SNF 2009.01 - Titans - Rugal/Billy/Igniz/Hayato

Description: Starting the new SNF Season off with a brawl among Titans, the crowd at Howard Arena are given on hell of a match to watch as insane feats of strength, speed, and tactics are demonstrated by Igniz, Rugal Bernstein, Billy Kane, and the brave Burning Spirit teacher, Hayato who gives it his all. One by one the tyrants and inspirational teacher fall, until the the grueling conclusion between Rugal and Igniz is left to play out. ( Winner: Rugal )

The seasonal cycle of Saturday Night Fight belts was a clever idea. Howard's marketing staff had the right idea in forcing the belts to be up for grabs every few months. The free for all bouts to determine who starts out with the title each season will draw the greatest crowds, the highest viewership around the world. It makes the nightly news and is on everyone's mind throughout the days leading up to the event. Another great marketing breakthrough by the people Geese Howard employs, making his near monopoly on fight related entertainment even more certain. (Disclaimer: Except for that tiny niche Ken Masters has carved out with the Neo League, of course).

As expected, the stadium is at capacity and possibly even then some. The air is alive with the eager anticipation of an energetic crowd. The fight ahead promises to be an exhibition in extreme skill, incredible speeds, and rarely seen demonstrations of power. It's just the sort of thing to draw the reclusive Rugal Bernstein off of his ship into the open. Just the sort of thing even he can't resist making an appearance for.

The tyrant of 'R' enters the arena first. His name is announced. It gets a reaction, though not a sigificant one. His appearances in the public venue have been brief but violent. He's known around the world as a tournament organizer and the master of any number of styles of fighting, while his more nefarious nature goes mostly unknown by the common man. Dressed in a distinguished suit, the oldest participant of the match ahead chuckles at the brouhaha taking place around the match itself. The peons in attendance are irrelevant. The opponents he'll get to face are all that matter to the man.

Polished, black dress shoes come to rest on the dusty stone raised platform that will be the stage as Rugal takes his place in the arena. Hands slip into his suit pants pocket, withdrawing a pair of black leather, fingerless gloves which he pulls on tightly, one after the other. He adjusts his suit coat before at last taking hold of the right end of the thin black scarf that rests around his neck and folding it over his fingers idly. First on the stage, it's time for him to see who have the power and guts necessary to also participate in this match among titans.

After something of a hiatus for some refined training, Billy is ready to return to the world of Saturday Night Fight and Neo League; and what better way to cement a second blaze in the spotlight then by stealing the championship belt for himself? He slithers into the open area, thrusting his bo staff to the heavens. Pyrotechnic displays and fireworks go off as heavy metal blares through the sound system. His fans go somewhat rabid, and there's a lot of them today; he's not put on a good exhibition for too long, and he's doubtlessly the most publicly known fighter here, especially when it comes to Southtown.
"HEY HEY HEY!!" Of course he has to use his catchphrase. People like it. Blue denim pants and an open jacket are his choice of attire, with black buckled boots and the British colored bandana. A few rather intricate swirls and swooshes of his staff are done in the last advance to the fighting area, hopping up and taking a corner. Slamming the end into the ground, hard enough to create some feather cracks, his neck pops left and right as Rugal is eyed akin to a piece of meat. "Bernstein, eh...? So there'll be two big dogs in this fight." What about Hayato? ...poor Hayato.

When the name Hayato Nekketsu is announced and the man himself enters the arena he gets a fair bit of applause and cheering. He's popular locally and a rather flashy fighter, so it's not surprising that a fair number of people are present who like him. He's also quite easy to notice, what with his bright red track suit and the shinai being casually tapped against his shoulder as he walks. But does he deserve to be in this grouping tonight? A crime lord, a would-be god, a tournament champion and... a teacher? Some people would be intimiated, perhaps nervous. But by the grin on Hayato's face and the spring in his step, he's just looking forward to all of this.
Having made his way out onto the stone arena floor Hayato plants his feet, raising his shinai up high and waving it to the crowd. Oh yeah, he's loving this and has no fear whatsoever. Rugal, Billy, Igniz, whoever... Hayato just looks at all the titans of the fighting world around him with a self-assured grin. If he loses, he loses. But whether or not he wins he intends to give it his all!

Day after day it doesn't seem to change at all. The god o NESTS had been chosen to represent the world that does not bow towards him. Out of all his work, the strife and the fight to acquire this upon him, Igniz has yet to conquer the world about him.

It is by their will he does what he does. This is one of the reasosn that the god of NESTS had signed up for SNF. It is, without a doubt, a good place to fight amongst the finest and continue to refine skill. If anything, Kyo was the victor of the last belt. Perhaps he would be here again?

Igniz approaches from his side, already in his battlesuit, floating across the ground without the hint of manuever. He finds himself wafting through the air towards his own portion of the stage. Unannounced and yet not entirely unknown, the god of NESTS looks about his opponents.

Billy, Hayato, and if it isn't Rugal. His ship was a rather proper battlefield, if Igniz would say for himself. It survived and served its purpose for them all.

"This will be most interesting."

One after one they make their appearances. Billy's impressive if gaudy entrance reminds Rugal of the last time he entered the free for all belt match. The staff fighter hung in to the end during that match as well. Time to see if he'll last just as long this time around. "Showboating as usual, Mister Kane. But no guitar to throw at me this time." the man smiles grimly, releasing his scarf to crack his knuckles in preparation.

That's when Hayato enters. The crowd knows who he is. The people like him and seem to respond accordingly. Rugal's attention turns to the Taiyo High teacher, his expression shifting to a guarded, neutral look. He knows of Hayato. The man has made a name for himself in the SNF events over the last couple of years with his admittedly impressive showings. But what's he doing here? Bernstein holds back a scowl, hands tightening, causing the leather gloves to creak. Is this some kind of joke? Able as Hayato may be, he doesn't have any place here in Rugal's mind. That grin on the teacher's face suggests he doesn't even understand just how in over his head he is. "Preposterous." the German fighter growls softly.

That's when Igniz appears, gliding in by whatever advanced technological power that suit of his grants him. It's enough to take the tyrant's mind off of Hayato to see the self-proclaimed God of NESTS enter. This is more like it. A rival fighter truly worth his time. "Very well." He raises his arms slightly, left arm bent at the elbow and at his side, right arm forward with his leading right shoulder.

"Then it is to be these four." His right hand clenches tightly, "Gentlemen," He strains to include Hayato in that collective noun. Well. Billy is a stretch too. At least Igniz is worthy!! The music stops, the pyrotechnics shut off, the crowd falling quiet. Even the announcer is mute. It is not a mere mortal's place to start a match among masters. "Let us begin." A cunning look makes its way into his expression. It's been a long time since he's been truly challenged. But his training has never slowed, his drive to excel not waned.

COMBATSYS: Rugal has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rugal            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Rugal calculates his next move.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rugal            0/-------/-------|

"Pfft. You almost sound disappointed." Everyone arrives, and it's time to get down to business. "Let's just pair off. I don't really feel like some random slugfest." Billy offers, glancing around in an appraising manner. "At least until we've got things goin'. Give the people a show, not a wild orgie." But his preference doesn't mean a whole lot! Really, he'd hesitate to fight either Rugal or Igniz alone, although he'd not object to whacking one of them in the back of the knee if opportunity presented. Hayato though... "Let's see if you're in the right belt free for all or not!!" With that bit of challenge, he slithers forward and whirls his staff around, bringing the tip down in a violent arc intending to crack into his shoulderblade. While at the same time positioning himself in such a way that only Igniz has part of his back open, even if it's not that vulnerable. He'll be in the ground before he presents a target to Bernstein!

