SNF 2009.09 - Sento Scramble! Blanka vs Leona, CA: Tran

Description: SNF is responsible for some of the worst businesss decisions in professional fighting history. This one is no different, except for how it is possibly /even more/ embarassing for everyone involved than usual. Maybe. Jury's still out on this one. (WINNER: Blanka)

Saturday Night Fight! Er, and possibly soak! The air is charged with anticipation, the concept far too awesome for words - but words will be spoken, and the concept described all the same! Hushed tones from the announcers at the table at the 'male end' of the wide bathouse describe the continuation of a new fad in the fighting circles. ONSEN FIGHTS! The steamy humidity of the fighting ring that straddles both sides is a relative reminder to the bestial Blanka of his time in the jungles - though there was far less white terrycloth in the place he grew up. Not really knowing any better, Blanka has a towel on like everyone else - the hem of his pants dipping out below showing that he's wearing them still as well. He's been properly scrubbed, soaped, doused and soaked, so he is all limber, loose and comfy as he prepares for the fight.

"Ad first to the ring.. from the jungles of Brazil... BLANKA!!" The green beastman bounds up into the 'ring', one hand grabbing a rope and hauling himself up onto the slightly-slippery fighting floor, his toenails digging into the surface to try and keep his balance. His hair hangs half in his eyes, and he keeps tryign to move it back and out of the way - some people simply aren't meant for such watery climates!!


"You have to wear the towel."


Someone from the SNF crew has a big red mark in the shape of a hand on the side of his face.

But perhaps not being "in theme" with the location and the decor is a good thing. The heat and the humidity of the onsen is familiar and comfortable due to the line of work she's normally in-- and from where she lives-- and there's a part of her, way deep down that would never admit it even at gunpoint and it was the only way to save her life that wouldn't mind getting into a very hot bath and relaxing for a little while.

And if dirty little mind readers could pluck out that fact about her, Leona Heidern would have probably long-since killed them for the trouble.

As she arrives in the makeshift ring as the announcer calls her name, the blue-haired Leona is already tying back her long hair with a sturdy elastic band. Clad in a black tanktop, camo-print shorts, and sturdy, tightly-laced boots, the Ikari Warrior strides into position while breathing in the ambient steam. Admittedly, it's a little relaxing and comfortable.

Pulling on a pair of black leather gloves fetched from her back pocket, her boot squeals a little as she gets herself into a better position.

Suddenly, the lights go out. A few shrieks are illicited from the watching bathers as they find themselves unable to gauge exactly how clean they have become from their soak. Luckily, they are thrown a bone when a spotlight shines down on the center of the ring, revealing a hanging microphone.

It begins to shiver, as though possessed, jerking about to and fro. Someone with a girly voice (but on the men's side!?) shouts and points into the air, and the spotlight retargets onto the form of DR. TRAN, slowly sliding down the cord. He is dressed up in a fancy black suit, mostly, with the slight addition of a fluffy white towel around his waist. Sorry, ladies; it doesn't look like anything is going to slip today.

Landing lightly, Tran picks the mic up and begins to talk. "Alright, now that the introductions are over with..." He shoots a quick look at the announcer table. "It's my show now. You guys can go soak your heads." The doctor pauses to look between Blanka and Leona, a critical expression obvious on his face. "Not much to look at, are you? Well, whatever. Hope your fighting makes up for it, and speaking of, everybody wants to see some action already, right?" Tran holds out the microphone to some sparse cheering, then moves on as if the lackluster applause was completely satisfactory.

"Alright! Let's have a good, clean fight!"

Already ready, already! Blanka hasn't given himself too much time to think of what sort of crowd would be around at this location, the onsen group seeming to be made up of laid-back and relaxing, blissfully ignorant people indeed. He's busy pushing his hair back for the third or fourth time when Leona enters the ring - but he does manage to stop short and give her a quick nod of acknowledgement. He pushes his hair back, like hers - but without anything to tie it back with, well, it flops forwards comically almost immedeately after. Ahwell!

