Description: Rock meets up with his Teacher for the tournament -- Chun-Li -- and his training begins.
Exhibition Yard
Within the confines of the surrounding wall, much of the inner court is completely open. Here is where the fighters of Strolheim practice and hone their fighting skills. Krauser teaches a very harsh method of fighting, and it is not uncommon for the fighters to draw blood in a normal spar. The dirt of the fighting ring is stained with such spills, but the fighters seem not to notice. Off to the side rests a two-story building, presumably the fighter barracks.
Castle Strolheim. Not somewhere most fighters will have spent a great deal of time, and certainly not a location familiar - in the firsthand - to the so-called 'Strongest Woman in the World'. She's heard many tales of course, and briefly glimpsed the castle's powerful ruler in action. There's an opponent to be respected on many levels and perhaps feared on others. What she knows of his family history and current line of ascension is also fascinating, to say the least.. and of course, linked with her own role in this place. Beyond his organisation of this intriguing tournament.
Chun-Li may be a little later than most, but today she makes her debut appearance in Strolheim. Those that know her well would know exactly the nature she would have her arrival take; a quiet one. She may be here as one of the 'teachers', credited from the outset with a certain level of renown by the mighty Wolfgang himself, but still she would consider her prescence to be nothing worth yelling from the rooftops. In the world of celebrity streetfighting, the young woman is happy to take a backstage from the showboating. Fans may be welcomed, or they may be politely refused a welcome, but if they wish for interaction then it will be done in as equal a way as possible. Perhaps they won't even be the ones to instigate it.
Perhaps it would be considered rather lucky then, that Chun-Li is spared any fanfare. Her trip from the docks to the castle gates is not completely uneventful - but with that muscular form covered by a long trenchcoat, only an occasional flash of footwear visible beneath its skirts, the only distinguishing features are.. her features. The face that receives far less global interest than the more southern areas. The flickering golden ribbons holding her hair into two tight buns are a more striking factor, but it's amazing how subtly one can move when wishing not to cause a ruckus. The world's strongest woman has passed with only small disruption into the fighting stronghold itself. It's just possible the prescence of more public figures has helped in this regard, too...
So, how about this very moment in time? Currently the last of the day's misted sunlight is splashing a golden haze over the ramparts and the inner courtyard. It gives no warmth, cramped by the chill teutonic air, and so for all the picturesque beauty of the castle... it is a cold place to walk comfortably, and colder still to stand in one place. Which is exactly how the newly named teacher is holding herself, fingertips huddling for warmth in the sleeves of her coat, feet pushed together to similarly seek solace against the wintery spell. She's heard the name of the boy she seeks as her deep brown gaze lances outward and down across the dedicated training yard, they've even met on two occasions, but this does nothing to calm the excitement felt within. Without the burst of activity this last day has been, she might even have had time to be nervous. So many names arrayed around the name of Rock Howard: his father, his teacher, and... the very man whose residence they both occupy.
Rock's been a little busy for the past few days. In those days -- before his teacher arrives for the pre-tournament training -- Rock's been making due with what he's got. Namely, lots and lots of Strolheim mooks. He's gone through alot. The tougher ones have nearly beaten him, several times, but largely, it's just a matter of stamina and endurance. And that's where he is, now, sitting up against one of the walls of the exhibition yard. It's cold out here in Germany, but with all the exercise, the young blond doesn't even need to make use of his jacket (which lays in a pile next to his seat).
"Oof. I'm not sure how long I'm going to be able to keep this up... I'm just glad Blood or somebody like that hasn't taken an interest." That'd be bad for Rock's 'streak'. Currently, he's taking a break, and choking back an entire bottle of water in the process. He's pretty distinct, too. Lots and lots of white gis... very few young men in black leather pants and black t-shirts.
Distinct indeed. It's only a few minutes' scanning before Chun-Li's eyes narrow with a hint of recognition, even from the distance of the wall far above the yard. Naturally her gaze has paused once or twice on particularly promising Strolheim specimens, but in all honesty she doubts how many of these could offer her 'student' a good challenge - she has seen little, but heard plenty. If only there'd been more warning, she would know a lot more. But then, there's some of the fun...
Slipping herself a small smile, the Chinese woman lifts one hand to the front of her coat in an almost sleepy fashion, her attention remaining mostly upon Mr. Howard. At least without the jacket is physique is more apparent - an advantage to be sure. With the eyes of a warrior she drinks in his musculature and notes the nuances of his form... and by the time this is done her thick overgarment is starting to ripple open in the constant breeze, its buttons loosened from their holes. What happens next turns a few heads, as with just a gentle grunt of exertion the world's strongest woman hurls herself into a graceful flip, spinning out over the rampart's edge with a quickly applied palm, the last obvious limb's movement before she's a blur of motion, then a lancing spear of blue and yellow that hurtles down to the yard's floor. Strolheim fighters scatter into a wide circle, some stumbling and falling, others barely avoiding stampeding on their comrades, as a sharp cloud of dirt rises around the newcomer. Class... the teacher has arrived.
"Good to see you again, Rock." The young woman murmurs, directing her voice to the man without casting her gaze from the floor. Her eyes and expression are shielded by shadow, and by the brunette fronds hanging over the former. In a tense crouch, one hand pressed to the floor in front of her, only one other thing is immediately apparent; she has foregone the traditional dress of her country, in favour of something more suited for training. And for fighting in general.. tighter, yellow-striped blue closely fitting to her form, though a nod has been sent the way of her commoner outfit by way of a filigreed top. Some things never change.
The last sound she makes is indirect - a soft whump that actually raises a little more dust than her own landing. Her trenchcoat hitting the ground a few feet from her tensed back. Blood may not have taken an interest in Rock, but someone else has - expected or not.
Rock looks up, red eyes taking note of the blue and yellow blue just before it hits ground level. It seems class is in session. Drinking down the last of his bottle of water before resting it on the ground beside his jacket, the young Howard holds up one hand, making a quick, terse wave. "Hey, teach. Long time, no see." Planting one hand against the cold stone wall behind him, Rock starts climbing up onto his feet, pushing off and rising to stand. "Wow. I guess my first lesson is gonna be 'How to make an entrance', right?" Now that he's begun to relax from the earlier practice, Rock, apparently, feels a little bit cooler. Before walking forward, he takes a moment to scoop up his jacket and sling it over his shoulders, slipping into it quickly.
