Iori - Come and get me, Krauser.

Description: Iori calls Krauser. Krauser: "WASSAAAAAAAP?!" Iori: "WASSAAAAAAP?!" ... Okay, not really.

Chopper landed, gear... mostly forgotten. This was by no means a base of operation for Mature, but then she wasn't picky either. Looking around and making a general assesment of their supplies, she idly worked away at a small palm pilot, marking things and such. Then there was the cell phone. Mature dreaded the cell phone. She wouldn't call Rugal, he'd call her. But untill he did she was free to do what she pleased. Sort of like the calm before the storm or the night before execution. Being a smaller organization, R was supposed to be quiet and secret. Not doing big overt actions like these. The screen in the chopper showed the news broadcast clearly. Rugal would see it too. The only thing left on Mature's mind was why the cell phone was so quiet. . Might have somehting to do with the fact it was still off.

The new camp hardly resembled a camp anymore but just a makeshift landing. There was no tent, no luxeries, just enough to get by on for a couple of days. This didn't suit Mature well and she was already hard at work with what to do next.

Iori hadn't really been paying attention for most of the flight, really. As much as he refused to really show it, blocking all those brats' attacks really did start to wear on him a bit. True, he didn't face the brunt of Krauser's worst, but the fact remains that the other fighters still got some solid hits in -- mitigated as they were by Iori's defense. He'd been wordless throughout the rest of the night, slumbering uncomfortably in the rear hold and not really asking much about... damn near anything.

The news broadcast caught his attention, though. It'd gotten him to come out of his hole, at any rate, watching with... near =maddening= glee as his face, and those of the others, got posted live for the world to see. "What a crock. That jackass put up a pic of my bad side." It was a head-on view, though, and Iori's obviously still laughing about it. Shaking his head, he continues watching the rest of the broadcast, before strolling over to Mature -- his mood obviously much improved. "D'you see that shit in there? Comedy GOLD. ... ... What's the matter with you? Still pissed at them for mussing your makeup?"

He was still here. Mature couldn't decide if she minded this or not, with a glance over she gives Iori the most non-commital response she can. A shrug. "Giving that overgrown ox something to cry about was my intent. Instead like a scared child he had to call an army to his aid." Yep, she's bitter. Not looking too pretty as her sneer grows. "I should of thought of a way to get rid of the soldiers first.. Like a bombing.. Terrorism tends to draw attention." Mature muses with this for a moment then shrugs. "But, you asked."

That may change, though. It can't be denied that Iori finds the two women's attitude to be most intriguing. Tony... amusing, but not so much. And male. But even still, the fact that Krauser's calling out death warrants actually, surprisingly, makes the hot-blooded warrior want to call out his bluff. Really... as much as Iori wanted to stand and fight, facing down an army and getting captured wasn't his cup of tea. "Yeah. Pussy. I've made up my mind. Gonna call the big guy's bluff and turn myself in, if he lets me fight his ass one-on-one. Got a phone I can use?" He eyes the unused, silent cell-phone, but in a rare moment of compassion, doesn't feel like raining down hellfire on her for using what he can only figure is an unsecured line.

She follows Iori's eyes to the cell phone and winces a little. "Yes I do," she manages and moves into the chopper before pulling out her personal cell phone. It's decorated! There are pictures of mountains and a snowboarder doing a neat trick on the phone. It's far to cute to be Mature's and yet it is clearly hers. Turning it on she hands it over. The phone has nothing in it's memory, an empty address book, no phone tree, not even games. "That should do the trick." She murmurs a little, perhaps not to pleased to show off her personal phone.

"... I didn't figure Pinky would give us as much trouble..." he continues while walking back to the chopper with Mature, "... but she just doesn't know when to quit. Pisses me off that she's even advanced in the tournament like that, and our friend Miss Tactfulness didn't even get a shot. Damn if wasn't fun blasting the shit out of her, though, eh?" Chuckling low, he rests his arm around Mature's shoulder as he examines the phone. Doesn't even care if he gets brushed off or anything, but, after this, they've shared a 'moment' and he figures he's entitled to it. "Cute." he notes with a smirk, before dialing the Strolheim 411. "... Wolfgang Krauser. ... Yeah, whatever, put me through. Tell him it's Yagami."
On the phone, Krauser answers gruffly, "This is Wolfgang Krauser. What do you want, Yagami?"

A smile spreads her lips at the mention of blasting the girl into the ground and she nods her agreement. The arm on her shoulder, well it's not like Mature is a robot who does nothing but plotting and killing. She is a woman. BUT she's a cold hearted one too. She just doesn't react to the arm, (which is way better than how she'd likely reaction if many other people tried that.) "So you intend to challange him. . not a bad idea if he accepts," Mature considers a moment. "Depending on the circumstances.. Well, you'll need transportation, in the very least." Clearly she's doing her best to justify helping Iori, already she's done enough to piss off her boss at her. A little more shouldn't hurt.
Iori smirks back to Mature as he rests some of his weight upon her. He's not terribly put off by the lack of response, just... grins as he finally gets somewhere in the call. He answers with a low, amused chuckle. "Saw your little news bulletin. Funny shit. But let's cut the crap: you want me, I'll give myself to you on a silver platter -- on one condition. You beat me, one-on-one. You win? You do what you want. I win? I walk out scot-free, and you clear the charges."
On the phone, Krauser pauses for a moment before responding flatly, "Where?"