Tran's entrance makes the bestial brazillian startle, but then buck up with a nod. As he's called to fight, Blanka takes a step, two - and then the third finds a wet patch of ground, leaving the green giant on his keister, smack in the middle of the ring!! An inauspicious beginning to a battle of the Onsen, indeed!

COMBATSYS: Blanka has started a fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Blanka           0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Blanka takes no action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Blanka           0/-------/------=|

He's -- He's ... sliding down the microphone cable? Looking up, hand hooding her eyes to cut down on the ambient glare of the spotlight, Leona watches as the (in)famous? Doctor Tran makes his appearance. As his opening comment is somewhat disregarding, the mercenary lets out a sigh and shakes her head a little bit.

Her attention turns next to Blanka as she lifts her hands and tightens her gloves up a little bit, stare becoming more intent and piercing than it was before. The second that he slips up, the second that the fighting is called to begin-- he slips!! And lands right on his ass for all his efforts.

Pushing off with a squeal of her treaded boots on the wet floor, Leona seems to have much better grip. At least, for the moment. Crossing the distance between them with relative ease, it's made a bit easier as her weight drops and her legs fold. Powerful muscles push off, and the adopted daughter of Heidern vaults through the air with her body held relatively tight; Leona's arms cross over her chest and her legs remain together. Coiling up in the air, her arms sweep out at the same time while she floats over the man of the wild.

When her arms sweep out, an X-shaped lash of chi is released in the process, jetting away in an arc and toward the man from on high. Oddly enough, it doesn't so much seem elemental in nature as one would expect. Instead, it seems more like it was concieved for a single purpose:


COMBATSYS: Leona has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Blanka           0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0            Leona

COMBATSYS: Leona successfully hits Blanka with X-Calibre.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Blanka           0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0            Leona

On the ring, on his rump, Blanka is at a definite disadvantage..! The gentle green giant can tell this without needing any commentary telling him so, and he's quite glad the main announcers have gone, leaving only Tran behind to document his poor tactical choices! Leona seems to try and capitalize 'pon it, by leaping up and into the air, bringing those bladelike chi swipes. Blanka's forearms come up to blunt the impact, pushing him back along the skiddy slick surface till his back hits a post.
Shaking his head to recover, he gets back to his feet, eyeing the woman when she starts to come down. His fingers dig in, and on all fours, he bounds forwards in a tight ball, trying to gauge when she'll land, to bring his thick shoulder into her midsection as she does. "AWH-ROOO!!"

Having successfully set the fight a-rolling, albeit with perhaps more groan-worthy dialogue than was at all appropriate, Dr. Tran takes a step back and begins to watch the carnage. It's a good start!

"And Blanka goes down, without anyone even hitting him! Shameful! If he could blush, I bet he'd be as red as a tomato!" The doctor turns away from the fight to address the spectators. "Speaking of, if you're feeling faint from the heat or the action, don't pass out or you're going to miss out."

Tran does just that, only starting to pay attention to the fight again after Blanka goes on the offensive. "Then again, the way things are going now, maybe a quick nap wouldn't be a bad idea. YAWN."

COMBATSYS: Leona blocks Blanka's Rolling Attack.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Blanka           0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0            Leona

Twisting in the air with the greatest of ease, two cutting blades formed from chi! Rhyming or not, the attack has enough force behind it that throws the young woman backward. Completely changing her trajectory, she ends her acrobatics landing on her feet and spreading her legs a bit-- trying to get a wider stance that allows her to land safely and carefully.

Blanka is upon her in an instant. He projects himself forward in a flipping, twisting ball of jungle fury with the intent to slam right into her. Leona Heidern is quick to react, throwing an arm forward to catch the blow, her other hand thrusting out to help catch the force. Still, the floor is very damp and he's got a lot of force to it-- resulting in the young woman being sent backwards, skidding on the soles of her boots.

Catching herself while her boots squeal, Leona charges towards Blanka again with hopes to close the distance. Water splashing in her wake, her left foot strikes the ground and acts as a pivot for her to move. Her right leg lifts up from the ground with a light splash, fully intent on kicking Blanka across the face with a heavy duty combat boot!