"Krauser sure has a sense of humor. Our fighting styles... aren't really much alike, huh? But, maybe that's the point. So, uh." Momentarily, Rock's facade of toughness is allowed to loosen, as he reminds himself that he is, in fact, the student here. "... Where do we start?"
Terry's protégé is given all the time he needs to prepare.. the Chinese woman waits in her position, listening with half an amused ear as the lesser Strolheimers overcome their momentary panic and pull themselves back into their routines. Then there's the least of them, who choose to keep concentrating upon the pair of Southtown imports. But they'd only dip out in the first round of any high-level tournament, so where's the harm?
After affording Rock's 'entrance' jest a small grin, one side of her mouth turning up to reveal a brief flash of white (not perfect, gleaming white - just white. This ain't Hollywood, Mr. Kim!), Chun-Li flexes the fingers of her grounded hand and rises smoothly to her feet, legs spreading evenly below her. It just happens to be the most efficient way to balance her weight, though the fact it makes her look a little imposing is a welcome bonus - a recent series of life events may have been rough to the woman, but she's approaching this with tongue somewhat in cheek and sense of drama riding high. There is an anticipated duality to this student/teacher relationship that she wants to encourage, whilst keeping at arm's length at the outset.
Chun-Li's shift in position comes perfectly timed for Rock's change in tack, his statement falling on open ears and an open mind. A smile on her lips, Chun-Li waits two seconds after the youth finishes speaking before responding, in clear and even tones. Every bit the older, wiser instructor despite their relatively small age difference. "We start with what you just said. We're not alike, and would never have crossed paths in this way if not for this tournament. They're calling me your teacher.. your superior.. and while this might be true," Humble or not, she's also honest. She knows her defeat of Rock's obvious superior Terry was not fluke, and nor her performance with other notable 'big names'. She cricks her neck briefly here, pausing to study Rock's naturally red eyes with an intense and searching stare. "I plan to learn just as much from you as you are expected to learn from me..." tailing off she flashes a friendly smile, small like the first but genuine in its warmth. A smile of equals, were it not for her posture and tone.
Rock plants one hand on his hip, not indulging drama quite as much as his teacher is. But he's definitely taken notice -- the 'Strongest Woman in the World' has an authority all her own, and now that she's indulging it, Rock's definitely not trying to look tough. Not when he could be learning something useful instead. "Yeah. I think that's true of a whole lot of people in this tournament. At least as far as I know him, Krauser's not the type to put much stock in what you expect to see. He likes to make things more interesting."
"So, I heard you beat Terry, once. That's more than enough to get my respect. More than being called the 'Strongest Anything in the World', whatever it is. Krauser wouldn't put you in the 'teacher' category unless you earned it, anyhow. So, I guess you're the one behind the wheel. Any plans?"
Chun-Li's certainly indulging herself. But it seems somewhat necessary... as Rock says, she's been placed in this position by a man whose judgement should be respected if not fully agreed with. She'll do her best to justify the faith placed in her, and hopefully she can get a chance at meeting the powerhouse she's heard so much about... that would be another 'welcome bonus'. For now, she's pleased with how this re-introduction is going. Rock's everything she would have expected knowing his usual instructor - but his past is still an unknown factor, and so she'll be taking some care in her approach. She'd hardly claim to be able to exert the kind of control that the Hungry Wolf could.
Rock's jab at her famed title is greeted with an inclination of the woman's head, a slow nod that encompasses a couple of emotions. They are hardly conflicting though, and the amused glint in her eye reveals that she's hardly over-enamoured of the honorific herself. A nice compliment but nothing more - not proof of skill or a call for instant respect. Those things must be demonstrated and earned, respectively. "I'd agree. Your uncle has a reputation that cannot be argued with - the fact he considers me highly enough to instruct you of all people..." she smiles, another of the smaller and warmer ones, "Honestly, I might say I still have a little earning to do. We'll see what we can do. As for plans..."
Cue a silence, not uncertain but quite intended and quite comfortable. Rock may fill it, but Chun-Li will make no effort to, as she turns away from her assigned pupil and takes a moment to shift her coat to one side, then returning and swinging to face him once more. This time as her legs spread both hands rise also, spiked bracelets clinking with the motion as she lifts right fist to right hip and raises her left arm in front of her, fingers tense and curled outward. Clearly a defensive posture, focusing upon her frontal arc and giving little immediate options for an attack. It would take no Rock Howard to realise that the pupil is being given the first move here. "I've seen little of your style. It sounds interesting and I think I should see more..."
She shifts just a little before finishing, a veil of stoic concentration slipping over her expression. "Whenever you're ready, Rock." The lesson has, apparently begun.
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Chun-Li 0/-------/-------|
"Heh. If you think Krauser gives me extra privileges because I'm a fighter... you're wrong. He measures people in terms of worth. Maybe I get a little nod," Seeing as how Rock is the heir to the castle that everyone's standing in, right now, assuming Krauser ever dies (unlikely), "But he figured I could learn something from you and how you fight. Heh. Maybe he thinks I move too slowly." Rock shrugs his shoulders as Chun-Li prepares, before nodding his head. "Alright. Knowing who you are, I'm not gonna hold back. And even though you're trying to teach me, I don't want /you/ to hold back, either. Ready? Then let's go!"
Tugging on his riding gloves to make sure they're nice and snug, Rock starts the fight right off. Clenching one fist, Rock's right hand begins to glow with purple energy as the fighter whips one arm around in front of him. Hurling a ball of chi so it skims right off the ground, Rock lets off a quick yell: "REPPUKEN!" before he shifts into a ready stance, legs spread, elbows bent, bobbing back and forth on the balls of his feet, ready for the infamous speed of Chun-Li.
COMBATSYS: Rock has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Rock 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Chun-Li
Shermie has arrived.
Holding back should be the last thing on the agenda from the successor to Terry's legend, but still the realisation that he harbours the same belief does draw a nod of pleased gratitude from Chun-Li. They may have met on previous occasions, but despite this most of her information on Rock comes second- or even third-hand. She means every word she speaks here... she not only wants to see his power, but needs to. If they are to have a shot in this tournament, and have a shot at the relationship they have been gently thrust into. So where does this demonstration begin? Right where she might have expected, a streak of stark purple streaming towards /those/ legs.
