediate sound that comes out of the boxer-- if any are, for that matter. Each slam against the ground is another whuff of breath from her lungs, and each successful impact against the ground brings another staggeringly fierce upsurge of pain. The final? ...It... surprisingly, doesn't take Vanessa out completely. Much as it probably -should- have, the scramble to get back to her feet is indication enough that the redhead's not only -survived-... but she's about to bring about another rain of attacks.
Or try to.
Sneering noticably, painted lips flecked with dark blood, the boxer charges without hesitation, no matter how telegraphed her motions are getting...
COMBATSYS: Vanessa successfully hits Vice with Champion Puncher.
[ \\ < > ]
Vanessa 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Vice
Practically -leaping- on the other woman in a dive that takes them both to the ground, Vanessa pulls back just enough to straddle Vice's abdomen, her fists coming down in an absolute fit of motion, again and again, with no real hope of letting up. Each swing is just as devestating as the last, her momentum picking up until, at last, a punch comes down against the dead center of the Orochi assassin's sternum. Fanning her fingers in order to use the other woman's body as leverage to get back to her feet, she spits against the ground alongside her felled opponent's head, sneering out, "Got any cheeky remarks, or are we gonna call this a night?"
Vice didn't seem to be in the condition to make any remarks. Cries of pain at the beginning of the assualt die off to silence from the woman, the beginnings of bruises starting on her face after the flurry of punches there. The punch to the sternum did make the woman twitch, the spittle ignored. Vice heaving heavy, heavy breaths. But one thing that didn't change, was the fire in her eyes all thorough the attack.
It was that same firey rage that prompted the woman to slowly gather herself to her feet, her eyelids fluttering rapidly as Vice fights off unconciousness. Just for... just for... with a weak sort of growl, Vice lunges at Vanessa, hoping to take hold of one of the woman's arms. Seems Vice had a cheeky remark left, yes. It just wasn't verbal. Should she grab a hold of Vanessa's arm, she would simply yank in the opposite direction, the intent to bring Vanessa off of her feet, and fling her the other direction. But whether or not she finds hold, the fire in her eyes would dim, and she would sink to her knees, before falling to one side, blissful darkness taking her, as blood then begins to seep from her mouth.
COMBATSYS: Vice can no longer fight.
[ \\ <
Vanessa 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Vanessa fails to counter Quick Throw from Vice with Parrying Puncher.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa can no longer fight.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is Karma in Action. If only due to the fact that Vanessa knows whatever comes her way will take what's left of her reserves away from her. Attempting to lash out in one last hit against her opponent, she finds that it only gives her leeway to gain purchase. With her arm taken hold of, she's slammed less-than-gracefully into the canvas, a harsh yelp ripped from her throat as she rolls to her side, her form balling up slightly as if to stave off any excess pain. Of course... as the lights go out for Vice, so, too, are they going out for Vanessa.
Blinking furiously as she tries to keep herself adrift, she starts to slip in and out of a transitory state, unable to get up, and just as unable to keep herself centered. She's not out and out unconscious-- but if the other woman had thrown her any harder, you can bet that she would be. Either way, the crowd is just as happy to have witnessed the fight. Given its intensity, the mere fact that it seems to have ended in a double KO satisfies their sense of entertainment.
Though this'll undoubtedly pave the way to an eventual rematch between the two redheads. That, beyond all else, is a certainty.
Log created by Vanessa, and last modified on 03:48:13 05/02/2005.