COMBATSYS: Blanka interrupts Strong Kick from Leona with Electric Thunder.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Blanka           0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0            Leona

The 'close-up tussle' is Blanka's bread and butter - or meat and mango, as the case may be. Caught and bounced off of Leona's guard, Blanka backflips once, immedeately starting to close again even as Leona skids away, trying to keep his range close, oh-so-close. Giant green feet dig into the slick fabric mat, giving him just enough traction to bring himself in near the other fighter. Far from the klutz of before, he seems to move with more fluidity, gathering his balance with each second the fight goes on.

As Leona's leg comes up, Blanka drops himself down flat against the ground. It's not enough to get completely under the heavy boot, catching it upside the head with a meaty THUNK. It is, however, not a hard enough or solid enough connection to stop him from getting right up against Leona's planted foot and shin. And as soon as he gets there, his mouth opens up in a silent howl, blue-white lightning forming in the open space - and then his body lights up, brilliant blue-yellow arcs of lightning that spark here, there, and everywhere! From Blanka's body to Leona's... and sadly, to the rest of the mat and the microphone itself, a squeal of feedback - Blanka lets out all the sparklies he can!!

"Come on, I'm waiting for things to heat up, guys. Seriously. /Seriously/." Tran looks cross, even though the audience seems to be perfectly well amused by the fighting going on so far. Maybe they think it's good enough for them, but the doctor has other ideas.

"In fact, in order to get this going HOLY CRAP-" Tran cuts off abruptly as his microphone /detonates in his hand/. The shock quickly fades, replaced with grim determination. Cupping hand to mouth, Dr. Tran shouts across the room with surprising volume, "SOMEBODY GET ME A SPARE!" Then it's time for business.

Whipping the scorched remains of the microphone at his side like a flail, Tran slides in across the slick floor toward Blanka. "Don't do that shit in a bath, dumbass!" Slinging it low, he tries to loop the cord around the underside of Blanka's neck, catch it on the other side, and then haul back to choke the life out of the poor beast-man.

COMBATSYS: Tran has joined the fight here in the center.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Blanka           0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0            Leona
                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Tran             0|-------|-------

She's trying to not pay attention to Tran-- him, or his exploding microphone. Instead, she's been trying to focus on the unusual man from the jungle and his unusual fighting style. The resulting counterattack from Blanka is also enough to occupy her attention span, especially as unchecked electrical forces surge through her body.

Wet floor, electricity, and Leona Heidern. Well, it hurts.

Muscles tense up and spasm as she lets out a distinct, loud gasp while air escapes from her lungs. Rather than comically bounce away from him and his sudden counterattack with x-ray views of her skeleton, the arc of power tears through her from top to bottom. At the end of the sudden spasm, as she topples backwards with a loud grunt and hits the wet floor with a very shallow splash.

Leona sits upright, propped up on one arm and rubbing the back of her hand across her jaw as even the muscles in her face need the time to work loose, bone letting out a slight *pop*. That's when Tran attacks-- during her moment of vulnerability, providing her enough time to get back up.

Arms crossing over her chest, the blue-haired Ikari hops forward. "Urrrrrrooh-!!"

As her arms sweep out wide, a ball of blue chi is expelled from the movements of her arms and her chest, forming in a swirling mass all at once. Starting out slowly, the energy swirls and cuts and slashes as it shoots through the air, looking to cut up Blanka at a safe distance.

COMBATSYS: Blanka dodges Tran's Strong Throw.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Blanka           0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0            Leona
                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Tran             0|-------|-------

COMBATSYS: Leona successfully hits Blanka with Baltic Launcher.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Blanka           1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1            Leona
                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Tran             0|-------|-------

Wha-whyuh! Blanka is beset on all sides! As he gets back up to his feet from his display of awesome electric prowess, the beast-man is pounced from behind by the Dastardly Doctor! He feels black wire wrap 'round his neck, and as Tran tries to pull the 'noose' tight, he flops himself back into a flip, giant feet briefly landing on Tran's shoulders, then bouncing away, to bring him out of harm's way!