COMBATSYS: Billy has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Rugal            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Billy

COMBATSYS: Hayato has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Hayato           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Billy
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rugal            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Billy successfully hits Hayato with Medium Strike.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Hayato           0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0            Billy
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rugal            0/-------/-------|

Does Billy think he's going to intimidate Hayato? He obviously doesn't know who he's dealing with! Hayato starts to lift up an arm in an attempt to knock the staff away, but isn't quite fast enough. But even though it slams down onto his shoulder the teacher doesn't show much reaction beyond a brief grimace of pain. Oh, it hurt like hell, sending a shock running all the way through his body; he just manages not to show it. And he's quickly grinning again. "I guess we'll know when the fight is over, eh?"
The Burning Phys Ed Teacher shrugs his shoulders, pushing the staff off to the side. And now Hayato finally brings his shinai into an actual fighting position and starts tensing up his body. "But that was a pretty good hit. Looks like I'm gonna have to give it my all!" And Hayato appears to be... happy about that. Maybe this is just asking to be hit even more. Frankly, he doesn't care whether it's one on one battles are a real free for all. It's all good to him! Of course, it's not just the excitement that's causing fiery orangfe chi to radiate off of Hayato's body. It's the excitement /and/ his Burning Spirit!

COMBATSYS: Hayato gathers his will.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Hayato           0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0            Billy
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rugal            0/-------/-------|

Igniz is intently focused about the group around him. There isn't a moment where he forgets about his surroundings entirely, especially as hes poised to focus as much as possible. Everything else is put behind him, away from him. It isn't important for the moment, for now, the strength of his peers is what drives him to exceed all boundaries and proclaim himself a god.

As Hayato finds himself entirely at the disposal of Billy Kane, Igniz's interest moves off towards the man of the hour, Rugal Burnstein. He hasn't fought him. He had dealt with Adelheid and found immense power, but no outlet to perfect it. That man is this man's heir? To find out how strong Rugal Burnstein is, that is Igniz's perogitive.

"Please, indulge me." Igniz exclaims as he manuevers suddenly towards Rugal, the arm of his cape moving on its own, swinging out as it writhes across the ground as unhuman beasts do, attempting to send the bit of cloth towards Rugal's chin, lifting up into a powerful strike, only to reverse its direction mid way, and aim to bring Rugal down.

Igniz's jet black armor clicks and whirrs as it takes whatever it can, finding the strength of those about him to be... delectable.

COMBATSYS: Igniz has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Igniz            0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0           Hayato
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Rugal            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Billy

COMBATSYS: Rugal dodges Igniz's Blue Noah.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Igniz            0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0           Hayato
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Rugal            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Billy

As Billy suggests they pair off, Rugal remains silent, his expression difficult to read. The tyrant of 'R' makes no accords, no agreements. The reigning rule of a match like this are that there are no rules. Let each man make the most of it. But he doesn't chase after Billy all the same. He's fought the staff wielder before. He's ready for a taste of something different. He wants to see what Igniz and his suit can /do/.

The exchange of attacks between Billy and Hayato go largely ignored for now. He'll get to them in due time. For now he has the master of the most technologically advanced society on Earth charging his way and that occasion merits special attention. "Gladly," the crimelord growls. Reading the attack for what it is is tricky. The whip like nature of the cape reminds him of other styles, however, and the similarity to the motion allows him to identify its intent properly. The threat of the crushing property of the cloak is avoided, the man deftly stepping around it, letting the end of the cloak fly past him by a margin so narrow as to be impossible to perceive from the stadium seating.

The possible opening gives the master level fighter a chance to retaliate as well, as he drives his left arm forward, fist clenched, attempting to clock Igniz in the chest with a fearsome opening shot. His right hand proves to be the real menace, however, as it swings in secondly, bearing the real force Rugal can muster. Holding nothing back, turning his whole body into the blow, Rugal aims to deliver a haymaker punch toward the battle-suited man's skull - the likes of which could pulverize concrete or crush a normal man's bones. "RAGH!"

Of course there's no rules. That doesn't mean Billy isn't a dirty opportunist backstabber without any ideals of fair play, and will happily deceive other people long enough for him to kick them in the spine. Yes, he's a bastion of morality. Nobody attempts to capitalize on him, and it seems initially the scam is working. Good... they pound on each other, and he'll draw out a hobeating on Hayato, hopefully leaping on one of them with an advantage. This has no small amount of arrogance in this. Billy fully knows who Hayato is; he's one of the strongest teachers in all of Southtown, and where this city is concerned, that's a HELL of an endorsement. But he should be no match for Billy Kain... nope, no match at all. "Here I come!!" he snarls towards the other man, slamming his staff into the ground and using it to launch straight towards the burning teacher, whirling his weapon around in a feinting manner so he can suddenly collapse it into three pieces. Hoping to snag him by the throat with a loop of chain, and hurl him towards the outer reaches of the ring!

COMBATSYS: Hayato fails to interrupt Quick Throw from Billy with Devastation Kick.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Igniz            0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0           Hayato
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Rugal            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Billy

Billy can feint with his weapon all he wants; that's not what Hayato's paying attention to. Billy himself is much more important to watch, and his movements help to indicate where the weapon is going to end up going, anyway. Well, up until it snaps into segments. Then the physics involved change a fair bit. And while the kick that Hayato starts to unleash toward the Brit who is flying so helpfully toward it would have worked quite well if Billy's staff had stayed in one piece, it doesn't work so well when the staff suddenly swings around and wraps a length of chain around Hayato's throat. Particularly since Hayato is suddenly yanked off and away from Billy, then sent sailing off to hit the ground until he rolls to a stop.

COMBATSYS: Igniz blocks Rugal's Fierce Punch.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Igniz            0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0           Hayato
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Rugal            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Billy

The punch crashes into Igniz's defenses, four forcefields fielding Rugal's strike. It's obviously a powerful blow, crashing even through then and still doing entirely appreciable damage. To imagine another blow such as that followed in tow would be too excrutiatingly painful to imagine.

Igniz is sent backwards even while fielding the strike, floating towards the ground as he finally uses the drag of the planet to slow him down, hold him before Rugal as without he would definitely be sent a great deal farther. "Ahh... your kill is impecable." Igniz exclaims, his sense keeping an eye on both Billy and Hayato, on the basis that if he is able to finally field a strike, it would be one that would be entirely capable of propelling him.

Returning towards Rugal, the loud cry of the man issues enough of a warning. Perhaps simply mindedly, Igniz directly himself towards Rugal, directing himself in a way to thrust a blow in towards Rugal's as he recoils, even if his head is still wounded by Rugal's powerful blow.

COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Igniz's Medium Punch.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Igniz            0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0           Hayato
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Rugal            0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0            Billy

Igniz manages to defend against his attacks, giving Rugal further glimpses into how the God of NESTS approaches combat. Interesting. Very interesting. A blend of technology and supreme skill. An approach the tyrant of 'R' can appreciate, his inhuman eye feeding him constant data with respect to the power behind those defense forcefields the other man called upon for his defense. "It isn't just skill," the man replies, forced to defend himself now as the blonde strikes back. His right arm comes up to intersect it, powerful muscles flexing to lend the necessary strength to hold the punch back.

"It's knowledge and power combined with hard work." he growls, his voice deep. "Of course." He never stops moving. But in the next moment his attention is on someone else who seems to be having too easy a time at it picking on the teacher who somehow wandered into a man's fight. " already know that. I can tell. We'll fight more..." The crimson suited fighter explodes past Igniz then, converting his block into deflecting the forward momentum of the other to allow him to fly by. "But right now I need to take out the trash."

On a collision course for Billy Kane himself, the man propels himself forward with inhuman speed. Incredible power gives him forward momentum, his motion becoming more of a glide then aggressive sprint as he bears in closer to Billy, seeking to hook the staff user by the chest with his arm and carry him straight back to the side wall of the stage with the kind of power that may very well smash the Brit through solid stone if his defenses don't keep him safe!

