Description: Gen drags Vanessa into his grudge match and they... get their merry butts stomped by Vega and Jacob. Jacob gets turned into a fine red paste in the aftermath.
Incredible. Absolutely..incredible.
It takes a hell of a lot of intestinal fortitude to send Vega a threat. Sure, emotional curses and hollow promises are offered constantly, but those are little more than the braying of weak, misbegotten animals, unwilling to accept their role in the Shadaloo lord's grand scheme of things. Most often, these things are rather enjoyed, savored as the malicious man reaps the bounty of his work, revelling in the pain inflicted on man and woman alike, regardless of class, race, station.. One can take the widespread hatred of Vega as a testament to his success, in fact.
Still.. To callously destroy his men, to interfere with Shadaloo business and then, finally, send one back with DEMANDS of meeting him.. Really. The first emotion that came to surface was amusement. Deep in the entity's headquarters, seated on the metal chair that serves as his throne, the red-adorned dictator laughed at the message. What manner of person was this Gen to think that he would care about another missing man? Sure, Jacob has proven useful..but if experience has taught him anything, it's that he can easily be replaced. He was the only determining factor as far as he was concerned, everybody else is easily expendable. At the same time..with Howard prancing around in Southtown as if in some daydreamed operetta, things have been a bit more..difficult there. Thugs are nearly limitless, but replacements cause unnecessary delays. Imagine Jacob's surprise when, after the laughter stopped, that Vega himself AGREED to the meeting.
In the meantime, information was to be had, backgrounds to be dug up. At least, that's the intent. The actual amount of information dredged out was disappointingly minute; some ex-assassin, far past his prime, had been the one causing problems. Tch. A spark of hope had lit upon finding his reputation, that perhaps this little encounter would be interesting. After all, Thailand is a long distance away, and to come so far only to push an old man off his walker..
Still, as promised, Vega stands in Southtown, at the designated place. Having arrived far..far earlier than he should have, he's has plenty of time to mull things over, to let the anticipation build, his mind constantly churning as thoughts drift from business to excitement, more disappointment as the clash runs its course in his brain, and then..impatience. Outwardly, at least, his stony self stays still, resting between two trees out of the light. As always, his cloak is pulled around him, the large bulges in the front indicating that his arms are, again, crossed over his chest. His back rests against the nearest tree as he waits, teeth grinding as his jaw shifts almost impercetibly.
For his part, Jacob was indeed quite surprised when Vega deigned to come to this meeting. A good thing for Jacob, of course, as it means he won't have to deal with assassination attempts from Gen, at least for the time being. In fact, the agent doubts that the old man will be in much shape for anything after this encounter. There is, however, the problem of Vanessa.
It's not too hard for Jacob to put two and two together. Very few people have actually seen him engaged in Shadaloo operations and lived, and Vanessa is one of them. When Megumi seemed to know something about who he was working for, that got him worried. When Gen did as well, and even mentioned Vanessa's name... It's not too hard for Jacob to come to some unpleasant conclusions. For now, though, he can only wait and see if Vanessa is really going to arrive.
While Vega waits by the trees, Jacob stands behind him and to the side, waiting at attention with both hands behind his back. He's not wearing his suit for once, being more practical in such situations. His outfit appears to be military garb of some sort, with a dark camouflage pattern and a number of easily accessible pockets, as well as a fairly prominent knife sheath and holster. Being subtle is rather pointless when somebody like Vega is around.
The stage is set, the curtains are drawn, and the gestalt is now.
Or something.
"I was a housewife," Vanessa would've told the old master well before they started their journey to the predestined location, "And today I'm helping an old man save the world." This came out with no little amount of amusement to it. Now? Now she's anything but amused, and she looks it. While her expression upon arrival is anything but terrified, there's a wariness to her, an obvious lack of the tell-tale flippance.
Being someone's wildcard isn't her idea of a good time. Neither is being assigned such a role in the midst of a life-threatening situation. This isn't a game, it's not a televised fight. What it is is the reason she called family and loved ones to have at least one little chat for the sake of.. having it. Without revealing the purpose. The goodbye was meant to mean something, regardless of what the old man promised insofar as her safety is concerned.
Therefor... travelling as she does, she doesn't fail to live up to Jacob's expectations. Unlike him, however, she retains her usual flare for style, though she hasn't bothered with a blazer this time. Either of her gloved hands remain in her pockets, her eyse shifting towards her elderly 'companion' every once in a while as she sees the silhoeutted figures. Setting up a self-assuring mantra in the back of her mind, she, likely to everyone's shock, remains silent. For once, this isn't her show, or her vengeance, or her grudgematch. It's Gen's.
Thusly, as the two of them get within conversational range of Shadaloo's amused master and his lackey, she slows her pace, allowing Gen to cover the rest of the distance. There's like to be Trivial Words before everything gets moving, after all. Everything else has been cinematic... why shouldn't this?
Intestinal fortitude... Or just a complete lack of care for ones own life. Gen of course has both, which makes threatening Vega a rather small feat to accomplish. And it had to be done. Gen was starting to get bored with killing of random members of Vega's organization, which helped him not for getting any closer to finding his deathmatch. Gen figured he might as well try calling the lord of Shadaloo out with little hope of getting much of a response, unbeknownst that he'd end up pleasantly surprised.
"The world is not my concern." Gen would respond uncaringly to Vanessa's mention of saving the aforementioned. Sure, Vega is a horrible, evil tyrant who has brought ruin to many, but Gen cares not about such things. Gen just wants to fight the man based on rumors that he has great powers within him. Vanessa was right to at least partially settle all her affairs before being dragged along to this conflict.
Showing up a short while earlier than the message indicated himself, Gen still ends up arriving after his opponent. His face is focused directly on Vega the moment the man comes within view, completely ignoring either his own companion or Vega's in lieu of staring down the man he has come to fight, his expression as blank as his mind, his spirit and his heart. His hands pull up from being held at his sides limply to come together in front of his chest, both disappearing into his opposite sleeve when they meet. Continuing to walk towards Vega regardless of Vanessa stopping in her tracks, he says nothing, either words perhaps not needing to be exchanged, Gen just being too awed by the man... or just waiting for Vega to address him first.
Well, it's about time.
Pushing himself away from the tree and not bothering to give Jacob much of anything, be it command, advice.. While it's true that the man's glorious leader has rarely seen the man, let alone spoken to him, it should be evident enough that this is normal for him. Instead, Vega's attention is directed on Gen, those pale, pupil-less eyes drawing intently on the man's wizened face, giving little regard to the woman accompanying him. There's indeed silence as the two meet and inspect each other, silent impressions passing between them.
After a while, Vega actually..smiles.
