Mortal Kombat - MK Round 1: Julia Chang vs Bolivar Diez

[Toggle Names]

Description: Julia and Bolivar lock horns in the spike pit before the watching eyes of NetherRealm's dark entities. Despite Julia's resolute willpower, Bolivar dispatches her mechanically as his momentum builds.

The boat ride here hadn't been too much of a problem for Julia, since she was eventually able to get out and mingle with the others without worrying about being tossed off the boat or anything like that. So the trip was fairly simple and there were no problems for her, despite her 'sneaky' method of entry onto the ship. However, the moment Julia spotted Shang Tsung's island, she sensed something wasn't right about it.

Her senses turned out to be right in a way, since the moment she saw Shang Tsung for the first time, she immediately had a flashback to the mental images that the spirits had sent to her. That very man was the person she had seen in her visions was now standing there before her and the others as far as she could tell. Because of this, all she could do was glare at him the entire time while he spoke his propaganda (as Julia labeled it) to the others. It wasn't until she heard her fight assignment that Julia really began to become uneasy, knowing that she'd be fighting at the bottom of a pit filled with sharp spikes.

As a result, Julia spent a lot of time before her fight in meditation with the spirits, to be provided with the support and protection of them. She knew that this was unlike any other martial arts tournament that she had entered, and she knew that her life was in jeopardy. But she had to do something about this mysterious man known as Shang Tsung.

When the time came to begin the match, Julia made her way to the Pit... or rather the bottom of the pit as instructed by Shang Tsung. She is shown the way there thanks to the masked assistants of Shang Tsung, but once she is there, she is left to herself. It is here that she realizes just how dangerous it is, as she sees the many spikes around her, a lot of which are still stained with blood, some of which is definitely fairly new. "Spirits, protect me!" Julia says as she holds her necklace and bows her head in a quick prayer, before waiting for her opponent.

Bolivar's trip to the island, meanwhile, had been far different than Julia's. After the ancient temples of the Far East had notified the local provincial officials of dire magicks and occurences in realms unseen, the word of a new Mortal Kombat tournament had reached the skeptical governments of the world. The United Nations had agreed to send their top assassin candidate (at least, the best one that was also nihilistic enough to risk his life) to the tournament, and soon, Bolivar found himself on the island.

Bolivar slowly strolled into amongst the spikes of the pit, wearing a khaki suit with a kapap knife concealed underneath the left sleeve in a bracer, along the inner wrist, and a pair of sunglasses hiding his eyes. The Venezuelan watched Julia Chang quietly as he approaches, gauging her reactions. He is full of quiet menace, a pure animal, but he does not make any predatory motions or gestures, other than the manner in which he evaluates her, his hidden eyes and his cold face looking at her as if he was a human vulture.

Bolivar moved within fighting range, as the servants of Shang Tsung departed from around the both of them, and moved into a stiff but practical fighting stance, his left arm forward and bent in a guard at chest level, his right arm back and along his upper abdomen in the outer range of his personal space as a potential strike, with his left foot forward as his potential guard and his right foot's heel dug into the ground as a potential fulcrum for a kick or manuever.

COMBATSYS: Bolivar has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Bolivar          0/-------/-------|

Upon seeing the arrival of Bolivar, Julia seems slightly uneasy at first, but then she seems to put her emotions in check as her face becomes neutral. She stands up to bow and says, "You must be my opponent for this match." Her voice shows no signs of quivering or anything like that. "May the best fighter win and may the spirits guide us." She then gets into her fighting stance.

Despite the fact that she has the ability to strike, Julia does not choose to do so. Instead, she stares at her opponent, while keeping an eye on the spikes around them. One false move could result in a very serious injury, if not a very painful death. It makes for a unique obstacle, but for Julia, it proves that there's something definitely wrong with this tournament.

Bolivar watches Julia Chang's uneasiness, judging her, before her face forces itself neutral and she speaks. Young, somewhat untested, but confident. And, according to his secret perogative to dispatch dangerous profiles drawn to this tournament, not a target for liquidation. If it can be avoided, of course. His mission requires his survival, and this is a dangerous arena.

Bolivar springs forward with a step and dashes at Julia, before a spike gets between the two of them. He pivots about on his right foot and turns around the spike with a spin, swinging around to face Julia again as his arm lashes out. His right hand is straightened into a blade, with a quick chop aimed at her neck, where it meets the collar bone. It is rapid, efficient, and he does not offer a powerful follow through, instead offering a simple snap strike, before he jerks his wrist backwards and pulls his arm away. It does, however, leave his guard open.

COMBATSYS: Julia has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Julia            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Bolivar

COMBATSYS: Julia blocks Bolivar's Ruby Carnation.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Julia            0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          Bolivar

Young and untested perhaps, but Julia does have her taste of experience in combat and things of that nature. Just not the same that Bolivar has had to deal with. Regardless, she's ready for a fight and will do whatever it takes to win this fight, although she has already resolved not to kill her opponent or anyone else. So despite the tournament's name, Julia's not onboard with taking part in actual 'Mortal Kombat.'