COMBATSYS: Billy dodges Rugal's God Press.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Igniz            0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0           Hayato
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Rugal            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Billy

It looks like Billy was right about Rugal. Hayato gets sent away, which is all well and good; he had anticipated some manner of strike, given how he had built up so much power early in the fight. Although the NESTS scion is... mildly harassing, yes mildly harassing is a good word, Bernstein still takes a shot. Twisting around to face him, there's a large amount of tension, all his senses hyperexerted. But his grin is still one of raw, visceral pleasure, an adrenaline junkie through and through. He's gone utterly limp, poising his staff and center of balance in such a manner that there's no hint of where he's going to go, but multiple options. In the end he just arches his torso backwards -- about the most reckless thing he could of done, but given Rugal's inertia and intent to drag him along painfully, sufficient to escape. "Ole!" he comments, whirling around with a spiral of staff. "Already breaking down into every man for himself? Iggles over there ain't been hit, either! Why you comin' after me?!"

COMBATSYS: Billy focuses on his next action.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Igniz            0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0           Hayato
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Rugal            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Billy

Hayato shoves himself up off the floor with a grunt, then pops back to his feet. He cracks his neck a few times, then glances at the other three fighters. Seems things have gotten a bit more chaotic. Well, that's good. Hayato can deal with chaos. Sure, in theory he might just be able to hang back now and let the others beat on each other for a bit, but where's the fun in that? No harm in trying to take advantage of any lapses in their attention, though...
The gym teacher sprints forward, quickly making his way back toward the fight and coming up behind Igniz. This might not be the best approach, seeing as Igniz's cloak is a deadly weapon, but that doesn't occur to Hayato. He's just concentrating on his plan to get in there, wrap his arms around Igniz's waist and then yank the NESTS leader off his feet before slamming him down head first into the stone floor.

COMBATSYS: Igniz fails to counter German Suplex from Hayato with Void Genocide.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Igniz            0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0           Hayato
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Rugal            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Billy

Hayato is unexpected to Igniz, the precious moments of the man takes from the god of NESTS shoving it into his face, delivering a painful example of the god of NESTS being entirely too predictable. Even as Hayato moves across the grounds at speeds that are less than fantastic, the man gets close enough to land a grasp upon the god of NESTS.

This would be easily rectified if Igniz would thrust his arm out towards Hayato's chest, but even that fails to be enough as Hayato manages to grab hold of the god of NESTS, approaching him before wrapping his arms around Igniz's waist and lifting him up and back, slamming him into the floor beneath. Igniz was too slow to react as the ground accelerates beneath him, crushing him into that.

There, Igniz uses most of his strength to raise back up towards the air and off of the ground, conserving as much strength as possible.

Billy slips through the attack meant to smash him against the stone walls, forcing Rugal to execute an immediate course correction. Bringing that formidable forward momentum to a stop is no small feat as evidenced by the yards he slides, leaving a plume of dust in his wake, his arm sweeping forward, empty of the other fighter he meant to sweep out of here. Gritting his teeth, the crimelord whirls back around to face the staff wielder.

"Just testing the calibur of my opponents here," he declares. So far the two he's taking remotely seriously have proven their abilities to survive his opening barrages. How they weather the rest of his onslaught remains to be seen. The brief pause gives him time to watch Hayato in action, however. The Phys Ed teacher turned world class competitor braves the might of Igniz with a remarkably bold attack. That it succeeds at all is more than Bernstein had expected. Perhaps he misread the ability of this Nekketsu fellow.

"Hrn." He had, initially, ignored the energy of the air. The presence the crowd brings. The excitment of a mob out to see blood shed and feats of nigh inhuman skill exhibited. But the brief reprieve leaves him appreciating it more than he had initially and in that moment he begins to draw upon it. All of it. Power collects, a black aura circling his feet as the man who would defeat death turns himself into a capacitor, building up all that potential so that it can be unleashed upon one of the others present. It's only a matter of time...

COMBATSYS: Rugal gathers his will.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Igniz            0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0           Hayato
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Rugal            0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0            Billy

What to do, what to do. Billy continues to whirl his staff around in an expert fashion, giving it almost no attention despite the blur of crimson wood. And finally decides it might be prudent to pay back Rugal for his earlier assistance; sliding one foot to lead before erupting into a run, his body low to the ground and weapon allowed to trail behind. It almost grazes the ground, but doesn't quite. Utterly fearless, he breaches the rather sickening field of chi, before... swoosh! Shooting out the tip like one might start out a game of pool, intending to collide with his throat. And then twist around, hopefully lifting the scion of stolen moves to travel in a broad overhead arc and collide with the ground! It might not be quite as showy, but will hopefully send him sprawling away. Billy feels the grooooove, and he's gonna dance it. To DEATH.

Hayato's powerful leg muscles serve to pull him back up to a standing position after he releases his grasp on Igniz. It's taken him a little time to get up to speed in this fight, but he's not going to let people think that he doesn't have what it takes! These opponents are nothing compared to dealing with irate parents. At this point Hayato might, perhaps, start to think that he's being a little overconfident... but as that's his normal state of being, how would he know?
At any rate, it's enough to keep the teacher focused on the rising Igniz. Rugal and Billy are both further away, and this certainly /seems/ like a good opportunity to get another hit in. That in mind, Hayato swings his shinai up high, then brings it slashing down toward Igniz as he rises. Bamboo sword or super advanced combat armor that probably costs tens of millions of dollars: which is stronger!?

COMBATSYS: Igniz fails to interrupt Fierce Strike from Hayato with Divine Arrow - Ground.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Igniz            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0           Hayato
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Rugal            0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0            Billy

The assault was entirely able for Igniz to see. The blow, the strike. All of it coming out at once towards him even as he rizes off of the ground, getting to hit feet as he once more ooks towards Hayato. Even as the god of NESTS fights for control over Hayato, the man continues to power into the god of NESTS, thrusting him deeper and deeper, destroying what chance that he had.

Now, as Hayato brings down his shinai, Igniz attempts a brutal strike, arcing out the blast the energy directly into his chest.

The shinhai strikes, blasting Igniz backwards fiercing, sending the would be god towards the ground once more. No matter how much money he wastes simply doesn't seem to reward him. His skill is faltering, if anything, it looks like he will be the first one out, regardless.

COMBATSYS: Billy successfully hits Rugal with Fishhook Throw.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Igniz            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0           Hayato
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Rugal            1/-------/=======|=------\-------\0            Billy

Gathering the energy to him for future use, Rugal holds his ground as Billy Kane decides to rush in aggressively. The fate of Igniz and Hayato goes unregarded for now, their exchange their own, his eyes on Geese's second man in charge. The reach of the pole lets him slide into attack range without getting close enough for the tyrant of 'R' to strike him back, forcing Bernstein react defensively, arm at his side lifting to fend off the strike. That he wasn't successful becomes evident as he's hooked by the neck with a jabbing blow, hefted up, and hurled over the head of the weapons master into a tumbling land on the other side. Dusty, but not down, the crimelord is quick to recover, coming up into a low crouch at first, teeth gritted.

Silent but for a low, guttural growl, he pushes out of the crouch and bolts directly back toward the Syndicate lieutenant. Again moving with speed reserved for some of his more formidable techniques, the man aims to tear into Billy with a rising, right foot laced with sharp, vorporal bladed chi. The opening strike to Bernstein's famous Genocide Cutter is designed to lift the staff wielder into the air with him, leaving his body vulnerable to a savage number of follow up kicks, each one laced with that uniquely edged chi.

Six kicks in all, before a final axe kick to send them both back to the ground with stone-breaking speed to mark the end of the combination attack, should Billy not be able to defend himself in time.