No, not quite a smile. His lips tug up, the corners of his mouth pulling them wide, jaw steeled to give the start of a toothy, almost fanged grin. "Aaah.." he finally uters with a voice full of bass and command, the sound finding some way to resonate off of the trees nearby. "For a while, I was afraid that this would be boring.." While not a true telepath, the leader of Shadaloo is indeed a seasoned fighter, and gauging another isn't terribly difficult. "But, tell me, first," he starts, turning his side to Gen, walking along the path of trees in immensely slow, casual steps, the sound of his boots crunching the grass beneath and the occasional clank of his shinguards being two of the very few sounds in the area. The wind is low, if there at all, and the air seems to carry a small chill, as is common around the malicious overlord. "Why, exactly, are you so willing to die by my hand? Surely, a dried-up has-been like yourself can find something more efficient than beating some worthless, talentless thugs." Was Jacob in that list? They..never really discussed whether he was thrashed or not. It doesn't matter, anyway.
Despite the threat to his life, Jacob's encounter with Gen was much more civil than many of the other Shadaloo members who ran into the old man. They met in a fairly public location, and Jacob felt it would be prudent not to try starting any trouble. And luckily for him, Gen needed him in one piece in order to deliver the message.
For the moment Jacob remains in his position, still standing at attention. His eyes aren't on Gen or Vega, however. If anything starts there, he's quite sure that Vega will be able to handle it readily. No, Jacob's attention is fixed on Vanessa. His eyes narrowed for a moment as she came into view, but there's no discernable expression on his face now. Simply a blank stare locked onto her as she falls behind Gen.
Speaking up would be suicidal, of course. One does not interrupt a conversation of Vega's. And really, what would he have to say? The very fact that Vanessa is here makes it clear that they are enemies now. Strong as his feelings for Vanessa may be, the combined fear and loyalty that Vega inspire in him is a much more powerful force, particularly in the presence of the Shadaloo lord himself.
While Vega may not be paying her much mind, Vanessa is paying him plenty. Jacob is an afterthought for the time being-- her interest is solely in sizing up the imposing figure seeing it fit to address the ex-assassin who dragged her here. She does, however, avert her gaze once she's made her appraisals, though she still keeps the most of her attentions on the conversation at hand. The steely, withdrawn gaze she's granted is returned in kind to Jacob, her lips tugged into what can only be called an ironic smirk.
It's like the two 'ringleaders' brought them along as they would dogs on a leash. This, and this alone, is what's sticking in her mind-- that, and the fact that it'll only be a matter of time before said dogs start barking.
Until then? Wiser to sit and wait-- and, of course, stare. While there's no returned emotion, there's vehemence. Not the same kind of wild anger from their last fight. This time, it's much more centered. Getting the crap beaten out of you by someone like Gen has a way of doing that.
Ibuki has arrived.
"I assure you my talents are more than a match for yours." Gen speaks in response, his tone unfeeling and unconcerned and while not as booming as Vega's, still just as deep. Vega's question is met with Gen widening a single eye at him curiously, a common expression employed by him. When he finishes his statement, Gen perhaps has a flashback to his fight with Akuma, during which his opponent refused to fight once it was discovered that Gen was dying. Not wanting Vega to be another prospective fighter to give him his death match run out on him, he replies with a generic response to cover up the true reason, "I've lived a full life." He doesn't reply to the comment on his running around and pounding on Vega's underlings. That was probably just boredom, anyway. "Enough talk. We both know why we are here..." Gen sweeps an arm out to the side, lifting it high up and slightly behind him, lifting the opposite leg in what to one knowledgeable in such things can be recognized as a 'Crane' stance. He looks ready and even eager, though he gives Vega time to talk more, if he so desires, by not attacking right away.
COMBATSYS: Gen has started a fight here.
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Gen
Not walking as much toward Gen as he was a bit off to the side, he continues to keep his eyes fixed upon Gen, as if in some disgusting battle to see who could drill pupils into the other man's eyes first. The lumps over his chest fall, sending ripples through the cloak as his arms rest against his, leaving only a small clasp, a tiny thing of leather fastened by two brass buttons, keeping the top of his finery closed. As he moves, the lower folds billow away to reveal the absurdly large legs, adorned in the highly-polished shinguards that he always wears, stretching from just above his knee to the middle of the foot of his boot. With a creak of metal, he stops walking, turning on the ball of his foot before the boots snap together, standing at perfect attention.
"And the woman, you brought her here for entertainment, did you?" A quick look is given to Vanessa, now. The feelings of..whatever anger she's harboring, the tempest going through her mind and directed at's palpable to him. His grin only grows, and before Gen can even answer, he himself does: "I see, I see.. How charitable of you to bring someone for one of my men. Feeling sorry for all those that you'd killed, are we?" Immediately, he looks back to Gen, his chest swelling with a deep, deep breath. None of this may be right, but he doesn't much care. The emotions pouring from Vanessa are nearly intoxicating, doing well to make up for the odd lack of ...well, anything from the old man himself. Gesturing with a quick, backwards jerk of his head, Vega adds, "Come, then! It shouldn't take long to teach a senile bufoon the error of his ways." ... "Jacob! Be sure to keep your guest entertained."
Still, the Lord doesn't move much. He stands still, though his arms raise a little under the cloak, obviously inviting the first shot. What does he have to fear?
COMBATSYS: Vega has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Vega
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Gen
COMBATSYS: Vega has joined the fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vega 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Gen
While Jacob lacks Vega's more refined senses, it's still not difficult for him to read Vanessa's expression. At Vega's command, and despite the casual way in which it was given it is definitely interpreted as a command, the agent finally changes his pose, turning to face the Shadaloo lord and snapping off a quick salute. His stance becomes looser then, although there's still a great deal of tension inside him.
Making sure to keep well clear of Vega and Gen, Jacob begins walking toward Vanessa. Getting in Vega's way is another good approach to getting yourself killed. He moves at a walking pace, and he seems a bit hesitant to actually reach Vanessa. He doesn't come to an actual stop however. Nor does he say anything to her, continuing to return her glare with his blank gaze, although behind it there's anger building. He has little right to expect anything from Vanessa, but he still feels betrayed. The fact that she's here right now, and the way she's watching him is pretty good evidence for his suspicions.
COMBATSYS: Jacob has joined the fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vega 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Gen
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Jacob 0/-------/-------|
Entertainment, mn? A cold look is shot towards Vega at the mention of her being 'for' Jacob, though it's quickly discarded. She knows what she's here for, and it's certainly not for Gen's grudge match. Though 'grudge match' is the only thing she can consider it; Gen hasn't been all that forthcoming as to his reasons, something he -should- be grateful for... else, he wouldn't have her as backup in the first place. Undoubtedly, however, Vega will find himself subject to all the more 'intoxication' as the fight wears on-- she's not the type to hold much of anything back in that regard.
"C'mon, sweetheart," she says to Jacob, now, assuming a defensive stance, "You heard the man. Time to be a good host and see that I don't get -too- bored." So much for not shit-talking. But then, given who she's up against...