Pause. "... Hmm. ... Brussels airport. Baggage claim. Four hours. Just me and you, or else I'm out."

"Plan to be fashionably late?" Mature inquires, with full enough intent to watch the fight but more so to let Iori remain in the lead. Even without her memory of Goenitz, her pattern of finding a strong able fighter to follow behind and serve has always been a part of her personality. Iori fits the bill perfectly well. "It's too bad, Vice would of wanted to see this too." Who Vice would of liked to see lose..? Either or of course.

Iori smirks, chuckling and nodding with a knowing glance to Mature. "Does that meet your approval, Kaiser?" He doesn't figure it'd take that long to get there either, but even if he does, he'd wait a while just to piss off the Kaiser, as Mature is quick to note. The two haven't known each other all that long, and yet they still think on the same page somehow. Hell, Iori's quite a few years younger than either of the two ladies, but there's still a kind of unspoken attraction, somehow. It's another reason he stuck around. The fact that Mature is offering transportation just sweetens the pot -- he was halfway expecting to foot it to the airport.

And with the conversation completed it's back to buissness with Mature. "Get everything ready, we're leaving." She calls out toward the pilot and co-pilot who also serve as workers. For some odd reason those two never seem thrilled about taking orders from her, but at the same time they were snooping this time more than usual. Probably Rugal will recieve a report about Iori getting fresh with his secrataries. This doesn't even remotely concern Mature as she doesn't mention or do anything about it. "Well.. I'm ready when you are." She says sweetly. All the while thinking to herself that if Iori loses she'll have to take the big lug out for her own good.
On the phone, Krauser responds, "I'll be there." And then - hangs up. He didn't even say goodbye!

Iori smirks, holding the phone away from his ear as Krauser gives his abrupt reply -- and apparently hangs up. "Ooh, I think he likes me." Emitting a low chuckle, he hands the phone back to Mature, and nods. "I'd appreciate the lift, and I'm sure Vice would get a chuckle from it. ... On the off-chance I lose, though, don't feel obligated to stick around." It's ... a twisted sense of honor, really. But moreover, he just wants to knock Krauser down a couple pegs. As for Rugal... Rugal who? Iori doesn't know about the mysterious ladies' boss, and really doesn't care so long as they continue to amuse him. "... Let's roll, then." He ... actually helps pack the chopper, on that note, before bundling in for the ride.

{ Scene change: Brussels Airport }

Naturally, Krauser was there before the agreed time. He had to talk with the airport officials, to tell them of the scenario beforehand. Thusly, the area around the baggage return is completely clear, save for the tall German, who waits alone as requested.

It helps that Strolheim is going to pay for all the damaged caused as a result of the fight, along with a little extra to grease the wheels.

Equally naturally, Yagami strolls down the escalator a few minutes after the specified time. Partly because of precautions -- he didn't want the helicopter to park at the airport proper, and partly because, by gum, his boots are just awfully =heavy= today for some reason. Tsk.

Chuckling as he walks unaccompanied into the vacated baggage claim area, he glances around for effect, one thumb hooked into his jeans pocket. Good ol' Wolfgang, keeping the wheels of economy turning. Iori hadn't expected him to go to such lengths, but really... he should have, he supposes. "... Well, damn, Krauser. Where's the red carpet?" Continuing the chuckle, he glances around more, pleased to note that he's the only one here. "So I take it this 'honorable battle' is a privelege, not a right," wryly alluding to the statement from the angered Krauser just one night prior. "I'm glad for the opportunity."

It's true Iori is alone, but not completely. If you drew back far enough Mature was watching, but it took some survalance equipment to do it. She knew where it would take place and thus had set up just outside where the airport would be normally functioning. She wasn't doing anything fancy this time either, it was just a small camera she had rigged onto a piece of luggage of which she was willing to have someone put nearer to Krauser than she was getting. Someone who? Just a random someone. Cursing she views the black and white image of the scene. Cheap equipment. Most of her fancy stuff was lost with the camp.

"It is." Krauser rumbles, "And you are being granted an honorable duel. Now, fight!"
There was really nothing else to say. After that last exclaimation, the nobleman breaks into a run, murder in his eyes - the only indication that this fight is not for challenge. It was for the honor of Strolheim, and to repay for the grievious injuries inflicted upon Megumi.
As he approaches, Wolfgang reaches for Iori, one hand lashing out viperishly fast.

COMBATSYS: Krauser has started a fight here.