COMBATSYS: Billy counters Genocide Heaven from Rugal with Water Dragon Pursuit Cane.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Igniz            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0           Hayato
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Rugal            0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0            Billy

From the open smirk on Billy's face, he's by no means in a difficult position. The savage onslaught is rather clearly seen. But to begin any chain of attacks, means that the first has to make contact. He doesn't showcase any defense beyond a presented shoulder until the last moment... when he snaps down his bo staff, and catches Rugal's shin. The stick breaks, but what might of initially seemed like a grand achievement turns out to be it seperating anew; it drags up enough that one vorpal toe thunks his chest, and the ground splits beneath Rugal's heel and thankfully between Billy's legs, but he absorbed all the kinetic force. An apologetic tilt of the head and pursed lips, feigning someone about to cry, is thrown at Rugal. Before he /snaps/ up the end of his weapon, cracking the man in the side of the face. It's by no means a crippling maneuver, but every nuance is laced with insult. This is his first time fighting Rugal... and so far, he seems within his realm of handling!

Now, Hayato could continue his assault on the NESTS leader, but Igniz is probably expecting it. Also, the fun comes in the challenge, and mixing things up helps to keep things challenging and interesting. And so the teacher turns about and runs back toward Rugal and Billy. Of course, he's going to bear in mind that Igniz is behind him now... but that couldn't possibly come back to bite him, could it? ...Yeah, he'll try to remember he's there.
Now, who to attack? Well, Rugal is in the middle of being hit in the face... with Billy's staff. And that means the staff is at least momentarily occupied. So Hayato keeps running toward Billy, right up until he gets close enough to leap forward, leading with both feet in an attempt to crash into the staff wielder with his full weight and the force of his run. It's going to be a bit difficult to recover from this, but hey if it works it'll be worth it! If it doesn't, well, the landing will probably suck.

Left to his own devices, Igniz finds himself still hurting from the assaults that Hayato had succeeded agaisnt him. Clearing his head as he moves towards Billy, Igniz is left to mull over the multiple occurences that began over the man days. He hadn't had much luck, given that he has been attempting to utterly destroy.

Perhaps sheer science had failed him. Maybe he needed another idea rather than simply crashing forward with everything he has, moving to destroy all in his wake. That thought was not the only thing he had imagine. How could the will of man overpower the will of a god? It was not by chance that the many that inhabited this planet had stood up to defeat Igniz's presence in battle.

The thought aided him as he mulled, thinking of what could and what will be. Even in the fight he would not so easily be swayed by the tide of battle.

COMBATSYS: Igniz gains composure.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Igniz            0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0           Hayato
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Rugal            0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0            Billy

The punishing energy meant for Billy goes answered by the very staff that struck him moments prior. His rising foot stopped, the blade like energy slices along the ground instead, leaving a rut in the cleaved stone in its passing. "Hrn," Rugal grunts, the dissatisfaction he has at the present circumstances easy enough to discern.

Snapping his foot down, he makes ready to attack again when the end of the weapon snaps up and cracks him across the temple. The light blow merely frustrates him further, the man not even sliding back so much as an inch. Infernal weapon, he would almost appreciate the skill with which Billy executes his techniques if he wasn't so interested in smashing his head in after such defiance.

A growl escapes his lips, the man driven forward with a touch of reckless anger, stepping back in toward Billy, aiming to swing hard with his right arm to deliver a blow across Billy's face before stepping in to follow it up with a reverse elbow strike as he draws his arm back.

COMBATSYS: Hayato successfully hits Billy with Strong Kick.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Igniz            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0           Hayato
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Rugal            0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0            Billy

COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Billy with Medium Punch.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Igniz            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0           Hayato
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Rugal            0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0            Billy

Well, fuck. Rugal just gets tired of Billy's games, and doesn't try anything fancy. There's really not enough time to do much beyond continue looking smug before he's sent reeling like some pimp's bitch, stumbling sideways. Smearing blood away from his jaw, bleary eyes see a Hayato descending in the general area of Paintown, and disembarks into his ass. He is struck in the stomach, eyes boggling as he's sent flying backwards, hitting on his back and rolling away, staff clattering along for the journey. He trembles, pulling up his knees in a slow, awkward attempt at raising. "F,fuck." There goes his flawless victory. Oh, well. Lacking any immediate prospects for attacking, he tries to lick his wounds; gathering up a significant amount of chi, whirling his staff around. Oh, he's got a murderous look in his eyes at this point. Someone's going to feel his vengeance. But who?!

COMBATSYS: Billy gathers his will.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Igniz            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0           Hayato
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Rugal            0/-------/-----==|=======\==-----\1            Billy

Actually managing to connect with his target makes Hayato's recovery easier. He's able to kick off of Billy's stomach which gives him enough momentum to get his feet back on the ground and land in a crouch. He quickly pops back to a standing position with a big grin still on his face. Maybe punching him a few times will wipe it off his face, but it shouldn't be counted on! And now... Hayato has tested his skills against Igniz and Billy, so perhaps it's time to see what Rugal has to offer!
The teacher suddenly whips around, swinging wide with his right arm and the shinai clutched in his hand. His first strike is aimed to catch the master of R under the ribs, then follows through to smack him again from the opposite direction. Finally he swings upward and then attempts to slash the blade down onto Rugal's collarbone.

Igniz gets up, undefeated yet, even if moments pass with his inaction. The many fighters field their strengths against one other, the battle continuing just as Geese had hoped. With fight underway, there was a great deal to pay attention to. Now, left to his own devices, Igniz finds himself unassaulted, purposely turning towards Hayato.

There may very well be reason, given that his last attempts to strike at the burning gym teacher had failed miserably, there is still a hint of agression that the god of NESTS must field for this to be properly laid to bed.

Moving the distance rapidly, as he finally comes face to face with Hayato, there is only a wave of the hand given as a powerful force begins to appear directly upon Hayato, Igniz crushing his hand into a fist to only expediate the process. There would be no foolish mistakes, only relentless strength aimed against him.

COMBATSYS: Hayato successfully hits Rugal with Scolding Slash.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Igniz            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0           Hayato
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Rugal            0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1            Billy

The two blow strike delivered against Billy, Rugal isn't about to let up. Even as the staff wielder takes a punishing drop from the Phys Ed teacher who must absolutely have a screw loose to play these kind of games, the tyrant of 'R' continues to stalk forward, intent on keeping the pressure on Kane now that he's seen some of what the wily, sharp minded fighter is capable of.

His plans go awry when Hayato decides to give him a piece of his mind with that bamboo sword of his. Rugal barely even seems to pay attention as the tall teacher comes in to take a swing at him. The first strike is noticed but Rugal doesn't seem to take it too seriously as he simply attempts to step out of the way and carry on to his intended target. When the blow connects, however, it gets his attention. Especially when it's followed up by a second, then a third cracking down against his collar bone.

Disgruntled at this whole state of affairs, the man turns to face Hayato directly, his temper rising gradually over the course of the fight. "So you want to make a name for yourself." he growls angrily. "This is your chance to prove that you even belong here!" He acts swiftly, going for Hayato's throat with both of his vise-like hands, the muscles hidden by the concealing suit coat put to use in strangling the other man.

Should he get that grip, it's the punishing strikes that come next Hayato may need to concern himself with, as Rugal aims to bring his knee right up into the man's stomach twice before he'll fling him to the side to discard him.

If there's some kind of group coalition to test Hayato's mettle to be in this fight, then Billy's down for it. Although he already worked him over pretty well in the early stages, he's gone on to smack everyone upside the head. Including the Syndicate member himself. Breaking off the roaring flames, he shoots forward, and vaults into the air lightly; coming at a downward angle to snap out a kick and try to smack him in the upper back, around when Bernstein attempts the knee. And then maneuver himself in such a fashion that he'd remain juxtaposed, hopefully forcing at least one of the other two fighters to mow through him in the process of laying another hand on Billy!