At least, out of /that/ 'harm's way'. As he lands, Leona's been given far too much time to prepare - he finds himself face-to-face with the blue-haired woman, and the explosion of swirling energy catches him full in the chest. Spun about, circled, knocked back - Blanka tumbles incessantly - or at least until he finds the rope rings, the edge of the fighting mat. He's at full tension there - his feet digging into the thick matting. He pushes back all the more, to get all the spring he can. Breathing hard, he tries to focus, to force his gold eyes at his target - to aim and prepare to let himself fly with all the more energy he can give..! "... Blanka... gonna get arooo!!"

COMBATSYS: Blanka focuses on his next action.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Blanka           1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1            Leona
                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Tran             0|-------|-------

The trap is closed, so to speak! Tran strikes from a distance; Leona strikes from closer ranges-- but still beyond reach. Twisting back around with a swift movement, shifting her footing, the Ikari Warrior seeks to get a little more distance from Blanka. Especially now, now that he's been pushed back to the other end of the combat arena.

Leona tilts her head to the side, her earrings catching a bit of the light in the humidity. They're slender, cylindrical, and rather nice despite their very simplistic design. Wearing dangly earrings may be a little odd for a woman with her bearing, but they do seem to work-- in some twisted sense.

Why is jewelry significant?

Because it detaches. Reaching up to her left earlobe, she pulls straight down on the silvery earring with a slight tug. There's a metallic *shiiiing* as it comes loose, leaving a stud and a small straight piece of metal that hangs at a much shorter length. Tossing the accessory with a light toss, it bounces once on the wet floor before flipping end over end.

*ting ting*

And then it explodes.

Fortunately, it isn't her usual sort of earrings-- rather than the usual heavy-duty anti-personnel variety, these are a rather low-yield explosive. But still, it's a goddamned bomb in the middle of a goddamned fistfight!

Dr. Tran's cunning plan doesn't quite go off as planned, since Blanka manages to escape his choking grasp without much seeming effort. The worst part is how he leaves wet claw-prints on the doctor's shoulders. At least everything is made ok when the big green beast gets blasted by Leona.

Backing off to let the two fighters get back at it, Tran doesn't have much time at all before Leona decides to start /blowing shit up./ "Ha ha, holy crap that is great!" Tran's grin splits his face as he watches, but then quickly turns sour once more. "WHERE THE HELL IS MY NEW MIC? COME ON!"

COMBATSYS: Leona successfully hits Blanka with Earring Bakudan.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Blanka           1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1            Leona
                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Tran             0|-------|-------

Whoever said 'never bring a knife to a gunfight' had never heard the collary 'feet and fists shouldn't be around GRENADES'. Blanka had also not heard these pearls of wisdom, sadly - so when Leona lets the little accessory bounce Blanka's way, he doen't move - instead simply prepping himself to get a better angle on bouncing towards the military woman. Only at the last second does he understand that this is not just a distraction, but a 'bad thing' of the highest degree. And sadly, by then, it is far too late to move.

On the good side, the explosion makes Blanka lose his footing, and momentum does the rest. Suddenly not held up by his feets, the ring ropes snap back into their normal position, hauling blanka forwards. He bounces once, twice - and then the third time, he explodes forwards in a veritable green and red blur, water skidding and skimming off of him in almost a whiplike motion. On the good side, this is making him dry. On the bad side, without a chance to aim himself, his blurred balled bouncing attack is wavering and moving here and there, no real rhyme or reason!!

COMBATSYS: Blanka successfully hits Leona with Ground Shave Rolling.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Blanka           0/-------/-----==|=======\====---\1            Leona
                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Tran             0|-------|-------

On the plus side, the explosion seems to have disoriented the wildman enough that he's started to freak out and bounce up and down. On the negative side, well, now he's shooting toward her like some sort of hellish jungle Christmas-colored ball of doom. She drops down into a crouch while bringing her arms up in a warding, defensive posture. Unfortunately, the sheer brute force with which he collides is enough to take Leona by surprise, the blue-haired soldier letting out a surprised gasp as she loses her footing.