While there's no reason to get -cocky-, there's every reason to keep her confidence high. Squaring her shoulders, she waits for the man's actions-- and seeing him walk forward is good enough reason for her as any. Instead of waiting for -his- attack... she initiates her own. Taking a few steps forward, her smirk only widens at the pensive look he's got going for him, her fingers weaving together to crack her knuckles idly. Once that's accomplished and she's in range, she closes the proximity -just- enough... and lashes out with every bit of speed she's got. One fist comes out with an amber arc levelled straight the operative's chest, while the other moves in a fast-moving uppercut, the same energy ripping through the air with faint hints of luminescence. So much for starting light...
COMBATSYS: Vanessa has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vega 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Gen
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Jacob 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vanessa
It's at least a stalemate, as Gen's eyes are as empty as always, still pure white in color. The display Vega makes causes Gen to look him over for just a moment, although due to the hollow eyes it would require quite sharp eyesight, and for one to be looking, to notice as much. A hand moves towards Vega, palm face up, as he curls his fingers at the man in his rather typical 'bring it' gesture. He seems fairly intent on giving Vega the first strike...
Vanessa purpose for being here isn't given, and he gives up nothing in expression, or even emotion. He's just an empty slate. Then again, he hasn't even told Vanessa why he dragged her along other than that Jacob would be most likely be around for her to take out her aggression on. Mostly, he just doesn't care. His taunt does draw him to respond, verbally rather than by giving in and launching a strike out of anger.
"You are a big fool." Gen retorts with his ever-witty response. "Your arrogance will be your demise." Not that he's doing anything to expedite that demise. Vanessa's launching of the first assault towards Jacob does little to distract him. He concentrates intensely on Vega, scanning over his body for weaknesses and trying to observe how the man moves, every little motion sharing worlds of information for Gen to use against his opponent. Well, the shins are certainly out, anyway...
COMBATSYS: Gen focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vega 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Gen
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Jacob 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vanessa
Arrogant? Yes, Vega has been called that. Many..many times. That is not, of course, anything CLOSE to the worst of the names, however.
"You have no idea how many miscreants have utters those same words before their demise." He is, of course, mildly, inwardly let down at the incredibly stoic front Gen is holding. There's no way to feed off of the negativity, no hatred or anger coming to the surface. It's..rather strange. In fact, he's not seen such serenity since that Kelvin boy he had experimented with. No matter, his own twisted emotions and those coming from the would-be lovebirds is enough!
"Very well, then!" Movement under the cloak marks his arm's shifting, creeping toward the parting of the dark grey cloth. A glimpse of a hand, set with a wide steel band at the base to protect his wrist, is finally seen. Fingers splay out, arched as if fangs, deadly things with the beginning of a dull coccoon of thin energy, purple in color, shifting to green and back again, the light dancing across the curve of his bracer. Psycho power coats the hand like a glove, and much like Vanessa's, shoots out in a fast strike, blurringly fast to the normal eye, aiming to impact with the face of the frustratingly emotionless geezer.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa successfully hits Jacob with Forbidden Eagle.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vega 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Jacob 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Vanessa
Vanessa may have had something to say to open the fight, but Jacob is quickly too busy to respond to her. As Vanessa moves in toward him he begins stepping to the side, but he's not fast enough to get out of the way of the punch slamming to his chest. The air leaves his lungs in a quick grunt, which is then cut off by Vanessa's other fist slamming into his jaw, knocking his head back. That hurt more than it should have, and the lingering stinging sensation isn't the normal feeling from taking a heavy impact. Apparently the light around Vanessa's fists is effective, regardless of how faint it appears.
Jacob isn't taken aback for long, however. He manages to stand his ground, then suddenly darts to one side. His foot lashes out in a sweeping blow towards Vanessa's stomach. He doesn't stop there, however. His foot drops to the ground in front of Vanessa, then he uses it in an attempt to kick her feet out from under her, while at the same time he presses down on her shoulder, attempting to slam her face first into the ground.
COMBATSYS: Jacob successfully hits Vanessa with Bang and Burn.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vega 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Jacob 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Vanessa
The feel of flesh giving under her fists is more than enough for Vanessa, really. Though unlike other fights, the smile doesn't broaden-- she's merely focussed on her primary objective so she can help Gen with his -own- brawl. Assuming, of course, that the old man doesn't thrash her in order to keep it all to himself-- after all, she's under the impression that he wants her help.
All that aside, she takes a few steps backwards once the hits land, either of her fists raised. There's no words-- as is, his quick response is enough reason to bring either of her arms up in an immediate attempt to block, though the blow immediately catches her off-guard. As does the rest, dizzying as it is, the power that he throws into it quite a bit more than she remembers him being capable of. Then again... -last- time they fought, he was clearly holding back.
Gritting her teeth, she raises up to deliver a fierce attack to his jaw with a second uppercut, though this one comes up a -lot- quicker than the last, the woman intent on using her newfound position on the ground as proper leverage.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Gen with Jab Punch.
- Power hit! -
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Jacob 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Vanessa
[OOC] Vega says, "Okay, just need a JD, parry, second wind, and we're set."
So perhaps Gen isn't the most creative name caller. He spent more time training his body than worrying about the verbal beat down. Not that it help him in this particular situation. "They were weak." Gen simply says, implying of course that he is different from all of Vega's previous adversaries.
Gen raises another eyebrow as the energy wraps around Vegas hand. Huh. That doesn't look fun. Not that he's going to get out of the way of it, of course. The face is its target and the face is where it connects, causing Gen to stagger back and wince a slight bit. Yeah, psycho power hurts... though it only deters him a slight bit before he rushes right back into close distance with Vega, showing no fear of getting hit by the powerful fighter again, even though the relatively simple punch did hurt him quite a bit.
Dropping low as he moves back towards his opponent, Gen makes what could be an error in judgment, attacking Vega right above the shin guard. A leg flies up to kick straight forward, the aim being to hit Vega in the knee, hopefully right above the shin guard. The idea is to strike a very specific pressure point, relatively gently, but enough that it will cause a normal human's leg to spasm and give out from under them. What effects it might have on someone like Vega, however, is anyone's guess.
COMBATSYS: Vega endures Gen's Satsu Jin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Jacob 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Vanessa
Indeed, any normal man's leg would crumple from having that distinct nerve center hit. If things go as the dictator plans, however, it'll be seen how much more of a monster Vega is than a simple man.
The punch connects, cleanly, wonderfully, despite the lack of real strength put behind it, elevating the dark lord's spirits. Quickly, like a snake retreating to its coil, his arm disappears under the cloak, still leaving the bottom open and showing both of his legs. One of which, as it stands in its silver and red coloring, makes a fine target.
Vega doesn't move, doesn't try to dodge, nothing. The foot collides against his leg as if striking tempered steel. With feet still together in their perfect military stance, the large man's body shifts back slightly, knees bending. Unfortunately, it's not to topple over. His arms cross in front of his stomach, that backward momentum reversing as he crouches further, shifting his body forward, lurching it, pushing off with both feet and sending him quickly toward the aged ex-assassin. His feet separate as his body flips end over end, both legs extending during the flip and using the momentum to aim one, two kicks, hoping to smash his heels against Gen's head. With luck, it'll pop like an overripe grape. One can hope.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa successfully hits Jacob with Dash Puncher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Jacob 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Vanessa
Jacob wasn't expecting Vanessa to get up off the ground again quite so fast, and he pays for it with a blow to the jaw that sends him staggering back a pace. That's okay, though, as he was hoping to get a little bit of distance from Vanessa for a moment.