COMBATSYS: Iori has joined the fight here.

COMBATSYS: Krauser successfully hits Iori with Lift Up Blow.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Iori             0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0          Krauser

...and then he continues right past Iori, skidding to a halt a foot or so behind him.
It takes a brief second to realize that Krauser has a hold of the strap that runs between Iori's legs. With a grunt of effort, the massive combatant /yanks/ Yagami off his feet and hoists him into the air, holding him upside down.
Wolfgang then proceeds to ram his fist into the red-haired Orochi fighter's face, using him as a punching bag for several agonizing seconds, summarily tossing him away.

Iori had always known that strap to be a slight liability: knowledge that is painfully reinforced by the Kaiser's knuckles slamming into him repeatedly. When he's tossed aside? Heck yes, Iori's nose is busted and bleeding. And yet... he's ... LAUGHING. "... Nice trick." Nice and "honorable," being the implication there. But whatever -- it's a fight, and Iori really should have expected Krauser to hit hard and all.

Not to say Iori's going to hit any lighter. Spitting blood at the carpet, he wipes his nose off with the back of his hand.

And then he makes a wild dash for Krauser, starting off with a furiously fast elbow. "GURAAAAAAAAH!" And then he'd aim to sink his talons deep into Krauser's washboard abs, should that hit...

COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Krauser with Sakahagi.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Iori             0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0          Krauser

... and it seems like it did, so Iori's rams his nails straight in. Knocking Krauser's meaty arms aside, Iori shoulders into him, and then whips his hand into an uppercut, loosing four streams of blood as he forcibly extracts his fingertips from the meaty German, having to whip a sharp 180 to complete the motion. Roaring with laughter, he takes a precautionary step away before turning back to face the Kaiser, grinning like mad.

Though she winces a little as hits land on Iori, her excitement grows as Iori hits back. This fight is becoming madly violent and that is just the sort of thing Mature likes to watch. Her tongue travels over her lips as though she were about to eat a delicious cake, or watch someone's face minced

Sharp fingernails - what was it with sharp fingernails? Krauser grimaces as the points go in, but before he can grab Iori for suitable punishment, his arms were batted away and an uppercut had sailed right into his face. The head of Strolheim staggers backwards, shaking his head to clear the momentary haze.
And then, he jumps, leaping into the air in his trademark fight opener. Wolfgang rises to startling heights before gravity touches him, bringing him back down and turning his heel into a rapidly descending comet that was sure to repay the painful favor.

COMBATSYS: Iori blocks Krauser's Leg Tomahawk.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Iori             0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0          Krauser

This...wasn't supposed to happen.
Tony went through ridiculous lengths to disassociate himself with his former ties in Metro City--The Mad Gear, even as beaten as they were once Haggar was done with them, would eventually find a new leader, and rebuild. It was just the way of things, there would always be someone who wanted something so bad they would do anything for it. Tony had to fight for the priviledge/right of freedom from the Gang's influence, and finally won it. Even then, it took months just to get the local authorities to believe it as anything more than a particularly elaborate ruse. After earning trust, and earning his rights as a regular citizen, Tony was a free man.
But now, everything's been shot to shit. He didn't even really have a say in matters, as the eight foot tall giant of a man named fate decided to take a rather painful cleveland steamer on his face. For at absolute least the next few hours, he kept company with assassins, madmen, and psychopaths. He was a terrorist, labeled a menace like none of his efforts over the course of the last year meant a damn. A few seductive lies and some bad luck, and he was right back where he started.
At least the view was considerably better. It wasn't like he was being forced to look at /Poison/ or something. Standing a couple of feet behind Mature, Tony silently watches the assassin work with the surveillance equipment...awaiting some kind of update as to how the fight was going, or maybe just some kind of word at all.

Iori's quick to raise both forearms, bracing one against the other as he sucks down the impact of Krauser's dropped leg. He finds himself forced to one knee from the terribly powerful blow -- just a testament to how much the burly German actually managed to =hurt= him. Truth be told, it's rather exciting to Iori, who only rarely gets fighters of Krauser's caliber to compete against. True, he has more riding on this than other fighters might, but... who knows.

What he =does= know, though is that the bigger they are, the harder they fall. And that's why, in an attempt to capitalize on the inequitable weight distribution of Krauser's attack, he tries to modify his block into a hold upon Krauser's leg and slam him back to the baggage room floor in a ferocious redistribution of weight. "GURAAAAAAAAAAAOUUUH!"

COMBATSYS: Krauser blocks Iori's Quick Throw.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Iori             0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0          Krauser

There's one thing you need to know about Krauser:
He doesn't like to obey certain laws of reality.
That's why when Iori throws him, the nobleman twists through the air, placing a hand on the ground and pushing off. The result is that the shock of the fall is absorbed through his arm, and Krauser gets to backflip to his feet.
But that put too much space between the two. Seeking to remedy this, Wolfgang brings his leg up, knee-first, and suddenly /moves/. He's not running, he's simply speeding forward as if he had skates on, though clearly none are apparent.
Despite this trick, there are more pressing matters to worry about, such as the incoming knee-to-Iori's-face.