COMBATSYS: Igniz successfully hits Hayato with Nega Genesis.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Igniz            0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1           Hayato
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Rugal            0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1            Billy

COMBATSYS: Billy successfully hits Hayato with Light Kick.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Igniz            0/-------/---====|=======\===----\1           Hayato
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Rugal            0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1            Billy

COMBATSYS: Hayato fails to counter Improvised Grapple from Rugal with Burning Cross Counter.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Igniz            0/-------/---====|=======\======-\1           Hayato
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Rugal            0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1            Billy

See? Hayato is so dangerous that all these powerful villains must team up to take him down! Hayato is struck in the side by a force field, which pushes him right into Billy's kick to his temple. Smashing him even harder against the field. All of this gives Rugal the perfect opportunity. Hayato is off balance when Rugal reaches out for him, and even though he prepares to strike out at the crime lord it doesn't quite work out. Hayato's fist is surrounded with flame, but before he can reach Rugal's face with it the man's hands are around his throat.
Hayato's arm gets knocked aside and then he's flailing, unable to get in a good hit while he's being strangled. He attempts to pry Rugal's hands off, but by then Rugal has a chance to knee him in the stomach and send him flying aside. He crashes down hard, coughing in an attempt to get his breath back... but when he comes to a stop he manages to rise back to his knees.

All assaults fall down upon Hayato. The dastardly league of villains gang up to take him down. Power after power falling down upon upon Hayato, only a gym teacher, yet one that none of them doubt for a moment for being a powerful man they do not take lightly.

This is something to be merrited.

Now as it passes, Igniz turns his attention elsewhere, towards Billy of all the fighters about. He takes almost no time to turn this moment into his own, using his devices as much as possible, coming down towards Billy with momentum born from the spur of the moment.

Firing off a kick towards Billy's chest, Igniz aims to strike fast enough to disable Billy's ability to manuever about him. Even as the man is obviously flaring with unseen power. There are times you must prod the bull to avoid to horns.

The trio of terrors descend upon Hayato all at once. The Taiyo instructor had, one after another, landed his blows on each of them, and at last their various temperments all brought them to zeroing in on the man in rapid succession. It wasn't really even in Rugal's plan to destroy him right along the other two. If anything, had he known their intent, he would have sought to attack them while they were the least ready to deal with it.

But the end result has Hayato blasted, kicked, strangled, and kneed. Even as Rugal throws him aside, the man isn't finished with him. "Well, well, Mister Nekketsu, it seems you have stepped out of your league. I can only begin to guess at what madness brought you here - this arena where you have no chance - but it's time for your stay among us as an interloper to come to an end."

He pauses as he becomes aware of Igniz going after Billy Kane, a frown forming on his visage. "On second thought, you might prove useful." The man changes course mid-stride, deciding, for whatever reason, to leave Hayato be. His attention is on Billy now. Dealing with the younger man's impressive staff control has become something of an obsession for the tyrant now, following the diversion Hayato provided after smacking him a few times with that shinai of his.

The man leans forward into an aggressive rush this time, dropping into a crouch from a few yards out, putting his long legs to use in an attempt to circumvent that pesky polearm of Billy's. The aim is to slam the heel of his foot into Billy's right shin to force it off balance, before sweeping to the left and taking his other foot out from under him. "HAGH!"

COMBATSYS: Billy blocks Rugal's Medium Kick.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Igniz            0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0           Hayato
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Rugal            0/-------/-======|=======\===----\1            Billy

COMBATSYS: Billy dodges Igniz's Medium Kick.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Igniz            0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0           Hayato
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Rugal            0/-------/-======|=======\===----\1            Billy

Well, well. Once more a pair of people are trying to test Billy's mettle, but he remains poised this time and is better off for the trouble. Skipping backwards, the swipe towards his shins miss; The second, he interposes his staff, dampening it rather significantly. Igniz recieves only air, as the Syndicate member shuffles sideways and skips lightly from foot to foot. "Tch... Me and Hayato are doin' all the damage here. You two afraid of each other, or just afraid of us?" Content to return the favor from earlier, he whirls towards Rugal, spiraling his weapon in a maddening fashion, trying to unleash myriad intense, high speed blows upon his torso! More to drive him off then anything, really...

It might be dangerous, counting Hayato down before he's completely out. Sure, he's battered, woozy, possibly has a concussion... but is he going to let any of that slow him down?! Well, it might impair his judgement a bit, but how would you be able to tell? Still, Rugal's the one who had to go and call him out, and Hayato's not going to pass up a challenge like that! Even if Rugal meant it as a dismissal rather than an actual challenge. "Hey, as long as I can still stand, I've still got a chance!" Barking from a defeated dog? Perhaps.
But Hayato certainly /seems/ to mean it, as he gets back up and comes after Rugal once more, following after him. Once Hayato gets close enough he leaps forward, lifting both hands up above his head and clasping them together, aiming to bring them both down hard on the back of Rugal's neck to create an opening...

Igniz goes for the simplest methods available. Especially as Billy easily meandors out of the way of his assault, even with the added speed put upon his fleet foot. Recoiling was nothing but exceedingly bothersome, hoping to use Billy's flesh as a trampoline. It matters not. Igniz shifts his figure towards Rugal, his strength and speed put to the test. Instead of anything else, Igniz moves for a simple technique, even with Hayato and Billy bringing up the assault in turn.

They were playing a deadly game. This was not the first time. It had went to Hayato, then Billy, and now Rugal. Next, it was almost surely Igniz's own devices that would be tested. The god of NESTS makes preparations. Preperations that take place, even as Igniz delivers a quick but meaningful kick towards Rugal's temple.

COMBATSYS: Hayato successfully hits Rugal with Deep Strike.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Igniz            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0           Hayato
[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Rugal            1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1            Billy

COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Igniz's Light Kick.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Igniz            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0           Hayato
[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Rugal            1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1            Billy

COMBATSYS: Rugal counters Whirlwind Cane from Billy with Genocide Cutter.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Igniz            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0           Hayato
[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Rugal            1/--=====/=======|=======\====---\1            Billy

After Hayato manages to land his blow on the back of Rugal's neck he follows it up by grabbing the more powerful man by the shoulders. Rugal may be stronger than Hayato, but it's not easy to deal with somebody who's directly behind you. Especially if they work quickly, and they're far enough away to avoid getting smashed in the face by the back of your head, but too close for a mule kick. Using his grip Hayato rams his knee several times into the back of Rugal's spine... then abruptly shoves Rugal away and hops back as he sees Billy and Igniz coming in. He may be crazy, but he still doesn't want to get caught up in that!

Billy avoids most of the damage meant for him as Igniz's kick is avoided and Rugal's is fended off. But that isn't about to divert Bernstein from his goal of dealing with the Syndicate fighter. With Hayato and Igniz charging toward him, he barely pays them the slightest of attention, still storming toward the staff user with an intent to take him down. Accused of being afraid, the tyrant of 'R' merely snarls, preparing to make the Brit pay for those words.

Unfortunately, his single mindedness leaves him open to a dual attack from Hayato and Igniz. Vaguely aware of Igniz due to peripheral vision, he raises his right arm, brushing the lighter kick aside without so much as slowing down. He'll get to Igniz soon enough. Eventually the pieces will come together such that it's necessary. But right now, he's going to get B-

Beaten from behind, it would seem, as Hayato rushes after the crimelord defiantly, slamming the base of his neck with both hands with punishing force. The initial blow isn't enough to slow a man like Rugal, but the follow up definitely gets his attention. Shoulders grabbed, the veteran fighter begins to thrash, intending to turn this back around on Hayato for his impudence. But a higher priority mark makes his presence known, charging in close with that staff of his, whirling it about in an attempt to bash Bernstein around some more.