She's offered no words, and no real gesture of confirmation in what the young man says towards her. Chun-Li is safe in the knowledge that he knows the answers, and knows that his conclusions are correct.. and besides, were he wrong then this situation might have changed. As it is she remains silent and focused, training keen senses upon the Repukken as it makes its whiplash path toward her. However, this is not time for a demonstration of her own. Far from demonstrating her fearful agility, the Tai Chi mistress instead bends her right leg, sinking down into a crouch and throwing her raised arm protectively across her chest. A soft flare of blue chi wraps around her arm just in time for the impact of the Repukken, and with a flare of purple and blue the woman briefly disappears from view.
It's an impressive force, no doubt. For a man - a boy? - his age, Rock demonstrates power and ability enough already. Likely a similar amount to what she had blossoming within at the same number of years. The comparison would draw a smile were she not focused already on the next move, rising through the spurt of pain that accompanies the blinding impact and surging through the dissipating chi to rush toward Rock and hop into a blindingly fast somersault... or so one might expect. It's fast, but something is lacking, the power and the agility are perfectly harnessed, but the set of her sneakered foot as it comes down in a flashing arc to slice Rock across his front? It contains a deceptive purpose.. as though she intends it to be caught.
It's hard for Chun-Li to estimate her opponent fully, but she's heard enough of Geese and his terrible ability to nullify any physical blow into a flawless attack of his own.. to know that the son may well know the same technique. This is something she should see. There's countering blows and there's... the Howard legacy. Right?
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li successfully hits Rock with Sen'en Shuu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Rock 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Chun-Li
Rock drops into a duck as Chun-Li comes down from above, not skipping a beat despite being at a disadvantage. He's not trying to block or avoid damage, though -- something else. Whatever it is, Rock gets hit from above as he crouches. Caught trying to use the momentum of the kick to accelerate his own roll forward, something doesn't /quite/ work out; he gets pushed /back/ instead of forward. Abruptly, Rock finds himself tumbling in the opposite direction he wanted to go in, regardless of what secret purpose he intended for that momentum. But he's quick to recover, hopping back up onto his feet and returning to his fighting stance.
"You're as fast as they said you'd be..." he comments, not yet attacking. "So the real trick to beating you... is just hitting you in the first place, right?" Rock's red eyes fix on Chun-Li, waiting for a burst of the much-touted movement. "Alright. That's my goal, then. Winning is second; first priority is just laying hand on you at all. Let's try this one more time."
COMBATSYS: Rock focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Rock 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Chun-Li
While the result may not be what she somewhat hoped, Chun-Li feels enough action from her student that it's clear he has some hidden talent in the predicted area... her foot strikes him with that disruptive slash - and there's no doubt about it, the speed is obscene even with a small effort made to offer an opening - and the woman lands halfway towards doing the splits upon the courtyard. Her poise is probably expected too, and indeed it comes, her arms flicking out to either side to steady her in that position, leading leg cocked in front and the rear bent in towards the ground behind. Thusly, she looks towards Rock with a considerate gaze.
"You're right," her response comes as soon as he finishes speaking, with still no movement from the Chinese warrior. "You need to land blows. My style is too central to free movement, that all you need to do is inhibit that movement, break my rhythm and disorient me, to gain the upper hand." She breathes a slow sigh and straightens up, shifting quickly into a perhaps more familiar stance. And not one just of her own use - this has elements of Ansatsuken teachings among other schools within its simple limits. Weight on the balls of her feet, one arm coiled in around her stomach and the other raised - bent at the elbow - in front of her, Chun-Li begins to shift in a slight rhythm. The very one she spoke of previously.
"But," she continues as she begins to pace forward, maintaining the stance for the most part but spinning from the hip in order to do so, her arms switching position with one another as part and parcel of the stride. "Maybe you already knew all that. I'd be interested to hear just what manner of fighter you work best against..." A simple request with a twin purpose. After all, she stands to gain from this as well. But it's given little time for a reply, the words only just leaving Chun-Li's lips before she drops low and darts forward, stooping to get in under Rock's guard with an extended fist. The other remains defensively about her person as a set of honed knuckles aim to catch the Bogard protégé with a sharp jab to the stomach.
COMBATSYS: Rock counters Medium Punch from Chun-Li with Joudan Crack Counter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Rock 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Chun-Li
"What kind of opponent do I specialize in?" As Chun-Li tries to go down, Rock drops low, too -- into a crouch, as he seizes Chun-Li's fist with his left hand and pushing it into the crook of his elbow, where he can lock it momentarily. "Specialization's a joke. There's no such thing as having one type of opponent you're best again -- it just means you have lots of opponents that you're not as good against as you should be!" Tugging backwards with the aim of pulling Chun-Li off balance, Rock completely dissects her attack, instead using the punch to grant him an opportunity to hit Chun-Li... which he does, leaping forward through the air and delivering a hammer of a kick to her shoulders before pushing off with his other foot. Landing upright, Rock takes a few quick steps back, remaining in a ready posture. "I don't believe in specializing. Everybody's got a weak point. It's just a matter of being able to exploit lots of different ones."
Seishirou has arrived.
Well... all at once Rock proves exactly why he's gained the reputation he has, even when the three shadows above him stop looming. Chun-Li might have held back minimally in the pacing of her advance, but the blow was real enough and the countering motions of the hybrid fighter are perfectly executed. The catch, the flip and the kick.. all catch the world's strongest woman off guard, and send her tumbling forward with a quickly stifled gasp of surprise. Just as speedily this turns to a smile, as she tucks into a forward roll, a heavy thump accompanying the manuever, and comes up a few feet away. She spins on sneakered feet to face Rock in a crouch, pausing to suck in a breath or two. That was precisely what she asked for with the previous assault, and together with the partially nullified Reppuken.. it lets her know she has been assigned to one with all the promise she had expected. Perhaps there is no shock here, but it's good to know.
"Excellent." She comments as she rises to her feet and back into that self-same stance. A pause as she speaks comes with the beneficial side-effect of the courtyard's breeze settling her dishevelled fronds of brown hair back into their accustomed positions, though a hand does dart upward to tuck a couple back into their bun. "Done and spoken with everything I'd hoped for, Rock. I'm sure Terry's proud of you." There's no condescending note to her tone, simply sincere statement. But there's little to be learned from constant lecturing that cannot be learned in battle, and she breaks off with a final gasp of air, restoring her composure and fighting down the last of the minor ache inflicted by Rock's blow.