In order to give her a bit more incentive in that regard his hand darts for his holster, drawing out his pistol and leveling it at the boxer's chest. He looks at her for a moment, ignoring the trickle of blood that's starting to leak from the corner of his mouth. "...Why did you come here?" He doesn't elaborate any further than that, and he's well aware that any answer she gives will likely accompany another blow. He's watching her very, very carefully, though. And he doesn't draw a weapon unless he has some intention of using it.
COMBATSYS: Jacob focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Jacob 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Vanessa
He doesn't keep the distance for long.
Much as Vanessa's usually all-good about in-fight smalltalk, she's not this time around. As the question is posed, he gets an answer, but it's not exactly -verbal-. The fact that he's got a gun trained on her is just as infuriating as who he's standing beside... and she knows she has to play this right. She has no intention of letting him get away with a single shot, much as he'd love to-- and in this case, getting that gun -out- of his hand would be in her best interest.
Therefor, as the weapon is trained on her and aimed in a far more lethal manner, she charges in, taking a firm hold of the man's gun hand in an attempt to throw him bodily towards the ground, the trajectory aiming him head-first for the turf. If it -is- successful, that weapon is not only snagged, but used to *smack* him upside the head.
"That -should- be answer enough," she singsongs dryly, throwing the weapon as far away from the fray as possible. Sure, he can run and get it again, but she's faster-- she WILL move to intercept if need-be.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Gen with Double Knee Press.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Jacob 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Vanessa
[OOC] Vanessa quicknotes-- whether or not she manages to pull that off, she'll still say that line. e.e
Another fighter might on look with horror as Vega ends up in prime position to strike, their attack having barely fazed their opponent and left them wide open. Gen, of course, just observes unconcernedly, holding his position after pulling his leg back, ending up in a bizarre, low crouch, standing on one leg and lifting the other up in front of him, knee about at level with his chest. Of course, his hands move up to try to slow the impending attack.
Hah, right. Both legs impact quite squarely with Gen's head, sending the man to the ground quite heavily, although his skull certainly remains in one piece, at least. Gen might be best just to stay down with as well as he's doing so far in mind, but that doesn't stop him from jumping right back up, hurt but hardly dazed from the impact to his head. And before Gen is even fully standing, a hand moves to try to grab Vega by the wrist...
The goal, if the hand can even be grabbed, is to twist it cruelly and pull it towards him and downward slightly, stretching it out a bit so that it's open for his other hand to strike Vega twice, once in the elbow and once in the shoulder, in a single, fluid motion, much as the last move, trying to strike two pressure points to cause harm and hopefully pain throughout the arm.
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Gen's Juraku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Jacob 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Vanessa
Such a shame. While not fixated on the spilling of blood itself, one can only imagine the reactions from Vanessa (and possibly Jacob) at seeing the Shadaloo beast cleave a man's head with his feet alone. Maybe another time.
In the end, Vega lands cleanly, if in a slight crouch, pausing a moment as a shiver seizes hold of his knee. A bit delayed, but.. "Hah! Interesting indeed," he muses, though with the tone of his voice, it's far less of a complement than it should be. That's when Gen, the ungrateful bastard, retaliates. Just as his fingers start to slink around the shiny bracer, Vega's arm pulls back, slipping from his grasp, as does his entire body. With an unnatural push backwards, heels barely touching the ground as he undoubtedly SLIDES backwards, the dictator evades the potentially painful maneuver. It really is a thing of wonder, the body. It's no wonder a country of old men can continue to be effective assassins! It's certainly something to look into for future minions.
While moving back, the lower edges of the cap flow around his legs. His right arm juts out in front of him, palm up with the fingers half-way curled. The sheen of a faint purple glow is unmistakeable as he comes to a stop, boots grinding into the soil as he slows. Over his hand, a tiny pinpoint of violet blinks into existance at Vega stares intensely at Gen, his grin bordering between the lines of mere amusement and genuinely insane mirth. The mark of light shimmers and all but explodes into a large, barketball-size gout of corrosive energy, the surface cloudy as wisps roll over and against each other, the thing a living extension of the virulent, negative emotions fueling it. Rearing his hand back before quickly sidearm-slinging it forward, the surface is covered further by bright arcs of similar color, arcing in streaks in much the same manner as the ball does towards the ancient Chinaman.
Gunther has arrived.
COMBATSYS: Jacob counters Medium Throw from Vanessa with Sabotage.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Jacob 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1 Vanessa
Jacob had hoped for a slightly more verbose explanation, but it seems he won't be getting one just now. As for Vanessa trying to disarm him... He's dealt with similar attempts more than a few times in the past. If it was him doing it, he'd have tried twisting the gun sharply to one side, breaking the wielder's trigger finger. Even if Vanessa had tried that, however, Jacob is still fast enough to get his gun hand out of the way as she grabs for him. And the obvious reaction when somebody's charging you and you have a weapon is to use it. Really, with all the training Jacob has it's not even matter of thinking. Vanessa's attacking him, he evaded her grab, and she's at point blank range. So he fires, immediately taking a few steps back to open up some space once again.
In a word? Ow.
Thankfully, there's enough momentum in the woman's attack that the majority of her vitals are well away from feeling the brunt of that-- her -side-, however, is caught fully. Ripping through the skin in a glancing shot that's more than enough to cause some very real damage, the redhead is jerked to the side and -thrown- to the ground without much issue. A hissing curse leaves her instantly, her hand going over the bulletwound the second she hits the turf.
Oh, there's anger, alright. Enough to fuel a small army. Especially once Vanessa's eyes raise to level a look on him. "Real cute," she sneers at him, taking her time in getting back up to her feet. "Too afraid I'll tear you to pieces without that little toy at your side? Really-- I knew you were a cheat and a liar, but I had -no- idea you'd resort to being this cheap." For all intents and purposes... she looks like she's down, her fingers gripping at the wound, intent on staving off the bloodflow. The warmth is entirely too apparent through her fingers, and her heart is already racing-- but she's not about to show fear to someone like this. Not in this instant.
That said, the hand clutching the wound slams against the ground, her legs working to launch her straight at the man and, of course, bring him down...
COMBATSYS: Jacob counters Champion Puncher from Vanessa with Restricted Area.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Jacob 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Vanessa
COMBATSYS: Gen parries Vega's Psycho Shot!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Jacob 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Vanessa
Give it time. Gen's head is sure to fall off sooner or later. Vega's 'compliment' is met with little more than a 'hmph' from Gen, not in an offended way, but more a way of acknowledging it without putting much effort into it... and still sounding emotionless, of course. After the Tech Hit, Gen is left somewhat overextended while Vega is quite prepared to launch his ball of psycho energy at Gen. But that's ok. Gen lifts a hand up towards Vega, fingers fanned out, looking ready to accept the ball in his hand. And he does, the ball of energy impacting with his open palm and smashing apart as Gen rushes forward towards Vega quickly to take advantage of this chance in momentum while he can. He looks to be running somewhat off to the side rather than straight at Vega, and it becomes obvious as Gen gets within range that he's actually trying to run past the other man.