COMBATSYS: Iori dodges Krauser's Knee Smasher.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Iori             0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0          Krauser

"It's quite a violent little battle they have here," Mature states, watching the black and white monitor she is surveying from. Far enough away so that Krauser can't see her. "But I wish I had color, the blood must be spectacular." she adds after a moment. Though something is keeping her attention, everything Iori does. She doesn't let a move escape her eye.

Too much distance, and too much time for Iori to react. Laughing confidantly, Iori shakes his head at Krauser's approach, and jumps out of the way, diving into a roll. It's something normally reserved for the more cheerleader-like fighters, to be sure, but that's, again, more of a nod to Krauser's strength.

Still... Iori finds himself still much too close to the huge German for comfort. He'd rather have played keepaway, but he also knows his opponent's capabilities a bit more than he'd like to. So, rather than aim for the leg -- he leaps into the air, a 360-degree spin necessary in the midst of his flight in order to impact the true punishing =terror= of the move -- a long arc of flame searing the conditioned terminal air into steam as his hand descends towards the German's head. "HHHRRROOOOOAUUGH!"

COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Krauser with Tsumagushi.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Iori             0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1          Krauser

Of course, there were also the smaller things, the little nuances that just plain weirded Tony out--the overwhelmingly sadistic tendencies, for starters. Still, Tony wasn't entirely stupid...he's have to shore himself up, rebuild the casual indifference he bore when he was still very much a criminal and above all else make sure he doesn't betray himself by showing those inner thoughts.
"It's just started," Tony offers, trying to be...something akin to comforting. "They haven't had to hunker down and really bring up the offense to the point where people'd be looking like hamburger." There we go. That'll work.

Before Krauser can spin around, Iori's flames impact him - this was not going to plan, he had to concentrate. Staggering forward from the shock of the blow, Krauser turns on his heel, revealing the mass of glowing chi encased in his fist.
With a low shout, the nobleman leaps backwards to gain some space, tossing the mass of burning energy towards the red-haired man's face.

COMBATSYS: Iori negates Blitz Ball from Krauser with Yami Barai.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Iori             1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1          Krauser

Resuming his low chuckle after his flaming blow sears into Krauser's flesh, Iori hops back. Confident? Definitely. But that same confidence is what allows him to think that he has a chance against the man who's bested so many -- indeed, he who has only two publically known losses in recent memory. Iori's tough, and he's not only assured he has a chance -- but is absolutely convinced he'll =win=. And it's that confidence that allows him to brace his right wrist, a plume of amethyst flames rising from his palm as he laughs back at Krauser. "You're not as tough as everyone says you are," he chuckles, even while the Blitz Ball hurtles towards him. Yagami's not scared -- not in the slightest.

It might seem odd, for Yagami to be pitching a burst of flame the size of a softball into the heart of Wolfgang's significantly larger projectile. But ... when both are simultaneously annihilated in a brilliant flash of light... maybe it becomes clear that both were of approximately equal potency. "Snuffed out of existence just as the sky eats the moon!" he howls with a grin.

It really didn't matter if Iori defeated the Blitz Ball or not. Either way, it served as a distraction. Krauser breaks into a run immediately after setting the chi loose, rushing after it. The explosion leaves him mildly surprised, but again, that doesn't /matter/ at this point.
What does matter is evening up the match. The huge German crouches at the last moment, coiling up like a snake so he can leap upwards at the hopefully recovering Iori - and ram a well-placed knee into his face. If at first you don't succeed...

COMBATSYS: Iori blocks Krauser's Knee Smasher.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Iori             1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1          Krauser

... try, try again. Unfortunately for Iori, he's not quick enough to get himself out of the way -- but unfortunately for Krauser, Iori's nose isn't getting any bloodier as a result. Because as soon as that knee flies for him, Iori raises both arms in a cross, catching the attack with his arms and then slinging it aside -- but in the meantime, Yagami charges at the big man. Try try again, indeed -- he's aiming to grab for the knee and sling his weight into bringing Krauser to the ground while he's still off-balance.

"GURAAAAAAAAAOH!" he howls, in the process.

COMBATSYS: Krauser endures Iori's Quick Throw.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Iori             1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1          Krauser

Iori might catch, out of the corner of his eye, a little something. While Krauser is forced roughly to the ground, there's nothing but a feral grin on his face - look at how sharp those incisors are. A bright, almost blinding light spins into existence, balancing on the tip of the nobleman's finger. "Do you see this? The power of the entire Strolheim family is here!"
Accompanied by a moment of hushed silence, the speck of chi explodes outwards, forming a vast wall of energy, a universe where stars supernova with frightening regularity and vicious intent, where galaxies snake their way through the destruction.
The pretty sights aren't there for long. Krauser wants to take advantage of Iori's position, and he will do so now - a point blank Kaiser Wave.