"Now let's try something a little harder..." the hint in her eye tells of exactly this, and with no further warning beside her words Chun-Li moves from stance to motion, streaking half the distance to Rock in a blur and then bending willow-like at the waist, her right hand's fingers flickering against the courtyard floor. Within a moment she's upside down, her head barely passing over the solid surface below and her legs kicked out above her, perfect form straightened and held tensed to deal the sequence of twirling kicks this technique demands. "SPINNING BIRD KICK!" There's a storm coming... how will the young wolf weather it?
COMBATSYS: Rock counters Spinning Bird Kick from Chun-Li with Gedan Crack Counter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Rock 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Chun-Li
The wolf cub is going to handle it like he handles everything else -- with every ounce of effort he has. This time, Rock's ready for what Chun-Li has to offer. After being a little upset by the initial display of blinding speed... this time, Rock isn't even going to /bother/ moving. Chun-Li's inverted kick comes his way and once more his right arm arches outwards, the elbow held out for his left arm to do the work. He manages to catch Chun's kick out of mid-air and diverts all of its motion to the right, into the crook of his arm. It's a simple technique, but it siphons all of Chun-Li's impressive force into the far more cushioning cradle of his arm... a cradle that clenches tightly as Rock closes his arm, tugging her forward once more. She's in mid-air... so the effect of taking her off-balance may even be MORE disorienting as Rock leaps forward in his own variation of Terry's famous 'Crack Shoot'... this one aimed squarely at the back of Chun-Li's right knee. Let's see if the Howard boy can't take some of the edge off of Chun-Li's mobility.
Pushing off and landing on his feet again, Rock cracks a grin. Maybe a grin of confidence... or, more likely, a grin of satisfaction. "Okay. I don't mean to sound arrogant, teach, but... I think I've got you figured out. That doesn't mean I've got the skill to win, or anything. But I'm pretty sure I've found the best way to approach this. Let's see if you prove me right."
Around that very moment when sneaker meets ready flesh and muscle.. at least half of the Strolheim fighters have their attention on the tourneying pair. There's some fights you just can't keep glancing back to, and clearly few here will not know anything of Chun-Li and Rock Howard. But they've been tossing a look in between exercises of their own. Until now. A few jaws drop, a couple of warriors consider clapping or cheering until their less distracted comrades smack them upside the head, but all in all?
That... comes as a surprise. The world's strongest woman might have weathered the last with little more than a blink, but this turnabout of her famed - and quite deceptive - whirlwind kick technique comes as a total timestopper. Everything stands still for an instant of stunned surprise, and then as time seems to return to its course it comes with a sharp wrench of pain. So the youth really is good... and it's her turn to have to learn a lesson. Down she goes with a disorientated spiral motion, twisting her body desperately away from its reversed momentum but finding herself side-first on the ground all the same, those powerful legs barely under control. And one is all but dead to her senses, a numbing spreading across it from that effective strike.
"A bit more than excellent..." she comments quietly, to herself for all its audibility, a little chagrined smirk lighting her expression. Certainly it's good that she's been placed with such a talent but.. that was beyond anything even the startling Ms. Kasugano managed to pull off. The Chinese woman shrugs off any too-deep reflection and rolls into her shoulder, then up into a slightly unsteady crouch. Bouncing on her heels to test her refound balance, she sends a broad smile towards Rock. "You think so? You might be right." Giving a nod, she lifts a hand to toss the strands from her eyes, then slips up to her feet, reassuming that defensive stance from the beginning of this session. "It could be a while before the reverse happens. You're quite unpredictable.. not like any one style I've seen before."
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Rock 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Chun-Li
If any of the Strolheim fighters have been feeling a bit overstimulated by the sudden influx of fighters (some very /famous/ fighters, to boot), they suddenly remember their training when a certain tall, armored figure comes strolling out from the keep.
Yes, armored.
Wolfgang Krauser, in full ceremonial platemail, makes his roundabout way to the fight. 'Roundabout' in that he stops at several other rings first, observing students and exchanging a few words with his instructors. Eventually, however, the head of Strolheim ends up standing outside of the training area, arms crossed, his expression that of mild surprise.
Due to Krauser's keen perception, he could tell that the fight was a lot closer than it should be, considering who is involved. Or, of course, he could have just seen the two counters from inside.
Rock tugs on his riding gloves again, taking another step back. "Yeah? Well, there's a reason for that. This style I use? I made it. Pieced together from lots of different bits of other styles. Nothing of yours in there, though. Which is something I'll probably regret, sometime. You're fast. Real fast. It's practically asking to get a fistful of air to go after you directly. So, forgive me if I seem a little bit non-confrontational. When you're outmatched... Improvise, improvise, improvise."
Rock doesn't leave the break in the fight unnoticed, though. He's not acting on it, either, still in his ready stance and look straight ahead at Chun-Li. "Everybody's got strengths and weaknesses. It's stupid to try and beat them at their own game, especially when you're up against someone like you, or Terry. Heh. I take back what I said a few seconds ago. Not everybody has weaknesses. Most people do. And, no offense, teach... but I think I see where yours is. I think it's your go, by the way." Rock's not going to capitalize on a chance to breathe, against a superior fighter like Chun-Li? Apparently not.
COMBATSYS: Rock takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Rock 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Chun-Li
"Well, I'll just have to ask you the secret sometime." Chun-Li responds quickly to Rock this time, having done little but watch for his next speech. She didn't intend to move too rapidly, after all.. the rhythm this time had been his, the fight under his own terms. To press an offensive would have been idiotic in the extreme - even given this is training and that alone, there's no need to act the fool. It can be held pretty certain that neither of them will be doing that, at least with knowledge of their idiocy in mind. Smiling quietly for a few heartbeats, the young woman takes a second in-depth look at her student-turned-teacher. If he has a particular weakness, she's yet to spot it... quite the conundrum, this mongrel brawler.