A hand stretches out to attempt another grab of Vega's wrist as he goes by. It's merely for holding for now, however, so that Vega can't turn to face him. If the hand can be grabbed, it leaves Vega in good position for Gen to lift a foot, kicking Vega in the back of the knee hard enough to the send the leg forward and out from under Vega. This will hopefully put him off balance enough for Gen to throw Vega to the ground with the hand he used to grab Vega on the way past. Of course, all of this depends on the initial grab.
COMBATSYS: Gen successfully hits Vega with Houzen EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Jacob 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Vanessa
Well, that's..a new way to do it.
So great is the surprise at the unique way Gen dealt with his beloved projectile that actually at a loss. His white eyes grow wide, the grin dulling only momentarily. By the time he regains his composure, the old man is already on him, grabbing his arm, pulling, twisting as he needs to, which is an amazing feat considering the bulk of the man being moved. Surely, just touching the ball of psycho power would be harmful enough! For its effects to be completely nullified is..absurd!
So then, down Vega goes, his heavy body crushing the grass beneath him, the sound of his impact not loud, but like an echoing thing that would cause people to stop and look. Drama and whatnot. The look of surprise soon turns to a flash of anger, raw malice creeping from his eyes in small violet sparks, the things outlined with pale light. "Yoouu...insignifigant maggot!" He rises quickly, inhumanly in how gravity seems to cease working against him as his torso rises before his legs. In fact, he comes to a crouch, his right hand extending, fingers out again as a wash of malicious energy coats it, his wrist, indeed, his entire arm, tiny flame-like wisps licking the air around it. A push sends him careening toward Gen, who is hopefully close enough, aiming to collide with the old bastard and push him back, crushing him against the tree behind him with violent force.
Jacob glares back at Vanessa while she's on the ground, anger starting to break through on his part as well. "Why do you think I lied to you!? So you wouldn't end up getting mixed up in this! You obviously don't care about me, but if you didn't know what you were getting involved in..."
He trails off for a moment as Vanessa surges up off the ground, coming straight toward him. His free hand lashes out, snaring her by the wrist and yanking her sharply forward and down, sending her falling towards his feet. She'd probably be able to catch herself fairly easily, except for the fact that his booted foot is swiftly rising to meet her, slamming violently into her jaw as he continues his sentence.
" shouldn't have come!"
Well, that's just how it goes.
Angered as she is by the fact that her attack is not only nullified, but met with an abrupt physical insult. Dizzied by the imapct of his foot against her jawline, the redhead is once again left to fall rather gracelessly, though she's far from giving up. To his words? ...She starts, well... laughing, actually. It's not a hysterical kind of laughter, but it sure as hell isn't all that sound. Vanessa's just... bemused, amused-- take your pick. There's no pidgeonholing the sound of that humor, though there's nothing 'good' about it.
Once again, there's no verbal reply-- in her case, it's a matter of getting to her knees in front of him, her eyes favoring him with an incredulous look. "Keep talking like that and people're gonna get a pretty strange impression about all this," Vanessa replies, cooly enough, the wound in her side far from forgotten. If anything, being thrown back to the ground has only aggravated the pain-- and risen her temper substantially. It's with this in mind that her attack isn't exactly... graceful, or even polished. Telegraphed, perhaps, in the grab that's made at him, but it's up to his reaction, where it goes from there...
COMBATSYS: Jacob counters Puncher Weaving from Vanessa with Sabotage.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Jacob 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Vanessa
COMBATSYS: Gen dodges Vega's Psycho Torpedo.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Jacob 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Vanessa
It sure is. And it worked pretty well, apparently, as did his immediate counter attack. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't manage it twice. "Your anger... it is why you fail." Gen keeps his eye on Vega, carefully trying to process the attack as it unfolds, deciding that the best way to deal with it is to jump up and back, conveniently to connect with the tree behind him that he was going to be slammed against if Vega had his way.
A second after impact has him pushing off the tree with his legs, showing his unusual knack for acrobatics despite his seemly old, decrepit body. The goal is to use the speed gained from kicking off the tree as hard is he can for maximum speed and power. The attack is simply Gen using his foot, stretched out long in front of him to hopefully strike Vega somewhere in the head or torso. Gen certainly isn't all that flashy with his moves such as his opponent... but they're effective, at least.
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Gen's Ouga.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Jacob 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Vanessa
Effective, are they?
Nonsense. Utter nonsense, dreams clung to by a half-dead man.
Sailing harmlessly underneath Gen, the energy-coated hand smashes into the tree, leaving a spintered, hand-shaped impression in the wood. However flame-like the aura may have acted, the tree seems otherwise unscathed. Immediately, he begins to draw back, years of physical fighting experience put to use despite the heavy emphasis on swelling his reserves of immaterial power. The kick whiffs inches in front of his nose, causing the frown to turn into a downright scowl. He hates..HATES when people attempt to lecture him on anger. "As ignorance will be your downfall, you senile old fool!" he retorts, parroting some of Gen's earlier smack-talking. Moving in again, somewhat past him as happened before, Vega lifts his right arm and tries to clutch his face. It's a simple thing; no psycho power, nothing like that..just a simple show of brute strength, lifting the old man forcefully to ram the back of his head into the poor, abused tree, if all goes well.
Vanessa's movements now certainly do seem easy to see coming, but at first it doesn't seem like Jacob is even going to try to evade her attack. She lunges toward him, and it looks like she might well connect... And then he suddenly spins around, ducking slightly as he turns his back to her and slams his elbow into her sternum. He's not done there, however. Banking on that first impact giving him a moment or two while Vanessa recovers, he withdraws his arm a bit, then slams the back of his fist into her bullet wound.
After that he springs away again, a bit of blood dripping from his hand now. He doesn't say anything, simply looking at Vanessa coldly. And whether it's a tactical decision because he thinks he doesn't need it, he wants to anger her by demonstrating he doesn't need it, or some other reason entirely, Jacob slides the gun back into its holster, leaving both of his hands free now.
Alright, see, now... this is just bordering on obnoxious.
To the point where Vanessa -has- to pull away to have a good laugh at her own expense, even if it's internal. There comes a time when 'annoying' turns into 'ludicrous.' And now would be about that time. Yelping audibly at the feeling of his hand slamming into her side, the redhead cringes, pulling away gingerly. This... wasn't -exactly- what she had planned, and she's dizzied enough by bloodloss that she's finding the time to consider all of this laughable.
-Clearly- laughable.
"That's right, Romeo," she purrs at him, her tone salascious despite being highly condescending. "Let it all out. Be bright enough about it and I might have it in me to remember Paris's last speech before he konked out entirely." A low chuckle, then, as she raises herself, moving back on her haunches at first. "Funny how when you're being serious, you're actually worth something."