When the hand comes at her, Julia raises both hands to catch it, grunting a little as she feels the unexpected force behind it, but she still catches it and pushes it away. Without waiting around to see what happens next, Julia takes the initiative, and spins around a nearby spike quickly, before attempting to go for the stomach with an elbow strike.

COMBATSYS: Bolivar blocks Julia's Jab Punch.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Julia            0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          Bolivar

Bolivar slides back onto his left foot and raises his right knee, right arm going down to catch the elbow on the underside of his forearm. He then stomps his foot down and slides his arm upwards, wrist bending in an attempt to catch the crook of Julia's elbow after his flesh absorbs the quick blow.

Should Bolivar manage to keep his grip on the elbow while Julia is extended from the elbow strike, he lifts her arm and swings around with his left hand, a quick two-fingered blow aimed at her lower rib from the side, before he twists around and uses his grip on her arm to throw her to the ground, into the base of a spike.

COMBATSYS: Julia interrupts Combo Throw from Bolivar with Palm Explosion.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Julia            0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0          Bolivar

Julia finds her arm caught by Bolivar, and she winces, trying to break free, before being hit in the rib. This causes her to cry out even more, but before he can do any more harm, Julia goes on the offensive again. Only this time, she hits harder than before!

Just as Bolivar starts to twist around, Julia steps in quickly with her free hand, delivering a swift palm strike that is powered with the spiritual energy she harnesses and knocks Bolivar away from her. She attempts to aim it so that she does not cause him to fall onto any spikes, instead giving herself some breathing room. Once she's free of his grasp, Julia rubs her arm a little. "Spirits, please grant me your protection!" She mutters, feeling truly a bit anxious now.

Bolivar lets out an 'eyaaah' as he's struck in the chest by the palm strike, the spiritual energy blowing him backwards across the pit. His sunglasses fly off as he stumbles to the ground, on his side with his right arm propping him up. He wheezes, slowly re-evaluating his opponent's apparent speed, dexterity, and force. There's a grunt and growl as he gets back to his feet, clenching his fists and coughing to clear his chest, before he looks at her slowly, his dark brown eyes staring at her. His lips closed tightly in a slim line of a frown, he reaches under his sleeve, drawing his kapap knife.

Bolivar curls the knife from his fingers into his palm, then flips it around to face downwards in his hand. He slowly approaches Julia through the spikes, taking his time but still putting up pressure with his steady advance, left hand out and his stance spider-like. Then, as he grows close to her, he throws his left arm forward in a feint meant to push her against the rigid metal of a nearby spike to his right, to limit her retreat options, before he slashes horizontally at Julia's face with the back blade, then jamming it horizontally backwards, before his hand twists about and he performs a quick jam down at her neck, towards the spot he aimed at with the chop, before he pulls the narrow Israeli knife back. His movements during the three point knife combination are tight and tense, the result of careful and repetitive training.

COMBATSYS: Julia dodges Bolivar's Delta Slash.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Julia            0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0          Bolivar

The moment the sunglasses fly off, Julia can sense this isn't going to end well. Her suspicions are confirmed once Bolivar glares at her and growls. Unlike before, however, Julia has managed to calm herself a little. She knows that getting angry is the key to blinding oneself and losing the match entirely. Instead, she keeps a straight face and a strong focus on her opponent. She watches his movements carefully, and when she sees Bolivar coming at her with his knife again, Julia reacts quickly.

Keeping an eye on where the spikes are, Julia rolls out of the way, landing in a crouched position, before standing up quickly. "You are blinded by your aggression," Julia comments. "That was how I was able to avoid you so easily." This is not meant as a criticism, but rather as a form of advice which Bolivar should heed. Of course, from the look of things, that might not be happening.

Now having a better idea of where the spikes are placed, Julia moves quickly towards her opponent, and attempts to deliver a swift rising knee attack as she leaps upwards slightly.

COMBATSYS: Bolivar interrupts Medium Kick from Julia with Dragging Limb Flip.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Julia            0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0          Bolivar

Bolivar slides the knife away, and moves into a ready stance, his right hand forward and his fingers outstretched but hanging gently in a soft grasping motion of awareness that rises and falls with his breath. "Not every assault is meant to be what it appears," is all he says, cryptically, as part of the mindgame that exists over a battle. Then, as she charges, he snaps backwards away from her rising knee, allowing her to move upwards into the air as his arm grasps down. He lifts her from beneath her thigh as he spins around, twirling her about and yanking her along with her as he throws her into the ground by her leg. He moves downwards himself with the manuever, thrusting towards the floor of the arena with the force of his grapple.

The moment Julia feels Bolivar's hand on her leg, she knows she's in trouble. Silently, she prays for the spirits to keep her alive as she finds herself going down to the ground and landing hard. She cries out as she feels the stone floor make contact with her back, but at least she's not impaled... yet. Nevertheless, she feels like her ribs are trying to break free for a moment before she finally recovers from the landing. She rolls backwards a little before jumping onto her feet again, albeit rubbing her back a little.