Though such a name is uncharitable and makes a mockery of what Rock has already achieved. What he could become in a few years is.. almost frightening. The heirdom to Strolheim should be in good hands, though once more there hangs the shade of Geese. Even if few know the nature of the shadow. "If you've truly got the beating of me already, then I've got little to teach you through words and notes... I'm beginning to think your uncle placed me here more for my own benefit." She's speaking in some good humour, and with no paranoia that the teutonic giant might know of her recent past, of the injuries sustained both mental and physical. But again, this talking needs to be placed aside. Rock really needs no verbal help, she sees this now, and it makes sense. He's got the same practical, casual-seeming eye of his mentor. A fighter needs little more when fighting so completely under their own teachings.
The words are over then. Chun-Li draws back from her defensive stance, bringing both hands to her hip and cupping them around an imaginary ball. She's not given to boasts, but the woman knows well that what she feels the need to test against this youth next is something many have tried to make a mockery of, and failed... if he can conquer even this speedy technique? The future's bright. "KOUKEN!" The cry splits her lips even as her gaze flickers suddenly sidelong and a golden pinpoint blossoms outward from within her cupped hands. The projectile is now almost forging itself, and her distraction - however brief - towards the approaching Krauser, comes as no disadvantage. Leaning back with a shifting of her weight, Chun-Li hurls her palms towards Rock and watches a blue sheath envelop the Kikouken as it flashes towards him with a slight spiralling motion in its path.
He could impress two mighty warriors with this one.
COMBATSYS: Rock fails to slow Kikou Ken from Chun-Li with Double Reppuken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Rock 1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Chun-Li
This one's going to be a bit trickier for Rock to figure out.
As the Kikouken races towards him, Rock remains where he is once more, intent on meeting this one head on. He waits, and waits... before, a few feet away from contact, both of Rock's hands flare with energy as he takes a single step forward, blazing with energy as he begins to sweep his arms out forward. The plan's simple. Nail the Kikouken with one half of a Double Reppuken... and you'll still have a handful of energy to throw out. Only, it doesn't quite work out. The Kikouken hits Rock just /before/ he can throw out either, and he finds himself knocked back several paces by the blow. Knocked backwards, but not knocked over. That attack didn't sting /too/ much. "Oof... ow. That one stung. I got a little greedy, I think."
For all it's a good effort, the Kikouken is known primarily for its speed. Chun-Li has seen its offensive demolished only once since reaching her peak, and that was courtesy of a man with a possible claim to being the strongest this world can offer. At least.. the strongest mortal. She registers the impact with just a quick nod of vague satisfaction, and then she's off after it with a sidelong flickering glance toward Krauser. This is all down to him after all, this tournament and this pairing. It's been interesting enough already, and can only get moreso. So? So there's a fair amount of welcoming gratitude in her look, should he catch it.
"It's easily done, Rock.. and besides." She pauses to lunge in the last few paces as she did for her earlier low blow, this time swirling around in a quick pirouette and then giving a sharp cry and flinging her arms out, one leg bracing below her extended limbs and the other extending back for both balance and a relief of force. There's a lot thrown into her out-stretched palms, a burst of her inner strength channelled into that space and used far more than simple physical impact as she aims to slam a hefty blow into the staggered Rock's chest. Over her extended limbs, provided it's not instantly turned into a moment of pain, she breathlessly finishes her speech. "I've only seen Ryu beat me to -that- draw."
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li successfully hits Rock with Sou Hakkei.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Rock 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Chun-Li
This time, Rock gets caught while he's off-balance... and caught he gets. It looks like and rhythm he had has been rather handily overcome as he finds himself being forced backwards by Chun-Li and flat onto his butt. He thuds, lightly, before he finds himself wrapping one arm hastily around his chest. "Okay... ow. Yeah. I definitely felt that one." Climbing up onto his feet, though, Rock makes it clear that he's not dropping the ball. Not yet, not a chance. "You're more than just fast. Strength, too. You don't slack anywhere." Despite the fact that the tide of this battle has changed, Rock seems... thrilled with the prospect.
"Good. Looks like I might have lucked out on the 'teacher' grab bag. Okay, let's try this again, from the top. I think I'm starting to get a handle on how you move."
COMBATSYS: Rock focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Rock 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Chun-Li
Chun-Li remains extended from that one for the time it takes Rock to recover, watching him once more past outflung hands. It's best not to force her own defence back into place until she has to.. for both stamina and that eternally playing rhythm of the fight. She much prefers to bide her time when possible. Despite her reputation for fast movement and breathtaking acrobatics, the world's strongest woman can reach a remarkably slow pace at times. Maybe it's what gives her an edge over those who choose to simply unleash everything in a tornado of activity... finesse. That's the difference. Something Rock himself has a generous helping of, even if he may not be at quite the same level. Yet.
"You said so before," Chun-Li murmurs, straightening up and this time forgoing either stance, instead letting her arms cross about her chest, legs spreading beneath her. She looks ready to offer a bow, but instead continues speaking, breathing regularly and keeping eye contact with her pupil and teammate. "I suppose an old dog can still have her tricks, hm?" An eyebrow raises with the last, a half-smile darting up one side of her mouth as the young woman cracks this small jape. She can barely see the age gap between them herself.. feels too often too close to the girl she was when joining Interpol, but it's there. Why else would she now find herself in this commanding role? It should prove an interesting experience, and bring about a consolidation of the thoughts she's been having these past few weeks.
"Shall we then?" Quickly giving the question, Chun-Li wastes no time in cutting off her apparent lull and taking a couple of deft steps forward. She seems to be moving toward Rock at a steady, pendulum's rate until the distance looks to be closing itself. From here she makes a blinding sidestep to the left and then twists her body and hops in to close range, whipping her right leg up, bent at the knee, before unfolding it in a high snap kick to the side of Rock's head. "YA!" It might end there if the youth proves once again to be so painfully fast, but if not then the flurry of kicks that follows will cause a fair amount of agony, "YA! YA! YA! YA!" The machine-gun round of blows is aimed to run up and down the length of Rock's body before the woman yanks her foot back from its assault and remains poised on one leg, watching and listening for whatever comes next.
She's certainly not going easy, but would Rock want it any other way?
This time, Rock rushes right into the breach. A crazy flurry of kicks? Well... two can play that game. Hopefully. Rock dives straight in, one elbow leading the charge. His plan is to burst right through that leg; it might seem to be everywhere, but it's only /one/ leg, right? If he's fast enough, he should be able to get a hit in. It's a good plan, sure -- probably has even odds of success or failure. Unfortunately, Rock rather underestimates the power of Chun-Li's ability to kick. In fact, he underestimates it rather hard.