COMBATSYS: Vanessa focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Jacob 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Vanessa
COMBATSYS: Gen blocks Vega's Deadly Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Jacob 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Vanessa
Ok, true, that one was noticeably less effective than Gen had hoped. But despite his attack missing, Gen lets out a quiet, condescending chuckle as he lands. Apparently he's amused by how angry Vega seems to be getting... of course, it certainly doesn't seem to be causing him to make any mistakes.
Anyway, on to the fact that Gen's face is getting grabbed. Gen doesn't have time to duck out of the way of the attack by Vega, grabbed as intended, but, he is able to move one leg and both arms behind himself to hit the tree first, able to lessen the impact into the tree though a rather impressive feat of strength for the petite old man. Shaking his head free of the grip, biting Vega's hand if necessary, he retaliates quickly, his left hand becoming a blur of motion as it starts to strike Vega all over his torso, hitting him with repeated palm strikes, finger pokes and punches. The hits are weak and easily absorbed, individually, but as many strikes as he throws, they all seem to be focused on the same few areas. The damage certainly adds up, if Vega allows himself to be hit by them all.
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Gen's Hyakurenkou.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Jacob 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Vanessa
It's a bit like something came undone in Vega's mind, isn't it? Sure, he grabbed, sure, he slammed..but it wasn't as solid as he wanted, there wasn't enough pain. It's not natural, this fight. The dictator is used to causing lots of pain and feeding on the anger and despair, his empathic mind savoring the impressions of disdain like some kind of horrible parasite. "Anger," he snarls, his white teeth showing as he does do, his body immediately pushing away as the old man struggles to free himself. Thankfully, bites aren't needed, so no dentures need to be replaced or anything. "..Is the most powerful force in this world. You would have to be blind or, worse, ignorant not to see it!"
Going for repetition, Vega's hand juts out, pointing upwards, the fingers once more curled. The entire display of psycho power forming in a ball above his hands repeats itself. This time, his eyes glow brightly with the effort, and the ball spends far less time in its cradle before being ejected with great force at Gen, hoping to truly show him the force of malice. Forget the powers of good, forget help and friendship, to hell with niceties. These things make you weak.
Jacob just... stares at Vanessa for a few moments, slowly transitioning to an angry glare. His right hand curls up into a fist, nails biting into his palm as anger builds up inside him. "Do you..." He has to pause, shaking his head for a moment before he can continue. "...Do you think this is a joke!?"
Now it's his turn to be angry enough to lose his cool. Vanessa's barbs are hitting deep, and the general way that she's acting is enough to rise his ire. "You want to see serious?" The words calm out in the strained, even tones of someone who's resisting the urge to shout. "Fine." His arm draws back, snagging a throwing knife from its sheath, and then whips forward, sending the ceramic blade sailing in Vanessa's direction.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa blocks Jacob's Wet Works.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Jacob 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Vanessa
That just... causes more laughter, actually.
Swatting the blade aside, despite the fact that it slices through the material of her glove-- and her hand-- in the interim, Vanessa just *grins* back at the man, her expression faintly woozy despite the fact that she seems at least -somewhat- alert. Alert enough to bat aside the attempt, anyway. Tsking a little, she says, "Not good enough," her stance shifting enough to less distance between the two of them, her fist coming forward in another telegraphed move. It's debatable whether or not she's really trying anymore, but time will, indeed, tell. What starts out as a clumsy right straight moves into a stumble, the attack whiffing straight past his face--
Something that proves itself to be a feint by the fact that she takes hold of his shoulder and *slams* her fist straight into his gut if successful. As is, while she's not the greatest actress in the world, it'll take a keen eye to even guess at the oncoming trajectory, though it's a mild possibility.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Gen with Psycho Shot.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Vega 1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Jacob 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Vanessa
Natural it is certainly not. An old man probably shouldn't be standing up to a buff fighter like Vega... but he is. And not doing /so/ bad, at least. "True power comes from emptiness." Gen says in a chiding tone, not unlike as if he was talking to a child who had done something wrong.
Of course, in the whole talking thing he ended up not having time to parry this attack, again. Hitting him quite solidly in the chest, he staggers back to hit the same tree he was still standing in front of, letting out a breath with the impact. Pausing as he rests against it for a moment, he eventually abruptly starts sprinting towards Vega once again. A hand is held out towards him, fingers fanned out again, looking like he was going to hit Vega in the chest with his palm... but as he comes close his other hand comes from behind him, swinging up and over his head before striking Vega in a downward motion, trying to hit him right in the collar bone with a point formed by his index finger, middle finger and thumb.
COMBATSYS: Gen successfully hits Vega with Kyoutetsu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Vega 1/------=/=======|=======\====---\1 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Jacob 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Vanessa
Much like before, Gen's hits are like some frail, old man swatting at a brick wall. Sure, Vega takes in a slight grimace as the feint draws his attention one way, his raised arm useless as his poor collarbone takes a hit. It's a more sensitive area, not covered by much beyond the uniform and sinew, unfortunately.
"Shut your mouth, wretched imbecile.." he barks out, taking a single step back. Then, one more..then a couple more. He's not retreating, it's simple getting into position. His feet stop, digging into the ground as his right hand cups his collarbone, dropping it as his chest swells with a deep breath. The air is let out through his nose, a derisive snort at that. True power.. What does this idiot know? Beating up useless thugs, thinking himself worthy of taking down the glorious Vega, leader of the unstoppable Shadaloo forces..? Absurb. Completely ridiculous.
It's with that thought in mind that the man in red and grey lunges forward again, his body turning over as his legs part slightly, aiming to once more introduce the geezer's head with the painful business end of his boots. Both of them, one after the other. And then...
Again, Vega seems fully set on splitting Gen's head open with naught but his feet. The two kicks come and go, but...again, Vega flips over with a lurch, bringing those heels down more. Before the old man can fall though, he's lifted back up, Vega's body rising abnormally as he ..he dances up the front of his opponent, feet crashing into stomach, chest, neck, before finally pushing forward in a vicious double-footed kick off of his face, sending the dictator flipping back and away, arms folded across his chest and posture perfectly straight, landing in an equally impeccable military-like pose as the one he first used in this fight. "You know nothing, old man. It's no wonder you retired."
At least he was able to dig up that much. No a lot beyond, as there was precious little information even to his sources.
COMBATSYS: Jacob parries Vanessa's Fierce Punch!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Vega 0/-------/------=|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Jacob 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Vanessa
[OOC] Vega says, "Haha, jesus."
Jacob's already preparing to get out of the way when Vanessa comes in toward him, but he immediately switches mental gears when she stumbles. It almost looks natural, but... And then his shoulder is grabbed, but his hands are already moving, left hand snaring her wrist before she can successfully drive her fist into him.