COMBATSYS: Iori endures Krauser's Kaiser Wave.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Iori             1/-======/=======|-------\-------\0          Krauser

Iori did notice that he was pulling this off with just a bit too much ease, yes. Krauser's not a man to let himself be pulled into -anything- lightly, so that when be plows Krauser into the floor... well. Let's just say Iori gets the hell out of the way.

But not only that. Roaring with laughter, Iori cups another small bloom of flame again as he rises to his feet, bracing his hand with another as he watches the Kaiser Wave fly at him -- a bloom of flame that erupts into a gigantic conflagration just instants before the Kaiser Wave slams into him. There's another brilliant flash of light, but there's a bit of a lag time between the time in which the Kaiser Wave should have hit him -- and the time in which the truth of what just happened is made clear.

The suicidal Iori Yagami has run THROUGH the Kaiser Wave. The extent of his true injuries isn't quite clear, his outer shirt all but burnt to cinders, his more durable pants and the white shirt beneath still intact -- and all for what. A single uppercut aimed at knocking the bejeezus out of Krauser?

COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Krauser with Ya Otome.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Iori             0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0          Krauser

No. Not just one uppercut. A cross to the jaw. A sucker punch to the gut. A headbutt to his super-sized German cranium. A series of wide, sweeping slashes delivered crosswise to the German's chest. Each strike potent enough by itself, but absolutely -devastating- when delivered in unrelenting sequence -- and yet the combination still continues with even more quick rotations of Yagami's upper torso, slamming repeated blows into him. But it soon subsides, the motes of steam from the two energy attacks still hissing as Iori slams both fists into Krauser's chest with a howling rage, once, twice, three times -- and only then, mercifully, does he clamp his hands down onto Krauser's head.


BOOM. The space between Yagami's hands explodes into another conflagration of unnatural purple flames.

Spent, Iori takes a few steps back, resuming his low chuckle.

Gasp. Mature can't believe her eyes. Though the screen flickers and fills with static for a moment before it comes back into focus. With mouth wide opened, Mature says in stunned disbelief, "How.. did he that?" The blond can't seem to believe her eyes, or the monitor.

"Jesus," Tony burbles, equally disbelieving--He knew the German was powerful, but that was simply beyond Tony's comprehension. " Iori's still up...That guy's fucking hardcore." Tony didn't need to be an actor to go along with Mature on that one, as the feat was simply...mindbogglingly intense.

After a while, the punches begain the blur together. Such an assault could undoubtedly maim, kill, at very least render unconscious - and due to Krauser's position, he wasn't able to raise a hand in his defense. The explosion renders everything blindingly similar for a moment.
...and then Krauser gets to his feet, his expression neutral, fists clenched tight in anticipation. He survived - not only that, he's in one piece.
There's just one thing on the nobleman's mind at this point. With that single though, he takes a huge step forward, hand reaching for Iori's throat. This time, no 'nice trick'. He was going to pummel the Orochi fighter into oblivion.

COMBATSYS: Krauser successfully hits Iori with Lift Up Blow.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Iori             0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0          Krauser

"HHRRRRRK!" Iori finds himself hauled off the ground after all that -- mainly because he was too slow to get out of the way, after pouring so much into that punishing series of blows. Gritting his teeth, he refuses to show =too= much pain to Krauser, as the big German's fist rams into his face. One, two, three, four! Four crushing punches to bash the Orochi halfbreed's nose in! Hurled aside afterwards, Iori crumples to the ground... and yet, even as his face is a bloody pulp stained nearly as red as his hair, the Yagami scion still finds... something dreadfully amusing about this all. "You're overspent, old man..." Just like him, but that's not going to be something Iori actually admits. Likewise, as he pushes back to his feet, the bloom of flame gathering in his palm likely a familiar sight by now, he shouts, "YOU'RE NOT ALL THAT!" And... he slings his hand forward in a burst of flame!

Though it's just a distraction -- because that flame's MUCH too slow to do anything serious. He's leaping into another, more deadly move, another exhibited earlier -- only, hopefully, with the added advantage of surprise. An arc of purple flame screams overhead to crash down upon the burly German's guard, once more. "GRUAAAAAAAAOAH!"

COMBATSYS: Krauser blocks Iori's Tsumagushi.

[                         \\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Iori             0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0          Krauser

Krauser dissects the move mentally, quickly thinking of the possibilities and the outcomes of each. Even though his reaction time is cut short, there's one thing to do.
Namely, leap through the attack. Not straight through with the mindless desire to kill that Iori displayed versus the Kaiser Wave, but instead a calculated counterassault. Arms crossed in preparation, Wolfgang leaps into the air, slamming into his foe's incoming assault. Luckily it all pays off, the nobleman hurtles through the air, and the brunt of the damage was deflected by the sudden changed of position and a well-placed block.
This leaves Krauser ascending, and Iori descending. A moment later and the German begins to fall as well. Watching the landing Iori for an opening, he lashes out with his foot in another brutal axe kick.