The knees to the back are jarring. He shouldn't ignore the damage Hayato's strength is causing. "Some fight in you yet, I see," he growls between knee strikes, making no attempt to fend them. The man can't help himself, so singularly driven to retaliate against Billy that he powers on all the same. "Rargh!!" The shove from Hayato doesn't change a thing, either, as the man retaliates with his most infamous technique.

A swipe of his left foot kicks the spinning staff aside, opening the way for his right kick to follow, that arching, razor edged chi made manifest once again, "Genocide-" All his strength goes into the opening kick, aiming to send Billy skyward with the second follow up that comes next. "Cutter!" The finishing third kick adds much of the same - another punishing, slashing blow.

The man descends, landing in a crouch, right hand planted against the ground, head lowered for a moment. But after seconds, he stands back up to his full height, his inhuman eye aglow with a sharp red, a deep chuckle echoing from the depths of his throat. "Yes..." This is finally getting interesting!!

Igniz bah!

Well, in that flurry of hugging for ole Rugal, it seems that he won the raffle for an asskicking. It lashes from hip to shoulder, tearing a bloody gouge. It sends the hapless man flying backwards, letting out a grunt of pain as he lands, leaving a trail of blood droplets. Rolling away, he gasps and hacks, trembling while pulling his legs up beneath him. "Ha... ha...!" Well, that certainly hurt like hell. If that's the way Bernstein wants it, then that's the way Billy will give it! He pushes up to his feet, and then whirls his staff around with a snarl. "EAT THIS!" Before shooting out the tip, breaking into three pieces connected by flickering chain, intending to plow into ole Rugal's chest, hopefully sending him stumbling backwards before a yank and eruption of flame should stagger the endboss!

It seems that getting some space between himself and Rugal was a good idea for Hayato, though not for the reason he had expected. Still, it means he avoids eating the followthrough of a Genocide Cutter, which is definitely a good thing. And now with Billy and Rugal clashing once more, Hayato's attention strays. He gave Rugal the demonstration of power he was looking to make, but he doesn't want to keep trying to hit the man in the back. It's not very sporting. But Igniz now... He's a valid target!
Hayato steps to the side and then lunges at Igniz, at first looking like he's going for a straight on strike to the torso. But then he shifts his arm, swinging up with the intent of smacking his shinai into Igniz's throat and hooking it underneath his jaw. He won't be able to hold it there for long, but hopefully long enough to hook a foot behind Igniz, then use leverage at two points to send the would be god crashing down onto his back.

COMBATSYS: Igniz dodges Hayato's Armed Combo.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Igniz            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0           Hayato
[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Rugal            1/-------/=======|=======\====---\1            Billy

Igniz would not fall for that again. Hayato had a habit of making him moves seem slower than they really were, which even seemed to play over the god of NESTS intuition and expert decisions. He would not fall for this again, not this time. He would instead leave Hayato behind. He had thought that the general atendence in the fight would swing towards him.

Rugal and Billy's actions seem to dispel this notion, even as Hayato crashes down towards Igniz, striking out to strike Igniz's chest and continue from there. There was nothing but credit to Hayato, Igniz finding himself in the center of the field, manuever to a position where he had assumed that he would be uneffected by the ensuing chaos about, bolstering his own strength.

To charge at Billy Kane unprepared is suicide.

Igniz has done it too many times to repeat such a thing.

COMBATSYS: Igniz calculates his next move.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Igniz            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0           Hayato
[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Rugal            1/-------/=======|=======\====---\1            Billy

COMBATSYS: Rugal reflects Blazing Cane Thrust from Billy with Dark Barrier EX.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Igniz            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0           Hayato
[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Rugal            0/-------/---====|=======\====---\1            Billy

COMBATSYS: Billy endures Rugal's Reflected Blazing Cane Thrust.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Igniz            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0           Hayato
[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///                           ]
Rugal            0/-------/=======|=======\=======\1            Billy

Back on his feet, having weathered the trio teaming up on him and retaliating with brutal force, Rugal Bernstein is not ready to be slowed down. Hayato diverts his attention to Igniz, and the God of the NESTS Cartel is not hassling him at the moment either. Prudent, perhaps. His attention is set on Billy, however, and it is toward the younger man that he continues to advance. At least he seems to be in good spirits after the punishing technique. Apparently he hasn't had enough quite yet.

His laugh only serves to fuel Rugal's determination to crush the staff wielder by getting in close enough to deliver enough savage strikes to finish him off, but it seems Billy intends to keep him at range with that rushing staff charge of his. Scowling as he's forced to change his plans mid-step, the tyrant of 'R' slams his right hand forward, palm open, fingers raised, forcing a discus of miasmic, green chi into the path of that slamming staff. He's seen enough of the famous fighter's bouts to know the technique - the opening strike to deliver crushing force; the follow up surge of chi coursing along the unusually long ranged staff...

"Ha, ha, ha," the man growls, tearing energy from the world around him to create that defensive shield and drive back the collective potential energy right back toward its maker; unhinged staff and waiting chi and all.

Well... damn. Billy had hoped that Rugal would flunk with his stupid shield, but he pulled out a greater burst of speed then was anticipated. If he might go down, he'll make sure to do it by evening the score with someone else. Barreling forward, he aims himself towards Igniz, hunkering inwards as the scorching columns impact him, a flash of fire and smoke enshrouding his haphazard assault in the last couple meters. Before he bursts out, sweeping an uppercut intending to sweep Igniz into the air in a vicious spiraling uppercut. One that would finish in a final detonation of chi, before leaving Billy to fall to the ground... and thud upon it, defeated! Probably not the greatest return to fame he could of done...

COMBATSYS: Billy can no longer fight.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Hayato           0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0            Igniz
[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rugal            0/-------/=======|

And suddenly Hayato finds himself without a target. He turns around just in time to see Billy get blasted with his own staff, then come flying toward him and Igniz. He quickly hops to the side, not wanting to get caught up in whatever the British fighter has up his sleeves. Skidding to a stop after his leap, Hayato feels twinges of pain all throughout his body as the beating he's taken during this fight starts taking its toll.
But a little bit of pain isn't going to stop Hayato! He takes a deep breath, filling his lungs and expanding his chest, then lets it all out in a loud shout as he tenses his leg muscles and thrusts his arms. There's a brief but intense flash of energy as Hayato musters up what's left of his power for the final stretch. Perhaps doing it in a manner so attention grabbing is not the wisest move, but no matter!

COMBATSYS: Hayato gathers his will.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Hayato           1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0            Igniz
[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rugal            0/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Igniz blocks Billy's Red Lotus Requiem.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Hayato           1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0            Igniz
[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rugal            0/-------/=======|

Hayato is once more making himself known. Igniz can feel the chi visibly thrumming about him as he turns towards Billy Kane, finding the man failing to estimate Rugal's terrible strength. Igniz finds himself on the otherside of this assault, rather finding it impressive that Rugal would do the same thing that Igniz had done, mimicing the sheer kill power that crashes into Billy.

Billy rises, striking towards Igniz at an impressive speed. A speed that the god of NESTS would not easily stop. It would be all for not. Instead, forcefields raise, attempting to prevent Billy's final assault to be a lasting one.

Even then the crashing, scortching pilliars of fire shi crash towards the ground, bashing into Igniz's figure over and over and over again. The god of NESTS reduces the monsterous strike, but only so much. And now, as he faces Rugal, he doesn't stop his assault.

He continues it, whipping forward as his cape swells into the air, attempting to rake into the mans defenses, the blades aimed to cut whatever Rugal could not protect under the oncomming assault. "I wondered who would have prevailed there." Igniz exclaims, "Billy is unpredictable at times."

COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Igniz's Cape Sweep.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Hayato           1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0            Igniz
[                     \\\\\\\\\  <
Rugal            1/------=/=======|

With Billy dealt with, Rugal isn't left with much time to recover as he draws his right hand back, dismissing the negating force of the Dark Barrier without further thought, the vanishing energy leaving a vacuum in space for a moment before the surrounding air rushes in to fill it. Billy turns, and with his parting shot, gives Igniz something to remember him by, but the God of NESTS' defenses prove sufficent to weather the violent assault. "Impressive," Rugal mutters, already planning his next move when Igniz turns his power against him.

The chi laced blades of his cap tear into Rugal, drawing blood, shreading the sleeves of his crimson coat and leaving them in tatters. But for all the punishment they cause, Bernstein remains standing, teeth gritted in defiance. He won't be stopped. Not yet. It is toward Hayato that he speeds, ripping toward the Physical Education instructor with an emphasis on alacrity over brutal force as he reaches for Hayato's throat to try and pull him out of his empowered preparation.

"You lasted longer than I expected, Mister Nekketsu. But now I see a use for you!" Trying to Hayato forward by the neck, Rugal attempts to shove him directly into Igniz, seeking to slow down both of the fighters with a quick distraction!

COMBATSYS: Hayato blocks Rugal's Quick Throw.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Hayato           1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0            Igniz
[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Rugal            1/------=/=======|

Now, Hayato doesn't really care to assist Rugal. But once he's grabbed by the throat his options are limited. When he's tossed toward Igniz Hayato's options are really to either just crash into the other man, or attempt to turn this into an attack. As the expected result of just crashing into Igniz is pain, Hayato decides to go with the second option. He stumbles toward Igniz but before he can actually collide with the other man he leaps forward, holding his hands out in front of him.
A kick off the ground sends Hayato's body into a spiral. He doesn't have enough momentum to really cross a long distance, but luckily that's not an issue. And once he starts spinning he doesn't really need much momentum; his rapidly spinning shinai, which suddenly explodes with flaming chi serves to be quite enough of an attack on its own, if Igniz should get caught up in it.

COMBATSYS: Igniz reflects Burning Windmill from Hayato with Nega Genesis.
- Power hit! -

[                          \\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Hayato           0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0            Igniz
[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Rugal            1/------=/=======|

Igniz finds Hayato's attack to be... delicious?! Even as Rugal deals with Igniz's cape assault, aimed to cleave into Rugal's very figure, the god of NESTS was not to be easily defeated. Even as he shreds into Rugal's figure, the god of NESTS finds himself on the defense once more, this time given Hayato's assault, used as a projectile by Rugal.

"Interesting. You have a knack, Mr. Burnstein." Igniz exclaims, even as he manuevers backwards, floating as he goes, his entirely figure tensing to prepare for a rapidly approaching Hayato. Once in range, he does as expected, spiraling forward with his spinning shinai, attempting to catch Igniz in the explosion.

It is at the exact point of the explosion that the tide turns, the god of NESTS waving a hand to stop the assault in a moment. A mirror of emaculate chi errupts from the absent air, pressuring Hayato's own assault against him, converting him through fierce and violent measures as his own tried and tested assault bites through to speak volumes of the fighters resolve.

"You have impressive technique." Igniz exclaims, looking towards Hayato's repelled personage. "But the will of the world will always win out against the desire of the few."

Hayato proves once again that he isn't exactly the tool Rugal read him as when this entire bout began. The Phys Ed teacher holds his own, though his balance is menaced by the crimelord's shove. It may be exactly what Rugal needed, however, slowing Igniz down for a fleeting moment for him to prepare himself. There's no arguing that he's let himself be led about the battlefield by the whims of anger or vengeance without a whole lot of tactical planning going on. It's worked out okay thus far, the brutal man lasting well into the late stages of the fight in spite being routinely hassled throughout it all.

But as he watches Igniz fend off Hayato's technique, he can tell that he's going to need to take the NESTS leader seriously, which means, perhaps, reigning in his violent spirit and solidifying his control once again. Standing up straighter, the tyrant of 'R' inhales a calming breath before exhaling slowly.

The energy in the air around him doesn't diminish in the slightest - if anything it builds in intensity, as the Orochi-touched monster within struggles against the will of Rugal and finds itself lacking for now. "You will now have the honor of my full attention, Igniz." His voice is a low rumble, as he contains the savage spirit the arena has begun to bring to the surface.

COMBATSYS: Rugal reigns in his forbidden power.

[                          \\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Hayato           0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0            Igniz
[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rugal            1/-----==/=======|

An explosion going off in your face is easily enough to stun, and after Hayato crashes into Igniz's forcefield there's not a whole lot that he can do. He's blasted away from the blond man, spinning through the air like a ragdoll. About halfway through his flight Hayato starts groggily trying to right himself, to prepare for his landing, but by that point it's too late. All it results in is Hayato landing flat on his back with his arms sprawled out. And whether by sheer chance or a flair for the dramatic on Igniz's part, he lands right on top of Billy with a loud thud. And it doesn't look like he's going to be getting back up.

COMBATSYS: Hayato takes no action.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Rugal            1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0            Igniz

COMBATSYS: Hayato can no longer fight.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Rugal            1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0            Igniz

Billy X Hayato OTP

Igniz lowers his hand, flexing it as it falls towards his side, his attention quickly turning towards another man, standing not too far from Igniz currently. His name is Rugal Burnstein. Twisting towards the man at the recognition of his voice, Igniz smiles a smile that does not belong to a just and fair man. He is, however, propelled by something much more powerful. His own wants and beliefs.

His belief that the world itself funnels its intentions towards him. And through him, the world will be manipulated as it wishes.

For who better to represent the world than a god capable of just about anything? To create life, to create power and infuse even the weakest with it to propell them in glory. To create one born from tools and machines rather than flesh and blood. Is that not the power of a god? To create what would originally not exist?

Before this self proclaimed god now stands an Orochi touched monstrosity that inherited his power instead of creating it. There is no doubt that Rugal is trained in the most powerful techniques to date. Each and every strike that Igniz has thrown at the man has been deflected. Now, as he turns once more, the god will not be easily diverted. He has... prepaired.

"Then let me apologize... your full attention will be entirely short, even with a fighter of your magnitude." Igniz exclaims, his figure tensing like a snake ready to strike before exploding across the stadiums ground, firing debris about in clouds of dust as he approaches hand outstretched towards Rugal's awaiting neck with unfounded speed.

COMBATSYS: Rugal counters Brutal God Project+ from Igniz with Rugal Execution.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Rugal            1/-----==/=======|===----\-------\0            Igniz

In that moment of enforced calm, reigning in his dark spirit, putting real effort into collecting himself in ways he rarely had in the past, the Tyrant of 'R' can see everything more clearly than at any other moment throughout the match. Potential, resurgence of strength within his body become the tools by which he aims to succeed, leaving nothing to chance. He didn't enter this battle just to be entertained. He's here to win. And right now, the man standing betweem him and victory is the man bringing with him an impressive array of technology combined with raw ability.

As Igniz makes his move, Rugal becomes aware of one thing above all others. He misjudged just how much power he could bring to bear in an instant. Yet here it is, before his very eyes. His inhuman, cyberntic eye reads the chi capacity of the rapidly approaching Cartel leader as being completely off the charts. All that potential brought to bear so swiftly. A cloud of dust and debris, broken stone and random souvenirs flung down from the stadium above form an obscurring cloud in the wake of Igniz's blinding speed.

"Heh." Rugal grunts. This is it. He can see it all now, his mind cleared, his only option made apparent. Either he will defend himself from this technique or he will fall. There are only two possible outcomes. He must devote his all! The two tyrants collide, but when the dust settles, it is Rugal with his hands around Igniz's neck rather than the other way around. "Admireable power. Enjoy some of mine."

