Description: Oro teaches Shingo the way of the Force. Date: 1/6/05
In the forest just outside of Strolheim, Oro once again waits in the clearing by the mountains for his student to arrive. He sits on the ground in the center, facing the stump he had sat on before. There's a reason he's not sitting on it's floating in midair.
Oro's single arm is stretched out toward the stump, his fingers curling upward, and the tree hovers in midair, its roots dangling down and dripping soil. Underneath, the hole clearly shows where it had been uprooted. Oro, himself, is just watching the stump, looking neither asleep nor particularly intent.
Shingo arrives as stealthily as as he normally does for Oro's training sessions. Of course, there's far less stumbling than usual now that he has gotten used to the surroundings and can find his way there now with his eyes closed. Not that he'd want to do that. But anyways, he arrives in the clearing and sees Yoda, err, Oro levitating the tree stump, "So, master. What are we gonna cover today?"
Oro allows the tree stump to settle back down imperfectly into its hole. He turns to regard Shingo, rubbing his chin with a finger. "How do your hands feel today, boy?" Oro remains sitting, looking at ease despite the cool weather. It's pretty plain that the Senjitsu master focuses on taking the hard route whenever possible, and it appears to pay off; he doesn't even appear blue from the cold despite his thin garment.
Shingo shifts his bruised, black and blue knuckled hands from his pockets and takes a cursory look at them by making a fist. "They've been better. A bit numb. But I think that's mostly from the cold," he answers. Also not wearing a jacket. Probably cause Oro made him as part of his training as well.
"Good, They'll toughen up for the match." Oro raises his arm again, and the stump begins to float up once more. "What do you know about Terry Bogard and Heavy D, kid?" He remains attentive on the stump, twisting his hand and watching it spin slowly in the air. "Can't say I've heard too much about either myself."
Without thinking for too long, Shingo responds, "Well. I know they both were in the King of Fighters tournament. Heavy D is a boxer on that American Sports Team and Terry Bogard is the leader of his Hungry Wolves team. Both are good fighters, Mr. Bogard being the better in my opinion. But that's it, I guess." He scratches his head for any more info and doesn't seem to find any. Oh well.
"Huh. Woulda thought you'd know more. Well, what I've heard about Terry, he seems pretty good. Fast. The other's a boxer, too, so he's going to punch pretty hard. You're not going to be able to take many hits from either, so we're going to work on your dodging skills a little." Oro glances over at Shingo, then with a lazy wave of his hand, sends the stump arcing through the air to Shingo.
COMBATSYS: Oro has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Oro 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Shingo has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Oro 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Shingo
COMBATSYS: Oro successfully hits Shingo with Large Thrown Object.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Oro 0/-------/-------|=====--\-------\0 Shingo
Shingo isn't as quite as quick on the uptake when the tree stump comes at him. Not exactly moving at a high speed, but it did catch him off guard. Especially seeing he was just having a nice conversation with Oro but a moment ago. It catches him square in the chest knocking him over. But with a well-placed hand he is able to execute a recovery roll to get back on his feet. So much for a good first impression of his dodging skills.
Once back on his feet, Shingo gets into the ready stance and says to his teacher for the tournament, "Let's do that again." Feeling now that he's prepared he won't be hit again.
Oro tch. "And that was an easy one. Always be ready, Shingo. You never know when a lump of wood is going to get thrown at you...or a tidal wave of fire. You should be familiar with those, since the Kusanagis specialize in it." He shrugs as Shingo speaks, then nods. "At least you don't complain. That's good." The stump floats into the air once more, coming back near Oro. "Let's see how well you do when there's no element of surprise." A flick of the wrist, and the stump goes sailing again.
COMBATSYS: Shingo dodges Oro's Large Thrown Object.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Oro 0/-------/-------|=====--\-------\0 Shingo
Apparently he does do a lot better when there is no element of surprise. Noting that the stump has a different flight path than last time, Shingo is still able to take action. Waiting till it's within range, the young lad dives forward into a rollout right under the former tree. It sails harmlessly overhead with only some snow falling on him. Not counting what he picks up from rolling around on the ground. He comes up into his stance and grins. Natch. He says nothing this time though.
As Shingo comes out of his roll, he would see Oro nodding. Looking unsurprised, but nodding. Shingo would also see about five or six much smaller rocks hovering in the air around Oro patiently. As Shingo grins at Oro, the old man smiles mirthlessly back. And one of the stones rockets straight for Shingo.
COMBATSYS: Oro successfully hits Shingo with Thrown Object.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Oro 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0 Shingo
Overconfidence is such a killer. Luckily this isn't a real match. Shingo misjudges the distance and speed which costs him dearly. The rock catching him mid-leap right in the shoulder. Ok, so this isn't going exactly as planned. He bites down through the pain and after all is said and done is still standing. With the uninjured hand holding his shoulder he looks at Oro and just nods. Signaling that he's still willing to continue. What's an injured shoulder? He can still move and that's all that matters.