She slides, quite literally, on the edges of her bootheels initially. She falls back next, tumbling end over end over end on the hard floor, kicking up standing water and eventually sliding to a face-down halt. Sputtering out a bit of water, she twitches once before getting her hands down and pushing herself up off the floor. Giving herself a mental "status report" on her physical condition, the Ikari chides herself for not having prepared for such an unusual assault-- and now she certainly paid the price for it.

Shifting her weight and getting up to one knee, she rests a hand on her raised thigh while breathing deeply, trying to center herself and not let the majority of the damage dealt get to her. She starts blocking it out, ignoring it, and slowly pushes herself back up to a standing pose.

COMBATSYS: Leona gains composure.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Blanka           0/-------/-----==|=======\==-----\1            Leona
                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Tran             0|-------|-------

For Blanka, the impact is a good thing - it allows him the abillity to regain the stability of his momentum, his bounce taking him towards the edge of the ring, after passing into/onto/over/through Leona. Skidding to a stop in the ring's ropes, his body puts a heavy strain on the stretchy boundaries. When he comes to enough a stop to be seen, it's quite obvious that he's dry - the good news from that is that he will slip less - the bad, that he now has a giant orange afro instead of his normal bestial spikey hair. He flips himself around and then lets the momentum take him forwards again...

Without waiting for Leona to get to her feet, the Brazillian Beast bounds forwards. One hop, two hops, and then the third, he comes down and around with his arms outstretched wide. He tries to land atop Leona's back - and if he can, she will suffer the pain of the Wild Fang, Blanka's submission hold! Mostly it consists of Blanka chewing and slobbering on their head while he tries to crush the wind out of them with his mighty arms!! "Awh-ROOOOO!"

At last, some lowly intern in a towel comes speed-walking up to the side of the ring, new mic in hand. Tran snatches it without a second glance, and finally is able to continue.

"Despite being a victim of the coolest thing I've ever seen happen in a bathhouse, the Green G...g...Blanka is rallying back with a fierce...rolling attack? And he's gone disco? And now he's trying to eat her head!? What the hell?" Dr. Tran's brows furrows as he witnesses the bizarre fighting going on in front of him, trying to cope with how strange circumstances are becoming.

COMBATSYS: Blanka successfully hits Leona with Wild Fang.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Blanka           0/-------/---====|=======\=======\1            Leona
                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Tran             0|-------|-------

Yes, she managed to catch her breath-- but all at once, things go even further downhill. Suddenly, Blanka's got a grip on her from behind with crushing arms hugging her tightly. Even worse, now, there's the wildman with his mouth open wide. Her head tilts and turns just a little moments before the initial bite and gnaw, eyes so wide that she cannot believe what she's seeing. Leona has been trained by one of the finest soldiers in the world today. Leona has been in more real-life battles by age twenty-one than some military units will ever be in her career. Leona has done battle against Rugal Bernstein himself.

But she's never been bitten by a six-five beastman.

"A-- Aagh!!"

His strength is considerable, his teeth are sharp, and the whole situation is rather uncomfortable. So uncomfortable, in fact, that she's forced to writhe and pull against his grip even while he's gnawing teeth on scalp, eventually working an elbow free and driving it against his underarm a few times-- just enough to jar herself free and throw herself into a forward dive, tumbling across the floor and rolling into a crouch. Pressing a hand to her forehead with one eye closed, blood trickles down her forehead in a slick wet river and dripping on the floor.

Somewhere between embarassment, humiliation, and anger at becoming a chew toy, the silent Ikari Warrior suddenly seems to shift her stance. She's low-- impressively low, as her hands no longer hold her up and it seems like she's about to plant herself face-first into the floor. Then, with all the strength in her legs, she surges forward.

Running so fast and with feet hitting the floor so hard it kicks up large splashes in it's wake, Leona's right arm sweeps backward while she charges in on Blanka. Once she's in close enough, that arm darts forward as though it were a cobra striking at it's prey; her arm moves in a fast and powerful snap and her hand is as rigid as the blade of a knife. If her fingers connect with the beastman's abdomen, he might feel a sudden pressure as something tries so hard to push out of her offending limb...