The fel green flames of chi tainted by Orochi's touch explode up around the two, forming a pyre of hellfire that doesn't phase its maker in the slightest as the monsterous man applies crushing force to the Cartel CEO. A laugh escapes his mouth, a man enjoying the power flowing through him with unrepentant amusement. "Hahaha!" The fire fades though, having run its course, before at last Rugal releases his hold, waiting to see if Igniz will collapse. It might have been enough to finish this match once and for all, but Rugal's guard has not been dropped, his defenses still certain.

Rugal proves to be entirely unexpected. Igniz charges, and for all of his assault he put behind it, it seems to be a foolish decision. Rugal twists it towards Igniz, destroying his advantage in an instant. The god of NESTS lost the advantage in a hideous display of power, Rugal reaching through Igniz's assault and grabbing the gods neck.

From there, the chi tainted flames ring about Igniz's neck, suffocating him with outstretched flames that curl around his figure, crushign the man even as time passes. Igniz isn't able to escape, only to allow the CEO to thrust the god of NESTS backwards. He does not fall backwards. He collides with the ground, his figure seared without his battlesuit to protect him. Like a flower, the god of NESTS is easily withered.

Everything he wears keeps him up. His own power over this force of chi does that so. Rugal has made a manuever, and now it is Igniz's turn to reciprocate such things. Rising with the challenge, Igniz lifts once more, attempting to fire himself towards Rugal in an attempt to once more grab a hold of the cartel leader with the ends of his cape. The entirely strong tendrils lash out to grasp ahold of Rugal's legs before whipping across the ground. Igniz would not simply allow the man the victory without fighting for it.

COMBATSYS: Igniz successfully hits Rugal with Improvised Grapple.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Rugal            0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0            Igniz

Dropped but not out, Igniz retaliates with a technique of his own, using the powers of his suit to do his bidding. Expecting an attack from the man moreso than his wardrobe, Bernstein is caught off guard, his feet entangled, his body hefted up into the air before he's brought crashing right back down to the hard stone, landing with a grunt.

He rolls into a crouch quickly, growling as he pushes himself back up to standing. With the fight on the cusp of ending, one way or another, there's no time for discourse, no time for any more planning. His opponent has demonstrated a vast array of techniques and options at his disposal and to count him out at this point would be foolishness. But Rugal himself is a very hard man to keep down. By the time he's risen to his feet, he's shed his tattered suit coat, letting it fall to the arena floor. The white sleeves of his dress shirt are shreaded, blood seeping through the cuts from Igniz's earlier attack, but Rugal pays it no mind.

His purpose is clear, rushing forward, intending to get in close enough to Igniz to thwart the defenses of his suit. His target is the man's stomach with a crushing knee, followed by a snapping side kick into the Cartel leader's chin, delivering a fast, yet punishing strike in a bid to take the other man down. "RAGH!"

COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Igniz with Light Kick.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Rugal            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0            Igniz

The god of NESTS finds himself down to his last strength. It seems no matter what either fighter does at this point continous to be driven down into a moot point. There is no longer simple answers, only extremes that give way to each other, continously decreasing the chances that each other have to pull out a chance for victory.

Even as Rugal rises, Igniz falters, the powerful kick crushing into the front portion of the armor, denting it solidly into the god of NESTS chest, the marks jutting into the mans chest. Its hard to breath, Igniz finds. Continously Rugal shuts down all avenues. Igniz still has a few that he is more than likely going to use in an attempt to corner Rugal Burnstein.

Here and now, the god of NESTS rises, even with the onset of power fading.

"Hah... I was mistaking. This has been much longer than expected. At every turn you vex me. Hah... Hahahah.." Igniz exclaims, grasping an orb of fluxuating chi. Its a risk the god of NESTS must take. "Let us see... is this the end?!" Igniz exclaims, tossing the pulsating orb quickly towards Rugal, almost suddenly giving the CEO precious seconds to react.

COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Igniz's Divine Arrow - Air.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Rugal            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0            Igniz

His brutal kicks delivered, Rugal draws back, buying himself a mere few feet of space between him and Igniz, tensing up, readying himself for whatever stroke the intelligent leader of NESTS will pull next. The self-proclaimed God of NESTS' laugh is met with a chuckle from Rugal himself. Trying to grind the other down has proven more difficult than he anticipated. No wonder the Technological Tyrant lasted this long into the fight, possessing very much the same vast array of tools and options as Bernstein himself.

And then it comes - that formidable blast of chi, forcing the defensive Rugal to brace for it and bunker down behind his arms, driving his internal aura as a counter to Igniz's power. It nearly topples him, driving him back a few steps, but when the dust settles and the chi has run its course, he remains standing even yet. "Not quite, Igniz. Not quite." The time has come for him to make his final move - a gambit to secure victory or go down with having done his best. The time for trying to work Igniz down via clever techniques has run dry. It's now or never - the deciding moment.

"A worthy opponent, but it can only carry you so long!" He propels himself forward, charging with reckless abandon. No attempt to defend himself, no fear of what measure of punishing techniques he may be running head long into now. Simply brutal, relentless determination to deliver his final attack for this fight. He opens with one swift motion, going for Igniz's throat with his left hand, aiming to pull the CEO forward, off his feet and literally twist him around to shove him behind Rugal... Leaving his back open to a crushing blow from Bernsteins' right hand, his fist driven forward with ruthless speed, forcing his own body well past the point of reason or physical limitations, if it simply means being able to connect with this attack!

COMBATSYS: Igniz fails to counter Scorpion Blow from Rugal with Void Genocide.

[                         \\\\\  < >                                ]
Rugal            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0            Igniz

COMBATSYS: Igniz can no longer fight. Is this the end of lovable Igniz?

[                         \\\\\  <
Rugal            0/-------/---====|

Igniz isn't able to stop Rugal as he strikes out. Everything is entirely in place as Rugal continues to run himself dry, the god of NESTS unable to capitalize on his opponents wavering strength. He finds himself unable to close the deal, unable to sap that last bit of strength away from Rugal, even if the small bits and pieces that are protected by an unwavering strength that even the god of NESTS could not defeat.

Is this not the peoples will? No. This is. The people are foolish creatures that think they can control what they see by their wants and desires. It happens exactly as planned.

The god of NESTS isn't able to stop Rugal's assault, the brutal determination of Rugal thrusting Igniz backwards, the explosion of power ripping out and missing completely, vaulting Igniz across the floor and towards a dead stop, the ruler of NESTS once more ending up so close, yet so far.

He blacks out. The god showing mortal features more than anything else.

Sometimes when you're at your limits, the only choice left is to throw everything you have, to push past those limits and find the next tier. Opportunities to stretch his potential come along rarely for a man of Rugal's capability - but against Igniz, he was left no choice. Transcend or or give up. He put his all into that aggressive charge, breaking through Igniz's versitile defenses to pull the leader of NESTS forward and leaving his back open to the crushing blow to the spine.

And then he falls forward, one knee against the ground, his right hand planted, his body trembling, his breaths coming in gasps. But it passes in moments as the tyrant of 'R' rises back up to standing, his body's legendary stamina seeing it through even such an exhuasting bout. "Well fought," he mutters, quite aware of how precariously close the final outcome of the match came to be.

The Champion's Title belt will be his for a certain duration now. It is as it should be, in the crimelord's mind. The Bernsteins have always been tournament winners. It's time for the world to acknowledge that without room for any doubt. He takes a few steps back as soon as his strength returns to him, sweeping down to hook his shreaded suit coat up and letting it hang over his shoulder.

Of Igniz, he muses as he turns to walk off the stage with no further delay. His power was impressive. How much of that was the technology, and how much of it was the man? Perhaps that's a question worth investigating further.

COMBATSYS: Rugal has ended the fight here.

Log created on 19:26:27 01/17/2009 by Rugal, and last modified on 23:41:45 01/18/2009.