Rock gets nailed again and again... and again. It's a good thing Chun-Li's kicks push him back and away. By doing so, they actually reduce the number of /total/ blows he receives. Eventually, though, he's free and still on his feet, albeit a little beat up. "Heh. Damn. I definitely made a bad call, on that one. I got ahead of myself. Terry's always warning me about that. Anyways, teach... I'm still standing. You still ready?"
COMBATSYS: Rock takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Rock 1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1 Chun-Li
Wow. It's testament to her own skill this time as Chun-Li finds herself up against an unexpectedly fast counter-charge from Rock, and somehow breaks through the lunge. Put it down to that uncanny speed or perhaps simply to experience, but with a slightly more dramatic twist of her body than planned - she's in and nailing the wolfcub with the famed Lightning Kick. She can't help but feel a surge of elation. For all the teacher-student technicality, she's had her fair share of tests even if the fight were to end now, and breaking through that last razor's edge moment felt -good-. When she strikes her finishing posture, it's with a bold snap to her motion and with a gleam in her deep brown eyes.
Now breathe.. in, out. In, out. The Chinese warrior watches Rock as she recovers her own wits for a few seconds, and when he's done she replies with a slow inclination of her head and a slip of a smile. Impressive that he doesn't lose heart, even in a friendly bout. She only hopes this enthusiasm carries over into the fight.. they could make quite a team, though to judge by the other entrants - particularly this mysterious gate-crushing monk and the pupil of Kusanagi - they'll NEED to be quite a team. "It was a good call, though. If I'd been slightly less ready you would have had me.. though," she lowers her leg finally, setting that sneakered foot down with a gentle thump. "It's good you could see the flaw. I wish I could see more of mine so clearly.." she trails off with a thoughtful note, pausing to sweep Rock with a quick once-over, then with little warning suddenly curling over backward, bending like a willow and springing off both extended palms into a neat backflip.
At first glance, the movement is overly flashy.. a showy manuever with little use but to show off more stretchy spandex and unnecessary acrobatics. But Rock will likely observe that she wastes none of the gathered momentum, landing on the balls of her feet and springing once off of their surface - light, unwasteful. "And of course I'm ready!" Flashing a broader smile this time, she launches off on the second bounce into an impressive overhead leap, the arc of her trajectory carrying her well above Rock's head and then slowly.. lazily.. but oh-so-deceptively.. back down with a lithe twist of her form, reversing herself so that she comes down with one knee thrust out to catch the impressive youth with a stumble-inducing blow to the back of the neck. Another test for his combined reflex and intelligence...
COMBATSYS: Rock counters Medium Kick from Chun-Li with Gedan Crack Counter.
[ \\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Rock 1/-----==/=======|=======\====---\1 Chun-Li
Rock is waiting for an opportunity to turn the fight back around to his advantage -- and he sees it when Chun-Li comes down to kick him from the rear. But Rock's fast, too. Real fast. As Chun-Li makes her attack, Rock simply... spins around, with so much speed as to make it seem impossible that he could ever remain oriented. But he does. A quick catch is all it takes for Rock to seize the Chinese warrior's kick and completely stop it in its tracks. The result? Chun-Li will find herself and her kick in stasis as Rock flips forward to bring his foot down on her shoulder, bringing this fight a little closer and maybe, maybe restoring some of Rock's tempo from earlier.
"I'm definitely at a disadvantage, when it comes to skill... and I'm startin' to get tired. But I still have a little bit of juice left. See anything you think needs improvement, yet?"
Hmm... if Rock's getting the measure of his opponent, then so is she getting the measure of him. At least this time, as she feels her descending strike nullified and then feels that certainty that comes just before a rapidly executed counter-attack. For all she remains almost motionless, watching the Howard/Bogard trained youth comes in slow motion.. it's a flip with a great deal of perfection to its form. And once his question is delivered and registered she'll be hard-pressed to find anything truly wrong with his style; it could see some refining but little else can be said. Still. This is hardly foremost on the woman's mind as sharp pain rings from her shoulder down through her powerful body, and she's pitched backward into an uncontrolled fall, slamming onto her back and barely managing to turn it into a roll. The manuever lacks her usual grace, but it's still there and gives her a chance to subsequently rise to her feet.
Once there she pauses to listen to Rock, cutting back the urge to speak immediately and hearing him out as she cracks her knuckles and rolls her neck. It's easy for tension to creep in when blows like that are responding to your own before they can land - his style is deceptive, and makes a mockery of the opponent's equilibrium. All he lacks is the speed she can command. With that in hand.. he'd surpass most fighters she's had the honour to fight. And now it comes to precisely this point...
Chun-Li lifts an eyebrow, not deigning to smile or move her expression otherwise from neutral as she gives Rock a piercing stare. No longer looking at his form and figure, at the subtleties of his body, but deeper into his person. It's a question he would naturally ask, and one she would likely have answered unbidden. But what does he lack? Perhaps it's not so much a case of a lack, not even a general failing, but something he has in excess... a certain flaw beneath the amiable and capable exterior. There's a vicious edge to his style, that's for sure. Is it something to do with this? For a good few seconds the strongest woman in the world considers her assigned pupil, breathing a sigh once she's had enough and half-turning away, looking past the newly controlled Strolheim fighters to look out over the castle's southern side.
"You've a well-rounded fighting style, Rock." She says earnestly, glancing back toward the young man briefly before turning her attention back to the sunset-kissed skies. "I wasn't holding back for most of that, and still you could interpret my motions and use them to your advantage. Apart from experience, you don't miss much... you're as good a fighter as I've seen at your age." She grins abruptly, a little colour rising to her cheeks. But only a little, and this is no embarassment or girlish blush. More the shading of reminiscence. "Maybe better than I was. But you take yourself a little too lightly," the words come virtually unbidden now she finds a flow, and the woman turns back towards Rock, her hands ducking back behind her and linking at the small of her back. She takes a step forward, holding her chin up, every bit the older woman once more. "Some of your decisions are hasty, and you've got a confidence that could... -could-... be arrogant. I don't know you well, but more than worrying about a change in style or a focus on any one aspect." Of course, they've covered that.. his all-round training is ideal, and she conveys this edge in her tone. "Just try to control yourself. Be one with what you are, and then with the fight. If you're not comfortable within then you'll always have a weakness, whoever your opponent."