Since he's already holding her by the wrist Jacob ignores Vanessa's hand on his shoulder for now, instead reaching with his free hand to try to grab her shoulder. If successful he tries to pull her down as he drives his knee upwards, trying for an impact with her stomach. After that blow, he attempts to use his grip on the boxer to hurl her down against the ground, quite possibly aggravating the injuries he's already inflicted.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa fails to counter Bang and Burn EX from Jacob with Parrying Puncher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Vega 0/-------/------=|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Jacob 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Vanessa
Like anything -wouldn't- aggravate the wounds, really.
There's a token effort to deflect the blow, even turn it against the man, but it, as with all else, fails dramatically. There is one surprising turn-about from this, though; namely, the fact that even though Vanessa hits the ground, she's still... laughing at him. One -might- consider it a spectacle, really-- there's nothing amusing about this. With Gen flagging in his attacks and her getting laid low by the constant attempts at hurting the man, the redhead can feel the bloodloss getting to her.
"What's--" her words are interrupted with a cough, her frame utterly failing to move for a moment or two as she looks up towards Jacob, that aggravating smirk still plain on her features. "What's great about all this is the fact that if I buy the farm tonight... I'll still be the one who did something worthwhile before it ended. You?" She starts laughing again, and points straight at Vega. "Look at who you follow!" It takes a moment for her to get to her feet, but she's still helpless to the bizarre mirth. It's impossible not to be. "Look at this situation!" she adds, her hand gripping her side tightly, though the bloodflow has been staved somewhat. Her continued movements havn't helped her in any regard.
The more she laughs, though, the more it hurts. Doesn't stop anything, mind.
"This is so perfect," she continues, apparently lost to her reverie. "Some giant friggin' Nazi in bright goddamn red determined to take over the -entire world-! Maybe even with a death ray. I've seen this episode of Get Smart before, I just know it. -Hah-!" Does it end there? Uh, no, actually. "And you!" she says, pointing back at Jacob. "The guy who's life doesn't amount to a pile of dogshit, getting all upset just 'cause someone find out how much of a two-bit -idiot- you were for following along with it! You die today, tomorrow... it won't mean -anything-. But at least I went somewhere with mine. At least I decided to join in on this cookie-cutter action movie and try to do something worthwhile outside my own aims. But you..."
She can't even finish. It's too funny, from what she can see.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Vega 0/-------/------=|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Jacob 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Vanessa
Tony has arrived.
Gen's very good at striking sensitive locations. His style--both of them, even--work in such a way, trying to harm sensitive locations and break down defenses. It doesn't seem to be working all that well this fight, however. Kicked quite effectively, it's rather surprising his body /doesn't/ just explode, but somehow he manages to hold mostly together, although is starting to bleed from somewhere on his face. Not that one could tell where it's coming from since there is so much of it. Flying back a decent distance from the last kick delivered to him, he skids to a stop before struggling to pick himself back up. His expression isn't afraid or upset that he's losing, at all. In fact, he's probably happy about it, somewhere. The pain might finally end.
Vega's words bounce off of Gen, unlike his attacks. He just stands and continues fighting... well, ok, not right away. For now he stands and stares at Vega, waiting for the precise, perfect moment for him to strike... There isn't much else he can do right now, after all. Gen even takes a moment to look over at Vanessa, seeing that she isn't faring much better than himself, but only does so for a minute before he's back to eyeing Vega. Doesn't want him to get a sucker punch in, after all.
COMBATSYS: Gen focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Vega 0/-------/------=|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Jacob 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Vanessa
Tony heads OOC.
"You're just going to stand there? This is it, from the man that DEMANDED that I meet him? I should have let you kill the boy." Of course, now, he has plenty of time to speak, if Gen's just going to..wait, and maybe bleed a lot. In fact, Vega even walks forward, and..once more, brings his hand out. It's the third time he's had it in this position, and, no matter what, he is dead-set on cracking through that unfeeling facade and drawing out all of the wretchedness, pain, and despair he can from Gen's simple, smoothed-over brain. At least, he assumes that such things are in there. Every man does, after all, there must be no exceptions. Stopping a good eight, ten feet away, Vega pauses to look over at how the other fight is going. So far, Jacob is..doing amazingly well. Good, he would expect no less from a Shadaloo agent! Such a fine way to take care of someone that would refer to HIM as a nazi! Yes, he heard it. The malevolent sneer on his face shows it.
As for's almost a half-hearted attempt as he forces the virulent energy ball on the main, apparently not giving him enough credit to even enjoy finishing him..too much.
For a moment Jacob just glares at Vanessa again, then he shakes his head. "You have no idea what you're talking about. My life doesn't mean anything?"
He points at Vega, all the while keeping his eyes locked on Vanessa. "That man is just about the only hope this messed up world has. Or do you think things are /good/ the way they are now? You think you've seen bad things since your husband died? That's been my life for nearly 15 years!"
He lowers his hand, fingers curling back up into a fist, and voice dropping to a hiss. "The only way to have any sort of 'peace' is through strength. And there's nobody else strong enough to do it. It doesn't matter whether or not you believe it, or whether or not you care for his methods. I don't know what you thought you were going to do here, but you and that old man obviously made a mistake."
COMBATSYS: Jacob takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Vega 0/-------/------=|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Jacob 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Vanessa
Oh, man. There she goes again.
When Jacob opens his mouth, Vanessa just laughs that much harder. It's getting to be a pain to stand upright, since she literally -does- have to clutch her side through all of it. Even with all the 'ow's and 'oof's that come with it, she's apparently having far too much fun to even consider the idea of throwing a punch. It's impossible to with all that talking.
"Ahaha-- hah-- Oh my god," she says, catching her breath as she stands upright, wincing noticably at the effort necessary. "The -shit- that's coming out've your mouth is -golden-. No, seriously. LOOK at him!" she says again, gesturing wildly in Vega's direction, "And then listen to you! You really do sound like some kind of cracked out fascist! S'ides, you think I -wanna- be here? That asshole -dragged- me here! Just, out've the blue, I'm suddenly his partner. But -you-!" There's that line again.
Putting a hang on her thigh, she breathes out heavily, trying to keep her grip on consciousness. The bloodflow's doing the most of the damage in this case. "Holy shit," she says again, shaking her head. "A willing lapdog. All you need now are the jackboots and the riding crop. So does he, come to think of it." Haaahahahaha. "God damn. I love it. I really do. Doesn't agree with us? Let's kill it! Doesn't follow our perogatives? Let's reprogram it! Third world country looking a little too annoying? Let's -bomb it-! Jesus. You're honest to christ a -whole- lot dumber than I -ever- thought. You know that phrase, 'outta the frying pan, into the fire'? You bomb out on working for your own country in favor of working for someone who does the -same exact thing-?!"
She snorts, at that. "It's still worth nothing. Once that little fantasy land comes around and hits you in the teeth, the -only- thing I'll regret is not being around to say 'I told you so.'"
COMBATSYS: Vanessa takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Vega 0/-------/------=|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Jacob 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Vanessa
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Gen with Psycho Shot.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > / ]
Vega 0/-------/----===|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Gen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Jacob 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Vanessa
Gen cares far too little about all the pain, despair and wretchedness he experienced or caused in his past, leaving them quite effectively locked away in his mind. Of course, getting to the actual brain matter? Now that's an accomplishable feat, at this point.