COMBATSYS: Iori dodges Krauser's Leg Tomahawk.

[                         \\\\\  < >  ///                           ]
Iori             0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0          Krauser

Iori left an opening for attack that was only open for the instant Krauser planned the attack. Some may think it was planned that way, but most would just say it was blind luck on Iori's part that he landed on all fours, instead of on both feet -- and frog-jumped backwards to evade the brutal attack. Grinning as he pushes back to his feet, he's obviously enjoying the fight -- and he even says so. "It's so much more entertaining, this way..." he notes with a cold grin, right before launching forward into a riotously quick attack. Nothing fancy -- just a nice quick overhand claw at the eyes, before reversing direction sharply to hammer a backfist through Krauser's meaty guard. "GUUUOOOOOAH!"

COMBATSYS: Krauser blocks Iori's Yumebiki.

[                          \\\\  < >  //                            ]
Iori             0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0          Krauser

Iori is mostly defanged for the moment by one simple procedure - turning to the side. His clawing glances off the side of Krauser's head, while a raised shoulder bounces the following blow away. Yet, it was nearing the end of the fight: the corner of the nobleman's vision had started to fade to black, which was never a good sign. Iori was powerful... but it wasn't over yet.
Staggering back a pace, Krauser's hand bumps into a suitcase. It was as good as anything. He lifts it up, quickly judging its weight - was there a bowling ball in there? - and rearing back for the pitch.
It wasn't a blitzball, but it should be suitably aggressive.

COMBATSYS: Iori endures Krauser's Thrown Object.

[                             \  < >  //                            ]
Iori             1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1          Krauser

Time and time again, it's been proven ... trying to intimidate a raving lunatic rarely works as planned. In fact -- in Iori's case, it RARELY works as planned. For while Krauser may think he's buying himself some time by pitching a bowling ball at Iori -- hardly the case. He charges right INTO the thrown luggage, rearing back and then roaring as he bucks his head right into it, tossing the item aside like a bull might gore and pitch an unsuccessful matador. 'Raging bull' is an especially apt metaphor for how Iori continues towards Krauser -- only slightly deterred by the move.

But... one thing that Krauser might not have noticed was that Iori didn't use his HANDS to deflect the attack. That'd be because both are dancing with purple flames -- and just as the suitcase is cleared, Iori gets his sights for one split second before firing off a tremendously fast Darkness Sweep at the German's feet. And then a second, figuring timing and speed to both coincide at once, and result in a tumultous explosion. Even if this misses, well, it's gonna be one hell of a hurting on Krauser's piggybank. "GUUUUURAOOOOOH!"

COMBATSYS: Krauser endures Iori's Yami Sugi.

[                                < >                                ]
Iori             0/-------/-------|=======\===----\1          Krauser

But once that explosion is triggered, Iori LEAPS forward, slamming both hands onto the ground before Krauser, splitting the concrete baggage claim floor with a terrifyingly loud CRACK -- a crack illuminated with brilliant amethyst-hued light. The ground-zero of the earlier attack explodes -- but it's joined by a riotous blast from the glowing fissure, a column of combusting purple energy tilting forth and ripping into Krauser with all the concussive force of an immense tidal wave. "DIE!!" screams Yagami, howling with rage -- hunching forward, his ribcage heaving with the immense expenditure. It's quite possible a stiff wind could knock him over... and... well. Krauser's a bit more than a stiff wind.

The Yami Sugi rips into Krauser, obscuring his entire form in exploding purple flames. For what seems like forever, the head of Strolheim drowns in that tidal wave. Even still, he fights through the pain and urges his body to walk forward, taking step after laboring step.
Finally, he emerges, hands cradling a pulsing spark of purple chi. Wolfgang mutters, "Kaaaaaiserrrrr..."
It explodes outwards, flinging its tendrils wide to form another tidal wave.
The air is literally sucked out of the surrounding area as the massive wall of energy barrels forwards. The effort has ruined any chance of Krauser continuing, and the man falls to a knee, panting heavily.

COMBATSYS: Krauser can no longer fight.

[                                <
Iori             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Krauser successfully hits Iori with Kaiser Wave.

[                                <
Iori             0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: Iori takes no action.

COMBATSYS: Iori can no longer fight.

Seeing this and the conclusion of the fight, Mature stands and leaves the video monitor, seeing as it's no longer needed. Walking casually she moves around the bend where she was hiding, down the escilator and into view. Anyone who is still awake would be able to see her decend toward the wreckage with professional calm and indifference. She certainly has a way with acting superior, especially when she hasn't lifted a finger this whole time. Finally stepping within ten feat of the two fighters she smirks and then pauses to check her makeup. It's good. Then she decides to laugh nice and high pitched.