"I will believe that," Julia comments a little as she wipes her forehead. Then she steps towards her opponent very slowly, before she abruptly lets out a cry not unlike that of a Native American war cry as she takes a sudden giant step forward, her left hand raised as it comes at Bolivar quickly.

COMBATSYS: Julia successfully hits Bolivar with Lashing Arrow.
- Power hit! -

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Julia            0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0          Bolivar

Bolivar pushes himself back up into a standing position, his hands curling into fists as she moves towards him, her slow stance giving him reason for due watchfulness, before the rapid attack takes him by surprise. The hand slashes across Bolivar's face and his head snaps to the side, spittle flying out of his mouth as he staggers sidelong and hits a spike. The sharp spire is leaned on for a moment as he feels his head ring, before he pushes off it, shaking his head back and forth to clear the stars.

Bolivar moves back into close space with Julia, stepping his right foot to her left, his left shoulder towards her, before he pivots his body about to sling his right arm through the air towards the side of her neck. If he finds purchase, he presses his thumb into her throat as he grips her neck, to momentarily weaken her defenses, before he swings his left leg out beneath her and tosses her forwards with his hand.

COMBATSYS: Bolivar successfully hits Julia with Strong Throw.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Julia            1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0          Bolivar

"Spirits, protect me," Julia whispers as she tries to avoid Bolivar's incoming throw. But she is unsuccessful, and finds her windpipe being crushed a little by that big thumb, causing her to lose air, and then she finds she's going down quickly. When she hits the ground, she cries out even louder than before, due to her previous injury, meaning she's not rolling up onto her feet again. Instead, she struggles to get onto her side before carefully pushing herself up, wanting to avoid unknowingly impaling herself as she does so.

This time, Julia says nothing to her opponent. Instead, she places her hands together and closes her eyes. "Spirits, grant me your power, please. I request it sincerely in this time of need!" And then her hands begin to glow with some kind of supernatural power. As Julia opens her eyes, she steps towards Bolivar. "The spirits guide me, they protect me. They will help me in this fight!" She calls out, before stepping forward with both palms full of spiritual energy as she aims her palm thrust at Bolivar.

COMBATSYS: Bolivar full-parries Julia's Heaven Cannon!!

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Julia            0/-------/------=|=======\=------\1          Bolivar

COMBATSYS: Bolivar equips a glimmering Flaming Yellow Soul Shard.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Julia            0/-------/------=|=======\=------\1      [E] Bolivar

Bolivar adjusts his suit after the combination is completed, watching her as she stands. As the energy begins to gather, a look of trepidation comes over his face as the energy builds, and his eyes slowly, imperceptably widen. And then, there's a yellow flash on his right fist, as a ring appears on his middle finger with flaming yellow light. As the thrusted palm full of spiritual energy comes rushing at Bolivar, he interjects his own palm, the soul shard deflecting the powerful attack and leaving Bolivar prime for a counter attack.

Bolivar rushes forward with a smooth yet rapid motion, a rush forward with a low tackle that rises into a lift before a slam to the ground, with Bolivar aimed to straddle atop her if he is successful. And then, fist after fist, both hands working her face, until he pulls back, breathing heavily, having sated his fists' mutual bloodthirst.

COMBATSYS: Bolivar successfully hits Julia with Panther Rage EX.
- Power hit! -

[                         \\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Julia            0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0      [E] Bolivar

The fist connects with Julia, sending her staggering backwards, and tripping over one of the nearby spikes! And then she actually falls over, and her arm is impaled by one of the spikes! She yells out, louder than before, looking in terror at her arm which has just been impaled. Almost immediately, she feels a terror like no other, almost as if she believes she is going to die right here and right now. Despite the pain she's in, and how foolish it might be, Julia struggles to slowly lift her arm off of the spike that has impaled her, crying out again once it finally gets free, and then with her good arm, quickly reaches into her shorts pocket and pulls out a bandana she brought with her.

Working quickly, Julia wraps the bandana around the injury on her arm, which is hard to do considering her injuries. It is almost as if the pain has given her a last burst of adrenaline to keep herself from bleeding out. But the moment she finishes wrapping her wound, the last of her strength fades from her, and she goes limp, no longer showing any signs of movement.

COMBATSYS: Julia takes no action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Bolivar [E]      0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Julia can no longer fight.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Bolivar [E]      0/-------/------=|

Bolivar looks towards Julia as she wraps her wound, considering her quietly. He notices the resolute willpower to do battle, the aid in her spiritual beliefs in summoning and focusing her, and the avoidance of lethal manuevers. But he also sees the fear, pondering why she has come to this island, or been brought her, if not to be hunted like a game animal. "Be careful, Ms. Chang, you are a coyote in a wolf's wood," Bolivar states to her as her strength fades. After she drops unconscious, he looks down at the yellow ring on his middle finger, considering it, before the flame dies out with a strange whisper from another world. Perturbing. Bolivar slowly walks out of the battlefield, moving back to his quarters.

COMBATSYS: Bolivar has ended the fight here.

Log created on 17:22:41 09/14/2016 by Bolivar, and last modified on 02:18:09 09/15/2016.