KOF 2011 IV.Union

[KOF IV: Union] The Turning Point - Zach Glen is feared and loathed by the Cult of Gaia. The power he wields is truly fearsome... a power he has frequently let slip out of his control. A power he would use all too liberally in what some would call selfish pursuits. They call him a product of humanity's sins and arrogance, and see him as a rallying point to justify their cause. Zach has had enough, and has moved to eliminate them all. This will be of no problem for him - but what about his own problems that have plagued him, that made him who he is now? At last, one of his friends may have the key. The key Zach had been looking for since the fateful day he awakened to his powers... unless it is too late to save him from himself. - created on 19:15:26 07/10/2011 by Rust and last modified on 00:13:26 07/11/2011. Cast: Zach and Rust.

[KOF IV: Union] The Mystery of Chizuru Kagura - Where is Chizuru Kagura, and why is she so important to the big picture? Vanessa has struggled with this when she received a heads up about NESTS involvement in something involving 'Orochi.' The best way to go about this? Go bust some heads in. Bust some heads in of the Cult of Gaia, who have ramped up their rampage to a climax. Someone's going to talk. Especially if it's that certain bumbling Cultist and one of the few still living Zealots that haven't utterly sacrificed their lifeblood to the awakening of their dark lord. Vanessa will get answers. If she doesn't... it's because she's too busy punching their faces in. (She did both of those things) - created on 21:01:12 07/14/2011 by Vanessa and last modified on 10:03:47 07/27/2011. Cast: Vanessa, Cultist1, and Zealot1.

[KOF IV: Union] Earn Your Happy Ending - A corrupted Antoine has been leaving bodies in his wake near the shrine when Quon seeking shelter from the storm happens upon his friend. After a brutal fight there's question of whether Quon's efforts were all for naught when a couple of familiar faces step in... - created on 20:48:28 07/17/2011 by Quon and last modified on 17:25:12 07/24/2011. Cast: Zach, Rust, Antoine, and Quon.

[KOF IV: Match] Shadaloo vs Wrestlefriends FINAL 1 - The final battle begins as Shadaloo and Wrestlefriends clash for the title of King of Fighters. Can the Hurricane of the Gulf and the Red Cyclone defeat the likes of one of Shadaloo's prized grunts and the dangerous broken doll known as Juri? - created on 09:07:10 07/19/2011 by ElFuerte and last modified on 03:05:58 08/07/2011. Cast: Vega, ElFuerte, and Juri.

[KOF IV: Match] Shadaloo vs Wrestlefriends FINAL 2 - The second part of the Shadaloo vs Wrestlefriends fight log. Contains entire Zangief vs Juri fight and ending. (WINNER AND KING OF FIGHTERS: Shadaloo) - created on 13:05:45 07/30/2011 by Juri and last modified on 03:06:06 08/07/2011. Cast: Zangief and Juri.

[KOF IV: Union] Doubting Emperor, Rising Champion - Things have not sat well with Kyo and his recent dealings with Shadaloo. To try and give them paybacks for interrupting his slacking he has decided it would be a good time to try and attack Shadaloo during the finals. Go figure the one time in his life he shows up early is this one day. It seems Vega had a surprise waiting for him in the form of Sagat. Muay Thai God and heir to the Kusanagi clan clash. Can the island survive? - created on 16:07:14 07/30/2011 by Sagat and last modified on 09:43:31 08/02/2011. Cast: Kyo and Sagat.

6 logs.