COMBATSYS: Blanka Toughs Out Leona's Rebel Spark!

[                        \\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Blanka           1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0            Leona
                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Tran             0|-------|-------

The blue chi that she's been wielding for the entirety of the battle is cold, direct, and it has a sort of "primal" nature to it. Not quite elemental, not quite a direct and easily-describable talent. What she does now is a lot more focused, controlled-- something that she's learned over the years that she's been under the foster care of Heidern. It's almost as though her hand is about to drive THROUGH the jungle man's abdominal muscles with the strength and depth of the strike while the pressure of chi builds up in the man's body.

Pulling her hand away with effort, as though something were actually keeping it there, a burst of orange light follows. Then, the point of impact sprays sparks as though some sort of explosive were there waiting for him. Turning away from Blanka, Leona brings her offending arm across her chest before it claws out. Sweeping to the side, the movement punctuates the explosion.

The big explosion.

It erupts at the point of impact, as though a chi bomb were placed on Blanka's body. It burns like fire, it feels like fire, and it has enough force to throw the tall green man through the air with all the power it can conjure. At that moment, Leona looks back over her shoulder and blows out a sigh-- even while blood still trickles and drips off of her face and chin.
Man, Leona hits hard.

There's a very gaspy *WHUFHFUHF* as the Ikari warrior brings her fist into play, that knife-hand slams into the Jungle Giant's stomach, sinking in a bit to the green skin, as if trying to go /through/ him. To Blanka, it feels like it has, the mecurial monster's link to his 'chi' a very primal thing indeed. He can tell when something isn't right, not right at all.

Looking down, Blanka gets to see the bright orange 'fire' form and spread quickly. Giant green hands pat frantically at the growing glow, attempting to douse it, to put it out. He's unable to, the bouncing Blanka turning into a frenzied, gibbering beast-man as Leona brings her arm up, and then... explosion!

The smoke and fire of Leona's Rebel Spark fades, and Blanka is nowhere to be seen within the onsen - seemingly vanished in a *foom* of chifire and directed splodey power. A moment passes.. then two. And then, from above..


"Ow.. ow... Awh...ROOOO!"

Like a ninja, Blanka is now dressed in black, soot clung to his skin and hair, a dark representative of the jungle. He hangs on to the microphone cord with both feet and one arm, staring down at the makeshift ring, and the bleeding, battered opponent. Gold eyes flash in eager threat, the beastman bounding down towards the corner of the ring - like Ric Flair, he hits one ring, then bounds off of it to the other. Each time, he hits a new rope, stretching it to the limit as he builds up speed. This time, when he aims at Leona, he's blindingly fast, his balled-up body seeming to attack from every single direction at once. Not content to try to run her over once, oh no, he's intent on hitting her several times in rapid sucession..!
The furious back and forth between Leona and Blanka continues, inevitably drawing closer to what Dr. Tran hopes to be an explosive climax, AKA the only kind worth having at all. This one is shaping up to be a doozy, thanks to how one of the combatants doesn't seem to shy away from using actual explosives. There rests a secret hope in Dr. Tran's heart of hearts that that is exactly what is going to happen. Dare he hope? Dare he dream of a perfect ending?

Dr. Richard Tran, the best host to ever host an event, is red and sweaty and it's not even the bath's fault. "And they're still going at it, and Blanka just...holy crap Blanka exploded and he doesn't even care! Is this the end for Leona? Come on, girl, give this one a good finish!"