Here Chun-Li frowns, casting her attention away as her brow creases. It's so hard to convey what she means - but it's precisely the composure she lost during the last two meetings with Shadaloo. The willingness to leave the fight for vanity's sake, for self-conscious reason. Or even to let out that inner demon, to change gears rather than flow smoothly in the battle. "I think I know what I mean, at least.. I'll have to think how to put it." The frown fades and she sighs, looking back to Rock with a ready air. Her expression says it all - questions, comments, disagreements?
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Rock 1/-----==/=======|=======\====---\1 Chun-Li
Krauser has been approached several times during the course of the fight, several instructors, tournament officials, and various others requiring his attention. Even if he's not watching, the nobleman listens, getting a better impression of Chun-Li via her speech. It was always different, reading reports and seeing televised fights never give a /true/ sense of a person.
Rock stays where he is, observing Chun-Li carefully... and then considering, for a long time. For a long time, the fighters, basically, are... totally silent. Before he nods his head, remaining in his combat system. "Yeah. I can buy that." Apparently, at least some of what Chun-Li is saying rings true with Rock. Just how much, the younger fighter doesn't say. But he's not throwing in the towel just yet. "Still... I'd like to finish this fight. Even if you're going to take me down in a few minutes. I hope you don't think I'm being too hasty, or battle hungry, or something."
COMBATSYS: Rock takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Rock 1/-----==/=======|=======\====---\1 Chun-Li
Chun-Li's hardly thought from the teacher's perspective before.. but the result doesn't seem to fall on totally deaf ears. This is heartening, particularly when the words she speaks cut close to home as a reminder to herself. Preaching oneness of being is all well and good.. when you're not submitting to the baser human instincts yourself. Even against Ryu, she felt something feral rising. Perhaps though, it's a fight that cannot be won, a struggle against self even as one seeks to tame that very thing.
Either way, Rock's words snap the Chinese fighter from her thoughts and she gives a quick nod, shifting with accustomed ease back into her stance. The distance between them is clearly not great, but then.. this will make another change from the course of the bout so far. "Let's finish, then. And believe me when I say my advice would apply to others beside you..." That is, if it really does apply at all. A mind-reader, the world's strongest woman is not. Even her own has kept its secrets from her for long enough, recent revelations and realisations not withstanding.
"HYAH!" The sombre mood doesn't last much longer, with the woman stepping forward and into a quick motion, the second step carrying her right up to Rock with little space allowed to remain between. This space is used well though, as within an instant of her arrival she brings her hands down and sharply forward, palms placed alongside one another for a fierce smash/shove into the young man's stomach.
COMBATSYS: Rock blocks Chun-Li's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Rock 1/----===/=======|=======\====---\1 Chun-Li
Rock's arms rise up, ready to take on whatever is coming. But he's not going after it with the intent to strike back. ... no, that's not his intent at all. This time, he's doing something much, /much/ more conventional. He's just blocking it. Chun-Li's palms strike Rock's forearms, pushing him back just a few inches... but not spelling an end for him or his ambitions in his fight. Instead, he finds himself standing ready, a meter or so distant from Chun-Li... waiting. "You're holding back, aren't you? ... I told you not to hold back. I want to know where I stand with my teacher even when she's going all out. Fight me like you'd fight Terry. Alright? Because I'm not holding /anything/ back." To that extent, Rock starts to... run. Not away, the direction he should be running in. No, he runs TOWARDS Chun-Li, whipping around as he sprints to bring one foot towards his opponent's mid-section. A fairly innocuous blow, right?
[OOC] Rock will be following up if it hits. (If.)
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li dodges Rock's Deadly Rave Neo.
[ \\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Rock 0/-------/-------|=======\====---\1 Chun-Li
After dealing that blow, feeling the resistance to its impact, Chun-Li wastes no time in retreating a half pace as she turns side-on to Rock and flows in the same motion into her stance. She watches him intently as he speaks, and well.. there's no denying the words this time. The blow wasn't her best, and likely for the entire match she's been fighting a little less seriously than she would against the Hungry Wolf. The same goes for almost anybody - few compare to Terry's heights, and those that do receive the same treatment as him. Total resolve, focus and concentration. Determination. It's hard to assume such effort without the fearsome blows of the other side to justify it, and in this case she does feel justified in this. This curbing of her abilities and power. But yes, maybe now is the time to end it.. to give Rock her everything if only for the last exchanges. He's certainly earned it.
Affording a slight smile and a curt nod, quickly given but conveying a certain acknowledgement, Chun-Li says nothing but simply waits.. waits for Rock's follow-up blow. There may not be long to wait, but without the enforced pause she would lose complete attention.. and lose that uncanny ability to pre-empt a blow, the way Rock has demonstrated himself able to do. But even moreso. Why soak an attack's power or expend effort in deflecting it when.. you can simply not be there? And as Rock charges, there's a swish of winds washing back over him, only a faint blurred aura left behind to tickle his senses as the woman vacates space in a way few could ever manage. She may as well have never been there, darting around in a spinning motion to emerge behind the over-extended wolfcub.
Oh yes, he's earned this. He's also earned the respect to go with such effort, as Chun-Li's hands ride down to her hip and start to throb with startling energies, a wash of pure power spiralling out from her slender hands. Her bracelets begin to buck in the wind quickly summoned, and soon she is soaked in a cloud of chi. But not a cloud - a hurricane, focused about her hands. "KAAAAAA-" With the cry mounting her lips she dashes forward, zipping in towards her younger opponent with chi still gathering for the mighty ending to this attack. And if it connects, surely an ending to this session... this should be the last lesson of today. Or should it? Perhaps the Rock can make it aside or pull another of those hybrid counters... but if he can't, there can be few witnessing this who would look upon the defeat with disdain.
"KOUSHOU!" Thrusting her palms forward at the last opportunity, Chun-Li straightens up in front of this pupil-cum-equal, hurling the violent ball of harnessed energy right into his form. It gyrates with all the impact he might be expecting before hurling him to one side... this is everything she has. All the woman's power, in one blue-white maelstrom.
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li successfully hits Rock with Kikoushou.
[ < > ///////////// ]
Rock 0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0 Chun-Li
"Oh. Shit."