Gen does indeed seem to be doing little other than standing completely motionless, and, well, bleeding. The ball of energy flying at him yet again isn't even his concern at the moment. He's looking at something else... the distance between the pair. Looking at it very carefully judging how far it is, he comes to the conclusion that it's within distance to make the low sliding attack, and does so. This means taking the Psycho shot right in the face, but he manages to stave off the hurt for just long enough to strike Vega on the way by, ending up, success or fail, behind Vega with a single hand outstretched in front of him, the same hand used to deliver one strike on the way by.
Did I say one? I meant 7, six of which aren't able to be felt until a moment after he's already passed by. If the hits are blocked, they'll tink weakly against Vega's arms or whatever else. If not... they'll strike six vital points, each causing searing pain and fairly bad damage. Of course, once the attack has been performed and Gen is past Vega, he topples forward, landing flat on his face, quite obviously no longer able to fight, though if he's unconscious, he's unconscious with his eyes open.
COMBATSYS: Gen can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Vega 0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0 Vanessa
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Jacob 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Gen successfully hits Vega with Zan'ei.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Vega 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Vanessa
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Jacob 0/-------/--=====|
Fairly bad, indeed! Vega had really thought the old dog to be out of the fight already, and if least after eating another mass of chilling, horribly psycho power. The retaliation is swift and sure, striking all of those nerves as intended. ..And then Gen, finally, falls.
"What was.." he starts, his hand clutching his chest. Thankfully, Vega is made of sturdy enough stuff to keep his heart from exploding..but the small gout of blood he chokes up, crimson matching his suit splashing along the ground and trickling down his chin..that is a rare thing indeed. Wiping a smear from his face, the big man eyes the stain for a good few seconds. "Useless.. Ignorant, pathetic.. Uuugnn.." There's another cough and another small bit of blood. Seeing that, the reddened lips spread into a sneer. One boot foot lifts..and crashes down on the back of Gen's head, or his face, either one, whichever it takes to press his pumpkin into the softer soil below it. "Look where you've gotten yourself," he snarls, grinding his foot where it lays. His attention is then brought to Vanessa and Jacob, not too far off.
Heh. Perfect.
Moving his foot, Vega reaches down, lifting the old man by the hair, his voice absolutely rife with murderous hatred and all sorts of deliciously vile emotions. "You'll soon be following your sidekick to Hell." Twisting his lips into a vicious smile, he tosses him aside, stepping toward the pair..
And glowing. His entire body is outlined in deep violet light, matching his eyes, overshadowed by the captain's cap that had stayed persistently still throughout the fight. The cloak billows freely behind him as the outline turns into a visible gout of flame-like energy, still purple in color, constantly shifting about him like the living thing it quite likely is; emotions bred of hated and greed, all of those ugly little things that people try to hide deep down, things people don't want to see. Vega revels in it all, brings it out, manipulates it, feeds on it. Indeed a monster in his own right in all things. One can FEEL the dread creeping up long before they can see it. It's a palpable thing, a chill, the sensation of danger, a thing that sends the hairs on the back of your neck standing up straight. "This.." he says, loudly, certainly enough for Vanessa and Jacob to both hear him. " true power, old man!"
It's a shame, really. Jacob had been doing so well here, he's served Shadaloo admirably. Unfortunately..he's in the wrong place. The nazi has his eyes on Vanessa specifically, his right arm pulling back, left hand clutching it at the wrist. It's not long before that aura surrounding him explodes into a ridiculous excess of energy, swirling around him, shredding grass and foliage in a large berth as he lunges forward, body horizontal to the ground as it spins lengthwise, emitting an unholy emough of Psycho Power from his hand and allowing it to consume everything in his path. If that means Jacob, be it.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Jacob with Final Psycho Crusher.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Vega 0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0 Vanessa
[ <
Jacob 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|
Jacob's eyes widen for a moment, and then his head whips around at the sound of Vega shouting. "He can't be..." He jerks his head back around to Vanessa, and whatever anger was there is gone now and replaced with stark terror. If she doesn't have some idea of what's coming, that may be a pretty good indication. Jacob's heard some stories, and he's got a fairly good idea what that surge of energy means.
There's no time to run, though. No time to do anything, really, once Vega's body starts moving through the air. For a moment Jacob's body is in between the Shadaloo lord and Vanessa. Then, perhaps, Vanessa will get to see a split second where it isn't any longer.
Jacob can see the blast of Psycho energy approaching, along with his Lord, and he has a brief opportunity to feel betrayed once again in the same night. And then, his entire world becomes pain as Vega slams into him, the impact sending him flying, Psycho energy still clinging about his body as he slams into the ground, digging a fair sized furrow before coming to a final, smoking, and very bloody stop.
And then, nothing.
COMBATSYS: Jacob takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Vega 0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0 Vanessa
COMBATSYS: Jacob can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Vega 0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0 Vanessa
COMBATSYS: Vanessa dodges Vega's Final Psycho Crusher.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Vega 0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0 Vanessa
The laughter comes to an abrupt end the moment that that flare of energy ignites.
The second that Jacob goes down in a mess of horrific sound effects, Vanessa doesn't care about doing anything particularly graceful. She -throws- herself at the ground the moment that the man comes near her, failing to notice the pain in her side in the midst of the roll that she tucks herself into. Well, hell-- there's no tucking. It's about as pretty as trying to get a fire out via the means of stop-drop-and-roll. As if style has anything to do with this.
Getting immediately to her feet, she takes one glance at Jacob... and doesn't think twice. She could stay, be 'merciful' and let him get in his last dramatic words, but... in the immortal words of many before her: 'FSK THAT.'
Getting to her feet, she uses what she's got left in her to... not grab Gen, not curse out Vega in the standard Good Guy fashion, not level more insults at the man... Oh no. She runs like HELL. Bloodloss or no, even if she passes out a good few seconds after out and out booking it, she's hightailing it in ---------> that general direction. There's no such thing as pride right now-- there's just the immediate need to survive, and that's the end of it.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Vega 0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0 Vanessa
COMBATSYS: Vanessa has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/------=|
Tch. One got away.
Ah well. She wasn't important anyway, and after the little display of her showing the better side of valor, well..if she's smart, she'll think twice about messing with /any/ Shadaloo affairs, ever again.
After landing, Vega emits a cough or three, only one of them spitting up any more blood. Be it sheer will or the benefits of tinkering in the labs, he'll live through this. That's a given, he has things to accomplish. He looks off toward Jacob, arms folding under his cloak again. "..What a waste." The guy did good work..sometimes. But at noted, there will be more, and he'll be easily replaced, in fact forgotten before too long. By Vega, at least. Giving one more glance in the direction that Vanessa ran off in, just in case she had any (non-)bright ideas..he starts walking over toward Gen in slow, measured steps..
Log created by Vanessa, and last modified on 00:21:03 04/28/2005.