By way of encouragement, he reaches for his towel, gives it a good twirl, and then flicks it at the Ikari's backside like a deadly (but helping?) whip. "Let's see this place EXPLODE!"
COMBATSYS: Blanka successfully hits Leona with Ground Shave Rolling.
COMBATSYS: Tran successfully hits Leona with Light Random Weapon.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\ < > //// ]
Blanka 0/-------/-------|=======\====---\1 Leona
[ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
Tran 0|-------|-------

When the blue-haired Ikari stops-- when she looks over her shoulder, she can tell there's something wrong. It should've taken him down in one fell swoop, but it didn't. She doesn't need to be a brilliant fighter or ninja or doctor to tell that, it becomes clear enough when he's back up off the slick floor looking like a burnt green hairball. Suddenly, the green man is rebounding off ropes (she'll have to find out later why boundary ropes were included in a fight on a slick floor) and launches!

Holding her ground, Leona bolsters herself for the impact with waiting arms, hoping to stop the impact cold and keep him from going too far. Of course, then is when everything happens, all at once. When he hits, she manages to hold-- but not for long. Her bootheels let out a squeal as her body starts to shift. Looking down with widened eyes, that break in her concentration is open and wide enough that a swift snap of the towel catches her across the backside, and -hard-.

Eyes widening and a red flush filling her face, the distraction from behind and the attack from the front lead her to buckling under the pressure of the flying green projectile of a man. Tumbling on the floor, each attempt to get back onto her feet leads her into being thrown across the wet floor time and again. Eventually rolling to one side, getting herself into a kneel, the damp and embarassed Leona Heidern seems to get her wits about her again.

Springing into the air, her right arm sweeps backward, held high over her head. It comes down in a powerful, high-speed chop aimed to catch Blanka across the chest. When she hits ground, hit or miss, with another squeal of her boots, the blue-haired mercenary launches back up into the air, tracing a large 'V' into the air with that distinctive cutting chi!

COMBATSYS: Leona can no longer fight.
COMBATSYS: Blanka dodges Leona's V-Slasher.
Bounce, tumble. Bounce, tumble. Bounce, tumble. Impact after impact is the name of the game, the bowling ball Blanka becomes brazenly battering Leona up one side and down the other. When she finally rolls out of the way, he comes to a stop, standing up with his head in his hands, and his feet moving, making him sway side to side in the classic 'dizzy' animation. Whoogh!

It takes him a second to recover from his own attack, and as she leaps in, he manages to slap enough sense into himself that he can dodge that last swipe from Leona, a backflip taking him out of range of the final explosion of power, landing on the onsen ring's ropes, women's side. He wobbles there woozily, then throws his arms up, howling in something resembling a victory cry. A cry that quickly changes to a surprised, shocked little gasp as the rope sways beneath him, sending him outside, tumbling in a splash into the woman's side of the baths! Screams and shrieks echo out as the monster man flails in his new predicament - and he bolts for the door without so much as a 'how do you do' to Dr. Tran!! Aaaaaaaa!!
COMBATSYS: Blanka takes no action.
His mission accomplished, Tran gets away to the relative safety of ringside, trying to avoid the rampage of Blanka as he rolls, rolls, rolls around like a big green wrecking ball. Once he's confident that he can stand still and not, say, DIE, the doctor whips his towel about several times, and then wraps it around his waist like a belt. This might be less than spectacular except for how in the background, a giant neon sign lights up, shaped like the Japanese rising sun. In the center is kanji that Dr. Tran does not understand, but god damn if it does not look glorious behind him.

Spectacle complete, Tran presses onward as if nothing had happened at all. "And Leona takes a devestating series of blows despite my helping hand! She's down! She's down! Is she out!?"

And then whiffo. Leona fails to take Blanka down with her. "Yes! This is over, bathtime viewers! The winner is Blanka!" Proclimation of victory made, Tran suddenly finds himself at a loss, because the winner just left. "...ah. Uh. Maybe?"


".......AND THE REAL WINNER IS ME! HAH! TOO LATE TO ARGUE, CRAPPY HOSTS!" Pointing across the room at the original hosts, Tran erupts in a gigantic cloud of steam, producing a wave of 'ahhhhhhhs' all across the bathhouse. It never really clears, but when it does, he is /so gone/.
COMBATSYS: Tran has left the fight here.

Log created on 19:39:52 09/07/2009 by Tran, and last modified on 15:30:33 09/23/2009.