Rock's momentarily profanity is more than enough to describe his reaction to the attack. He tries to get away from it -- he leaps right above it, looking to get an opportunity to attack Chun-Li from directly above. That chance does not come. The Kikoushou is larger than he had hoped... and when he's hit, the energy sends him flying straight /upwards/. The students watching the battle may be privvy to the sight of Rock soaring several feet into the air. But even as the fight seems to be over, Rock begins to gyrate in mid-air, his body turning and turning like a corkscrew.
"You've definitely earned the right to be called 'teacher'... but let's see if you can earn 'master', too! RISING... TACKLE!" It's unconventional. The technique isn't meant to be a downward strike... its meant to propel itself. So, as Rock uses it inverted, his boot twisting around in mid-air as he shoots downwards at Chun-Li, it's even /faster/ than usual. Rock's been hammered into a pulp, though. How much more steam does he really have?
This would be another situation where Chun-Li might allow herself a twinge of bad feeling, as she holds the throbbing energy ball in place for its thunderous impact with the younger fighter she now calls student. It seems she had a little more to teach him than he realised... but she's learned a great deal more from this than she would have imagined. Not a style she's faced at all, so unlike Terry's for all its similarities, and the tactical mind the youth possesses is sound beyond words. Little wasted movement, no stupid decisions - hasty ones being an entirely different matter - and above all, a confidence that never quite lingers to 'the dark side' despite her earlier advice. A very complete warrior. And one she looks forward to seeing at work against other opponents.. one's with less of her speed to counter his own nimble footwork.
But is nimble footwork really so useful when you're launched heavenward by explosive energies? ...some might think not. Chun-Li releases the orb from its slavery and allows it to dissipate after a few more unguided spins of blue-white thunder, but as it does this she's already moving, shifting back to see beyond the dissipation towards the descending Rock. What comes up... … ... must meet the ground. She's moving as though part of his own form, waiting until his descent path is set before handspringing backward, once and twice, to build a large enough distance between them. Enough not to allow any further crafty movements by the blossoming prodigy.
There's one last thing remaining. Whether he remains conscious or not, the Chinese fighter brings her arms around her chest and bows her head in solemn acknowledgement. No smile is spared now, no laughter or advice from teacher to student... nor from a master... this is a bow of equal to equal. Whatever she may have earned, Rock Howard has earned this.
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li has ended the fight here.
Rock hits the ground on his feet, having missed Chun-Li almost completely with his last-ditch attack. And, for a second or so... he stands, until his legs just sort of give out under him, dropping to his knees. Huffing and puffing -- but still conscious, albeit looking more than a little dizzy. -- Rock apparently just gives in and lets himself flop over onto his side, and then onto his back. He'll return the bow when he can feel his legs again, thank you. "Huff... huff... man. Strongest woman in the world... they weren't kidding. Okay, then." Laying flat on his back, Rock considers the sky for a few moments, before continuing, "Looks like we have work to do before the tournament. We can start in a little while, okay? Not right now. I think I need to pass out now. See you in a bit." And then he does, in fact, pass out; though, perhaps, he's earned his respite.
There's surprisingly little expectation for the bow to be returned - it's not like most are in any condition to make such gestures, and so on straightening to listen to Rock, Chun-Li does so with an open expression. The stoicism of battle is gone, the humour she's been displaying at times is gone and.. the teacherly side is gone too. She's reached a blank state of being simply herself, with a few side effects of tiredness blurring her senses just enough to bring that warm fuzzy glow than can feel so unreal. She knows that this has been one hell of a productive day, and.. that's quite enough. Rock's words are answered with a nod and a rather lethargic response. But the woman can take her time - he's already under by the time she answers. "Rest easy, Rock.. we'll work on both our flaws when you're ready. We've got a few days yet..."
The tired murmur dies with a warm smile towards her unconscious student, and after lingering there for a petit collection of moments, Chun-Li sinks down onto her heels, hanging her head and letting slighty sweaty bangs hang into one eye. A few brunette strands have also untangled from her buns, and drape lightly down to her shoulders. But she doesn't care, simply basking for a moment in the post-fight glow, feeling her mental faculties and inner energies seeking to reform themselves and bring her back to full strength in time. Hopefully.. in a short time. Food and bed beckon. Though slowly something else surfaces to the forefront of her thoughts, gaze lingering over towards one side. Towards a purple-haired figure highlighted in the last dying rays of the sun.
Even before Chun-Li turns to see if he's still there, Wolfgang claps politely. Considering the golden armor he wears, the sound is metallic and not exactly familiar. The head of Strolheim, particularly resplendent as the reddish orange sunset plays off his platemail, rasps a compliment, "I would expect no less."
It's not clear if he's speaking to Chun-Li, or Rock, however. Even if one is unconscious.
When in doubt, err upon the side of caution. As the armoured German speaks up, Chun-Li tips her head to one side attentively, bouncing a glance between Krauser and the grounded Rock as she listens to the compliment. Whose is it? She'll have to assume it is from uncle to nephew. Krauser and herself have never have the fortune to meet, and the Chinese woman remains in a fairly pleasant naivete about her own global popularity. All the same though, her response comes in similar vein...
"Neither would I. Though I did expect to exert myself a little less..." a sigh in her tone only due to recovering senses, she does end the response rather weakly. But then she pushes herself upright and takes the short walk toward Krauser at a leisurely pace, measuring the titan up on the approach, an eyebrow raised appraisingly. "Your family trains its future heir well indeed, Herr Krauser." The display of seeming nonchalance is broken once she drifts to a stop some six feet away from the big man, bringing her hands together and bowing her head in another gesture of respect. Her gaze remains upon him though.. a first meeting with such a legendary figure is a special thing indeed.
Technically, he did not train Rock - in fact, other than the one time Geese sent his son to Strolheim for a taste of what more... /brutal/ training was like, Rock's fighting life has been dictated solely by Geese and Terry. Not to say that Geese hasn't modified the Krauser Family Arts in some instances. The fact that /Rock/ is the current heir to the Strolheim name is another worry - 34 and unmarried. Unprecedented, in the Krauser family.
Diplomatically, the nobleman bows in turn, though the action is decidedly more European than Oriental in nature. He answers, casting a glance at the prone form of his nephew "He has many aspects of two worlds, it is difficult to catch him off guard."
Log created by Rock, and last modified on 21:41:21 01/10/2005.