Mmmph. Yeah, the clean-up bill's gonna be enormous for this one. Iori ... really wasn't in any condition to dodge the final Kaiser Wave. No running into things, no needless heroics... he just stares dully into the blast, not even possessive of the strength to laugh -- just smile as he accepts his fate. Arms flailing to the side as he's blasted backwards, Iori then finds himself plastered against the back wall of the baggage claim area.

... better hope that wall's not load-bearing, from all the stress cracks forming in it. If Krauser hoped to limit the damage from this fight, he just broke Yagami's record. At any rate -- Iori seems to be at least equally broken as the wall, possibly moreso, from the blast, his white shirt nothing more than tattered rags under the onslaught of the attack. He slumps forward to one knee, abortive attempts at a laugh sending convulsions through his wracked, abused frame... and yet, he still... finds a way to not topple over. "... this..." he states in a hoarse whisper... "... was unplanned for."

The conditions of their deal? Unstated.

Tony remains over with the monitors, watching them if he stared long and hard enough at them, Iori would magically get up and be the winner--that the charges would be dropped and he could start looking at getting himself back on track. What happened when neither side won? It wasn't a question he was going to voice, at least not here and now.
With noone else around, save maybe Vice, Tony mumbles to himself. "It's like there isn't a wall in this whole fuckin' place that could withstand more than a couple of accidental shots. Wh--" Mature's shrieking laughter derails his train of thought, leaving him to do little more than to grimace.

Krauser hacks out a cough, spitting blood onto the floor. He tries to stand, but cannot, it's a miracle that he's able to remain balanced as he is. The nobleman doesn't respond to Iori, instead glaring at Mature out of the corner of his eye. He knew something like this was going to happen - Rugal was not an honorable man, that much was sure.
It is thus that during Mature's shrieking laughter, a group of civilians file in, falling into combat stances. One of them, probably the leader, mutters venomously, "We're here to get our bags."

The woman isn't surprised or alarmed at this. It's a typical hostage return. That is to say in a sense they and she have hostages. Were Mature to resist and fight Iori might be in danger.. Or more importantly SHE might be in danger. On the same token if they started a fight what would prevent her from going all out at the noble man. Therefore Mature seeing the wisdom in this choice of not fighting (and thus not getting hurt,) simply smirks and gestures toward the nobleman. "The _rubbish_ bag is right there, you garbarge men can do your job and return him to the recently reduced junk yard of my handywork." Mature gracefully and shameless takes all the credit. She then adds, "Oh and incase you didn't notice, Iori took Wolfy down first.. A deal's a deal." She winks and starts to walk over toward Iori like she owned the place, laughing airly all the way.

"What a mess you've made yourself Iori, Hah, this is too much fun, we really must do this again sometime."

Iori spits blood too. When in Rome, and all. Even if they're not in Rome. Whatever, you know the drill.

Likely, Mature does too, as he'd explained everything to her on the trip over. The red-haired Yagami scion attempts to push himself to his feet, but, sadly, fails in that endeavor. Much... MUCH too weak. But as Mature strides over to him, Iori simply chuckles. He can manage that, at least, having rested a bit more in the interim. "... closer than that..." he whispers. He has a bit more honor than she, but only because he called this little get-together together. "... your call, Krauser..." All this =was= Iori's fault, after all. But he still knows he gave the honorable noble a battle worth consideration.

And Tony...just sort of sits there, at least right up until Mature declares her side the victors. Extending himself to full height, Tony begins to make the journey down to where all the action occured. No doubt there would be more to it than that, but now he's got nothing to lose by making an appearance, showing his face. Rather than stand with Mature, however, Tony's attention is focused in on Iori...who managed to eat something that looked like the big bang from the monitors. Extending a hand towards the Orochi-tainted fighter, his intent is obvious...To help Iori up to his feet, provide some support. You know, things people do for people sometimes.

The stonefaced fighters, approach Krauser, two of them helping him up to his feet. The towering German, now hunched over from fatigue, shoots a withering glance at Mature, "Run to the ends of the earth, but eventually I will catch you and you will die. On my family's honor, it must be so."
He coughs again, turning his head towards Iori, " are angry. It's not that hard to sense. But your talent is admirable. For an entertaining fight, you are absolved of your crimes... on the condition that you never return to Strolheim with murderous intent again. I suggest you remove yourself from the company of these... two. Your life will be that much shorter if you do not."
He pauses to take a deep breath, still recovering. "However. Unlike Iori, the rest of you I have no seen a glimmer of honor in. You... you will be hunted down, along with Rugal and every last one of those that serve him."

"Mmm, sounds delicious. We'll be waiting for you Wolfy.. Next time you won't be so lucky," Mature replies in honeied sweet tones. "You won't have to look at the ends of the earth for me.. I have no reason to hide from rubbish like you." She kisses her fingers and blows them toward the hulk of a man, "See you next time love.