Oro looks up at the sky, shaking his head. " least you're toughening up your body. Always a plus. Watch the stone, boy. Figure out where it will land, and then don't be there." Simple stuff, and of course harder than it sounds. Before another stone flies, though, he adds, "You're familiar with chi, yes? The concept of it?"
Yeah. He's very familiar with chi. After all, projectiles are his mortal enemy. Speaking of which. Releasing his shoulder Shingo gets ready for the next oncoming rock. Knowing full well it could come anytime during this brief conversation. Nonetheless, he answers, "I sure am. I'm practicing shooting fire like Kusanagi-san." His breathing increases ever so slightly from the workout in the cold. And if the temperature was a bit higher, a bead of sweat would be beginning to form.
Oro's mouth quirks a little. "Right. You told me how well that was coming along. Then you know that chi is a life force. It comes from all living things - people, animals, plants. It's strongest inside a person, but the presence of all the chi in the world creates a sort of field." He points up at one of the floating rocks. "Nonliving things do not contribute to this field, but they do disrupt it a little. High-level fighters are able to sense disruptions, even if they don't know they're doing it. It's what makes them so bloody hard to hit.
"You haven't learned how to control chi as a weapon, Shingo, but perhaps you can learn to detect it. I want you to try and relax, clear your mind. Try to feel the chi inside and out. Try to sense the disruption the stone creates and react to that instead of the stone itself. It'll give you an extra bit of time to react. And that can make all the difference." After Shingo has had a chance to do what Oro suggests, one of the stones flies out from the group, once more aimed at Shingo.
COMBATSYS: Oro successfully hits Shingo with Thrown Object.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Oro 0/-------/-------|=======\==-----\1 Shingo
Shingo closes his eyes. Why? To clear his mind to sense the disruption in the force from the inanimate objects like Oro said. Now where'd those thoughts of Sakura come from. Gotta concentrate on rocks. Right. Rocks. He takes a deep breath and focuses.
*WHACK* "Ow!"
Maybe he shouldn't have had kept his eyes closed for so long. Of course he'll deny he got distracted by foreign thoughts of shooting flames invade his head. With some sense knocked into him, he rubs the bruise and laughs foolishly nervous, "Heh heh heh."
Oro shakes his head. "CLEAR your mind, you young oaf," he mutters sourly. "Focus on the world around you, not the world in your head. Take a moment and just concentrate on your surroundings. The ground, the trees. Me. The rocks." He cocks his head, eyes boring into Shingo. "Tell me when you feel you're ready."
Shingo ahems and settles. "Right! I gotcha Master Oro. Clear my mind." He takes another deep breath and closes his eyes again. This time, he manages to achieve his goal and evict all thoughts from his head. Eyelids still sealed, he drops into his stance and utters a simple, "Ready." You'd think he would've learned from past experience and keep his eyes open. But noooo. Obviously there's a method to his madness.
Oro raises one thin eyebrow, then shrugs. It's not him who's going to get hit. But if it helps the kid, then it's something. With the flick of a finger, one more rock darts toward Shingo...shortly followed by a second. No pain, no gain.
COMBATSYS: Shingo dodges Oro's Thrown Object.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Oro 0/-------/-------|=======\==-----\1 Shingo
Two rocks not one this time fly towards our young hero. Shingo is ready. He may not see the stones flying towards him. Or even that Oro has sent two his way. But somehow, someway he knows. The rocks gain closer and closer to Yabuki and he still has not made any moments to get out of the way or attempts to dodge. He holds his ground. That is until the first one is about a foot away from his face. Almost in a blur, a hand intervenes. And just as quickly, the second is intercepted. Shingo stands straight, arms to his side, opens his eyes and smiles, "Heh." Extending his hands, his palms open to the two rocks. "How's that Master?"
The final stone that had been hovering near Oro drops into his open hand. "Pretty good," he responds dryly. "I almost didn't expect you to make it. Now, all you need is to combine that sense with sight, and you'll be doing well." Oro tosses the rock up into the air lightly. "I think we can stop the lesson here for tonight. Rest up. We'll see if we can edge in one more session before the fight. If not, should be able to take on the boxer right now. Maybe."
COMBATSYS: Oro has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shingo 1/-----==/=======|
Shingo nods and releases his grip on the stones, allowing them to also fall to the ground. Bringing his hands up so that his right fist is hidden within his left palm and his feet together with knees slightly bent, he bows to his teacher, "Thank you, Master Oro." And with the lesson over for the night, he remarks, "Man. I sure could use some microwaved udon right about now. Thanks again for the lesson, Master. See you tomorrow!" The boy waits a moment to make sure Oro has nothing else for him and makes his way back to civilization.
Oro waves his hand idly as Shingo heads back to town before turning to regard a squirrel on a nearby tree.
*flick* *THWACK* *squeak!*
Oro gets to his feet slowly, trodding through the snow to the fallen animal. Microwaves. Hah. Who needs that fancy technology when he can get fresh meat right here?
Log created by Oro, and last modified on 21:19:30 01/06/2005.