Turning to Iori then, Mature seems content to let Tony do the manly work of helping him to leave. "Hear that Iori..? Krauser just offered you the chance of living the dull life as a peasant in his town. My my, but don't the law abiding citizens have such terrific lives.." She adds then wickedly, "I think.. The ones I help out of those lives must surely adore me for my efforts."

Iori takes Tony's hand, gratefully. And, given the opportunity, he'd sling his other arm around the Metro City denizen's shoulder. He nods appreciatively to Krauser. He may be a horrendous sham of a person, but he still has that honor -- misplaced as it may occasionally be. Smirking wryly back at Krauser... he nods once more in confirmation. It seems like an appropriate decision, and a resolution he'd rather hoped for.

He'd contest the charges of 'murderous intent', given the option, but he really didn't see a need. It'd diminish his badass quotient, and it'd also draw more breath from him. As Tony helps him out though, he does feel necessary to state, "... dunno if you'd noticed. Tony ain't who you ought to be after." He doesn't feel the need to elaborate, unless the kaiser wants to implore him for more. ... As for Mature, he shrugs back -- pleased that he'd be joining them on their fugitive run, if nothing else. "... Your wit astounds me, as always." It could be sarcasm, but it's veiled by the raggedness of his breath and the failure of his expression to clarify.

Indeed, Tony is more than willing to act as a steadying agent for Iori, allowing him to loop an arm around as need be. Out of the trio, Iori seemed by far the most...reasonable, and that was something he could latch onto much easier than the capricious, tempermental Vice or the downright disturbing Mature.
But then, Krauser makes his declaration. Tony would be lumped in by dint of association. The feelings of helplessness intensified, Tony's exceeded his breaking point. It was /his/ life, and he couldn't let Krauser dictate it for him without fair justification in his eyes.
"You gotta be fuckin' kidding me," Tony spits out, eyes narrowing on Krauser. It's a serious effort to shut out Mature when she's in her High Villain mode, but he at least tries nonetheless. No, he didn't hear her talk about herself as an Angel of Mercy. No sirree. "Murderous Intent? /Murderous Intent?/ Are you even listening to yourself? What Murderous Intent? Who /died/? Another fighter? We're /fighters/! We run the risk of getting /maimed/ every fucking time we decide to knuckle up against another fighter! You should know that better than most exactly what that means!" Tony stops, sucking in a breath of air. The circumstances around the last twentyfour hours or so have...negatively impacted his temper. What was _happening_ to him? What did he _let_ happen to him? Mature's presence alone was getting under his skin, making him someone he didn't particularly want to be. He'd have to calm down, get a grip. Besides, Iori was talking.
"Okay," Tony offers, a defeated sounding undertone hanging beneath the single word. "Okay."

"It is one thing to fight, it is another to assault another fighter in the middle of the night and beat her unconscious!" Krauser raises his voice until he's yelling, the sound booming through the terminal. He waits for that to sink in, before continuing in a more controlled tone.
"I know what happened that night. You sat and watched - that is grievious enough. You should have helped, and yet you did not. And then, you assaulted Benimaru Nikaido, who was fighting to save Megumi Andou. You first struck him when he came back from running Ms. Andou to safe ground so she could be taken to a hospital. She /is/ in the hospital, and she will most likely have to drop out of the tournament because of her injuries. And then, you ran from scene and fled along with the likes of Mature and Vice rather than explain yourself!"
This time, Krauser stops because he's forced to, all the speaking causes another momentary coughing fit.
"At this point, you deserve to stand alongside Rugal's minions."

Iori takes a fair measure of pride in the bickering going on. Hell... he started it. All =he'd= wanted to do was give the girl a scare, knock her down a few pegs, and pretty much make things even for showing him up on that last Saturday Night Fight. As far as he's concerned -- the 'grudge' is over. She can belt him if she wants, but he doubts she'd even try, with how she ran from him -before- the beatings.

Still... he does shake Tony a bit, trying to stop him from digging his own grave before Krauser says his peace. He's known the fighter for... hell, not even 24 hours, after all, and most of that time was spent recuperating in the back of a helicopter, rather than 'getting to know' his new traveling companion. But... well. Krauser's more than astute in his observations. Iori just has one more thing, before tapping Tony's shoulder as a sign to get the flock out of here.

"She'll live. Just tip her bed over, she'll stand right back up."

Iori hopes Tony knows how to run like hell.

"Ygh--" Tony attempts to say maybe three or four different words to open up with, and ends up with an incoherent gurgle. This was starting to hurt him, as coincidences were just stacking higher and higher against him. It was getting old, and fraying him at the edges. Despite himself, he just couldn't communicate innocence for the life of him. Who the hell /was/ Rugal, anyways? "-Ngh-"
It took an outside interference for him to register just how poorly this was going, but once the signal is caught, Tony is in motion...his mood considerably soured, shifting from anger to resignment. For the time being, he'd be a criminal. Again. The conversation was over, and it was time to make for the exits.

Log created by Iori, and last modified on 16:08:04 01/18/2005.